June 4, 2024

"Kendi is a vegan, a tall man with a gentle, serious nature.... He considers himself an 'introvert and loner' who was chased down by the spotlight..."

"... and is now caught in its glare.... There is a corniness to Kendi that’s endearing, like his use of the gratitude notebook — a thick, pastel-colored pad with gold spiral binding.... Kendi had hired a pair of crisis-P.R. consultants to help him manage the fallout from the layoffs [at the Center for Antiracist Research].... In the fun-house mirror of conservative media, Kendi has long loomed as an antiwhite extremist trying to get rich by sowing racial division.... 'When it comes to the white supremacists who are the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time, I am one of their chief enemies,' he told me.... Kendi was frustrated to be constantly lumped in with [Robin] DiAngelo, whose ideas diverge from his in important ways. DiAngelo considers 'white identity' to be 'inherently racist,' while Kendi argues that anyone, including Black people, can be racist or antiracist. That puts him at odds with an understanding — common in the academy and the racial-justice movement — that Black people can’t be racist because racism is a system of power relations... that racism is 'prejudice plus power.' Kendi thinks of 'racist' not as a pejorative but as a simple word of description.... Racist and antiracist are 'peelable name tags,' Kendi writes; they describe not who we are but who we are being in any particular moment. He says he opposes the censoriousness that has become the sharp edge of identity politics, because he doesn’t regard shame as a useful social tool...."


imTay said...

" In the fun-house mirror of conservative media,"

Projection. "All of the assholes are on the other side!"

Iman said...

Dime store Marcuse…

rhhardin said...

He's known only to NYT readers.

Chris said...

"When it comes to the white supremacists who are the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time.." Ah yes, because the democrats ne KKK have been holding marches, cross burnings, and lynchings daily for the past several years. Seriously? where is all this supposed white supremacy?

Todd said...

When it comes to the white supremacists who are the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time, I am one of their chief enemies...

Objection, opinion expressed as a fact, no foundation, we ask that it be stricken from the record...

gilbar said...

Kendi has long loomed as an antiwhite extremist trying to get rich by sowing racial division..

how, exactly, would (COULD?) anyone see him as ANYTHING ELSE?

narciso said...

Wannabe james baldwin sheesh

chickelit said...

Racist and antiracist are 'peelable name tags,' Kendi writes; they describe not who we are but who we are being in any particular moment.

He lost me with that tautology. Also shows his immaturity.

Wince said...

And this (free link) NYT Mag puff piece is a prime example of their spin doctory?

Kendi had hired a pair of crisis-P.R. consultants to help him manage the fallout from the layoffs [at the Center for Antiracist Research].

...The Center for Antiracist Research, which Kendi founded during the 2020 protests to tackle “seemingly intractable problems of racial inequity and injustice,” raised an enormous sum of $55 million, and the news of its downsizing led to a storm of questions. False rumors began circulating that Kendi had stolen funds, and the university announced it would investigate after former employees accused him of mismanagement and secrecy.

narciso said...

Clown nose off clown nose on

Sebastian said...

"the white supremacists who are the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time"

How's that for endearing corniness?

doctrev said...

It doesn't matter which black supremacist faction triumphs here: Kendi's project was to become incredibly wealthy, and that he has managed. But how? Not just government grants, although that is certainly part of the matter. The answer is oligarchy: a concerted effort by non-Americans to drive ethnic tensions for their own purposes.

By contrast, look at how Muslim fundraisers are treated. Even if you agree that Muslim causes are a bigger threat to normal Americans than black supremacy, it's telling how the oligarchs are willing to send in cops to defend their narrow interests, while pulling them back to weaken normal companies and normal Americans.

n.n said...

Diversitism: racism, sexism, and classicism generally. #HateLovesAbortion

narciso said...

He rationalized the mobs that destroyed 100 cities

n.n said...

Zulu vs Mandela's Xhosa, Tutsi vs Hutu, Kenyan deplorables vs elites, Anasazi east vs west, who will remain viable?

NKP said...

No red meat for Kendi. No white meat for Kendi. Where does it end? Who, other than the NY Times, could possibly give a f**k?

n.n said...

"the white supremacists who are the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time"

Is that why liberals celebrate their decimation in parades and banners raised over their homes? Albinophobia is real. They were hunted by persons and pride parades on the African savanna for progressive (e.g. clinical) causes.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

A con man and shakedown artist is canceled for fraud and now he's crying in his beer. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are sorely disappointed in him. They are experts at their craft of guilting AWFLs and corporations. No soup for poor Kendi.

wendybar said...

Ibraim Henry Rogers says what?? Henry is every bit the Al Sharpton of this generation, except he is ashamed of his own name and has to use a made up name instead.

