Writes Amichai Lau-Lavie, leader and a co-founder of Lab/Shul, in "The Pride March Doesn’t Have a Place for Me" (NYT). Amichai Lau-Lavie "is the spiritual leader and a co-founder of Lab/Shul, an everybody-friendly, God-optional congregation in New York City."
Lau-Lavie writes:
Long before Oct. 7, 2023, Jewish progressives like me protested the Israeli occupation and preached a just two-state solution. I have helped to pioneer faith-led Pride programs that are grounded in Jewish values, fighting for freedom and liberation for all. So it’s painful to admit that I don’t feel welcome as my full self in many queer public places that once felt like home....
It's nice for people to "feel welcome as my full self" wherever they may go but an amazing expectation... especially in the parade milieu.
We’re being told to choose a side and to condemn the other as represented by bigots and apologists for murder. There is a much bigger and more complex picture of Israel and Gaza that defies the reality of Instagram reels and catchy slogans....
You know what's like Instagram reels and catchy slogans? Parades.
If the queer community can’t handle nuance, who can?
On some issues you don't get a rainbow of choices. You've got to pick a color.
Not hard to figure out lady. Hamas wants to kill the Jews and all of Gaza supports Hamas. It’s a matter of survival; not some pretend NYC game.
Pride month has always been risible. Kenneth Burke, "Stout Affirmation":
A great amt. of beauties emplenish the world,
Wherein I would o’erglance upon.
There are those which you go out and exclaim:
“Why! How brim-brim!”
I don't know about the rest of you, but it has never been more important to send billions of dollars in aid and weaponry to Israel so homosexuals can celebrate gay buttsex in Tel Aviv.
Priorities people. Priorities.
Why would a parade about pride partake of nuance, complexity and opposing views
Mixing and combining of political movements is basic strategy, like cow farts equals climate change. One of PETAs better moves, I suppose…
Forcing the alphabet soup to accept our digital desires is a rational political move.
Worth some observation and thought: repeatedly giving in to physical passions will eventually result in the loss of all sensitivity and nuance. What good is it to celebrate your ability to feel, in a manner that eventually robs you of your ability to feel?
"They're intolerant..."
Yes, that aspect of all prog activism is one of its defining features. The intolerance is part and parcel of the unearned, self-presumed moral righteousness, denial of any reality countering their beliefs, and refusal to see the consequences of their proposals and actions. In this they are much like an Inquisition trial for witchcraft, a Maoist self-examination session, or a bully big brother. They assume you are incorrect based solely on your existence until you accept subservience to their domination, and then they still burn you at the stake, or send you to a rice paddy for re-education, or keep hitting you, just to make sure you get the lesson. To hell with them, and to hell with that.
"Long before Oct. 7, 2023, Jewish progressives like me protested the Israeli occupation..."
Except that Israel left Gaza to the Palestinians in 2005. At which time they selected Hamas to run things. That's worked out well.
Sometimes words like 'occupation' just take on a life of their own, and are handed down from one activist to the next.
And I'm always amused when an activist comes to find out that Marxist groups end up hating everyone in the end. Even you. Even themselves. That's the beauty of Marxism. No one is innocent.
Our government shall not rest
Our soldiers shed their last drop of blood
Our 3-letter agencies agencies won't sleep
And our people won't surrender
Until the pride flag flies in Riyadh
Till Ukrainian children can transition
Unless they celebrate buttsex in Botswana
hellfires incoming...
If the queer community can’t handle nuance, who can?
They can't handle the nuance, so to speak?
"And you people are supposed to be sensitive and sharp?"
"... I find myself feeling alienated by loud voices among activists in the L.G.B.T.Q.+ community on all sides of the Israel-Gaza war. They’re intolerant of nuance, complexity and opposing views."
That sounds like the shittiest "everybody-friendly, God-optional congregation in New York City." Good god-optional, what a bigot!
If the queer community can’t handle nuance, who can?
Republicans. Especially Log Cabin Republicans.
I doubt that anyone here has even been to one of these 'parades'.
I went to one, in San Francisco, in late 70's. It was then, and is now,Weimar Republic level of perversion.
A perfect marriage of feminism and queer 'theory'.
at least in those days, gay men were honest about lusting for preteen boys and girls.
It was normal to have 4,5,6 or more sexual encounters a day. and then the shock of dying from AIDS, and the cry for help from the government.
