[B]oth campaigns are racing to prepare....
Okay, that's not what I heard yesterday.
The Biden operation is blocking off much of the final week before the debate... for structured preparations. Mr. Trump has long preferred looser conversations, batting around themes, ideas and one-liners more informally among advisers....
That does sound as though Biden is in no hurry to prepare.
The rules circulated by CNN warn that this time, “moderators will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion.”
And then there is this: “Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate designated to speak.” It is not clear how muted microphones will work in practice — whether the types of memorable moments (Al Gore’s sighs or Barack Obama’s “you’re likable enough” aside to Hillary Clinton) that have defined past debates will be lost entirely....
The unusually deep personal animosity between the two men is both an X factor for the debate and a key consideration for their strategies. The Trump campaign thinks a winning approach is exposing Biden being Biden; the Biden campaign sees a winning debate as letting Trump be Trump.
So the new rules will help in pursuing that strategy of standing back and letting your opponent reveal how bad he is. If that really is your strategy. It doesn't sound like something they're "racing to prepare."
For Mr. Biden, the preparation process will be overseen by Ron Klain, his first White House chief of staff, who filled the same role for his 2020 debates and his 2012 vice-presidential debate. Mr. Klain compiles what topics are likely to come up and what prospective answers could be, according to people who have been involved in past planning sessions....
“The goal is no surprises,” said Kate Bedingfield, a former White House communications director who was involved in Mr. Biden’s 2020 debate preparations. “In some ways, you have to be prepared for the unimaginable. So the aim of the process is to acclimate President Biden to the idea that some really awful things may come out of Donald Trump’s mouth.”
One major question is whether Mr. Trump brings up Hunter Biden, the president’s son....
For his part, Mr. Trump has never consented to anything resembling traditional, rigorous debate preparation, and this election appears no exception. He has often said that he is at his best when improvising....
Mr. Trump’s aides are not expected to hold formal role-playing sessions that replicate the debate and include somebody acting as Mr. Biden.... Asked who might stand in for the role of the president, [one of Trump's campaign managers] replied, “Joe Biden is going to play Joe Biden.”
Mr. Trump has argued that he is taking on not just Mr. Biden but also a television network in CNN that he says is hostile to him.... The Biden team has made clear what topics it would like the moderators to focus on... abortion, democracy... tax cuts.... Mr. Trump wants to focus on inflation, the fact that major conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza began during Mr. Biden’s tenure and record border crossings that the former president blames for domestic crime.
Trump has better issues, and we will see if CNN avoids them. If it does, I'm sure Trump will raise them on his own. There's no rule against blowing off the question and saying the things you want to say. Trump does that all the time. An easy segue would be to attack the CNN moderator for asking Biden-favoring questions and to accuse it of avoiding these other questions. Do the rules forbid the moderators from jumping in and chiding him that he's not answering the question asked? Anyway, Trump can fight with them, whatever they do. As noted above, he is at his best when improvising... or so he thinks.
Mr. Biden’s team believes it has already won a major victory by persuading the Trump campaign to agree to move the first debate to late June from September....
Oh, really? Then I guess you don't think he's going to withdraw.
Plenty of Democrats are nervous about how Mr. Biden will perform. But the president is not said to be one of them.
“I can assure you, Joe Biden is not scared of Donald Trump,” Mr. Klain....
"Not scared" doesn't mean you're going to do a good job.
It is not clear how muted microphones will work in practice
which team has hired that lady from UC Berkeley School of Law brouhahah
We already know how it will go. It will be a bias parade. Biden will be asked pre-programmed softballs, and Trump will be abused, silenced, and punished.
Remember, what they do to him, they are doing to all of us.
“I can assure you, Joe Biden is not scared of Donald Trump,” Mr. Klain....
The exams I was most confident of acing going in proved to be the most frustrating and damaging to my GPA. Surveys have repeatedly shown that there is an inverse relationship between one's confidence and one's competence. Folks who truly know their stuff also appreciate their limitations.
Biden says he has no fear of Trump, eh? That means he hasn't the brains to be wary.
Biden will debate. As usual for Dem candidates he will be given pre-notice of the questions and topics plus active intervention by the moderator on his behalf, while the moderator will be relentlessly hostile toward Trump. Biden cannot pass up this opportunity. Also, as we saw in the state of the union, people’s expectations of Biden’s lucidity are so low that they will be impressed if he merely shouts out some practiced but disconnected talking points. If Biden does well, there will be no second debate. The bigger question is why any Republican will agree to this format. Maybe Trump will pull out?
A real debate should allow each candidate to ask a certain number of questions for the other plus allow time for each candidate to make their pitch (and be rebutted). No moderator except to call time. Someone who talks, say 15 seconds beyond their time limit forfeits a question or rebuttal opportunity.
All Biden has to do to win is to remain standing for ninety minutes or not soil his diaper. Which ever is the lowest bar.
