June 13, 2024

The classic Trump monologue about sharks and batteries.

Maybe you're noticing "Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish/What the former president’s shark tirade says about American politics and media" and "Trump Rants About Sharks, and Everyone Just Pretends It’s Normal/Par for the course. Trump is Trump. But imagine the response if Joe Biden had said it." Both at The Atlantic. 

Is anyone "pretending" that's "normal"? No, I think people who like Trump feel as though they're listening to a stand-up comic. A highly gifted one, not a normal one. It's not "par for the course." It's a birdie. An eagle.

Trump's sharks-and-batteries monologue is a classic. Here... use it in your next audition:


@davecolumbo Sam Shepard vibes #politcs #politicaltiktok #politicalhumor ♬ original sound - Dave Columbo
ADDED: Now this is useful. At The Washington Post, Philip Bump actually sought out the answer to the question whether the battery in an electric boat could electrocute you:
[P]eople who actually make electric boats... understand that electricity and water don’t mix that well and, as such, build their vessels to minimize that risk.... Arc Boat Company [says]... “We use leak detection sensors inside of the packs — something you don’t typically see in electric cars — so that in the unlikely event that water is present, we’ll know about it immediately and can issue an appropriate warning”... 
Often, companies selling products to the general public consider the risk that their products might kill people before bringing those products to market.

That sounds like a concession that there is a risk, just as there is a risk of a shark attack. 

It is also not the case that an electrical charge in the water spreads everywhere at the same strength indefinitely. When lightning strikes the ocean, it is not the case that every fish dies or that every person swimming on every coast is fried. The fish survive in part because the charge is primarily at the surface, so the analogy here isn't perfect. But being at a distance from the charge matters regardless of the source of the charge.... 

This isn't very specific information. How far from the battery would you need to be? Anyway, the serious issue here is: Would you like an electric boat or a gas-powered boat? 


Freeman Hunt said...

That seems like the opposite of evidence of cognitive decline.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Charlie Kirk was interviewing a stand-up comic yesterday who expressed admiration for Trump. He also said a lot of comics, who are apolitical or even progressive, have a lot of respect for Trump's ability deliver genuinely funny remarks. Even guys who dislike him. Not so much the chicks though.

I guess "taking Trump literally but not seriously" is too long for a tag.

Ice Nine said...

>"Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish...at The Atlantic.<

The Atlantic, which is of course in the bag for Biden, should not be talking about Trump's supposed "gibberish." Sheesh, what they should not be doing is even raising the subject of presidential candidate gibberish. More clueless Left.

Wince said...

My initial thought was the electric charge induced in the salt water by the battery might actually repel the sharks.


Yes, sharks can be repelled by strong electric fields. Sharks have electroreceptors in their snouts called ampullae of Lorenzini that can detect tiny electrical and magnetic fields. The theory is that electric and electromagnetic deterrent devices can overwhelm or confuse the shark's electrosensory system.

Sharks have been demonstrated to be deterred when exposed to strong (3–7 Vm–1) localised electric or magnetic fields...

Effects of an Electric Field on White Sharks: In Situ Testing of an Electric Deterrent


gilbar said...

compare/contrast with "man or bear"

Gk1 said...

Liberals are panicking and have to pretend Trump is in mental decline too because Joe is shuffling off to the old folks home. All I know is one guy stands for 90 minutes doing his comedy set and the other is President Pee Paw who shits his pants on stage. Not much of a contest really.

Birches said...

I went and found the clip delivered from the man himself and have concluded: They are desperate.

White women must be running from Biden.

tommyesq said...

Notice his ability to side-track for a bit and then get exactly back to where he was in the original story. Also notice that the original story was a folksy and entertaining way of asking about the dangers of EV technology in boats which may sink or have waves break over the deck and get swamped with both people and highly powerful batteries now exposed to the water. Seems pretty damned sharp to me.

Ann Althouse said...

"Charlie Kirk was interviewing a stand-up comic yesterday who expressed admiration for Trump. "

I've heard Joe Rogan say Trump is an excellent stand-up comedy. He's said that a few times — always with guests, and the guests, also comedians, agree.

If you are humor-deaf and you hear a joke, I guess you might think that guy is crazy. If you were pretty dumb... or wanted to think the guy is crazy. More fair-minded humor-deaf people would say something more like maybe that's some kind of joke. Or just admit: I hate that guy and I know he thinks he's funny but it's not funny to me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When Biden was in France just now - he screwed up a whole bunch with hilarious and frightening verbal gaffs.

