July 16, 2024

"It felt like the world's largest mosquito."

Said Donald Trump, quoted in "In Leaked Phone Call, Trump Tries to Coax Kennedy Into His Camp/Robert F. Kennedy Jr. apologized for a leaked video of the phone call, in which Donald Trump offers anti-vaccine messaging and says the wound to his ear  'felt like the world’s largest mosquito.'" 
A leaked video of Donald J. Trump calling Robert F. Kennedy Jr. offered a behind-the-scenes look into the former president’s efforts to coax Mr. Kennedy out of the presidential race and into his camp. On Mr. Kennedy’s speaker phone, Mr. Trump, the Republican nominee, can be heard offering up the kind of anti-vaccine message that Mr. Kennedy is known for. Mr. Trump also reveals details of his call with President Biden, saying “it was very nice.” And he tells Mr. Kennedy, seemingly in an effort to win his support: “I would love you to do something. And I think it’ll be so good for you and so big for you. And we’re going to win.”

Kennedy tweets that he's "mortified" and should have "ordered the videographer to stop recording immediately." Hmm. This gets my "things not believed" tag.


Yancey Ward said...

I actually believe Kennedy didn't leak this but he should have had the cameras turned off before taking the call.

Michael K said...

The " anti vaccine message " was probably what we all know.

doctrev said...

Let's just say that the media is desperate enough to say this is the realest and most important story of the campaign. Hopefully that ends people suggesting RFK Jr. as part of the Trump cabinet.

Dave Begley said...

Kennedy is angling for a Cabinet slot. HHS.

Readering said...

Periodic reminder that RFK is also old.

Achilles said...

I am all for giving RFK the job of going after the drug companies.

But he is still a climate change cultist.

This conversation is just part of the negotiations. It is fun to watch Trump start putting his cabinet and administration together building the alliance 5 months out.

And this tape was leaked to freeze and ostracize the regime. Now Biden has to answer questions about RFK finding common ground with and allying with Trump against him.

Achilles said...

Readering said...

Periodic reminder that RFK is also old.

One thing we know is Regime toadies are all about shooting Kennedy's.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"One thing we know is Regime toadies are all about shooting Kennedy's."

It's practically tradition. I promise you there's a little manual behind glass in the bowels of Langley that says "break in case you're out of options".

Butkus51 said...

reminds me of the Taylor Swift "behind the scenes" staged video

camera, what camera?

Leland said...

The great thing about having Trump as President is everybody leaks his phone calls, so everybody knows what he is doing. Find me a more transparent candidate.

Gusty Winds said...

RFK Jr.'s son leaked the video on X this morning. I saw it before work. By the time I got to work the RFK Jr. apology was up.

RFK Jr. would be a great Surgeon General.

My 21 year old son is on the spectrum. Not severe, but enough where he will be with me for a long time. That I don't mind. The downhill slide was really noticeable after 7th grade.

I don't know exactly what it is or caused it, but it pissed be off nobody is will to HONESTLY study it. And I don't buy the bullshit that "we don't know what it is, but IT'S NOT THE VACCINES."

n.n said...

To be fair to RFK, vaccines have stochastic effects. Evaluate risk and proceed accordingly.

Gusty Winds said...

Listen to what Trump is saying to RJK Jr.'s sympathetic ear. Trump is talking about the vaccine cocktail. The amount of shit they pump into babies today is absurd. For my Generation [X] we weren't given this cocktail.

But we let them stick it in our kids without ever asking questions, even after the autism spike was clear. I guarantee if you are a Generation X parent, you know someone who has an autistic kid. You probably know more than one family.

It doesn't surprise me Trump skipped over Generation X and went straight to a Millennial of VP. We had great music, good times, rode the housing boom...but are quite irrelevant when it comes to being inquisitive or brave.

tim maguire said...

I don't see anything embarrassing for Trump in that phone call. RFK's stance on vaccines is probably his most popular position with the right. It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out the "leak" was part of the plan.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger n.n said...
To be fair to RFK, vaccines have stochastic effects. Evaluate risk and proceed accordingly.

