The only one I didn't agree with swing staters was the question about getting news from tik tok, youtube ect. I don't. They do, I guess...but not by a big percentage.
I would first cast suspicion on the notion that "deciders" say that "threats to democracy" are one of their "top" issues - soooo much vagueness and ambiguity in that statement. Who or what is a "decider," how did the Post cherry-pick their opinions, what did the Post identify as a "threat to our democracy," and how high up on the list of issues does this undefined "threat" have to be to be not the top, but "one of their top issues?
Unable to take quiz. However, I can look at recent polls:
Threat to Democracy is not a question asked. Immigration, Inflation, Crime and Violence top the polls. I suppose unconstrained illegal immigration used to change demographics and to commit crimes and violence against the population is a threat to democracy, but I doubt the soon to be unemployed WaPo writers share my views.
Here, NPR claims to know what is on voters minds: But no data is presented to support their claims. For instance, the headline says Guns is a major issue for voters, but the articles provided is only statistics on gun violence. Nothing about what voters think especially compared to any other issue.
The only one I didn't agree with swing staters was the question about getting news from tik tok, youtube ect. I don't. They do, I guess...but not by a big percentage.
Everyone on the panel is in business and they don't have any of the "journalism" stupidity.
From there you can branch out to Tucker, Greenwald, Owens, All In One, etc. The news on these independent channels is so much better than anything in print or on TV.
There is a Governor Moore in Maryland people are talking about now.
He checks all the boxes and would probably be willing to let the Regime run things as a figurehead.
They wont pick Gavin because Gavin wants to be in charge. Obama would do it but I think they realize she would be exposed as the hateful creature she is by Trump.
Can't read it - a window slides up from the bottom announcing I've been given Free Access !!! Then it demands that I sign in or subscribe to see it. I think the 'Free Access' is only good for a few hits, maybe? Still deceptive though - big surprise.
This is part of the final=panic-push by this and other liberal news outlets to convince the WH and DNC that Biden will lose the election and needs to drop out in favor of Newsome.
You’ve been pushing that narrative for a while Dave. Isn’t it getting late in the game? Some of us are going to need some seppuku from you if it doesn’t happen…well, me 😂
I recommend The PBD Podcast for starting out. Most people on this board will be more comfortable there.
From there you can branch out to Tucker, Greenwald, Owens, All In One, etc. The news on these independent channels is so much better than anything in print or on TV.
6/23/24, 9:45 AM
I don't have a phone, so I haven't really gotten into podcasts, but I do follow the others and people like James O'keefe ect from their websites ....Just not into tik tok
Aggie- you have to put an email address in the box on the left to be let in. It has to be a real address- I tried a bogus email and it did not work. I do have a "burner" email and used that. I'm not a Decider (Texas!) but I'm in agreement with them in all but one question (I am very satisfied with one of the candidates). It's apparent that the people who take the test are very different from the WaPo commenters, who are 98% TDS sufferers. I agree with Achilles- WaPo is trying to prepare the battlefield for a Trump victory so their TDS-addled folx's heads don't explode on Election Night. It's not going to work, based on WaPo comments. I wonder if the young lefties who are planning their summer activities in the streets of blue cities are smart enough to know that everything they do will be an in-kind contribution to the Trump Campaign. I think the CCP-funded ones will hold back, but the Soros Kidz lack the discipline and common sense. Buckle up.
B. Shapiro is reporting on the new Fox News poll showing a dead heat, I think it is - pointing out that it's not a swing state poll, not a likely voter poll, but regardless that this thing is not in the bag. He says many of the state polls haven't been updated since May, so they don't capture the conviction effect. 538 also shows a dead heat, each candidate winning in 500 out of 1000 tested scenarios, but gives the advantage to Biden (my cynicism reads that as, "if it's close, Biden wins because the Democrat vote machine is better").
But the betting odds still give Trump a sizeable edge.
My usual disclaimer: I don't believe Trump will take office next year, no matter what happens. I'd love to be wrong but we saw what disparate forces were brought to bear in 2020 - they even bragged about it later.
Would you be unhappy if either Trump or Biden won the presidency?
That was a poorly worded question. My answer—yes—put me in the double-haters group, but I answered yes because I’d be unhappy if Biden won. It should have asked if I’d be unhappy no matter who won.
That was the only question I wasn’t with the majority on.
wendybar said: “I don't have a phone, so I haven't really gotten into podcasts, but I do follow the others and people like James O'keefe ect from their websites ....Just not into tik tok” All of these podcasts are on YouTube as well. Plus you can download the podcast app on your computer and listen as well. If you get Bluetooth headphones or earbuds you can listen while you’re not at your computer (assuming your computer has Bluetooth connectivity). I speed up anything I listen to. I also pay for Premium YouTube. Otherwise too many commercials - although podcasts usually don’t have any.
