"... and undertake reasonably rational strategies in an effort to win elections and fulfill their other objectives.... As compared to Republicans’ decision about what to do about Trump, I thought Democrats had more agency about Biden following his disastrous debate. Unlike Republicans in 2016, Democrats hadn’t even bothered to hold a competitive primary — if they had, Biden’s flaws might have been even evident earlier — so the will-of-the-voters argument was weak. And unlike Trump in October 2016 following the release of the 'Access Hollywood' tape — after which some Republicans called on him to drop out — Biden wasn’t even the Democratic nominee yet since the party convention hadn’t been held. And Biden has always been a loyal Democrat who got a huge boost from the party establishment in wrapping up the nomination in 2020 — not someone who gave his party the middle finger...."
Writes Nate Silver, noting his failure to predict that Trump would win in 2016 and his early prediction that Biden would withdraw, in "Biden and Democrats make the rational choice/They're probably still underdogs against Trump, but Biden dropping out improves their odds."
"political parties engage in something roughly resembling game-theory optimal behavior."
That Silver believes this at any level, for either party, explains his failure at being a good predictor.
Political parties don't actually exist. Politicians do.
Who actually bounces around and says, "I voted for Biden in 2020, but I'm done, it's Trump this time. Ohhhhhh....now it's Kamala.....I'm going back!!!"
Nate Silver's opinion about the odds is just that: opinion.
His supposedly flawless model failed in 2016.
Silver is like the CAGW doomsters. They've been predicting the end of the world for 50 years and have been wrong for 50 years.
Why do people still believe this con man?
noting his failure to predict that Trump would win in 2016 and his early prediction that Biden would withdraw
MANY, including me have said for a year that Biden wouldn't be on the November ballot.
Nate is doggy paddling for relevance. Notice as a predictor, he doesn't touch the 2020 voter fraud, or what we saw happen in Maricopa in 2022.
Anybody that can give an analysis of the strength of the Democrat absentee voter fraud operation can make a prediction. Or the strength of the GOP now getting into the ballot harvesting game.
Clean vote. Trump wins huge like he did in 2020. Nate is too afraid to touch the elephant in his room.
I agree with Nate's bottom line prediction. Harris has a better chance than Biden, and she could win, but she could also get smashed.
Silver has it about right. The unanswered question is how our 30 million new illegals will tip the scales.the Soros family behind the curtains is licking their lips awaiting a feast on the parts of another destroyed Nation State. Poor guys have spent so much of their money on destroying the USA.
Do liberal feminists REALLY want Kamala to be the first female President?
Is it vagina at all cost no matter the cringe stupidity???
Quoth Nate Silver:
"And unlike Trump in October 2016 following the release of the 'Access Hollywood' tape — after which some Republicans called on him to drop out — Biden wasn’t even the Democratic nominee yet since the party convention hadn’t been held."
Trump rose to the fore in the (R) primaries with help from the DNC and the Alphabet networks, and it was not until his nomination was a lock that the Access Hollywood tape was released, plus all the other oppo research. It's not surprising that some Republicans called for him to get out of the race, because everyone from Reince Priebus on down didn't want him to be the nominee.
Biden wasn't going to be the nominee in 2016 because it was "Her" turn. The UnDemocratic Party doesn't allow candidates to be elected. The Party anoints the one they choose.
Yet, they allowed Biden to go unchallenged in their very own primaries, and now almost at the last moment, they shank him... and Biden has yet to publicly say so.
What I want to know is how the Dems froze out Bobby Kennedy from the primaries. How did they do that? Why no press reports?
The guy's father and uncle are quite famous Dems. What a way to treat a loyal party member!
Gusty Winds said...
Who actually bounces around and says, "I voted for Biden in 2020, but I'm done, it's Trump this time. Ohhhhhh....now it's Kamala.....I'm going back!!!"
I would not have expected there to be Obama>Trump voters but that situation was not uncommon.
""My baseline view of politics... is that political parties engage in something roughly resembling game-theory optimal behavior...""
I add decision tree to this.
Make one assumption. Move forward and explore the space created. Decide what the next most important decision is. Make that assumption.