Oh...they evaluated alright. And decided the $$$ was more important than the truth, or kids who have adverse effects.

They did the same thing with Oxycodone.

n.n said...

Just a little pinprick... then Trump goes off script. #HateTrumpsLove #HateLovesAbortion

Mary Beth said...

I am very disappointed in RFK Jr. allowing the video to be shot and leaked. It's not like he is new to being in the public eye. Knowing where the cameras are and what they are recording should be second nature to him. "Whoops, my bad" doesn't cut it.

Gusty Winds said...

The reason RFK III posted the video was to point out JD Vance was a "fire all unvaccinated nurses" guy during COVID

I didn't know that. Disappointing to say the least. Hope he changed his mind on mandates as well as Trump. And I hope Vance is asked to clarify his mRNA vaccine mandate now.

There's a bird flu coming...

Mason G said...

"Old" and "Senile" are not synonyms. Leftards would like you to think so now, though. Might have something to do with FJB being a turnip, I don't know.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Trump is reaching out to the center. That's the sane/standard play at this point, while Biden is reflexively falling back on his divisive happy places: Charlottesville/J6 etc.

Trump is running as if he is unopposed.

Trump is getting people to look past the election to speculate about whether JFK Jr. would be a good cabinet member.

wendybar said...

Read Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed. The Kennedy's are a family of scum. He isn't any better.

tim maguire said...

Gusty Winds said...Trump is talking about the vaccine cocktail. The amount of shit they pump into babies today is absurd

They treat our children like pin-cushions. Some of the vaccines are vital, but most are not. Some are completely unnecessary either because the illness is not severe or they won't even be exposed until later in life. (There is one vaccine for an STD that New York public schools require children to get before they can enter kindergarten!)

n.n said...

They did the same thing with Oxycodone.

Perhaps with informed consent that will empower a person to estimate the balance of risk, but the consensus is prone to indulge in contraventive choices for social, clinical, political, and redistributive progress.

Original Mike said...

RFK is probably at more risk, now that he has SS "protection".

n.n said...

the Women They Destroyed. The Kennedy's are a family of scum.

Keep him away from women, monitor his progress, but he may well serve a functional purpose in other roles.

Eva Marie said...

“RFK Jr. would be a great Surgeon General.”
I think this ends the chances of that happening. Which is a shame. RFK Jr’s son isn’t on his dad’s side. Either that or his dad wanted to show off his own importance. Either way it’s a bad look.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

YouTube: Insect Politics

Blast from the Past.

God of the Sea People said...

The “fired all nurses” tweet was sarcasm. Repeated in this way, you might almost call it a hoax.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Wormbrain is a psychotic piece-of-shit, just like every Kennedy and every Party member.

Linda said...

If Trump is serious about unity - then RFK Jr would be a perfect White House appointment. Doesn't get anymore Democrat (even if he had to run as an Independent) than Kennedy. I see him getting to the bottom of the strangle hold that big Pharma has over the health of this country along with the Food industry.

I don't agree with a lot of RFK Jr's policies - but he has an ability to get to the bottom of things.

Iman said...

Kennedy does have that Hollyweird wife, who would be absofuckinglutely mortified and exiled from her tribal lands if her hubby worked for Trump.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Eva Marie said...
I think this ends the chances of that happening. Which is a shame. RFK Jr’s son isn’t on his dad’s side

I hope not. RFK Jr. has defied his families inbred norms. He thinks and researches outside our programmed box.

JFK's grandson (Caroline's son) has been mocking RJK Jr. in an arrogant disgusting manor on X and Instagram. I don't know what the deal is with his son RFK III, but this was an arrogant mistake of and entitled rich boy. I'm sure his dad is pissed.

Eva Marie said...

wendybar said...
“Read Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed. The Kennedy's are a family of scum. He isn't any better.”
I just bought it through the Althouse Amazon portal. Good reviews. Thanks.

Kathy said...

Didn't Trump try to appoint RFK Jr as Surgeon General in his first administration? I thought he had to withdraw his name because of the outcry about vax issues.

JAORE said...

Democrats pounce in 4--3--2--

JAORE said...

""Old" and "Senile" are not synonyms."