The hack-D press covered for him.

traditionalguy said...

Once more that Trump show off thinking circles around them is put up as evidence that he is crazy…like a fox.

How dare he be so smart in public! Someone call out the Aspergers Police. That level of mind must be illegal just because it shames us regular people.Or is Trump just being a Scottish Presbyterian.

Temujin said...

We're being brought to the place when they can dish up the idea that cognitive decline is a normal, everyday thing that most people walk around with. Joe Biden. Donald Trump. Robert De Niro. Joy Behar. You see? It's as common as top secret documents 'hidden' in your garage. Nothing more.

So...let's not bring up Joe's cognitive decline, because...well...everybody is doing it these days.

Drago said...

Birches: "I went and found the clip delivered from the man himself and have concluded: They are desperate."

Watching the original always puts the lie to "Rupar-ing" the lefties love to pull.

Its alway the "Feeding the Goldfish" ploy over and over again, as opposed to simply just making up fake quotes like the "drink bleach" and "losers and suckers" hoaxes.

Bruce Hayden said...


Their candidate is effectively brain dead. Their goal, or job, is to make the other candidate look worse. And their script doesn’t change - this is just a variation on how we got the nonsense that Trump was pushing taking bleach for COVID-19. It’s the taking him figuratively, versus literally thing. The Dems hope that they can catch him in a gotcha moment like that, intentionally misunderstanding what he was saying.

But we all know which candidate has had significant cognitive decline, and it isn’t Trump, who can talk for an hour in front of a large crowd, keeping tem entertained and engaged, even after his Teleprompter has gone out. FJB, on the other hand, can’t talk for 5 minutes,Ted, even with note cards, without wandering off.

Tommy Duncan said...

Trump knows how to "work" an audience. His comic timing is superb. He understands the "pregnant pause". It's priceless when he breaks out of character (where the character is Trump the candidate) while delivering a comic aside.

Only a very together individual can do what he does at the podium.

In their upcoming debate Biden will be wading into shark infested waters. Biden is in for a shock.

Quaestor said...

Temujin writes, "Joe Biden. Donald Trump. Robert De Niro. Joy Behar. You see? It's as common as top secret documents 'hidden' in your garage. Nothing more."

Interesting point. But your examples are flawed. Robert de Niro is absolutely immune from cognitive decline.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Trump's industry is hospitality. He is what used to be known as a "schmoozer". He is in essence an entertainer, with a Wharton education. He connects with people on many levels that the elites will not, ever. Besides he was once among them, then he 'defected'.
Hospitality requires skills that news reading does not.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Yeah, that guy's an "actor". Didn't there used to be some old SNL skit with one of the guys intoning oh so solemnly how he was "an Ac-Tor!"? That's this schmuck.

robother said...

It's normal for people to express crazy views about serious stuff (nukes, sex, politics, etc.) and for other people to laugh. I think there's a whole genre of stage and film and literature dedicated to such an approach. They even openly mock the deadly serious types who frown on such things. But don't tell the Left: it's more fun if they aren't in on the joke.

Joe Smith said...

'It's a birdie. An eagle.'

Jim Eagle?

Jim Crow's more macho, republican cousin?

MadisonMan said...

But imagine the response if Joe Biden had said it.
As if Biden can string that many words together without a teleprompter and many cc's of a powerful stimulant.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Myron Cohen and Totie Fields used to do this 'schtick' as well.

mindnumbrobot said...

The Left will never get "it" because they're too narrow-minded, angry, and humorless. They resent that Trump supporters are--despite the seriousness of our situation-- happy, fun-loving people. This puts the Left's self-loathing on a feedback loop, only making them more angry and insane. I almost feel sorry for them.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

With the summer coming up and people looking forward to boating, this bit might just stay with the people hearing it. This is Trumps version of a regular guy anybody could have a beer with. I was going to say “I could have a beer” but I don’t drink alcohol anymore. Trump is the regular Joe, Joe Biden bombs when he tries.

Here is Joe trying to be a regular Joe.

Quaestor said...

Gawd, I despise those "prove you're human" picture puzzles. Take for example the click each box containing the bicycle puzzle. Does 1% of the bike qualify? Many of these tests accept yes and no. In other words, they accept ambiguity in defiance of the logical definition of a puzzle, namely there's only one valid solution. Otherwise, the solved puzzle conveys contradictory or negative information.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

This is a youtube journalist discussing one particular rapper/artist that is endorsing Trump but also the rather sudden increase in number of high profile endorsements of Trump.