Of course it will be rigged to benefit Biden.
He cant do five minutes outdoors with six people around him
Soros has it wrapped up...
Save this post till, say, Nov 10th 2024.
The Biden operation is blocking off much of the final week before the debate... for structured preparations.
"structured preparations" meaning a medically induced coma to rest him before the MASSIVE speed injections
Joe takes drugs so he can perform like his son, and vice versa.
Will there be drug testing?
“The goal is no surprises,”
That's why CNN will be giving the Biden team the questions beforehand.
CNN's control of Trump's microphone should be a 'no-go'.
But, knowing Trump he will some how turn it into a rousing victory.
There was a meme going around the internet a couple of weeks ago that Trump's winning strategy would be to cede all of his time to Joe Biden- make Biden talk for the entire 90 minutes.
My guess is, the outcome of the debate will be that more people hate CNN.
Everyone knows that Biden's campaign will get all of the questions beforehand in the order they will be asked- this has been standard operating procedure for the last 17 years at least. The one time a moderator went off script against a Democrat induced an expletive filled rant from Hillary Clinton afterwards. The challenge will be making sure Joe Biden can remember 20% of the prepared response without a teleprompter and/or listen and repeat from the ear-piece without fucking it up.
"Yancey Ward said...
There was a meme going around the internet a couple of weeks ago that Trump's winning strategy would be to cede all of his time to Joe Biden- make Biden talk for the entire 90 minutes."
Biden will be drugged up and ready to talk for 90 minutes. He's spent his whole life talking and can do it in his sleep. He out-talked Paul Ryan in their debate.
Of course, most of what Biden will say will be lies (fine people hoax) or stuff he just made up (cannibals).
Or maybe the meds won't work this time.
"Tank said...
He out-talked Paul Ryan in their debate."
That was 12 years ago.
"Curious George said...
"Tank said...
He out-talked Paul Ryan in their debate."
That was 12 years ago."
True, but maybe you recall, we all thought that Ryan would wipe the floor with Joe. Didn't happen.
As I said, maybe the meds don't work.
"Tank said...
True, but maybe you recall, we all thought that Ryan would wipe the floor with Joe. Didn't happen."
Sure, but Ryan is a dweeb. He let Biden bully him. I don't see Trump letting that happen.
“We must change all the rules and customs to thwart Trump.” How fair minded! No audience (Trump’s too good with crowds), no conservative “moderator” (Trump will hit their points too well and connect with the TV viewers), no open mics (we can’t risk Trump responding to Biden’s blizzard of lies and fanciful tales).
Sounds about right. If the event actually happens Trump will find a way to make an impression. The talking heads will say he blew it. But everyone will hear the message. The media Coyote always thinks it’s finally gonna catch the Trump Roadrunner. LOL. Beep beep.
Moderators will cut Trump’s off if he strays off the gotcha questions. I expect a few cuts for ‘fact checks’, Candy style. Joe will get help with his prepared answers, ‘don’t you mean X Mr. President?’
With stupid moderators like CNN's Jake and Dana duo, we can all go to sleep. Now will they get into Trump's incredible idea of changing out income taxation for higher tariffs on imports? Sadly he continues to believe that foreigners are paying the tariffs without increasing the prices of goods imported.
Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers blasted policy ideas floated by former President Donald Trump as immensely damaging to both the US and the global economy. “This is a prescription for the mother of all stagflations,” Summers said.
Larry almost got it right. I prefer the "Mother of All Grandiose Stagflations" (MAGA).
Why would QuidProJoe need to prepare? If he goes through with the debate, the questions will be provided to him by CNN and his handlers will have written out the answers. Jill will be praying - if she has a god.
Really, all Trump has to do is get CNN to cut his mike during his time to speak. Or the moderators to eat up his time.
CNN doesn't know but their future is as on the line as Biden's. Chris Wallace killed his career going against Trump. And few were happy with Dana Perino's "raise your hand" questions during the primary debates.
And if Biden has cards for canned questions, well.....
yes hes on the milk carton with CNN +.
Debate between a guy 81 and a guy 78. I think the only CNN rule should be that they are both tethered to their podiums so they don't wander off.
Contrast to Fall 1960. Nixon 47 (much younger than Hunter Biden) against JFK 43 (younger than DJT Jr).
Moderator: "How will you solve the climate crisis, Mr Trump?"
Trump: "I'll leave it to free markets and individual states. I will instead be working with Congress on issues that are constitutionally presidential: immigration, taxation, national defense, controlling reckless federal spending, prosecuting spies and traitors ... things like that. Climate is on my list, about 53rd in priority ... "
Moderator: Well, 3/4th of American teenagers can't read. What will you do about that?
Trump: "I'll defund the Federal Department of Education then leave schools to free markets and individual states. Schools are a federal responsibility. I like vouchers, but some people don't. Let governors and state legislatures sort it out. Next question.
