১০ জুন, ২০২৪

"There's a line from the first 'Batman,' Joker, he's like 'I’ve already been dead once already. It's very liberating.'"

"That's not reckless, that's just freeing. It's just freeing in a way. And I just think after beating all of that, I just really want to be able to say the things that I have to really believe in and not be afraid of if there's any kind of blowback."

Said John Fetterman, responding to Bill Maher's question whether there was a connection between his "physical and mental health issues" and his political courage, quoted in  "Sen. Fetterman Explains Political Independence: 'I've Been Dead Once Already, It's Very Liberating'" (Real Clear Politics).

৩৩টি মন্তব্য:

Ice Nine বলেছেন...

Dare we ask?...Is Fetterman actually cool?

Iman বলেছেন...

Friend, Fetterman is Zippy the Pinhead cool…

narciso বলেছেন...

the pentium chip upgrade is doing well, but let him see him put his money where his hoodie is,

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Kind of like when you beat cancer or some other serious disease.

Breezy বলেছেন...

Key takeaway - the left squelches any independent and common sense thinking inside its hive. You have to have gone through a terrifying ordeal before being given license to speak your mind. The progressives must hate Fetterman for his privilege.

gilbar বলেছেন...

my life definitely changed when i got out of my coma..
the bike crash neatly separates the old from the new

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child;
but when I became a man, I put away childish ways.

don't let it take a Traumatic Brain Injury to make YOU grow up

Leland বলেছেন...

“I’ve been dead before” - Emperor Palpatine

Never really thought about JJ Abram stealing from Batman.

Oligonicella বলেছেন...

Two great actors.

Right, Begley. I didn't talk about it here but I did elsewhere. This is the one year anniversary (by a few days) of my wading around in the Styx from heat stroke. Kidneys dropped to %14. Very interesting experience.

I've come close before but those were of the "Missed it by that much varieties."

Wa St Blogger বলেছেন...

the left squelches any independent and common sense thinking inside its hive. You have to have gone through a terrifying ordeal before being given license to speak your mind.

I don't think it is a matter of being given permission. It's more of a matter of him no longer caring if he upsets the apple cart.

I suspect that a high percentage of politicians speak and vote the way they do to make sure they keep the gravy train coming so they can advance their careers. Fetterman may have been such a fellow once, might now be speaking his authentic self.

A reminder that we should not lionize politicians unless it is clear that they are actually taking heat for their stands rather than tickling our ears.

Aggie বলেছেন...

I'll take the Zen approach: We'll see. This is a guy that was a bum sponging off his moderately wealthy parents well into his adulthood, who oozed his way into municipal government, then dug in. His stroke was a result of ignoring his blood pressure and general health, over adamant medical objections, from what I've read. But respect is due: I compliment him on his independent public positions and his courage in stepping out of the Progressive Liberal Establishment huddle. That's a tough stand to make, they're experts at peer pressure. Long may his independence continue; when he declares he's Independent, I'll be more convinced.

narciso বলেছেন...

we here pretend Rise of Skywalker didn't happen, frankly the whole sequel trilogy,

when he votes down one of these horrid judges, or some other of Shambling's schemes I'll take him seriously,

Oligonicella বলেছেন...

Two absolutely perfect castings of Batman villians - Nickolson and Gorshwin. Ledger would be equal because he nailed the overboard psychotic nature but lacked the manic hilarity and the makeup was a small miss.

Best Joker voice will always belong to Hammill.

I used to play DCU online. It's one thing to watch Joker on the big screen and quite another to interact with him.

RCOCEAN II বলেছেন...

Fetterman is another one of those completely fake politicans. A Ivy grad from a wealthy family who dresses like a working man and pretends to care about them. A man who speaks in populist terms and votes like chuck schumer.

That he's some super-hardcore Zionist is no suprise. It'd be hard to think of an issue less relevant to the needs of the "workingmen" of Pennslyvannia than bombing Gaza or kissing Netenyahu's ass, but fettermann just can't wait to get his Israeli flag out and start waving it.

The man has brain damage, but he wasn't that smart to begin with.

