July 14, 2024

Dashboard sunrise.


At 5:10 this morning, a strong thunderstorm was about to hit, and I stayed in the car.

I know Biden just gave an Oval Office speech, but I don't feel like making a separate post about it. "We need to get out of our silos," he said. Talk about that or anything else you want. I'm signing off for the night.


Quaestor said...

Even Biden's metaphors are demented nonsense.

Original Mike said...

Looks like a UFO who's cloaking device is on the fritz.

Original Mike said...

"At 5:10 this morning, a strong thunderstorm was about to hit, and I stayed in the car."

Yesterday we got hit with a windstorm/downpour 3/4 of a mile from our house up north. Branches blowing in the wind. T-shirt and shorts. Absolutely soaked. Grit your teeth and keep walking…

rehajm said...

I suspect what the people who wrote that for him meant: Stop normalizing Trump and focusing on my cognitive decline. I’m not going anywhere because my people tell I will ‘win’ in December…November…when the thing…

imTay said...

Althouse calls a lid.

Eva Marie said...

This is President Trump returning last night. Level of coolness (or hotness) is off the charts.


Original Mike said...

And now there's a third address, this one from the Oval Office? I guess Biden is feeling guilty for egging on his supporters.

Could Biden bring himself to show Trump the respect of calling him 'President Trump' in the new one? I've listened to him twice now and he can't bring himself to do it.

President Clinton's statement refers to the attack on 'President Trump'.
President Bush's statement refers to the attack on 'President Trump'.
President Obama's statement refers to the attack on 'President Trump'.
President Biden's statement refers to the attack on 'Donald'.

Quaestor said...

The most generous interpretation I can provide has the Democrats and Trump as two nuclear powers at a strategic deadlock, a mutually assured destruction scenario. Besides being needless apocalyptic, the comparison is utterly lopsided. Biden commands all the power of the federal state -- judicial, regulatory, security, military, monetary -- the lot. Trump has only the power of his personal oratory. He has virtually no voice but his own. Whereas Biden's handlers command literally dozens of newspapers, news channels, and online platforms that will slavishly repeat any soundbite or meme the DNC invents. The real comparison is not two nuclear powers in opposition; it's a global nuclear power versus Lichtenstein. Biden offers to discard his pistol in exchange for Trump throwing his to the ground, but Biden is intends to keep his tank.

gilbar said...

Bob Marshall (i think), asked this in an earlier post..
With four counter-sniper teams available, how was that roof left open to the shooter?

Here's MY serious Question of the Day: HOW could the shooter have Imagined that the roof would be open?
Seriously, he climbed up there with a rifle and ammo.. HOW could he have NOT thought there'd be police up there? it's Not like he climbed up, saw the coast was clear, climbed down..
got his gun, and climbed BACK UP.. NOPE! he walked on in (apparently while being observed)..
HOW did he think THAT was going to work? Did they tell him? if NOT.. HOW???

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Althouse said this morning: “My conscience is clear. I experienced horror and disbelief, and I did not want to lose Trump.”

Ditto. Earlier today I heard a song by 311 and thought, it’s good that Trump is going to be here awhile, he’s not going anywhere.

Neither is Chuck, by the way. Chuck ain’t going anywhere.

Breezy said...

It’s hard to believe anything that Biden says, and I don’t.

Original Mike said...

"It’s hard to believe anything that Biden says, and I don’t."

It's going to be impossible for half the country to believe anything the FBI says. They're the people who tried to pin false treason charges on him.

Quaestor said...


tommyesq said...

I heard the news and my first thought was "of course, I have been expecting this." Now Dems are being praised for holding off on the Hitler comparisons for a few days and for not wishing the shooter had been successful. Nice job over the past decade or so, fucking Dems.

Skeptical Voter said...

And oh by the way! . . . . Anyway.

Humperdink said...

I do not trust anything this administration says. Heck every month they revise the previously reported economic numbers downward. Every. Month.

Quaestor said...

Trump rhetoric vs Biden rhetoric.

Joe Smith said...

