June 20, 2024

At the Summer Solstice Café...

... you can talk all night.

(No sunrise picture: It was raining.) 


rehajm said...

Glen Loury book is out. I read this review so won’t invest in the book. Sounds like he’s bragging…

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Temperatures vary from 60 to 100 degrees and all is normal... outside the fractional anomaly that signals catastrophic anthropogenic climate progress.

Big Mike said...

Last week an immigrant from Ecuador named Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi is alleged to have tied up a 13 year old boy and 13 year old girl in a park in Queens, then he raped the girl. Unfortunately for him he has a distinctive tattoo on his chest, and he was recognized, subdued by ten regular citizens, and turned over to police. The subduing seems to have been more than a little rough and apparently included a bit of street justice.

I note the coincidence of his surname, and the name of a lefty troll in the Althouse commentariat. Except I tend not to believe in coincidences.

Ralph L said...

I had an extended, slow-motion online argument with someone who demanded that "notoriety" is always unfavorable fame. His venomous, close-minded insistence was weird, considering it is a trivial topic that someone else had brought up when commenting negatively on a Harvard professor's use of positive notoriety. Has its neutral usage become archaic? And/or did I just cross a nutter?

The rule of Lemnity said...

"Judge in Trump classified documents case rejected chief judge's suggestion to step aside": NYT

The judge in Donald Trump's classified documents case rejected suggestions from two other judges to step aside when the case was first assigned to her, according to a New York Times report.

The suggestions to Judge Aileen Cannon came in two phone calls from her judicial colleagues, including one from Southern District of Florida Chief Judge Cecilia Altonaga, according to the report, which cited two sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


Meanwhile Trump's gag order is still in effect.

narciso said...

oh noes, well you can't have the truth get in the way of the narrative

narciso said...

those sources sound very legit, by the way, like the nuclear codes that were in maralago, right

n.n said...

Inga-Landi is alleged to have tied up a 13 year old boy and 13 year old girl in a park in Queens

That's the one.

Video shows NYPD drag illegal immigrant rape suspect from hiding under car after citizen's arrestChristian Geovanny Inga-Landi allegedly bound, gagged two children together and raped one

Excess rape... uh, rape-rape h/t Whoopi.

Semi driver in deadly Colorado highway crash is illegal immigrant who was deported from US multiple times: ICEIgnacio Cruz-Mendoza was first on ICE's radar as far back as 2002

Ezcess death and injury.

Fortunately, most Americans don't exercise liberal license to indulge Diversity (e.g. racist) judgment.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The story appears in the NYT.

You can't be saying the Times is carrying water for Trump.

Nobody says that.

Mason G said...

"The subduing seems to have been more than a little rough and apparently included a bit of street justice."

Starts this way. At some point, it comes around to the 3-S treatment. If the government won't protect people, they'll eventually decide to do it themselves.

narciso said...

so how many years will fat alvin charge them with, the defenders not the criminal

ga6 said...

and in Chicago the Tribune editorial Board say citizens should just bend over and think of England,


Chicago Tribune is ‘Worrified’ That Chicagoans Are Defending Themselves With Guns

"“Worryingly, we’re seeing more signs of that phenomenon in Chicago, with three separate episodes over the last weekend in which would-be victims proved to be both armed and willing to fire at their assailants,” the board chose to write."

Lilly, a dog said...

Donald Sutherland, RIP.

Gusty Winds said...

Tragic live coverage of a police shooting on I-43 and Keefe Ave. Car jacking pursuit that bled to the Interstate. Six teenagers in a carjacked minivan. That's the recommended out of the way exit for Summerfest as downtown is preparing for the convention. Three teenagers shot. One 18-year-old pregnant girl. Live coverage confirms the baby did not survive.

If you know Milwaukee the Keefe exit of I-43 puts you right into the dilapidated Harambee neighborhood. Heartbreaking poverty. Only minutes from downtown.

Madison and Dane County do not get these interrupting live updates like we do in Waukesha County. We get Milwaukee TV. Police Chief live update was passionate and eloquent. This Milwaukee's reality that the Madison Ivory Tower ignores.

Trump was right. You can take beautiful drone photos of the Lake Michigan on a sunny afternoon, but Milwaukee is deteriorating FAST. The crime is horrible. I love that city. My Irish family goes back to the 1880's there. It is a shithole. And the minorities suffer because of the cheek turning on the part of ivory tower liberals.