The key part of this is that any "influencer" that endorses Trump is now getting a large boost in popularity.

Of course the pivotal moment for this was the "Guilty verdict."

Please for the love of god throw Trump in jail.


Kakistocracy said...

The GOP is privately panicking about Trump’s mental state. They’re too cowardly to do anything about it, but they’re panicking. That’s what motivated the WSJ article about Biden. They aren’t concerned about Biden’s decline they are frightened by Trump’s.

n.n said...

highly powerful batteries now exposed to the water.

A lithium meltdown would be an ecological catastrophe and pose a sustainable, forward-looking risk.

Narayanan said...

In their upcoming debate Biden will be wading into shark infested waters. Biden is in for a shock.
as per Trump advice : to dispel/repel the shark
= Biden just needs to 'bring battery to the fight"

Achilles said...

mindnumbrobot said...

The Left will never get "it" because they're too narrow-minded, angry, and humorless. They resent that Trump supporters are--despite the seriousness of our situation-- happy, fun-loving people. This puts the Left's self-loathing on a feedback loop, only making them more angry and insane. I almost feel sorry for them.

They are dishonest with themselves and about everything else at a fundamental level.

If you support Joe Biden you support:

- War
- Censorship
- Political Persecution and two tiered justice
- higher taxes on the middle class
- massive inflation
- higher gas prices
- open borders
- higher crime

Nobody can honestly support what the Regime is doing.

So they have to be dishonest about it.

Achilles said...

Rich said...

The GOP is privately panicking about Trump’s mental state. They’re too cowardly to do anything about it, but they’re panicking. That’s what motivated the WSJ article about Biden. They aren’t concerned about Biden’s decline they are frightened by Trump’s.

Perfect. Do not change a thing Rich.

Just keep doing what you are doing.

You are such an idiot.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "The GOP is privately panicking about Trump’s mental state."


Worst gaslighting evah!

Ooh, ooh, let me guess: According to an anonymous source familiar with the dudes "panicking"!

No doubt this will be a Rolling Stone headline within minutes!

My God this is side-splittingly funny.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The bit also serves as a Public Service Announcement. Which tells me, Trump Derangement must be really advanced for people in the communication business not to hear a PSA announcement.

They are going to need some kind of help if Trump wins again.

Rusty said...

Achilles said...
Rich said...

The GOP is privately panicking about Trump’s mental state. They’re too cowardly to do anything about it, but they’re panicking. That’s what motivated the WSJ article about Biden. They aren’t concerned about Biden’s decline they are frightened by Trump’s.

Perfect. Do not change a thing Rich.

Just keep doing what you are doing.

You are such an idiot.

You notice he just keeps doubling down. Like a kid with a seemingly unlimited supply of maple syrup for his pancakes. Unaware thats others might want some too.
It's almost like he thinks he's doing us a favor that he posts here.

Skeptical Voter said...

I've got a friend who's bought into the "Trump is mentally ill and dangerous" trope.

I read some of the "rants" that the left has its tidy whities in a knot about. Well unlike the
rants of President Mumbles they are usually coherent.

Gunner said...

"(MIT? Trump’s uncle taught there and retired over a half century ago, when Trump was in his 20s, and died in 1985. Trump often implies that his uncle passed on MIT’s brainpower by genetic osmosis or something.)"

Someone needs to introduce Tom Nichols to the idea of a joke.

retail lawyer said...

What do you do with a warning on a boat? Pull over and exit the boat?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Remember when Bush 43 used to say he was the decider?

Trump is telling people what kind of decider he would be.

This is what we should expect from every candidate for high office.

n.n said...

What's next, drinking bleach, wrangling an suv, summer after Spring? #ThatsRich

rich (adj.)

Old English rice "strong, powerful; great, mighty; of high rank" (senses now obsolete), in later Old English "wealthy;" from Proto-Germanic *rikijaz (source also of Old Norse rikr, Swedish rik, Danish rig, Old Frisian rike "wealthy, mighty," Dutch rijk, Old High German rihhi "ruler, powerful, rich," German reich "rich," Gothic reiks "ruler, powerful, rich"), borrowed from a Celtic source akin to Gaulish *rix, Old Irish ri (genitive rig) "king," from Proto-Celtic *rix, from PIE root *reg- "move in a straight line," with derivatives meaning "to direct in a straight line," thus "to lead, rule" (compare rex).

Monotonic or progressive.

Limited blogger said...

Ann, your birdie/eagle upgrade is very apropos with the U.S. Open golf tournament underway.

