"The Gaza cease-fire isn’t it. It merely punts a problem that needs to be solved.... Ukraine could be another win for Biden, an easier one.... Why does Ukraine always need to come to the verge of defeat before the president finally relents and gives it the weapons it needs?... But the biggest win Biden will need will be domestic. It won’t be his executive order all but banning asylum for migrants: That only confirmed that he had failed to use every option at his disposal to tackle the crisis. It won’t be low unemployment: No magic wand will erase 2022’s inflation or today’s high interest rates. It won’t be Trump’s legal travails, which seem to have galvanized his supporters.... And it won’t be finding a way to offload Kamala Harris from the ticket.... It all leaves the president with one option that can be a win for America and, ultimately, his place in history. He can still choose not to run, to cede the field to a Democrat who can win.... There’s still time, if only just. It would be a courageous, honorable and transformative legacy."
Writes Bret Stephens, in "The Most Courageous Thing That Joe Biden Can Do" (NYT).
I'm not sure how Ukraine could be an easier win. Russia just started installing ICBMs in Cuba and Venezuela. Even if Ukraine was resolved tomorrow, Russia installing nukes and hypersonics in our hemisphere is a geopolitical loss for us, and blame for that lies squarely with Joe Biden.
"It would be a courageous, honorable and transformative... ." Okay, so that pretty well rules out any chance of Biden doing it voluntarily, but he might still be persuaded to step aside. It's not as if the true powers in DC lack leverage over him and his family.
I love how cavalier these writers are about WW3. Do Americans really care that much about which subgroup of Slavs rules over a bunch of ethnic Russians, who have already made their choices clear by fighting Kiev for over a decade, and allying with Moscow in the process?
It’s not worth the 1% risk of a nuclear war.
Joe Biden's courage? Literally undo everything he's done over his career. The Mr. Pay-to-play Senator from Delaware was never, ever 'courageous.' In his very old age he may start telling the truth and not projecting his own lies and failures on others...
His administration is fully managed by court regents and oligarchs. They are playing Machiavellian games with a senior citizen who enjoys ice cream and naps.
Winning by (essentially) losing? Logic only a Democrat could understand.
LBJ had tremendous, if somewhat controversial, accomplishments as a legislative leader and President. He exited the race when there was still time for the broader base of the Democrat party to weigh in on the nominee. Biden bailing out now is an admission of the abject failure of his administration.
Another opleaseopleaseoplease article from the deranged…
Study that list of failures and consider the possibility Democrats are not the answer to anything.
It was interesting to see Stephens admit the obvious that there's no way Harris will be the nominee.
[Insert what Thoreau wrote about a small group of men controlling our foreign policy for their private interests here.]
I call them a cabal, but that’s why ole Davie Hank is a better writer than I am.
I don't get how Biden's bowing out is a "win" for him. Or, more correctly, I don't get why he would care about getting a "win" if the object isn't for him to "win" the election.
Is it because he cares (or should care) about his legacy? Do we have any indication that he does (or, frankly, has that capacity any more)? Or is it that the Democrats need a "win" and he's standing in the way?
Stick a fork in Slow Joe - he's done.
I don't know if I would call it 'courageous'. But it's already in the works. There are too many Big Money people who are major donors to the Democratic Party and have been 'investing' in them for years. They are not about to go out quietly and allow Whispering Joe to take them down.
It's not courageous when those actually in charge come to you and tell you that you are done. That it's time to pack up and go home. This would have already have happened had they an option at Vice President, or any obvious choice on the back bench of the Democratic Party. But...alas. Gavin is an abject failure out in California, no matter how coiffed his hair and sparkly his smile. And who comes next? Amy Klobuchar? Dean Phillips? Dean might have had a chance had they not stuffed him in the trunk of a union made car and sent him away. Perhaps they'll walk up to him and offer it up?
Not sure who they have, but someone else will be on the ticket. Make that two new people will be on the ticket. It may or may not help. It almost depends on when they pull the trigger as much as who it is. If it's done as late as possible, the Dems will be very energized for a short period, before they get a dose of the person speaking. If they do it today, there's too much time for the actual person to have some time in the light and the energy would wear off.
Too late. Even if they tried, they're incompetent. They would only screw it up.
Glad to see Bret holding down the highly respectable Conservative position at the Times. I'm sure he's just thinking what every lifelong republican is. I wonder if he sat down and made a list of the "wins" old Joe has notched over his 100 years on the public payroll to help him sort out the gist of this excellent column. The excerpt sure gives a decent albeit brief start to listing the what not to dos.
On second thought maybe Bret didn't quite think this through before committing to the column...
Early in my Wall Street career I learned to direct the sales pitch to the decision maker, who is often not the Highest Title in the room. Stephen’s pitch should be directed to Jill.
God of the Sea ... citations for the claims about Cuba and Venezuela?
Biden really doesn’t have a say in the matter. My sense is that it is Edith’s call and she will not relinquish power until it is pried from her dead cold hands.