This! This times 1,000!

You could have been listening to me scream at the television for months. Particularly when a Republican is on the tube.

Trump may be chronologically close behind Biden in age. He's MILES AHEAD in cognitive ability.

Aggie said...

I notice that Trump wasn't stupid enough to trash talk Joe Biden's phone call to Junior'.

'My Bad' doesn't cut it in politics being played at this level, not for a taped speakerphone call. Nobody at that level is that stupid. Junior''s reputation slips down a few pegs in my estimation, whether he's angling for position or not.

Cabinet position? Hmm. Not Surgeon General, he's not qualified. HHS is certainly ripe for reform, and he might just be the right choice to start unwinding some of LBJ's Great Society mess. A rather poetic destruction of the legacy of a family enemy, a settling of scores, not so?

RigelDog said...

Not to be believed, for sure. I'm no RFK fan but I was getting some positive opinions about him for some of his positions, but this "accidental leak" just counteracted that.

Ok, I can maybe believe he didn't realize the video was still rolling because he was so distracted. But that this privately-commissioned footage was just independently leaked by the videographer??

Temujin said...

"How to learn to never be trusted again", by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Old and slow said...

I do not understand all the love for RFK. He's a leftist through and through. What's the appeal?

Wince said...

Trump did react like it was a bug.

GatorNavy said...

Firstly, I am gladdened that Kennedy now has Secret Service protection. I just hope he has a good crew.
He deliberately leaked the video. He is an old hand at politics and this was a smart move to maintain his independent bona fides. It was also a way to gauge the state of the independent voters. The returns on some back of the envelope political calculations must have been alarming enough for this very hasty apology. I do believe Trump has more of the independent voters than anyone is willing to believe except the Kennedy camp.

Is it better for Trump to have Kennedy in the tent pissing out or outside the tent pissing in? What are the calculations on that?

James K said...

The appeal of RFK (not that I'd want him to be President), is that although he's a leftist, he seems to be an independent thinker who comes to his own conclusions, which led him to dissent from the party line on Covid, among other things. (Granted, that's a case of a stopped clock being correct twice a day.) He's opposed to continuing to fund Ukraine and supports a diplomatic solution. He wants to make universities backstop student debt. He's waffled a bit on abortion but seems to support limits beyond 3 months.

But on climate and most economic policies he's hard left ($15 minimum wage, etc.).

Rosalyn C. said...

Is this another attempt to embarrass Trump and make him look like he’s dumb? It seems like a weird conversation to me because Bobby wasn’t saying anything, he’s letting Trump ramble on and on. Was that a set up? RFK JR wasn’t even indicating he was there with any affirmative sounds like you do if you have a relationship with the other person. And then it’s accidentally leaked? IDK

Big Mike said...

This gets my "things not believed" tag.

And deservedly so. His Daddy or his Uncle Jack would have played this better.

imTay said...

Politics ain't bean bag, and the Kennedys have been around politics for a long time. Unforced error by Trump. RFK Jr sill in it to win it.

MadisonMan said...

and should have "ordered the videographer to stop recording immediately."
Did he subsequently fire the videographer for leaking the conversation?

Kate said...

I would love to see Trump sic Bobby on Big Pharma.

Trump shamed Biden into granting Bobby SS protection. It's a good time to call Junior' and start planting ideas. Also, it's tactful. They now share a tragic connection. How many people can Trump talk to who will know firsthand what he might be feeling?

I believe Bobby. I also believe that he doesn't know what all of his handlers are up to.

traditionalguy said...

Maybe DJT needs to borrow Jim Jordan’s wrestling head gear. That item protects ear lobes from being hurt during intense use of the head attaking the other guy. Ear lobe wounds are not painful but they cause profuse bleeding which also stops the match. The head gear also cut down on swollen ear lobes the next day ( called cauliflower ear)

The head is used as a power tool like a third hand, which is why real wrestlers can be spotted by their very thick necks on top of lean bodies.