Going to throw a bunch at you at once as I typed these 'thoughts' over the past day or so...


When Trump is elected, they’ll need to expand the White House and get a larger Air Force 1.

Trump’s balls are too fucking big to fit in either…


At least we dodged a president Hillary or Michelle.


Black and Hispanic men will vote for Trump in droves.

They will choose the strong horse…


This cop should resign. At the least he could have fired his weapon in the air and Trump would have been covered.

Remember, cops sign up for this. They're not drafted.



Biden’s address tonight will be taped.

It will be broadcast while he’s sleeping in his big boy bed.

effinayright said...

Video of people spotting the perp before he had a c hance to take a shot.


The DEI head of the Secret Service needs to resign TONIGHT.

And then commit seppuku with a rusty clam knife.

Mason G said...

"I know Biden just gave an Oval Office speech..."

BFD. Biden says what he's told to say. If he takes questions, he calls on who he's told to and provides the response he's been given.

And the seals clap.

imTay said...

I can't imagine the mood I would be in right this minute if Trump hadn't turned his head at the exact instant that he did.

You know Trump had to have imagined this as a possibility, and he had to have had some kind of plan as to how he would act, but so what? He did it within seconds of having his ear shot off, completely unexpectedly. That is fucking courage, and all of the lies and slanders and calumnies and whatever else you want to call them, that have been aimed at Trump will never erase that image.

Dave Begley said...

What a pathetic and anodyne address by Biden. Insincere.

1. He should have pardoned Trump.

2. He should have fired the Head of the Secret Service. In the Navy, a captain is fired if she grounds a ship. The Head of the Secret Service ran the ship right up on shore and crashed through the dock.

Rabel said...

Biden could pardon all the non-violent J6'ers, call it an act of reconciliation, compare himself to Lincoln, and as a result get a measurable boost in the polls.

That would of course be his sole motivation.

But it would be a good thing on net.

mezzrow said...

I enjoy listening to Sasha. I hope you will as well. Not gated.

Oh, the Inhumanity

Rabel said...

I'm trying to maintain a positive state of mind.

Wa St Blogger said...

Our commenters on the left (and the self-proclaimed LLRs) need to do some serious re-evaluation of their reality, at least those who believe that they are fair-minded and rational (I have my doubts about all of them.) But, in the odd case that one IS, in fact, a rational and level-headed person, challenge your initial premise, fed to you by people who lie for a living. And that is your second premise. That the information you receive is factual and accurate.

You see, I have stated many times, that the media and the left have been wrong about every single major social and political issue over probably the last 20 years (or longer). I have listed out many examples. I have asked for rebuttals to counter my claims. I have received none.

What you believe about Trump is entirely false, because what you have been told has been provably false. Every. Single. Thing.

And yet. When the NEXT story comes out, after the last one gets debunked, you believe it with all verve and enthusiasm as if THIS story is the true and unvarnished truth. But it too is a lie, fed to you because you are gullible and willing to believe what you want to be true.

The political landscape is crap because of you because you are the audience who drives the ratings that encourage these agencies to lie. You own this. Every single bit. It enervates you and motivates you to action, and you don't care because you want it to be true, and even if it isn't, it's still a good thing. A good thing to demonize innocent people, to malign, and "other" people you want to hate, because hate is in your heart.

A father of 2 is dead and you don't care because he was not worthy of your compassion. You may say platitudes, but deep down you think he deserves it for supporting Hitler. But there is no Hitler. He is a fabrication of the media, and there is no evidence, only innuendo that you want to believe.

But, if you are fair minded and rational, you will look at your self and see how you, by nodding your head in approval of that which you know to be untrue perpetuates more untruth. You wanted deception because it hurt the right people. And that is on you. You have no integrity. You only want to win. But in reality we all lose. Are you willing to see that or are you still willing to sacrifice your fellow countrymen to forge a utopia that eludes you like the pot o gold at the end of the rainbow.

Evil in the pursuit of good is no virtue.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

gilbar said...

