June 21, 2024

"Richard Hofstadter identified a paranoid style of American politics in the 1960s. His student, Christopher Lasch..."

"... called out the narcissism of American society in the 1970s and ’80s that we now know metastasized into Trump. As a card-carrying historian (who studied under Lasch), I am going to give it shot. The contemporary Republican Party acts as if it has a histrionic personality disorder. Their election playbook speaks directly to type: create a straw man/woman of your opponent, throw corrupt corporate and big PAC money to attack it, and then lie, fearmonger and, well, be histrionic to win votes. Nothing about the truth matters. If the opponent has nothing to distort or take out of context, make something up. Act on rash decisions. Rationalize your choices, no matter how mistaken. Above all, play the victim and win at all costs."

Wrote Tracy Mitrano, last July, in "The Republican Party Has a Histrionic Personality Disorder/And the impact on national security is serious" (Inside Higher Ed). Here's Mitrano's Ballotpedia page. She's a Democrat, so she's not explicitly making the larger point like Hofstadter and her mentor Lasch. But it seems obvious to me: We see histrionics across the board in American politics.

I found that year-old piece after wondering why people diagnose Trump with narcissism, when his personality seems much more like what the DSM calls "histrionic personality disorder." 

Here's what the NIH has to say about HPD:
A pervasive pattern of attention-seeking behaviors and excessive emotional reactions characterize histrionic personality disorder (HPD). The condition is usually life-long, though onset is typically in late adolescence or early adulthood. Individuals with HPD are often described as seductive, self-indulgent, flirtatious, dramatic, extroverted, and animated. Individuals with HPD may feel underappreciated or disregarded when they are not the center of attention. They may be vibrant, enchanting, overly seductive, or inappropriately sexual. Patients presenting with HPD typically demonstrate rapidly shifting and shallow emotions that others may perceive as insincere. 

The roots of histrionic behavior can be traced back to ancient times when Greek and Roman physicians observed individuals who displayed excessive theatricality and emotional expression. These individuals were described as "hysterical," a term derived from the Greek word "hystera," meaning uterus, as these behaviors were believed to be exclusive to women and were caused by disturbances in the uterus.

Yes, you can tell this idea relates to the problems societies have had dealing that women (and what else, really, do societies have to do?). 

In the late 19th century, during the era of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud contributed to the understanding of histrionic behavior. He proposed the concept of "hysteria" as a psychological disorder primarily affecting women and characterized by emotional excesses and attention-seeking behavior. Freud's theories, although controversial and often criticized, laid the groundwork for the exploration of histrionic symptoms and behaviors.

As I've said more than once, there's something womanly about Trump.

Anyway, we Americans concentrate on the show, and politicians need to put on a show for us. Abraham Lincoln had his hat, and Trump calls attention to that for a reason. 


Narr said...

As a historian myself, I say that Ms Mitrano is an ignorant slut.

narciso said...

from the publication all in on the hamas protesters,

the ones who say 'climate change' is an existential threat,

where violence is speech, but silence is violence,

tell me who's being histrionic,

Aggie said...

Projection as Deflection.

narciso said...

well that was succinct,

also having a blood red blackdrop where you are denouncing half the country,

Joe Smith said...

'Their election playbook speaks directly to type: create a straw man/woman of your opponent, throw corrupt corporate and big PAC money to attack it, and then lie, fearmonger and, well, be histrionic to win votes.'

Isn't this global warming in a nutshell?

Isn't this 'homophobia' in a nutshell?

Isn't this white supremacy in a nutshell?

Isn't this 'stealing our democracy' in a nutshell?

Isn't this the war in Ukraine in a nutshell?


EdwdLny said...

These people, it seems, don't own or are incapable of using a mirror. It's disappointing that the people who read that drivel actually ,at this late date, believe that rubbish. Of course these same folks think the economy is gang busters. So there's that.

narciso said...

is this her?


Tom T. said...

She's basically concluded that Trump is just like every other politician.

n.n said...

The DSM has evolved as a selfie-diagnostic manual.

narciso said...

there's no pony at the end of this

Earlier this week, a Trump-appointed federal judge, Judge Terry A. Doughty of Louisiana, issued an order on First Amendment grounds that restricts government interaction with social media sites on matters of disinformation. While some of the evidence does suggest overreach on the part of the Biden Administration’s 2022 election efforts, this opinion paints a broad stroke, and probably violates the First Amendment on the side of the government too. Exceptions do include, according to The New York Times, “that the government could still notify the platforms about posts detailing crimes, national security threats or foreign attempts to influence elections.” All of those specifics fall under the rubric of cybersecurity, as does mis/disinformation. Does this judge have working knowledge of cybersecurity? Me thinks not. Like Senator Tuberville, he would prioritize his politics over the health and security of our country. Hunter Biden’s computer is more important than lies about election fraud?

mccullough said...

Historians diagnosing parts of society with mental disorders discredit themselves.

narciso said...

you are ignorant on a scale that is extravagant,

For those who are not familiar with my reasons for running for Congress in a 2018 and 2020 Republican District, allow me to briefly retell the story. It was during the 2016 presidential campaign. Candidate Trump invited Russia to invade our servicers, supposedly to find “Hillary Clinton’s emails.” It may have been a joke, but it was not funny. I was eating a pizza in my new condominium in Feeding Hills, Massachusetts and I threw my dinner at the TV set, creating a little mess on the carpet. “You can do better than that, Tracy,” I said to myself. I revered my father, his four brothers and two brothers-in-law, who fought in World War II, as well as two cousins, one on each side of the family, who went to Vietnam. Maybe that reverence contributed to my sincere interest in cybersecurity. It is, after all, essentially national security. Frivolity about something so important, and so contemporarily in flux, was not becoming to a candidate from a major political party. Given what we came to know about his idolization of Putin, it was also boldly self-serving. I thought it was my turn to step up.