Of course Trump was a wrestler. The sport teaches 2 lessons: 1) the clear fearless mind is #1 weapon, and 2) the thought that if you put in that long conditioning and pain in practice, then why not win. No one wants to stare into the ceiling lights like losers. Trump learned well.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Blogger Linda said...
I don't agree with a lot of RFK Jr's policies - but he has an ability to get to the bottom of things.

7/16/24, 11:42 AM

Really? Can you point to one success that Wormbrain has achieved by getting to the bottom of things?

And all these simps here calling this scumbag "Bobby", like he's your friend... You people really need to reevaluate yourself.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"I believe Bobby"... There's one born every minute.

Gospace said...

Lotas of Amish in my area. Amish have more deafness and a few other problems from letting childhood diseases run their course rather then vaccinating their children. Also a few problems likely from inbreeding. Or endogamy if you prefer the genealogical term.

AFAIK- they have few, if any, autistic children. Not proof that vaccines cause autism, but certainly evidence.

Here's the recommended childhood vaccine schedule: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html

Let's go over it.

RSV- for the most part- a common cold. Serious problems in a very small percentage of infants. The ones that would have problems with ANY disease. Probably unneeded.

Hepatitis B. Uh, why are children receiving this as a vaccine? Take a look at how it normally spreads and ask yourself the same question.

Rotavirus- I'm just going to quote webmd here- "Medications can help with the symptoms, but there’s no cure for rotavirus. Even children who've been vaccinated against it may get it more than once. Hmm, even children who've been vaccinated against it may get it more than once. Wait, even children who've been vaccinated against it may get it more than once. ??? So why are we giving children a vaccine that's demonstrably ineffective?

Diphtheria, tetanus, & acellular pertussis- Tetanus definitely, IMHO, a necessary vaccination. Is the drop in Diphtheria cases in developed countries from vaccination or better hygiene? TBH, I can't tell. OK- a good vaccine. But as a note- I don't hear of many Amish- our USA unvaccinated control group, dropping dead from diphtheria. Acellular pertussis vaccines appear to be effective- and whooping cough kills. SO- likely a good vaccine. But why 3 times in the first 6 months of life? If the combo vaccine works- shouldn't need it 3 times...

And so on. Go ahead, look. And ask yourself- which ones are really necessary? And another question - especially since the worthless covid vaccine is on the schedule- do you really trust that this vaccine schedule is made based on your best interests or the vaccine makers best interests?

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Michael Fitzgerald said...

Really? Can you point to one success that Wormbrain has achieved by getting to the bottom of things?

Well first of all he wouldn't use boring, unoriginal, cliché labels like "Wormbrain."

That a baseline success.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger SDaly said...
Vance was not a "fire all unvaccinated nurses" guy. He was being sarcastic when he wrote that. His point was that the health care system was being overwhelmed and that firing unvaccinated nurses was a stupid idea.

Thanks. I hadn't seen anything about this until I read RFK III's post this morning.

imTay said...

"FBI still investigating shooter's motives as authorities warn of 'retaliatory' attacks"

I am reminded of the old trope, "Muslims fear blowback from tomorrow's train bombing."

I think that had the attempt succeeded, retaliatory attacks would have been inevitable, but as it is, it worked out perfectly for Trump, what's the point. Mostly what I see among my Republican friends is a kind of joy at what, if I were a believer, as many of them are, I could only call a miraculous intervention on behalf of Trump. Best part is that it keeps Joe Biden in the race, so it's a battle between an energized base and a dispirited base. Not saying that Trump can't still lose, Biden told us himself that he has the "largest voter fraud organization ever assembled" working for him.

Read this in Joe Biden's whisper voice: Remind me not to play Yahtzee with that guy for money, because if he needs five sixes, he's gonna get five sixes.

Dave Begley said...


What is the proximate cause of the death of Corey Comperatore?

Was it the Secret Service's failure to prevent the shooting?

Or was it Thomas Matthew Crooks criminal act?

Yes, the shooter committed a criminal act but the job of the SS is to stop criminals.

Based upon my recent experience with the NE S. Ct., the Secret Service gets off. But I really disagree and think all those judges got it wrong.

Shouting Thomas said...

Biden orchestrated this attack on Trump. He tried to assassinate his opponent.

