June 20, 2024

"I walked around this place, paranoid of my fellow legislators, racking my brain trying to think, 'What could I have possibly said or done?'"

Said Jim Carroll, quoted in "Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months/Mary Morrissey apologizes after being filmed dumping liquid into backpack of Democratic legislator Jim Carroll" (The Guardian).

Both Carroll and Morrissey represent the city of Bennington.

It's not enough to apologize for doing this. The people who depend on this legislator need an explanation for why she repeatedly did something so bizarre. You can apologize for being out of your mind, but you don't really need to. I feel sorry for Morrissey, but she needs to resign. It's interesting that she made Carroll feel that he was insane. Was Morrissey gaslighting Carroll?


wendybar said...

Politics make people nuts. What the #$@$%??

pacwest said...

WTF is right. If you elect politicians like you are voting in a high school popularity contest you are going to get adolescent crazy like this.

Kevin said...

Accountability. We’ve tried everything else.

Quaestor said...

Althouse writes, "Was Morrissey gaslighting Carroll?"

If we use the film to define the word, yes, though recent usage includes flat-out bald-faced lying more often than subtle harassment.

"It's interesting that she made Carroll feel that he was insane."

Yes, and very strange. If Jim Carroll's sanity rests on such a knife edge that such pranks, minorly malicious though they were, could plausibly push him over that edge and into a snakepit (another allusion) he should resign as well -- but both will survive. If Jaamal Brown can pull a fire alarm in the Capitol and get away with it...

mezzrow said...

That's a strange way to fight the patriarchy. Does anyone else here find that political people are just not like you and me?

rehajm said...

Have you been to Bennington lately? This is sane compared to a walk down the street…

Bob B said...

If Morrissey self-identifies as part of the "pour water into bags" gender, it's all good and you are evil to question her.

MadTownGuy said...

rehajm said...

"Have you been to Bennington lately? This is sane compared to a walk down the street…"

We stayed there for a few days last September while traveling. We walked through downtown - quirky, quaint, overpriced - but saw nothing horrible. Has it changed that much since then?

Leland said...

Yep, apology to the constituents and resignation is needed.

R C Belaire said...

AA : Don't spend too much time analyzing this. The women is insane.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Instead of reporting it, Representative Carroll should have waited until she fell asleep and then put her hand in a bowl of warm water.

John henry said...

Global warming is causing crazy politicians says a new study


Contains link to a story from Disclose.tv

John Henry

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Character doesn't matter any more in American public life. That's the real story.

Enigma said...

Honest apology? Resignation? If politicians seriously considered either one, apologies would be the only thing on TV 24/7/365. And then the city would be empty.

Breezy said...

Why would someone keep hanging a bag where it would get repeatedly soaked? They both seem to have issues.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Because most normal people despise politics, or at least despise the idea of being a politician, the jobs tend to go to people on the margins with extreme views that push them to want to shape policy. Unfortunately marginal people with extreme views tend toward the sociopathic end of the spectrum and this is what we get.

Of course she should resign but she is the kind of shameless sociopath who will not relinquish power easily because it’s her drug of choice.

boatbuilder said...

Small-town nuttiness. They have apparently "known each other since childhood."

But remarkably enough, no need to play "Guess the Party." Because it's the first word of the headline.

Jersey Fled said...

I’ve always said it takes a special kind of psychosis to make someone want to run for public office. Nothing over my three score and ten years has changed my mind.

Dave said...

"Seven Days later used a public records request to obtain footage of Morrissey dumping water into Carroll’s bag. That was after the outlet initially reported on Morrissey’s behavior and an ethics investigation into her."

Who's on first?

Rocco said...

Quaestor said…
“If Jaamal Brown can pull a fire alarm in the Capitol and get away with it...”

(Polite applause)

Thank you, thank you. Too often when we think of politicians who make America what it is today, we think of the national ones: the president, congress, or even sometimes state legislators like Gavin. But for our next award, we salute the “little guy (or gal)”. Local politicians whose actions display what being a politician is all about in America today. And it’s not just one side of the aisle. Republicans, Democrats, Socialists, Independents, and Mavericks have all demonstrated the ability to come together in the spirit of bipartisanship for our next award.

The Jamaal Bowman Aspirational Image Award goes to….

gspencer said...

Carroll - an R
Morrissey - a D

It's always the left who is/are the aggressors. From Democrats to Muslims.

rastajenk said...

How does Vermont politics work, that two people can represent the same district at the same time? That strikes me as odd.

Bob Boyd said...

Maybe they had an affair and she was pouring all the tears she cried over him into his backpack.

Sally327 said...

It's petty cruelty, the kind of thing children do to each other. And because it is so immature and pointless, an adult doing it makes you think there's untreated mental illness at the root of it all. Would her behavior have escalated to something more harmful had she not been caught?

She does need to resign.

Bob Boyd said...

If the party affiliations had been reversed this story would have a completely different spin. The water dumping woman would be portrayed as creative and hilarious and the article would encourage other Dem pols to pull pranks on their inherently illegitimate Republican opponents.

Bob Boyd said...

Her psychiatrist prescribed water pills but she quit taking them.

rehajm said...

but she needs to resign

…the political asymmetry of the call to resign for insane behavior is apparent.

Rusty said...

Rich said...
"Character doesn't matter any more in American public life. That's the real story."
And you're living proof.

It would have been better if she put a piece of fruit in her handbag instead. Every day she finds a banana.

boatbuilder said...

Like a Richard Russo novel.

Jamie said...