Robert Marshall said...

Kendi: past racial discrimination justifies present racial discrimination, and present racial discrimination justifies future racial discrimination. In other words, racial discrimination forever, and this time we're the ones calling the tune. Sweet deal for him!

Gentle vegan, indeed!

Bob Boyd said...

In 1692, Dr. Griggs' diagnosis of bewitchment galvanized the people of Salem.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

As DeAngelo found out, race-grifting is hard business in which to achieve longevity. He somewhat followed the Sharpton/Jackson model by creating his foundation/publishing arm. But as has been said so often (paraphrasing SNL's early director), "It's only a matter of time before avant-garde simply becomes the garde." Then it loses its attractiveness to the young and rebellious.

Iman said...

It ain’t easy being on the grift…

Owen said...

Oh, so now he wants to dodge the responsibility for teaching the country to think about “race” as a discriminant for our identity and not a dystopian distraction. What is the sum of our “moments of being” in our socio-cultural-political world, except “who we are and how we are to be judged”? What glib sophistry. He could give Obama lessons.

Deep State Reformer said...

Mike from Snoqualmie @ 07:50 am
I agree. A con artist but with a softer mien and good manners, that way Kendi fits in better amongst the academic and foundation types that enable him. The existence of frauds like Kendi is further proof of the necessity of a Pol Pot level reset of American education practices.

Jeff Vader said...

Wonder if the NYTimes requires its “journalists” to fellate kendi or if they do it on their own

Aggie said...

'Chased down by the spotlight' In his sequined Day-Glo suit.

That captures this self-aggrandizing charlatan perfectly. It's a fun time when Glenn Loury and John McWhorter take up the subject of Kendi X

Cappy said...

That's racist!

William said...

I read the article. It's quite lengthy. The writer is fulsome (i.e. full of shit) in her praise of Kendi, but gives voice to his critics. Not the right wing critics, but the true believers he gathered around him to implement his vision. He apparently had a suspicious nature. He didn't want his workers to reveal the address of his foundation. He was afraid white supremacists would target the building. He thought the criticisms of his employees were racially motivated. Black employees have trouble taking direction from a Black supervisor according to his analysis of the situation. He thinks racism is so pervasive in our culture that it permeates and motivates his Black critics....I don't know if the author intended it, but I didn't come away with a favorable opinion of Kendi. In a parenthetical clause, the writer reveals that when it comes to prisons and police, Kendi is a strict abolitionist. I've never read any of Kendi's books, Perhaps he gives compelling reasons why this is a good idea, but WTF...... Against the odds, Kendi and his wife both survived Stage 4 cancer. I wonder whether any of the therapies they received or the doctors who administered those therapies were the result of DEI programms. Not that it matters. Racism is so pervasive in our society, I'm sure that all those treatments and therapies were designed to benefit white people, and Kendi and his wife just fell through the cracks. Maybe we should cancel cancer research until such time as it can demonstrate adherence to DEI objectives. You're either racist or anti-racist, and if you're racist you need to be cancelled.

mindnumbrobot said...

'When it comes to the white supremacists who are the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time, I am one of their chief enemies,' he told me...

Oh, puhleeze. He's just a more polished Al Sharpton. A race-hustling grifter who's waning influence only holds sway over his gullible, white liberal marks.

Dave Begley said...

I submit that Kendi is a racist and extremist.

CJinPA said...

...Kendi argues that anyone, including Black people, can be racist...

Does he agree black people be *anti-white* racists? Or is he describing the newly discovered "black white supremacists"?

Christopher B said...

It isn't 'who we are being' it's what you're accused of. Henry is finding out it ain't so easy to be the one on the other side of the accusation.

dbp said...

"Kendi has long loomed as an antiwhite extremist trying to get rich by sowing racial division.... 'When it comes to the white supremacists who are the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time, I am one of their chief enemies,' he told me..."

We start with:

"long loomed as an antiwhite extremist trying to get rich by sowing racial division"

And get instant verification that Kendi is exactly that:

'When it comes to the white supremacists who are the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time, I am one of their chief enemies,'

You'd have to exaggerate the prevalence of white supremacists who have terroristic plans by maybe 1000 fold to get them into the neighborhood of greatest domestic terrorist threat. I think it's fair to say that this level of hyperbole puts Kendi well into antiwhite extremist territory.

Clyde said...

I hope that poor man gets the enema that he needs.

tim maguire said...

"the white supremacists who are the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time"

This passage puts the lie to nearly everything else that gets said about Kendi in this excerpt.

Michael said...

He owes it all to George Floyd the dead fat addict. He raised a fortune on that guy then pissed it away by trying to boil the ocean. A guy who takes three bodyguards to a book signing is more than a paranoid nutter he is a fantasist rating himself with the likes of Malcolm.