Read Sean Davis on X for a detailed description of the series of “mistakes” that almost led to Trump being murdered by Biden.

cfs said...

Vance's remark was very sarcastic. What he said in essence was" Oh yeah smart move. The hospitals are full, people are dying, so let's fire all the un-vaccinated nurses." As in "What a stupid idea!". I can't find the full quote although I read it yesterday evening. It's obvious he was being sarcastic.

rehajm said...

It was a wonderful phone call. The greatest most wonderful call…

Will the house impeach again?

imTay said...

"that almost led to Trump being murdered by Biden."

And Biden was in church at the exact time, shielding his immortal soul. It's right out of Shakespeare.

Freder Frederson said...

Biden orchestrated this attack on Trump. He tried to assassinate his opponent.

If Biden, the FBI, CIA, or any other "deep state" agency wanted to kill Trump they would have picked an assassin who actually knew how to shoot, not some 20-year-old registered Republican who had to steal his dad's AR-15.

If I were willing to bet, the investigation will find that Crooks was schizophrenic (and 20 is just the right age where schizophrenia manifests), and if there was a "motive", it will be along the lines of why John Hinckley shot Reagan.

Original Mike said...

"and if there was a "motive", it will be along the lines of why John Hinckley shot Reagan.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Freder Frederson said...

I don't know exactly what it is or caused it, but it pissed be off nobody is will to HONESTLY study it. And I don't buy the bullshit that "we don't know what it is, but IT'S NOT THE VACCINES."

Probably got it from his dad.

Freder Frederson said...

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

No, I just think Occam's razor should be the default theory.

Original Mike said...

"Vance was not a "fire all unvaccinated nurses" guy. He was being sarcastic when he wrote that."

When are politicians going to learn that the other side will misrepresent your sarcastic remarks? Just stop it.

Original Mike said...

"No, I just think Occam's razor should be the default theory."

Occam tells me that the guy they've been calling Hitler for eight years got shot because he was, you know, Hitler.

Lilly, a dog said...

Sure Freder,
I'm sure the FBI "investigation" will tie it up in a nice little bow for you.

Michael K said...

Poor Freder. The Field Marshall has to go to the lying admin for backup. Field Marshall, why not tell why that roof was wide ope.? How about the 30 minutes from the first sighting of the shooter and the shot that almost killed Trump ?

traditionalguy said...

As far as Crooks shooting skills, he was trained on a rifle team until they kicked him off. That could have been disciplinary. Rifle teams train youngsters. They don’t cut them for not shooting possibles. They just don’t have them go to matches until they are the best.

The story we get is he was startled by a local police officer climbing up to take a look, turned and pointed the gun at him until the officer jumped back off. Then Crooks turned and fired as quick as he could because he knew his cover was blown. In other words he rushed his 7 shots instead of slowly squeeing them off holding his breath.

Freder Frederson said...

The Field Marshall has to go to the lying admin for backup. Field Marshall, why not tell why that roof was wide ope.? How about the 30 minutes from the first sighting of the shooter and the shot that almost killed Trump ?

So, are you saying that Crooks was not the shooter? I would love to know what your fever dream version of the conspiracy is.

tcrosse said...

At least the Secret Service is ready in case Robert Reich or Marco Rubio decide to run for President.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"No, I just think Occam's razor should be the default theory."

Occam's Razor would suggest it was politically motivated. You shoot a candidate, it's probably because you want to make sure the candidate never takes office. A Hinckley-like desire to impress someone by killing someone famous should hardly be the presumed motive anytime someone shoots a presidential candidate.

As for the possibility that Crooks was schizophrenic, okay . . . but so what? Do you think he targeted Trump just by random chance?

I'd say it's very likely that at least one of the following statements is true: (a) Crooks targeted Trump because Crooks hated Trump and/or feared what a second Trump presidency would mean; (b) Crooks targeted Trump not because he personally hated Trump or feared a Trump win in November, but because he was seeking the approval and respect of people he believed hated and feared Trump; or (c) Crooks targeted Trump because Trump was a target of opportunity; IOW, Crooks realized that Trump wasn't getting sufficient Secret Service protection from potential nearby rifle fire, whereas a similar assault on Biden would have been out of the question.