What's insane is that the Democrats pushed Kennedy out of the Democrat primary.
Ted was allowed to run against Jimmy Carter, right? When a Democrat president is trailing badly in the polls, you should have opposition. That's democracy.
But Biden pulled an Obama and had his opponents taken off the ballot.
See also the attempts to have Trump removed from the ballot, arrested, silenced, etc.
All of these anti-democratic moves are done to "protect democracy." And more and more people are noticing and worrying about what is being done.
"You can fool all of the people some of the time. And you can fool some of the people all of the time. But you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
A Republican president said that.
Lies + Time = Loss of Faith
Time is Biden's biggest foe. And the older he gets, the more people realize he can't possibly serve another four years. His hunger for power is monstrous and he just can't let it go.
(I think Obama is secretly serving a third term, and many Democrats believe this and hope it's true, but nobody can say anything about it because it's unconstitutional as shit)
First, there is no "Threat to democracy". What the hell does that even mean? Is Biden or Trump going to mount a coup and tell congress to go home? Stupid.
There's a question "Would you be upset if either Trump or Biden got elected?" I had to read it twice to make I understood what it meant. Of course, Id be upset if Biden got elected so I sad yes. The response then labeled a "Double Hater". Huh?
This is real way the MSM controls the discourse. The come with these phony issues, like "Threats to Democracy" and before you know it everyone is taking about it like its real. Its not!
BTW, I know exactly how the CNN debate will go. First, CNN will give Biden the questions in advance. Second, all the questions to Trump will be about his felony convictions, Threats to democracy, the J6 insurrection, supporting Nazis, opposing a "womens right to choose", and how all of GOPe hate his guts and say he has bad character. Also, lots of questions on who loves Isreal more, and why doest Trump love evil dictators like Putin.
There will be very few questions on the economy, crime, illegal aliens, amnesty, inflation, or Biden's attempt to put trump in Jail. Or Biden's senile behavior. OR his breaking the workers strike, or the deficit.
Look for all the gulible rubes to amazed when CNN acts like Joe biden's second.
"That was a poorly worded question. My answer—yes—put me in the double-haters group, but I answered yes because I’d be unhappy if Biden won. It should have asked if I’d be unhappy no matter who won."
I made the same mistake on this question. Some people say there is no "threat to democracy", but that is not true. Biden is a very real threat. He is trying to lock up his political rival.
I live in PA, where my vote in the election will matter. I'm leaning toward casting a vote for Trump, and my brother's doing his best to try to get me to vote that way.
I also read this blog, and I'll tell you why I might not vote. There are several aggressively stupid bullies--most notably Achilles and Drago--that infect these comments sections every day. And I really want to see you lose, because you're f**king awful people. I really want to see you impotently whinge and cry about another "stolen" election.
Lilly, a dog: "I also read this blog, and I'll tell you why I might not vote. There are several aggressively stupid bullies--most notably Achilles and Drago--that infect these comments sections every day. And I really want to see you lose, because you're f**king awful people. I really want to see you impotently whinge and cry about another "stolen" election."
I see you have some issues you need to work through.
Good luck.
I am also betting that all those US citizen families that have suffered horrifically due to the open borders crime policies you are clearly okay with, along with fentanyl by the hundreds of tons pouring across the border, not to mention families not being able to afford housing, food and gas along with war proliferation everywhere is really a small price to pay to get a chance to read Achilles and my complaints about clearly stolen elections.
You sound positively delightful and not like an "AWFL" person at all!
I wish you well...but I wish better for the nation.
I'm mostly a decider, per their test. Which is odd since the only thing I've decided is not voting for either Joe or the Other Guy. 'Threats to democracy'? Sooo histrionic. The Post must have HPD.
Drago said: "...all those US citizen families that have suffered horrifically due to the open borders crime policies you are clearly okay with..."
When did I say any of that, you piece of shit? This is why you're a mendacious asshole.
I can play your game too. You admit in that sentence that you don't live in the United States, and that you empathize with US citizens. Where do you actually live, Drago?
Lilly, a dog: "You admit in that sentence that you don't live in the United States, and that you empathize with US citizens. Where do you actually live, Drago?"
Apparently in your head. Rent free. Sort of like the illegals being privided free housing after the democraticals booted out veterans.