Jamie said...

It seems to me that I've read that in order for a mental condition to be termed a "disorder," it has to affect your life badly - it must disorder you. I'd be hard-pressed to call Trump "disordered" by whatever his personality is; instead, he seems to have thrived throughout his life. One may not like his personality (and boy, many don't!), but that doesn't make it "disordered."

Kate said...

Let's return to phrenology and start measuring heads. Let's report on how the candidate's body humours are out of balance. Somebody leak the candidate's dream journal.

The third newsroom, indeed. I'd settle for a respectable first newsroom.

gilbar said...

now do O'Bama!

narciso said...

she doesnt understand the first amendment, doesn't understand sarcasm, is involved in ai, thats concerning,

Jamie said...

Adding to my previous: the effects of one person's mental condition on others might be enough to turn a condition into a disorder for diagnostic purposes, I guess...

I could see someone with BPD, for instance, who is successful at getting everyone around her to do what she wants, constantly come to her rescue, keep her from feeling bad, all of which could prevent her life from being disordered but could disorder others' lives. So if that's a valid way to define "disorder," maybe Trump does have a personality disorder, as he certainly causes a lot of people a lot of distress.

I dunno; I'm no more a psychologist than I am a lawyer.

narciso said...

thankfully she lost, but whoever won probably wasn't any better

For those who are not familiar with my reasons for running for Congress in a 2018 and 2020 Republican District, allow me to briefly retell the story. It was during the 2016 presidential campaign. Candidate Trump invited Russia to invade our servicers, supposedly to find “Hillary Clinton’s emails.” It may have been a joke, but it was not funny. I was eating a pizza in my new condominium in Feeding Hills, Massachusetts and I threw my dinner at the TV set, creating a little mess on the carpet. “You can do better than that, Tracy,” I said to myself. I revered my father, his four brothers and two brothers-in-law, who fought in World War II, as well as two cousins, one on each side of the family, who went to Vietnam. Maybe that reverence contributed to my sincere interest in cybersecurity. It is, after all, essentially national security. Frivolity about something so important, and so contemporarily in flux, was not becoming to a candidate from a major political party. Given what we came to know about his idolization of Putin, it was also boldly self-serving. I thought it was my turn to step up.

narciso said...

there are dyson sphere's less crowded, this was last year

Earlier this week, a Trump-appointed federal judge, Judge Terry A. Doughty of Louisiana, issued an order on First Amendment grounds that restricts government interaction with social media sites on matters of disinformation. While some of the evidence does suggest overreach on the part of the Biden Administration’s 2022 election efforts, this opinion paints a broad stroke, and probably violates the First Amendment on the side of the government too. Exceptions do include, according to The New York Times, “that the government could still notify the platforms about posts detailing crimes, national security threats or foreign attempts to influence elections.” All of those specifics fall under the rubric of cybersecurity, as does mis/disinformation. Does this judge have working knowledge of cybersecurity? Me thinks not. Like Senator Tuberville, he would prioritize his politics over the health and security of our country. Hunter Biden’s computer is more important than lies about election fraud?

Jersey Fled said...

Do these people even realize that Trump was President for four years. And that none of the evil things they are now telling us will happen actually happened?

Talk about a mental disorder.

Sebastian said...

Of course, as with all the clueless anti-deplorable charges, this is just prog projection.

Still, if we're into diagnosing disorders, is it in fact the case that Trump himself displays "excessive emotional reactions"? Some of the outrageous attacks on him deserve strong emotional reactions, and for the most part his reactions seem reasonably well calibrated to achieve certain results, either among followers or among adversaries. Now do Joe: when he sneers at reporters, or challenges people to a fight, or says Mittens will put y'all back in chains, does that also count as histrionic?

Unknown said...

I have noticed that people tend to accuse others of things they do. Like they are psychologically prepared to see "things" such as a religious Christian seeing a Jesus apparition, while in Tibet, they would see Budha. In this case, it looks like a wife, who is cheating, accusing her husband, who isn't, of having an affair because that is her perception of the world.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"...And the impact on national security is serious"

There is literally a dementia-ridden vegetable with access to the nuclear football in the Whitehouse. Unfuckingbelievable.

Yancey Ward said...

That essay has so much projection density in it that it threatens to suck the planet into a black hole.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Their election playbook speaks directly to type: create a straw man/woman of your opponent, throw corrupt corporate and big PAC money to attack it, and then lie, fearmonger and, well, be histrionic to win votes.

Really, who can read this and NOT think of Biden's campaign, repeatedly invoking the Authoritarian Trump he imagines? If not what is described above then exactly what was Joe doing in his red-lit speech and his "fiery" SOTU speech?

Smells like more projection and flop sweat.

wendybar said...

Everything she wrote, is exactly what the Progressives are doing...

Chuck said...

This is a very good blog post.

