— MELANIA TRUMP (@MELANIATRUMP) July 14, 2024Here's the line — in paragraph 5 — that prompted my exclamation: "A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine." A native speaker of English would not have used the word "recognized" like that. I'm sure many people are mocking her for that now — yes, even monsters can see that Trump is an inhuman political machine — but to me, it means she wrote it herself.
"attempted to ring out" (should that have been "wring out"?)
"Political concepts are simple when compared to us, human beings""American politics are only one vehicle that can uplift our communities""while we are here, in this earthly realm""Dawn is here again""love transcends""The winds of change have arrived"
AND: There's also, near the beginning of the letter: "When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron’s life, were on the brink of devastating change." I don't think some ghostwriter would have come up with the idea of putting herself first and her son second.
That made me think of the old Lenny Bruce line about Jackie Kennedy, which was much more harsh but the same idea of thinking of yourself first: Jackie crawling out of the convertible was "hauling ass to save her ass."
CORRECTION: I had "nature" for "nation" in "the fabric of our gentle nation is tattered." "Nature" was more idiosyncratic, but she had "nation." Sorry. I do think "gentle nation" is unusual along with picturing it as tattered fabric.
1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»A remarkable letter.
I can see where President Trump draws his spiritual inspiration, and politically it makes sense.
But listen, lady, the Bolshevik types in charge of the Biden regime would slaughter you and your whole family like they did to Tsar Nicholas. And for very similar reasons.
Maybe the Melania-Doesn’t-Love-Donald mean speculation will stop, but I doubt it.
Not a Red America. Not a Blue America.
Wrote it? I think not. Contributed to it, I think so.Not that she's not that eloquent, i think she probably is. I'm just not sure she cares about him enough to write so eloquently.
Vicki from Pasadena
She also does not capitalize 'secret service' which I think a native speaker would.
She seems like a very nice lady.
I know that lefties love to portray her an an airhead, but I get the impression that she is very smart.
That she is also gorgeous inflames them for some reason...
Joe Smith said...
That she is also gorgeous inflames them for some reason...
7/14/24, 10:42 AM
Do you doubt that dried up, bitter harpies exist? Just look at Vicki from Pasadena right above you!
Well said, docrev. The Democrats are dominated by Marxists. Many wouldn't use that term, but that's entirely to do with astonishing ignorance of the political class rather than any ideological deviation from Communist dogma. Revolution is their goal and violence is their means.
"I'm just not sure she cares about him enough to write so eloquently."
It's the ineloquence within the eloquence that make me feel this is her own work. A professional writer would not do it like this.
Maybe AI was involved.
Well said, Victoria. If there's one certainty in this world it's Vicki from Pasadena thinks not.
I asked ChatGPT "Write an open letter saying that my husband's enemies think he is an inhuman machine but underneath he is a real and feeling person."
Here's what I got:
"I write to you today with a plea for understanding and empathy. There exists a perception among my husband's adversaries that he is nothing more than a machine devoid of humanity, driven solely by ambition and calculations. I wish to dispel this misconception and shed light on the truth that lies beneath the surface.
Yes, my husband is a man of formidable intellect and unwavering determination. His resolve has often been misunderstood as coldness, his decisions viewed as the product of mere logic devoid of emotion. But I, who have shared his life intimately, know a different truth.
Beneath the veneer of strength and stoicism beats the heart of a deeply feeling individual. He is not immune to pain or joy, to love or sorrow. He carries the weight of his responsibilities with a burden that is not always visible to the outside world. Each decision he makes, each action he takes, is rooted not just in strategic foresight but also in a profound sense of duty and compassion.
His enemies see him as an inhuman machine, relentless and unyielding. But I implore you to look closer. Behind the facade of strength lies vulnerability. Behind the strategic mind lies a heart that feels deeply. He is not infallible; he is not without flaws. And yet, his humanity is what makes him capable of empathy, of understanding, and of growth.
I ask you to reconsider the labels that have been placed upon him. To see beyond the perceptions and judgments that seek to reduce him to a caricature. My husband is more than his adversaries believe him to be. He is a man of complexities, of strengths and weaknesses, of dreams and fears.
I write this not to plead for sympathy, but for recognition of his humanity. In a world where perceptions often shape reality, I urge you to see him as he truly is—a real and feeling person, capable of both greatness and vulnerability."
It is going to be women who decide the election.
Will women reassess their natural nurture affinities for Biden and redirect those to the beast?
The Trump case: Ok, Biden is a victim of old age, but Trump was almost the victim of a bullet.
so, a Serious Question..
How Long, before resident Biden..
"In Service of DEMOCRACY, and PEACE", suspends The Constitution and imposes Martial Law?
You know? out of Fairness, and Sweetness and Light?
Clearly it's TOO DANGEROUS to have an election now.. We will follow the Ukraine's: NO MORE ELECTIONS
we all come from families with the passion to fight for a better life together, while we are here, in this earthly realm
What we know, don't know, and cannot possibly know is a refreshing perspective that is not acknowledged often enough.
Shame on you righties for calling me a bitter harpie. Tap down on the sexist rhetoric. IT is beneath you all. #2 gorgeous? matter of opinion. Attractive, I'll give you that. Extraordinary, heck no.
Ann, you might be right on several counts, i suspect that AI was involved, but i think the inelioquence within the eloquence was calculated. This campaign, all campaigns are pretty calculated and formalized. I suspect that those surrounding Trump would NEVER let anything out to the public that was not thoroughly vetted, either by his handlers or AI.
Vicki from Psadena
Dave Begley said...
Maybe the Melania-Doesn’t-Love-Donald mean speculation will stop, but I doubt it.
see dried up, bitter harpy just below you at 10:35
victoria said...
"Wrote it? I think not. Contributed to it, I think so.Not that she's not that eloquent, i think she probably is. I'm just not sure she cares about him enough to write so eloquently.
Vicki from Pasadena"
That's envy. You wish anyone thought so well of you.
She probably wrote most of it and the thoughts might be hers, but it likely was massaged by a native speaker. There are many words and phrases that I don't think a non-native speaker would use ("tattered", "ascend", "facets", "this earthly realm"). My opinion is based on the way my Slavic wife and her friends speak.
Keep it up, icki Vicki ... I think all you Trump haters haven't even scratched the surface of how despised you can be.
I think that Trump is extremely smart, way smarter than me. When I hear Joe Biden speak, he reminds me of kids I knew in junior high, the last time in schooling, BTW, that kids of different intellectual abilities were mixed together, when I was growing up, before the sorting began in high school.
Melania has that characteristic style of an educated person with a cultural heritage that invigorates our native culture.
'I'm just not sure she cares about him enough to write so eloquently.'
Not Vicki but rather Karen.
Beauty is indeed subjective, but you sound like a bitter hag with these remarks.
You have zero class.
The Trump supporter who was murdered yesterday by Vicki's hero has been identified. He was Corey Comperatore.
victoria said...
Shame on you righties for calling me a bitter harpie.
7/14/24, 10:56 AM
And Harpy from Pasadena shows that she has even less understanding of the male mind than she does of the Trump family. Uh-mazing.
I'm a little annoyed that President Trump is currently enjoying the kind of good press that comes out of an Aaron Sorkin liberal fantasy, but he's earned it. Expect things to get much worse as the Harpies and Pharisees continue to melt down.
Stop responding to The Haters: Readering, Richie, Vicki, et al. Feel free to add names that spew hate and falsehoods about yesterday. They will wither away if no one interacts with them.
Althouse, what was your motive in trying to see if AI could write a letter such as Mrs. Trump did?
I'll reserve comment until we hear from The Chuckster, or is Charles Randall?