Gunner said...

If Trump wins, his inauguration speech should be shark-themed.

Chuck said...

I was going to post the batteries-and-sharks transcript as a comment on one of your open "sunrise" posts. I went to the fulll transcript of the Nevada speech, and read through it. And what struck me, honestly, was that the batteries-and-sharks mania was not just an unusually bizarre bit of that sppech. The entire speech was that sort of cognitively deranged, jumbled, disjointed verbal mush.

"Is anyone "pretending" that's "normal"? No, I think people who like Trump feel as though they're listening to a stand-up comic." I can't argue with that. I just won't accept that "people who like Trump" are any less abnormal than Trump is.

Tommy Duncan said...

The humor-impaired: They will always be among us.

PM said...

Trump channels Rickles.
Biden channels Magoo.

narciso said...

Do they come with laserbeams or is that extra?

Freder Frederson said...

If you are humor-deaf and you hear a joke, I guess you might think that guy is crazy. If you were pretty dumb... or wanted to think the guy is crazy. More fair-minded humor-deaf people would say something more like maybe that's some kind of joke. Or just admit: I hate that guy and I know he thinks he's funny but it's not funny to me.

So what exactly was the joke? And what exactly was the point of the joke? Is he saying that electric boats are inherently dangerous? Gasoline is pretty dangerous too.

Even if Trump would make a decent comedian, what does that have to do with whether he would make a good president?

This rant is something I would expect n.n. to write. And no one thinks he would be a good candidate.

stlcdr said...

Trump don't talk like them. Therefore bad. The complete lack of comprehension on the left is astounding. So much for diversity.

n.n said...

The ethics of the story is that people wielding high capacity lithium batteries should avoid open water lest they force a catastrophic climate change in the environment.

Achilles said...

Rusty said...

You notice he just keeps doubling down. Like a kid with a seemingly unlimited supply of maple syrup for his pancakes. Unaware thats others might want some too.
It's almost like he thinks he's doing us a favor that he posts here.

Rich is doing us all a favor. So is Chuck.

They are not just insufferable assholes, but they are obviously dishonest about it.

They are so obviously dishonest that any normal person reading their stupidity will be naturally repulsed. People need to see how deranged these people actually are.

Chuck and Rich motivate people to vote for Trump. They need to keep up the good work.

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...

Even if Trump would make a decent comedian, what does that have to do with whether he would make a good president?

We wouldn't expect a stupid fascist like you to understand.

You think Trump should go to jail for having an accountant label paying a lawyer to secure an NDA as a legal expense.

You are obviously too stupid and absurd to understand things someone with more than 90 IQ get.

JK Brown said...

The Tik Tok of the comedian doing Trump's material was hilarious. Probably funnier since he wasn't carrying the Trump emotional response people have.

But relax, if the electric boat sinks, you'll probably blow up before you are electrocuted. See, the current will run through the water from the positive to the negative of the battery in a bit of an football shaped field. Current running through salt water creates oxygen and hydrogen gas. And also, some connections arc when hit with water.

It would be a better explosion than how they shot the SCUBA tank in the shark's mouth in the movie version of 'Jaws'.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I loved it when our host diagrammed Trump speeches that were supposedly word salad.

1. Imagine a boat sinking with a big battery on board. There's a danger of being electrocuted.
2. Imagine there are sharks nearby. The surprising thing about shark attacks is that they are a mistake. We are not a good food source for sharks.
3. Given a choice between certain electrocution and sharks, Trump would take electrocution. Perhaps he thinks this is quick.
4. Lesson for the campaign: Trump would rather be electrocuted than continue living under the Bidenistas who are somewhat unknowingly destroying the country: like wild animals in a feeding frenzy.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You could imagine Elon Musk chiming in, or eXing in, agreeing with Trump that batteries are much safer than sharks.

narciso said...

The atlantic has been a party to so much category error that it should be considered like funny pages social distancing misunderstanding of biology etc

Drago said...

LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "I just won't accept that "people who like Trump" are any less abnormal than Trump is."

When a psycho sadist like Chuck thinks you are abnormal, just accept the compliment and move on!

Thanks psycho sadist Chuck!

JK Brown said...

Remember this from 2016 when someone did Trump with a British accent


Mason G said...

If leftists were as intelligent as they seem to think they are, they wouldn't have any trouble understanding Trump. I mean- if those idiot deplorables can, it must be easy, right?

Either that, or they're just making up shit about what he says.

Drago said...

