July 16, 2024

"Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security To Allow An Assassination Attempt."

Writes Sean Davis in The Federalist.

Very strong words. Read the whole thing. Excerpt:

They deliberately starved Trump’s security team of the resources it needed. And they did it repeatedly, over many weeks and months. With Trump’s security detail understaffed, under-resourced, and stretched to its limits, Biden’s security regime reportedly diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area.

Biden’s security regime then ordered the most obvious assassination perch in the entire area to remain outside the main security perimeter. Furthermore, Biden’s Secret Service director ordered law enforcement and counter-snipers OFF the roof the assassin used....

And even as snipers on the roof near Trump saw a gunman on the other roof, Biden’s security regime refused to have agents immediately surround Trump or remove him from the stage to protect him from being shot.

Given the lies and nonsense from both Biden’s Department of Homeland Security secretary and his Secret Service director, it’s increasingly difficult to believe this was just a series of independent mistakes (Secret Service director Kim Cheatle at one point this week claimed snipers couldn’t be on the roof because it was sloped and they might fall and hurt themselves). In contrast, when you look at the entire picture, what you see better resembles a deliberate plan to make Trump vulnerable but to appear at first glance to be just a couple of innocent mistakes....


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Yancey Ward said...

I definitely believe the Mayorkas, Cheatle, and whoever has his hand up Biden's ass operating him shorted Trump on the agents needed to run a campaign rally. I think it was done to make Trump spend money on the security he is supposed to have by law and I think they would not have been unhappy at all to have Trump assassinated because of the shorting of resources.

Bob Boyd said...

Even if they'd done all those things to create a hole in Trump's security, no outsider, no random assassin would have had any knowledge of it.
This kid, acting on his own could not have been encouraged to act by the security weaknesses because he couldn't have known about them...unless somebody told him.
The security weaknesses didn't create the assassin. If they were created, they were created for an assassin.

Achilles said...


imTay said...

"Yes- there needs to be full publicly open investigation into why that roof was open to the shooter. "

So you are for limiting the scope of the investigation then to just that, not why the SS was starved for resources in guarding Trump. The roof thing was just one thing. Why was the perimeter set so small that it didn't include the roof, easy sniper range? Resources. Well who controlled the resources? Joe Biden, who has a strong interest in Trump being eliminated from the political scene.

He would be happy to lose to Marc Rubio or Nikki Haley, BTW.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I really think people still don't understand the power of psychological conditioning. This isn't some movie where foreign spy establishes a telepathic link with the assassin by playing "Relax" in Zoolander and then WHAMMO they're killing the Malaysian prime minister. It's something that takes years of repetitive fear and consistent messaging. It also requires the creation of a sense of community that will support and reward adherence to the message, and that community can be real or imaginary.

You've got the MSM saying Trump is hitler 24/7. Movie stars are saying Trump is hitler 24/7. Idiots that shall remain nameless on this blog are comparing Trump to hitler 24/7.

And before you know it you've got not 1 but hundreds of people willing to kill congressman Leo Ryan and his entourage and drink cyanide laced kool-aid because Jim Jones says the US special forces are about to drop into Jonestown, Guyana.

Get the picture? THAT is how psychological influence operations work, and the one they've been running against Trump has been going on for 9 fucking years.

I'm amazed it took this long honestly.

Robert Cook said...

Achilles, you seem out of sorts.

"You are just a despicable stupid person and allowing you in polite spaces almost resulted in hell being unleashed."

Uh, well...heh, heh...there was that one occasion some years back in Tangier...but all misunderstandings were cleared up and ruffled feelings smoothed out. Hell was successfully not unleashed.

"Thousands of people would be dead right now if the shooter succeeded and the warm up phase would just now be getting over."

???? Uh...are you aware of or referring to some..."bad things"...some of your buddies might have initiated if the shooter had succeeded?

(Reminder to myself: NEVER invite Achilles or his associates over for Parcheesi.)

BUMBLE BEE said...

The roof is dangerous? Bless her heart.
So is a Winchester 300 magnum.
Crooks lost his head over one.
Trump need Mossad.

Mason G said...

"What they did is make an assassination possible by refusing to care and use due diligence."

This would seem to be a reasonable evaluation, much easier to pull off than a planned assassination where there'd be multiple individuals with knowledge of actual plans. Stir up the crazies with all the "Literally Hitler" and "Threat to our democracy" talk, hope someone takes the bait and you get...

"It's a tragedy. Mistakes were made, time to come together and put this behind us." Then some people get shuffled around to new government jobs and it's back to Business As Usual.

And if nobody responds and nothing happens, well- there's always next time.

imTay said...

'I think they would not have been unhappy at all to have Trump assassinated because of the shorting of resources."

This is called by them "stochastic terrorism" and when they accuse Trump of it, they are projecting. But one thing about their projection, they give us crisp terms to describe what they are doing as they confess it by accusing Trump of it.

The same exact thing happened to Fico in Slovakia just a few weeks ago. Demonized by the press, same as Trump, he was shot multiple times by a "liberal" trying to "save Slovakia," even though Fico had resoundingly won the election there, the globalists control the press, and the press then ran stories about how Fico had it coming because, you know, he opposed the globalism project of the EU. The US security state wanted Fico gone, just like they want Trump gone.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The kid was 20 years old. He'd been immersed in Trump = Hitler for half his lifetime.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"The kid was 20 years old. He'd been immersed in Trump = Hitler for half his lifetime."

From the mouth of bees shall come the truth.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Patrick Henry was right! said...
Sorry for the all caps...

Current reports on X are he bought the ladder at the local Home Depot and simply carried it there with his rifle. But the FBI is saying he bought a 5ft ladder. Picture doesn't look like a 5ft ladder.

Achilles said...

Lyssa said...

I agree that there’s an absolutely baffling level of fuck-up going on here, but I just don’t see how the dems could believe they would benefit from Trump actually being killed. He’d be a complete martyr, and any Republican replacement would likely sail into office purely on sympathy and legacy. It doesn’t make sense as a plot.

I believe everyone in this administration is stupid and incompetent. Outside of some people like Victoria Nuland who are actually quite competent and smart enough to stay under the radar the average Deep State Uniparty flunky is not particularly smart.