Freder Frederson said...

They don’t cut them for not shooting possibles.

Apparently, you are thinking he was not kicked off the team for being a bad shot, but because there was some other issue that the coaches thought disqualified him.

Hmm, maybe they realized he was demonstrating aberrant behavior. Certainly reinforces my theory.

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...

The Field Marshall has to go to the lying admin for backup. Field Marshall, why not tell why that roof was wide ope.? How about the 30 minutes from the first sighting of the shooter and the shot that almost killed Trump ?

So, are you saying that Crooks was not the shooter? I would love to know what your fever dream version of the conspiracy is.

Crooks was obviously the shooter.

Crooks was also obviously told where to shoot from and the path he could take to get there.

He was told when he could arrive and where he could wait.

He was told where he could put the ladder to get on the roof and where the local law enforcement would be stationed.

Freder Frederson said...

As for the possibility that Crooks was schizophrenic, okay . . . but so what? Do you think he targeted Trump just by random chance?

Of course not, if you want to impress Jodie Foster you don't select some random Schmoe to target.

Lucien said...

How certain is it that crooks fired seven rounds? Confirmed by spent brass and rounds gone from magazine, or by other or additional means?

Freder Frederson said...

Crooks was also obviously told where to shoot from and the path he could take to get there.

He was told when he could arrive and where he could wait.

He was told where he could put the ladder to get on the roof and where the local law enforcement would be stationed.

And who told you all this? The monkeys flying out of your ass?

His handlers must have been more incompetent than he was.

Narayanan said...

update : SS sniper team was /under/ that roof and saw Crooks scoping out the site and getting 'on' the roof

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "His handlers must have been more incompetent than he was."

This is one of the more insightful comments you've ever made. You can never go wrong assuming incompetence along with maliciousness in any analysis scenario such as this.

Didn't Cheatle actually blurt out that having a "sloped roof" caused her concern over having someone stationed on that roof!


A sloped roof! Goodness gracious! What a challenge. It's like scaling Everest!

"That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,' she told ABC News in an interview Tuesday."


Freder Frederson said...

And remember, the last three attempts to kill a president (Reagan and Ford twice), all three of them were perpetrated by mentally unstable people.

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...

And who told you all this? The monkeys flying out of your ass?

His handlers must have been more incompetent than he was.

Lets look at the scoreboard:

Who was right about Russian Collusion?
Who was Right about COVID origins?
Who was right about Ivermectin working for COVID?
Who was right about E Jean Carroll being a liar?
Who was right about Hunter's laptop?
Who was right about Jack Smith being illegally appointed?
Who was right about Jack Smith evidence tampering?
Who was right about government censorship?

Beyond all of that I trained for years in security and combat tactics and practiced these skills in a hostile environment.

I know about planning and executing combat missions. I know about defending a location from hostiles with guns.

I have posted many times below different videos, angles, and tactical discussions.

This kid did not have the training or skills to come up with the plan he executed poorly. He could not have gotten to that spot on his own without help. He was spotted 30 minutes before hand.

There is no world where this happens without people in the SS on site knowing what was going on.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "And remember, the last three attempts to kill a president (Reagan and Ford twice), all three of them were perpetrated by mentally unstable people."

Again, you are halfway there.

Who did the FBI recruit and buy things for and direct around with their CHS in the Whitmer Fed-napping setup? A dude with no friends living in a basement with no running water. And then the FBI bought all the gear, got the vehicles, told the targets where to drive (up to the Whitmer's home) after telling Whitmer and her family where not to be ahead of time...voila! Attempted right wing terrorism!! All in time for an election!

Hooray FBI!

Narayanan said...

PA is among 34 States allow Open Carry without a permit in all (33 states) or virtually all (Iowa) their state

Achilles said...

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "His handlers must have been more incompetent than he was."

This is one of the more insightful comments you've ever made. You can never go wrong assuming incompetence along with maliciousness in any analysis scenario such as this.

Didn't Cheatle actually blurt out that having a "sloped roof" caused her concern over having someone stationed on that roof!


