June 1, 2024

"my mom called me sobbing, i thought someone died but she was just happy about trump"

From "Your Mom Is Thrilled About the Trump Verdict" (NY Magazine)("Few people are more amped... than moms who still have the signs they made for the 2017 Women’s March").

Bonus TikTok, making (gentle) fun of Mom for caring so much:
@krekandbake “We are CELEBRATING tonight, baby!!” — my mom #trump #convicted #byebitch ♬ original sound - sylv


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The collective hivemind Trump-obsessed progressive democratic left are giddy.


Cheryl said...

On the other hand, my apolitical 20yo daughter said this conviction has motivated her to register to vote.

Wince said...

That was AWFL.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The Upside?
Finally the New York courts have convicted someone.
The only one so far in 2024?

BUMBLE BEE said...

The Reversal will be monumental.

Freeman Hunt said...

Heh. Indeed. I received a celebratory text.

Gunner said...

They are more than happy to let Joe Biden molest their daughters though. Cuz abortion.

Dude1394 said...

Now it is understood how Germans stood aside while jews, jehovah’s witnesses, invalids were gassed and rounded up. This mom is a literal fascist, brainwashed by the democrat media. Very sad.

gilbar said...

serious question: WHO was Surprised by the "ruling"? what ELSE did anyone expect?

Butkus51 said...

ha, and they wonder how Nazi's got a foothold.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Language Alert - Antoine Tucker


Put an end to this sh*t ... now

Bob Boyd said...

Those who are celebrating were already going to vote for Biden. How does this sorry business affect the swing voters, is the question. I think undecideds will largely find videos like this a little repulsive and alienating.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

The AWFL's were one of the groups this sham was set to appease lest they stop supporting Biden.

Iman said...

The incidence of shit-for-brains runs exceedingly high in that cohort.

Gusty Winds said...

WTF is with white women? Especially the Karen's > 45 years old??? Nightmare.

Leave the borders open and let the Latinas in.

Sally327 said...

Someday someone is going to be able to explain this phenomonen called Donald Trump, how this wealthy NY real estate developer turned politician inspired such depths of emotion that it made otherwise intelligent, responsible people convince themselves that he is a saint / devil and that whatever is done to exalt / destroy him is necessary and easily rationalized.

Maybe it is some kind of alien controlled mind experiment that's happening to all of us. They're up there right now, from their base in Alpha Centauri, studying us, making notes, adjusting the program and planning the next release of pathogen to invade our brains. Resist, I say, resist!

rhhardin said...

Biden seems to mean well, Trump doesn't. That's the women's candidate criterion. Foolishness is the women's failing, corresponding to skepticism in men.

Nothing about incentives and perverse consequences for women.

Achilles said...

Remember the names of the people who celebrate this verdict.

They can never be trusted again. Know what they value and what they hold important. They will sell out any person or principle for power. These tribal people are sociopaths and will destroy relationships so they can tell others what to do and think.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
The AWFL's were one of the groups this sham was set to appease lest they stop supporting Biden.

Obviously the AWFLs don't see themselves as awful. They see themselves as holier than thou.

I think the all fucked and alpha male jock or frat boy in high school or college and he didn't call afterward.

Gusty Winds said...

Those who opposed suffrage knew it would eventually lead to a shitload of suffering.

Wilbur said...

I never been roused to violence or even considerd violence against a woman in my life.

But when I watched this, I felt an overwhelming urge just to slap the living shit out of her. Should I feel ashamed? How should I feel?

Leftists are playing with fire.

Bob Boyd said...

I cried because my name was Dick until I met a man whose mother called him sobbing.

Mary Beth said...

I appreciate the internet giving me frequent reminders to be grateful that my mother was sane. It's the kind of thing you take for granted until you see things like this.

narciso said...

Alien ants that was in a series that aired before the last election

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Those who opposed suffrage knew it would eventually lead to a shitload of suffering."

I like to think that the suffragettes who supported suffrage knew exactly how much suffering it would lead to, that it would be a shitload, and that was the eventual goal. Half of them were also T-totallers in the temperance movement looking to avenge themselves upon their other nemesis, beer. One of them, Carrie Nation, even carried an axe around with her as if to bonk men over the head when she wasn't busting up kegs.

They were the first AWFLs.

Bob Boyd said...

Alien aunts.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Gusty Winds said...