Barring extraordinary evidence to the contrary, this is a never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence issue, and we should embrace that argument, not go down these crazy rabbit holes.

I am sorry. It is tiresome to listen to people who have no idea what was required for Thomas Crooks to get that shot off. He didn't just amble up and start shooting. It is also getting really absurd listening to people just declare this is impossible and just dismissing the FACTS:

The shooter had to walk hundreds of meters in broad daylight and he was walking within 300 meters of President Trump around a building over an open lawn with a fucking 12 foot ladder.

This guy was spotted hiding in the building 30 minutes before he took the shot. LEO's took pictures of him using a spotter scope before Trump even started speaking.

They let Trump go out on that stage without telling him.

He went to the roof and went back into hiding 3 times over that 30 minutes. His ladder was set up on the side of the building for at least 5 minutes. Probably more like 20 minutes.

He was walking on the roof of a metal building occupied by a sniper team and other LEO's.

People were screaming and pointing at the shooter on the roof for 2 minutes before he took the shot. They were pointing to the roof of a building full of law enforcement.

A police Officer went up a ladder and turned around when the shooter POINTED HIS GUN AT HIM.

The other sniper team had eyes on the shooter at this point and did not shoot a person who pointed his gun at another officer.

The actual SS team admitted they had the shooter eyes on and delayed engaging because they didn't get orders to shoot. For over 40 fucking seconds.

The Sniper Team did not shoot a person they had eyes on on a roof pointing a gun at another LEO until AFTER he took several shots and Trump was on the ground covered by other SS agents.

In other words the snipers waited until the only thing the shooter could do was tell his story afterward.

Ampersand said...

To reduce matters to their essentials, once you repeatedly accuse you adversary of being not just Hitler redux, but a uniquely irreplaceable exponent of unrestrained evil, you have eliminated all moral restraints on murder.
I vaguely recall seeing television shows and feature films predicated on the notion that someone has an opportunity to kill Hitler before he gained power. Of course we were supposed to root for the assassin.
It's not surprising that assassination attempts will result. It's a long time to January.

Ralph L said...

I was glad to see the new RNC head mention ballot security on the SnewzHour.

n.n said...

A Whitmer conspiracy. A Pelosi-rrection. In Pennsylvania. The game of Clue left fewer crumbs.

Tina Trent said...

I said out of respect for her loss that I wouldn't speak of Inga again.

And I am horrified that someone, likely unknowingly, said something specifically unfeeling last week.

But, Inga, don't you think that this kid was just screwed-up? There's no conspiracy. Laziness on a federal scale, maybe, but that's just Tuesday.

You are not wrong that the mainstream GOP folks don't want a populist, let alone two, in the White House. National Review had a crate of tissues shipped in this week. I view that as a positive for the working and middle classes. Look at the policies.

Bob Boyd said...

We still don't know who killed JFK for sure...do we?

Achilles said...

What in the nether hells...

Ralph L said...

I guess you have to have CSPAN to hear the actual speeches. PBS guy claimed "illegal" was racist language.

Michael K said...

In spite of typical arguments from Inga and Cook, I think we can focus on the incredible fact that Trump was not warned and taken off the stage when the alleged "Security Team" had a man with a gun known to be in the area for 30 minutes.

Leland said...

I don’t think we need to go as far as Sean Davis. Let’s simply look at things we know for sure. Mayorkas refused to give RFK Jr. USSS protection. Democrats tried to strip Trump of his USSS protection. They only wanted Biden to have protection. They only wanted Biden to have protection while also claiming the others were a clear threat to Democracy. People were calling out the threat to Trump. More than a few people said specifically the left wanted to kill Trump. They encouraged people to hate Trump and wanted to take away his USSS protection. They absolutely didn’t want to actually have to face Trump in the General election and were doing everything they could to make sure that it didn’t happen. That is how Sean Davis can make this claim and seem credible.

Iman said...

My thought after 30 minutes was "how could they leave a building with a 150 yd shot line open?" That defies any rational thought or explanation.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"We still don't know who killed JFK for sure...do we?"

And we never shall. The perfect hit. They didn't have andthing Deadly to Every Individual back then either did they.

Achilles said...

I need to apologize.

It was a 10 foot ladder.

Now realize that the shooter was at the red circle and the building under him was where the LEO's staged.

The scrubby scrawny shit stain carried a 10 foot orange ladder across a parking lot in broad daylight right past the front door of the building that security was staging out of.

Then he went back and got his spotter scope.

Then he went back and got his back pack and his gun.

And nobody told Trump that security officers took pictures of some weirdo with a spotter scope 20 minutes ago climbing up on the roof with a gun on a giant orange ladder to the most obvious over watch position in the history of over watch positions on top of a building that was full of law enforcement officers.

Mikey NTH said...

Someone on scene decided not to place anyone on that roof. Not even a reserve police officer with a radio.

Who on scene made that decision?

Achilles said...

This is the link to the zoom out I thought I linked above.

The shooter carried a 10 foot orange ladder across that parking lot right next to the front door of the building full of law enforcement.

FullMoon said...

"Lyssa said...

I agree that there’s an absolutely baffling level of fuck-up going on here, but I just don’t see how the dems could believe they would benefit from Trump actually being killed."

The benefit is simply satisfying their hate, not any particular political advantage

Mason G said...

"Who on scene made that decision?

“That building, in particular, has a sloped roof at its highest point,” Cheatle told Thomas. “And so there will be a safety factor that will be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so you know the decision was made to secure the building from the inside.”

Inga said...

“But, Inga, don't you think that this kid was just screwed-up? There's no conspiracy. Laziness on a federal scale, maybe, but that's just Tuesday.”

Yes, certainly it’s a possibility that the kid was just screwed up, of course there may be no conspiracy that wanted Trump dead coming from either the left OR the right. But there might also be something to the desire to kill Trump to start some civil war, some “cleansing”, some more blood shed, etc. etc etc. There are strange violent talkers like these two far right lunatics that may have moved over from talking to doing.

Hopefully the truth will come out before years go by.

Inga said...

“???? Uh...are you aware of or referring to some..."bad things"...some of your buddies might have initiated if the shooter had succeeded.”

He’s called it “wet work” in past comments over the years.