It raises an interesting topic from the blogger's own reading, and brings it into current events. It contains the blogger's own quirky, well-stated observation; Trump's feminine qualities; something with which I have always agreed with Althose. It asks a good question about psychological disorders, and I happen to like Althouse's framing and her answer, even though I am completely convinced as a lyperson that (perhaps in addition to Histrionic Personality Disorder) Trump is a textbook case of Malignant Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Do remember that when he was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Paul Ryan was functionally convinced that he needed to deal with Tump on the basis that Trump had Narcisstic Personality Disorder, based on professional opinions that Ryan had recieved at the time.

Some good links for further reading on Althouse's blog-post topic:

Trump has Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD).

Trump doesn't fit the DSM criteria. And actually, he does in many ways but isn't a diagnosable case. At the same time, he's thoroughly unfit for the Presidency.

doctrev said...

Even as someone who would support banning most histrionics from Congress, these idiots are really trying to say that anyone who's concerned about modern America is a hysterical broad.

Keep that pose up, it's a great way for someone to eventually stab you in the stomach.

Two-eyed Jack said...

This is the behavior of the diagnostician of Histrionics on hearing Trump's joke about the Russians finding Hillary's emails:

"I was eating a pizza in my new condominium in Feeding Hills, Massachusetts and I threw my dinner at the TV set, creating a little mess on the carpet."

wild chicken said...

The GOP doesn't have a "disorder." They found out in 2016 that Trump WINS for them like no one else.

They are in awe, of course. Because 99% of the party is downticket.

Wince said...

If Bill Clinton was the first “black” president…

Then Trump should tout himself as the first woman president?

That would make the Dems’ heads spin.

Tim Sisk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stlcdr said...

Replace 'Republican' with 'Democrat' and see if it's any different. It shows that what this reporter/opinionist says is complete and utter nonsense.

Chuck said...

Pathological narcissism among Trump supporters. "Dimensions of pathological narcissism and intention to vote for Donald Trump." [Yalch MM. Dimensions of pathological narcissism and intention to vote for Donald Trump. PLoS One. 2021 Apr 15;16(4):e0249892. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249892. PMID: 33857206; PMCID: PMC8049239.]

Ralph L said...

Two-Eyed Jack beat me to her truly histrionic behavior. Trump is merely theatrical, which is totally different. Has he ever really lost control in public?

Notice that the hatless Marine correctly doesn't salute the CINC, as, unlike the Army and AF, the Naval Services don't when "uncovered," though my father would when he automatically returned salutes at base gates many years after he retired.

narciso said...

paul ryan the man who has three portraits of himself, in the gallery,

Original Mike said...

"Candidate Trump invited Russia to invade our servicers (sic), supposedly to find “Hillary Clinton’s emails.” It may have been a joke, but it was not funny."

I thought it was both funny and serious. The humor is obvious. The serious side is Clinton's self serving criminal behavior, which she apparently has no problem dismissing.

mikeski said...

I am completely convinced as a lyingperson[...]

Fixed it for you, Chicky.

hombre said...

I admit that I am less and less able to finish this type of bilge. Are these journalists demonic or delusional? Republicans are a security risk? Joe Biden is poking Russia, the world's largest holder of nuclear weapons, in the eye by providing Ukraine with arms and money. He and Obama financed Iran's nuclear research which could easily lead to nuclear war with Israell. Biden and allies are completely unable to deal with Houthi pirates who are disrupting shipping on the Red Sea. Democrats have ravaged our armed forces with DEI and incompetent general officers. But it's Trump and Republicans who threaten national security.

Trump was absolutely right when he said the media is the enemy of the people. Instapundit is right when he says however much we despise them it isn't enough.

bgates said...

with this much projection I'm surprised she didn't blame Trump for high prices, uncontrolled immigration, and protecting Hunter.

hombre said...

Demonic AND delusional?

Old and slow said...

Well she's right about one thing, we are living in crazy times.

Original Mike said...

re: Clinton's emails: Trump was making a serious point in a humorous way. And I don't believe for a second that she doesn't understand this. She is simply dishonest.

bgates said...

lol https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/professor/2702213 she's the same in the classroom as in print

narciso said...


narciso said...

shes not an journalist she's a minitrue drone, It's a piece from the time of barbenheimer, but that is extraordinary category error,

Rocco said...

Chuck said...
"Trump! Blah, blah, blah."

Since Chuck is big into links today, here's an video of Chuck's crowd going after a pair of Trump supporting ladies: https://youtu.be/uo56eV1Rtr8?t=52s

Mike Yancey said...

Democrats are Malignant Narcissists. They accuse you of things they are actually doing. They use and manipulate others for their own gain. Under the Green New Deal, they take things away from you, telling you it’s for your own good. They always know better than you do on how to spend your money!

Trump is indeed a narcissist, but a Grandiose Narcissist. Just listen to the Trump (pretend) patter: “I have the most felony convictions of any former President…” (you can hear it!). But he uses his narcissism to become more useful and to help others. He actually has skills in persuasion, negotiation, and sales. When he “lies” about the border wall… he just didn’t have time to finish it. He lies like a car salesman, he wants you to be a happy customer in one of his new cars!

hombre said...

Chuck Channeling Schumer: "Pathological narcissism among Trump supporters."

Supporting God, the Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights, energy independence, reduced crime, border security, smaller government, low inflation, integrity in the courts, family, etc., is pathological narcissism?

Assuming Chuck is not some sort of IA Troll, he is living proof the Trump Derangement Syndrome erodes the brain.

rehajm said...

Republicans aren’t the ones demanding parsing of the meaning of ‘is’ or calling it ballsy…

It isn’t histrionics it’s Political Science. It is done because it is effective…

Achilles said...

