June 27, 2024

"Tucker Carlson was praised by his supporters for effectively countering what they perceived as biased and poorly informed questions from an Australian journalist during an interview in Australia."

A Grok summary for this widely shared video:


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yep she was a doofus short on facts but rich in left wing propaganda and her dumb premise was yanked out from under her gotcha question. That Tucker goes on to explicitly call out her stupidity and ignorance should be a lesson to anyone confronted by these activists wielding microphones. Does ANYONE believe she personally logged “4000 instances” of Tucker’s alleged bigotry or did she just pick that up wherever Rich gets his talking points?

Heartless Aztec said...

Yep - he hammered her Lefty misconceptions. Effortlessly too.

Kate said...

The Washington Examiner has a detailed article on this, too. It's a fun read. Carlson fights.

mezzrow said...

standing here, there is also applause.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

that moron idiot stupid fake-journalist - is EVERY LEFTIST in America.

democratics ARE DUMB DISINGENUOUS lying liars who lie.

Marcus Bressler said...

The Tucker Carlson post was the first thing I read this morning. I posted it on my FB Timeline as I thought he handled himself very well against the journalist. It was similar, but not exactly like, the Jordan Peterson "gotcha" against the BBC babe. FB and Zuck are back to their old tricks. I posted the link to the Althouse article; I am going to see if it allows the X connection link which, because of my ineptitude, doesn't show the title, just the url. Maybe I'll get banned.
June 27, 2024
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Marcus Bressler
Jun 27, 2024
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RideSpaceMountain said...

They're desperate. They're desperate to make this racial. They have to. Because if it's not racial, it becomes about political and ethical responsibility elected leaders have to their constituents - which they are trying to replace with electoral chattels - they are failing at and lying to.

They need to pander to the lowest common denominator with the le evil white people meme. Desperation is a stinky perfume.

Temujin said...

I love that Marcus Bressler got censored off of Farcebook for posting an actual interaction between the media talking points and an actual thinking human being.

Anyone still using Meta for anything is betraying themselves.

As for the media person in Australia, she did sound more like a 3rd year college student than a graduated and in the field journalist. But only by degrees. The dogma runs thick in their heads.

Temujin said...

PS- I should say, 'Thank you' to you, Ann. For your flawless managing of content, yet allowing so much to be discussed and said on your blog. I know Google has their own things, but you manage to allow pretty much all comers.

The 'pretty much' keeps it somewhat civil. I consider that having standards.

Marcus Bressler said...

It reminded me, somewhat, of the Jordan Peterson vs the BBC Babe several years ago with, "So what you are saying is...."
As of this moment, the X link is still up on my timeline.

J Severs said...

The reporter had other 'gotcha' questions ready, but they bounced off Tucker.

J Severs said...

I also concur with @Temujin at 7:55 am.

RideSpaceMountain said...

That exchange is pure projection. She and millions of others (like others here that shall remain nameless...) are literally putting words in Tucker's mouth because what they're accusing him of recognizing IS EXACTLY what they're doing.

Ttotal psychology. The lying antagonist is trying to set a cognition trap for their opponent by gaslighting the very thing they know they are doing in an attempt to get their opponent to publicly acknowledge it. That public acknowledgement, while true, hinges on a taboo subject which overtakes the audience's metacognition sublimating the trueness of the statement for the controversy of "HOW DARE HE NOTICE"! The prurient nature of the subject matter then becomes the entire topic, and everyone forgets about the fact the taboo still exists, is real, and is happening.

Far too many people fall into this trap, which is set deliberately, because they control the means of disseminating public information and creating the fictional stories which reinforce their moral world view which is both unrealistic and corrupt.

Jersey Fled said...

She truly believes what she accused Tucker of, but has no idea why.

Jimmy said...

Brain dead, robotic and happy to serve her masters. She got called out, and rather than engage him with facts, she chose to do the only thing she knew-stick with the script, given to her by her masters. Clearly no actual thinking on her part, no self awareness at all-just a desire to please the Party.
The exchange is typical of most interactions between the left and the right on anything to do with Trump. They hate him, but can't come up with one thing to back up what they say. Programmed, vomiting what ever the view or maddow tells them to say

wendybar said...

The media are really dumb. They think by repeating the talking points of the world government, they will be spared. They belong in prison as much as the lying politicians and judges do.

Oligonicella said...

Mockery. Everyone should learn how to use it and use it frequently and with aplomb.

Spiros said...

At least 10% of Black Americans are now immigrants. This figure is going to double over the next ten years. These people are not being "replaced" but they are being crowded out.

William said...