Narayanan said...

what if Crooks motive just to suicide by cop all the time fully openly which failed to come about till he was a murderer?

all the other factors just accidentally fortuitous?

no conspiracy

Jamie said...

You don't find it equally funny that the Republicans are exactly the same?

What I find is that a large number of Trump supporters herein tend to preface their comments with things like, "I wouldn't want to live next door to him, but..." and "I don't like his personal choices, but..." and "I hate his speaking style, but..." and especially, " I don't like Trump as a person, but..."

The funny thing being that not one of us - well, Bruce Hayden, a bit, but none of the rest of us - knows him personally, but we're all very willing to admit his flaws.

I don't hear that nearly as uniformly from the other side. Since the debate, some of our denizens of the left have begun to loosen their filters about their candidate, but prior to its becoming absolutely undeniable, crickets.

Robert Cook, you've made some cute comments on this thread, but... I'll ask again, because of our lefties I think you sound the most open-minded: can you consider, even just in your heart of hearts, that there are things here that don't easily add up? I am still pulling for simple incompetence, but I'm not going to close my eyes to the - let me say the negligent creation of opportunity, coupled with an almost decade-long campaign of dehumanization against one particular individual (and a nanny decades-long campaign of lower-level dehumanization against a party), with his family and then his supporters as [shrug] collateral damage.

Narayanan said...

what if Crooks' motive just to suicide by cop all the time fully openly which failed to come about till he was a murderer?

all the other factors just accidentally fortuitous?

no conspiracy

Freeman Hunt said...

They seem to have databases now to quickly identify people. I doubt they used DNA. Maybe for confirmation.

Mikey NTH said...

Mason G.: Yes, that is what she says now.

Yet I doubt she was the person developing the security plan. Who was that person?

Michael K said...

Inga, like OJ, is going to search for those evil "right wingers" until we all give up the obvious conclusion that incompetence is just not enough.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Lotsa weird details to sort out. Was the shooter photographed using a range finder. Did he have a ladder.

But my interest is on the reaction. Obviously there is a management problem with USSS. At the very least they fucked up bigly. So what is the Chief Executive’s response? What is Mayorkas’s response? Cheatle already said she ain’t quitting in disgrace. What will her bosses do?

1. Reward her for the operation that came dang close to success.
2. Demand she whip the organization into shape and stop fucking up.
3. Fire her for the series of extremely poor decisions that led to the failure to protect the Principal or the attendees.

The answers within next three days will tell us if Sean and Achilles are more correct or if incompetence explains it. Incompetence is a firing offense. Just missing the goal is not and she’ll be rewarded.

Jamie said...

Tina Trent referred upthread to a loss inga has suffered. I must have missed this.

inga, I hope I haven't added to your troubles if you're mourning something or someone. Peace be with you.

Achilles said...

FullMoon said...

The benefit is simply satisfying their hate, not any particular political advantage

The stupid drones on this site and in general don't understand how the people in charge are using them. And by people in charge I do not mean anyone we see on TV.

The people who are really pulling these levers would probably prefer a hot civil war to a Trump presidency.

But the problem with this is it is not just the retards like Inga and Readering and Cook who dehumanize political opponents and have no self awareness or empathy for other people. They cannot be honest about what they want and they do not realize they are transparent. They infest our federal government and agencies.

There are also too many decent people who just will not contemplate the reality of what just happened as well. They haven't seen hell.

They cannot envision Trump's head exploding in a spray of red mist because they have never seen it before. They cannot envision people hitting repeat on that video. They cannot understand the dark side that would have been triggered by people watching their political leader get brutally murdered in broad daylight. They haven't seen it yet.

They cannot even say these things out loud or contemplate it. They need to. I know most of you are decent people. But you have to understand the stakes here.

Freeman Hunt said...

Kid probably had in the back of his mind that someone would surely stop him, and he wouldn't have to go through with it. All that wandering around and suspicious behavior. A different kind of cry for help.

Michael K said...

Inga, like OJ,.is going to search for those evil right wingers until we give up.

Narayanan said...

so we have this accessing the building multiple times but they have to break down fence to get inside that area?

FullMoon said...

Mr. Majestyk said...

No one knows what Cheatle knows.

Be patient..

Narayanan said...

what if Crooks' motive just to suicide by cop all the time fully openly which failed to come about till he was a murderer?

all the other factors just accidentally fortuitous?

no conspiracy

also we have this kid accessing building multiple times but LEO have to break down fence to get inside area?

William said...

Biden flat refused to give RFK JR Secret Service coverage. Part of his motivation was perhaps malice, but I think he also wanted the RFK Jr campaign to spend money on security as opposed to attack ads.....This looks more like a mammoth fuck up than a fiendishly clever plot. Some of the police officers apparently screwed up, but how could, say, the CIA have recruited them for the plot. You would just need one observant officer to say "Joe, where you going with that gun" to flummox the whole plot......Here's where I would point a finger at the Biden campaign: They consistently characterize Trump as the second coming of Hitler and do what they can to make people hate, really hate him. There are lots of sick puppies like this shooter out there. You don't have to formally recruit them. You just have to be patient and send the B team out to protect Trump and let nature take its course.

imTay said...

Is Althouse really deleting my comments whenever I refer to an assassination attempt on a populist figure that happened a few weeks ago in a country that used to be part of Czechoslovakia, but is not anymore and whose leader who was hit, the one demonized by the media for opposing the globalists, and after was blamed for inciting the assassination attempt against himself by that same press?

Or is the "spam filter" removing mentions of a terrorism technique for which a term of art is used that means something like "probabilistic" and references to certain countries in Eastern Europe, and which is used by the neocon regime that runs the US?

A spam filter app is a perfect target for the "Cyber Threat Intelligence League!"

But if it is really a banned topic, even as it is extremely apropos to what just happened on Sunday, history repeating, then that's fine, it's your blog.

FullMoon said...

12 year old boys will go up a steeper roof to retrieve a frisbee

imTay said...

"what if Crooks' motive just to suicide by cop"

That's coming, don't worry, just like when Hodgkinton sought out the Republican softball practice and started shooting Republicans, that was the finding of the motive "suicide by cop." Circulez, rien à voir.

tcrosse said...

Believe me, we don't want another 1968. One was enough for me.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“And even as snipers on the roof near Trump saw a gunman on the other roof, Biden’s security regime refused to have agents immediately surround Trump or remove him from the stage to protect him from being shot.”

