July 24, 2024

"A Michigan man suspected of using an all-terrain vehicle to run over an elderly man for supporting Donald Trump died by suicide as police closed in on him..."

"The elderly man was described as a supporter of the former president who was posting a political sign in his yard.... Investigators said they had identified a suspect in the case... and he had been linked to a total of three cases which were apparently 'politically motivated.' That man later contacted officers, told them he wanted to 'confess a crime involving an ATV driver within the last 24 hours'.... When police arrived at the scene, they found a 22-year-old man dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound."


Chris said...

I feel sorry for this young man. Constantly exposed to absolute hatred of Trump from all directions. Trump is literally hitler is pumped into his brain daily on social media and network media, his lizard brain drives him to lashout at Trump even if that means hurting innocent people. But how could they be innocent since they support literally hitler! He broke his brain, and couldn't live with what his lizard brain was driving him to. I'm in Michigan, and the progressive, liberal, hippie, all you need is love people are so broken by the constant barage of Trump is literally hitler. They are all so broken. One moment they are all love and rainbows and unicorns, but then the next they are literally spitting with hatred of their fellow Americans. How can you live with that kind of duality in your brain?

RMc said...

Stay classy, libs.

wendybar said...

Progressives are the violent ones the FBI should be watching....

Wilbur said...

@ Chris at 5:11
I read that in Trump's voice and cadence.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I never saw one of those post-apocalyptic movies where there are marauding gangs of bad guys on ATVs but I'll bet it's a thing.

Humperdink said...

The man was 22 years old. For nine years the man was exposed to the media spouting lies about Trump, beginning with Trump being accused of treason regarding Russia. Why should anyone be surprised? Same with the 20 year old Trump assassin. Two young people sacrificed on the alter on the alter of left wing hate.

Wilbur said...

I found this somewhat remarkable, both for its apparent necessity and that it was included in the article. The Guardian must be real short on facts.

"In an statement posted on Facebook on Tuesday, Hancock police and the nearby Houghton county sheriff’s office issued their own condemnation of “violence against any political candidates”."

Goldenpause said...

I am waiting for some “progressive” to claim that we need common sense ATV control now.

Todd said...

"a man", apparently it was politically motivated. End of details on the suspect. No "ardent far lefty Biden supporter", no "socialist Biden supporter".

If "a man" were a Trump supporter and attacked an elderly Biden supporter it would be 24/7 "far right MAGA Trump storm trooper" runs over...

he had been linked to a total of three cases which were apparently “politically motivated”.

Another "lone wolf" that was flying under the radar...

Humperdink said...

What surprised me was the lefty was using a gas-powered, trail destroying ATV. Apparently his EV was in the garage for repairs.

Leland said...

The left seems fine with murder if that is what it takes to win.

Political Junkie said...

Perp killed himself. I like happy endings.

gilbar said...

WaPo:Secret Service encourages Trump campaign to stop outdoor rallies
The rallies have long been viewed as onerous by the Secret Service because they include complicated outdoor venues with thousands — if not tens of thousands — of people..
"what pisses Us off, is that So Many People like him! WHY Don't they hate him, like WE do?"

Clyde said...

He'll still vote Democrat in November.

Kevin said...

he had been linked to a total of three cases which were apparently “politically motivated”.

Once they get a taste for blood you have to put them down.

Leland said...

gilbar said...
WaPo:Secret Service encourages Trump campaign to stop outdoor rallies

The real story is the Secret Service seeks to make permanent its lower standards.

Dave Begley said...

I bet this guy was a MSNBC fan.

I remember a story from years ago about a guy who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge because he was convinced that the Planet was going to burn up. I think Ann has posted about climate anxiety in the context of young people refusing to have children.

Manufacturing a crisis and scaring people is the biggest method the Left has.

- Covid
- Trump will destroy democracy.
- GOP will eliminate Social Security and Medicare.
- Global warming.

And all these predictions have been dead wrong!

Why can’t people figure this out?

If people didn’t get scared so easily, the Dems would be out of business!

Eva Marie said...

It would be good for the country if everyone put one Trump sign and one Harris sign in their front yards.

Dave Begley said...

The media and Dems have made themselves rich and powerful scaring the daylights out of people. They will never stop because it works.

Penkville said...

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that all the violence that Trump and his supporters are supposedly threatening never seems to materialise, while the 'good guys'who want to save the World from the Orange Man and his evil coterie are constantly found to be murderous crazies...

wendybar said...