Moderator: Hmm. Many Americans mistakenly believe inflation is high, how will you correct that disinformation?
Trump: "Prices are high. Gas prices, grocery prices, rents, mortgage rates, all historically high. Everybody understands this but Mr Biden. So long as inflation rates are above zero, prices go up. Rates go up and down but average prices never come down, they go up and stay up. Presidents can squeeze the balloon and shrink one part but it makes everything else bigger. Rent controls, rent ceilings, minimum wages, housing vouchers, all make the problem worse. Voters are right, you guys in media are the ones offering disinformation. The only solution is to back government intervention out of the market. Fire some bureaucrats, like that guy in Argentina did. My hero."
Moderator: You say you would fire civil servants -- will this be based on loyalty tests, people affirming your policies?
Trump: This isn't about loyalty this is common sense. It's duplication of effort and expense. Anything the states and markets are doing or can do, the federal system shouldn't and can't do. Fire the people in the EPA who are worried about indoor air from vaping and gas stoves. The environment is outdoors, right? The environment crosses state lines. Soot in your kitchen, assuming it exists -- which I doubt, by the way -- isn't a federal problem. People who want a cleaner kitchen should save up for a cleaner stove. We don't need cops in flak-jackets kicking in doorways to force people to replace stoves We need common sense. Joe Biden and the Democrats don't have any.
Moderator: Isn't abortion for women who've been raped or abused a common sense issue? Why do you oppose women's health care?
Trump: "You tell me, can a pregnant woman who has carried a baby to the 35th week choose to kill it? Is that common sense? Would you jail a woman who was hospitalized after a miscarriage in her 8th week? And what gave you, or me, or Harry Blackman (rest his soul) the final word on the subject? Is it common sense that Texas voters can tell California's women what to do, or make Massachusetts mothers follow Montana law? My Supreme Court appointees put your question back where it belongs. It's pretty arrogant of you to object to that.
Flip the script don't quite ignore the question but go for concrete examples of federal over reach, and hit it hard.
Readering: "Debate between a guy 81 and a guy 78. I think the only CNN rule should be that they are both tethered to their podiums so they don't wander off."
Not even a "nice" try there idiot boy.
You can always tell when the New Soviet Democraticals are beating a hasty rhetorical retreat from narratives and "limited modified hangouts" that are no longer vuable.
Readering knows the entire world sees Biden lost and wandering about, so he gaslights and attempts to paint Trump in the same light.
No one is buying it dummy.
This was a particularly pathetic effort. I'll just have to chalk it up to readerings overall lower IQ combined with his likely discombobulation over Tesla shareholders handing Elon hige victories on his compensation and reincorporation of Tesla into Texas from the completely corrupted Delaware Soviet Socialist Republic.
But make no mistake, this corrupt Soviet judge is going to pull something else since the ultimate goal is the eventual removal of Musk and full democrat theft of his companies and then giving those companies to insider democraticals.
Here's my suggestion. In the first few minutes of the debate Trump should acknowledge that debating on CNN and with pro Biden moderators is a serious handicap. "But hey, the Presidency is not an easy job!" "And"...turns to the moderators...."if you guys do a fair job I'll reward CNN with something that you'll really like....I'll announce my VP pick in my final remarks! But if you keep cutting my time short and getting in the way, well, guess I won't have any time left for that!"
Drago you see everything through a crazy warped lens. You read my comment and think Musk, Tesla and the Delaware state court system? Why? Because Biden is a Delaware resident? I've never voiced an opinion here on Musk's Tesla compensation (but do have the highest regard for the NY firm defending Musk's 2018 equity package, once valued at $55B, but now "just" $45B).
I'm long on record here being against Biden running for president in 2020 and 2024 (and Trump in 2016, 2020 and 2024). But lesser of 2 evils (or 5 if you throw in Kennedy, West and Stein, all also too old).
Readering: "Drago you see everything through a crazy warped lens. You read my comment and think Musk, Tesla and the Delaware state court system? Why?"
I addressed your post immediately in my response as anyone with a brain can see. The tesla commentary was an aside AFTER I directly addressed your point.
What a buffoon you are.
But then again, you probably can't help it, can you?
Readering: "I've never voiced an opinion here on Musk's Tesla compensation (but do have the highest regard for the NY firm defending Musk's 2018 equity package, once valued at $55B, but now "just" $45B)."
Sure you have...thru the political party you support knowing full well what they are up to.
It's walk away time or time to own the policies and practices you actively support.
Drago: I practice in Delaware Chancery Court, on the corporate defendant side. You are delusional.
Readering: "Drago: I practice in Delaware Chancery Court, on the corporate defendant side. You are delusional."
You support the very democrats who do the very things you claim you don't support.
Caesar was not afraid of the senate. Just sayin'.
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