There are some odd constructions in that sentence. Does it say what it seems to say or something less?

What I am wondering is whether the snipers saw the man and the gun in time to issue a warning before he started shooting. They’re probably trained not to shoot the man just for climbing on the roof. That’s very bad form if he turns out to be a Trump supporter who just wants a better view. And then there is the question of open carry outside the security perimeter. If he is outside the security perimeter, do the rules of engagement say he has to wield the weapon before they can shoot him?

It would also seem to me that if you have a roof that you don’t want to put your security people up on, why not borrow a big aerial truck from a fire department or utility company to park next to the building so you can put someone up there who can oversee everything. And when does it become a bad choice of venue?

Jamie said...

Somehow it had escaped me until now that Biden's statements about his total faith in the Secret Service could be a tell: that he knows he has nothing to fear.

Let me be clear: I remain in the negligence + coincidence camp. But negligence is still negligence, and coincidence claims can grow thin if coincidental things continue to happen, so I'm paying attention.

imTay said...

Even if it were "suicide by cop" let's say we could plaster his brain back together and read his thoughts, it has exactly zero relevance to whether the theory is correct. Because all that's really needed is to leave Trump vulnerable long enough, and wait for the "hero" to arise. too bad for them, the hero was Trump.

Regardless, a full investigation is needed and a lot of questions need to be answered. Narrator Voice: "People in Hell also need ice water." This will never be investigated, and some motive like "suicide by cop" will be announced, and the press will. stick to it even though no actual evidence will be offered, and anybody who differs with that conclusion will be called a "conspiracy theorist."

Hassayamper said...

They sent the B team, which was clearly not up to the task,

According to one article I read, this wasn't even the B team, who were all diverted to some other event to protect Jill Biden. They were desk-jockey currency inspectors and such, pressed into service for the day. Supposedly the only one of them with any protective experience at all was the agent in charge.

Also, did you notice that roly-poly little Melissa McCarthy doppelgänger, who ducked and trembled and cowered when the bullets started flying, and who couldn't even re-holster her sidearm because of her big fat "Fupa"? How curious that even though she was a foot and a half too short to provide any shielding to Trump, she was positioned along the line of sight between him and the roof.

and somehow had the idea that they couldn't preemptively neutralize a guy with a rifle on a roof.

They didn't even have to take a crack at the guy. A few words would have been enough to alert the whole detail that there was a potential threat so they could get Trump out of harm's way. They had nearly half an hour to do it, and utterly failed. Now they are giving the lamest excuses imaginable for their malfeasance. How stupid do they think we are?

I'm calling it now, this was a deliberate assassination attempt organized by rogue elements in the Deep State, probably with a patsy who had been molded by some sort of MK-Ultra mechanism. That doesn't mean that Joe Biden himself ordered the hit, but he probably was Henry II to Trump's Thomas à Becket, vaguely wishing he could be rid of "this turbulent priest". I doubt the actual individuals comprising the SS detail would agree to be part of any such operation, and surely the local yokel cops were just following the orders of the agent in charge. That is where the investigation ought to start.

Original Mike said...

"Lyssa said..."I agree that there’s an absolutely baffling level of fuck-up going on here, but I just don’t see how the dems could believe they would benefit from Trump actually being killed.""

The benefit is obvious and it is immediate. Donald Trump is no longer the candidate.

Hassayamper said...

I just don’t see how the dems could believe they would benefit from Trump actually being killed. He’d be a complete martyr, and any Republican replacement would likely sail into office purely on sympathy and legacy.

Beyond all doubt, there are so-called "Republicans" who would be quite pleased for the opportunity to swan into the Oval Office as a replacement for the tragically murdered ex-President, and cozy up to those responsible for his death.

Original Mike said...

"According to one article I read, this wasn't even the B team, who were all diverted to some other event to protect Jill Biden. They were desk-jockey currency inspectors and such, pressed into service for the day. "

That would explain the agent who didn't know where her holster was.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"That would explain the agent who didn't know where her holster was."

Where her holster was wasn't her problem. She knew where it was, it was just being blocked by her daily bearclaw and caramel macchiato ritual as she spends 90% of her day being lugged around the back of an SUV.

One Lt. Col "Bearclaw" Vindmann had the same problem...too many in-flight meals on those Langley trips to Kiev.

Achilles said...

Attempt to post a top down google maps pic of the venue.

1. Before I even do a walk through there will be over watch stationed on the 3 buildings right behind the stage and there will be over watch on the large AGR buildings to the north. 100/100 trained security people will agree with this.

2. Depending on height there will be over watch at the satellite building to the west of the AGR buildings.

3. There will be a team responsible for the trees to the east of the AGR buildings and the parking lot for the AGR buildings and their disposition will depend on line of sight to the target.

All other positions will be based on keeping the field of fire open for those two anchoring positions. At this point you will be covering avenues of approach. The trees east of the AGR buildings are the most obvious cover in the area. Someone will be in those tress. All assets on concessions road will revolve around gates and audience management.

Almost all of the men on this board would get about 80% of what I just wrote down correct without any training at all. I think many of the women could as well.

There is only one reason you do not have someone on the AGR roof.

There is only one reason a 140 pound scrub can carry a 10 foot orange ladder through those trees and across that parking lot in broad daylight right past the front door and use that ladder more than once.

Freeman Hunt said...

I think people underestimate the power of incompetence.

planetgeo said...

Is there anybody here who believes this will be the last attempt?

(Extra credit: Who believes that Biden, Mayorkas, and Cheatle are now sufficiently motivated to seriously protect Trump?)

Inga said...

“Tina Trent referred upthread to a loss inga has suffered. I must have missed this.

inga, I hope I haven't added to your troubles if you're mourning something or someone. Peace be with you.”

No, you’re fine, thanks. My son died in 2019 and Tina Trent has been very kind to me. Peace be with you too and all of us, we need it.

gilbar said...