I found that year-old piece after wondering why people diagnose Trump with narcissism, when his personality seems much more like what the DSM calls "histrionic personality disorder."

Psycology is a profession where mediocre "intellectuals" go to try to explain people they are too limited to understand.

Whenever someone falls outside the scope of a person's mental capabilities to understand they try to label them crazy and suffering from a disorder.

narciso said...

You mean when the House republicans refused to fund the wall, when the courts rebuffed the attempt to divert Pentagon funds to the wall, the shutdown over same matters,

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

This is a very good blog post.

I agree.

It allows people who are dumber than Trump to show everyone just how much dumber than Trump they are.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

Do remember that when he was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Paul Ryan was functionally convinced that he needed to deal with Tump on the basis that Trump had Narcisstic Personality Disorder, based on professional opinions that Ryan had recieved at the time.

We all remember when Paul Ryan dropped his mask and let everyone know he was a traitor and betrayed the people that voted for him in the most heinous and vile way a politician can do so.

And he retired in disgrace.

He is now extremely wealthy with all of the money he is being paid to betray his voters.

Paul Ryan is a complete and total piece of shit.

who-knew said...

Mitrano said: "Their election playbook speaks directly to type: create a straw man/woman of your opponent, throw corrupt corporate and big PAC money to attack it, and then lie, fearmonger and, well, be histrionic to win votes. Nothing about the truth matters. If the opponent has nothing to distort or take out of context, make something up. Act on rash decisions. Rationalize your choices, no matter how mistaken. Above all, play the victim and win at all costs.". Well, she's a Democrat so she should know their election strategy.
Althouse adds this sarcasm: "Yes, you can tell this idea relates to the problems societies have had dealing that women (and what else, really, do societies have to do?)." But if I was reading this in a more conventionally feminist publication (like, say, the NYT) it wouldn't be sarcasm.

Fred Drinkwater said...

I use to have to put in effort in order to understand leftists' "philosophy" and intentions. It's so much easier now that they write it down and publish it worldwide.

Jupiter said...

More histrionics from deranged Trump supporters.

Balfegor said...

The part that doesn't ring true to me is "excessive emotional reactions," because my impression is that Trump is a lot more calculating than that in his emoting. His opponents certainly fantasize about his over-the-top emotional reaction to this or that thing they have done, but I don't see that reflected in what he actually does in response. Rather, in the same way he's completely comfortable going over the top in his vituperation and insults against an opponent and can instantly pivot to saccharine praise the instant they do what he wants, I see a lot of his public emotion as part of a role he's deliberately playing.

His skill at this kind of emotional manipulation is probably why so many people think of him as narcissistic. At least online, that strategic push-pull of emotional outbursts is often described as characteristic of narcissists. Along with refusal to accept responsibility for anything.

chuck said...

When I hear paranoid, I think Democrat.

Yancey Ward said...

There does appear to be a significant number of never-Trump Republicans who get arrested for child porn and abusing children sexually. Perhaps someone should report Chuck to the police.

MadTownGuy said...

From the post:

"I found that year-old piece after wondering why people diagnose Trump with narcissism, when his personality seems much more like what the DSM calls "histrionic personality disorder.""

Is 'NYC Braggadocio' in the DSM?

narciso said...


Rabel said...

I'm still waiting to see those "excessive emotional reactions" from Trump.

Maybe they're hidden away with his raging anger videos.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The part that doesn't ring true to me is "excessive emotional reactions," unless she's referring to Biden's tendencies to whisper then shout, then challenge people to outrageous physical feats, if not outright threaten them. Most recently that TIME reporter to whom Biden said, "I could take you, Jack."

Lot's of examples if one is not willfully blind. He's got a mean, overreactive habit. Stretching back before he was VP, if a reporter asked about his IQ he'd snap, "I bet it's higher than yours!"

Rosalyn C. said...

From what I’ve seen so far by Democratic leaders and media, including a pitch by Vice President Harris, Biden’s campaign is going to be totally focused on warning people that Trump is a threat to Democracy.

Chuck said...

I had no idea that Drago wrote fluently in Arabic.

narciso said...

Arabic spam is tight,

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "There does appear to be a significant number of never-Trump Republicans who get arrested for child porn and abusing children sexually. Perhaps someone should report Chuck to the police."

There is actually zero evidence LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck has ever been a republican and a tsunami of his own postings for a decade indicating conclusively that he aligns perfectly on the far left of the political spectrum in terms of stated policy preferences, politicians he supports and attacks and his preferred media.

This is on top of his demonstrated serial psychotic racist, misogynistic, transparent mendacity and tending towards physical violence postings indicating deep-seated personality disfunction...making Chuck's laughable online "diagnosis" of Trump truly a marvel of projection and a source of much mirth for the Althouse commentariat!

David53 said...

First line of the post,

"... called out the narcissism of American society in the 1970s and ’80s that we now know metastasized into Trump."

Who is this "we" Tracy writes about? Is it the same we who said everyone had to lockdown and mask up during covid? The same we who said the Vietnam war was good and necessary? I don't trust that we anymore.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

There does appear to be a significant number of never-Trump Republicans who get arrested for child porn and abusing children sexually.

Yeah and one of them used to pimp Evan McMuffin to us on this blog.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "I had no idea that Drago wrote fluently in Arabic."

Arabic being the language of Chuck's and his beloved New Soviet Democratical Party's islamic supremacist political allies both in the US, the Middle East and Central/South Asia.