A sloped roof! Goodness gracious! What a challenge. It's like scaling Everest!

"That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,' she told ABC News in an interview Tuesday."


You can't make this up. Nobody accepts this except willing liars like Freder. These excuses are so not serious.

X is blowing up with videos of people screaming at police officers at a person with a gun on the roof of the building law enforcement was staging out of.

But how much of this would we have known without X?

Drago said...

Sean Davis@seanmdavis

Nobody wants to hear this because of the implications, but oh well: Joe Biden's security regime deliberately and with malice aforethought created the conditions that led to an assassin shooting Donald Trump in the head. It is by the grace of God that he lived and our nation is not currently in the midst of a violent civil war.

They deliberately starved Trump's security team of the resources it needed. And they did it repeatedly, over many weeks and months.

With Trump's security detail understaffed, under-resourced, and stretched to its limits, Biden's security regime diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area.

Biden's security regime then ordered the most obvious assassination perch in the entire area to remain outside the main security perimeter.

Furthermore, Biden's Secret Service director ordered law enforcement and counter-snipers OFF the roof that the assassin used.

If that weren't enough, Biden's security regime also refused to block line of sight from the assasssin's perch to Trump's location.

When law enforcement radioed in a suspicious person using a laser range finder at the building and even took photos of him, nothing was done to detain the assassin.

The assassin was so obviously a threat that bystanders at the event begged law enforcement to stop him, but nothing happened.

And even as snipers on the roof near Trump saw a gunman on the roof, Biden's security regime refused to have agents immediately surround Trump and remove him from the stage to protect him from being shot.

Given the lies and nonsense from both Biden's DHS secretary and his Secret Service director, it's increasingly difficult to believe this was a just a series of independent mistakes. In contrast, when you look at the entire picture, what you see better resembles a deliberate plan to make Trump vulnerable but to appear at first glance to be just a couple of innocent mistakes.

Drago said...

Sean Davis continues:

And when you add in how little information we've been given about the about the shooter--apparently the only person on earth not on the Internet--you begin to wonder if maybe a group of people at a different three-letter agency might have been working on a parallel track to find and encourage people to take action against Trump at the very same time he was kept vulnerable by Biden's regime.

We know this happens, because the FBI did it with Gretchen Whitmer: it recruited and urged disturbed individuals to buy weapons and put together a plan to kidnap her. In that case, the FBI wanted a story it could use to slime right-wingers. So it created the story itself.

What happens when an agency like that, or maybe even another three-letter agency, decides instead that it's had enough of Trump? Some former FBI employees might even call it an "insurance policy."

So who was the shooter talking to in the hours, days, and weeks ahead of the event? Who was he meeting with? Did anyone suggest or nudge or urge him to go to the Trump rally in Butler? Did anyone suggest or point out to him the building he eventually used? Was he told at any time to not worry about security?

The FBI told us almost immediately that while it couldn't open the assassin's phone, it knew he acted alone. That's kind of strange, when you think about it. They told us almost immediately that they identified him by DNA, despite him having no criminal record. They also said they found explosives in his car. Why didn't they just identify him by his plates or registration or next of kin identification? That's pretty weird, too.

At some point you just have to say enough with the lies. We saw what they did with the Russia hoax. We saw the Kavanaugh hoax. We saw the COVID origin hoax. We saw the Ukraine hoax, the stolen election, the J6 op, and then the armed Mar-a-Lago raid and the myriad illegal cases against Trump.

They called him Hitler. They said he was an existential threat. They said he would destroy democracy. They said he was the most dangerous person on earth.

Then the denied him security. The kept the rooftop open. They watched the shooter and did nothing. They kept Trump on that stage. And they didn't do a damn thing until after he had been shot in the head.

And we're all supposed to believe it was just an innocent oopsie?"

Achilles said...

They took pictures of the kid before Trump started speaking.

The SS was in on this.

Drago said...

Btw, all of Sean Davis' premise observations, laid out nicely and sequentially, are based on facts that not in dispute at this time.

Drago said...