Here's MY serious Question of the Day: HOW could the shooter have Imagined that the roof would be open?
Seriously, he climbed up there with a rifle and ammo.. HOW could he have NOT thought there'd be police up there? it's Not like he climbed up, saw the coast was clear, climbed down..
got his gun, and climbed BACK UP.. NOPE! he walked on in (apparently while being observed)..
HOW did he think THAT was going to work? Did they tell him? if NOT.. HOW???

Bigger question is why was the rooftop not manned by USSS or Local Sherriff/PD/PA State Police?

Sebastian said...

"We need to get out of our silos"

Progs like their silos just fine. Don't wanna be mugged by reality.

Anyway, so far we get from the left:

1. Regret: Too bad the killer missed.
2. Conspiracy: The shooting was staged.
3. Just deserts: Trump had it coming ("stalked") with his violent rhetoric.
4. Tu quoque: Republicans use violent rhetoric too/more, so they are really to blame.
5. Deflection: When Dem targets get hit, let's blame the right; when a GOP target gets hit, let's call for unity and "condemn violence."
6. Crocodile tears: Sure, we called Trump an existential threat that had to be "eliminated," but we just meant by ballots, not bullets, honest, it's terrible what happened, terrible.

FullMoon said...

a St Blogger said...

"........ Our commenters on the left (and the self-proclaimed LLRs) need to do some serious re-evaluation of their reality,
You see, I have stated many times, that the media and the left have been wrong about ever
What you believe about Trump is entirely false, because what you have been told has been provably false. Every. Single. Thing.

And yet. When the NEXT story comes out, after the last one gets debunked, you believe it with all verve and enthusiasm as if THIS story is the true and unvarnished truth. But it too is a lie, fed to you because you are gullible and willing to believe what you want to be true".

Example: "pedo Trump is trending on X"
Posted many times this week by a long time Trump hater.

Eva Marie said...

via CFP
Trump arrives in Milwaukee:

Lance said...

"In America, we resolve our differences at the battle box." (Looks surprised at what he just said.)

NKP said...

I just remembered; today is Bastille Day. Free the J-6 !!!

WK said...

Quote from an online article: Biden said, “I urge everyone -- everyone, please, don’t make assumptions about his motives or his affiliations.”

I don’t think about his motives. What/who were his motivations?

Jamie said...

So, we had a couple of zucchini and a couple of summer squash in the fridge that were more than a week old before Beryl and made it through the hurricane power outage but were getting a little.... eh. We were grilling steak tonight, but these squash seemed a little questionable for grilling - potentially too soft.

What it turns out they were great for was a zucchini-feta pie. Like a crustless quiche - the recipe called for 1/4 cup of breadcrumbs but I don't think they were necessary, for those avoiding gluten. Mmmmmm!

Quaestor said...

The smoking gun.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

mezzrow thanks for linking that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Another smoking gun

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Agree with Lem.. Excellent link, Mezzrow.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The shooting is a political mixed bag for Biden. While his withdrawal from the race is no longer the obsession of the moment, his number one campaign topic, bad orange hair man, has been snatched away from him.

Right now it’s truly Trumps election to win or lose.

I can’t help think, maybe fantasise, that coming so close to death could change Trump for the better.

The invitation to Nicki Haley to speak at the convention could be a sign that maybe we’re going to have an easier softer Trump from now on.

effinayright said...

We can all agree there was one good thing coming out of this shooting:

Hillary, Michelle and Gavin are all going to be crying themselves to sleep into their pillows tonight, as NO ONE will want to be the Sacrificial Lamb to challenge Trump once Joe goes drooling into the sunset.

Trump's gonna win in November--IF the Left doesn't try again to kill him.

(and never mind that this will be just another night for Secretary Pete as he bites his well-chewed pillow for the thousandth time)

Iman said...



—- Wu (Deadwood)

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I don’t know if anyone has mentioned it. There’s a Go Fund Me for the surviving family of the firefighter who was killed at Trump’s rally. Just letting you all know.

effinayright said...

The NYT front page edited out the American flag behind Trump in the pic where he urges his supporters to "Fight!"