People here are so naive. I'm sure this woman was an American actress (the phony Oz accent is the giveaway) hired by Carlson to portray a tendentious, relentless, patronizing journalist. Does anyone really think that journalists--the unelected arbiters of humanity--are really that clueless? The whole exchange was scripted and designed to make her look bad and Tucker look good., A real journalist would have cut off his mike and made him leave the stage.

Birches said...

Althouse finally persuaded me to watch something I've seen going around but haven't felt like clicking on.

That was satisfying. Lefties can't even get the premise right.

mindnumbrobot said...

People tend to think of Australians as individualist, but they are not. They are conformists, much like Canadians. They'll believe and comply with whatever the State tells them. They are sheep, and this journalist is a product of that mentality.

William said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Greg the Class Traitor said...

I now have a new response to people who complain about the "Great Replacement" theory:
"Why are you such a racist pig"?
"You are trying to write blacks out of American life, which is only something a racist pig would do. So why are you such a racist pig?"

Big Mike said...

You don’t go to J-school to be a rocket scientist.

Darkisland said...

I saw this last night with a clip from our president emeritus. He did not even try to engage the reporter. He said "that is a stupid question. But you ask a lot of stupid questions" and then he went on to answer someone else.

I think that is how Tucker should have handled this.

John Henry

M Jordan said...

Tucker is the only person in America who could’ve pulled that off so well. He’s a treasure.

mikeski said...

People here are so naive. I'm sure this woman was an American actress (the phony Oz accent is the giveaway) hired by Carlson to portray a tendentious, relentless, patronizing journalist. Does anyone really think that journalists--the unelected arbiters of humanity--are really that clueless? The whole exchange was scripted and designed to make her look bad and Tucker look good., A real journalist would have cut off his mike and made him leave the stage.

Her name is Kat Wong; she works for the AP (of course). She sounded bad because she's a lefty parrot.

Please do continue telling us how you have it all figured out, Brainiac.

ron winkleheimer said...


Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not. "journalists--the unelected arbiters of humanity" makes me suspect that you are.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Tucker is the only person in America who could’ve pulled that off so well. He’s a treasure."

I wish he would reconsider his long-standing pronouncement that he will never run for elected office. His value as a role model and iconoclast to untold thousands would be 10x more valuable than anything he might be able to change in the system, which in the current circumstances unfortunately wouldn't be much.

We currently have 1 Tucker Carlson, we need thousands. That would make a difference

ron winkleheimer said...

But, assuming you aren't, what authority would a journalist have to cut his mike and make him leave the stage?

RCOCEAN II said...

Yes, I enjoyed it a little, but this sort of nice guy act is why the Right loses. We point out the illegal immigration is bad, and massive immigration is hurting native born americans and all the Left does is screech "racist".

And then the right plays defense and says "How dare you call me a racist, no one against racism more than me". And the left has won. Because now we're talking about racism.

This leftwing journalist will go back and get a "well done" from her Leftwing editor. She's accomplished her mission.

RCOCEAN II said...

Until the Right starts calling the Left names and calling their positions immoral (which they are) they will lose.

Which is what most of them want to do anyway.

William said...

Sarcasm? I'm aiming for tragic irony. I was alluding to the upcoming debate. In the interests of fairness, Tapper will probably cut off Trump in his first sentence and allow Biden to addle on for the rest of the time. They probably won't force him off the stage, but they'll do what they can with the lighting.,

Shoeless Joe said...

Twenty years ago I married an Aussie girl (highly recommended guys, they're the greatest) and dreamed that after retirement we'd settle somewhere down under. But after visiting a bunch of times, and keeping track of their news and events over the last decade I have to say that right now Australian media and Gov't are an order of magnitude crazier than here in the states.

The people are fantastic, and clearly share many of the values and ethics we see in Middle America. At first I kept asking myself why so many in their leadership class were borderline leftist lunatics (sometimes not so borderline) but then I saw the same thing happening here. Gov't and media whose primary purpose -- together -- is acquiring power over the people rather than caring for them and keeping them informed.

I think we'll just retire in WV as that seems to be one of the sanest states left, as insane as that would have sounded twenty years ago.

Drago said...

M Jordan: "Tucker is the only person in America who could’ve pulled that off so well. He’s a treasure."

Elon did it as well. Here's the most relevant part:


ron winkleheimer said...


In regards to Elon's discussion with the "journalist" he brings up how "hate speech" can lead to real world harm. There are already laws concerning speech that leads to real world harm, that is actual harm in the physical world. Harm such as violence and criminal acts. But, leftists expand the meaning of real world harm to include hurt feelings. After all, blue state legislators are passing laws making it illegal to not use someone's preferred gender pronouns. And they insist that using their "dead names" is somehow violence.

ron winkleheimer said...