The aims of the Biden administration and the left in general haven't been about what's best for America, it's quite the opposite. Hence seeding the country with the world's detritus, terrorists, leaches etc. Eliminating by judicial fiat the rights of American citizens. There will be no courage from joey, he doesn't have any, nor has he ever. Honor ? From traitor Joe? Christ, give me a break. None of the people behind him have any of those attributes either. All of those creatures, just like joey, are selling out this country to line their pockets and bolster their bank accounts. Courage and or honor populate none of their vocabularies or values such as they are.
Ukraine is an no win proposition for Biden. Ukraine is going to run out of men. Because a peace negotiated by the US is not an option, our only choice to defend Kyiv is to send in NATO troops. Macron is already itching to do so. If Biden is re-elected we’ll be in a hot war with Russia in his second term.
I really don't see how they can swap Brandon out for anyone other than kamala and I can't see her getting the nod.
If it is not kamala, the fascists lose even more black support.
If Newsome, they have to ditch Kamala completely because they can't both be from California.
Even worse.
And if not Newsome, who else is there? Nobody I can see.
And they only have 6 weeks left to get someone on the Ohio and Alabama ballots.
Nope. Brandon's the one.
Enjoy your candidate, fascists.
John Henry
Do Democrats have any power within their own party?
“Courageous” and “Joe Biden” do not belong in the same sentence.
I had a dream last night that involved Newsom, Trump's Silicon Valley fundraiser, and some Byzantine explanation for why those billionaires were giving Trump money that had to do with keeping Newsom in California... Upon waking, there is no sense to be made from it, but it seemed revelatory in the wee hours.
Heartless Aztec:"Stick a fork in Slow Joe - he's done."
Stephens is advocating that Biden commit political seppuku. Not bloody likely.
AMDG said...
Biden really doesn’t have a say in the matter. My sense is that it is Edith’s call and she will not relinquish power until it is pried from her dead cold hands.
Sounds right, but what makes you think they can't lean on her even harder than Big Daddy Joe? They'll find a way.
Of course, another problem they've got to face is how to get rid of the less-than-inimitable Ms. Harris. Depends on what she holds out for.
Stupidity never stops trying. Meaning Bret Stephens; pathetic. If the guy living in the White House could get a win, he wouldn't be Jobiden. The Stephens premise is a contradiction in terms but he won't give up his illusion so he imagines there is a way out of the pit he lives in.
The Big Guy is ready willing and able to stand down. The only thing the Dems need to offer him is a huge cash bribe. I suspect Obama won’t pay enough.
Desperately Seeking A Political Future.
The elder abuse of a clearly declining and dementia ridden Joe Biden is one of the most shameful things I've seen, and that's saying something. Shame!...as certain people like to chant.
Biden steps down. Then what?
The Democrat cupboard is bare.
I assume that Bret Stephens, Jen Rubin, and Bill Kristol mutually suffer from congenital retardation. Otherwise how do they think this will be persuasive? Jill Biden and Kamala Harris know this is the best gig they'll ever have in their lives. There is nothing they can be offered with giving that up. And if the oligarchs try to threaten them out? That's the kind of "double down" mentality from Zelensky and Netanyahu which can only end in tears. I wouldn't be surprised if Jill knows who's on the Epstein client list.
It all leaves the president with one option that can be a win for America and, ultimately, his place in history.
"I doubt they'll kick-up any fuss... Not for an old crook like me."
Fake wins can be manufactured by the corrupt democrat party media.
people on the WSJ comments section were "explaining" to me yesterday,
They wanted american money american arms amercian bodies american blood.. ALL IN
i asked about russia's nukes? And they "explained" to me that russia would NEVER strike the US..
because we have nukes.
i asked about russia's nukes? And they "explained" to me Again, that EVERYTHING WOULD BE FINE
I think the commenters were being paid by the same agency that pays Dr We Evil here
A nation turns its lonely eyes to Hillary. Give her another chance. She rightfully won the 2016 election. What Democrat could possibly have a problem with her cheery face heading the ticket. That would really energize the Party. I'm thinking a Hillary/Michelle double header, and my leg tingles.
TickTock said...
God of the Sea ... citations for the claims about Cuba and Venezuela?
FJB, he’s toast. It’s more important that America sees some victories. The tailspin into the ground of the past 3.5 years must end.
Looking forward to seeing how the hazard of the approaching Debate is successfully navigated
Right. Because everyone so fondly remembers Lyndon Johnson. And Kamala Harris is every bit as good as Hubert Humphrey.
So much bald misrepresentation, so little time...
"The Gaza cease-fire isn’t it. It merely punts a problem that needs to be solved...."
Perhaps he could consider not perpetuating the problem.
"Ukraine could be another win for Biden, an easier one.... Why does Ukraine always need to come to the verge of defeat before the president finally relents and gives it the weapons it needs?..."
Pure wish-casting. Putin's Russia isn't going to give in, and adding more US support to Ukraine may push us toward direct conflict with Russia.
"But the biggest win Biden will need will be domestic. It won’t be his executive order all but banning asylum for migrants:"
His order turned the incoming flow from a fire hose to a pressure washer, and it only bans certain asylum seekers (Cubans, Venezuelans) while offering benefits to the multitudes who are already here. And pay no attention to those guys from Tajikistan who were belatedly found (or highly suspected) to be allied with ISIS.