Nothing in the pride movement has changed at all. It has been accepted by university types, and now corp types as normal.
And yes, I had gay friends then, who are all dead from AIDS. Now, my gay friends are disgusted by what is taking place.
oh, and let us be shocked that their is no real diversity- those people who call for it are usually pure and unfiltered racists and bigots who want us to believe and support their nonsense.
Conservative gay men and women are treated like conservative black men and women-like traitors. the only place this crap is taken seriously is faculty lounges, and DEI meetings.
Gay pride is feminist. Feminism doesn't want a castrated man, it wants a castrated women. No more women dancing, which can only be done for men.
We shall...nay we must, mortgage our children's futures and the potential peace of our realms so that peace corps activists can teach women of the Naga Highlands to put a condom on a banana. Then and only then are young boys from East Arkansas made safe from this hideous lack of Naganese family planning.
We would be safer if Naga men learned to suck dicks, but baby steps first. Baby steps.
Amichai Lau-Lavie is looking for nance and complexity in slogans like “Death to the Jews!” Keep looking, Sweetie.
She’ll be herded into a cattle car by her (gay) Democrat precinct chairman and she’ll still be finding reasons why it’s all the fault of straight Republican Christians.
tell me Again, WHY are they celebrating "Pride" ?
do they celebrate Lust?
do they celebrate Greed?
do they celebrate Sloth?
do they celebrate Envy?
do they celebrate Wrath?
do they celebrate Gluttony?
WHY are they celebrating "Pride" ? Shouldn't they just be celebrating Perversion?
"So it’s painful to admit that I don’t feel welcome as my full self in many queer public places that once felt like home...."
Someone needs to teach that guy how to express anger.
Once he's got that down he can move on to admitting he's ashamed he's a wuss.
I find myself feeling alienated by loud voices...." Sure, um those "loud" voices, those voices have been saying the same thing for years just not loudly. In your ignorance, and yes it is ignorance, you chose to not hear them. These "loud" people have been antisemitic pigs forever. It's just that now they are comfortable, very comfortable coming out of their liberal enclaves to tell the world exactly who and what they are. You shouldn't be surprised, this is what these people have forever been.
The transgender spectrum, ambiguity of a pride parade, and the diversity, equivocation, and inclusion of Levine experiments celebrated under the umbrella of albinophobic symbols and rhetoric in a nuanced progression through liberal license.
Blogger gilbar said...
tell me Again, WHY....." Heh, heh, why yes, yes they do celebrate those things, all of them with unbridled exuberance.
Pride month is annoying.
Oh, and a final thought. Can we have the rainbow back. I live in hawaii, it means something here, beyond butt sex. The UH football team used to be the Rainbows, but dropped that due to its use by activists.
"In Hawaiian folklore, the rainbow acts as the celestial path by which the Hawaiian Gods come down to earth; it also acts as the pathway for souls of the dead to travel to the heavenly realms. Additionally, the Rainbow Goddess, Anuenue, acts as a messenger of the Gods."
Hamas wants to kill the Jews and all of Gaza supports Hamas
Hamasidols and other left-wing ideologues pushing Jews into ovens, clinics, and the sea for 100 years. That said, Netanyahu unchained in defense of Israelis, would not have been a viable choice without Iranian funding, UN/NGO conspiracy, and other left-of-center empathetic support for the recent migration of murder, rape, rape-rape, torture-torture, and abduction in a transnational parade of Hamasidols and sympathetic interests.
We’re being told to choose a side and to condemn the other as represented by bigots and apologists for murder. There is a much bigger and more complex picture of Israel and Gaza that defies the reality of Instagram reels and catchy slogans....
A vast majority of people in this country and the world for that matter are ideologically captured. Their "ideas" own them. And more often than not their ideas were formed for the purpose of showing tribal solidarity rather than any critical logical process.
There are no good guys in war. Ever. If you go to war and you think you are the "good" side and the other people are the "evil" side you are evil.
Some of us thought we were all trying to do good things in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some of us were. But in the end we were kicking down doors hunting people down shooting them and blowing up their houses.
Most wars are really in service the people who do not fight in them. Just look at the Ukraine War.
Israel is going to fail because they are trying to fight a "Good War" and not kill "Civilians." If there are "Palestinians" left in Gaza there will be terrorism. You will not defeat Hamas without defeating the Palestinians as if they are somehow different.
I will never believe people who say they are the good guys in war again.