Fred Drinkwater said...
But what there WASN'T, was this repeated failure to recover when issues were discovered during the lead-up.

here's the chincher..
They let President Trump go on.. They had observed a threat.. Lost the threat..
re observed the threat.. re lost the threat..
and THEN!
They found the threat.. ON THE BUILDING! and they watched him through their scopes.. waiting.. waiting.. waiting for what?
For authorization to fire? And The Whole TIME; they let Trump go on stage..
They KNEW that the shooter was on the roof..
We've ALL seen the SS sniper watch him through HIS scope..
And they let Trump go on..

Explain THAT to me? Anyone? Robert Cook? what does your "decoder ring" say about THAT?

Achilles said...

Aggie said...

Well... here is the Butler Farm Show area. This is the parking lot of those various Ag Industrial buildings, including (behind the tall tan building) the equipment manufacturer AGR International - the roof that the shooter used. Off to the right in the distance are the red Farm Show buildings. The barn on the far left is where the two SS snipers were perched, guarding behind Trump. We've seen videos of them reacting as Trump is shot.

Now look left: A blue water tower, with a full perimeter walkway, commanding a view of each and every roof top in full, with line-of-sight views to the podium.

That is what the walk through is for.

Personally I don't think the Water tower would have a team on it. It would get cleared and there would be people in charge of keeping people out of it/off the ladders. There is no freedom to maneuver from there. You would be a sitting duck. Nobody would actually want to be up there. Anyone up there would have the willies knowing that every person in a 1 mile radius is going to be staring at you. We have anxiety when we are out in the open.

The second team would be on the 2 story AGR building that can look down on all of the other roofs.

The third team would be watching the trees and the water tower. We wouldn't really be concerned about the water tower though because you would have to climb the ladder to get up there and everyone can see you. We would be more worried about the tree line.

Aggie said...

'Anyone up there would have the willies knowing that every person in a 1 mile radius is going to be staring at you. We have anxiety when we are out in the open.'

Dude. These are the people willing to take a bullet? I guess maybe DEI has been around longer than I thought. At the very least I would have had eyes on that tower, because it commands such a perfect view of the rooftops and the entire visual of the Principle and the area surrounding him.

loudogblog said...

The people who are saying that this was a conspiracy by the Biden administration are just as unhinged as the Blue Anon people saying that this was faked by the Trump people.

I'm pretty sure that we'll find out that the Secret Service management simply got incompetent, lazy and sloppy. Just look at all the BS they're putting out to protect their asses.

This was a management failure caused by bad management at the Secret Service, not a conspiracy.

I was specifically offended by the head of the Secret Service saying: This was a massive failure, I take full responsibility and the buck stops with me. And then, when asked if she was considering resigning, she said quite firmly, "No." So I guess that she really isn't serious about taking responsibility, is she?

TJ said...

Democrats want Trump to NOT be the nominee for the same reason I want him to be the nominee. I voted for someone else in the primary leading up to his first term because I thought Trump wasn't a Republican. His first term proved he was worthy of my vote as President. Democrats don't want him to be the nominee, and I want him to be the nominee because he will take seriously the unelected decision makers. Every other Republican would think "they are only treating Trump this way, they won't treat ME that way"...fools. Look back at how every Republican has been demonized until they are not longer electable. Trump's mistakes in his first term were often "You f@cked up! You trusted us!"-Animal House. I don't think he will fall for that if elected again...that has to be terrifying for Democrats.

Any other Republican would be a win for them...

chickelit said...

Biden’s legacy is utterly shot now.Here’s hoping he loses by a margin too large to cover by fraud.

chickelit said...

BTW, I am willing to believe that Dems were malicious enough to starve the SS resources of both Trump and Kennedy. The average Dem voter still believes Trump is Hitler.

RoseAnne said...

I have never been to this town in PA but have lived in several small towns just like it. I see from comments many people have had experiences like mine. Don't know how to operate on a sloped roof ? Ask the teenagers who climb up there to look at the stars (or "look at the stars") on a Saturday night. Don't have enough manpower to put someone on every roof? Manequins. Not all mannequins but enough to make people wonder which are real. Crazy ideas? Absolutely but you were hired to get the job done - not to make excuses.

If you want people to trust you, you have to show some level of competence.

chickelit said...

Is the head of SS a deservity hire?

wildswan said...

Achilles makes a strong case that the most elementry precautions were negelected and, he and others ask: how could there be such neglect in a premier agency except by malignant intent? But then we hear from the Director that the roof was too steep to ask agents to cover it by being on it. The excuse is so massively incompetent (e.g., there were agents nearby on a steeper roof.) that anything seems possible in an agency she runs. So was it DEI incompetence or malignant intent?
A person like myself isn't going to recognize right off that obvious protocols were being violated. I have to learn from the ground up what is probable and what is improbable. A cascade of incompetence is immediately probable. The meshing together of all the different groups that did nothing in a plan that has not leaked is harder to imagine. In fact, impossible. Or is there a small narrow passage for a malignant plan whereby everything had to be referred up to one person and where that one person kept ignoring the info? Who was in charge?
I just don't know what to think. Except that by the grace of God the shot missed and Trump is stronger than before and has had time to propose a young vigorous VP who agrees with MAGA. Oft evil will, evil mars.

DavidD said...

Drago said,

“ Gee, it was just this mistake, followed by this mistake, then this one, and this one....and on and on and on. Delivering a situation where it would be impossible to disentangle "incompetence" from potential malevolence.”

This reminds me of something I saw right after Benghazi during the Obama administration, how first it was that there was no way 4 guys could hold off the attackers long enough for a helicopter to get there from Italy (except that it turned out that they had held off that long), etc. etc. etc.; it just went on and on with one missed assumption after another.

Incompetence? Stupidity? Laziness? Spite? Who knows?

~ Gordon Pasha said...

I'm reminded of this:

Ian Fleming — 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action' Goldfinger

Hassayamper said...

There is billions in graft involved and these people will go to any lengths to protect their graft.

This is important to keep in mind. Let's return to first principles for a moment.

We live in a fallen world. Among us dwell people who would slit their own grandmother's throat for a hundred-dollar bill.

The Federal government spends over 7 trillion dollars a year. In the past couple of years, some $200 billion of that has been spent in Ukraine, which is one of the three or four most sensationally corrupt nations on Earth. What is control of that revenue stream worth to an amoral sociopath? Why has every well-known Democrat, and half of the Republicans too, had a son or nephew or brother-in-law or former staffer making "deals" in that shithole country for the last decade or so?