"That only confirmed that he had failed to use every option at his disposal to tackle the crisis."
Joe used every option at his disposal to create, and exacerbate, the crisis.
"It won’t be low unemployment: No magic wand will erase 2022’s inflation or today’s high interest rates."
Bret meant to say "underemployment." And inflation continues apace.
"It won’t be Trump’s legal travails, which seem to have galvanized his supporters...."
Well, duh.
"And it won’t be finding a way to offload Kamala Harris from the ticket....
Oopsie. He said the quiet part out loud.
"It all leaves the president with one option that can be a win for America and, ultimately, his place in history."
'...his place in infamy..."
"He can still choose not to run, to cede the field to a Democrat who can win.... There’s still time, if only just. It would be a courageous, honorable and transformative legacy."
Nothing can change the cowardly, dishonorable and degraded legacy already in place, even if Joe pulls a Fetterman maneuver.
I think that the good Dr is one of those grandchildren of Ukrainian Nazis who were fleeing “persecution” in Europe. He seems to believe the lies out of Kiev so sincerely, and hates the Russian “orc” so deeply, that he doesn’t need to be paid. What’s really weird about him is that he thinks that citizens in a democracy with the responsibility of the vote should not be allowed to hear all sides. Propaganda is to a democracy what the truncheon was to the Nazis in Ukraine during WWII, when they fought against us at Hitler’s side.
Biden would've decided not to run a long time ago if the Democrats had any sort of bench to work with. Their most promising star is the governor of a state that no one thinks is run well. Their Senators are all past their prime, have moved to the center/right (Fetterman), or become Independent (Manchin). No member of the House is a serious candidate. Their Hail Mary is a former first lady that has never held public office or a different former first lady that already lost to Trump.
The problem for Pres. Biden is still Hunter. The President has publicly promised not to pardon his son, but he has not promised not to commute his sentence. But Hunter has not yet been sentenced. There is not yet any sentence to commute. In fact he hasn't even been tried yet on the tax charges pending in California. If the President were to resign before the Democratic convention, he would no longer be able to take any action to protect his son, although he could make a deal with the new nominee. What idiot would agree to such a deal? If the new nominee were to get elected, the smell of corruption would be overwhelming and discredit his presidency. Besides, Jill never let him do it.
"It would be a courageous, honorable and transformative legacy."
No one has ever written courageous or honorable as descriptors of Joe Biden.
No one ever, ever, ever.
" Ukraine could be another win for Biden, an easier one.... Why does Ukraine always need to come to the verge of defeat ,," For the last 75 years that has been the American way of war, i.e. never enough to be decisive, just enough to be provocative.
The people managing Joe Biden have what they want, and they're not going to give it up. Joe does as he's told - since he hasn't had an actual thought in 30 years, he has little choice. The powers that be can drag him across the finish line and continue doing as they wish for four more years, and they know it. So what if he dies and Kamala becomes "president?" She has about as much brainpower and talent as Joe, and she'll be happy to do as she's told. Not that she has any option to do otherwise; we're not getting some female version of Harry Truman here.
Biden should "cede the field to a Democrat who could win...." Or at least Jill could give a land acknowledgment at the Democrat Convention: "We are gathered here at this unceded field..."
If it's done as late as possible, the Dems will be very energized for a short period, before they get a dose of the person speaking.
That's possible but I think it's highly dependent on the circumstances. If Biden dropped dead or even had a major health-related incident in public view, that could happen. If he simply drops out due to "issues with his health", admitting what everybody including even the DNC stenographers are now admitting to be true, the announced replacement would face an immediate backlash from supporters of other potential candidates.
--- Looking forward to seeing how the hazard of the approaching Debate is successfully navigated [Aggie]
"It would be conduct unbecoming to the American Presidency for the President to share the stage with a convicted felon. He, I mean I, President Joseph Biden, must reluctantly accept the debate moderators' offer of a private room and a solo broadcast. Which they promised him, me, could be received on the far side of Uranus. We would add a few words regarding the convicted felon but it would be beneath us to mention his name or the fact that and and all votes for him are now illegal and will, unfortunately, have to be destroyed by the Authorities. The addresses on the ballot envelopes will be kept secured and protected by the necessary guardians of the public weal. {Wtf is weel?]"
"He can still choose not to run, to cede the field to a Democrat who can win...."
Yup, a Dem who can win. Stephens still thinks there's a pony in that shitpile.
Logically, hunter would now be referred to treatment, a deal he could have had had he pleaded guilty, but he insisted on blanket immunity for all federal crimes, which the judge didn’t fall for. It seems unlikely that he would go to prison for this, what he has done is waste the time of the court out of a selfish attempt to dodge responsibility for his other unrelated crimes. This judge will not cross the Bidens by jailing little Uday.
I don't know if I would call it 'courageous'. But it's already in the works. There are too many Big Money people who are major donors to the Democratic Party and have been 'investing' in them for years. They are not about to go out quietly and allow Whispering Joe to take them down.