Geez, what a jerk move. I agree that she should resign - she doesn't have the requisite maturity to represent her constituents.

Aggie said...

@gspencer, you have it backwards in this instance; the instigator is the Republican.

She does need to resign, it is shameful and deceitful behavior at its worst, for the worst reasons. She isn't fit to serve.

Now: She says she's ashamed of her behavior, but I think it's more likely that she's ashamed now that she's been caught. And as for the high-minded media commentariat: You might also be calling for her to resign, but I don't agree or support your position.

I'll reconsider when the media stops putting 'REPUBLICAN' after a miscreant's name on occasions like this one, and then consistently omitting 'DEMOCRAT' when the wrong-doer is from that party.

Ditto on the Jamal Bowman comments.

Steven Wilson said...

"I walked around this place, paranoid of my fellow legislators, racking my brain trying to think, 'What could I have possibly said or done?'"

I guess showing up drunk to work hadn't crossed his mind as something he could have done?

Okay, she's the kind of petty vindictive person who would routinely abuse her power. In other words, she's perfect for today's political scene and should resign on the basis of that. Shamed shouldn't cover it. She should be mortified. And if I were one of her fellow Republicans I'd try to harry into resigning. It's not because it's the right thing to do. I have a feeling that referencing Churchill's quote about people stumbling over the truth, this flake would have to stumble over the right thing to do. She wouldn't know it was the right thing, she would only know she's fallen down.

As for her "victim." Arrested for drunk driving at 0645. Makes you wonder what he had for breakfast. Makes you wonder if it's breakfast of choice on a daily basis. I have some compassion for him if he's an alcoholic, but he shouldn't be on the people's payroll either. But with his DUI and her pettiness I think we have found prototypical public servants in this our benighted 21st century.

gilbar said...

something so bizarre..
truthfully, What could be SO BIZARRE as a "vermont republican" ? WHAT IS a "vermont republican"?

I'm assuming it's like a "wyoming democrat"? i've met a few of them.. and they were Pretty Bizarre

tim maguire said...

It's hard to see how this is part of a gaslighting scheme. Either there's water all over the things in his bag or there isn't.

I don't know if resignation is called for (I'm not saying it isn't), but an apology doesn't seem like enough either. She damaged his personal property so a criminal complaint isn't out of line.

MadisonMan said...

We need more women in politics.

Big Mike said...

Opposite parties but same city? I suspect there’s more history there than has come out so far. Still, a very childish act on Morrissey‘a part.

Jupiter said...

Maybe she just hates his filthy Commie guts. I could relate to that.

narciso said...

Because red blanket guardian tells you so, what was their reaction to the alexandria attempted massacre, squirrels i bet

rhhardin said...

Long ago when I rode my bike to work in NJ, from 10 to 50 miles each way depending on scenic route and weather, an office mate confided a conspiracy to load my bike pack up with rocks but they decided I was too strong and wouldn't even notice it.

FullMoon said...

As a teen. there was a neighbor always tinkering with his car attempting to improve hisgas mileage.
Every once in a while, we would siphon a couple of gallons from his gas tank.
Then, put it back in a week later.
Kept him guessing

All in fun..

Temujin said...

We often get our national legislators from within the state legislatures of the states they reside in. It's like our minor league. The training ground for new legislators. Obviously, not all of our US Congress first spent time in their state legislature, but most of them have.

It's good to see the training ground teaching the basics.

RCOCEAN II said...

THis story is very strange, and very annoying.

First, WHY did she do this? We don't get anything from the article except "Gosh, its all a mystery". Did she dislike him? Did they clash over issues? Was the dislike shown in other ways?

Where are the details?! We get no sense of their relationship or who they are.

Also, why did it take so long to discover someone was pouring water in your backpack? Was he so stupid or drunk he didn't notice the first 4 or 5 times? And what was IN the backpack? Anything that could be damaged? I guess not.

As for party labels, I wouldn't put much stock in them. Vermont is so far left that even the Republicans like Joe Biden. They're larry hogan Republicans.

Old and slow said...

"As a teen. there was a neighbor always tinkering with his car attempting to improve hisgas mileage..."

I don't even care if this story is true or not. It's still funny.

PM said...

If a man did that to her, it'd be sexist, therefore discriminatory and grounds for dismissal with prejudice. Veritas dixit, so high-school.

Yancey Ward said...

Sure, Morrissy might be crazy- or, Carroll has done something in the past that Morrissey thought warranted a long term retaliation. Such things usually aren't just out of the blue for no reason at all but craziness.

Rocco said...

“ It's not enough to apologize for doing this.”

Agreed. And you know any apology will be watered down anyway.

Mason G said...

What a stupid, petty thing to do. On the plus side, Mr. Carroll can take some comfort in knowing that, if the parties had been reversed, he'd probably have been swatted or arrested on some fake charge instead.

Leora said...

That must be a really old photograph of her - she's 67.

Known Unknown said...

Typical dinosaur media.

"Filmed" in headline. No video in article.

Mary Beth said...

What she did was childish. Is it more childish than pulling a fire alarm?

I think there's more to the story - some hometown grievance - and he has a good idea of why she targeted him, but has decided it's in his best interest to pretend to be bewildered by it all.

Josephbleau said...

When I was a child, I believed the bs. When I became a man I gave up childish things.

Rusty said...

Jamie said...
"Geez, what a jerk move. I agree that she should resign - she doesn't have the requisite maturity to represent her constituents."

Why? The guy that pulled the fire alarm didn't resign.

And when she starts to lose her shit over the bananas the next day you leave an orange.