July 18, 2024

"A bullet couldn't stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden. The nominees of this party getting their butts kissed. Biden getting his butt kicked by his own party."


Narayanan said...

The better slogan is "Trump took a bullet, Biden took a nap."
after he was told about it!

NYC JournoList said...

Not only did Joe not fire Cheatle, and she didn’t resign, she showed he face at the RNC. And then she hid behind USSC protection after being chased by US Senators. She is too unselfaware to be a plotter. Guess she thought no one would recognize her.


Kakistocracy said...

Biden is shoveling sand against a tidal wave.

By retaining Biden as the candidate, the Democrats have accepted a standpoint that this is Trump’s election to lose. Trump may well oblige. But he may not. It’s such a timid approach in a time that needs anything but timid. Democrats should show some spirit and open the race.

n.n said...

DieVirusity chides Joe.

Original Mike said...

Maybe, this time around, what's best for the country is for your party to lose.

Be a patriot, man.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Alex Jones did say Biden was in danger.

narciso said...

You picked this horse van off to the glue factory

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Reality check:

The Democrat who loses to Trump will never get to run again for President.

It;'s 1 and done. Because in 2028, all that person's competitors will say "X lost to Trump and put us in the mess we're in, vote for me instead!"

Adam Schiff wants someone to replace Biden to help Schiff run against Garvey. He's not volunteering to fall on the sword himself.

Kamala is asking herself "if I don't run now, will I be the nominee in 2028?" If her answer is "no", she'll try to push Joe out. If her answer is yes, she won't.

Trump surviving the assassination attempt has changed the calculations. The press still wants Biden out, because they want any possibly improvement for the team.

But IMO they're going to have a hard time finding someone with a chance who's actually willing to take one for the team.

n.n said...

Start a hate train, a bullet rain.

Charlie said...

Aw, you hate to see it.

gilbar said...

if y'all remember, my prediction was:
By the end of the 1st day of the (democrat party) convention..
resident Biden would TRAGICALLY DIE (probably from covid).. possibly on TV..

I also stated, that all of this would be IF Biden didn't resign from the "illness"

Iman said...

We won’t change anything we are willing to tolerate.

And Jones is a broken clock.

doctrev said...

The Biden deadenders, and there will ALWAYS be deadenders if the media is not absolutely united, are homicidally furious with Van Jones and the LLR types. If Biden was "removed," I don't think they could sell it as MAGA retaliation. Even passing from Covid would look suspicious.

I hope you're enjoying yourself, Rich. This is where your ticket has brought you. Final destination up ahead.

BarrySanders20 said...

The convention is going very well for R's. Comments from Van Jones (and Rich!) reflect that, as he knows it is going well. If Jones wants Biden replaced, that also could be a motivation to say that.

Kakistocracy said...

@ Barry S: Trump is utterly unfit for office. But to take that message to the voters, the Democrats need a candidate who is not himself unfit for office. Otherwise it comes down to who's less unfit, and then you've got a guy who shook his fist after being shot vs. a guy who vaguely remembers seeing his fist but can't remember where.

planetgeo said...

Van Jones is dangerous. A truth-telling Democrat. Good thing the Democrats have no place in their party leadership for someone like that.

TaeJohnDo said...

FB also removed this link on my page calling it SPAM. You can't hate them enough.

Achilles said...

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Reality check:

The Democrat who loses to Trump will never get to run again for President.

It;'s 1 and done. Because in 2028, all that person's competitors will say "X lost to Trump and put us in the mess we're in, vote for me instead!"

Adam Schiff wants someone to replace Biden to help Schiff run against Garvey. He's not volunteering to fall on the sword himself.

Kamala is asking herself "if I don't run now, will I be the nominee in 2028?" If her answer is "no", she'll try to push Joe out. If her answer is yes, she won't.

Kamala showed how likely she was to win in 2028 last time she tried to win a primary. Everyone in the world except Kamala knows Kamala will not be the nominee in 2028.

The issue is getting her to accept the 2024 loss. On the other hand she might be dumb enough to think she can stop Trump. So we will see.

I do look forward to her complaints about white men not setting her up for success though.

The Democrats in Congress are the people driving things inside the party at this point. They are doing arbitrage and trying to save their jobs.

Jackpine Slim said...

There have been suggestions made here that greed was the motivating factor for the good doctor and her probable white-nostriled lover to finally take the old man to the home. Schumer visited and overnight COVID! affects the old man. Seems to me the size of Biden's book advance has been settled.

Bob Boyd said...

"Regimes plan was to use an MKULTRA subject and lax security to have Trump assassinated.

Knowing that there would be widespread retaliation.

Chaos sets in.

PATRIOT Act level restrictions, and cancelled elections in red states.