There is no shortage of historical examples of piñata-grabs by such people in positions of power. Corrupt viziers diverting grain and suborning judges in Ancient Egypt. Bribes paid to the Delphi Oracle by the Alcmaeonids in Ancient Greece, to bring Sparta on their side for the conquest of Athens. The well-known shenanigans of the Praetorian Guard in Ancient Rome, the Byzantine court intrigues of Constantinople, the simony and indulgences of the pre-Reformation Catholic bishops, the suppression of the Knights Templar, and on and on.

Has our species changed since then? Are our politicians and government workers made of finer clay than Ottoman pashas or Ming Dynasty mandarins, or even the schemers of Teapot Dome or 20th century OPEC oil ministers? To ask the question is to answer it.

I fear we are living under the rule of a shadowy, unelected, self-perpetuating cabal that will not shrink from murdering inconvenient Presidential candidates in their pursuit of power and wealth. They will start conflicts that kill millions for their own purposes. Presidents and Prime Ministers are their puppets and figureheads. They are the cause and the beneficiaries of our perpetual overseas wars. They are some of the most evil people who ever drew breath, and we must get behind Trump and gird ourselves for their complete and utter destruction.

loudogblog said...

Freeman Hunt said...
"Kid probably had in the back of his mind that someone would surely stop him, and he wouldn't have to go through with it. All that wandering around and suspicious behavior. A different kind of cry for help."

I read that the shooter was a loner with no friends and no social media presence. He was also bullied a lot. I suspect that he felt like a total loser and thought killing one of the most powerful men in the world would somehow empower him. He might have thought of himself as the next John Hinckley. (Also, I suspect that he thought that he would be captured alive instead of being killed. After all, most Presidential attempted assassins have been taken alive.) The human ego can be a powerful motivator.

PB said...

Two shooters.

Achilles said...

loudogblog said...

The people who are saying that this was a conspiracy by the Biden administration are just as unhinged as the Blue Anon people saying that this was faked by the Trump people.

This is getting boring.

I look forward to your reasoned and intelligent rebuttal to my posts.

Until you do that you can take your "unhinged" bullshit and stick it up your cowardly ass.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Matt Walsh

"Here’s the official story so far: a random 20 year old acting completely alone walked within 150 yards of a presidential campaign rally with a rifle, climbed onto a rooftop in full view of Secret Service snipers, set up his shot and fired without anyone intervening and with no help from anyone. This 20 year old is also so politically radical as to attempt an assassination and yet not radical enough to have ever posted any political writings or commentary on any social media site ever in his life. He also wrote no manifesto and left behind no indication about why he did it. His last and only political act, before attempting to kill the Republican candidate, was to register as a Republican. You must believe this and ask no questions about it or else you are a conspiracy theorist. And one thing we know about assassination attempts is that there’s never any conspiring involved."

But Inga / and her Maddow lie spreader - insist it was Alex Jones.

Jamie said...

the head of the Secret Service saying: This was a massive failure, I take full responsibility and the buck stops with me. And then, when asked if she was considering resigning, she said quite firmly, "No." So I guess that she really isn't serious about taking responsibility, is she?

I cannot believe her resignation wasn't on Biden's desk by 8pm Saturday. At that point it would have been up to him to decide whether or not to accept it.

Come to think of it - why didn't she just lie? She could have said she gave Biden her resignation, and he didn't accept it. It's not as if he would call her out on it, for one reason or another.

chickelit said...

What I especially relish is the growing tension between the Feds and the local police in Butler, viz. who is to blame. I believe that the voting public will ultimately believe the locals and will blame the Feds. The Feds are the bad guys. The Feds are led by an especially corrupt bad guy.

chickelit said...

I heard a rumor that there was a video of Crooks ranting about Trump. Is that out there? I can’t find it. Is it being suppressed?

Koot Katmandu said...

I too believe the shot at Trump was allowed to happen by SS. I can not come up with any rational reason for them to leave Trump on the stage with the information they had. I wonder how this effects Trump? He has to know Washington tried to kill him and they will probably try again. A lesser man would be scared shitless. Is he using some private security now? He certainly should be.

I think Inga might have a point too. It is not just the Ds that hate on Trump. It was probably a coordinated effort with by in from both the left and the right. Did they want Nikki to step in?

Spiros Pappas said...

It's very possible that this was another disaster like the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. The Uvalde police were massively incompetent, worthless, disgraceful cowards. And Saturday the cops and the SS agents were also absolutely awful. And yet there is some doubt.

Tommy Duncan said...

Perhaps someone should save a copy of this post and the associated comments on their hard drive. Just in case...

Hassayamper said...

I don't think anyone is suggesting that Joe Biden personally organized this

I think that is true, but I'm not so sure about individuals close to him.

or even that the SS director personally organized this.

Possibly correct also, but I'd put the Bayesian pre-test probability at around the 40% mark here.

I think the likelihood that other powerful factions in the Federal government orchestrated this is closing in on 90%.

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote the following comment just a few minutes after the shooting as a joke:

"If there were only way to figure which social media footprint was completely deleted 20 minutes ago."

Yancey Ward said...

The hard part to explain is why was Trump allowed to stay on the stage for those 30 minutes. I have tried to come up with an innocent explanation and am failing. That kind of incompetence is almost too much for me to believe.

Rosalyn C. said...

Yancey, Maybe no one did anything because the A team wasn't there and no one who was there was really in charge. Organized incompetence.

Rosalyn C. said...

Meanwhile the A Team was guarding Jill:
On July 13, 2024, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden attended and spoke at the annual dinner of the Italian Sons and Daughters of America (ISDA) held at the Rivers Casino Event Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Here are the key details of the event:
Dr. Biden delivered a heritage address as the guest of honor at the ISDA banquet.
She spoke about her Italian American ancestry, tracing her roots back to her grandfather Domenico Giacoppo, who immigrated from Sicily in 1900.
The First Lady emphasized the values and experiences of Italian American immigrants, including their grit, loyalty, and drive to excel.
She highlighted her husband President Joe Biden's efforts in job creation and economic recovery.
The event was attended by about 300 people, and Dr. Biden spoke for approximately five minutes.

Night Owl said...

I lean towards a combo of indifference by the heads of the SS and the Biden administration to any dangers posed to Trump and DEI generated incompetence. But who knows.