Inga? Vicki? Mutaman? Readering? Freder? Cook? Rich? Left Back on the Charles?

(I left out Chuck because he's still in Full Tantrum-mode, stamping his feet and spitting up over being dissed here.)

Are you down with that? Falsifying a historical event? It's EXACTLY like Stalin-era photos airbrushing inconveeeenient details from photos.

"The newspaper of record"...my rosy red ASS!!!!

TickTock said...

A very different Big Boy.

Watched the largest operating steam engine - the Big Boy - as it traversed Donner Summit near Springs bridge this evening with my son and 4 year old grandson. From 3 &1/2 half feet from the track, it was incredibly loud and an awe inspiring mountain of moving metal. Probably too close as we were all blasted by steam, fortunately not scalding. That is what a real Big Boy looks like.

Original Mike said...

I've been binge watching the first season of The Lazarus Project. Big Boy, a stolen nuclear bomb, went off in tonight's episode.

planetgeo said...

Biden's speech was classic civility bullshit. Completely unbelievable. "We are not enemies. We are neighbors." Really? So how come you keep calling your neighbors "literally Hitler","evil," and "a danger to our democracy"? Not to mention actually shooting at them at many different venues.

And as for this asserted "danger to democracy," please list all the things that he actually did in 4 years as President that were dictatorial or a danger to democracy. For example, did he:
- exhort or threaten big tech to eliminate the views of those who disagree with him?
- sic the intelligence agencies to trump up false dossiers and narratives against his political enemies?
- mobilize the DOJ and numerous local district attorneys to use lawfare to persecute and financial ruin his political enemies?
- send the FBI to roust and intimidate his political enemies with midnight armed raids?

No, Inga, Chuck, Rich, Gadfly...Trump did none of those things. But Biden and the Democrats have, and they continue to do it now. It's YOUR team that's the danger to democracy and acting fascist. NOBODY believes your faux piety and self-asserted adult virtue.

Achilles said...

Corey Comperatore was killed in the democrat party's efforts to kill their political opponents.

They didn't kill the person they wanted to kill.

But they still managed to kill a good man who was shielding his daughter and his wife.

We are up against Wickedness and Evil.

Crazy World said...

Agree with thank you Mezzrow, excellent!!

wendybar said...

And yet, they still wonder where all these conspiracy theories come from??....


OUTRAGEOUS: Newly surfaced video shows numerous rally-goers pointing out Trump's would-be assassin well before he opened fire


wendybar said...

Roseanne Barr
I was waiting for them to blame us for this too. The gaslight war is over: these people have no power left. Chinese spy fornicator and fellow pant shitter Swalwell is purposely ignoring an act blue donation and open primaries where Dems were urged to register as republicans to hurt Trump in the primaries.

These people are evil.

Rep. Eric Swalwell
I don’t know why a Republican would try and kill his party’s own nominee with an assault rifle. But it’s wrong.

Violence has never been the answer.
Violence is not the answer.
Violence will never be the answer.

wendybar said...

Who knew the Uvalde police department was in Pennsylvania??


Kate said...

What local officer climbed the ladder, confronted the assassin, and retreated when threatened? How do you not come back up shooting?

Kate said...

Ah, lol. We're all seeing the latest news.

wendybar said...

You think the crazy left is going to stop?? This week will be lit. Let's see how good security really is, and if these brown shirts get away with the shit they ALWAYS get away with.


wendybar said...

"They burnin' the country down with their progressiveness
It started with changing what gender is
Then graduated to you’re racist if you think that your life matters and your skin don’t have melanin

Twitter is angry that Trump isn’t dead, you know who got shot? Innocent people
Thought y’all were tolerant? Thought we were equals? I thought you valued how everyone feels?

Thank God the left can’t aim
Thank God the right don’t riot
Welcome to the home of the brave
Freedom ain’t afraid of violence
You wish he was dying" - https://genius.com/Tom-macdonald-you-missed-lyrics


Andrew said...

Beautiful, but ominous photo, Ann.