And don't bother to deny your adoration of the late Mr. Crooks. You've taken every opportunity these last six years to viciously proclaim your hatred of everything decent and noble.
This is why fluent speakers still use interpreters when the stakes are very high. She got *almost* the right word, but the word "recognized" had connotations that she didn't understand. She used it almost in the diplomatic sense, as in "to recognize a country." Some countries recognize Kosovo, and many countries do not, for example, some countries see a state there and others do not.
She's a hag.
-- Vicki
A love letter
Whether she sat down and typed it out herself or it’s more of an “as told to”, I don’t see why that would matter.
Christopher B: "Keep it up, icki Vicki ... I think all you Trump haters haven't even scratched the surface of how despised you can be."
Never forget this one:
victoria: "i guess that Trump was upset he was not part of the mainstream narrative..."assassination attempt" Hogwash"
Vicki from Pasadena 7/13/24, 8:53 PM
The Trump supporter who was murdered yesterday... He was Corey Comperatore.
20th wedding anniversary? A productive life.
What a woman.
Its interesting. victoria of pasadena outed herself as an "Assassination Lefty-anon Truther" early on yesterday and she has never retracted that position.
ChatGPT provides the template of a mechanized sentiment constructed in a laboratory, sterile environment.
"Melania has that characteristic style of an educated person with a cultural heritage that invigorates our native culture." Seriously, n n? You obviously have never been outside the USA. Educated, i think not. It's a nice letter, but more than than that, only the Trump adorers would read anything more into it. She did what she was ordered to do, and did it well. She expressed more fondness for him in the letter than she has shown their entire marriage. When it is a business contract, as some of his marriages (and affairs) are, she is contractually obligated to at least show some emotion. Done and done.
Vicki From Pasadena
[Melania]... What a woman.
Trump and Baron are fortunate. We are fortunate that she recognizes us in her expressed sentiment. This is a personal trait that we want in our leaders and their spouses.
That bile, Vicki, isn't healthy for you.
Vicki likes to pretend she's enlightened, but is just as hate filled as any Klansman.
Joe Smith said...
That she is also gorgeous inflames them for some reason...
Yes. That has been obvious from 2016. The middle school harpies girl club mentality. It explains the ghosting of Melania by all the mostly women magazines.
she is contractually obligated to at least show some emotion.
Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage? Perhaps too often, but not always.
Vicky, Pasadena, Pennsylvania
Vicki is useful as a commenter to reassure us that haters like her will not be influenced by events. The Nazi prison camp guards were not as determined in their hate.
"She did what she was ordered to do,"
Vicki said without evidence. If she had been "ordered" to do it, they would have cleaned up the language before putting it out.
"Shame on you righties for calling me a bitter harpie."
Oh my, how awful for you.
Weak sauce compared with your prior ravings about conservatives.
Envy, one of the seven deadly sins, as per Wikipedia:
Envy (invidia) is characterized by an insatiable desire like greed and lust. It can be described as a sad or resentful covetousness towards the traits or possessions of someone else. It comes from vainglory and severs a man from his neighbor.
According to St. Thomas Aquinas, the struggle aroused by envy has three stages: during the first stage, the envious person attempts to lower another's reputation; in the middle stage, the envious person receives either "joy at another's misfortune" (if he succeeds in defaming the other person) or "grief at another's prosperity" (if he fails); and the third stage is hatred because "sorrow causes hatred".
Bertrand Russell said that envy was one of the most potent causes of unhappiness, bringing sorrow to committers of envy, while giving them the urge to inflict pain upon others.
Good Lord, Vicki, what is your problem?
My husband and I don't wear wedding rings. We don't touch in public. If you met us, you might think we were old friends, maybe, but certainly not what we are: the love of one another's life, in a private relationship that we choose not to share with the world.
And I know another couple whose long marriage is deeply satisfying to both but "simply" companionate.
And I know another couple who looked perfect, were publicly affectionate, ticked all the social boxes, but who have just separated after almost thirty years.
A woman who spent her youth and middle age in the camera eye; who married a man with a checkered history with women (but nonetheless a uxorious one - otherwise why not just be Leo diCaprio and jump from bed to bed, never marrying, never having children?) and whose life was also in the lens - why do you think she owes it to the likes of you to reveal the nature of her marriage?
For ONE LOUSY DAY, pretend your world doesn't revolve around insulting a man you've never met, who has done you no harm, and whom at least half of your country would like to see elected to a second term, obviously not because half of your country are a bunch of knuckle-dragging drooling idiots but because of something real and important and worth exploring, even if you yourself can't comprehend it.
And to further insult his wife, who is certainly innocent of whatever causes you to hate Trump himself - just get the hell over it. Get off your damn high horse about being called a "harpy" and try to understand that when you talk the way you do, the shoe fits.
You didn't even have to express false relief that Trump survived. You could have just stayed quiet.
Joe Smith: "That she is also gorgeous inflames them for some reason..."
Indeed. See victoria's comments. All driven by a clear deep seated envy and inner rage. Victoria can barely restrain herself and insists on attempting to present Melania as some pushed around automaton.
Which I suspect is what we would find with a look into victoria's life...if we were ever so bored as to delve into it.
Jamie: "Good Lord, Vicki, what is your problem?"
She's projecting a lifetime of her own issues onto Melania. It's what the useless left harpies do to get thru the day.
"You could have just stayed quiet."
Asserted, without evidence.
victoria said...
Shame on you righties for calling me a bitter harpie. Tap down on the sexist rhetoric. IT is beneath you all. #2 gorgeous? matter of opinion. Attractive, I'll give you that. Extraordinary, heck no.
^Truth hurts, doesn't it. I can think of a few other things I can call you, but I will stay with bitter harpie. Cry more. Can't wait until Trump wins and you commit yourself.
Dey not like us…
Melania is spot on expressing what everyone wants said calming down the Antifa hot war now going on .
That letter will get read to my Sunday School Class next week. They were all wishing for the good old days this morning. Remember the days pre George Soros paid lawlessness and Soros’ paid private army called Antifa.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. That means acting with COURAGE. Or as the Militia Leader said at Lexington Green on April 19, 1775, “ Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, BUT IF THEY MEAN TO HAVE A WAR LET IT BEGIN HERE.
Trump has been fired upon.
This morning, I went onto Facebook to see how my TDS friends would react to the assasination attempt. These are people who were first to scream vile, hateful (and untrue) comments about Kyle Rittenhouse and Nick Sandman. Howled about "Asian hate" during Covid until they found out it was mostly blacks. Continue to claim that "five" people died on J6. And lately, have become instant experts on Project 2025 (all abortions banned).
Frankly I was shocked that none of them - NONE of them have said anything on Facebook. They had enough sense to realize that since they don't have anything nice to say about Trump, today is definitely the day to simply keep their mouths shut. Even Chuck has shut up for now.
Vicki - you are lower than my friends, you are lower than Chuck and you are indeed the harpiest of all harpies. You need help.
"Wrote it? I think not. Contributed to it, I think so.Not that she's not that eloquent, i think she probably is. I'm just not sure she cares about him enough to write so eloquently.
Someone likely polished it (proof-read). She's not noted for speaking publicly and, I doubt has her own "writer". That letter is so authentic and personal, "ghosting" it would reguire more than skill; it would reguire someone who knows her quite intimately.
I'm going with The Professor on this one - Not Fake!
Melania really does care. Do U?
victoria said...
Shame on you righties for calling me a bitter harpie. Tap down on the sexist rhetoric. IT is beneath you all. #2 gorgeous? matter of opinion. Attractive, I'll give you that. Extraordinary, heck no.
We have noticed that you will never admit your political opponents have any redeeming value.
We have noticed that you always attack and denigrate. You have no grace and you have no shame.