When you don't have transparency or access to truth you can do the same thing to piece together through mirroring past events.
Right now the most likely scenario is that we never see Joe Biden in public again. The most likely explanation is overdose of some medication like blood thinners and that started shortly after the debate.
Every minute this drags on makes it more likely we never see Jill again. But that would put the Regime in a very precarious position. The efforts at persuasion applied to Jill right now are going to be extreme. And they will have to find some leverage to make sure she complies.
I think there is a not unlikely world where Jill comes out on twitter and spills the whole bag in rage.
The world where Joe caught COVID and decided to resign and signed that letter with a signature that significantly deviates from his other signatures and sent out a tweet is extremely unlikely.
Have to like the casual admission that the primaries don't matter because of course they were rigged.
It has been less than 24 hours, and I'm not sure the endorsement of Kamala will last the week.
Dave Begley said...
What I want to know is how the Dems froze out Bobby Kennedy from the primaries. How did they do that? Why no press reports?
The guy's father and uncle are quite famous Dems. What a way to treat a loyal party member!
I think he had to formally renounce his party membership so their excuse is easy.
But Bernie was never a member.
So it would be interesting to hear someone who knows explain the criteria.
But I think we know that the Democrat party is just a corrupt politburo akin to corrupt politburos that have existed through history.
I saw Bobby Kennedy in Council Bluffs, Iowa. I told him in front of the whole crowd that it was despicable that Biden wouldn't give him Secret Service protection. Today on Fox News he told the world that he spent $500k to $1m per month on private security. Therefore he couldn't spend that money on campaigning.
He also said his private security people flew drones at any outdoor events. And $18 per hour security guards were put on roofs.
Joe Biden and the Dems would have rather seen Bobby Kennedy killed than provide him with the Secret Service protection he was allowed by law to have.
The Dems are pure evil.
Dave Begley said...
Nate Silver's opinion about the odds is just that: opinion.
His supposedly flawless model failed in 2016.
His model failed in 2020 too.
Where are the press reports where handwriting experts examine Joe's "signature" on that letter?
Their odds are only improved if they get rid of Harris, too, and get a nominee that can actually appeal to more centrist independent voters and at least 40% of men. One of the things that defeated Shelob in 2016 was the fact that men despise her and Harris is even worse.
I also take issue with this from the excerpt:
"And Biden has always been a loyal Democrat who got a huge boost from the party establishment in wrapping up the nomination in 2020"
That is inaccurate- Biden didn't get a "boost" to "wrap up" the nomination- the party establishment literally picked him up from the middle of the pack and far behind, killed all the other competitors and gave the nomination to Biden.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
One of the things that defeated Shelob in 2016 was the fact that men despise her and Harris is even worse.
All the talk is about giving the VP slot to a white guy.
Even white guys can be DEI hires.
But men aren't going to think "Oh, great, they made a white guy VP. Now I'm voting for "unburned by what has been."
Leland said...
It has been less than 24 hours, and I'm not sure the endorsement of Kamala will last the week.
She hasn't "united" the party yet.
But nobody else has stepped up.
Both sides are running out of time.
The Republicans need to PUNISH the democrats and the democrats have lefts themselves so exposed here.
Let's Go Brandon!
Pass out those nomination papers. Trump v. Biden V. Kamala.
Game over. Fuck your fake ballot boxes. See you in '28, assholes! Play more games next time and see what happens.
Harris' VP selection is basically irrelevant- she can pick anyone (the same applied to Trump, by the way) and it won't buy her any states whatsoever. VP picks are meaningless for the most part unless you pick a former mental ward patient or a pedophile.
People don't vote for a bad presidential candidate just because of VP pick.
Democrats hadn’t even bothered to hold a competitive primary — if they had, Biden’s flaws might have been even evident earlier — so the will-of-the-voters argument was weak.
Cute. We don't need to worry about honoring the will of the voters because we never cared about the will of the voters in the first place.
What was the point of going through the motions of having a primary if we're not going to go through the motions of caring about the result?