We'll just chalk that comment by Chuck up as additional projection in a thread already drenched in Banned Commenter Chuck's projection!



Balfegor said...

Re: Mike (MJB Wolf):

Biden's tendencies to whisper then shout, then challenge people to outrageous physical feats, if not outright threaten them. Most recently that TIME reporter to whom Biden said, "I could take you, Jack."

Haha, I do think Biden has long had poor self-control, even before his current angry old man phase. Even his original campaign-ending lies about his degrees and class rank in school were blurted out in what seems to have been an uncontrollable emotional reaction to someone heckling him. Not everyone who struts and thumps his chest like Biden is insecure, but Biden sure is.

Scott Patton said...

"... called out the narcissism of American society in the 1970s and ’80s that we now know metastasized into Trump."

Ambrose said...

And fish don’t know they are wet.

William said...

She claims that the narcissism of American society "metatasized" into Trump. That's a loaded word. She's saying that Trump is a cancer.....I can see where Trump's swollen personality is symptomatic of something awry in American society, but I wouldn't describe him as a tumor. I think the inflammation is more typical of an infection site than of a tumor. I like to think of Trump as white blood cells rushing to an infection site rather than as a cancerous tumor on the body politic.....That probably wouldn't work as a counter argument though. There's something pernicious about describing something as an infection in the blood. Mature adults without personality disorders don't describe their opponents as infections. They describe them as cancers. Thanks for elevating the discourse, Tracy.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

A Nevada judge just dismissed charges against Republicans who filed a slate of pro-Trump electors in the 2020 election, citing a lack of jurisdiction. Also, can't be refiled in the correct jurisdiction because the statute of limitations ran out.

William said...

As I understand it, shrinks define neuroses as disorders that handicap a person's abilities to love and work. Trump seems to have had some success in both those areas. Whatever flaws there are in his personality, they don't seem to be holding him back in his ability to love and work. Rather the opposite in fact. There's something lacking in his ability to negotiate with porn stars, but he was successful in most other areas....I don't know if Trump is a successful politician. He seems to inspire just as much hostility as admiration, but you can't claim that he has had an unsuccessful or unfulfilled life because of his neuroses.

David53 said...

@Scott Patton


Yes, perhaps they all need some leeches on their foreheads.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You can only be sure you're an effective GOP official in a swing state if you've been indicted now.

Deep State Reformer said...

F*** all these amateur psychologists in the media. And the licensed professional ones as well especially when they turn their cruelly neutral, but always professional, gazes at their political opposition. At that point they morph into a scrum of crude witch doctors who are just as bat-shit crazy as the rest of their fellow travelers. I'd like to see the political contributions, social media posts, and Rx records of all these goofs before I grant them any speck of professional credibility. I mean look experts like Fauci, Blasey Ford, and the doctor who said in 2020 FJB was mentally sound. Professional credibility is like firewood bc you can only burn it once.

JaimeRoberto said...

Trump is indeed a narcissist, but a Grandiose Narcissist.

He's the best narcissist. That's what people are saying. Everyone says so.

jameswhy said...

The perfect doppelgänger for Trump was another loud, obnoxious, histrionic, narcissistic New Yorker named George Steinbrenner. He was President … but ‘only’ of the New York Yankees. His leadership of the team was marked by the chaos he fostered. He fired his manager, Billy Martin, several times. He feuded with his best, most popular player, Reggie Jackson. He had sportswriters for The NY Times writing the same nonsensical psychological analyses as this lady.

And yet, his teams won. A lot.

When Trump came along, I realized I’d seen this act before, and just enjoyed the noise, the humor and especially the results of Trumps competent policies. It’s all a game and winning for your team is the goal. Trumps team is the USA, not the GOP, and that seems to drive people like Chuck crazy.

Meade said...

Chuck said...
Pathological narcissism among Trump supporters. "Dimensions of pathological narcissism and intention to vote for Donald Trump." [Yalch MM. Dimensions of pathological narcissism and intention to vote for Donald Trump. PLoS One. 2021 Apr 15;16(4):e0249892. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249892. PMID: 33857206; PMCID: PMC8049239.]

Ass Chuck,

Just a bit of unsolicited advice that you might find helpful:

Rather than slapping up links to banal poorly researched articles from untrustworthy government agencies you obviously don’t yourself read, why not share with us your personal experiences with your own disordered narcissism, borderline, antisocial and histrionic personality? — Examples of the myriad ways your disorders have disrupted, delayed and derailed what otherwise might have been happy, thriving, productive relationships in your work life and love life.

Instead of appeals to authority, offer us something real. Something authentic.

Can you? Because those might be interesting comments for us to read. Instead of the crap you continually dump here.

Drago said...

jameswhy: "When Trump came along, I realized I’d seen this act before, and just enjoyed the noise, the humor and especially the results of Trumps competent policies. It’s all a game and winning for your team is the goal. Trumps team is the USA, not the GOP, and that seems to drive people like Chuck crazy."

Actually, Trump's team is the USA, not the New Soviet Democraticals, and that not just seems to have driven Chuck crazy, it has driven Chuck even crazier than he already clearly was/is.


Temujin said...

Tracy Mitrano has spent her life in education & public policy. So it's clear she has no idea who the people are that she is denigrating. That's expected, not shocking.

This mindset is so arrogant, so sure of itself, and at the same time so ignorant it's hard to believe that this is the exact mindset of the bulk of our education policy 'experts'.

And so...our kids cannot read. They cannot add. They cannot compose a paragraph, or a sentence. And they cannot think for themselves.

