June 19, 2024

Sunrise — 5:18, 5:20, 5:31.





HistoryDoc said...

I look at these beautiful vistas and think ....Ann, get some sleep!!

Ann Althouse said...

I don’t even set the alarm. I’m just up. I was up for hours before this sunrise. I think I put up three posts before I went out.

Ann Althouse said...

I did take a long nap at about 11 AM.

Ann Althouse said...

Actually, I sleep as much as possible.

Humperdink said...

Yesterday the city of Boston advertised cooling shelters were available to those exposed to the heat. Today they made another announcement ... the shelters were closed today due to the Juneteenth holiday.

wildswan said...

There's an article which lays out the beliefs of Casey Goonan, the PhD student who firebombed police cars recently. It's at

The title is: Policing and the Violence of White Being: An Interview with Dylan Rodríguez
September 12, 2016 The following interview was conducted by Casey Goonan, an editor with True Leap Press. It originally appeared in the independent, open-access journal Propter Nos. Sample:
Casey Goonan says: "The US white-supremacist state operates today through a different set of discourses and cultural structures than in previous epochs. Your work interrogates such shifts at a level of depth and nuance that is of particular importance for emergent struggles against racist state violence. “Multiculturalist white supremacy,” “post-racial liberal optimism,” “white academic raciality” — such terms are utilized throughout your work to interrogate a myriad of theoretical and historical conundrums that define the post-Civil Rights era, particularly in regards to racial violence and subjectivity."

In other words, White Being dominates Civilization on both the left and the right. Total repudiation of any way forward is considered the only way forward. As you read, looking for an example of a good way to be for someone - not Me of the White Being, needless to say - but someone, you realize there isn't going to be such an example. This is Jonathan Edwards on total depravity. But more. This is the end of a seduction. This young man has accepted the depravity of all forms of any society he might ever find for himself. You hear him anxiously reciting his dismal, memorized catechism of social wrong and sin committed by White Being. You know he'll never go forward and robustly think for himself. That would be White Being. And with that acceptance, he's become just a prepared tool; no more than a robot waiting to to be activated by key words or scenes. Not that his teachers realize it, of course; they're just spouting jargon. But somewhere ...

Caroline said...

The first photo. Cloud has some chutzpah.

RCOCEAN II said...

Here's Putin talking tough again:

The Russian president had previously warned the West over Kiev’s desire to use donated weapons to conduct attacks deep inside Russia. Should that happen, Moscow could send similar types of weapons to enemies of the West, which could use them to strike the military assets of the US and its allies, he said earlier this month.

We 'muricans don't scare Russkie. You want WW III, bring it on! We don't mind dying over the Donbass and we love killing foreigners. I personally wouldn't mind dying from North Korean Missile attack. Anything to keep the Donbass out of Russkie hands and save the Free world and Democracy.

Woo Hoo!

RCOCEAN II said...

If you get up at 230 AM, does that make you a night owl, or an early early riser?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Is consciousness a quantum manifestation?

YouTube: We are not machines

Funny the captcha says "please prove you-re not a robot"

Iman said...

“This isn't about politics anymore. He is clearly incapacitated. This is very bad optics and even more, bad for our national security. The Democrats must find a new candidate even if it's the slimy Gavin Newsom. Right now, there is no way that President Biden is actually in charge. So the question is, who is? Americans should know who is making the decisions. This can't go on for another four years should the Democrats win…

He also reminds me of my dad at this age. I can't imagine putting my father in such a situation in this condition. Imagine a wife allowing her husband's frailty to be paraded across an international stage in such an undignified manner in service of political power. Quite Shakespearean. And unthinkable. And yet here we are.”

—- Patricia Heaton

Mason G said...

New downtown Los Angeles high-rise building to house homeless in $600,000 units

A grand opening ceremony was held Wednesday for a high-rise building in downtown Los Angeles that will house homeless individuals.

There are 278 units in the 19-story development known as the Weingart Tower. It's intended to help people currently without shelter on Skid Row and it will be L.A.'s largest permanent support housing project.

The building will have an entire floor of offices for case workers, in addition to a list of impressive amenities: a gym, art room, music room, computer room and library. Residents will enjoy six common balconies and a café.

It's considered affordable housing, but the cost to build this type of project still adds up. Each unit costs nearly $600,000 and it's being funded by taxpayers.

Your tax dollars at work. Just not for you.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Someone quoted Winnie the Pooh at my AA meeting:

“What I like doing best is Nothing."

I looked up the rest of the quote:

"How do you do Nothing," asked Pooh after he had wondered for a long time.

"Well, it's when people call out at you just as you're going off to do it, 'What are you going to do, Christopher Robin?' and you say, 'Oh, Nothing,' and then you go and do it.

It means just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering."

"Oh!" said Pooh.
- A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh (Winnie-the-Pooh, #1)

Hearing that reminded me of the recent post about retirement with the quotes:

"People keep trying to ask me like what I do because they, they wanna know who I am, what I'm like, and stuff like that. And I, I don't even know myself because like I don't really have an identity. I don't think I, and I'm okay with that."


"I don't believe that I, I need to have any identity. I don't, I don't need to be known for anything. I don't feel like one thing should describe a person. You know, they, I feel like they, they're made up of all their actions, not just one thing that they do."...

Mutaman said...