But did you realize what you’ve captured?

If you look closely into the horizon, you’ll see…


wendybar said...

Hmmmmmm....craziness, or evil?? You decide.


wendybar said...

"Now then. What is an insurrection?

Simply put, an insurrection is the lawless takeover of a country’s government; successful insurrections are usually accomplished by both inside and outside participants, usually placed in all branches of government, with outside support from subsets of the news media, popular culture, or the elites.

Why does the government of the United States no longer serve the American people or follow the clear dictates of the Constitution? Because there has indeed been an insurrection over the years -- led, managed, and perpetuated by the Left."


imTay said...

"The invitation to Nicki Haley to speak at the convention could be a sign that maybe we’re going to have an easier softer Trump from now on"

Or that he is making some kind of truce with the neocons.

imTay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
imTay said...

I am going golfing with a couple of Trump haters this morning. I really hope they don't say the wrong thing. I am not sure that I am in a forgiving mood.

imTay said...

That "Another Smoking Gun" link is satire, BTW. Not that they haven't done stuff like that, look at what they are doing to Giuliani for acting as Trump's lawyer during the impeachment. But it's not an actual quote.

Christopher B said...

Some thoughts on that police officer's actions ...

It's been fairly widely reported that he had to use both hands to climb the ladder and hoist himself to the roof. He didn't have a free hand to brandish a weapon in response to the threat.

Starting a shootout appears to me to be a risky move. If his hands weren't free he likely couldn't key a radio. Shots fired before alerting other security could turn the officer into a target in the resulting confusion. Firing 'warning shots into the air', similar to the rightly derided suggestions that officers be required to 'shot to wound', seems especially ill-advised. No weapon should be discharged without a clear sight picture including what might be hit beyond the intended target. Any gunfire could spark a panic in the rally crowd.

Reporting the presence of the shooter seems to be the reasonable course of action. How that communication happened between the local police and Trump's Secret Service detail does deserve to be investigated.

rehajm said...

How’s the replacement theory going? Are the Biden buyout negotiations starting back up today? Can the mocking begin? Oh wait- looks like I was wrong! They didn’t wait until August to clamp down on their camp…

It would be unpatriotic and unprincipled to direct energy to anything other than yesterday's national tragedy over the coming days. The only conversation about President Biden should be about how he can console our country, address the anger, and meet the moment.

A) Never let a crisis and all…and 2: something something patriotism is the last resort of scoundrels.

rehajm said...

I see one of the talking points yesterday from Democrat underlings was concern for their own safety. They don’t have to worry…

imTay said...

Google "Trump is a coward" and see how often that has been repeated by everybody from Biden to Chris Christie. Well, that particular trope is buried now.

What a gift to have been given a global stage to demonstrate your physical courage and grace under pressure. Not worth the risk, of course, but now that that is over and it's OK. What a gift.

imTay said...

"The only conversation about President Biden should be about how he can console our country, address the anger, and meet the moment..."

Everybody has been fighting over the baton, and suddenly it's worthless, the race is now hopelessly lost, and everybody wanders away.

But the people behind Biden, and Nikki Haley, they don't give up, ever, not until the final war is fought. Eventually, they will get him.

Captain BillieBob said...

I keep hearing that the protocol for the SS is not to fire first or fire until fired upon. But why couldn't the sniper put a round or two or more into the roof to suppress the shooter? Any ex military know why?

Captain BillieBob said...

The Biden Titanic


Tregonsee said...

My first response was that space aliens were invading Madison, but then I realized that nobody would notice anything different. :)

Humperdink said...

Comments prior to the shooting:

"(Peter)Thiel, who was in the audience at the panel, spoke up and sarcastically thanked thanked Hoffman for putting money behind lawsuits against Trump, saying that the legal action had turned the 45th president into “martyr.”

“Yeah, I wish I had made him an actual martyr,” (Reid)Hoffman reportedly replied.