The only Harris sign I would put on my front lawn is Thomas Harris, who wrote Hannible Lecter, among many other books.

mccullough said...

Another Demcel

Leland said...

The sad part is I first thought this was an update from the Michigan run over event from the last election cycle. The part that first clued me in was this time the victim was elderly and the deranged lefty was younger.

Sally327 said...

It would be good for the country if everyone put one Trump sign and one Harris sign in their front yards.

I think that would probably increase the risk of attack, not reduce it.

Jamie said...

I was listening to a podcast the other day about the trans thing, and I think it has relevance. The interviewee was talking about other cases of social contagion besides rapid onset gender dysphoria, such as the incidence of anorexia in... was it Japan?

The gist of it is, there was none, until the Japanese media (and I do apologize if I'm misremembering and it was Taiwan, which is the other name that springs to mind here) ran a big awareness campaign on it. And suddenly, girls were developing anorexia.

What I'm getting at is that the seeds of mental illness are already present, sometimes forever dormant unless watered and fertilized, sometimes germinating no matter what but in culturally specific forms. We in the anglosphere have transness in children and teens; that particular mental illness emerges in a different form in other cultures where transness isn't a mark of specialness and rightthink.

And another of our current cultural specificities is Trump hatred - also a mark of specialness and rightthink (the more virulent your fear and hatred, the more clearly a properly intelligent and sensitive person you are thought to be, thank you celebrities announcing that you'll leave the country if he's elected), and some very ugly seeds are germinating because of it.

This young man would have been mentally ill regardless, it seems likely. But the form of his illness is the fault of a culture that made him feel that this version of paranoia and hatred was correct. If he had been schizophrenic in the Middle Ages, he would have heard angels and devils in his head instead of whatever voice told him to destroy someone who supported Trump.

Howard said...

“I’ve condemned radical leftists. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all
of those people were radical leftists, believe me,” he said.
“You had many people in that group other than radical leftists and woke liberals,” Trump said. “The press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”
“You also had some very fine people on both sides,” he said.

rehajm said...

Murderer what did the world a tiny favor.

…if it didn’t mention he was a registered Democrat he was a registered Democrat…

Iman said...

The young man just wanted to have “that conversation”.

Humperdink said...

The seeds of hatred were planted by the Commie-Pinkos when Trump came down the elevator. Every move Trump made was distorted (See Howard's very fine people quote above). The lying sacks in media watered and fertilized the seeds and people like Howard bought it hook, line and sinker. So here we are. Hatred is now manifesting itself with violence. Recall Chris Cuomo: "Who said protests have to be peaceful?" It's on you Howard and your ilk.

Quaestor said...

The man was 22 years old.

22, that was the median age of the Waffen-SS in 1945, while the Heer (the regular German army) was considerably older at the war's end when Himmler got the pick of the fittest recruits. At its formation in 1943, the median age of the 12th SS Panzer Division (Hitlerjugend) was 16 -- 16,000 boys armed with tanks groomed with Nazi propaganda since before they could read. They were so young they got a candy ration rather than smokes. Because they were so young and so indoctrinated they were also the most inclined to criminality.

Joseph Göbbels knew what he was doing. So does Rashida Jones.

Quaestor said...

“You also had some very fine people on both sides,” he said."

Irrelevant. That was 2017. TDS takes a bit more time to metastasize.

MadTownGuy said...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"I never saw one of those post-apocalyptic movies where there are marauding gangs of bad guys on ATVs but I'll bet it's a thing."

For a while, large groups of ATV riders were harassing drivers in DC and the Maryland 'burbs by blocking traffic, surrounding cars and doing burnouts or wheelies until the cops started to roll in.

Now it's spread to the WV Panhandle where we lived for a while. Haven't seen it yet here in S. Central PA, but who knows...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yet Democrats, including presumptive "nominee" Harris, still use eliminationist rhetoric routinely calling Trump an "existential threat" to the nation and its government. She did it yesterday. What are we supposed to do when people or groups "threaten our existence if not take extreme measures? Isn't it justifiable self-defense to preemptively kill Hitler?

As often stated here, but until now not by me, leftists are playing with fire in using such extreme rhetoric towards Trump and his supporters. The danger posed by their words repeated and amplified in the media cannot be overstated at this point, just after an assassination attempt on Trump. If they can't turn it down now WTF will they be saying in October when she's trailing by ten points?

Dagwood said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dagwood said...

So have the media gotten around to labeling the suicide as a retaliatory act and blaming the firearm yet?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Why can’t people figure this out?