I see you do not see how the ground has shifted underneath your feet. Ann would normally request moderated comments about you and your ilk.
You people need to prepare for the political wilderness.
Biden to address the nation this PM. If he was smart, he'd pardon Trump. He isn't and won't.
Melania is the supermodel wife of a billionaire. Her problems and travails are not remotely related to my problems and travails. I never disliked her, but I never felt in any way connected to her. In this letter, though, she comes across as sympathetic. The awkward phrasings are fashioned with with real eloquence and genuine feelings....You can go through life with all kinds of perks and privileges, and then something like this happens. All those perks and privileges don't count for shit and just enhance the trauma and loss and ultimate futility of life on earth....This is the most sympathetic and human that I've ever seen Melania.
Kevin, if you think Melania "cares", we got bridges in NYC for you to buy. "Cares"? that's kind of a strong word for what she actually believes. I suspect that when she signed the prenup, she was instructed that if pressed, she would show the proper amount of sadness and "love " for the Donald. Anything more than that, she was not contractually obligated to do.
Do i care? Because a threat on his life was manufactured, no matter by whom? Heck no. I knew he would never be killed, only nicked, and emerge victorious. threw up a little in my mouth with that.
Vicki from Pasadena
Don't forget that Jackie O's situation led to the greatest picture caption ever, Onassis arranging to buy Keaton's house
"Aristotle contemplating the home of Buster."
And everybody's sayin' that there's nobody meaner
Than the little old lady from Pasadena
Not just me.
Okay now I have to search upwards for vicki
I don't know that disparaging a person's ability is the way to go. If she had help it was likely because she asked for it. The question is whether it's her sentiment, not whether it's her composition.
For which you'd want to look into other expressions of sentiment from her.
Quite possibly it's not her sentiment, who knows.
I suspect my late father in law, an old fashioned gentleman from Virginia, would have regarded Vicki to be "common", a term which was not, in his mind or is in mine, complementary.
"Aristotle contemplating the home of Buster."
Perfect. That's right up there with "Headless Body in Topless Bar".
Classic reference for the uncultured rubes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristotle_with_a_Bust_of_Homer
All I know about Melania was that she decorated something in the White House all white, as I recall. Women are into that sort of thing.
victoria: "Kevin, if you think Melania "cares", we got bridges in NYC for you to buy. "Cares"? that's kind of a strong word for what she actually believes. I suspect that when she signed the prenup, she was instructed that if pressed, she would show the proper amount of sadness and "love " for the Donald. Anything more than that, she was not contractually obligated to do.
Do i care? Because a threat on his life was manufactured, no matter by whom? Heck no. I knew he would never be killed, only nicked, and emerge victorious. threw up a little in my mouth with that."
Vicki from Pasadena
Ponder the psychotic nature of that posting alone and what causes someone to post it. And not just post it, but shout it from the rooftops.
I am quite enjoying Vicki from Pasadena wantonly and promiscuously violating the First Law of Holes. You go, girl! Keep enlightening the deplorables!
On decorating in all white:
DUTCHESS OF BERWICK. Agatha, darling!
LADY AGATHA. Yes, mamma.
DUCHESS OF BERWICK. Will you go and look over the photograph album that I see there?
LADY AGATHA. Yes, mamma.
DUCHESS OF BERWICK. Dear girl! She is so fond of photographs of Switzerland. Such a pure taste, I think.
Vicki from “Psadena”
You’d better circle back there, old gal.
Over the past 24 hours I have become utterly contemptuous of the the leftist commentators on this blog. I refuse to read them or name them, but the continued presence of their names and images on this blog does serve to remind me that they exist, and in numbers that are surprising. Which may be to say only that the susceptibility of large numbers of Americans to propaganda is astonishing.
When the right picks on somebody, it's the grass roots. With the left, it's the leaders.
In either case, the respective sides are then always morons.
Melania = former model with big breasts. Appeals to Trump whose tastes are not mine. It's a big world, live and let live, etc.
And not just post it, but shout it from the rooftops.
While also telling everyone you missed the reference.
The first violence against Trump remark I remember was a great witticism: Barron will be the nation's first home-school shooter.
"Aristotle contemplating the home of Buster."
When Gloria Vanderbilt was young, there was a custody battle between her aunt and her mother, mainly about her generous trust fund. The court recessed for the weekend, with the promise that a decision was forthcoming. This led to the headline "Sic Transit Gloria Monday".
“You didn't even have to express false relief that Trump survived. You could have just stayed quiet.”
I am the one who said in the first thread of the day that I was glad Trump wasn’t killed. I think you might be mixing me up with Victoria from Pasadena. I am Inga from Wisconsin.
The belief that Melania doesn't really care about Donald is part and parcel of their ability to dehumanize him.
They are not about to give that up.
Babylon Bee reports that yesterday’s hit on Trump was a mostly peaceful assasination.
The repeated videos do show something special about the crowd there with Trump. They stood their ground with him. Despite a barrage of bullets they would not turn and run away. Amazing.
@Vicki: If, as you argue, Trump set this up, I'm really awed by his organizational skills and even more by his stone cold courage. He hired a marksman to shoot him in the ear from a distance of 150 yards away. It really takes a lot of courage to deliver a speech while awaiting a gunshot wound to the head.. And, of course, it's difficult to recruit a marksman with such skill and who is also willing to die after his first volley.....Have you thought this through?
Classy response from a classy woman.
Thinking of the Comperatore family today.
We dont care who you are fraulein you have removed all doubt long ago
Jon Ericson said...
"And everybody's sayin' that there's nobody meaner
Than the little old lady from Pasadena"
She drives real fast and she drives real hard.
She's the terror of Colorado Boulevard.
It's the little old lady from Pasadena.
If you see her on the street don't try to choose her.
(Go granny, go granny, go granny go)
You might drive a goer but you'll never lose her.
(Go granny, go granny, go granny go)
Well, she's gonna get a ticket now sooner or later
Cause she can't keep her foot off the accelerator.
We actually had Jan and Dean in our theater once. They had a strange relationship. Jan was so messed up from that car accident that he could just lip sync and hobble around the stage, but Dean stuck with him and kept "performing" for all those years because he knew that it made Jan happy. Dean really loved Jan.
how can Vickie be Harpie if she has Anthem = lady from Pasadena
Biden and his clown crew… Harris, Garland and Mayorkas… blah, blah, blah.
Vicki: Your words are poison and your heart's three sizes too small.
Michael K: "Vicki is useful as a commenter to reassure us that haters like her will not be influenced by events."
Yes, indeed. The black magic involved in coming to view Trump only as an "inhuman political machine" has transformed Vickie herself into an inhuman political machine.
It's hard for me to imagine just where we would be today if the shooter had been successful.
A different world for sure.
“It's hard for me to imagine just where we would be today if the shooter had been successful.
A different world for sure.”
The right might be disappointed that they haven’t been able to start their longed for civil war because Trump survived.
something special about the crowd there with Trump. They stood their ground with him. Despite a barrage of bullets they would not turn and run away. Amazing.
And a tell in another context. Americans do not react, let alone riot, without extraordinary provocation.
A different world for sure
Men, women, and our Posterity are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus.
Inga: "The right might be disappointed that they haven’t been able to start their longed for civil war because Trump survived."
Inga, in her profound ignorance (see her moronic comments related to the German UN delegation laughing at Trump over oil and gas dependence on Russia which turned out to be true and led to significant economic hits against the German economy) decides to write that in the very year her leftist Hollywood heroes released the movie "Civil War" where a Trump like figure is executed in the oval office.
Also notable: Inga still believes Russia collusion happened, along with all the other hoaxes which drive the leftist insanity.