(Far more plausible than incompetence.)"
- Mike Cernovich

Rory said...

The Dems should nominate...Trump. Former Dem, centrist unity candidate, has actually won a contested primary season.

Jimmy said...

How pathetic is the left now? Calling for Biden to resign, just weeks after telling how strong and smart he is.
If this is your party, you deserve every bit of contempt that is coming.

Achilles said...

Rich said...

Biden is shoveling sand against a tidal wave.

By retaining Biden as the candidate, the Democrats have accepted a standpoint that this is Trump’s election to lose. Trump may well oblige. But he may not. It’s such a timid approach in a time that needs anything but timid. Democrats should show some spirit and open the race.

I am actually curious what you think democrats should do at this point.

Should they double down on the "Trump is a threat to democracy" rhetoric?

Should they tell everyone how successful Biden is and how well the country is doing right now?

Should they call for open war with Russia and call everyone who opposes the war a traitor?

Right now it seems that Democrats are going with "The assassination was staged."

I am actually curious what you have to offer here.

Narayanan said...

The Dems should nominate...Trump. Former Dem, centrist unity candidate, has actually won a contested primary season.
if they do then are R's in situation of finidng replacemnt?

Oh Yea said...

Is there a bunker in the Beach House?

traditionalguy said...

Yup. That kill Trump plan was an all in bet for killer Joe. And Trump won all Joe’s chips by a quarter inch head turn. If Trump was dead, then Biden and Jill would still be living it up.

FullMoon said...

Well, I hate to brag, but when Joe said a health problem would make him drop out, followed by Covid diagnosis, I was among the first 5 or 10 million or so to say he's gonna face the music.

After Trump defeats whoever the dems sacrifice, Biden will always claim he would have won if he didn't get the big C. And, will blame his continuing frailty on the virus.

J Severs said...

I doubt that I would agree with Mr. Jones very much, but he always impresses me as someone who calls things as he sees them.

Leland said...

"Titanium" that could be Trump's walkout song for the rest of the campaign.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

And here's Van Jones to tell you how he's above it all.......

Bob Boyd said...

"oft evil will shall evil mar." - some old dude in that superlong movie about elves and stuff.

Rusty said...

A convenient excuse to keep him from the press and off of television.
They obviously haven't met Jills price yet.

Goldenpause said...

Never forget that this week Van Jones said JD Vance was a virus. Shame on CNN for giving Jones a spot from which to spew such irresponsible hatred.

Kakistocracy said...

@ Achilles: Open convention

I don’t think the Democrats realize just how deep the hole is that they are in.

No one outside the upper echelons of the Democrat Party thinks Biden has any chance of winning.
This dithering over an obvious decision to replace Biden is further drawing into question whether the entire Democrat Party is fit to govern.

Meanwhile, Trump is riding a wave from the failed assassination attempt. Very soon he will be unstoppable. It’s only because there’s still four months left that I hesitate to say he IS unstoppable already. But the Democrats are running out of road, and I am highly sceptical whether they can turn this situation around, even with a new candidate.

Sleep walking towards disaster

Christopher B said...

I doubt that COVID will cause Biden to drop out. The clear implication of his statement in the BET interview was that it would need to be a serious long-term medical condition preventing him from successfully completing a second term aka an actual Parkinson's diagnosis, which is unlikely to happen.

COVID is an excuse for Biden to lie low, stop shooting himself in the foot in front of a camera, and wait out the two weeks until the Democrat convention starts.

I think the Biden Crime Syndicate is now at the point where they are simply trying to stay in the White House until January 2025. While it's certainly possible for Biden to drop from the race and remain President, each new gaffe makes that more and more untenable. Greg outlines the issue pretty well. If Biden is out then the Democrats have to either explain why somebody other than Harris is the nominee (assuming they can find somebody willing to risk losing to Trump), or why Biden is staying in office if he can't function well enough to campaign. Biden's position is far closer to Nixon's than LBJ's at this point. Why this makes a difference is that Biden is going to have to issue a number of blanket pardons before he leaves (they are not going to accept assurances that anybody else will do it), and doing so before the election would blow a huge hole in the Democrat's "convicted felon" talking point.

Just an old country lawyer said...

After Saturday I think all the Dem leaders with brains realize that Trump is likely unbeatable in this cycle. Therefore I would think that the pressure on old Joe to withdraw would ease up since no one who is looking for a future as a Dem politician wants to take the loss. OTOH, if Biden takes the COVID path to leave the race, then I think Harris becomes the nominee so the deck will be cleared for 2028. I think she will be the sacrificial lamb. And didn't Tulsi look fine in that video put down?

Achilles said...

3... 2... 1...

This interview will be going viral. X has changed how this all works.