Whoever is making these decisions, it isn't Joe. And, I personally believe Joe was selected because of how much corruption is around him. He will be easy to keep on a leash. The problem for the Top Men now what Dem can unite their parties that is bitterly split about Gaza of all things. The unification of Trans rights and Muslim extremism could not have been predicted on the tabletop exercises. These voters are not going to hold their noses and vote for Cory Booker.
Honestly, Joe looks like he is packing up his canoe for the journey across the river Styx. The footage from Juneteen was really shocking. Does anyone think he will be healthy enough to stand on his own power this time next year? He needs to be updating the codicils daily. He is not well.
And voters know: that footage you saw on Juneteenth that is the best it gets. It only goes downhill from here. It's going to get much, much worse and very quickly. Can anyone imagine that man trying to negotiate a peace deal between Putin and Zelensky?! How?!!
As I (and I suppose, others) have said for a year: Biden will not be the Dem Prez candidate. The Dems read the same polls everyone else does, they are not dumb, and they are dedicated to winning at all costs.
For the people perplexed by the "problem" of getting Biden to resign:
1) The Democrat powers-that-be go to Joe and tell him: "Step down or we and our propaganda organ, the MSM, stop covering up your/your family's crimes. Nay, we start publicizing them as we always should have.
2) Joe the great statesman, courageously and honorably steps down the next day.
3) Newsom replaces him on the ticket. Women vote for him because of his great hair. He maybe/maybe not wins.
Blogger Ice Nine said...
"1) The Democrat powers-that-be go to Joe and tell him: "Step down or we and our propaganda organ, the MSM, stop covering up your/your family's crimes. Nay, we start publicizing them as we always should have."
Empty threat. Aside from the fact way too many people, and especially Donald Trump, will ask how this was covered up for so long? 'Joe Biden' can start publicizing the crimes of the oligarchy. I have no doubt Jill knows enough to make life difficult for any number of people.
The Rats can't afford to divide the house if Joe doesn't want to go.
How about a World War with China? Biden can distract the populace with a few US cities going radioactive...
The argument for Joe Biden is to get rid of Joe Biden. This is what Democrats and progressives think is a winning message. "We screwed up 4 years ago making him the face of us with Kamala a heartbeat away. If only they would leave, we can try not to screw up again."
Everyone can see the shitshow that is California, so Gov. Newsom is just another screw up.
>doctrev said...
Empty threat. Aside from the fact way too many people, and especially Donald Trump, will ask how this was covered up for so long?<
Like they have asked how could this debunked Russia collusion myth have been a thing? Like they have asked how these 51 intel guys could have lied about "Russian disinformation?" Guess what?...no one gives a damn now.
>'Joe Biden' can start publicizing the crimes of the oligarchy<
So what? That doesn't keep him and his family crooks out of court/jail."
"Empty threat" is pretty glib...but then, your name isn't Biden.
You know, Bret Stephens is not actually stupid. He just pretends to be stupid for money.
seriously, other than paid shills like Dr We Evil (or former nazis or what ever that bot is)..
Does ANYONE give a shit about The Ukraine?
If Biden leaves the race it will likely break the Democrat party and they know it. If he leaves it seems like a lot of Dems would like to run Newsome but how do you explain to blacks and women why a slick, frat bro, white guy gets the nod when Kamala is the current VP?
Oh, Burt Stevens is now a liberal Democrat giving Biden advice on how to win. In 2012 and 2016 he was a conservative Republican giving Romney and Jeb Bush advice on how to win. Didnt he write a column in the summer of 2016 about "it wasnt too late to stop Trump"?
But back to Biden. he's not going to give up power. Why should he? The country is full of dumbshit yellow dog Democrats and soccer moms, the DNC fraud machine is gearing up, and GOPe is sitting on their hands or helping Biden. People imagine Trump is going to win, but the odds are less than 50/50 at this point.
No reason for Joe Brandon to give up his part-time job.
Newsom replaces him on the ticket.
Constitution won't let Newsom and Harris run together.
How do you get her to step down quietly?
Who would be newsom's vp?
How would blacks feel about Harris "Next in line for presidency! (tm)" being hunted aside. Not happy I bet
John Henry
>Martin said...
Dems would like to run Newsome but how do you explain to blacks and women why a slick, frat bro, white guy gets the nod when Kamala is the current VP?<
Show them her worse-than-Biden's polling numbers, perhaps?
The Dems have plenty of Black women pols - actual Negroes even, unlike Kamala. Make one of them Newsom's VP and the Blacks will be placated.
Ukraine could be another win for Biden, an easier one.... Why does Ukraine always need to come to the verge of defeat before the president finally relents and gives it the weapons it needs?
Because Biden doesn't want Ukraine to win, and is only supporting it at all because Zelensky is blackmailing him
It won’t be his executive order all but banning asylum for migrants
God, Bret, do you always have to lie? It doesn't even come close, and you know it.
A real EO would refuse the "Remain in Mexico" policy. Anything less, and anything Biden would do will be less, is a joke.