Its funny reading the missives of someone at the center of the lunacy pointing fingers outward.
"The right might be disappointed..."
Or, maybe Inga is feeling extreme disappointment about the outcome and needs to project it onto others to get rid of the feeling... Just a theory... based on observation.
Maybe Timmy is disappointed that his hero Putin hasn’t yet conquered Ukraine.
"Biden to address the nation this PM."
The only thing that Joe "Put a bullseye around Trump" Biden can do right now to promote healing is to announce that he is stepping down. The first I heard of this was that somebody in the house was actually watching TV news, which never happens, and when I walked into the room, the chyron was "Breaking: Biden pulling all campaign communications." I might have gotten my hopes up hearing that as high as Vickie's were when Trump had dropped to the floor on that stage after the shots were fired.
LOL, whether or not Putin conquers Ukraine is not America's business. I am not invested in the outcome of that war that Joe Biden provoked. If Ukraine can beat Putin, that's no skin off of my nose, but why *we* are risking WWIII over a border dispute in Ukraine, and have troops occupying oil fields and grain fields in Syria, when the US has so many problems to be addressed at home is something only you Democrats can understand, I guess.
I miss the old Democratic Party that was horrified at what we did in Iraq. I. supported it, I was wrong. But now that Biden voted for it, and then won a $2 billion contract for his brother to rebuild the homes he voted to bomb, the Democrats are forced to fall in line, and they have!
"What's so bad about endless wars? Only a traitor could be against these wars!" - Inga's Democrats today.
Inga: "Maybe Timmy is disappointed that his hero Putin hasn’t yet conquered Ukraine."
Even more leftist projection.
The russkis ONLY invade when the democraticals are in charge.
Explain that one Inga. We'll wait....wait...and wait....
The desperation of the Althouse lefties to squirm and slither out from underneath what they have created is palpable.
Attack Melania, continue with the False Flag lies, continue their debunked hoax pushing, project project project...
Just sit back and marvel at them in real time
Yes melania has been in the bullseye of that harpie nina burleigh who cost the daily mail a pretty pence
No, inga, I was addressing Vicki.
BTW, victoria continues to run withthe False Flag conspiracy on the other thread.
Like Inga's commitment to her hundred or so debunked hoaxes, victoria isnt going to let this one go.
'Maybe Timmy is disappointed that his hero Putin hasn’t yet conquered Ukraine.'
How can he conquer his own country?
I noticed that many commentators accuse the Democrat leadership/elite as Marxists.
I disagree. They see themselves, heirs of the Progressives, as natural rulers, experts, or, as in the Soviet Union, the intelligentsia.
They too, in their actions, hated the workers and peasants and despised the bourgeoisie. But they're not Communists. In the USSR, they had their dachas, paid for and administered by the state. They had special shops, open only to them.
They had nannies and servants, while the rest of the USSR struggled. But they deserved it. They were the experts, they were the intelligentsia.
Why is it that the Democrats claim the majority of the graduate vote (in the Uk, the same is true for the Labour Party)? The problem with Trump, is that he represents a threat, an existential threat, to their status, and the self worth they give themselves. So what if Biden is senile, the experts are running the US anyway.
Victoria is an ugly bag of hate. She now only reflects the spite that Biden and other Democrats, and their partisans in the media have inculcated over the last decade against their fellow citizens who happen to think differently. She has little left of her basic humanity, if she ever had it.
The question is, is she the norm among Democrats and leftists? Or are enough of them reachable for us to have a shared country again? (Yes, there are some on the right of similar malevolence. But they aren’t writing cover stories for The Atlantic.)
Inga said...
Maybe Timmy is disappointed that his hero Putin hasn’t yet conquered Ukraine.
Inga is just a dishonest piece of shit.
And notice how her lies always serve to dehumanize her opponents.
She still believes in Russian Collusion.
Nobody is going to put up with your dishonesty and your violence. Your tribe is finished. Please spout your shit in public. Let everyone around you know who the pieces of shit among us are.
Prepare for the political wilderness. You and your scumbag party earned it.
Inga has apparently become indisposed.
Let's revisit: The russkis ONLY invade when the democraticals are in charge.
Explain that one Inga. We'll wait....wait...and wait....
Remember when?
Inga is a dishonest piece of shit. But then - that's why she is a loyal Maddow-MSNBC Democratic.
Drago said...
Inga has apparently become indisposed.
Let's revisit: The russkis ONLY invade when the democraticals are in charge.
They invade when Bush's are in charge. They would have invaded other countries if Romney or Desantis were in charge too.
New slogan for the T-shirts with the pic of bloodyTrump: DEMOCRATS CAN’T SHOOT.
Putin was encouraged the Taliban was encourged Hamas was encouraged
There is an interesting 1998 interview of that MSNBC Morning Joe presenter Mika Brzezinski's dad, where he brags about setting up the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in order to provoke the Soviets to invade, and when they did. This is straight from the horses mouth, at the highest levels at the White House at the time:
Nouvel Observateur [NO]: When the Soviets justified their intervention by affirming they were fighting against a secret American interference nobody believed them, though they were telling the truth. Don’t you regret it?
Brzezinski [B]: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. Its objective was to lead the Russian to the Afghan trap, and you want me to regret it? The very same day the Soviets crossed the Afghan border I wrote the following to President Carter: “This is our chance to give Russia its Viet Nam.”
NO: Aren’t you sorry either for favoring Islamic fundamentalism and providing weapons and consultancies to future terrorists?
B: What is the most important thing when you look at world history, the Taliban or the fall of the Soviet empire? Some excited Islamists or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?
So when we say that Putin's invasion was unprovoked... well. He also said this:
B: [I]t was on July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed his first order on the secret assistance to Kabul’s pro-Soviet regime opponents. That day I wrote a memorandum to the President in which I told him that that assistance would cause the Soviet intervention (…) we did not force the Russian intervention, we just, conscientiously, increased the intervention possibilities.
I am sorry, but it's just possible that our foreign policy has been taken over by the "baddies" who do not represent the American people, and their biggest problem with Trump is that he doesn't accept their premises.
Inga posts an unhinged X rant from some unknown regressive. Just go away. Nobody is buying your lies.
Jamie,number 1, how do you know i've never met him? "For ONE LOUSY DAY, pretend your world doesn't revolve around insulting a man you've never met, who has done you no harm, and whom at least half of your country would like to see elected to a second term, obviously not because half of your country are a bunch of knuckle-dragging drooling idiots but because of something real and important and worth exploring, even if you yourself can't comprehend it." Well, the Trumpian clan, the haters Joey B and the left didn't wait even 1 hour to start spewing, also without ANY evidence, their brand of hate and inaccurate rhetoric. And, i must say, you spoke like the automaton that the right likes, uninformed, uneducated and ignorant. To say he has never done me any harm is a misnomer. He, and others of your ilk have relentlessly moved to strip the rights of, at minimum, the women of child bearing age. I'm not even of childbearing age anymore and i find that deeply offensive. And to use the misguided and misogynistic excuse that "bringing it back to the states" junk that the right is regurgitating is at best misguided and at worst, hostile.
I am a born and raised and practicing Catholic and i object vociferously to the 10 commandments in classrooms in public schools. and prayer in public schools. We are not, and never have been a "christian" nation. We are a nation made up of many religions and races and lifestyles. That's why we live in America, or at least we used to until the self appointed "messengers from God" took over. So excuse me if I am not genuflecting at the altar of DJT, i have more important things in my life.
I am done with all you right wing trolls.
Vicki from Pasadena
Are you though, Vicki?
Wrote it? I think not. Contributed to it, I think so. Not that she's not that eloquent, i think she probably is. I'm just not sure she cares about him enough to write so eloquently.