Lem the artificially intelligent: "You could imagine Elon Musk chiming in, or eXing in, agreeing with Trump that batteries are much safer than sharks."


Elon, like Trump, has a fantastic sense of humor.

The New Soviet Democratical party members from the Humor Impaired Ministry, like Chuck, Freder, Rich et al?

Not so much.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

These attacks on Trump are pretty much based on the idea that whatever Trump says must be refuted somehow, even at the inevitable cost of having to make something up.

The decent part of me has to feel sorry for people who must believe that this is their duty or something.

Freder Frederson said...

We wouldn't expect a stupid fascist like you to understand.

So being a good comedian is important in a president?

I am so confused.

Drago said...

Joe Biden today: ""We're developing the first railway line to extend from Angola ... to the Indian Ocean!"

Keep that Ocean Train a-runnin'!

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder is professionally obtuse.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

At 11:06 AM Tommy Duncan said, "The humor-impaired: They will always be among us.

As proof there is a post perfectly illustrating Tommy's point just above Tommy's post. This is the serendipity of Alt-a-positioning.

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
We wouldn't expect a stupid fascist like you to understand.

"So being a good comedian is important in a president?

I am so confused."

Well. You're a dumbass. So no surprise there.

Rocco said...

PM said...
“Trump channels Rickles.
Biden channels Magoo.”

Magoo with a goatee, a la Spock from Mirror, Mirror.

FullMoon said...

" On the Spectrum"Chuck said...

" I was going to post the batteries-and-sharks transcript as a comment on one of your open "sunrise" posts."

Your cousin Rich beat you to it a day or so ago..

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...

We wouldn't expect a stupid fascist like you to understand.

So being a good comedian is important in a president?

I am so confused.

What are the positive traits of a good comedian?

List them out. It will help you understand some things.

I will try to help you. You are obviously too limited to think on your own.

Rocco said...

Quaestor said...
“Gawd, I despise those "prove you're human" picture puzzles. Take for example the click each box containing the bicycle puzzle. Does 1% of the bike qualify? Many of these tests accept yes and no. In other words, they accept ambiguity in defiance of the logical definition of a puzzle, namely there's only one valid solution. Otherwise, the solved puzzle conveys contradictory or negative information.”

Preach brother.

I just had one where they asked to click on all images with cars. One of the images was of a short bus. Not a car, a bus. Built on a truck or van chassis, neither of which is a car, too.

Michael K said...

Even if Trump would make a decent comedian, what does that have to do with whether he would make a good president?

Humor expert and Field Marshal Freder does not think Trump would make a good president.

What else is new, Freder ?

Jersey Fled said...

Most of our nation’s submarines were built by Electric Boat Company (now General Dynamics).

I understand they’re pretty lethal.

imTay said...

I didn't notice the story about how Biden was making car noises while dodging answers to questions, —"Vroom-vroom!"; filibustering questions about his handling of classified documents. He certainly had a fifth amendment right to not answer those questions, but the way he did it, too dishonest even to take the fifth, was the of the foulest scumbaggery.

Or... or the man is too senile to be president. I am waiting for Garland to be tried, convicted, and imprisoned for contempt of congress, the way Bannon has been, for refusing to release the audio to Congress Ha! No I am not! Biden is above the law! It's not hypocrisy, it's hierarchy! But remember, it's Trump who wants to rule as "strongman."

Yancey Ward said...

I propose the following experiments to solve Trump's question once and for all time-

Let's tie Chuck to a giant battery and drop it into the sea to find out if he is electrocuted. Next to him we put Rich into a giant cage with a big shark. Which one survives longest, that is what you do when sitting on a giant battery in the ocean with a giant shark.

imTay said...

The people who claim that Trump isn't funny are impaired in their sense of empathy for their fellow humans.

Why aren't these people happy to offer up their sons to my wars? '
Why aren't they happy to offer up their jobs to these needy migrants?
Why aren't they happy to offer up what little wages they can scrape together from the multiple jobs that had to take on losing their full time arrangement with benefits, to pay higher rents to their Biden voting landlords?

These are the questions that course through the minds of people like Freder.

Tina Trent said...

Hey, Joe Smith. If you're going to accuse people of being virulent racists, have the cohones to use a real name.

Prone and pitiful is no way to go through life.

Lilly, a dog said...

"Would you like an electric boat or a gas-powered boat? "

This was partially covered in Jaws 2. If you're in a gas-powered boat and the shark has already eaten your water-skiing pal, you pour gasoline all over yourself and use a flare gun to light yourself on fire and blow up the boat.

hombre said...