It won’t be low unemployment: No magic wand will erase 2022’s inflation or today’s high interest rates.
Esp since the "new jobs" have essentially all gone to teh illegal aliens Biden let in, whereas legal American voters are losing jobs
And it won’t be finding a way to offload Kamala Harris from the ticket.... It all leaves the president with one option that can be a win for America and, ultimately, his place in history. He can still choose not to run, to cede the field to a Democrat who can win
There is no Democrat who can win.
Kamala Harris does worse than Joe. And booting a black female candidate from the ticket because she's just not good enough, and replacing her with a white male, or even a white female, will cause the Democrat coalition to implode
Nah, they are going to cause Joe Biden to "die in office" in hopes of doing the old fashioned "vote out of grief" ploy. It's unfortunate, but his handlers are waiting for the right time. Not sure they will do a collapse at the podium gambit, but they might.
This is why the career functionaries can't take out Trump since that would likely raise up RFKjr and the works the other way as well. Their problem is most people would be relieved if Joe Biden was taken out by seemingly natural causes, not galvanized to elect Jill Biden or anyone else.
On the flip side, I'm seeing a lot of talk of WWIII. Not quite pinning it one the weakness of the US under Biden. But to settle the world, they really need someone who will cause those starting to dare to rattle to stop and have a think. And that would be Donald Trump. We'd see a shift along the lines of how the Iranians rushed to get the hostages out of Tehran before Reagan finished his speech.
The Democrat Party missed the best opportunity to replace Biden by rigging the primaries, again, for Joe Biden. Had the primaries been really open and honest, several electable Democrats would have run and one of them would have defeated Biden since Biden has never won a presidential primary that wasn't rigged to choose him.
Replacing him at the convention is a riskier gambit since the delegates at such things are going to be further left than the voting public- a convention fight might well put up an actual communist as the candidate. The only way to avoid that is to rig the convention, too, and parachute in the candidate- a candidate like Gruesom, Shelob, or Big Mike Obama.
Ice Nine said...
Show them her worse-than-Biden's polling numbers, perhaps?
The Dems have plenty of Black women pols - actual Negroes even, unlike Kamala. Make one of them Newsom's VP and the Blacks will be placated.
Sorry, but that just doesn't matter.
1: Take a look at the WNBA, and the US Women's Olympic Basketball team.
The black females of the WNBA, and the 4 out of 5 on the Olympic team picking committee, HATE Caitlin Clark, because she's a white female.
It doesn't matter that she's a good player who brings more positive attention, more ticket sales, more TV viewers.
It doesn't matter that she stands to personally bring those money more $$$
She's not a black female, so they hate her.
They'd rather fail without her, than have success with her
And that's people who personally can benefit from her
Dump Kamala Harris and Dems lose black female voters in mass quantities. And that means the Dems lose the social coercion in the black community forcing most blacks to vote Dem.
Which means they lose a lot of black male voters, because they're no longer being bullied to vote D.
Kiss goodbye GA, WI, PA, and MI if this happens. And that's just among current actual battleground states.
There's not a southern state they get with this strategy.
So, please, tell us which States they'll flip D from Trump 2020, to make this "strategy" work?
Yancey Ward said...
The Democrat Party missed the best opportunity to replace Biden by rigging the primaries, again, for Joe Biden. Had the primaries been really open and honest, several electable Democrats would have run
I'd say "only opportunity" rather than "best".
But, who are these "electable Democrats"? Joe was given the nod in 2020 because there was no one else on the D side getting any traction, besides "Mayor Pete" and Bernie.
So, Biden would have crashed and burned during any sort of campaign. But which Democrat would have "shown through"? Newsom, who was crushed by DeSantis? Whitmer? Chuck Schumer?
Replacing him at the convention is a riskier gambit since the delegates at such things are going to be further left than the voting public- a convention fight might well put up an actual communist as the candidate. The only way to avoid that is to rig the convention, too, and parachute in the candidate- a candidate like Gruesom, Shelob, or Big Mike Obama.
I'd love to see the Dems run Hillary a 2nd time against Trump.
Frankly, I'd love to see Michelle jump in. She's the only one who can replace Kamala, but the Obamas have been living high off the hog for the last 8 years. I expect there's a lot of video that can be run in commercials, comparing their $100 million lifestyle with that of ordinary voters.
Love their carbon footprint
"He can still choose not to run, to cede the field to a Democrat who can win"
Biden can win. He believes it. Dems believe it. Their mild panic is partly misdirection. Gaza aside, they like Joe going prog. Plus they have Trump to run against.
Shapiro would be an upgrade from a centrist perspective, but not with the lefty troops (plus Joo, you know). Whitmer would assuage women and the left but is a lightweight (plus you get Kamala/POC resentment).
Robert Kagan makes the point in his podcast with Martin Wolf that in Americans' entire history they have only known democracy. So a strongman "republic" would probably pretty quickly get under their skins and there would be revolt and a democratic restoration. The Alitos are not the extended Adams family. And John Roberts seems to confuse enabling with statesmanship.