The Wisconsin GOP has two weeks to collect a few thousand signatures to END the dems right here and now by early August. Will they do it, or will they get outmaneuvered and cry about it in November?
D.D. Driver,
What are the laws about names on ballots when the candidate doesn't want the ballot position? Is it really so easy to put someone on a ballot against their wishes?
Silver and the rest of the liberal minded never look for explanations. They look for sticks- something un flattering to say about conservatives disguised as objective anthropological explanation a la Margaret mead with the natives. When they’re waving those sticks never crosses their mind to consider they are wrong.
I do believe Trump is gifted at game theory. tit for tat and contrarian at the right times. Plus art of the deal and all…
Make the Dems waste money on campaigns ads that Joe Biden is not really running. 🤣
Fuck these guys in the most poetic way possible. Fuck 'em.
No Malarky, I'm Voting for Joe!
"Biden and the Democrats make the rational choice." LOL! Biden and the Democrats watched as the cabal made the choice. It is now possible that the next POTUS will be a woman who couldn't earn a single delegate in the 2020 Democrat primary. Democracy, Democrat style.
…and not to believe polls but rcp consistently shows kamala polling worse than joe. Explain how she’s supposed to improve?
I largely agree with rehajm ... the most annoying thing about Silver is pretending he 'calls them like he sees them' while putting the happiest face possible on any move the Democrats make. The only thing that makes it tolerable as I've started reading his SubStack is he's fairly honest about where his sympathy lies.
If his model had Trump more likely than not winning then Trump was probably a lock against Biden. We'll have to see how his modeling shakes out after the Democrat convention. Harris isn't nominated yet.
Tulsi Gabbert as Joe's running mate? 🤔
Would the Dems try to make Joe sue to get his name off the ballot? None of them would have standing to challenge his appearance on the ballot.
Draft Joe Biden!
My question is whether Joe knows he has withdrawn?
I hope Vance can step it up against whichever smarmy white guy pretend moderate Cackles picks.
Did Allan Lichtman accept Nate Silvers $250K bet? Did he pay up?
>>> Gusty Winds said...
"Who actually bounces around and says, "I voted for Biden in 2020, but I'm done, it's Trump this time. Ohhhhhh....now it's Kamala.....I'm going back!!!""
Swing voters - or the mushy middle if you prefer. Most people aren't like us. They don't think or care about politics and vote by feeling or gut instinct or how they think others will think of them.
If it is Kamala, there will be a full court press to re-define her - I think they hope they can convince enough of the mushy middle to sign up before the wall to wall propaganda begins to fade. If they can get it close enough, the ballot harvesting and other "vote fortification" methods will get her over the finish line.
Don't also forget how many voters HATE Trump with a passion - at the margin some of that category would have peeled off and voted for Trump over Biden due to his dementia. Kamala now gives that cohort an excuse not to vote for Trump since the alternative is now sentient.
I still think this is Trump's race to lose, but Kamala makes it a lot closer than Biden.
Harris has been available all along. It’s funny to see Dems act like she provides a new exciting opportunity. They could have pushed Joe out before the primaries, but didn’t because they saw Harris as a weak option.
Watching the Dems and the press turn so quickly from pretending Biden is fine so they could keep Harris out of office, to pretending Harris is amazing to avoid talking about whether. Biden should still be in office, is just amazing.
Let's posit that fifty one intelligence officials pronounced judgement on the Trump tape. Posit further that they declared it a deep fake produced by Russian intelligence and that all news and social media platforms subsequently banned any mention of that tape. Would such actions have increased Trump's chances in the election?
Gusty Winds said...
All the talk is about giving the VP slot to a white guy.
Even white guys can be DEI hires.
But men aren't going to think "Oh, great, they made a white guy VP. Now I'm voting for "unburned by what has been."
They have written off white men.
Their problem is black and hispanic men. They are the most likely part of the coalition to walk.
That is why Cooper/Beshear/Moore/Abrams are named possibilities.
I think a combination of Cooper/Beshear/Abrams/Moore is the most like outcome for the ticket now. There is a possibility they bring in a little known hispanic male and pair them with a black man.