I see that Althouse has put up a specific thread based on Sean Davis' X posting.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, I’ve been reluctant to say this, but Biden ordered the hit on Trump.

Narayanan said...

How many people can Trump talk to who will know firsthand what he might be feeling?
maybe have pizza party/rally in Chicago Southside? grounds at Obama Library for a few bucks?

The center will also include community and conference facilities and will house the nonprofit Obama Foundation. Construction on the 19.3 acre campus began in 2021, the tower topped out in mid-2024, and the center to expected to open in the first half of 2026.[4][5][6]

Narayanan said...

during DNC convention preferably

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump undoubtedly knows Biden tried to murder him.

That must have been quite a conversation they had when Biden called him.

Jerry said...

Odd thought... why would Cheadle have been informed of the 'slant' of the roof? (Or is this aftermarket justification for the decision to keep personnel clear of the roof?)

Frankly it's a damned bad look for the SS. Third or 4th string agents around Trump? Other agents actually having eyes on the shooter, and doing nothing?

I worked near an airport that was used by various presidents. We were about a half-mile from the runway, and were told in NO uncertain terms we couldn't go out and see AF-1 land. We were inside the perimeter, and the perimeter was not to be broken. We heard they had sniper teams on our roof.

A half-mile off.

Granted, this was for the President, not an Ex-President, but still...

Drago and Achilles both have good points - at what point do you go "There's just something damned wrong with all this?" Occam's razor starts shaving away and you end up with something pretty ugly.

tcrosse said...

Yes, I’ve been reluctant to say this, but Biden ordered the hit on Trump.

Biden couldn't order an ice cream cone. My money is on Hillary. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

rhhardin said...

Doris Kearnes Goodwin, drawing on George Wallace, blames Trump's rhetoric.

rhhardin said...

Trump walking in looks like Trump van Gogh, in Art Afterpieces.

rhhardin said...

Beviolence is not the answer - Biden. Probably the opposite of benevolence.

rhhardin said...

Oops he just transitioned to guns killing children. outlaw guns.

rhhardin said...

Biden is angry talking to NAACP I think in NV. check out the speech. Articulation is not great.

rhhardin said...

Trump called George Floyd peaceful protests riots, what the hell is wrong with this man? Biden's mad at Trump now.

tcrosse said...

If Trump' rhetoric is to blame, that implies that he had it coming. And who would be upset by Trump's rhetoric if not a Lefty?

n.n said...

Trump's rhetoric

I did not rape... rape-rape that women. To my recollection he did not have have sex with me. Yes he did, and we don't... do not have the evidence to prove it, so we'll charge him anyway, and indict him on diverse other novel charges to be perceived guilty through associative memory reinforced through progressive (i.e. monotonic) braying.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Gusty Winds said...Well first of all he wouldn't use boring, unoriginal, cliché labels like "Wormbrain."

That a baseline success.

7/16/24, 1:44 PM

In other words, no, he's never got to the bottom of a damn thing. So he's about effective as Jenny McCarthy and Aaron Rodgers, except they don't want to put me in prison for my Climate Change skepticism.

narciso said...

ah but where did worm brain come from peter hotez, who had been given a contract to develop a vaccine years before the virus appeared, who pushed lockdowns without regards to any scientific basis,

rfk jr has shown a continued pattern of negligence on the part of fauci gates and other actors, re vaccine testing and distribution in the third world,

why was fauci put up to the front of the line anyways, from aids to west nile, to H1NI he was a manifest failure,

Joanne Jacobs said...

I like "the world's largest mosquito."

MadTownGuy said...

Lots of whinging on social media about the ear bandage: "why does he need such a large bandage?" "He should be able to put a little form fitting dressing on it." Then there are the false-flag conspiracy promoters who say "oh, the shooter was a registered Republican." Last of all, the people who try to link the event to mass shooting tragedies by saying "It's just an ear," ignoring that three other people were shot, one fatally, and it was an attempted assassination. It's all shameful.

Mason G said...

"It's all shameful."

Exhibit LXVIII, "The left has no sense of shame."

Left Bank of the Charles said...

"It felt like the world's largest mosquito."

This post needs the insect politics tag.

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