Money Manger said...

It’s always interesting to hear Glenn Loury and John Mcwhorter, both serious black academics, repeatedly call Kendi an intellectual fraud.

gilbar said...

i'm listening to Black Rednecks and White Liberals By: Thomas Sowell..
which by the way, is FREE on Audible.com

Sowell makes a VERY persuasive case, that black culture has Little to do with africa, and MUCH to do with the screwed up culture of the borderlands in northern britain.

The Interesting Thing IS:
people in the borderlands quit that culture
hillbillies and white rednecks have (pretty much) quit that culture
it's only urban blacks that have kept that culture.. And people like Kendi think that is GREAT

WHY is it that successful blacks tend to be immigrants (from Jamaica, or Kenya, or India)?
read the book and find out!

Joe Smith said...

Kendi is a low-IQ grifter who is really good at the game of making money from white liberals.

Thankfully I am not one of those.

RJ said...

So where did the $55 million go?

RNB said...

"Kendi was frustrated to be constantly lumped in with [Robin] DiAngelo, whose ideas diverge from his in important ways." Splitters!

n.n said...

past racial discrimination justifies present racial discrimination, and present racial discrimination justifies future racial discrimination

Ouroboros Diversity theory.

n.n said...

Think of the veggies! And all the other carbon-based lifeforms. Don't eat that head... of lettuce.

RCOCEAN II said...

Like racism, "Corny and Corniness" seems to mean anything and everything. Are we ever going to movie past the slang of the 40s? Hip, square, corny, cool

RCOCEAN II said...

I'll say this for anti-racism Guru's like this guy and Tennessee Coats, they seem like real human beings. Leaving aside their political beliefs you wouldn't mind having a beer with them.

By comparison, the Anti-semitism "experts" often come off as inhuman Jack-Booted Commissars right out of Orwell's 1984.

mikee said...

The fun thing to me about racism being about power, rather than stereotyping based on uncontrollable factors like skin color, is that today's antiracists will become racists the very second they succeed in overcoming inherent, irredeemable, unconscious and ineradicable white racism. But darned if they'll admit that, it would stop the gravy train.

Jupiter said...

'When it comes to the white supremacists who are the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time, I am one of their chief enemies,'

He's a pissant grifter.

Michael K said...

"Ibraham X Kendi's" real name is Henry Rogers. Raised by black middle class parents. His only academic degrees are in "African American Studies."

mccullough said...

Another Race Hustler

Ralph L said...

Against the odds, Kendi and his wife both survived Stage 4 cancer

My late step-monster, an RN with Munchausen's and narcissism, kept claiming her father was repeatedly having patches of skin removed from his head due to melanoma he got from attending a Bikini nuclear test. Having had melanoma myself, which she knew, I knew that was hogwash. Somehow, my sister found out years later that it was just severe eczema.

MUCH to do with the screwed up culture of the borderlands in northern Britain.

Sowell usually makes sense, but this is also largely hogwash. The Scots-Irish were late to the slavery party, few had slaves compared to the coastal English, and they were the better educated S-I. The classic hill-billy types were too poor to have any. The big cotton plantations near the Mississippi were owned and run by many types, including Yankees. Considering how outnumbered they and their women were by slaves and then freedmen there, it's little wonder they could be bristly and fierce, but we'd hear about a lot more Emmet Tills if they existed.

My theory is the more unruly slaves were sold from the eastern states to those plantations because many owners didn't want to break up families of the nice ones. The more restless progeny of the unruly ones moved north to the big Midwest cities during and after WWI, and you'll never guess what happened next.

William said...

He won a MacArthur Prize, sold tons of books, and his foundation received tens of millions in donations. He's got a lot more out of white supremacy than I ever did.

Kai Akker said...

Kendi is a vague one, a tall, gentle man who never sought the spotlight and wanted to return the millions of dollars a few idiotic American foundations sent him.... There is a corniness to his shtik, which only NYT reporters even notice since 99.9% of all Americans have never heard of him.... Even 90% of NYT readers skipped this story that my editor stuck me with.... But racism existential threat gentle theatrics meaningful engagement and Ahmgettinover Inc just beg for my insipid neutralizing in the interest of keeping the eternal shuck going... Somewhere even I Reporter may be able to capitalize on this incredible nonsense.... Yes he said Yes Yes

Marc in Eugene said...

Frankly, I only read the Rachel Poser essay because I'd earlier seen a couple of Christopher Rufo's tweets and wondered why IXK was 'newsworthy' today. While it was obvious throughout that, from her perspective, IXK is the cynosure of Progress social and political, I didn't much like the man in her portrait.

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