Dave Begley said... Achilles is right. This poll will be used to push Biden out. But who will the Dems nominate? VDH suggested Josh Shapiro of PA. A total unknown! Just like Jimmy Carter. I still think it will be Hillary or Gavin.
Right, they're going to get the far left DNC delegates to vote for "Josh Shapiro", a "cis het white male" with a "Jewish name", from teh State that just gave us Senator Fetterman, the "progressive" who's been hard core pro-Israel.
Pull the other leg, it plays "Jingle Bells"
Hillary already lost to Trump once. Gavin's another DEI bad guy, who got his butt kicked on national TV by DeSantis.
If it's not Joe, it will be Kamala, or else someone just as high up the DEI Victimhood hierarchy as she is. Like Michelle or Oprah.
Don't get me wrong: I would LOVE for the Dems to piss all over their voting base, dump Joe, dump Kamala, and go with a cis het white male.
But I dont' believe they're stupid / suicidal enough to do it.
They let the Biden team screw them over in 2020 with teh Kamala pick. Now they're going to pay for it
Blogger Jamie said... B. Shapiro is reporting on the new Fox News poll showing a dead heat, I think it is - pointing out that it's not a swing state poll, not a likely voter poll, but regardless that this thing is not in the bag.
Unless all of a sudden NY and CA aren't hard core D States, then any "national poll" that has it tied is pretty much a 3 pt Trump lead. Aside from that, the entire Fox "elections division" is hard core left wing. So if they're calling it a tie, it's better than that for Trump.
He says many of the state polls haven't been updated since May, so they don't capture the conviction effect.
All the post "conviction" state polls that I've seen have still been pro-Trump. So this is BS
538 also shows a dead heat, each candidate winning in 500 out of 1000 tested scenarios, but gives the advantage to Biden
The 538 "election prediction" came out "Biden is winning". The way they did this was to add "economic fundamentals" that use dishonest numbers to goose everything for Biden.
And even with that, their second round switched to "tie"
The Democrats had one chance to save themselves for 2024: They should have opened up the primary last year.
If there had been actually ANY "wise men" (or even wise women) in the top part of the Party, they would have gone to Joe's team, said "look, you get this run, then you're done. Kamala sucks, so we're going to have a primary. YOU are going to sit out."
The Democrat Primary voters could have given Kamala the boot, and black female Democrat voters MIGHT have accepted it. But they're not going to accept anyone else doing it.
They nailed their colors to the mast, and now they're going down with them
Greg: "If it's not Joe, it will be Kamala, or else someone just as high up the DEI Victimhood hierarchy as she is. Like Michelle or Oprah."
I am with Greg here. The dems have locked themselves into particular racial/gender categories, and cannot walk away from that without potentially devastating effects, even with the cheat machine that Lilly, a dog, clearly believes is fictional!
"I also read this blog, and I'll tell you why I might not vote. There are several aggressively stupid bullies--most notably Achilles and Drago--that infect these comments sections every day. And I really want to see you lose, because you're f**king awful people. I really want to see you impotently whinge and cry about another "stolen" election."
How can you argue with that?
Seems rather overdramatic, but it's your vote. Knock yourself out, I guess.
If Biden really thought Trump was a threat to democracy, Biden would tell the Dems to run some focus groups to pick the strongest non-elderly centrist candidate and then step aside in favor of him or her. I like Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, because he was a businessman before going into politics and seems to have an IQ in triple figures. He's also a married gay man with two kids, so he's got some diversity appeal, but I'm not sure if that helps or hurts him with the general electorate. Or maybe Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Not crazy or senile!
Joanne Jacobs said... Or maybe Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Not crazy or senile!
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, of MN, is such a lousy politician that she came in 5th, with 12.4% of the vote, in IA, a neighboring State to MN with similar demographics.
6th place was Yang, with 1% of the vote. So, basically, of everyone still in the race campaigning in IA, she came in last, despite essentially having home field advantage.