You were fully on board with the way the mean girls of the women's fashion and lifestyle magazines treated her as an un-person during Trump's term, weren't you?
Didn't like her husband's politics, so they pulled her pigtails and poured orange juice down her back and ostracized her to a lonely corner of the playground... and if they hadn't, women like you would have poured venom on them via Twitter and Facebook.
If women don't want men to call them insulting names like "bitches" and "cunts", then they shouldn't act like such bitchy little cunts and cunty little bitches.
victoria: "I am a born and raised and practicing Catholic and i object vociferously to the 10 commandments in classrooms in public schools. and prayer in public schools."
Strangely you are strong proponent of calling dementia boy "normal" when he showered and sexualized his own 12 year old daughter.
Perhaps I am not familiar with the "teachings" of your rather unique Church.
Just having a bash!
Regardless of who wrote it, people who know Melania have routinely opined within their private circles that she really loves Donald. Which leads to Dammit Donald you are going to have to make changes to your opsec after this.
You have a wife and family that while they might not need you financially at this point love you, and they are going to try this is again. Now comes the copy-cat phase. The most dangerous phase. You must survive this election till you can get the full presidential SS protection you deserve. Venue changes and crowd reductions and last minute changes/cancelations are a part of this life and it won't make the public love him any less. 99% of the living veteran community is behind you and everybody will understand.
They're probably going to try again, and he must live.
Inga, hanging on by her rhetorical fingernails, declares the shooter, that donated to ActBlue, a "republican", simply because he registered as a republican in the closed primary state of Pennsylvania....which many New Soviet Democraticals did as part of an open national strategy to vote for opponents of Trump in the republican primary.
But yes, Inga's moronic "hot take", based on a "hot take" of some other psycho lefty online, is that the shooter was a big Trump fan.
I was reading earlier today about this latest talking point pushed by the dumbest of the dumb lefties but I hadn't actually encountered anyone stupid enough at Althouse or elsewhere to try and make that argument.
But there it is.
The cognitive dissonance of the Left has always been a marvel but it seems to be rising to an unsustainable crescendo. At this point it almost doesn’t matter if they steal another election. They will have stolen the governance of an electorate that grants them no legitimacy.
I am done with all you right wing trolls.
“Inga, hanging on by her rhetorical fingernails, declares the shooter, that donated to ActBlue, a "republican", simply because he registered as a republican in the closed primary state of Pennsylvania....which many New Soviet Democraticals did as part of an open national strategy to vote for opponents of Trump in the republican primary.”
I haven’t said a word about the shooter, you liar. Or are you as senile as Old Doc Kennedy?
And there she goes!! Inga jumps off the deep end with whatever she can pull up anywhere from anytime from anyone for any reason! LOL It's like a 2 year old throwing as many toys around the room as possible as fast as she can while jumping from piece of furniture to piece of furniture while screaming about how unfair it all is!
But we see this throughout the west with these lunatic New Soviet Democratical women. No wonder the islamic supremacists and international gang members that are aligned with the democraticals are so confident in their future success.
Is Inga gaslighting us, or is she as senile as Biden. From her link:
"Yes, the shooter was a Republican -- and by the way, Hitler couldn't trust any of his supporters either."
imTay: "Is Inga gaslighting us, or is she as senile as Biden. From her link:
"Yes, the shooter was a Republican -- and by the way, Hitler couldn't trust any of his supporters either."
Yes, it was from her very own link, that she provided, but clearly didn't read, or did'nt understand, or can't comprehend.
But that's what happens to an idiot like Inga when the spinning and twirling and twisting only makes her confusion even worse than usual.
And remember, she gets to vote, along with her "spark of divinity" MS13 illegal alien machete murderer pals.
Inga: "I haven’t said a word about the shooter, you liar. Or are you as senile as Old Doc Kennedy?"
tsk tsk tsk
Check your very own link there you blithering dolt.
Drago said I said it. I am not the lady on the video. Now go back to your worship at the Putin altar.
Check your lying tongue lest it rot and fall out of your mouth one day.
I'm not sure this is a great time for any strong biden fangurrrrrrrrl, like Inga, who found her way past her "disapproval" (wink wink) of biden showering with his daughter after just 48 hours or so, to be talking about senility in anyone else.
You know, simply as a matter of policy.
Inga: "Timmy,
Drago said I said it. I am not the lady on the video. Now go back to your worship at the Putin altar."
What a moron.
You linked it. You brought it in. That's how Teh Interwebs work cupcake. I'm sorry this comes as a shock to you.
STILL no explanation from Inga of why Putin feels so very comfortable invading Ukraine when democraticals are in charge. And why is that? Because Inga is so invested in the russia collusion hoax she clings to the russki lies as if her own life depended upon it.
It's like the Fred Phelps school of political discourse here today. You'd think the lefties would withdraw for a little while, but they seem energized.
Original Mike: "It's like the Fred Phelps school of political discourse here today. You'd think the lefties would withdraw for a little while, but they seem energized."
They were so close to their dream scenario and the depth of bitterness and despair on the left is off the charts.
OK, I guess now she's trying to see how stupid she can be and still attract engagement. I can see why she worships at the Joe Biden's alter.
'It's like the Fred Phelps school of political discourse here today. You'd think the lefties would withdraw for a little while, but they seem energized.'
As much as Inga claims to be Catholic, which I don't doubt, leftism is her true religion...
Jackie said afterwards that she was reaching for a piece of JFK's head, but it's hard to tell.
Trump would have picked up the phone, made a deal with Putin, Ukraine would be intact, well, except for Crimea, which Ukraine only annexed by force in 1995. After the fall of the USSR, the people of Crimea voted to create the Republic of Crimea and were self-governing, but their army was smaller than that of Ukraine. What goes around comes around. We know that a deal was possible because both Ukraine and Russia initialed such a deal, until the Biden Administration put an end to it. That deal was on the table before the war even started. Hundreds of thousands would be alive today. Ukraine will never be intact again, but it could have been, weeks after the war started.
Because Trump would have made a deal for Ukrainian neutrality that maintained Ukraine's sovereignty, Trump had to go before we could weigh anchor on this war.
If Dr Weevil comes on and spews Kiev propaganda, please understand that in my opinion, so little of it is actually true that it's not worth picking through the dreck to find any nuggets, so I won't be responding. I am going fishing again.
Sure wish all those vermin poisoning the blood of America would done down the violence-encouraging rhetoric.
I’ve been listening to the excellent The Rest is History series on the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, it was stunning how much Gavrilo Princip was revealed to be the archetype: an alienated, brooding, unsuccessful moody loner.
By the way, in a similar vein, the podcast “Killing Victoria” does a deep dive into the seven men who tried to kill Queen Victoria, similarly portraying dysfunction and isolation, with a very rich portrayal of the cultural context. Highly recommended.
My last word, I am loving you, Inga. The right wing trolls are saying you're demented, i say you are thinking clearly, unlike the Trump trolls whose heads are so far up Trumps rear they can't see straight.
Vicki from Pasadena
Blogger Dave Begley said...
"Maybe the Melania-Doesn’t-Love-Donald mean speculation will stop, but I doubt it."
I think that ended when Melania appeared in court every day to support her husband during his porn star/hush money trial.
victoria said...
My last word, I am loving you, Inga. The right wing trolls are saying you're demented, i say you are thinking clearly, unlike the Trump trolls whose heads are so far up Trumps rear they can't see straight.
Vicki from Pasadena
Anyone else think this reeks of sock-puppetry?
The good news is the entire Secret Service is probably fully up to speed on their DEI "training".
And so, with Mutaman's appearance and the online conversation on the left, it appears the New Soviet Democraticals are really going to stick with: It was a false flag AND attacks on Melania.