After the shooting Hoffman tried to walk his comments back, but an aide to Hoffman had different thoughts:

"A top Hoffman advisor, Dmitri Mehlhorn .... While he (Mehlhorn) raised the prospect that a “crazy anti-Trumper” might have shot at the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee, Mehlhorn was reportedly more invested in the “staged” theory.

(^^^^ NYPost)

Humperdink said...

President Trump was interviewed by Michael Goodwin (NY Post) on his flight to Milwaukee. A very good article.


Aggie said...

I realize this is all MM Quarterbacking, but I would have thought, if a cop saw a shooter on the roof, but wasn't in a position to shoot him because it couldn't be managed on the ladder, that he could have shot into the ground to produce the sound of gunfire, as an alert to the SS. Given that Trump was on stage speaking, that would have keyed everything.

Where were the drones? If there was a smaller drone available, it could buzz the shooter like a hornet, distracting him and, again, drawing attention.

Appears to be a Cluster-F*ck of the first order. There's a video out there showing Trump being hustled into the Beast. 4 or 5 tall, lean-looking male wolf types, and three short, very young females, that latter struggling to find their holster with their weapon, fumbling with their sunglasses, and looking generally like the Keystone Kops, 2024 version. But hey ! DEI!

I'm amazed that an unidentified man in prone position, on a rooftop, aiming a rifle at a Presidential candidate is not cause for immediate action, with questions later, if possible. I don't fully believe that a SS agent would have to forbear shooting proactively in that situation.

Humperdink said...

I just watched clip of ABC news George Snafflegagus and Martha Raddatz blaming Trump for inciting the violence in the political arena. Just makes me ill to listen to the lies and deflection.

rehajm said...

Suppression fire? Yuk. How about moving the asset? They’ve done it before. Only takes a second or two…

Humperdink said...

If one looks at the variety photos one could see an elevated water tank beside the shooters location. It was obviously not manned by any of the security personnel. Additionally, the shooter's building is the one nearest the stage.

I need new conspiracy theories as my old ones are coming true.

Lucien said...

BTW, there were many people taking pictures of Trump just after the shooting. Just because someone posts a picture that doesn’t show the flag over Trump’s shoulder, that doesn’t mean it’s been cropped out. It can just be a different photo from a different angle.

Lucien said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

The Evan Vucci Trump defiant photo takedown was…taken down. Sounds about right…

imTay said...

"I know that just a couple of days ago in Detroit I called Putin a "butcher" and lied and said that Trump said he was "wonderful," basically calling Trump a butcher too, but I don't get why that might motivate somebody to try to kill him!" - Joe Biden

You know how you know that that is not an actual Biden quote? Too complex of a thought, and too much awareness about how events are actually connected.

Quaestor said...

Aggie writes, "I realize this is all MM Quarterbacking, but I would have thought, if a cop saw a shooter on the roof, but wasn't in a position to shoot him because it couldn't be managed on the ladder, that he could have shot into the ground to produce the sound of gunfire, as an alert to the SS..."

(1) I sincerely doubt the officer even had time to draw his weapon before Crooks fired at President Trump.

(2) Firing warning shots for any reason is not part of modern police training. In extremis, everyone's behavior reverts to habit, stereotype, and muscle memory, which could be summarized (inaccurately) as instinct. Creating the most effective instincts is the entire goal of combat training, whether in a military or a LE context.

(3) The sound of gunfire is a poor medium to convey a warning. Because of reverberation, transonic shockwave effects (e.g. the so-called sonic boom), the fundamental social psychology of threat response, firing a shot to draw attention to an imminent danger is as likely to further confuse and delay effective action as to clarify the situation and hasten a decisive response, probably more likely to confuse and delay than any positive outcome.

Leland said...

Whatever the RoE, the answer is not a warning shot. This isn’t a war zone, so suppression fire doesn’t make sense. You use suppression fire because you don’t care if you hit something or not. Law enforcement shoot to put down threats, not suppress them. Either they fire to hit the target (they might miss) or they don’t fire.