If it makes it to open convention Kamala has zero chance. Abrams may be brought in to seal up the breach.
Single women are a lock for democrats. They can put a steaming pile of crap out there and single women will eat it. They are interested in attention even if it is abuse.
I think Kamala has overplayed her hand. The people who want a woman president will vote for the democrat no matter what. Thanks to mail in fraud as long as you don't vote for Trump you can be identified and have a ballot mailed in for you.
If it's Kamala, and how could it not be I predict Trump will win beyond the margin of fraud.
Kamala has dozens of videos of her word salad. She has had several assignments, not just immigration, where she's a zero. (Look up her trip to Europe just before the Russian invasion). She can not toss aside Biden's failures easily while claiming his successes (feh) easily.
I'd run a series of videos:
Kamala reaches out to Americas youth. Try the Oooooh, isn't space great video.
The philosophy of Kamamla. Time is... WTF. There are others.
Kamala has foreign affairs expertise. Russia is big. They are fighting a small country. That is bad. we are partners with North Korea.
Kamala takes the lead on immigration. I haven't been to Europe..
Kamala's honest: Biden is fit as a fiddle.
Kamalas been a crime fighter. Use Tulsi's video.
Gawd the ads are so easy. And the left can't easily say, well we lied to you before. But these are really "cheap fakes".
Dave Begley said...
Where are the press reports where handwriting experts examine Joe's "signature" on that letter?
The sig will likely be the one hospitals use when admitting unconscious patients to the ER:
"X (unable to sign)"
Biden was well known to be corrupt, and the laptop that proved it was buried prior to the 2020 primaries.
Biden's mental decline was readily apparent prior to the Democrat convention of 2020. Did they believe it was going to improve over time by some divine miracle?
Now we are getting a shovel full of manure about Kamala being "uniquely" qualified. I just don't despise these people enough.
I've been thinking about game theory, specifically "The Prisoner's Dilemma" this past week.
Assume for argument that it appears that President is going to carry a lot of states, 60-70% of the electoral votes.
Assume also that once he is back at the throttle, one of his priorities will be ballot security in federal elections and going after violators.
Let's say you are governor of a state where the vote will be close, within the margin of cheating. You can cheat enough to drag your state across the line for Kamala.
What happens if you cheat and not enough other states do to elect Kamala?
President Trump will, hopefully, get you and send you to join Senator Menendez.
So do you not cheat and hope for better luck in 28?
Cheating only works if enough states cheat to tip the electoral college to Kamala. If I cheat, will enough other states do the same?
And another problem: If I don't cheat and Kamala loses my state but gets enough other states to win, what is my life going to be like under a Harris administration? "Where were you when it really counted, Governor Smith? You helped Mr Worse than Hitler get elected. No school lunch money for you!"
Puts 'em in a bit of a pickle trying to figure out what to do.
I'm enjoying popcorn so I really don't care about them and their pickles.
John Henry
Improves their odds.... yea from 30% to 31%... big whop!
Maybe a bt OT but thinking of cheating
What happens if President Trump comes out loud and public against ballot drop boxes. Tells people at his rallies "Drop boxes are used for cheating. Don't use them. Call, write, email, visit your local election officials and demand that they be removed. Make a ruckus."
Might get some districts to remove them if there is enough noise.
Might also inspire some of the more lawless types to set them on fire, screw the doors closed, haul them off or otherwise render them useless.
If this happens, even just once or twice across the country, if it gets enough publicity people might be hesitant to use them. President Trump can help publicize this "Folks, if you put your ballot in a drop box, you might as well be putting it into a dumpster."
John Henry
Biden and the Democrats make the rational choice.
Ehhhh.... [on a rising tone]
It seems more accurate to me to say that Biden and the Democrats work harder to rationalize a choice that they made emotionally. (By contrast, the GOP isn't really trying to rationalize voters' choice of Trump - they're just going along with it. They could rationalize it - there's nothing crazy about returning to a known quantity under whose administration things were better than they are now,o matter what it resident lefties say about the Great Unarmed Impromptu Insurrection of 2021. But at least the GOP is willing to take "no" from their voters for an answer.)