I dont believe these newer hoaxes are going to fare very well.
“My last word, I am loving you, Inga. The right wing trolls are saying you're demented, i say you are thinking clearly, unlike the Trump trolls whose heads are so far up Trumps rear they can't see straight.”
Thanks Vicki,
I try to have pity on them because they are having a hard time breaking free of their cult, but sometimes ya just gotta release the Kracken!
@victoria: I am done with all you right wing trolls.
Jamie is about the farthest thing from a troll in the entire Althouse commentariat.
victoria said...
I am done with all you right wing trolls.
Vicki from Pasadena
You are a terrible person who encourages and apologizes for political violence.
Nobody cares what you think and there is no more space for you in polite society.
You are a part of a violent nasty totalitarian tribe who just tried to murder their political opponent.
Have fun in the political wilderness. Nobody likes you except for other terrible people.
Mutaman said...
Blogger Dave Begley said...
"Maybe the Melania-Doesn’t-Love-Donald mean speculation will stop, but I doubt it."
I think that ended when Melania appeared in court every day to support her husband during his porn star/hush money trial.
You mean the trial where every intelligent human being realized Trump never had sex with the porn star?
Even Ann realized Trump and Stormy never had sex. No porn start is going to black out during scary sex with Donald Trump. Her story was an obvious lie.
effinayright said...
victoria said...
My last word, I am loving you, Inga. The right wing trolls are saying you're demented, i say you are thinking clearly, unlike the Trump trolls whose heads are so far up Trumps rear they can't see straight.
Vicki from Pasadena
Anyone else think this reeks of sock-puppetry?
Just two people clinging to each other and they circle the bowl into irrelevance.
Everything imTay inway ermontVay writes about Crimea (and about me) in his 3:49pm comment is false. His remark about larger armies makes it sounds like Ukraine invaded Crimea and killed anyone who resisted - as Russia did and is still doing in Crimea, the Donbas, and three other oblasts. In fact, the short-lived 'Republic of Crimea' collapsed in 1994-95 because the elected president Meshkov didn't get along with the elected Crimean Parliament. They voted to reduce his powers, he abolished the parliament - that is, he made himself dictator of Crimea - and Ukraine intervened a few months later, arrested him without a shot fired and put him on a plane to Moscow. It was still the Autonomous Republic of Crimea after that - until the Russian coup d'etat of 2014. Wikipedia has the details under 'Republic of Crimea (1992-1995)'.
imTay's excuse for not arguing with me is transparent: he doesn't argue because he always loses. Here's an example from yesterday, where he claimed that Ukraine is running out of men, and he ran away without replying:
"The fact is that Russia is the one running out of soldiers. Some on Twitter keep an eye on Telegram in Russia looking for obituaries and where-is-my-missing-husband posts and copy them to Twitter, usually with translations. There are hundreds of new ones every day. Here's an example: a 57-year-old North Ossetian, who looks like he's 77, killed in Ukraine: link. Any country accepting soldiers as decrepit as that is absolutely desperate for soldiers. And he's not the oldest: some of the privates are 60-64 years old! They've also started sending female convicts to the front, having run out of male ones. (Yes, Ukraine is also recruiting soldiers, but not the hard-core criminals. Russia released at least two serial killer cannibals to serve at the front.)
"Many of the where-is-my-missing-husband reports are for soldiers who had only been in the army a week or two! There are also Russians complaining on social media that nine-tenths of their unit has been killed, that they were sent into battle after 3 days of training, that they have to drink water from ditches because the army can't supply them with bottled water, and that they're consequently getting cholera or typhus (50-60% fatal if untreated). There are pictures (posted by Russians) of wounded soldiers being sent back to the front on crutches, of soldiers being kept in open pits as prisoners for refusing to fight, and of soldiers going into battle on golf carts and scooters, because Russia is not only running out of soldiers, it's running out of armored vehicles and even unarmored trucks. They do have plenty of Chechens in 'blocking units' behind the front lines to shoot anyone who tries to run away."
Wrote it? I think not. Contributed to it, I think so.Not that she's not that eloquent, i think she probably is. I'm just not sure she cares about him enough to write so eloquently.
You never miss an opportunity to show your ass in public, do you?
Dr Weevil said...
Everything imTay inway ermontVay writes about Crimea (and about me) in his 3:49pm comment is false.
And Dr Weevil's source is the Regime that just tried to kill it's current political opponent.
The United States is the bad guy here. We pulled a coup in 2014 in Ukraine. We helped Western Ukraine political alliances attack the Eastern Ukrainians ever since. Dr Weevil supports ethnic cleansing.
Zelenesky ran a political campaign based on signing the Minsk accords. As soon as Zelensky won he reneged on his promise, started throwing political opponents in jail, and has cancelled elections.
He is just too possessed to admit that the people he listens too also produced the Russian Collusion hoax and started this war.
Achilles said...
" You mean the trial where every intelligent human being realized Trump never had sex with the porn star?
Even Ann realized Trump and Stormy never had sex. No porn start is going to black out during scary sex with Donald Trump. Her story was an obvious lie."
Well I do have to admit that when Mr Trump took the stand and testified under oath that he never had sex with the porn star while his wife was pregnant, and then paid the porn star off, and then filed phony business records, and then subjected himself to cross examination, I found that pretty convincing.
Or maybe I'm thinking of somebody else.
I am the one who said in the first thread of the day that I was glad Trump wasn’t killed.
Nobody believed you then. And nobody believes you now.
Mutaman said...
Well I do have to admit that when Mr Trump took the stand and testified under oath that he never had sex with the porn star while his wife was pregnant, and then paid the porn star off, and then filed phony business records, and then subjected himself to cross examination, I found that pretty convincing.
Or maybe I'm thinking of somebody else.
Or maybe when he showed the letter the porn star signed admitting she never had sex with Trump?
I know you don't have the courage to actually replay her testimony in court about the "sex". It was so obviously a lie that even you are embarrassed by it.
And it is instructive that you are still trying to justify the attempted assassination of Trump.
We know you think Trump is a terrible person and should be shot so he doesn't become president. We see you and we hear you.
I respect Inga for fighting back against the abuse she takes on this blog. I agree with almost nothing that she says, but she has as much right as anyone to share her opinion.
Lilly: "I agree with almost nothing that she says, but she has as much right as anyone to share her opinion."
I am unaware of anyone arguing Inga does not have the right to share her opinion.
Perhaps you could provide a link to any commenter doing that.
Thanks in advance.
she does remove all out, both of them
but we have seen how when cities burned and court houses were mortared, well they were silent or squirrel, then they went all out on delta house,, january 6th, same for the 13 dead at Abbey Gate, also the event of Ocrober 7th
pretend to care about covid, but celebrate fauci and cuomo and whitmer and evers, you don't fool anyone,
Lilly, a dog said...
I respect Inga for fighting back against the abuse she takes on this blog. I agree with almost nothing that she says, but she has as much right as anyone to share her opinion.
Inga has a right to lie and incite violence. Nobody wants her to stop. She is just showing everyone else who she really is.
I want all of the people that have called Trump a "threat to democracy" to speak up.
I don't want any of them behind me without my knowledge.
Write an open letter saying that my husband's enemies think he is an inhuman machine
So we see that the fundamental concept of Melania's letter was given to ChatGPT to build upon.
OK, I can't resist.
Dr Weevil admits now that Ukraine only annexed Crimea in 1995, and he provides the pretext that they used, but essentially, he and I said the same thing, just with different spin. If Crimea did not have the army to face up to Ukraine, and they simply folded, rather than have their country destroyed in a war they could not win, that is another way to look at it. Rather than Ukraine came in with guns blazing.