On the other hand, Presidential details are known as the people with the ear piece listening to coordinated instructions. Why wasn’t the threat called out and Trump covered? The counter-sniper team saw the shooter before anyone fired. It is a two person team with a spotter and shooter, so they are communicating with each other. Is there no communication with others?

Also, let’s not forget the big question asked but not yet answered, why were those buildings not secured? Was it a lack of personnel? Did someone miss the obvious vulnerability that a rando 20 year old recognized? If an officer got to the shooter before the shot, why didn’t the officer get there before the shooter climbed the roof? Climbing a roof of an unknown building with a rifle that easy to do in a secure zone?

Let’s no argue over who should have shot first. The USSS were acting behind events from the start and that shouldn’t be.

Quaestor said...

Regarding police training: In a situation where a LEO is confronted by an armed attacker with his weapon poised to fire the officer is trained to take cover first if possible. Those fast-draw situations presented in the Justfied series are fiction, just as they were in Hollywood versions of the Old West. One can find old training films of FBI agents rehearsing their fast-draw hip-shooting, but these are outdated. Modern training acknowledges that paper silhouettes don't shoot back and that no holster draw can beat a bullet. Take cover first, unless the LEO's weapon is in the ready position beforehand, that's what they practice today. Consequently, the local cop did his duty as he had been taught.

Rusty said...

One hundred some odd miles south of Madison. At dusk the front started to move in. The cloud looked like the cloud from ,"Independence Day" but without the giant space ship. A couple of hours later the tornado sirens went off. My wife is trying to get me to go to the basement, but I didn't hear any wind. So I did what any man would do in that situation. I went outside.
If anything it was warmer not colder. The light show was fantastic.

Humperdink said...

Watching the Secret Service pony-tailed brigade protecting the SUV while Trump was being loaded was laughable. Make that excruciating. One chick couldn't re-holster her weapon, another had to adjust her jacket.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A leftist patsy shot and killed a Trump supporter.

Media 100% silent.

Humperdink said...

FIB director Christopher Wray has released his prepared remarks for his upcoming news conference: "I have nothing to say as it's an ongoing investigation".

Ralph L said...

It looked like the bleachers blocked most of the roof's line of sight to the podium. Could the podium have been moved forward at the last minute, and no one noticed its new vulnerability? That's the best excuse I can come up with, but the lack of communication and/or delayed protective reaction seem inexcusable at this point.

wendybar said...

MSDNC pulled Morning Joe because they are afraid of the backlash they will receive for crying that Trump didn't get assassinated....(what other excuse is there??)

"The decision by MSNBC to leave one of its most recognizable programs on the sidelines amid a seismic politics-driven news cycle, with the Republican National Convention getting underway in the wake of the Saturday shooting at Trump’s campaign rally, is expected to raise eyebrows.

A person familiar with the matter told CNN that the decision was made to avoid a scenario in which one of the show’s stable of two dozen-plus guests might make an inappropriate comment on live television that could be used to assail the program and network as a whole.

Given the fast-paced nature of the story, the person said, it made more sense to continue airing rolling breaking news coverage in the fraught political moment."


Leland said...

A leftist patsy shot and killed a Trump supporter.

Media 100% silent.

I avoid media news like others avoid covid. I was watching some other show last night when the media jumped in to show Biden "speaking from the Oval Office". Both Biden and the media interruption noted Corey Comperatore being shot and killed, as Althouse did here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leland - well that is good. I have yet to see or hear about it.

FullMoon said...

Lucien said...

BTW, there were many people taking pictures of Trump just after the shooting. Just because someone posts a picture that doesn’t show the flag over Trump’s shoulder, that doesn’t mean it’s been cropped out. It can just be a different photo from a different angle.

7/15/24, 6:48 AM

There are side by side photos of NY Post and NYT front page.
NYT seems to be second in a series by same photographer.
The SS agent on Trumps right is in a different position.

FullMoon said...

However, NYT chose to use the one without a flag..intentionally

RigelDog said...

Sweet photo! Crop out the top third, with the reflection, and the resulting moody, beautifully composed landscape is a study in muted darkness. I'd buy it if it were a print!