Obviously the AWFLs don't see themselves as awful. They see themselves as holier than thou.

Of course, Affluent White Female Liberals are the most victimized people on the planet!

According to them, that is.

Randomizer said...

It would be more accurate to say that White, middle-aged women who take SSRI inhibitors are thrilled with that miscarriage of justice.

JK Brown said...

We are in this for the Republic

Funny how they revel in "felon" even as they deride employers who want to do criminal background checks on those applying to be clerks who will handle cash.

To be a Democrats is to be of two minds. Neither all that healthy

Birches said...

This is unhealthy.

Tom T. said...

IIRC, married women broke for Trump in 2016. There's no reason to assume that "your mom" is happy about the verdict.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Someday in 2500 some people are going to bust open a time capsule that will contain one of those knitted "pussy" caps. When they query the mainframe computer with their neural link to find out what the hell it is, hilarity will ensue.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Women who watch The View and MSNBC - are over the moon about the death of Navalny.

er I mean Trump.

dbp said...

For decades it's been an anathema to tell ethnic jokes, which is good and bad: Good, because we shouldn't make fun of ethnic groups but bad because that comedy lies around unused and unusable. My solution? Replace whatever ethnic group was originally in the joke, with New York Jury or Juror.

Here's one, repurposed from Raising Arizona:

Did you hear about the New York Juror who walked into a bar with shit in his hands and said, "Looked what I almost stepped in!"

Jersey Fled said...

I wonder if the framers had women like this in mind when they decided not to give women the right to vote.

rehajm said...

Your mom is stupid.

Freeman Hunt said...

Not enough touching grass in these comments.

Mason G said...

" it made otherwise intelligent, responsible people convince themselves that he is a saint / devil"

I can't speak for anyone else, but of the people I know who hate Trump there are those who sure seem to think he's the devil while among those who support him, I don't know any who'd describe him as a saint.

Just sayin'.

Dude1394 said...

"Remember the names of the people who celebrate this verdict.

They can never be trusted again. Know what they value and what they hold important. They will sell out any person or principle for power. These tribal people are sociopaths and will destroy relationships so they can tell others what to do and think."

You do not have to remember names, anyone who is a democrat supports this corrupt witchhunt. That's all you need to know.

rehajm said...

Blogger Freeman Hunt said...
Not enough touching grass in these comments

Substantive woman- post stupid stories, win stupid comments.

Joe Smith said...

Someone's name is Sobbing?

Kevin said...

She thinks it’s over?


hombre said...

"It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy." - Orwell 1984

Gullible women applaud a Stalinist trial.

mccullough said...

Protecting women from themselves isn’t men’s job anymore.

Political Junkie said...

Where is the A10 warthog when we need it.

wendybar said...

Progressive women are such pussies. They ALL need to grow up. If anybody should be crying, it is the American citizens that Joe Biden is fucking over by opening the border and letting over 6 million people flood the nation taking programs and resources from the citizens who need them.

Jupiter said...

"Of course, Affluent White Female Liberals are the most victimized people on the planet!"

I think a case can be made for the view that something pretty horrible has been done to them. I am frequently astonished by the importance my 80-year-old sister places on her right, and the right of her very numerous daughters, daughters-in-law, grand-daughters and great-grand-daughters to kill their babies should they become pregnant. I have yet to meet a woman who did not have an abortion, and wishes she had, although I've met plenty of people who should have been aborted.

n.n said...

The witch hunts were, if not performed, celebrated by women of a Pro-Choice religion, with a green secular motive, to relieve their social "burdens".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

87.5 felonies!

Such a great manufactured talking point for the corrupt left.

n.n said...

the framers had women like this in mind when they decided not to give women the right to vote

The Constitution did not establish a Pro-Choice religion to discriminate based on sex, color, transgender spectrum, or diversity generally.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, you 21st Century women are trying really hard to prove that the 19th Amendment was a huge mistake. Are you sure you want to keep that up?

Readering said...

Now do GOP reaction to news Clinton impeached over Monica.

Marcus Bressler said...

Gusty Winds posted: "I think the(y) all fucked an alpha male jock or frat boy in high school or college and he didn't call afterward."

Unfortunately, the alternative (calling and romancing and marrying such a chick) would lead to more dreadful consequences for men. You'd have the same behavior, lack-of-logic just full emotional rationalizations woman, except she'd be your wife and after she indoctrinated your children and convinced your son he was a girl, she would divorce you and take at least half of your assets and income for the future. I'd rather not have either in my house; at least drug-addled prostitutes have decent reason for their behaviors and life choices. And they leave after you pay them.

imTay said...