Well done.

narciso said...

Chuck is george costanza discuss

Jupiter said...

On current evidence, the chief failing of Conservatism in the 60's was a paranoia so mild and inconsequential that it might as well have been narcolepsy. The Left has always been much, much more dangerous than anyone imagined.

Skeptical Voter said...

As for me I'm going with Narr--first commenter out of the box this morning, and with Temujin.

Our "elites" live in blue bubbles on the coasts and don't get out all that much.

And of course they can't understand why some snaggle toothed shade tree mechanic in Arkansas, or some corncob smokin', cousin pokin' chicken chokin' hillbilly high up in a holler in Appalachia has a vote (that if he actually casts it) counts one vote--when he, she, Xi, they think their one vote should count for ten time as much as that of the Deplorable they don't know (and don't want to know, much less meet).

As some housewife in Oklahoma might say to this woman, "Get over your ownself". Now the good thing about small town and backwoods America is that they don't have much time to put up with this navel gazing claptrap. They're just trying to eke out a living somehow. And in the world of Bidenomics, that's getting harder every day.

narciso said...

Sometimes dan akroyd miming james kilpatrick has the best line

Robert Cook said...

"The contemporary Republican Party acts as if it has a histrionic personality disorder. Their election playbook speaks directly to type: create a straw man/woman of your opponent, throw corrupt corporate and big PAC money to attack it, and then lie, fearmonger and, well, be histrionic to win votes. Nothing about the truth matters. If the opponent has nothing to distort or take out of context, make something up. Act on rash decisions. Rationalize your choices, no matter how mistaken. Above all, play the victim and win at all costs."

Dead on. To paraphrase a character's motto from 1960s tv show THE SONS OF WILL SONNET: "No lie, just fact."

Robert Cook said...

"She's basically concluded that Trump is just like every other politician."

Just so, only worse.

Rusty said...

narciso said...
"Chuck is george costanza discuss"

Ann. It's not a lie if YOU believe it.
That would probably sound better coming from Rich.
Chuck is more of a Newman.

Jamie said...

my impression is that Trump is a lot more calculating than that in his emoting.

Long ago, when we were first married, we inherited a cat. We also bought a new sofa - the most expensive thing we had bought together thus far.

One day, the cat extended his claws and planted them in the side of the sofa. My husband, who had been calmly sitting with me at the dining table in the adjoining space drinking coffee, sprang to his feet, picked up his (lightweight bentwood) chair, and sent it skidding across the floor at the cat,

The cat immediately fled and never even got CLOSE to clawing the sofa again.

My husband walked over, picked up his chair, brought it back to the table, sat down, and finished his coffee and our conversation as if nothing had happened at all.

That's how I see Trump's whiplash-inducing switches from effusive praise to insults to patriotic anthems to mean jokes. Everything seems to have a purpose. (No, I'm not talking about "4D chess." I'm just saying Trump makes decisions about what he's saying and how he's saying it. Those decisions clearly include some bad ones, especially ones where he inadvertently gives his self-proclaimed enemies a soundbite, but they're conscious nonetheless.)

Here is where Rich pipes up with the VERY word-for-word and punctuation-free transcript of the shark/battery riff. If Biden's few extemporaneous remarks were transcribed in the same way - exactly as they roll out of his mouth - could they even be spelled? Would half the paragraph be ellipses?

Earnest Prole said...

Histrionic and womanly seem like loaded terms but I’m sure we can all agree Trump is fabulous.

Jim at said...

Their election playbook speaks directly to type: create a straw man/woman of your opponent, throw corrupt corporate and big PAC money to attack it, and then lie, fearmonger and, well, be histrionic to win votes. Nothing about the truth matters. If the opponent has nothing to distort or take out of context, make something up. Act on rash decisions. Rationalize your choices, no matter how mistaken. Above all, play the victim and win at all costs.

The projection from the left is just so tedious. I don't even bother with it anymore.

boatbuilder said...

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they are not out to get you.

narciso said...


boatbuilder said...

Jameswhy--I think you are correct, Sir.

And I am a Red Sox fan.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck ain't no George Costanza or Newman- almost certainly more of a Phil Totola.

boatbuilder said...

Candidate Trump invited Russia to invade our servicers, supposedly to find “Hillary Clinton’s emails.” It may have been a joke, but it was not funny. I was eating a pizza in my new condominium in Feeding Hills, Massachusetts and I threw my dinner at the TV set, creating a little mess on the carpet. “You can do better than that, Tracy,” I said to myself. I revered my father, his four brothers and two brothers-in-law, who fought in World War II, as well as two cousins, one on each side of the family, who went to Vietnam. Maybe that reverence contributed to my sincere interest in cybersecurity. It is, after all, essentially national security. Frivolity about something so important, and so contemporarily in flux, was not becoming to a candidate from a major political party. Given what we came to know about his idolization of Putin, it was also boldly self-serving. I thought it was my turn to step up.
First--"That's not funny!!" Ha! The punchline of the feminist/lightbulb joke! She doesn't get it.

Second--The "joke" was about the former Secretary of State's and then leading Democrat nominee for President's gross and cavalier violation of "essential national security" by maintaining her own insecure private server for high security governmental communications. Which apparently Ms. Mitrano was untroubled by.

Third--would I be wrong to make an unscientific diagnosis of her as an obvious nut case (DSM !V), based solely on her own public comments?

wildswan said...