Notorious right winger and pro life nutcase Patricia Heaton notwithstanding, imagine anyone supporting a convicted rapist and a convicted felon who advised us to drink bleach.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Mutaman's been drinking the bleach. Poor fellow. He can't tell the difference between a civil trial and a criminal trial. He can't tell when a judge has taken a dive for the prosecution and prevented the defense from calling expert witnesses. He can't understand that how changing the statue of limitations is an ex post facto law is unconstitutional (Article I, Section 9) and was done explicitly so nutcase Jean Carol could sue Donald Trump.

He thinks Joe Biden is fully competent for a second term. Joe's in advanced dementia and is lucky if he can tell Monday from Sunday. But, Joe's the best the Party of Barbarism has.

HistoryDoc said...

While I made fun of Professor Althouse's daily schedule earlier, I do want to say - this blog has been on FIRE for the last several months in my opinion. I think it has to do with the upcoming election, and numerous other socio-political factors that have our host invigorated (again, my opinion). This remains a great place to discuss current events and ideas. Keep it up, you insomniac.

Wa St Blogger said...

imagine anyone supporting a convicted rapist and a convicted felon who advised us to drink bleach.

Imagine trying to change the opinions of informed people with false information. Need more Cooks and fewer Mutamen who do more to harm their cause than help.

Imagine voting for a regime that covers up child molestation, sexual assault and other felonies, one that engages in elder abuse just to hold on to those last tendrils of power.

Jim at said...

who advised us to drink bleach.

Since we're supposedly a bunch of mindless Trump cultists, there should be examples everywhere of people taking his advice. Yet, nobody did. Why is that?

Maybe 'cause he never said it? Could that be it?

Also, it would be appreciated if you could provide the court case where Trump was convicted of rape. Thanks, in advance.

Drago said...

Mutaman: "Notorious right winger and pro life nutcase Patricia Heaton notwithstanding, imagine anyone supporting a convicted rapist and a convicted felon who advised us to drink bleach."

Hmmmm. I can only assume Mutaman is usually surrounded by others as stupid as he to believe his serial lies, well understood by the vast majority of posters and readers of Althouse blog, would pass even minimal scrutiny.

I wonder where else mutaman posts. Democratic Underground. Yahoo. Other equally left and moronic sites.

Has to be.

Mutaman said...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

" He can't tell when a judge has taken a dive for the prosecution and prevented the defense from calling expert witnesses."

It was so unfair. I'm sure it will be reversed on appeal.

Mutaman said...

"Since we're supposedly a bunch of mindless Trump cultists, there should be examples everywhere of people taking his advice. Yet, nobody did. Why is that?"


Facts are funny things.

TickTock said...

Ilya Sutskever, Daniel Gross, Daniel Levy
June 19, 2024

Superintelligence is within reach.

Building safe superintelligence (SSI) is the most important technical problem of our​​ time.

We've started the world’s first straight-shot SSI lab, with one goal and one product: a safe superintelligence.

It’s called Safe Superintelligence Inc.

If you don't know who Ilya Sutskever is, you should find out. This is the second or third set of public comments this month by those working in the field that super intelligence is likely soon. Brace for the G forces.
This is the defining and most important issue of our time. But it is a time for courage, not fear.

wendybar said...

Instead of thanking Biden, these parasites should be on their knees thanking American taxpayers who are going broke in Bidens economy....

Stephen L. Miller

You're now paying the student loan debt of DC Comms staffers for the Democrat party.

Ben Kamens
Just got a call to let me know my student debt has been canceled. This is why elections matter. Thanks @JoeBiden.


You just paid off the college loan of a staffer in DC.

Be pissed. These aren’t Johnny Poorboys or Katie Pennypinchers.

These are the elite.
This guy is paid roughly $96,000 a year.


Big Mike said...

@wendybar, journeyman plumbers, young union rank and file members, HVAC techs, and the like have their taxes going to pay off the student loans of young folks making six digit and near six digit salaries —- who obviously could pay off their loans. And then the Dumbocrats wonder why they are losing young voters to Trump.

wendybar said...

💧💧Pretty big story just dropped

The FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP - And While Trump was Being Impeached over Ukrainian Phone Call

“It’s an extraordinary story because the FBI knew about it in 16, but when Donald Trump was being tried for Impeachment in 2019/2020, these documents were not made available to his defense…



Breezy said...

From the us news bleach article:

Calls to poison centers for exposure to cleaning and disinfectant supplies had already increased before Trump's comments, according to a report from April.

The centers received 45,550 calls on the subject from January through March, an increase of 20.4% from the same months in 2019, according to the analysis from the CDC and the American Association of Poison Control Centers.

Facts are funny things.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
boatbuilder said...

You know what's really scary--our government injects bleach into our drinking water!! And they've been doing it for decades!

Jersey Fled said...

Re: Iman at 9:19 PM quoting Sister Toldja

“This isn't about politics anymore. He is clearly incapacitated. This is very bad optics and even more, bad for our national security. The Democrats must find a new candidate even if it's the slimy Gavin Newsom. Right now, there is no way that President Biden is actually in charge. So the question is, who is? Americans should know who is making the decisions. This can't go on for another four years should the Democrats win…”

Question for our Lefty friends here.

Do you really believe Joe Biden is actually in charge, and if not, who is?

My answer is No and I Don’t Know.

Jersey Fled said...

“Question for our Lefty friends here.”

PS: No changing the subject like Mutaman did.

Narr said...

Lady MacBiden.

Real Creature said...

I used to live in Madison! Lake Mendota is a precious resource - the lakeshore path out to Picnic Point, where I stealth-camped for a few nights and a raccoon mugged me for my breakfast! Such a rich history, and many memories here.