Independent reporters went out and talked to a classmate of Crooks.

Have fun with this.

TreeJoe said...

Lot of people on the right fetishizing Trumps recent successes and miracles and pretending the election is next week.

It’s 3.5 months away with a fickle electorate. There’s a reason October surprises are famous - because huge swings can and do occur in just a few weeks.

Achilles said...

Rich said...

@ Achilles: Open convention

I don’t think the Democrats realize just how deep the hole is that they are in.

No one outside the upper echelons of the Democrat Party thinks Biden has any chance of winning.
This dithering over an obvious decision to replace Biden is further drawing into question whether the entire Democrat Party is fit to govern.

Meanwhile, Trump is riding a wave from the failed assassination attempt. Very soon he will be unstoppable. It’s only because there’s still four months left that I hesitate to say he IS unstoppable already. But the Democrats are running out of road, and I am highly sceptical whether they can turn this situation around, even with a new candidate.

Sleep walking towards disaster


The main problem they have is they have to find a serious candidate then. That person has to have brand value with only 4 months left. Someone like Newsome or Obama. Someone who has name recognition and has built a political machine.

So they can't grab a random young person with nothing to lose.

So that cuts things down the list to people like Oprah, Dwayne Johnson, Gavin Newsome, Michele Witmer etc.

Now they have to convince that person to risk being the person who likely doesn't just lose to Trump. Trump got 75 million votes with an RNC that was trying to lose.

Trump is likely going to get somewhere between 80-90 million votes.

That could be higher now that the RNC is actually run by people who are focused on GOTV efforts. People are underestimating that someone like Elon Musk is investing ~180 million dollars in a specifically early voting oriented super PAC.

Anyone taking this nomination has the real possibility of being first person to get zero electoral votes.

These people are starting to think about their place in the history books. I don't think they will find any takers.

The only name I see any small chance around is RFK.

Achilles said...


One of these posts will get through the filter. I am trying a straight paste link this time.

Independent reporters are talking to Crook's classmates.

Crook's was politically active and angry. He was part of a group that threatened a school shooting.

X has changed how all of this works.

Jamie said...

X has changed how all of this works.

It's become pretty much my only hope against the coming October surprise.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"A bullet couldn't stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden. The nominees of this party getting their butts kissed. Biden getting his butt kicked by his own party."

That sentence reminds me of the iconic Trump picture. It's nearly perfect.

It's a Reverend Jacksonian sentence.

BarrySanders20 said...

Oh noes! Obama just shivved Biden, so it's over. The D's are aborting the grinning old bastard with viability talk, and now that St Obama has spoken, they all can pile on. Farewell, Joe. You always sucked. Time for a Joe Bye-ku.

stlcdr said...

Do not underestimate the ability of democrats to lie and cheat: they are very good at it.

As an off-the-wall thought, what happens if JFKjr somehow shows up as the Democrat nominee?

Hassayamper said...

Now they're talking about Michelle and Kamala on the ticket together. Trump and Vance won't dare say it aloud, but it will definitely be the "DMV Ladies Ticket" anywhere people can speak their mind freely.

Robert Cook said...

"Do not underestimate the ability of democrats to lie and cheat: they are very good at it."

Do not underestimate the ability of republicans to lie and cheat: they are very good at it.

See how easy that is?

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Robert Cook said...
"Do not underestimate the ability of democrats to lie and cheat: they are very good at it."

Do not underestimate the ability of republicans to lie and cheat: they are very good at it.
See how easy that is?

Sure, all you have to do is inhabit an alternate reality where it's the GOP that is pro-vote fraud, and the Dems against it.

But, here in the real world, it's Dems who
1: Oppose preventing non-citizens from voting
2: Oppose requiring people to show photo ID before they vote
3: Support ballot harvesting operations that make vote buying and vote fraud easier
4: Support ballot drop boxes that make vote fraud easier to hide (mailmen might get curious to find 50 absentee ballot forms in a mail box, and wonder if some fraud was happening. Dropping them in an unattended "ballot box" OTOH, makes it much easier to hide the fraud).

But sure, Cookie, you support the SAVE Act. Let us know it's not your side that is cheating.

mikeski said...

As an off-the-wall thought, what happens if JFKjr somehow shows up as the Democrat nominee?

Well, it would certainly be something, what with him being dead and all.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Rich said...
@ Barry S: Trump is utterly unfit for office

No, he isn't.

He was, in fact, the least authoritarian President we've had since Calvin Coolidge. Which is response to Covid was Operation Warp Speed, rather than Federal mandates and "emergence" orders.

He did an utterly piss poor job at fighting the Deep State during his first term, which is why I supported DeSantis. But that's not "unfit for office" from your POV.