She's a non-entity who couldn't' campaign on a nationwide lever if her life depended on it
I had a very surprising conversation with an old friend today who was asking advice on the timing of a major decision. I felt that I had to say "Well, you know, the political situation is very unstable right now, and who knows what it will be in November or January, so you have to keep that in mind. If we end up in a Civil War, all bets are off." I was being diplomatic. Friend and I never have never talked politics, but friend has lived in Santa Cruz for 20 years, does yoga and tarot cards mentions healing energy a lot and is in higher education and I have to believe is pretty much a good-hearted generic Bay Area Liberal. So I was taken aback when friend said: "Yeah. It could get really bad. You would hope that the people in charge would read the room and not try the same stuff they did in the last election, because they're either going to get caught this time or no one will believe the results. Suck it up, fight Trump from the inside again, and run better candidates next time." I really was floored to hear this, but I also didn't want to turn the conversation into pure politics, so I just asked "Do you really think there's a massive shift to Trump?" "No, but nothing Biden has done has worked and all the non-political people know it and have already decided, and I can't blame them." I can't say that friend is wrong. And I also am very worried that the people who have the power to back away from the ledge don't have the wisdom to do so and are also so insulated from normal people that they have no idea how unpopular they are right now. And this is where, I think, Biden being an obvious dementia patient (which at this point only toad-eating partisans lacking all self-respect would deny) is actually making it not matter if Biden is dumped for Kamala or Governor Hair-gel or Unnamed Democrat. Everybody knows that Biden isn't running anything, so kicking him to the curb still won't get rid of all insanely stupid policies that are hurting the normals so much (even here in Darkest Massachusetts I have not met a single person outside of academia who thinks keeping the border open and refusing to arrest criminals or letting then out with no bail makes any sense at all). My guess is that the real reason no movement to dump Biden has gotten any traction despite his obvious feeblemindedness is that the real, unreleased polling shows that ditching Biden doesn't make much of a difference: many people have decided to vote for Trump not because they like Trump, but simply to say "No more of this!" in the same way that a good chunk of Trump's 2016 win was, I think, people who were saying "Why won't you listen? WE DON'T WANT HILARY CLINTON!" The thing is, that kind of vote is not going to be changed by the 10-millionth-and-first attack on Trump's "character" or hyperventilating about his "ending Democracy." You'd have to go back to Bill Clinton-like "centrism," and I don't see the Democrats wanting or being able to do that. I just hope that the Powers that Be realize all this and decide that this election is not close enough to risk trying to fraud.
Geeze Lily, why are you picking on Rusty? Drago fancies himself to be funny, and I can see how that might grate on a person, but really, there are better reasons to decide who to vote for. You are giving women a bad name with this over the top emotionalism.
Joanne Jacobs said... Or maybe Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Not crazy or senile!
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, of MN, is such a lousy politician that she came in 5th, with 12.4% of the vote, in IA, a neighboring State to MN with similar demographics.
6th place was Yang, with 1% of the vote. So, basically, of everyone still in the race campaigning in IA, she came in last, despite essentially having home field advantage.
She's a non-entity who couldn't' campaign on a nationwide lever if her life depended on it
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The only one I didn't agree with swing staters was the question about getting news from tik tok, youtube ect. I don't. They do, I guess...but not by a big percentage.
Looks like they are trying to talk down their pawns.
They are realizing that they need to distance themselves from the censorship and the political persecutions.
This was all easily predictable.
There is also a massive fight going on inside the WAPO now that Bezos has apparently lost.
I would first cast suspicion on the notion that "deciders" say that "threats to democracy" are one of their "top" issues - soooo much vagueness and ambiguity in that statement. Who or what is a "decider," how did the Post cherry-pick their opinions, what did the Post identify as a "threat to our democracy," and how high up on the list of issues does this undefined "threat" have to be to be not the top, but "one of their top issues?
When WaPo push-polling still favors Trump, the dems best look out!
Unable to take quiz. However, I can look at recent polls:
Threat to Democracy is not a question asked. Immigration, Inflation, Crime and Violence top the polls. I suppose unconstrained illegal immigration used to change demographics and to commit crimes and violence against the population is a threat to democracy, but I doubt the soon to be unemployed WaPo writers share my views.
Here, NPR claims to know what is on voters minds:
But no data is presented to support their claims. For instance, the headline says Guns is a major issue for voters, but the articles provided is only statistics on gun violence. Nothing about what voters think especially compared to any other issue.
The comments at the Post are fun.
Style of most seem somehow familiar.
Taking the quiz requires me to give the Washington Post my contact information? That is "free" only in some technical sense of the word.
wendybar said...
The only one I didn't agree with swing staters was the question about getting news from tik tok, youtube ect. I don't. They do, I guess...but not by a big percentage.
I recommend the The PBD Podcast for starting out. Most people on this board will be more comfortable there.
Everyone on the panel is in business and they don't have any of the "journalism" stupidity.
From there you can branch out to Tucker, Greenwald, Owens, All In One, etc. The news on these independent channels is so much better than anything in print or on TV.
Lame. Link prompted me to sign in and then blocked me with subscribe pop-up. It’s not acting like it’s free access.
Achilles is right. This poll will be used to push Biden out.
But who will the Dems nominate? VDH suggested Josh Shapiro of PA. A total unknown! Just like Jimmy Carter.