Most of the supporters of the 'Two State Solution' live thousands of miles from the middle east. None of them live in Gaza. In their naivete they insist on something rejected by the actual participants in the current war. Lau-Lavie seems nice. Charming, useless and irrelevant, but nice.
"God-optional" is a very funny expression.
The existence of God is not optional (unless you have some very fancy theory). It's only the belief in God that is optional. To say "God-optional" is to express a belief that your own belief creates reality, and I don't believe they really believe that. Therefore "God-optional" is a polite but confusing and possibly risible way to avoid saying what you must really mean: atheism. It's a nuanced atheism... that tolerates the complexity of the opposing view that God exists.
Isn't pride one of the seven deadly sins? In fact I believe it's usually first on the list.
The pride movement is normalized grooming. That is why people tolerate "pride" marches where men walk down the street with their junk exposed and wagging joyously in front of people they are trying to groom.
Like toronto.... just official grooming parade.
"I doubt that anyone here has even been to one of these 'parades'."
I was bicycling to work in SF one morning in the 90s and came upon a lesbian contingent staging for the parade near Civic Center and realized, "Oh yeah, the Pride Parade, that explains the absurd outfits I saw motorcycling around". Hundreds of lesbians were milling around topless. I stopped to gawk and study lesbian breasts. All shapes and sizes. I got the bad vibes because I was a suspected hetero guy studying lesbian breasts while on his way to work.
"If the queer community can’t handle nuance, who can?"
That's funny, a real LOL on Sunday morning.
"To say "God-optional" is to express a belief that your own belief creates reality, and I don't believe they really believe that."
Not sure. Does the phrase express that belief? If it does, might they actually believe it? Althouse theorem is good null hypothesis, but more evidence is needed.
By the way, what part of Judaism justifies Pride as currently construed? Come to think of it, did any religious tradition, as of the day before yesterday, contemplate that parading Pride is a good and worthy thing?
I despise pride month and the whole concept is stupid, because it’s not about being proud. It’s about sticking your finger in the eye of the public who believes sexual displays belong indoors off the streets and about desensitizing children to the freaks that march in the pride fests. Normal people who are gay hate these events more than I do. Having been around the entertainment industry and lived in super gay Palm Springs I’ve been friends with a lot of normal people who were gay.
They don’t prance or act outlandish. They shun parades. They wouldn’t dream of grooming children like the drag gag story people do. They’re embarrassed by it. It’s dangerous because it sets back true normalization. It’s bad for business (see Target, Bud Light and Tractor Supply) and pride month looks like a recruitment effort to offset the natural attrition in a demographic that tends not to reproduce. Glad June is almost over.
t’s not about being proud. It’s about sticking your finger in the eye of the public who believes sexual displays belong indoors off the streets
imagine.. Just For FUN; that someone proposed a "hetro pride parade" that consisted of naked hookers and johns acting out sex acts in the street.. in front of little children.
Does Anyone (Any One, at all) think That would be praised, promoted, and portrayed on tele?
Let Katherine Hepburn explain what is happening in this final scene of Keeper of the flame.
Don't let the word "fascism" hide that this is exactly what the Left his doing. As well as the cabal who have usurped the presidency of invalided Biden
Here are scenes from a century ago. The names have changed but the actors are the same
"The Social Democrats were democratic only so long as they were not the ruling party; that is, so long as they still felt themselves not strong enough to suppress their opponents by force. The moment they thought themselves the strongest, they declared themselves— as their writers had always asserted was advisable at this point— for dictatorship. Only when the armed bands of the Rightist parties had inflicted bloody defeats on them did they again become democratic “until further notice.” Their party writers express this by saying: “In the councils of the social democratic parties, the wing which declared for democracy triumphed over the one which championed dictatorship.”
"Of course, the only party that may properly be described as democratic is one that under all circumstances— even when it is the strongest and in control— champions democratic institutions."
Mises, Ludwig von (1927). Liberalism
If Trump wins, expect Democrats to "again become democratic “until further notice.”"
Dave Begley (2nd comment): Is it true that "all of Gaza supports Hamas"? Or do they hate Hamas but anyone who says so out loud is murdered by Hamas? Just last week three Gazan men were publicly shot for criticizing Hamas.
Here's the editor of the Jewish Chronicle, writing in the Telegraph, and quoting himself on Twitter (link):
"This morning, I spoke to a friend in Gaza whom I had made during my time as a foreign correspondent. He telephoned me from his stifling tent in Deir al Balah, which had been donated by the Saudis.