Fred Drinkwater বলেছেন...

Post my own death experience, I can say that the only things I am afraid of anymore, are the IRS and the CA Franchise Tax Board.

Oligonicella বলেছেন...

narisco - Actually, nothing after the first three movies happened.

narciso বলেছেন...

I think Nicolson was more like the joker when he played Whiiey Bulger, Heath Ledger dug into his soul, for that role, and I think it killed him,

n.n বলেছেন...


Oligonicella বলেছেন...

I think Nicolson was more like the joker when he played Whiiey Bulger, Heath Ledger dug into his soul, for that role, and I think it killed him,

Nicolson played Frank Costello.

Ledger combined painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs, and sleeping pills (six in total).

In one of his final interviews Ledger told Empire Magazine that he feared the role.

"I sat around in a hotel room in London for about a month, locked myself away, formed a little diary and experimented with voices - it was important to try to find a somewhat iconic voice and laugh," the actor said.

"I ended up landing more in the realm of a psychopath - someone with very little to no conscience towards his acts."

narciso বলেছেন...

well he was labeled that, but he was bulger, mayb johnnie depp got him more accurately,

phantommut বলেছেন...

I can honestly say I understand. I've flatlined once AND have received a liver transplant.

At this point I'm so very grateful to be alive, and I no longer give a f**k if I offend anyone by expressing what I think or feel.

It's a beautiful thing, and although I don't agree with him on a lot of things I now sing the praises of John Fetterman. Go on with your bad self.

-- Team Felon.

Marcus Bressler বলেছেন...

So now that Fetterman has veered from the Left's Lane of Totalitarianism and Approved Narrative, his mental health is being questioned by them?

phantommut বলেছেন...

So now that Fetterman has veered from the Left's Lane of Totalitarianism and Approved Narrative, his mental health is being questioned by them?

The movement that embodies kindness, compassion, and diversity. Yep, those are the perps.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

He has a point.

Nobody wants a near-death experience because it might not include the 'near' part.

But I could see how it would change one's perspective...

rehajm বলেছেন...

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...

Iman বলেছেন...

Frank Costello didn’t operate in Boston. Nicholson portrayed Bulger and the story told of the role the FBI (Agent Sullivan?) played in protecting his org from investigation and prosecution.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

I'm glad that Fetterman is actually demonstrating a functional, independent thought.

I suppose 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'? Also, the act of stretching and exercising damaged muscles, or being more active after an illness, has positive results.

narciso বলেছেন...

Frank costello was his name, but bulger was his method, now the fiction was that the state police would investigate him, he had krisha, protection from his brother, from the Bureau from the US Atty WEld and Mueller, yes that one,

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...'

A good line from one of the worst songs in history.

Temujin বলেছেন...

It would explain a lot. If he stays consistently his own guy, then- to me- he'll become a far more interesting Senator for all of us. If he falls back to the old ways once he is further removed from his ordeal, we can know that it was a one-off time in his life.

But for me, he's currently gone from one of the biggest mistakes in a Senate full of mistakes, to someone who might actually be persuaded to do the right things at the times when Right Things are required. I don't care if he's a Democrat for some of the time. But when it comes to the big picture important things, if he shows his independence, that's a win for all of us.

Oligonicella বলেছেন...

Not getting the Bulger/Nicholson connection except the "crime boss, cold killer" thing. As Batman had a dozen or more crime bosses like that, that doesn't set Joker apart. What does is his inability to not act psychotic all the time.

I'm don't recall Bulger behaving that way. Would appreciate any linkage to such. Thanks in advance.

Oligonicella বলেছেন...

Salvator Vincent Maroni would be better Bulger fit.

Rick67 বলেছেন...

It is. After falling off an extension ladder onto the driveway I wasn't dead but was circling the drain. During my 26 years of pastoral ministry had many opportunities to talk with people who were close to death. It has an effect. I'm not afraid of much. Except ladders.

The head ICU nurse later told us "I've seen people with injuries like yours who are in the morgue". Every day since September 3, 2015 is a gift.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Federman is the legitimate inheritor of the title Maverick.