What I do know is given the amount of mistakes that were made by the SS, the fact that no one has been fired yet is shocking and insulting. A man is dead due to their screwups.

And that excuse about the sloped roof is just headshakingly bad. Do they actually believe these lies they tell? Because no one with a functional brain believes them.

This failure, especially coupled with denying RFK a secret service detail, is possibly the greatest of so many failures of this administration, that will go down in history. Alongside that iconic photo of a bloodied but triumphant Trump.

I've seen people saying that the photo will be disappeared. That's impossible; it's just too good a photo; and too great a story. There will be movies made about it in the future.

Dr Weevil said...

Is Ukraine "one of the three or four most sensationally corrupt nations on Earth" (Hassayamper, 9:20pm)? No, and it's not even close. The Corruption Perceptions Index (link) has been calculating these things very carefully for many years, and they list Ukraine as 104th out of 180 (where 1st is best, 180th - Somalia - is worst. So they're not even in the bottom third, and will likely soon be in the top half: they're up 12 places since last year, and now tied with Serbia, Algeria, and Brazil for 104th. Meanwhile, Russia is down 4 places at 141st, so Ukraine is not even the more corrupt of the two nations currently warring, and it's not even close. By the way, the U.S., at 25th (same as last year) isn't even in the top 10%. (If you're wondering, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, and Singapore are the top 5.)

As for the $200 billion supposedly spent on the war, the total is a lot less than that, and most of the weapons and ammunition sent to Ukraine cost nothing, since they're surplus and obsolete systems taken out of long-term storage (but still way better than the brand-new Russian stuff). But they're counted at replacement value, what it would cost to build them from scratch, so Congress can brag about their generosity. It's actually cheaper to ship a Bradley or M-1 to Ukraine than it is to dispose of it while following all EPA regulations.

Ralph L said...

News chryon reads Biden says "bullseye" was a mistake. I didn't hear that in the Holt interview. Two minutes of the CBS weenies talking about J6 was too much for me.

Eva Marie said...

Rosalyn C. at 9:53
Great post.
“With this catastrophe in PA, somehow the shooter knew the layout in advance, he knew which building was unguarded, he knew the plans. He knew he had a clear line of sight. Someone told him. He also practiced shooting. He and his father were members of a gun club with a shooting range. This assassination was a planned event. He "asked" for the day off of work, for some reason said he'd be in on Sunday.“

effinayright said...

Rumor has it that the Butler PA police officer who turned and ran when Crooks pointed his weapon at him is now in hiding, his roommate being Michael Byrd , who shot Ashli Babbit on Jan 6..

So..one for not killing the assassin, the other for shooting an unarmed protestor.

It's just another example of "your government at work", saving democracy from Cheetolini and the Deplorables..

effinayright said...

Well, Dr. Weevil, that's really great.

When Putin pulls the nuclear trigger on Europe ---and maybe us in the first salvo---we'll all be comforted that the weapons we gave Ukraine didn't cost us anything.


fairmarketvalue said...

Rosalyn C. @ 9:53 said: "With this catastrophe in PA, somehow the shooter knew the layout in advance, he knew which building was unguarded, he knew the plans. He knew he had a clear line of sight. Someone told him. He also practiced shooting. He and his father were members of a gun club with a shooting range. This assassination was a planned event. He "asked" for the day off of work, for some reason said he'd be in on Sunday."

These circumstances are exactly what have been bothering me about the accuracy of the "incompetence" rationale that supposedly lead to a cascade of failures of security first principles. How in the world did an allegedly rank amateur have the critical advance knowledge that the sniper platform he would use: (1) just so happened to be the rooftop of the only building carved out of the USSS-determined security perimeter with the necessary sight lines to the target at the event; (2) provided the nearest and clearest sight line to the target; and (3) was easily accessible via a ladder he bought in advance from the local Home Depot and pre-positioned for rooftop access without it being even noticed by security personnel.

It seems obvious to me that this inexperienced shooter never could have come as close to killing Trump as he did without critical assistance from someone in the security hierarchy who knew exactly what the security perimeter shape and size would be, the oh-so convenient perimeter carve-out of the building itself, the various overwatch locations that were planned that left the sniper rooftop largely unobserved and the diversion to Dr. Jill of experienced personnel, leaving Trump with a skeleton staff of inexperienced D/DEI-Team members. Like the Kennedy assassination, I am sure we will never learn the truth.

Eva Marie said...

Kamala Harris was also in Pennsylvania on Saturday, July 13th 2024:
“PHILADELPHIA — Vice President Kamala Harris returned to Philadelphia on Saturday to deliver the keynote address at the Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote) Presidential Town Hall. Harris, the first Asian-American vice president, emphasized the importance this community played in the 2020 election and will play in the upcoming presidential election.”

gadfly said...

The extremist, far-right Federalist is not a believable source.

Trump chose the venue, Trump decided to stand outside in the open, and now the Biden Administration is suddenly responsible for Mr. Stupid acting stupid? Yep, Trump even decided to let the Biden Administration pay for the security that Trump has failed to finance yet again.

Recall that our convicted felon failed to pay El Paso for more than a half-million dollars for security the city provided in 2020. He has so far ducked the half-billion owed to NY State and E. Jean Carroll.

No facts here - just bullshit. There were police officers assigned to be atop the building from where the shots came from, but they were not there - and even the dumb cop who finally did climb up didn't have his weapon at the ready.

Trump was within an inch of being killed and he caused a death and two wounded attendees by holding a rally that need not have been held.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Gordon Pasha:

There's a popular detective show saying about coincidences:
"In a murder case there are no coincidences."

And despite the fact that Trump was not killed, this is in fact a murder case.

I can imagine the USSS and police incompetence, even as I have called it "malicious incompetence".

I can imagine the mental state and actions of Crooks.

But the meshing of those two into the actual events we know? That I cannot wrap my brain around.

Tom Grey said...

Malicious decisions to reduce Trump’s safety, with incompetence as the path of deniability were an assassin successful.
Deliberate inaction to allow the attempt.


Steven Wilson said...

A telescoping ladder that would reach 10-12 feet could be carried as it resembles a folding lawn chair. This is far more plausible than carrying a “ladder” through a parking lot. Home Depot sells such an item.

wendybar said...