'Food is available, everything is available,' he told me. 'Meat, chicken, vegetables. It is not aid. It is coming from Israel, brought in by private people through the Keren Shalom crossing and sold to us as a business. The prices are much better, just a little bit higher than before the war.'
This was a relief, he added, as for seven months, Hamas had been stealing humanitarian aid and selling it to the population at exorbitant rates. Now, goods are being bought and sold as normal. Everybody he knows hates the jihadists with a passion, he remarked, scoffing at polls showing widespread support for the group in Gaza…
Sometimes it seems that western progressives have more sympathy for Hamas and a greater alignment with its goals than those who have actually experienced jihadism in Gaza."
Pride in productive work can be valuable. Pride in a behavior without any redeeming value to society or humanity is dysfunctional. The death of individuals in liberal socialization is self-inflicted.
all of Gaza supports Hamas
A minority, undoubtedly. A majority are probably good "Germans". We observed a positive change in the West Bank with an apartheid of the most acrimonious elements in their society. In any case, it is ill-advised to exercise liberal license to indulge Diversity [dogma].
There is a reason pride is one of the seven deadly sins and I am not even writing this with a supreme being in mind that delivers consequences. Pride should always be an internal characteristic you don't share with others- let your works and deeds speak for themselves because nothing coming out of your mouth is going to really help you.
For years, just about every comment here had to be approved before appearing, which really detracted from the commenting experience. However, whenever pre-approval was stopped, we would get dozens of really vicious personal comments about A.A. from a woman with the initials M.E.G., neatly demonstrating why the policy was needed, and it would soon be reapplied.
Since A.A. stopped requiring preapproval a few weeks ago, I've been idly wondering whether M.E.G. died, or had a religious conversion and became a pleasant and inoffensive person, or A.A. got an effective court order against her, or what. (Are there other possible hypotheses?)
Now I'm wondering if she's back, and calling herself D.S. D.S. (whose comments disappeared while I was composing mine) certainly seems to be doing his worst to make preapproval necessary again. Is he being paid to ruin this site?
Here we are at the end of one whole month of pride. Get ready for eleven months of embarrassment.
Gilbar, I celebrate sloth all year round.
I've never thought of it as "sloth", though. I callit "lazy"
Maybe I should go more biblical
John Henry
Ampersand said...
Here we are at the end of one whole month of pride. Get ready for eleven months of embarrassment.
Don't Forget! August is Trans History Month!
Just posted a comment on sloth. It was there. Now it is not.
I thought when comments were deleted it left a "this comment deleted" placeholder but not in this instance
Did blogger eat my comment or was it deleted?
John Henry
BTW, whatever happened to Andy Sullivan, the great Gay Icon. He seems to have disappered from the public debate. I assume he's 110 percent in favor of the Gaza Genocide. But haven't heard anything about him.
"Why would a parade about pride partake of nuance, complexity and opposing views?"
It's because despite the name, it's a cover for the real agenda which is "disrupt, dissemble, destroy' cultural norms in order to install a totalitarian state. The Mises quote above is apt.
Pride is the first of the seven deadly sins.
If you ever think the leftwing will go against the party line and support your particular cause, whether its feminism, pacifism, eviromentalism, workers rights, etc. you're a fool. The number rule of Leftism is keeping Leftists in power.
Zionists operate in the same way. Zionism and support for israel - no matter what they do - always trumps everything else. Suddenly, you will find zionists who loved international law and demand human rights for everyone, go silent when Israel is the one committing Genocide. Because everything principle they have goes out the window when it hurts Israel.
Did RCOCEAN II read my 10:11am comment? The only group committing genocide in Gaza is Hamas, gleefully slaughtering their fellow Gazans and blaming Israel.
"I thought when comments were deleted it left a "this comment deleted" placeholder but not in this instance
Did blogger eat my comment or was it deleted?
There has a been a bug in Blogger for a few weeks now where some of my comments appear and then disappear. For me, the disappeared comments almost always reappear by the next day when, I suppose, some sort of global update is done at Google.
mikee said...
"...In this they are much like an Inquisition trial for witchcraft, a Maoist self-examination session, or a bully big brother."
No one expects the Progressive Inquisition.