I still think it will be Hillary or Gavin.
I don't want the Post to have my email address, so I guess I don't get to play.
what does it mean to trust someone on "threats to democracy"?
I always took WaPo slogan 'Democracy dies in Darkness' as their boast = we are killing it! in plain sight
Dave Begley said...
I still think it will be Hillary or Gavin.
There is a Governor Moore in Maryland people are talking about now.
He checks all the boxes and would probably be willing to let the Regime run things as a figurehead.
They wont pick Gavin because Gavin wants to be in charge. Obama would do it but I think they realize she would be exposed as the hateful creature she is by Trump.
Can't read it - a window slides up from the bottom announcing I've been given Free Access !!! Then it demands that I sign in or subscribe to see it. I think the 'Free Access' is only good for a few hits, maybe? Still deceptive though - big surprise.
LOL! WaPo is apparently even failing at push-polling!
This is part of the final=panic-push by this and other liberal news outlets to convince the WH and DNC that Biden will lose the election and needs to drop out in favor of Newsome.
This poll will be used to push Biden out
You’ve been pushing that narrative for a while Dave. Isn’t it getting late in the game? Some of us are going to need some seppuku from you if it doesn’t happen…well, me 😂
I recommend The PBD Podcast for starting out. Most people on this board will be more comfortable there.
From there you can branch out to Tucker, Greenwald, Owens, All In One, etc. The news on these independent channels is so much better than anything in print or on TV.
6/23/24, 9:45 AM
I don't have a phone, so I haven't really gotten into podcasts, but I do follow the others and people like James O'keefe ect from their websites ....Just not into tik tok
Aggie- you have to put an email address in the box on the left to be let in. It has to be a real address- I tried a bogus email and it did not work. I do have a "burner" email and used that.
I'm not a Decider (Texas!) but I'm in agreement with them in all but one question (I am very satisfied with one of the candidates).
It's apparent that the people who take the test are very different from the WaPo commenters, who are 98% TDS sufferers.
I agree with Achilles- WaPo is trying to prepare the battlefield for a Trump victory so their TDS-addled folx's heads don't explode on Election Night. It's not going to work, based on WaPo comments.
I wonder if the young lefties who are planning their summer activities in the streets of blue cities are smart enough to know that everything they do will be an in-kind contribution to the Trump Campaign. I think the CCP-funded ones will hold back, but the Soros Kidz lack the discipline and common sense. Buckle up.
Whenever the phrase "threat to democracy" issues forth from the lips of a Democrat, the meaning is this: My power over your life is waning. ����������
My proofreading is terrible today! Trying again:
B. Shapiro is reporting on the new Fox News poll showing a dead heat, I think it is - pointing out that it's not a swing state poll, not a likely voter poll, but regardless that this thing is not in the bag. He says many of the state polls haven't been updated since May, so they don't capture the conviction effect. 538 also shows a dead heat, each candidate winning in 500 out of 1000 tested scenarios, but gives the advantage to Biden (my cynicism reads that as, "if it's close, Biden wins because the Democrat vote machine is better").
But the betting odds still give Trump a sizeable edge.
My usual disclaimer: I don't believe Trump will take office next year, no matter what happens. I'd love to be wrong but we saw what disparate forces were brought to bear in 2020 - they even bragged about it later.
The comments over there are pretty rich, made me chuckle.
'Threat to democracy' is not a thing.
Those are made up bullshit words by white, middle class Chardonnay women who obsess over their cats.
We have become a nation without balls.
That's interesting. My e-mail address is And it turns out I already have an account.
Apple has a feature called "Hide My Email". I've been meaning to dive into it to understand how it works.
Would you be unhappy if either Trump or Biden won the presidency?
That was a poorly worded question. My answer—yes—put me in the double-haters group, but I answered yes because I’d be unhappy if Biden won. It should have asked if I’d be unhappy no matter who won.
That was the only question I wasn’t with the majority on.
wendybar said:
“I don't have a phone, so I haven't really gotten into podcasts, but I do follow the others and people like James O'keefe ect from their websites ....Just not into tik tok”
All of these podcasts are on YouTube as well. Plus you can download the podcast app on your computer and listen as well.
If you get Bluetooth headphones or earbuds you can listen while you’re not at your computer (assuming your computer has Bluetooth connectivity). I speed up anything I listen to. I also pay for Premium YouTube. Otherwise too many commercials - although podcasts usually don’t have any.
Local television and network news programs are the top sources of political news for Deciders and non-Deciders alike.
Welp, there's the problem right there. It's low-information voters all the way down.
Why is it that Trump's side has a diverse skin color group while Biden's is decidedly low on lighter skin tones?