One of the key success factors in American expansion across the continent was its self-organizing feature. In particular the Protestant churches are self-organizing around democratically organized congregations. So you have church congregations and city councils and local governments quickly organizing into territorial legislatures then petitioning the Congress for statehood. This was all democratically from-the-ground-up growth in a way now foreign to American society. Washington has tried to turn us all into clients like the Indian tribes with the Great White Father.
One must remember that the Alamo went down as other Texans were organizing a democratic republic at a city further to the northeast, a government that went on to defeat Santa Ana's Mexicans at San Jacinto. It is remembered that the Texans, like the Greeks at Marathon, attacked on the run. A similar experience occurred in California when English speakers organized under the Bear Republic mobilized to evict a rather unpopular Mexican presence from California. Americans always fight under the colors of a democratic elected republic. The greatest uniformed American on the proverbial white horse, George Washington, always understood this truth and went on to build on it — to his nation's gratitude. Overthrowing this tradition is unlikely to sit well.
Trump is really just trying to install a Juan Peron-style strongman regime on a society that will probably quickly reject it. And he and his corporatist backers will probably go the same way. Some Margaret Thatcher will get in their way.
Martin Wolf on democracy’s year of peril: 2024
Constitution won't let Newsom and Harris run together.
Simple: Harris re-registers in another state.
Joe's been running for president for decades. He isn't leaving voluntarily. Brett can keep wishing but wishing won't make it so.
He could do a post-stroke Fetterman
I've got a friend who thinks "Trumpty Dumpty" [his term, not mine] is "mentally ill and dangerous". Well paraphrasing the old remark after Mitt Romney's father said that he "had been brainwashed" about the Viet Nam War, the laundry bill for my friend's brain won't be large.
But there are enough people out there who prefer senile Joe over "mentally ill" Trump, that the election in November will be a close run thing. Habits like voting for a yellow dog if there is a D in front of his name die hard.
More projection from Rich, it’s Biden playing the “strongman.”
It’s Biden who ignores the SCOTUS, and who has been pushing endless war his whole career, who scolded Garland publicly a couple of years ago for not going strong enough after Trump, remember that?
It’s Biden who sent that cable to Pakistan ordering their parliament to remove and imprison their popular leader, to “protect democracy. “
You have to be a moron to believe the crap that Rich peddles, if you know the facts, which is why strongman Biden has worked so hard to shut down alternatives to his captive press, using his buddies in the Delaware Court of Chancery, the ones Hunter bragged on the laptop about how he knew them all personally, and how they owed their careers to his dad, to make an unprecedented ruling that punished Musk to the tune of tens of billions, which we all know was really over Twitter’s new refusal to toe the regime line. It wasn’t Trump shutting down Tik Tok. Trump had four years and never did anything like this.
Biden rules like the strongman, and one of the first rules of propaganda for strongmen is to accuse your opponents of your own evils so that your tactics seem justified. Rich knows this, it’s in his propaganda technical manuals.
Wait until China takes out the first carrier with a volley of hypersonic missiles, which they can manufacture in great volumes, and thousands of Americans are killed, and we are asking ourselves why we are involved in a Chinese civil war, to ask yourself why the US hasn’t been knocking heads together around the world whenever some other country refuses to bend the knee.
Are the Republicans so well organized to factory harvest and count selectively universal mail in ballots that the Democrats are worried they have lost that sure path to a Biden victory? I refuse to believe (based on a lifetime of observing them tread upon their own dicks, and shoot themselves in the foot that is in wedged their mouths, over and over and over) that the Republican Party could be that well organized, let alone that strong in vote garnering performance.
Let's say Joe wins. Massive cheating, whatever.
For the next four years we'll rarely see him.
They'll wheel him out every couple of weeks and he'll stand and wave to people from a safe distance. From so far away it could easily be a body double.
In less than a year he will be non-functional. He won't be able to feed himself let alone run the country.
It will be the ultimate confirmation that the president (even sane ones) don't run anything.
The last time a president tried to get us out of a war, he was killed by the CIA.
"Ukraine could be another win for Biden, an easier one"
How? There's no way Ukraine is going to win back its territory militarily. They're maybe a fifth the size of Russia and Putin is a pretty ruthless guy.
A win would be getting a cease fire before more lives are lost and property destroyed. That might make for a bump in the polling.
Richie, you are reach new levels of idiocy with every comment.
Wait. So the "win" Biden needs is to let someone else run? Because pretty much every aspect of his presidency so far has been an unsalvageable loss?
No kidding.
He won't step aside. He's like Hillary Clinton in that he's been waiting *decades* for his time in the White House and dang it no one and nothing is going to take that away from him. He *deserved* this!
And so do the geniuses that voted for this walking disaster.
Kamala 'bravely' moves aside for Newsom.
She gets a cabinet post. Education or H&HS.
Dem ticket wins.
Joe heavily relies on Newsom for 2 years then steps down.
Newsom takes over, then is straight-up elected in '28.
Dems get 8 years.
Kamala's the key - for once in her life - just by disappearing.
JK Brown said...