I note from the leftmediaswine, the leftmedia aggregators and the Democrat hoards that, in Trump, we are dealing with a man who has no good in him. Therefore, he can do no good and has never done good. Demonic!

Meanwhile, QuidProJoe is a capable, if slightly muddled at times, avuncular benefactor of all mankind.

The choice couldn't be clearer, could it. /s

Mark said...

I think people who like Trump feel as though they're listening to a stand-up comic

It's long been clear in this campaign that this is what Trump really likes and wants to be. He would like to win the election for vindication, but that is it. He doesn't really want to do the job of president. He wants to keep his stand-up comic roadshow going.

imTay said...

Speaking of "shows," Mark the Mindreader will be appearing here every evening.

Try the veal!

Beaver7216 said...

Frederson wrote: "So what exactly was the joke? And what exactly was the point of the joke?"

You poor thing. Was Robin Williams funny? Transcribe his "jokes" and read them. They are just so stupid. The delivery is part, maybe the main part, of his humor. Google Obama's best WHCD Trump jokes. Take out fondness for Obama and read them objectively. Are any of them funny, despite the applause?

Drago said...

VA Lawyer Mark: "It's long been clear in this campaign that this is what Trump really likes and wants to be. He would like to win the election for vindication, but that is it. He doesn't really want to do the job of president. He wants to keep his stand-up comic roadshow going."

I'm always impressed by the confidence exhibited by those who can mindread, particularly those that were DeSantis supporters that never got over their boy spending $250M+ without winning a single county out of 99 in Iowa and have spent every waking moment since lashing out in anger.

imTay said...

The GOP is privately panicking about Trump’s mental state. They’re too cowardly to do anything about it, but they’re panicking. That’s what motivated the WSJ article about Biden. They aren’t concerned about Biden’s decline they are frightened by Trump’s.

With Rich, every accusation is a confession. He knows that this is what the Democrats' playbook says to do under the circumstances that you fear that your leader has lost the plot, so he accuses the Republicans of doing what the Democrats would naturally do. Every accusation is a confession.

Chairman Mao supposedly once said that he preferred dealing with conservatives than communists in negotiations, because at least the conservatives told you directly what it was that they actually wanted. It's just possible that Mao was right, and that conservatives speak directly, instead of weaving the kinds of circuitous prevarications intended to manipulate the listener, without the risk of having the listener consider directly the issue at hand, the way Rich does.

n.n said...

Let's tie Chuck to a giant battery and drop it into the sea to find out if he is electrocuted.

A lithium battery. Electrocuted in a progressive process. I wonder if that would violate the Eighth. I suppose it depends if a burden is h/t Clinton a "burden" h/t Obama.

and sent an eagle to eat his immortal liver, which constantly replenished itself

Go Green.

hombre said...

I hope all our blather isn't wishful thinking. I believe Democrats will do anything to stop Trump. They will turn our election over to illegals, election thieves and dead people. If that doesn't look like it will work, they will incarcerate or assassinate him.

They are evil, unscrupulous people.

wildswan said...

Summing up comments: Get the battery between you and the shark and jump as far as you can beyond the battery. Then, wake up and go out fishing in your boat with a gas powered motor. Choose fun

Althouse Flicker June 12, 2021 at 7:58:37 AM CDT

Readering said...

That monologue might work for an audition to a revival of a Pinter play. But no one would vote to elect a Pinter chacter as POTUS.

Leora said...

I've heard that some lithium batteries catch on fire when they get wet. Definitely would not want that on my boat.

mikeski said...

In their upcoming debate Biden will be wading into shark infested waters. Biden is in for a shock.

Biden's not going to debate. He'll probably say something like "I defuse to derogate the Princessery by sharing a plate with a convicted feline."

Breezy said...

Trump connects with the willing. The willing thoroughly enjoy the entertainment - policy mixed with conundrums and what-not. In this case it’s a critical thinking challenge. If you’re not willing, then he’s not for you. No big deal. C’est la vie.

Yancey Ward said...

"But no one would vote to elect a Pinter character as POTUS.

We voted to elect a demented cadaver- how was that better?

Scott Patton said...

JK Brown at 11:50 said
"the current will run through the water from the positive to the negative of the battery in a bit of an football shaped field."
It is a perfectly legitimate question. I would have been impressed if a non-science inclined classmate would have asked such a question in high school.
I think (but not sure at all) I heard Neil DeGrasse Tyson respond to a question about that. If so, I didn't know it was Trump related. It could have been a different "science popularizer", or a dream.