Biden's inept blurt that he would choose a black woman as his running mate - the decision to do that could perhaps be termed "rational," given the ascendancy of identity politics in the Democrat party at the time (we'll see how it fares now, as the rubber hits the road!), but the communication of that decision was about as irrational as it gets.
Biden's decision to ax the Keystone Pipeline on Day 1 - that sure seems emotional to me. What possible harm could have come from saying, "We're inclined to end this environmentally problematic project, and we are committed to expanding green energy development, but we're looking at it from all sides and will make a decision within three months/six months/whatever," so they could do some polling?
Biden's decision to sell the steel purchased for the border wall for scrap? How is that rational?
Biden's decision to end Remain In Mexico? Again, why not state publicly that you're agin it but are carefully considering the best options, and then acting later on the basis of either polling or, you know, actual study?
And this one - the decision (I won't say Biden's decision just yet) to end his candidacy in the way that looks the absolutely most suspicious? His COVID symptoms are reportedly improving - could they not prop him up in front of a camera for five minutes to read his own statement off a teleprompter, with whatever coughs and raspiness would come along with waning COVID? (Note that I'm giving them all the benefit of the doubt here.)
But they'll rationalize it all because, after all, they are the rational people. The adults in the room, don't you know.
Michael K said...
"My question is whether Joe knows he has withdrawn?"
At this point I'm going to need to see proof of life.
Darkisland said...
Cheating only works if enough states cheat to tip the electoral college to Kamala. If I cheat, will enough other states do the same?
7/22/24, 12:01 PM
You're thinking too small. First off, this decision isn't made by governors. It's made by oligarchs, and they tell the governors what to do. And it can work out for people who play along- just ask Brian Kemp.
But it also isn't a pact for life and beyond. Mail in ballots and overt fraud only JUST got Biden over the line under much more auspicious circumstances. Kamala Harris is an idiot jez tied to very unpopular policies and a senile boss who humiliated himself out of contention. Besides October 7th changing everything, any number of oligarchs can't lift this for Biden and they aren't going to try.
But some of them certainly will. Trump is going after some people. To the New York moneymen, Trump's true agenda is much worse than Project 2025, because it will be effective AND popular. Their heads could be on stakes.
Win or die. Against some crimes, there is no "Biden" your time.
If Kamala picks Hillary as her VP she should immediately hire a food taster. I nominate Fauci.
"If Kamala picks Hillary as her VP she should immediately hire a food taster. I nominate Fauci."
If Kamala picks Hillary as her VP she should immediately buy a cremation plan.
Whether it will be Democrats electing the first woman president or Republicans electing the first convicted felon president, this November is sure to deliver a political first for the United States.
"Rich" thinks that "felon" plan will amount to something. Just one more stupid comment.
Whether it’s Democrats putting a woman at the top of the ticket, or Republicans nominating a rapist sexual predator who will strip women of health care, both sides have seized on gender issues this presidential election.
Rich believes a lot of things that not only aren't true but are disproven so often that I have lost count in just the last month.
Yancey Ward: "Rich believes a lot of things that not only aren't true but are disproven so often that I have lost count in just the last month."
With the sudden "retirement" (sound familiar?) of Chuck, who was 1/3 of the Althouse Blog LLR-democratical Brigade along with Rich and lonejustice, Rich, a not very competent gaslighting liar though he did put in an impressive # of moronic and failed postings along the way, now has to pick up even more of the slack!
As would be expected, the increase in volume of Rich's laughable, New Soviet Democratical directed talking point-based postings have fallen from his usual low quality level to subterranean levels!
And, lets face it, its only going to get much worse as we see the classic Soviet style directed talking point "whip arounds" that the leftists are famous for increasing geometrically each and every day as they launch new lies to cover the old ones.
It's like these brilliant media darlings have never studied "Sun Tuh-Zoo! The Chinese Prince Matchabelli!"
Howard: "It's like these brilliant media darlings have never studied "Sun Tuh-Zoo! The Chinese Prince Matchabelli!"'
I'm suddenly in the mood for Italian. Or maybe Peking duck.
I can't decide.
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