Nah, they are going to cause Joe Biden to "die in office" in hopes of doing the old fashioned "vote out of grief" ploy. It's unfortunate, but his handlers are waiting for the right time. Not sure they will do a collapse at the podium gambit, but they might.
as i've predicted and predicted...
Biden dying by the 1st night of the convention.. PROBABLY on the 1st night.. Possibly ON tv..
and then the "grief struck nation", "rallies around" Moochelle O'Bama..
She wins with a vote COUNT well in excess of A Hundred Million
remember back in the day? back when Bret pretended to be a conservative?
“How? There's no way Ukraine is going to win back its territory militarily. They're maybe a fifth the size of Russia and Putin is a pretty ruthless guy.”
Ukraine is getting destroyed by the war. It’s like the Great War, where a generation of European men went and died. Men are fleeing the country in numbers to save their lives. Meanwhile, Russia is sending men for their furthest reaches to die there, and have many more to lose. It’s a war of attrition, and Ukraine is on the wrong side of it. Somewhat like our Civil War, but worse, with their homes and factories getting destroyed, and men killed, in equal numbers, but greatly disproportionally because of the difference in size and population.
Wasn't a late June debate picked to forestall such columns?
Don't bogart whatever you're having, Bret.
The game theory on this is interesting. If the Democrats are going to lose anyway, it’s best for the future of the Democratic Party to lose with Joe Biden. It’s going to be hard to convincingly demonstrate that the person being proposed to replace Joe at the top of ticket has enough better chance than Joe of winning to overcome the increased negatives of losing.
The obvious answer is Michelle O. Has been for the last several years.
"and cede the field to a Democrat who can win"?
And who might that be?
The fact that some think Michelle is a thing tells you how empty the Democratic bullpen is. It looks like Rich favors James K Polk or Zachary Taylor, though maybe I just didn't get his point at all. Yes, "Remember the Alimo"! That'll pull in all the undecideds. For sure.
Yes, "Remember the Alimo"! That'll pull in all the undecideds. For sure.
should that be "Remember the Alito"!
The last time a president tried to get us out of a war, he was killed by the CIA.
is it true history that any? president? JFK? wanted to get usa out of war?
gilbar said...
"seriously, other than paid shills like Dr We Evil (or former nazis or what ever that bot is)..
Does ANYONE give a shit about The Ukraine?"
No. Not really. I hope they win against Russia but don't ask me to pay for it.
Again, if you leftists hadn't stolen the damn thing in 2020, both parties would have new, fresh candidates and you wouldn't be in this mess with Biden.
No one to blame but yourselves.
gilbar said...
"seriously, other than paid shills like Dr We Evil (or former nazis or what ever that bot is)..
Does ANYONE give a shit about The Ukraine?"
Yes, I do. Because KGB Col Putin is and always will be our enemy.
And I'm not stupid enough to ever want to see enemies accumulating more power
Rick67 said...
He won't step aside. He's like Hillary Clinton in that he's been waiting *decades* for his time in the White House and dang it no one and nothing is going to take that away from him. He *deserved* this!
He's a zombie. "He" won't step aside because he's being run by "Dr Jill", and there's no way in hell she's going to give up being 1st Lady.
And none of his other handlers are willing to step aside, either. Because they've got power now, and dont' expect to have nearly so much with anyone else in charge
imTay said...
Wait until China takes out the first carrier with a volley of hypersonic missiles
And then the US shoots one container ship / oil tanker going to China with a cruise missile. Along with a public announcement that any other ship that hasn't turned around in teh next hour will be sunk, too.
Followed by insurers calling teh shipping companies and saying "if you're suck, we're not paying"
Followed by no more commercial ships going to / from China, a country that is not self-sufficient in ANY axis.
After enough startvation, the CCP will be ended
Joe & Dr. Jill are too hardheaded to move.
Hitlary is chomping at the bit, ready to invoke some Arkancide if necessary.
If you're looking to Joe Biden for courage, you may as well curl up and wait for the end.
Is there any other Althouse commenter who loves -- and uses -- the Althouse Blog Tags more than I do?
The Bret Stephens tag takes us back to an Althouse Blog post from just a couple of weeks ago. Another Bret Stephens column for the Times, in which he was musing (not irrationally) about the possible ramifications of a Trump "Not Guilty" verdict in New York. Thinking that just maybe, an acquittal of Trump might turbocharge his campaign.
Lulz. Trump lost. Fuck your feelings.
Biden is certainly not going to drop out. The plan is to wait until Harris has fresh term ahead of her. If you thought Joe made a good huskpuppet, wait until you see Harris. This will fulfill Obama’s plan to fundamentally transform America.
California learned during my lifetime that a “leader” need not actually be in charge. Moreover, things work better under one party rule. We are on the cusp of the true californication of American politics.
This is the same as the Supreme Court. All the old lame worthless and weak Democrats need to gtfo to insure the progress of one world socialism. But our politics is based on gerontocratic rule by the ancient, The old still want money and power too!
@Chuck: There is no more Republican Party of the kind you like—the Bush/Cheney/Romney dynasty. That Party is as dead as the Whigs. Get over yourself. You are in bed with one party rule now. Oh and, fuck you too.