We've known for 100 years that repetition is the key to mind control / brainwashing someone. (It also works in advertising.) The DNC Media Complex relentlessly repeat leftist apocalyptic messaging about the "seas boiling" and "destroying Medicare" and "existential threat to Democracy" and "poisoning the air" and "violence against gays and [alphabet people]" and "hating brown people" and "putting people in camps" etc. It is an endless list, but those are among the Top 20.

Social media is key to repetition. DNC cable media is key to repetition. NYT-WaPo are key to repetition. Democrats relentlessly staying "on message" with daily talking points are key to repetition.

Temujin said...

Per Chris at 5:11am, the threat of the ending of Democracy hanging over the nation, coupled with the threat of violence is always pounded on us as a threat coming from the right.

Yet, with one exception, it is always coming from the left. Always. And always excused when it comes from the left, but made a War Cry, complete with a faux Congressional hearing (J6) the one time it came from the right.

I think of the riots of the summer of 2020, literally backed vocally and supported financially by the person now running for President as the Democratic candidate. As the neighborhoods burned down, and multiple people were killed, this woman- Kamala Harris- thought to use it as a tool to gain traction on her own power ascension.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Today's DNC keywords are "racist" and "sexist." Look for them at a news outlet near you.

Christopher B said...

When I first read the headline I imagined that this would be a story about a guy who was waving a sign for Trump or something like that near a road that got hit by a car. Didn't realize the kid deliberately targeted him posting a sign on his own property.

Somehow the darkness of political violence is always descending on Democrats but winds up landing on Republicans.

campy said...

This seems awfully pat. How sure are we that the dead man was the ATV driver? And was it really a suicide?

n.n said...

Planned Parent/hood was a Whitmer conspiracy, a wicked solution.

So, he exercised liberal license to entertain abortive ideation.

The Nazis were secular ideologues with progressive themes. So, was this kid a neo-Nazi, a neo-Democrazi?

Rainbow symbols and rhetoric in the human context are albinophobic and hate crimes targeting a historically discriminated minority in black and politically congruent societies.

imTay said...

I don’t believe anything about suicides of people that the regime would rather not have talking on the news, anymore. It may be true, but their word is no longer trustworthy.

Jersey Fled said...

Now do BLM.

Mark said...

"Yet Democrats, including presumptive "nominee" Harris, still use eliminationist rhetoric routinely calling Trump an "existential threat" to the nation and its government"

Trump has been saying if Biden is elected it is the end of America as we know it, that we will be overrun by criminal immigrants.

You turn a mighty blind eye to what your own heroes are saying at every rally ... or people say on this blog daily. Trump regularly talks about the hellscape that would occur if he doesn't win.

The Middle Coast said...

Too bad we’ll never know the rider’s true motivation.

mikee said...

Check voter rolls after the election, see if he got his mail in ballot. And voted using it.

n.n said...

Also, an SUV driving into a parade of women and children at Christmas. Was it at least a battery powered weapon with lithium gathered from dispersed deposits?

Big Mike said...

“Suspected” my ass! They have the entire incident on security camera. The kid drove his ATV onto the elderly man’s lawn to knock down the Trump signs. The man attempted to replace the signs, as anyone would, and the kid deliberately ran him over. According to an article written by Asche Schow:

“The victim was taken to the hospital with serious injuries, including a brain bleed, and is reportedly still in critical condition.“

Whether the kid killed himself out of remorse or he killed himself because he was facing charges of attempted murder, and perhaps worse if his victim should die, is immaterial. What’s true is this: he committed that violent attack while thinking of himself as being a good Democrat.

Paul said...

TDS was strong in that young man.. glad he took the indicated response when police arrived.

Big Mike said...

Trump has been saying if Biden is elected it is the end of America as we know it, that we will be overrun by criminal immigrants.

@Mark (7:49), in what way is that wrong?

Jamie said...

But Trump doesn't Godwin the thread, does he?

My understanding is, he says Biden (and Harris) are terrible at their jobs and corrupt - the former of which is an opinion shared by many, and the latter of which, at least in Biden's case, is well supported. He says opening the border to millions of illegal entrants obviously allows any of them who are criminals to enter too - which is demonstrably true.

He says Biden's policies, if continued (which is what we can expect from Harris), will continue to raise prices, depress (non-government) jobs, increase dependency, and add to the climate of rightthink-vs-wrongthink that we've all been living in at least since COVID (I think for quite a few years prior). These are political claims about whether the future will bring more of what we can all see around us now.