And the part about Ukraine "not firing a shot" when they annexed Crimea, is that significant? Because Russia also took over Crimea without firing a shot in 2014.
The point is that Ukraine could have accepted the deal, foregone joining a military bloc hostile to Russia, and kept their ACTUAL '92 borders intact, and even tried to make that deal, until NATO, which doesn't do a thing without calling Washington, killed the deal, and here we are years of war later, Ukraine a wreck, just like Mearsheimer predicted it would be in his prescient interview.
And here's Achilles at 5:04pm, telling more lies. I don't get any information from the Biden 'Regime' or from the Ukrainian government. I've repeatedly listed the accounts I follow on Twitter that provide masses of useful and generally trustworthy information about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Poor stupid Achilles thinks the Ukrainian 2014 peaceful uprising against their corrupt, brutal, and traitorous president was a 'coup', though the military had no role in it, but the Russian armed seizure of Crimea and the Russian invasion of the Donbas in the same year (done by Russian regulars in generic uniforms) were not coups. He also accuses Ukraine of ethnic cleansing when it is Russia that is beating people who speak Ukrainian in the occupied territories, destroying all Ukrainian books in the libraries, refusing medicine to people who do not turn in their Ukrainian passports for Russian ones, and drafting Ukrainians to fight against their fellow citizens. That's ethnic cleansing, and Achilles supports it. They also bomb, drone, and missile Ukrainian civilians in apartments, hospitals, schools every night of the week. Is there a war crime they haven't committed? If so, name it, Achilles. And stop lying, if you can.
Ah yes, Jamie the right wing troll. That description lands pretty wide of the mark.
so the questions are more in keeping why putin only was tempted to invade ukraine and reclaim crimea, which has been the subject of no less than 6 wars, under obama and biden,
2nd why is it our concern, from the people who abandoned Afghanistan, you have confidence in them I don't,
as to the first part of the Afghan embroglio, well after the Carter administration had dismissed Zia, the Soviets were encouraged,
General Ustinov was nearly as blinkered as Gerasimov, because they thought the current puppet,
was not obsrquious enough, and some 15 years later they hadn't learned anything with the Chechen intervention,
Vicki--you should stop for a moment and consider that you share the same view of Melania Trump as our own noted misogynist, rhhardin.
With the same depth of understanding.
Rhhardin demeans her because she is a woman. You demean her because she's married to a Republican.
Neither of you views her as a human being.
imTay inway ermontVay pretends that Crimea did not vote to join Ukraine when the USSR disbanded in 1991, and that Russia did not agree that Crimea was part of Ukraine then, and again in 1994 when they gave up their nukes. That is the main datum.
And Ukraine "could have accepted the deal"? Name a deal that Putin or his predecessors ever honored. Ukrainians remember what happened to Chechnya. They defeated the Russians in 1995, when Russia was bankrupt, signed a solemn agreement in which Russia accepted their independence, and two years later the Russians (with Western aid having restored their economy) reneged on the deal, invaded again, killed hundreds of thousands of them, destroyed most of Grozny, and utterly crushed Chechnya. Every single Chechen who signed the deal is dead. Deals with Russia are worthless.
But imTay thinks NATO are the bad guys.
I note that he has no reply to my evidence that Russia is in fact running out of troops. I could have added that they're recruiting Africans and other Third Worlders in large numbers and trying to get North Korea to send troops, too.
now the company in its infinite wisdom, chose to have the ISI pick who would get the bulk of money and supplies, and they gave it to the most anti American Anti Hindu factions, Hekmatyar,
Haqquani, Abdul Sayyaf, not Massoud, that did most of the fighting,
Victoria from Pasadena, I hope you will return to the blog after you take some time to cool down. I almost never agree with you but I always find that your comments provide valuable insight into how the left thinks.
Achilles said...
" Or maybe when he showed the letter the porn star signed admitting she never had sex with Trump?"
Did Sir Donald introduce that letter into evidence? In any event, unlike Sir Donald, Stormy testified and subjected herself to cross examination. And the jury believed her.
"Poor stupid Achilles'
Nuff said.
I’m so tired of the loveless biddies putting Melania down. This seems to be over half of the American female cohort.
Ladies, get over yourselves!!
"Ladies, get over yourselves!!"
Those aren't ladies.
claims conjured up by a tax cheat, and a hooker, yes thats legit,
Phillip Short's memoir on Putin, dispells much of the fictions that have arisen from Putin's rise, some of which he has encouraged,
I’ve asked myself before, who is more despicable- Vicki or Inga …. Vicki takes the prize as most disgusting and yes dispicable person I’ve ever encountered; with Inga and Chuck tied for a very close second
Mutaman ignores the fact that Trump's team were never allowed to submit evidence. The whole farce was a sham.
Mutaman: " In any event, unlike Sir Donald, Stormy testified and subjected herself to cross examination. And the jury believed her."
Precisely how Solzhenitsyn was convicted.
Its strange how our New Soviet Democraticals wear their corrupted courts and prosecutors and 100% dem "juries" as badges of honor.
Also, a professional writing it for her wouldn’t have said “that violent bullet.”
Use of a word that's almost -- but not quite -- correct, e.g., "recognized."
Sort of like when a German asks "You made that?" instead of "Did you do that?"
But in her defense, English is her fourth or fifth language.
Dr Weevil said...
And here's Achilles at 5:04pm, telling more lies. I don't get any information from the Biden 'Regime' or from the Ukrainian government. I've repeatedly listed the accounts I follow on Twitter that provide masses of useful and generally trustworthy information about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Poor stupid Achilles thinks the Ukrainian 2014 peaceful uprising against their corrupt, brutal, and traitorous president was a 'coup', though the military had no role in it, but the Russian armed seizure of Crimea and the Russian invasion of the Donbas in the same year (done by Russian regulars in generic uniforms) were not coups. He also accuses Ukraine of ethnic cleansing when it is Russia that is beating people who speak Ukrainian in the occupied territories, destroying all Ukrainian books in the libraries, refusing medicine to people who do not turn in their Ukrainian passports for Russian ones, and drafting Ukrainians to fight against their fellow citizens. That's ethnic cleansing, and Achilles supports it. They also bomb, drone, and missile Ukrainian civilians in apartments, hospitals, schools every night of the week. Is there a war crime they haven't committed? If so, name it, Achilles. And stop lying, if you can.
Everything you just said is only believed and parroted by the Biden Regime.
You are just a lying tool. Nobody cares about stupid people like you anymore.
Mutaman said...
Did Sir Donald introduce that letter into evidence? In any event, unlike Sir Donald, Stormy testified and subjected herself to cross examination. And the jury believed her.
"I was staring at the ceiling and didn't know how I got there," Daniels testified. "I was trying to think about anything other than what was happening there."
Of course Trump allegedly having sex with a porn star is also a perfectly valid reason to assassinate him.
So, Achilles, where do you get your information about Ukraine? Seriously, how did you conclude what you have concluded about Ukraine? Because the few times the Ukraine-haters on this site have actually quoted their sources, they turned out to be such 'reliable' sources as ZeroHedge and Kim DotCom. So tell me, where would I go to learn the things you 'know' about Ukraine?
Achilles said...
" You are just a lying tool. Nobody cares about stupid people like you anymore."
I realize its an incredibly low bar, but Achilles gets my vote for being the biggest moron posting on Althouse. Beats out Drago by half a length.
Michael K said...
"Mutaman ignores the fact that Trump's team were never allowed to submit evidence. The whole farce was a sham."
Link please. The Court "never allowed" Brave Sir Donald to testify?
Dr Weevil said...