That is, the journalist brings up the subject of hate speech and real world harm.

Josephbleau said...

Pierre Poilievre does this better, and while eating an apple.

ron winkleheimer said...

The issue with most leftist journalist is that their basic assumption is that anyone who doesn't agree with the leftist agenda is doing so because they are either evil or stupid or being influenced by some evil Svengali or some combination of the three. Since they are "good", intelligent and kind people, they tell themselves, then anyone who disagrees with them must do so out of base motives. Thus the journalist's assumption that Carlson is worried about the replacement of "white" people. And I'm sure she still believes that is what Carlson is worried about, she just thinks he is being disingenuous.

Drago said...

Ron: "But, leftists expand the meaning of real world harm to include hurt feelings. After all, blue state legislators are passing laws making it illegal to not use someone's preferred gender pronouns. And they insist that using their "dead names" is somehow violence."

Leftists know they are full of crap, but it is classic marxism for them to categorize their opponents words as "violence" while categorizing their own actual violence as "speech".

Again, they know perfectly well what they are doing and why: its the next critical step on the path of the dems/left/LLR-democraticals in criminalizing opposition to them.

And we are pretty much there right now.

Wilbur said...

I remember when Rush used to mockingly refer to Tucker Carlson as (in a stilted voice) Chatsworth Osborne the Third. If I recall correctly, Carlson was doing Crossfire on CNN around this time.

I never quite got why Rush had a mildly but publicly negative regard for Carlson. But then, I was not a regular listener. Work intrudes, you know.

ron winkleheimer said...

"Leftists know they are full of crap"

I'm sure some of them do, but some of them are just deluded. What do you think, the harpies on the view, deluded idiots are evil masterminds?

ron winkleheimer said...

Its actually worse for us if most are deluded idiots.

"It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

C. S. Lewis

ron winkleheimer said...

"Leftists know they are full of crap"

I'm sure that some of them do, but some are just deluded idiots. Question, the harpies on the view, deluded idiots or evil masterminds?

Joe Smith said...

It's all 'when did you stop beating your wife' type of questions from the left.

Has a democrat politician ever been asked to decry the murders of Americans by illegal aliens? Ever?

I like the LBJ story of him asking his aide to leak a story that his opponent is a pig fucker;

Legend has it that LBJ, in one of his early congressional campaigns, told one of his aides to spread the story that Johnson's opponent fucked pigs. The aide responded "Christ, Lyndon, we can't call the guy a pigfucker. It isn't true." To which LBJ supposedly replied "Of course it ain't true, but I want to make the son-of-a-bitch deny it."

Kevin said...

Today's Journalist: No matter the facts, cling to the narrative.

loudogblog said...

I don't consider Tucker Carlson to be a mental giant, but that reporter just kept digging herself deeper and deeper with each question. It was obvious that she was just trying to score a headline grabbing answer to one of her dumb, gotcha questions. It was like she was a green reporter from some college newspaper.

Joe Smith said...

'I don't consider Tucker Carlson to be a mental giant...'

I'm guessing he is at least top 2% IQ and likely much higher.

You don't have to like a man's politics to appreciate his intellect.

I can't stand Obama's politics but concede that he is very smart...

Rocco said...

Spiros said...
"At least 10% of Black Americans are now immigrants. This figure is going to double over the next ten years."

A slightly different statistic is that 20% of African-Americans have no connection to American slavery, as their ancestors arrived from the Carribean or Africa after that - and the majority of them in the last few dacades.

That's why terms like DAS (Descendants of American Slaves) and FBA (Foundational Black Americans) have come into vogue.

effinayright said...

Wilbur said...
I remember when Rush used to mockingly refer to Tucker Carlson as (in a stilted voice) Chatsworth Osborne the Third. If I recall correctly, Carlson was doing Crossfire on CNN around this time.

I never quite got why Rush had a mildly but publicly negative regard for Carlson. But then, I was not a regular listener. Work intrudes, you know.
IIRC Rush's opinion changed, and he even had Tucker on his show a couple of times.

I suspect Tucker's "preppiness" is what Rush couldn't relate to. And that hasn't changed---Tucker still wears penny loafers, without socks, fer crissake.

baghdadbob said...

Rocco said:

"A slightly different statistic is that 20% of African-Americans have no connection to American slavery, as their ancestors arrived from the Carribean or Africa after that - and the majority of them in the last few dacades.

That's why terms like DAS (Descendants of American Slaves) and FBA (Foundational Black Americans) have come into vogue."

Is there a good estimate as to what % of African Americans are descended from Africans who captured, enslaved and sold Africans to Europeans waiting on the coast?

Narr said...

Penny loafers w/o socks? That's a few demerits in my book.