Of those two groups, isn't Trump's side more representative of America?
Looking at the selection criteria which identify Althouse as a "Decider," I think these people would better be labeled as "Can't Deciders."
Also, this poll, with its convoluted methodology, ended the day before the NY bookkeeping conviction.
My e-mail address is
I may give that a try!
What's insane is that the Democrats pushed Kennedy out of the Democrat primary.
Ted was allowed to run against Jimmy Carter, right? When a Democrat president is trailing badly in the polls, you should have opposition. That's democracy.
But Biden pulled an Obama and had his opponents taken off the ballot.
See also the attempts to have Trump removed from the ballot, arrested, silenced, etc.
All of these anti-democratic moves are done to "protect democracy." And more and more people are noticing and worrying about what is being done.
"You can fool all of the people some of the time. And you can fool some of the people all of the time. But you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
A Republican president said that.
Lies + Time = Loss of Faith
Time is Biden's biggest foe. And the older he gets, the more people realize he can't possibly serve another four years. His hunger for power is monstrous and he just can't let it go.
(I think Obama is secretly serving a third term, and many Democrats believe this and hope it's true, but nobody can say anything about it because it's unconstitutional as shit)
What biased absurd questions!
First, there is no "Threat to democracy". What the hell does that even mean? Is Biden or Trump going to mount a coup and tell congress to go home? Stupid.
There's a question "Would you be upset if either Trump or Biden got elected?" I had to read it twice to make I understood what it meant. Of course, Id be upset if Biden got elected so I sad yes. The response then labeled a "Double Hater". Huh?
This is real way the MSM controls the discourse. The come with these phony issues, like "Threats to Democracy" and before you know it everyone is taking about it like its real. Its not!
BTW, I know exactly how the CNN debate will go. First, CNN will give Biden the questions in advance. Second, all the questions to Trump will be about his felony convictions, Threats to democracy, the J6 insurrection, supporting Nazis, opposing a "womens right to choose", and how all of GOPe hate his guts and say he has bad character. Also, lots of questions on who loves Isreal more, and why doest Trump love evil dictators like Putin.
There will be very few questions on the economy, crime, illegal aliens, amnesty, inflation, or Biden's attempt to put trump in Jail. Or Biden's senile behavior. OR his breaking the workers strike, or the deficit.
Look for all the gulible rubes to amazed when CNN acts like Joe biden's second.
Blogger tim maguire said...
"That was a poorly worded question. My answer—yes—put me in the double-haters group, but I answered yes because I’d be unhappy if Biden won. It should have asked if I’d be unhappy no matter who won."
I made the same mistake on this question. Some people say there is no "threat to democracy", but that is not true. Biden is a very real threat. He is trying to lock up his political rival.
I live in PA, where my vote in the election will matter. I'm leaning toward casting a vote for Trump, and my brother's doing his best to try to get me to vote that way.
I also read this blog, and I'll tell you why I might not vote. There are several aggressively stupid bullies--most notably Achilles and Drago--that infect these comments sections every day.
And I really want to see you lose, because you're f**king awful people. I really want to see you impotently whinge and cry about another "stolen" election.
Lilly, a dog: "I also read this blog, and I'll tell you why I might not vote. There are several aggressively stupid bullies--most notably Achilles and Drago--that infect these comments sections every day.
And I really want to see you lose, because you're f**king awful people. I really want to see you impotently whinge and cry about another "stolen" election."
I see you have some issues you need to work through.
Good luck.
I am also betting that all those US citizen families that have suffered horrifically due to the open borders crime policies you are clearly okay with, along with fentanyl by the hundreds of tons pouring across the border, not to mention families not being able to afford housing, food and gas along with war proliferation everywhere is really a small price to pay to get a chance to read Achilles and my complaints about clearly stolen elections.
You sound positively delightful and not like an "AWFL" person at all!
I wish you well...but I wish better for the nation.
My e-mail address is
I may give that a try!
I'm just hoping the password is "password123"
It is well known that survey questions can be written in such a way as to yield the desired result, however ambiguous.
I'm mostly a decider, per their test. Which is odd since the only thing I've decided is not voting for either Joe or the Other Guy. 'Threats to democracy'? Sooo histrionic. The Post must have HPD.
Drago said:
"...all those US citizen families that have suffered horrifically due to the open borders crime policies you are clearly okay with..."
When did I say any of that, you piece of shit? This is why you're a mendacious asshole.
I can play your game too. You admit in that sentence that you don't live in the United States, and that you empathize with US citizens. Where do you actually live, Drago?
Submit proof.