So, Achilles, where do you get your information about Ukraine? Seriously, how did you conclude what you have concluded about Ukraine? Because the few times the Ukraine-haters on this site have actually quoted their sources, they turned out to be such 'reliable' sources as ZeroHedge and Kim DotCom. So tell me, where would I go to learn the things you 'know' about Ukraine?
Zerohedge is far more likely to be accurate than your regime sources. Greenwald, Taibbi, Owens, PBD, Rogan, Tucker and many people who are not necessarily journalists on substack are all sources. Douglas Macregor and Scott Ritter have been particularly informative as subject matter experts.
The USA clearly blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline and lied about it. They blew up the dam and the bridge. Our regime is a bunch of literal terrorists. They gave Zelensky cluster bombs. And Zelensky dropped them in Ukrainian territory. Eastern Ukraine of course because western ukrainians don't mind those blowing a kid in eastern ukraine in ten years. It is just grotesque.
The actions of the Western Ukrainians against Eastern Ukrainian are clear and well known. The people in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine hate the US.
This regime has lied about so many things over the last 10 years that it is hilarious to me when fools like you repeat their garbage. You are such a clown.
Nobody cares about your ignorant stupidity. Grow up.
After reading or skimming about 150 posts to this, I just want to add that I thought the AI version our host brought forward showed exactly how a person who was writing an assigned task would sound if their heart was not in it. It hit the points, but lacked the emotion, the humanness that Mrs. Trump's letter exhibited. It also had no issues like "ring"/wring or "recognized". But, of course, those who cannot see because they choose not to will not see.
Mutaman said...
Mutaman said...
Michael K said...
"Mutaman ignores the fact that Trump's team were never allowed to submit evidence. The whole farce was a sham."
Link please. The Court "never allowed" Brave Sir Donald to testify?
Trump was not allowed to have the FEC investigator testify that he did not think Trump committed a crime in this case.
You can't even tell us what law Trump was convicted of so you don't even know why this is important.
Watching a cretin like you drool all over yourself is boring.
The judge made a so many reversible errors that his most likely action is to pretend the Supreme Court gave Trump immunity so he can avoid the appeals process entirely.
None of it matters now though. You are completely irrelevant to the political future of the country. Trump is going to be president and voter ID requirements will be legislated. Without mail in voting Democrats will be down to 30ish senators.
Biden has made the democrat party irrelevant for a generation.
Hahahaha! Scott twice-convicted-pedophile Ritter is one of your sources?
And cluster bombs? The Russians have been using cluster bombs on soldiers and civilians all along, including killing dozens at a train station with one strike, and you complain that the Ukrainians use them on Russian soldiers? They do NOT use them on civilians.
One more time: I don't have any "regime sources", and I have complete contempt for most of what the Biden regime is doing in Ukraine, specifically telling them how much we support them and then only supporting them just enough to keep them from losing, but not allowing them to win. For instance, not letting them hit the airfields from which the bombers take off every night to hit civilian targets is insane. Last Monday they destroyed three hospitals and killed 30+ people. That is a fact, and I didn't get it from the Biden or Zelenskyy administrations.
Again, no one except the perpetrators knows who blew up the NordStream pipeline, and anyone who's not a moron knows that it was the Russians who blew up the Nova Kakhovka dam. One more time for those who weren't listening the last three times I explained this here: (a) the battalion that did it bragged about it on social media for the first hour, with video, but then started to deny it when they realized they were drowning Russian soldiers downstream; (b) the dam was designed to withstand a nuclear blast, and could only be destroyed by charges placed at specific key points in tunnels underneath it, which could only be done by whoever controlled the area, which was the Russians; and (c) Russian television commentators are right now eagerly urging Putin to blow up the dam north of Kyiv and drown the city, which shows which side thinks blowing up dams is a good thing. When you say the US did it, you are demonstrating your utter ignorance and gullibility - to put it as nicely as possible.
The actions of the "Western Ukrainians" are "clear and well known" Russian lies that too many fools believe. The people in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea in fact hate the Russians and do everything they can to defeat them by sabotage or sending in coordinates of targets, or to escape from them. You know nothing.
Achilles said...
"Trump was not allowed to have the FEC investigator testify that he did not think Trump committed a crime in this case."
Wrong again, Sparky.
Smith was being paid $1,200. per hour by Trump to testify, and Smith has twice been barred by federal judges from testifying as a defense expert.
CLAIM: New York Judge Juan M. Merchan wouldn't let the defense call campaign finance expert Bradley A. Smith to testify in former President Donald Trump's hush money trial.
THE FACTS: Merchan did not bar Smith from testifying. Trump's legal team chose to not call on him after the judge on Monday declined to broaden the scope of questioning the defense could pursue. The ruling echoed his pretrial ruling on the matter. Social media users misrepresented Merchan's ruling, repeating a statement Trump made that Smith, a law professor and former Republican member of the Federal Election Commission, was not being allowed to take the stand.
By the way, the partisan movement in Crimea and the rest of occupied Ukraine is called Atesh, which is the Crimean Tatar word for "fire". They provide a lot of pictures of damage after Ukrainian strikes on military targets there, some of them from fairly close up. If you followed my recommended sources, you would already know that.
I thought the AI version our host brought forward showed exactly how a person who was writing an assigned task would sound if their heart was not in it. It hit the points, but lacked the emotion, the humanness that Mrs. Trump's letter exhibited.
My opinion exactly. And I think that's why our host performed the exercise.
And several have missed that point, but to be fair, they have given every indication that they view Melania Trump - presumably as they view ChatGPT - as a construct without real intelligence, agency, or a moral code, so I suppose it's not surprising.
I also hope inga, Vicki, Mutaman, and the rest will drink some tea or something, get a good night's rest or two, and return here to keep the conversation going. I've been on this blog for almost the entire two decades it's been around and I have said some things here that I've regretted - and I've apologized for them when it's happened - but the thing about this commentariat is that it's the most open and interesting place I've found since the Internet was in diapers.
I didn't regret a thing I've said today, though. Vicki, you were being an insufferable fool. Stop doing that. You can do better.
Jamie said...
" My husband and I don't wear wedding rings. We don't touch in public."
No matter how you feel about public displays of affection, I suspect that if your husband was the defendant in a criminal trial, you, like most spouses, would how up in court to support him.
Dr Weevil said...
Hahahaha! Scott twice-convicted-pedophile Ritter is one of your sources?
Scott Ritter is a pedophile just like Trump is a felon. The guy is a 20+ year marine and an infinitely better human being than you are.
You are really just competing with Kamala in the deep throat contest.
Watch that film pretty close several times. She's grabbing pieces of his head lying on the trunk.
Mutaman said...
CLAIM: New York Judge Juan M. Merchan wouldn't let the defense call campaign finance expert Bradley A. Smith to testify in former President Donald Trump's hush money trial.
THE FACTS: Merchan did not bar Smith from testifying. Trump's legal team chose to not call on him after the judge on Monday declined to broaden the scope of questioning the defense could pursue. The ruling echoed his pretrial ruling on the matter. Social media users misrepresented Merchan's ruling, repeating a statement Trump made that Smith, a law professor and former Republican member of the Federal Election Commission, was not being allowed to take the stand.
Merchan refused to allow Smith to testify that he did not believe Trump violated the law.
"the judge declined to broaden the scope of questioning the defense could pursue." I put it there in crayon for you.
So yes Merchan would not let Smith testify that he did not believe Trump broke election finance laws.
But Merchan did let Cohen state he believed Trump broke election finance laws. Cohen was also caught lying on the stand in the trial and clearly was not an expert in election law.
This is an obviously reversible error.
But given how stupid you are it is easy to see why you think this makes assassinating Trump OK.
Achilles said...
"But Merchan did let Cohen state he believed Trump broke election finance laws."
Link please.
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