Obama was smart enough to walk through open doors, I'll give him that much. I'm sure his IQ is only slightly above average.

Steven Wilson said...

Shoeless Joe,

As a lifelong West Virginian, allow me to welcome you and your Australian wife to Almost Heaven. We may have a lot of problems here with the economy being stilted against us, but we are, by God, about as friendly and law abiding as they come. You won't need a gun to keep the bad guys away because all your neighbors have them and the bad guys assume you do too.

Hassayamper said...

A slightly different statistic is that 20% of African-Americans have no connection to American slavery, as their ancestors arrived from the Carribean or Africa after that - and the majority of them in the last few dacades.

That's why terms like DAS (Descendants of American Slaves) and FBA (Foundational Black Americans) have come into vogue.

And boy, there is no love lost between the two groups. The home-grown descendants of the slaves jealously maintain that affirmative-action initiatives are meant to compensate for the multi-generational trauma and disadvantage flowing from their ancestors' misfortune at being enslaved 200 or 300 years ago. However, in practice they disproportionately benefit high-functioning first or second generation African immigrants, especially at elite institutions like the Ivy League.

Immigrants from Africa tend to come from the upper strata of education and wealth in their respective nations. Even if they have to drive an Uber to make it in America, they'll make damn sure their children are given the best education they can afford, ending up in medical school or law school or the upper levels of big business and the civil service, and taking advantage of every "diversity" benefit that will give them a leg up. They have absolutely no tolerance for black American hip-hop culture, with its gangsterism and gunplay, twerking, sagging trousers, violent and obscene rap music, fatherlessness, and all the rest. In some cases they come from tribes where there is ongoing pride at their history of being powerful slave catchers and traders, rather than their hapless victims who were kidnapped or conquered and sold to the white devils to make their tribe wealthy. It borders on outright contempt for the descendants of the slaves among some of these people.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Trump could articulate an argument like that, this election would be a slam dunk.

The Godfather said...

This is why in the "debate" they'll turn off Trump's mic while Biden is lying about what Trump thinks or proposes to do.

Jamie said...

Obama was smart enough to walk through open doors, I'll give him that much. I'm sure his IQ is only slightly above average.

I'm not at all sure of that. I'm absolutely sure he's smarter than Biden, that's easy, but as to Obama himself, I simply never got a read on his intelligence, in his ten years publicly on the national political stage. He was, as he says of himself, a mirror.

I mean, of course I was told he was brilliant, but I can't think of a single thing he ever did or said that would provide evidence of that contention.

And that, friends and neighbors, is the tragedy of affirmative action - at least in the case of that former president: he went to Harvard, he became editor of the Law Review, but he didn't distinguish himself either at that school or in that role. As a community organizer, he used the long traditions of Chicago politics to defeat his opponents rather than any obvious perspicacity of his own. He came to prominence on the national stage thanks to one great speech, seemed to be anointed as the Democrat nominee in 2008 rather than standing out definitively from his peers on the basis of his intelligence and effectiveness (and despite his almost total lack of relevant experience), won against the most milquetoast of Republican opponents and with the enthusiastic support of pretty much the entirety of the media and entertainment industries plus a not-insignificant fraction of the silent middle who really hoped he would be, as he said he would, the post-racial president.

He served as president for eight years without ever appearing - to me anyway - to be even close to as smart as W. Clinton, who really was bright. For all I know, Obama really was and is super-intelligent, especially in the sense that he didn't waste his energies proving it with such very high stakes when the media were going to keep saying it anyway, no matter what he did or said.

At every turn he was declared, without evidence, to be the most intelligent president we'd ever had. Asterisk, whether deserved or not. We can't know. And as his last Democrat opponent said on a different subject, what difference, at this point, does it make?

Oligonicella said...

I mean, of course I was told he was brilliant, but I can't think of a single thing he ever did or said that would provide evidence of that contention.

Hey, it takes a lot to put a crease in your trousers.


narciso said...

the ayers family or prince talal funded his education, he had instructors like the late charles ogilvy and derrick bell, and the still kicking lawrence tribe encouraging him,
he got into community agitation, including pushing citibank to start lending subprime

narciso said...

david Garrow goes into the weeds in that enterprise, Remnick in that acre killing hagiograohy doesn't touch on it, then he ends up the victor in that state legislative seat, where he was an empty suit he was almost bested by panther bobby Rush, he was a client of Anton Rezko, the slumlord, Al Samarrai the Iraqi apparatchik and of course Nahim Auchi the Baathist bagman, the last two was why he kept funding the Iraq war despite his opposition in the 2002 speech, until Al Samarrai was arrested by occupation authorities,

Narr said...

I was trying to be nice.

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