Added to Aggie 10:38

Projection as Deflection till Election of Perception
In Any
Blue Bobblehead.

Robert Cook said...

"He's the best narcissist. That's what people are saying. Everyone says so."

He would say so as well if he were asked.

Robert Cook said...

"my impression is that Trump is a lot more calculating than that in his emoting."

To re-paraphrase a motto often said by a character on 1960s tv show THE GUNS OF WILL SONNETT, "No emoting, just calculation."

Thomas said...

Projection is fully in season.

effinayright said...

شركة الثقه للمقاولات said...

الرقي والجمال في التصميم. حجر هاشمي
اسعارحجر ابيض ازازي
تنظيف قوية وفعالة واجهات حجر هاشمي ابيض ازازي


Hassayamper said...

If you’re not paranoid about just how dangerous the Beltway Uniparty and its billionaire cronies are, you are not paying attention. They have been working for more than a hundred years to reduce us to poverty, dependence, conformity, and slavish obedience, and they will work for a thousand more if necessary.

They are the worst among us and they can never be trusted. Everything they and their puppet press say to us is a self-serving lie.

When the great collapse comes, and it will, we cannot stand by passively and idly. Every one of the great institutions of society is infiltrated by left wing termites, working tirelessly to confiscate your wealth and enslave you and your posterity. Every one of them will require massive restructuring, if not total destruction and rebuilding.

The collectivist scum must be excised like a cancer and never again allowed to oppress us.

Jamie said...

The contemporary Republican Party acts as if it has a histrionic personality disorder. Their election playbook speaks directly to type: create a straw man/woman of your opponent, throw corrupt corporate and big PAC money to attack it, and then lie, fearmonger and, well, be histrionic to win votes. Nothing about the truth matters. If the opponent has nothing to distort or take out of context, make something up. Act on rash decisions. Rationalize your choices, no matter how mistaken. Above all, play the victim and win at all costs."

Dead on.

Really, Robert Cook? Have you been absent for the past couple of days (to be conservative about it!), in which our host has highlighted Democratic election strategies focusing on portraying Trump as the death of democracy, an out-of-control toddler, a "malfunctioning appliance" (I keep my own counsel on that one but many seem to think that was what Philippe was saying)? What, in contrast, is Trump's apparent strategy?

It seems to me that it's pointing out how incredibly diminished Biden is - and he was no brainiac coming into the job! -, how badly the economy is performing for ordinary people, how inexplicably open the border has been for almost four years when the influx of illegal immigrants had slowed to a relative trickle, how volatile US foreign policy has become....

You're a socialist. You can appreciate that working people are angry and distressed, that a flood of off-the-books labor doesn't help, that foreign wars in which the US's interest is either tenuous or in the other direction from where this administration has us going. Why would you defend Biden? He's no socialist.

Of course I believe the economic policies you support are wrongheaded. And of course I think hstory is on my side on this - but we are aligned in our goals. Biden is no friend to either of us.

Jamie said...

Oops, sentence fragment in my last post:

"that foreign wars in which the US's interest is either tenuous or in the other direction from where this administration has us going"

... should have ended with,

"do not allow for domestic policies that support the working class"

Mikey NTH said...

Donald Trump is a promoter, an entertainer, a salesman, the best this country has seen since P.T. Barnum. And he has been very successful. Those skills translate well into retail politics.

How do they work when he's in the Oval Office? We have four years of evidence, four years while facing the most relentless attacks any modern president has faced.

Personally? He has five children. Measure how they have turned oit compared to other children in their place.

I do not think you need to dabble in amateur psychology to get an answer, though you may not honestly like the answer.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

"The contemporary Republican Party acts as if it has a histrionic personality disorder. Their election playbook speaks directly to type: create a straw man/woman of your opponent, throw corrupt corporate and big PAC money to attack it, and then lie, fearmonger and, well, be histrionic to win votes. Nothing about the truth matters. If the opponent has nothing to distort or take out of context, make something up. Act on rash decisions. Rationalize your choices, no matter how mistaken. Above all, play the victim and win at all costs."

Dead on. To paraphrase a character's motto from 1960s tv show THE SONS OF WILL SONNET: "No lie, just fact.

Cook is correct about the Republican Party in general.

He would likely say the Democrat party is similar.

He is just too stupid to see what Trump is doing to the political scene.

Achilles said...

Jamie said...

Really, Robert Cook?

People really should understand Robert by now. He is not a very complicated thinker.

Achilles said...

Meade said...

Chuck said...
Pathological narcissism among Trump supporters. "Dimensions of pathological narcissism and intention to vote for Donald Trump." [Yalch MM. Dimensions of pathological narcissism and intention to vote for Donald Trump. PLoS One. 2021 Apr 15;16(4):e0249892. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249892. PMID: 33857206; PMCID: PMC8049239.]

Ass Chuck,

Just a bit of unsolicited advice that you might find helpful:

Rather than slapping up links to banal poorly researched articles from untrustworthy government agencies you obviously don’t yourself read, why not share with us your personal experiences with your own disordered narcissism, borderline, antisocial and histrionic personality? — Examples of the myriad ways your disorders have disrupted, delayed and derailed what otherwise might have been happy, thriving, productive relationships in your work life and love life.

Instead of appeals to authority, offer us something real. Something authentic.

Can you? Because those might be interesting comments for us to read. Instead of the crap you continually dump here.

Some honest self reflection from Chuck would be very interesting.

Robert Cook said...

"Cook is correct about the Republican Party in general.

"He would likely say the Democrat party is similar."