"are over the moon about the death of Navalny."

What is the difference between being wounded by a bullet, or by a psy-op? Bullet wounds heal.

Here is Navalny's YouTube channel, which he never renounced, where he compares Muslims to flies and cockroaches, but says that a flyswatter won't do it, you will need a gun. Weird that YouTube hasn't taken this down, isn't it. This is the guy whose campaign the US has funded. The guy backing genocide against fellow citizens of the Russian Federation. All of the deep state accusations are projection, and the fact that we fund these kinds of disruptive candidates intended to sow chaos is why it was essential for us to accuse Putin of doing the same thing to us, despite the complete lack of evidence, lots of people fell for it, because we are reluctant to believe that our government is a cabal of pathological liars, despite mountains of evidence that it is true.


I don't accept the idea that we need to surrender to these kinds of people, who are happy to bury democracy itself, while accusing their opponents of the very crime that they are in the process of committing, because the only champion we have to stand up to them is imperfect. Of course they have complete control over the media, to put a magnifying glass on his every imperfection, while airbrushing away Joe Biden's many deep flaws. Did you see that shudder inducing rictus he displayed when asked about what he thought of Trump getting railroaded?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Trump, the Outlaw...


BUMBLE BEE said...

Readering will now explain the equivalence of a bookkeeping error and skullf*cking a 20 year old intern in the Oval Office of the United States of America.
Take it away, snowflake.

narciso said...

well Moslems are a real threat not only to Russia, but to Western Europe,

one makes the Navalny comparison, because as the leader of the opposition, he was jailed poisoned and died more from the consequences of the former than the latter,

Gospace said...

Seems the media is really celebrating the mentally ill.

As for Cheryl's apolitical daughter motivated to vote- a coworker yesterday said he was registering. Said, and I quote: "I can't not vote for Trump this year."

ALP said...

To this day, I have never had a significant feeling or emotion about a president or any other politician. The closest I have come to actually feeling anything was related to a local city council member my partner went to high school with. Guy was an idiot then and still is - mild glee voting against him. Mild.

But that's the extent of it. To me, these hysterical, crying people are unhinged.

ALP said...

To this day, I have never had a significant feeling or emotion about a president or any other politician. The closest I have come to actually feeling anything was related to a local city council member my partner went to high school with. Guy was an idiot then and still is - mild glee voting against him. Mild.

But that's the extent of it. To me, these hysterical, crying people are unhinged.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

She must be a relative of Sotomayor.

wishfulthinking said...

These women have lost more rights with the injustices and verdict of this trial than they "lost" with the reversal of Roe. No man is an island. Apparently they never learned such.

Iman said...

Make them pay a very high price for this. A lesson must be taught and taken to heart.

Rusty said...

For the most part people with low IQs tend to be petty and vindictive.

Achilles said...

Readering said...

Now do GOP reaction to news Clinton impeached over Monica.

How did Bill account for his $850,000 payment to Paula Jones?

Lucien said...

Trying to set rooting interests aside, did anyone believe that Trump might be found guilty on fewer than 34 counts on one hand, or more than 0 counts on the other?

Readering said...

Bumblebee: Not convicted for a bookkeeping error. For his role in the same conspiracy for which the Trump DOJ had successfully prosecuted Michael Cohen. Which conspiracy was over keeping a lid on Trump's one night stand with a porn star and 9/10-month affair with a former Playboy playmate of the year in the wake of the Access Hollywood scandal. Which had much more effect on the 2016 election result than the attack on the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop contents (which themselves were all over the news all the time) had on the 2020 election.

Temujin said...

I'm sure she'll be breaking out her pussy hat this weekend to wear to the vegan, net zero restaurant nearby.

Progressive women.

The Vault Dweller said...

I'm not sure if this Cargo-cult thinking or Mean Girl Bullying thinking. The reason why felons have a bad reputation is not because they were convicted but because of the bad prior acts which ultimately led to them be charged and convicted of a felony. I would honestly be surprised if there is anyone who thinks the underlying facts of the case Trump was convicted on make him a bad person. I'm certain there a plenty of people who already think he is a bad person but that is because of numerous other things. The alternative is that this is Mean Girl bullying thinking where now that there is a word with a negative connotation that can be attached to Trump more and more people will dislike and distance themselves from him.