The problem for Democrats is that the only players on deck are so crazy and stupid that Nancy and Schumer look like geniuses. I'll give you three Durbins for one schumer, plus a few Omars and Brooklyn minibabes.
The bravest thing Joe Biden can do is announce he's stepping aside for Dr. Jill Biden who is the one who has really been keeping the ship afloat all this time.
Richie said: "Trump is really just trying to install a Juan Peron-style strongman regime on a society that will probably quickly reject it. And he and his corporatist backers will probably go the same way."
Richie baby, your post was semi-coherent until you included the quoted dreck. While you often pitch idiotic and unsubstantiated DNC talking points, there is absolutely no evidence, despite your wishing for it, for asserting that Trump will destroy "our Democracy"(tm). If he wanted to do so, it would have occurred early in his first administration, but I don't recall any Peron-like acts or speeches from him then. Maybe you could enlighten us.
In other words, you're simply either too stupid to post coherently here, or you're just another dishonest prog agitator. Perhaps both. In any event, you still have a long way to go to match the mendacity of Chuck, the vapidness of Vicki from Pasadena, or the pure crap posted by Gadfly, Cook, Lonejustice, Dinky Dau and Readering. While you keep trying, I hope you're getting paid for your efforts by the DNC.
China has an 1800 kilometer (IIRC)!border with the Russia. They are not going to starve. What is Taiwan going to do, since China will be able to seal off its sea lanes with missiles too.
I would not want to live in China, but they would have a very hard time crossing the ocean and conquering us too. We should listen to George Washington and thank God every day for our continental fortress, and not go looking for trouble.
Chuck said…
“Lulz. Trump lost. Fuck your feelings.”
Cluster B personality disorders. Dedication to sadism and maleficence.
Joe's been running for president for decades. He isn't leaving voluntarily.
Oh I agree 100%. But, I am also pretty sure he is leaving. The only question is: will it be "death" or "taxes"? I'm sure whoever makes these decisions will offer him taxes first.
Empty threat. Aside from the fact way too many people, and especially Donald Trump, will ask how this was covered up for so long?
Friendly CIA agents at Facebook and Google and WaPo and NYT are really, really good at managing "misinformation." So Trump makes a bunch of baseless allegations without evidence that _______, who cares? Hopefully by then we can shut down TikTok and set the precedent to shut down X. Top Men are tying up the lose ends right as we speak.
Biden's replacement works most effectively if he dies in office before the convention. I wonder if that has occurred to Dr. Jill.
All this talk about how dumping Kamala will offend the black voters, is that even true? Does ANYONE really like her?
Most people do not travel or use x/Twitter. They have little idea how dysfunctional California actually is. Gavin Newsome has a GREAT smile and hairdo / face. He might just manage to win with a bit of corrupt help.
I live in California and have suffered Newsome since 2004. He's a post turtle and in no shape to run for president. It's the worst kept secret in Sacramento he still have a cocaine problem and just like Kamala Harris can not survive outside the hothouse protection of a california friendly media.
Go to youtube and see how during the debate DeSantis dismantled Newsome by just bringing up Gavin's litany of failures since entering politics. Newsome has destroyed the California brand. Even the average voter thinks California is an out of control disaster.
Nope, it's Joe Biden or BUST! They do not have a "Plan B" as astounding as that sounds.
imTay said...
China has an 1800 kilometer (IIRC)!border with the Russia. They are not going to starve. What is Taiwan going to do, since China will be able to seal off its sea lanes with missiles too.
1: What part of "logistics challenges" are you unclear on?
What is the carrying capacity of the Russian rail network in that area?
How good is their repair capacity for missiles hitting their rail lines?
How many separate, independent rail lines does Russia have in the area?
Or, to make it more graphic: 10 cruise missiles hit 10 different parts of the Trans Siberia rail line. How long before Russia can fix all those breaks, and get trains through?
2: When you're eating eggs and bacon for breakfast, a chicken was "involved", but a pig was "committed".
China attacks Taiwan, the people of China are involved. The people of Taiwan are committed.
For the Chinese, the problem goes away if they simply stop attacking Taiwan. For Taiwan, the problems only go away if they win, because surrendering to China just keeps the hell going.
Just ask Hong Kong
So the point here is that with minimal effort, the US can make China hurt just as much as China is making Taiwan hurt via the invasion.
If the people of China are religiously committed to the CCP and conquest of China, willing to die in mass quantities to make it happen, they will get their wish, including the "dying in mass quantities" part.
If not, and I firmly believe the answer here is "not", teh CCP rulers will get to die in smaller mass quantities, and Taiwan will win
D.D. Driver said...
Oh I agree 100%. But, I am also pretty sure he is leaving.
Who's replacing him, who will do a better job with voters? You've yet to answer that.
because the answer is: teh choice of Kamala Harris was deliberate. The Biden team picked someone who was so pathetic she'd always be a worse choice than him, and so entitled, and supported by voters so entitled, that she couldn't be moved aside.
So unless your "wise men" have some way to really piss off teh Secret Service by removing both of their protectees, they're not going to start
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