Freeman Hunt said...
They seem to have databases now to quickly identify people. I doubt they used DNA. Maybe for confirmation.

7/16/24, 7:44 PM
Maxine Waters alluded to "Obama's secret database that nobody ever saw in life, that will have information that will have info on everyone It's very powerful what he is leaving in place".........

John Marzan said...

photo of bad slope, photo of good slope

wendybar said...

Shoo gadfly, shoooo....

Eva Marie said...

Wendybar, the first thing they said was that they had DNA confirmation, which struck me as strange. Now maybe they wanted people like me not to start speculating about switched bodies - which I immediately did anyway.
“Federal investigators said the gunman was not carrying identification, so they analyzed his DNA to provide a biometric confirmation of his identity.“

imTay said...

"The extremist, far-right Federalist is not a believable source."

Said gadfly

imTay said...

"So I guess that she really isn't serious about taking responsibility, is she?"

Back in the day when there were comedy LPs on vinyl disk, I had one from Rich Little where he did his famous Nixon impression. He said in Nixon's voice: "I take responsibility, but not the blame."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Cheatle will keep her job for the same reason Janet Reno kept hers after Waco: mission accomplished. Dead bodies are not an impediment to keeping your job in a Democrat administration.

gilbar said...

gadfly said...
Trump chose the venue, Trump decided to stand outside in the open, and now the Biden Administration is suddenly responsible for Mr. Stupid acting stupid? Yep, Trump even decided to let the Biden Administration pay for the security that Trump has failed to finance yet again.

That's right! gadfly just said: "The Bitch was Beggin for it.. walkin down that street in THAT dress!"

BUMBLE BEE said...

Blogger John Marzan said...
photo of bad slope, photo of good slope

I had a side hustle back in the day as a chimney sweep.
That roof's pitch would not challenge one's balance.

BUMBLE BEE said...

This is starting to look like a Las Vegas concert.

imTay said...

"That roof's pitch would not challenge one's balance"

To be fair, it would be a death trap for Joe Biden.

Bob Boyd said...

"The debate is whether the Secret Service failed in protecting Trump or failed in assassinating him." - Michael Malice

Bob Boyd said...

Was the assassin related to the Bidens? They're all Crooks.

RMc said...

Pray tell us Cook, what illustrious bona fides do you possess that provide the wisdom to opine from your lofty perch?

Naah, Cook just assumes that everyone who disagrees with him is an idiot. (Ironic, that.)

Ann Althouse said...

"Or is the "spam filter" removing mentions...."

The spam filter is catching things. I'm not seeing a pattern of what it thinks it's seeing, and I see all the good comments that get caught. I don't know and can't figure it out, so if I were you, I wouldn't waste time coming up with theories. Just wait and the comment will ultimately go through. I don't do any viewpoint censorship. I block certain known trolls and I might reject something that calls for violence or something like that. Doxxing. Abuse toward an individual.

Carl said...

People keep saying this guy was a bad shot. He wasnt. He was a good shot with bad luck. If Trump hadnt moved his head the round would have cored his brain. And to add to strange coincidents, because of staff constraints there was only one member of DJT's regular security team on site...

Robert Cook said...

"Robert Cook, you've made some cute comments on this thread, but... I'll ask again, because of our lefties I think you sound the most open-minded: can you consider, even just in your heart of hearts, that there are things here that don't easily add up? I am still pulling for simple incompetence...."

Jamie, yes, absolutely there are things that don't add up in this event. It was a cluster-fuck. How and why could it have happened? We all wonder that. There may even be intent and malfeasance behind it. Nothing can be ruled out. However, I think it is more likely a combination of incompetence, irresponsibility, negligence, and complacence ("oh, nothing will happen") that resulted in this catastrophe, rather than intent and design. I fail to see what positive outcome the "Biden Cabal" (for want of a better guess of possible culprits) could expect would result by executing (or allowing) an assassination of Donald Trump. IF this was a conspiratorial plot by powerful entities--big IF--I'd guess it is more likely comprised of parties outside the Biden Administration or the Dem Party. (There are powers behind the power, as they say.)

My comments here are more to do with me scoffing at people removed from the scene of the crime "piecing it together on X" (and elsewhere on the internet), as if they have enough data to "solve" the crime. It seems to me more an exercise in hive-mind promulgation of rumor, speculation, misunderstanding, incomplete and/or inaccurate or false information, resulting in an obscuring cloud of assumption and belief that will become fixed as "the truth," (as with the continued insistence by many that "massive illegal voting by illegal immigrants" fixed the 2020 election for Biden, despite, years later, a continued bankruptcy of actual evidence or proof).

Pulp Herb said...

Lissa said "I just don’t see how the dems could believe they would benefit from Trump actually being killed."

Simple, with Trump dead, no VP pick, and the convention in 2 days it would be the DC GOP types like McConnell the strong chance of picking the candidate. Hell, they might go all out and pick Jeb! figuring Trump's martyrdom could even pull him across the line. Or they could go back to the last non-Trump VP candidate, Ryan. Pence, as Trump's only VP would also be an option.

Then, at worst, the Dems have to put up with controlled opposition, someone willing "to do the hard work of telling the base the truth" and "abandoning Trump's divisive platform that lead to all this violence" and signing more get along to go along moves further down the current Biden pass.

At best, enough GOP voters would like at the Jeb! they were offered and peace out on the GOP entirely, living Biden still in the White House.

The Dems don't fear the GOPe, they fear Trump.

Jim at said...

Trump was within an inch of being killed and he caused a death and two wounded attendees by holding a rally that need not have been held.

It's Trump's fault one of your fellow leftists tried to kill him. Because he had the sheer audacity to hold a rally in public.

Just when I thought you couldn't be a bigger piece of shit ....

Mason G said...

"Trump was within an inch of being killed and he caused a death and two wounded attendees by holding a rally that need not have been held."

The guy who pulled the trigger caused a death and two wounded attendees. He was encouraged in his assassination attempt by the non-stop hate directed at Trump by the left and the only regret leftards have is that the shooter wasn't successful at hitting the intended target.

Yancey Ward said...

One can hear the pain in Gadfly's lament. Sorry Trump disappointed you by surviving, you sorry sack of shit.

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