The Vault Dweller said...

Blogger Lucien said...
Trying to set rooting interests aside, did anyone believe that Trump might be found guilty on fewer than 34 counts on one hand, or more than 0 counts on the other?

The three possible outcomes to me always seemed full conviction, full acquittal, or hung jury.

Readering said...

Achilles: Don't know, but I'm sure he had accountants and tax advisers. I'd be more interested in the conversations he had with Mrs. Clinton before agreeing to write the check. I have it on good authority that Bill did not change his ways after leaving the White House.

Jim at said...

I haven't talked to my parents since they went insane over Covid. I'm sure they're tickled pink about the verdict.

I couldn't give two shits what they think.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That’s how I found out Trump was found guilty. A friend from Jersey called me celebrating despite knowing I voted for Trump.

Jim at said...

Now do GOP reaction to news Clinton impeached over Monica.

Once again, we can name the crimes Clinton committed. Specifically perjury and obstruction of justice. You've yet to do that with Trump.

Why do you continue to try to make these comparisons when they're not even remotely the same? Is it possible you're realizing just how badly you fucked up this time? Is that it?

Or are you simply that dumb?


Readering said...

Jim at: if you paid attention to the trial you know that Trump committed multiple crimes in connection with the effort to keep his affair with McDougal, his assignation with Clifford, and other stuff under wraps, as the jury was convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. The decent arguments on the other side are that the crimes are stale, that he was selectively prosecuted, and that he was overcharged. But Trump's DOJ successfully prosecuted Cohen and signed a non-prosecution agreement with Pecker for their roles in the same conspiracy.

Freeman Hunt said...

"I haven't talked to my parents since they went insane over Covid."

Your own parents? They're your parents. Who cares what they think about COVID?

Family members parting ways over politics is peak 2020's insanity.

Narayanan said...

But, but ...
if ladies go for the bad boys why is not conviction cred for bad boy Trump?

asking for Manosphere

Rocco said...

Gusty Winds said...
"Leave the borders open and let the Latinas in."

Two problems with that:
1) The vast majority of the illegals are military-aged males, and not female.
2) A majority are not originating in Mexico/Central/South America.

But that means we still need a border barrier of some sort. One suggestion for the male/female problem would be to put a toilet with the seat up at the border. If they close it, they are allowed in.

Iman said...

“Not enough touching grass in these comments.“

No enough touching mein Affe either…

Seamus said...

Articles like this make me give those "Repeal the 19th" arguments another look.

Seamus said...

The whooping celebrations over Trump's conviction reminds me of how the similar reaction in some quarters at the announcement of O.J.'s acquittal.

Jim at said...

Your own parents? They're your parents. Who cares what they think about COVID?

When they banned me from Christmas because I wouldn't get the shot.

There is no coming back from that.

Rusty said...

Readering said...
"Bumblebee: Not convicted for a bookkeeping error. For his role in the same conspiracy for which the Trump DOJ had successfully prosecuted Michael Cohen. Which conspiracy was over keeping a lid on Trump's one night stand with a porn star and 9/10-month affair with a former Playboy playmate of the year in the wake of the Access Hollywood scandal. Which had much more effect on the 2016 election result than the attack on the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop contents (which themselves were all over the news all the time) had on the 2020 election."
So. Things that aren't actually felonies. Thanks. Got it.

Rusty said...

I'm reminded of street arabs that hand out candy when a Jew dies.

gadfly said...


Bunkypotatohead said...

That woman is probably opposed to the death penalty, but she'll make an exception just this one time.
Someone around here coined the phrase TWANLOC...those who are no longer our countrymen. Well, there she is. Or rather, that's who we are.

Bunkypotatohead said...

That woman is probably opposed to the death penalty, but she'll make an exception just this one time.
Someone around here coined the phrase TWANLOC...those who are no longer our countrymen. Well, there she is. Or rather, that's who we are.

Craig Mc said...

Just out of view: the empty wine bottles and cats.

Freeman Hunt said...

When they banned me from Christmas because I wouldn't get the shot.

There is no coming back from that.

Of course there is. They're your parents. Never talking to them again is orders of magnitude worse than them barring you from a Christmas. Life doesn't go on forever. They'll die, and you'll regret for the rest of your life that you didn't reconnect. You should call them.

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