Mason G said...

"instead of weaving the kinds of circuitous prevarications intended to manipulate the listener, without the risk of having the listener consider directly the issue at hand"

When the left's arguments are as solid as a bucket of shit and their logic is about the same, what else might one expect from them? They can't possibly be expected to say out loud what it is they want without having those listeners burst out in laughter at the ridiculousness of it all.

Mason G said...

"A lithium battery. Electrocuted in a progressive process. I wonder if that would violate the Eighth. I suppose it depends if a burden is h/t Clinton a "burden" h/t Obama."

Call it an abortion and it's all good.

Amadeus 48 said...

Trump is funny. Biden is vicious, stupid, and empty.

RCOCEAN II said...

I'm glad Trump called out the shark defenders. Its always hilarious the way they talk "Oh, it was just a misunderstanding. The Shark thought you were a seal - don't blame him".

No, I think sharks just saw something warm and full of blood and wanted to eat it. I don't think it was a case of mistaken identity.

As for the Atlantic, the whole purpose of the MSM is to help Democrats stay in power. And destroy conservativism. They are a propaganda machine. Every mention of Trump is negative. Every story for the last almost 9 years is negative.

ABC news has just said that "Giving Trump a live interview is journalistic malpractice". This sounds weird, unless you realized the Network Execs at ABC see the their job as helping the DNC (and leftism in General) triumph not reporting "news".

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW Collins, Murkowski and Romney have all refused to meet with Trump during his visit to the US Senate Republicans.

Romney is such a clown -a jealous little girl. Still the goofy small man and shallow thinker he's always been.

Mason G said...

"Romney is such a clown -a jealous little girl. Still the goofy small man and shallow thinker he's always been."

Aligns well with the Democrats, he does.

John said...

@Mark said...
"I think people who like Trump feel as though they're listening to a stand-up comic

It's long been clear in this campaign that this is what Trump really likes and wants to be. He would like to win the election for vindication, but that is it. He doesn't really want to do the job of president. He wants to keep his stand-up comic roadshow going."

Or maybe he likes doing the stand-up comic bit because he likes watching those humor-impervious lefties heads explode. Can't really blame him for that, if it is what he is thinking.

Leland said...

Thoughts on Trump as a comedian.

Gospace said...

I've often thought of what one word could describe Trump over and above any other. And BUMBLE BEE nailed it. Shmoozer. Right on the money. I've known many in my 68 year (69 at midnight) life. Many of whom required alcohol to get to where they could schmooze freely. Trump does it as a teetotaler.

Which brings up a question. Supposing Lem the artificially intelligent was still drinking beer. Can you share a beer - or wine or any alcohol- with someone who doesn't partake?

And there's been speculation that his not drinking while at soirees where the rich, famous, and powerful were getting drunk and talking more freely then they should have for their own good led him to gain knowledge that convinced him to finally become a politician. I'm certain it aided his business ventures.

All GOOD salespeople can schmooze. Some better than others, which shows up in sales metrics.

n.n said...

Call it an abortion and it's all good

Exactly. A reproductive rite (sic) held at your friendly, neighborhood Planned Parenthood, equitable and inclusive.

AZ Bob said...

I'll tell you who is not a good comedian: Dave Columbo.

Mikey NTH said...

I once asked a Coast Guard officer if they were concerned about electric lithium battery boats and he said yes. Water is bad for them, once they start burning you can't really extinguish them, and they emit some really bad toxic gases.

So no, it isn't a foolish concern.

Original Mike said...

Rich said..."The GOP is privately panicking about Trump’s mental state. They’re too cowardly to do anything about it, but they’re panicking. That’s what motivated the WSJ article about Biden. They aren’t concerned about Biden’s decline they are frightened by Trump’s."

Rich doesn't seem to know that the WSJ hates Trump.

effinayright said...

Quaestor said...
Temujin writes, "Joe Biden. Donald Trump. Robert De Niro. Joy Behar. You see? It's as common as top secret documents 'hidden' in your garage. Nothing more."

Interesting point. But your examples are flawed. Robert de Niro is absolutely immune from cognitive decline.

Because he has no "cognition" in the first place?


RCOCEAN II said...

WWII submarineers didn't worry about the electric batteries electrocuting them, they were worried about Battery explosions and that sea water can cause deadly cholorine gas. Of course, those were lead-acid.

Kirk Parker said...

Freder: "I am so confused."