Lilly, a dog: "You admit in that sentence that you don't live in the United States, and that you empathize with US citizens. Where do you actually live, Drago?"
Apparently in your head. Rent free. Sort of like the illegals being privided free housing after the democraticals booted out veterans.
I hope that helps.
Dave Begley said...
Achilles is right. This poll will be used to push Biden out.
But who will the Dems nominate? VDH suggested Josh Shapiro of PA. A total unknown! Just like Jimmy Carter.
I still think it will be Hillary or Gavin.
Right, they're going to get the far left DNC delegates to vote for "Josh Shapiro", a "cis het white male" with a "Jewish name", from teh State that just gave us Senator Fetterman, the "progressive" who's been hard core pro-Israel.
Pull the other leg, it plays "Jingle Bells"
Hillary already lost to Trump once. Gavin's another DEI bad guy, who got his butt kicked on national TV by DeSantis.
If it's not Joe, it will be Kamala, or else someone just as high up the DEI Victimhood hierarchy as she is.
Like Michelle or Oprah.
Don't get me wrong: I would LOVE for the Dems to piss all over their voting base, dump Joe, dump Kamala, and go with a cis het white male.
But I dont' believe they're stupid / suicidal enough to do it.
They let the Biden team screw them over in 2020 with teh Kamala pick. Now they're going to pay for it
I'll ask again Drago, since you are too much of a pussy to answer.
Where do you live?
Prove it.
Blogger Jamie said...
B. Shapiro is reporting on the new Fox News poll showing a dead heat, I think it is - pointing out that it's not a swing state poll, not a likely voter poll, but regardless that this thing is not in the bag.
Unless all of a sudden NY and CA aren't hard core D States, then any "national poll" that has it tied is pretty much a 3 pt Trump lead.
Aside from that, the entire Fox "elections division" is hard core left wing. So if they're calling it a tie, it's better than that for Trump.
He says many of the state polls haven't been updated since May, so they don't capture the conviction effect.
All the post "conviction" state polls that I've seen have still been pro-Trump. So this is BS
538 also shows a dead heat, each candidate winning in 500 out of 1000 tested scenarios, but gives the advantage to Biden
The 538 "election prediction" came out "Biden is winning". The way they did this was to add "economic fundamentals" that use dishonest numbers to goose everything for Biden.
And even with that, their second round switched to "tie"
The Democrats had one chance to save themselves for 2024: They should have opened up the primary last year.
If there had been actually ANY "wise men" (or even wise women) in the top part of the Party, they would have gone to Joe's team, said "look, you get this run, then you're done. Kamala sucks, so we're going to have a primary. YOU are going to sit out."
The Democrat Primary voters could have given Kamala the boot, and black female Democrat voters MIGHT have accepted it. But they're not going to accept anyone else doing it.
They nailed their colors to the mast, and now they're going down with them
Lilly, a dog: "I'll ask again Drago, since you are too much of a pussy to answer.
Where do you live?
Prove it."
What sort of "proof" are you looking for? Be precise now.
Greg: "If it's not Joe, it will be Kamala, or else someone just as high up the DEI Victimhood hierarchy as she is.
Like Michelle or Oprah."
I am with Greg here. The dems have locked themselves into particular racial/gender categories, and cannot walk away from that without potentially devastating effects, even with the cheat machine that Lilly, a dog, clearly believes is fictional!
I think you're being asked on a date.
Rusty: "Drago.
I think you're being asked on a date."
I think it might be a "So I Married An Axe Murderer" sort of "date".
"I also read this blog, and I'll tell you why I might not vote. There are several aggressively stupid bullies--most notably Achilles and Drago--that infect these comments sections every day.
And I really want to see you lose, because you're f**king awful people. I really want to see you impotently whinge and cry about another "stolen" election."
How can you argue with that?
Seems rather overdramatic, but it's your vote. Knock yourself out, I guess.
I suspect that a member of the éminence grise that really runs the country is Hillary. She is punishing us for rejecting her in 2016, and she may not be satisfied until she gets a nuclear war to kill all the men.
"and she may not be satisfied until she gets a nuclear war to kill all the men."
Progressives are easily confused when it comes to sex/gender. Does she even know what a man is?
What U.S. state you live in, Drago? I'll even believe you if you answer.
Oh, and Rusty, go brush your tooth.
If Biden really thought Trump was a threat to democracy, Biden would tell the Dems to run some focus groups to pick the strongest non-elderly centrist candidate and then step aside in favor of him or her. I like Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, because he was a businessman before going into politics and seems to have an IQ in triple figures. He's also a married gay man with two kids, so he's got some diversity appeal, but I'm not sure if that helps or hurts him with the general electorate. Or maybe Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Not crazy or senile!