Has he compared Biden to Hitler or Stalin or Xi or Putin? I mean, I can't rule it out - literally the only Trump rallies I've ever seen are the heavy rotation footage of the assassination attempt and the first one after that where he says he "took a bullet for democracy." I watched his acceptance speech at the RNC and there was no rhetoric nearly as extreme as what I've been hearing and reading on the news since he was elected.

Christopher B said...

Mark @ 7:49 AM

False equivalence.

As Jamie notes, I've not seen any tape of Trump claiming that Biden (or now Harris) will be a dictator. Even in your comment you are pointing out that Trump objects to the policies on immigration that Biden has implemented, largely by EO and convenient interpretation of existing statutes rather than legislation I might add, which would continue if Biden (or Harris presumably) were to continue to hold the office.

Every day I see ads from Biden (and now Harris) proclaiming that Donald Trump is personally an existential threat to Our Democracy (TM). Not that his proposed policies are wrong, or that the policies put in place by executive fiat by Biden are right, but that his election alone represents a threat.

wendybar said...

When does Cumala get called out for"inciting violence" to the violent protesters burning down the cities in 2020??? If you wonder why Progressives are violent and hateful is because of politicians like her who spewed this crap...

“They’re not going to stop,” Harris said at the time. “This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not going to stop and everyone beware, because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before Election Day in November and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that on both levels. They’re not going to let up and they should not and we should not.”


wendybar said...

"Trump has been saying if Biden is elected it is the end of America as we know it, that we will be overrun by criminal immigrants."

Criminal ILLEGAL ALIENS who Joe Biden let invade the country. There. I fixed it for you Mark.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Trump has been saying if Biden is elected it is the end of America as we know it, that we will be overrun by criminal immigrants.

You turn a mighty blind eye to what your own heroes are saying at every rally ... or people say on this blog daily. Trump regularly talks about the hellscape that would occur if he doesn't win."

So you're saying he's right? By the same standard (or less) with which you believe Trump is literally Hitler?

If Bret Kavanaugh is a rapist, then Biden and Clinton must be, applying the same (or better) standards of evidence.

You've knotted yourself in the stupidest of ideological snares.

Drago said...

I saw the headline re: Michigan man runs over Trump supporter and my first thought was whether or not anyone had done a wellness check on self-declared Michigan resident LLR-democratical Chuck.

Drago said...

Hardly surprising Howard is recycling the Charlottesville Fine People hoax.

phantommut said...

He was a Lone ATVman.

Anthony said...

Penkville said...

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that all the violence that Trump and his supporters are supposedly threatening never seems to materialise, while the 'good guys'who want to save the World from the Orange Man and his evil coterie are constantly found to be murderous crazies...

To borrow a phrase, the dark night of fascism is forever descending on the right, but always landing on the left.

hombre said...

The mediaswine fomented this kind of lunacy.

Mason G said...

"The mediaswine fomented this kind of lunacy."

Exactly so.

According to them, Trump saying "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" is inciting an insurrection but when leftard political "leaders" repeatedly wail (and their lapdog media eagerly reports these eructations) "Literally Hitler!" and "Existential threat to Our Democracy™, that's just fine.

Mary Beth said...

"As police close in" has an ACAB vibe, but he's the one that called them.

Sean Gleeson said...

So I was reading that thinking "that's not a bad idea for a murder." I mean, shooting someone, putting the gun in his hand, then calling the police from the victim's phone and confessing to crimes. Not saying I think that's what happened here. Just saying it's not a bad idea for a murder.

Michael K said...

You turn a mighty blind eye to what your own heroes are saying at every rally ... or people say on this blog daily. Trump regularly talks about the hellscape that would occur if he doesn't win.

Lefty Mark can't tell the difference between policy disagreement and incitement to murder. He is approaching Dullard territory. Do you still believe in the Russia Hoax ?

who-knew said...

I was surprised that it happened in the UP, not Ann Arbor.

Jim at said...

This is what you created, leftists. Hope you're happy.

pious agnostic said...

In a world where every kid can get antianxiety medication, it's very sad to see someone who clearly needed help, not get it.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

Swift justice, and it didn't cost the taxpayers anything. Win-win.

JAORE said...

Trump's fault???????

Better ask Nadler. He's the go to guy on this stuff.

Mikey NTH said...

Hancock, across the Portage Canal from Houghton, home to Michigan Tecnological University. On the Keewenaw penisula. That area is about as wild in the wilderness sense as it gets. Hunting and fishing and every part of outdoor life is the norm there. Strange it happened up there.

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