Oh,look, it's another day ending in -y!

robother said...

Somehow, Trump's wicked sense humor reminds me of Captain Macheath:

Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear,
And he shows them pearly white
Just a jack-knife has Macheath, dear
And he keeps it out of sight

Dave said...

Here is what I have learned from the text of Trump's words using the monologue as my source and also from the comments clarifying the concepts involved.

1. A submerged boat with an electrical system is potentially dangerous because of the current
2. Sharks are dangerous but one must be within close range (biting range)
3. Electrical current in water is less dangerous the farther one is from the source (all the fish in the ocean do not die from one lightning strike)
4. Sharks are deterred by electrical charge

Therefore, in this situation, a survival technique would be, if possible, to find a safe distance between the sharks and the electricity where there is not enough electricity to kill you, but enough to deter the sharks.

Thus we can conclude Althouse has overlooked an opportunity to use her survival tag, which is one of my favorite.

Achilles said...

Readering said...

That monologue might work for an audition to a revival of a Pinter play. But no one would vote to elect a Pinter chacter as POTUS.

Of course not.

We will vote for Trump because he will bring back peace and prosperity and equal protection under the law.

We are going to support Trump because you support censorship, throwing political opponents in jail, open borders, taxing the middle class, blatant DEI racism, crime, and wars all over the world.

We support Trump because of policies that we can say out loud.

You cannot actually say out loud what you are supporting.

That is the whole point of this thread. You are just dishonest scum and you post like this because you want to hide this fact.

jimmy958 said...

I have a question: Suppose you are driving an electric vehicle and you get caught in a flash flood. The vehicle goes under water and you decide to ride it out in the vehicle, the interior of which fills up with water. Can you get electrocuted?

Readering said...

Damn Achilles. I thought I had hidden our master plan, but it's so tough to get one by you!

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark.”

That’s an unintentionally brilliant summation of the 2024 election. Biden is the battery and Trump is the shark. Yes, I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark.

Meade said...

“Biden is the battery and Trump is the shark.“

Left bank of the chuck,
That is a dopey analogy. A 5 year-old could do better.

tankdemon said...

That was yet another example of Trump's "stream of conciousness" speaking style. It shows an active mind making connections among various subjects. It is a style of speaking that Biden is totly incapable of, since it actually requires consciousness.

cfs said...

Most leftists have little sense of humor and often do not recognize it in others. That's why they can't meme.

RMc said...

electricity and water don’t mix that well

Actually, they mix very well, and that's the problem!

Taylor said...

It took15 pages of msm freakout to finally find this post: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/greg-gutfeld-trumps-loudest-critics-successful-people-who-sense-own-insignificance

Not sure if this was the whole thing but, as someone that went to one of his rallys, I would have had trouble standing up from laughing with him. Sadly for the wretched humorless jealous ones, normal people only tend to laugh at them (and usually it's when they think they're being serious).

These comments below from Greg don't include the zombies just following orders but, it must be killing them to see so many people that can still laugh, have a good time, and a real life with meaning to others despite everything being done to them.

"...still insist on backing a brain-dead Biden? I'll tell you who. It's the rich and famous, paralyzed by their own egos who look at Trump with envy."

"Right now, Trump's more important than all of them combined, and it's killing them. Meanwhile, the smart but ego-satisfied person, whether it's Elon Musk or Vivek Ramaswamy or me, we don't take it personally that Trump may be the most consequential human alive."

"It's the one thing narcissists can't stand--- being ignored on the world stage."

Tina848 said...

My FIL, was an electrical engineer for Excide Batteries. He built battery systems for nuclear and power plants. They had the contract for the reactor in Japan, the one hit with the tidal wave. 25 years ago Excide told them to move the batteries to higher ground because sea water would damage them and make them ineffective in keeping the plant going. Guess he was right....

Sea water is very ionic, it is dangerous to Batteries. The system would need multiple layers of protection and a secondary system in case of failure. This is why you should be cautious.

Nancy Reyes said...

did anyone mention that a couple of days ago, there were three shark attacks off the coast of Florida? Just wondering if Trump was referring to this story.

Bunkypotatohead said...

jimmy958 said...
I have a question: Suppose you are driving an electric vehicle and you get caught in a flash flood. The vehicle goes under water and you decide to ride it out in the vehicle, the interior of which fills up with water. Can you get electrocuted?

Actually you just drown, because the electrical system fails and there's no way to open the door or the window. It happened recently to Mitch McConnells sister in law. She spent her last moments talking on her phone while the car sank.

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