Joanne Jacobs said...
Or maybe Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Not crazy or senile!
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, of MN, is such a lousy politician that she came in 5th, with 12.4% of the vote, in IA, a neighboring State to MN with similar demographics.
6th place was Yang, with 1% of the vote. So, basically, of everyone still in the race campaigning in IA, she came in last, despite essentially having home field advantage.
She's a non-entity who couldn't' campaign on a nationwide lever if her life depended on it
Lilly, a dog: "What U.S. state you live in, Drago? I'll even believe you if you answer."
I'll give you a hint: its been right there in my profile, available for all to see, for a mere 12 years or so.
I had a very surprising conversation with an old friend today who was asking advice on the timing of a major decision. I felt that I had to say "Well, you know, the political situation is very unstable right now, and who knows what it will be in November or January, so you have to keep that in mind. If we end up in a Civil War, all bets are off."
I was being diplomatic. Friend and I never have never talked politics, but friend has lived in Santa Cruz for 20 years, does yoga and tarot cards mentions healing energy a lot and is in higher education and I have to believe is pretty much a good-hearted generic Bay Area Liberal. So I was taken aback when friend said: "Yeah. It could get really bad. You would hope that the people in charge would read the room and not try the same stuff they did in the last election, because they're either going to get caught this time or no one will believe the results. Suck it up, fight Trump from the inside again, and run better candidates next time."
I really was floored to hear this, but I also didn't want to turn the conversation into pure politics, so I just asked "Do you really think there's a massive shift to Trump?"
"No, but nothing Biden has done has worked and all the non-political people know it and have already decided, and I can't blame them."
I can't say that friend is wrong. And I also am very worried that the people who have the power to back away from the ledge don't have the wisdom to do so and are also so insulated from normal people that they have no idea how unpopular they are right now.
And this is where, I think, Biden being an obvious dementia patient (which at this point only toad-eating partisans lacking all self-respect would deny) is actually making it not matter if Biden is dumped for Kamala or Governor Hair-gel or Unnamed Democrat. Everybody knows that Biden isn't running anything, so kicking him to the curb still won't get rid of all insanely stupid policies that are hurting the normals so much (even here in Darkest Massachusetts I have not met a single person outside of academia who thinks keeping the border open and refusing to arrest criminals or letting then out with no bail makes any sense at all).
My guess is that the real reason no movement to dump Biden has gotten any traction despite his obvious feeblemindedness is that the real, unreleased polling shows that ditching Biden doesn't make much of a difference: many people have decided to vote for Trump not because they like Trump, but simply to say "No more of this!" in the same way that a good chunk of Trump's 2016 win was, I think, people who were saying "Why won't you listen? WE DON'T WANT HILARY CLINTON!"
The thing is, that kind of vote is not going to be changed by the 10-millionth-and-first attack on Trump's "character" or hyperventilating about his "ending Democracy." You'd have to go back to Bill Clinton-like "centrism," and I don't see the Democrats wanting or being able to do that.
I just hope that the Powers that Be realize all this and decide that this election is not close enough to risk trying to fraud.
Or maybe Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Not crazy or senile!
She eats salad with a comb. A used comb that she had previously run through her hair many times.
Lilly, a dog said...
"What U.S. state you live in, Drago? I'll even believe you if you answer.
Oh, and Rusty, go brush your tooth."
Tak, tsk.
I have nearly a whole set thank you very much. Some of them are even original!
I bet my implants cost more than your car.(The price you pay for being a wiseass)
Lilly, a dog said...
"What U.S. state you live in, Drago? I'll even believe you if you answer.
Oh, and Rusty, go brush your tooth."
Tak, tsk.
I have nearly a whole set thank you very much. Some of them are even original!
I bet my implants cost more than your car.(The price you pay for being a wiseass)
Geeze Lily, why are you picking on Rusty? Drago fancies himself to be funny, and I can see how that might grate on a person, but really, there are better reasons to decide who to vote for. You are giving women a bad name with this over the top emotionalism.
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Joanne Jacobs said...
Or maybe Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Not crazy or senile!
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, of MN, is such a lousy politician that she came in 5th, with 12.4% of the vote, in IA, a neighboring State to MN with similar demographics.
6th place was Yang, with 1% of the vote. So, basically, of everyone still in the race campaigning in IA, she came in last, despite essentially having home field advantage.
She's a non-entity who couldn't' campaign on a nationwide lever if her life depended on it
I just make up a bs hotmail account. Works very time.
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