Amichai Lau-Lavie doesn’t yet grasp that the Revolution needs his death. Go stand in front of the bullet-pocked concrete wall, Amichai, Antifa will take it from there.
Correction to my comment at 9:02. I have been advised that Amichai Lau-Lavie is a biological male who apparently uses he/him pronouns. My error.
Looking forward to sloth month starting tomorrow...
I think it should be , Take Pride in Your Shooting Skills, month.
Pride in our Posterity is a perennial event.
I've had some now-you-see-me-now-you-don't posting experiences also. I'll defer to Yancey Ward on plausible causes.
""... I find myself feeling alienated by loud voices among activists in the L.G.B.T.Q.+ community on all sides of the Israel-Gaza war. They’re intolerant of nuance, complexity and opposing views.""
Leftist comes to realize the Full Islamic-Supremacist - Dem Alliance actually leads to certain....inevitabilities, amongst a number of other problems, like wiping out women's rights in a number of key areas...which also hits them from the islamic-supremacist angle and not just the lunatic Trans crew!
What exactly are they proud of? People of all kinds do all kinds of things privately - some are pretty damn creative (but not all).
I think only a tiny fraction want to call public attention to their personal forms of excitement.
Public displays of perversion are disgusting... parades... corporate support... DEI... AAaaacck!
It really bothers me that the Alphabet Soup People have hi-jacked the language... marriage, partner, gay... One wonders if Partners in Law Firms will someday take offense (or simply take pride in the fact that they've been using the law to fuck the rest of us, forever). Disclaimer: I have friends and relatives who are attorneys.
And no one dares to enjoy or display an image of a rainbow anymore, lest they be outed Thank you, woke corporate America for advancing that.
I don't have the slightest problem with homosexuals as long as the subject is not homosexuality. Nothing is worse than being trapped in conversation with someone who insists and talking about gayness and telling stories and jokes hoping to provoke rejection so they can then brand you as a homophobe bigot.
"imagine.. Just For FUN; that someone proposed a "hetro pride parade" that consisted of naked hookers and johns acting out sex acts in the street.. in front of little children."
The Old State Saloon in Eagle, Idaho is holding "Heterosexual Awesomeness Month" in June. No hookers, johns or sex acts, just free beer Mondays for heterosexual men and discounts on Wednesdays for heterosexual couples.
Based on comments on their Facebook page, a fair number of the Alphabet People are not amused.
What Narr said - less than an hour ago. Not even a notice of "Comment removed". No biggie.
There’s nothing wrong with the Gray Pride community. We may be old, grumpy and senile, but at least we control the White House. It’s not like we’re out in public sodomizing kiddies. We may feel them up, sniff them a bit or invite them into the shower, but we don’t try to soap them up. So we have that going for us, which is nice.
What? You said gay pride? Never mind.
Considering that gays excel in creative pursuits, they aren't beyond a little larceny.
They stole the Rainbow Coalition Flag from the brothers.
They stole "Pride" from James Brown's "Say it Loud, I'm black and I'm proud"
And they stole an entire month out of our year courtesy of Clinton.
--- "But lately I find myself feeling alienated by loud voices among activists in the L.G.B.T.Q.+ community on all sides of the Israel-Gaza war. They’re intolerant of nuance, complexity and opposing views."
Ahem. lol
Where do they find these people?
Ann Althouse:
"God-optional" is a very funny expression.
The existence of God is not optional (unless you have some very fancy theory). It's only the belief in God that is optional.
Depends on your pantheon. If the phrase was referring to the philosophical concept of a god or not, I would agree with you.
Therefore "God-optional" is a polite but confusing and possibly risible way to avoid saying what you must really mean: atheism.
Are you saying the sentence should read "... is the spiritual leader and a co-founder of Lab/Shul, an everybody-friendly, [atheist] congregation in New York City"?
It's used to indicate both theists and atheists are welcome.
It's a nuanced atheism... that tolerates the complexity of the opposing view that God exists.
You just defined agnosticism.
tell me Again, WHY are they celebrating "Pride" ?
do they celebrate Lust?
do they celebrate Greed?
do they celebrate Sloth?
do they celebrate Envy?
do they celebrate Wrath?
do they celebrate Gluttony?
"But right now, I'm gonna have to go with wrath."
"Pride" is a strange usage here.
I'm not so much proud to be a man, as grateful. I'm grateful for my wife, and grateful for our children. Sex works, as advertised.
What have they to be proud of?
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