"He is just too stupid to see what Trump is doing to the political scene."

Oh, I see: he's making an already dreary, corrupt and terrible status quo worse, more brutish, more corrupt, more about personal aggrandizement, more about sowing antagonism for the sake of it, and about one-upping and insulting their colleagues than about working together in at least a somewhat sincere goal to serve the people they purportedly represent and whom they can thank for all the power and wealth to which they have been given access. (I mean, Boebert and MTG...really? These are people who would get bounced from 5th-rate alkie bars for being too crude and disreputable. Sheesh!)

Jamie said...

People really should understand Robert by now. He is not a very complicated thinker.

I'm not out to score points against R Cook - or anyone else here. I'm not the world's most complicated thinker myself - I have issues that matter to me way more than most issues, as I think Robert does.

I just think we ought to be able to find common ground in the idea that Biden is terrible for the normal people of this country. Whether Robert chooses to stay home or vote third party or (while we're dreaming) to take a flyer on Trump (which isn't really a flyer because we had four years of him and he actually did benefit the working class), I just wish we could come to agreement on that starting point.

Jamie said...

These are people who would get bounced from 5th-rate alkie bars for being too crude and disreputable. Sheesh!

Ok, Robert, your class consciousness is showing, dude.

Original Mike said...

"(…because we had four years of him and he actually did benefit the working class), I just wish we could come to agreement on that starting point."

You'll never get Robert to agree with your starting point.

Rusty said...

Jamie said,
"Whether Robert chooses to stay home or vote third party or (while we're dreaming)"
Comrade Bob always votes the socialist choice. Because socialist are incorruptable. Bob does not like the working classes because they never vote for his socialists. Trump is so corrupt he left office a billion dollars poorer than when he entered office.

jpg said...

Talk about projection. Jeez.

traditionalguy said...

Fun, fun, fun when the voters take the psychological slander designed to destroy an innocent man away.

Remember the psychological professionals are being paid to rid us of difficult people under a strange set of vocabulary taken directly from Ancient Greek playwrights. And as the Professor noted so well their use was always the removal of difficult wives from the rich men that disliked them but didn’t chose to want to divorce them. Paying the huge fees forever to crafty psychologists was cheaper and saved the man’s reputation. She’s shipped out and he becomes known as the poor victim. What a total victory.

But to rid us of Trumps executive skills these faux professionals must first paint Trump as a hysterical woman. They do that so well.

MadTownGuy said...

The accusation that Trump and his supporters reminds me of the Soviet tactic with dissenters. Label them as insane, and commit them to 'treatment centers' or mental institutions. Kind of like Robert Reich's Truth and Reconciliation Commissions.

Robert Cook said...

"Trump is so corrupt he left office a billion dollars poorer than when he entered office."

And...? What do you think this demonstrates? That he selflessly sacrificed that billion dollars in order to serve the nation? It looks more like business reverses and poor choices on his part, (not new to him). According to Newsweek, during his time in office, "(s)everal of Trump's major properties suffered declines in value, as did his hotel management and licensing business. However, his Florida club, Mar-a-Lago, saw a considerable improvement in net value.

"Trump did not divest himself of his businesses when he took office. This decision was controversial and was a cause for persistent questions about ethical issues. Forbes senior editor Dan Alexander pointed out...that if the former president had chosen to divest and invested in the stock market, he would now be significantly richer.

"'If he had sold everything on Day 1, paid the maximum capital-gains taxes on the sales, then put the proceeds into a conflict-free fund tracking the S&P 500, Trump would have ended his presidency an estimated $1.6 billion richer than he is today,' Alexander wrote."

In short, Trump took the choice he thought would profit him the most, and it bit him in the ass. Kind of a recurring motif in his life.

Robert Cook said...

"Ok, Robert, your class consciousness is showing, dude."

Well, there's "class" and there's "class." Class doesn't predetermine class. A person born in the lowest of classes may innately possess or develop a character of the highest class. A person born in the highest of classes may innately possess or develop a character of low class. I don't know what "class" either Boebert or MTG were born into or grew up within, but the personal "class" they each display in their rhetoric and behavior is low, Low, LOW, to the point of being perceptively nonexistent.

SGT Ted said...

Psycologically diagnosing someone and then citing credentials from a field completely unrelated to psycology is just peak anti-intellectual, credentialist authoritarianism that has overrun higher education.

Prof. M. Drout said...

All professed Socialists are at heart dispossessed aristocrats. They share the belief, at their deepest core, that they are truly superior to everyone else, and that in the re-ordered, revolutionized, True-Socialist™ society this will finally be RECOGNIZED, and they will ascend to the leadership position they have always deserved but have failed to achieve, not because they lack sufficient talent, self-discipline, or intelligence, no, not that, but because other people fail to see the greatness that is inside them.

All those other people do not recognize the genius and superior morality of our Secret Genius because they are either low-class and stupid, upper-class and spoiled, or middle-class and shallow. All of them are in truth poorly educated because they studied the wrong things. Most of all, they just have no taste or class, which is obvious because they do not appear to desire exactly the same things as the Hidden King, whose particular constellation of habits, desires, tendencies, mores, and customs is the goal to which every thinking person should aspire.

Narr said...

"Classy American politician" is an oxymoron, like tall dwarf or short giant.

HLM nailed it, as is so often the case--American democracy may not be the best form of government, but it is the most entertaining.

Rusty said...

So you agree, Robert, that he did not use his position as president to enrich himself.

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