Other than that? Well, he significantly cut the illegal alien invasion of America, greatly improved the economy for Americans, especially the less well off Americans, renegotiated NAFTA to better serve the US, cut the power of the CCP, kept Russia in check, forced the biggest NATO deadbeats to spend more, and made teh US a net exporter of oil.

That's only "unfit for office" if you hate America

Rocco said...

mikeski said...
“As an off-the-wall thought, what happens if JFKjr somehow shows up as the Democrat nominee?

Well, it would certainly be something, what with him being dead and all.”

- Wouldn’t stop him from voting D.
- He’d have the Zombie-American vote locked up. (Previously they’ve been for Joe).

FormerLawClerk said...

A bullet couldn't stop Trump.

A few stairs can stop Biden.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Achilles said...
Greg the Class Traitor said...
Kamala is asking herself "if I don't run now, will I be the nominee in 2028?" If her answer is "no", she'll try to push Joe out. If her answer is yes, she won't.

Kamala showed how likely she was to win in 2028 last time she tried to win a primary. Everyone in the world except Kamala knows Kamala will not be the nominee in 2028.

You are mistaking Kamala for someone who inhabits teh same reality the rest of us inhabit.

I do not believe she has any staff willing and able to tell her "you suck. You failed. You have to get off your ass and work if you want anything."

Just like I believe that Joe is surrounded by people who are only showing him polls that make him look good. because Joe staying in enhances their personal power.

If she was willing and determined to work her ass off, I think she could become the Dem nominee in 2028. Because the DEI party is going to promote a half-competent black female over a better white male. That is after all the whole point of DEI.

But I don't believe she's willing to put in the effort needed.

What I'm not yet willing to believe is that she's honest enough with herself to believe that she's toast if she doesn't run now

Mason G said...

"Well, it would certainly be something, what with him being dead and all."

Dead Democrats vote, don't they deserve a candidate that "looks like them", too?

J L Oliver said...

I wasn’t surprised by the COVID diagnosis. I heard a dem-loving “journalist” say last week that Biden’s health issue was long COVID. Long COVID, what a great get out of office doctor’s excuse, I thought at the time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cook - Except that in the case of Democrats - they are liars and cheaters. The R's merely want to stop the lying and the cheating. Except for Liz Cheney - Team D liar and cheater extraordinaire.

Right now the democrats are hopping mad that the Republicans want to keep illegals from voting. The SAVE act - offends the lie and cheat democrats.
All while democrats in power are doing everything they can to get voter registrations into the hands of the 11.5 million illegals they just imported.

Jackpine Slim said...

Oh, the Democrats will find someone top tier. It's not about the honor of the office for them, it's about the size of the book advances, the library donations, and the foundation funding. And the large dacha overlooking the sea.

SoLastMillennium said...

"But IMO they're going to have a hard time finding someone with a chance who's actually willing to take one for the team."

Run Hillary for "Reelection"... (see, that wasn't hard)

Hassayamper said...

Anyone taking this nomination has the real possibility of being first person to get zero electoral votes.

I cast my first vote in 1984, and as much as I would like to see 2024 beat that, I must say you're simply out of your gourd here.

If Jesus Christ and Mother Theresa descended from the clouds with a host of angels to accept the Republican nomination, and the Dems put Lucifer himself on their ticket, D.C. and six or seven of the states would pick the Prince of Darkness.

I see that Minnesota, Virginia, New Mexico, and even New York are getting within striking distance, though. I can imagine a 350-400 EV victory for Trump/Vance.

Biff said...

It's significant that a guy who (at least in the past) was a self-professed radical communist activist, a "Free Mumia" supporter, a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, and a host of other unsavory things is now one of the sanest, most reasonable voices on the Left. Credit where credit is due.

Achilles said...

Greg the Class Traitor said...

You are mistaking Kamala for someone who inhabits teh same reality the rest of us inhabit.

I did say everyone but kamala knows Kamala will not win. I know I buried it in there so no biggy.

I think there is a 95% chance it is Kamala at this point and they look to salvage the senate or house.

Then we will never hear from Kamala again.

But I also think it is highly likely we start a hot war with Russia or Taiwan gets invaded or something along those lines very soon.

JustSomeGuyToo said...

Wow. I would have thought for sure he'd be vaccinated.

Joe Smith said...

People keep saying Jones is smart.

Is it because he's a black guy who can string two sentences together without the usual ghetto accent?

Otherwise I don't see it...

Greg the Class Traitor said...

SoLastMillennium said...
"But IMO they're going to have a hard time finding someone with a chance who's actually willing to take one for the team."

Run Hillary for "Reelection"... (see, that wasn't hard)

Are you trying to make me believe in God? Sure, let's have the Dems re-run the cackling harridan who already lost to Trump once.

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