Check out the story. It'll hit twitter soon. Predictably timed after the dishonesty of "Trump said Milwaukee is horrible". He was talking about the heartbreaking rise in crazy crime, drugs, and desperation.

Fact is... it is.

Trumps nomination is Milwaukee is needed. Somebody needs to stand up in the middle of that once great city and speak the truth. You're not going to hear it from Tony Evers or Tammy Baldwin, or Milwaukee's idiot mayor. The African-American Police Chief should be mayor.

narciso said...

meanwhile bragg drops nearly all the protester charges, he should wear isaac hayes costume from escape

Mason G said...

“Worryingly, we’re seeing more signs of that phenomenon in Chicago, with three separate episodes over the last weekend in which would-be victims proved to be both armed and willing to fire at their assailants”

As I noted earlier. Not the "worryingly" part, though.

narciso said...

ever since they drove sheriff clarke out of the jurisdiction, well chisholm couldn't operate otherwise could he,

RCOCEAN II said...

The suggestions to Judge Aileen Cannon came in two phone calls from her judicial colleagues, including one from Southern District of Florida Chief Judge Cecilia Altonaga, according to the report, which cited two sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Anything in the MSM that is based on anonymous sources is a lie unless proven otherwise.

narciso said...

you can usually tell by the byline how much codswallop they are willing to swallow, therea a lot of it, if comes from the old Russian hoax crew,

narciso said...

just like claims of genocide, you know, from the folks who slaughtered 1200 civilians,

narciso said...

if I had my druthers I'd look at the byline, but it's really besides no,

Gusty Winds said...

Addition to the tragic ongoing Milwaukee indecent I posted above. Worse than Dane County and Madison liberal white people, are the bordering Ozaukee County and Waukesha County libs who live in safety, and pretend to care about the suffering of Milwaukee's minorities.

Safe red areas turning arrogant, ignorant purple in their air conditioned houses, while warming themselves under electric blankets. Towns like Cedarburg, DELAFIELD, Mequon...

They have ZERO concern. They trap Milwaukee minorities in shit schools, want them to abort their babies, ignore the desperation and drugs, while they live in bordering areas where the Penzey spice-holes put up Trump-Epstein signs to recruit the AWFLs.

The battle for Wisconsin is HUGE. Trump picked deteriorating Milwaukee for a reason. He cares more about Milwaukee than our Beta-Cuck Governor Tony Evers.

Trump will shave off more African-American votes with the Milwaukee convention. They are tired, and want change. They are waking up, and know elite liberal white people couldn't give a flying fuck about their lives.

Big Mike said...

The subject of the rape of that 13 year old came up as Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) was being interviewed by Joy Reid. The two decided it was “fear-mongering” and the two literally chuckled. Did I miss a memo? When did the rape of a child become a laughing matter?

Gusty Winds said...

Lincoln freed slaves from literal plantations. You just might be watching Donald Trump finish the job, and freeing African-Americans from the Democrat Party plantation. The party that enslaved them.

It might the be greatest awakening you'll ever see. Root for it.

Trump would escort Rosa Parks to the front of the bus out of sincere belief. Not just for a fake photo op.

I think African-Americans are now realizing it...

You can see the worry and anger in the reaction of white liberals... Same as Democrats during the Civil War.

That's why Democrats are importing votes through the Southern border.

Rusty said...

It was only a few years ago that people from Illinois would go to summerfest because it was safer than Chicago fest.
I'm sorry it turned out this way.

Old and slow said...

The All-in podcast guys got an 80 minute interview with Donald Trump. I've only started to listen to it, but so far it is great. Smart interesting questions with polite and serious follow up. Mainstream media is incapable of and unwilling to even attempt doing this kind of show. It's worth watching.

Gusty Winds said...

Rusty...I was one of those Chicagoland people until 2014. Moved back to my childhood home in Sussex, WI for family and peace.

Now Democrats have turned SE WI into NE IL.

Madison...with a 60 mile buffer...sleeps in taxpayer funded peace...

Probably the largest concentration of white shitheads in America.

I dare any of them to travel off I-43 and Keefe. They would hide their eyes in shame.

Vance said...

Here in Utah the cops caught a transgendered shooter. Truly horrific story.

Guy "transitioned" as an adult to a girl. Got a court order and everything. Think this made him happy?

Nope. Took a gun, went to his parents house, and killed his mom and dad. Just gunned them down. As he was walking by his brother's room he took a shot through the locked door, hoping to kill the brother. Another brother had fled to a neighbors house and called the cops.

Massive manhunt, finally caught the guy hiding in a field. He dropped his gun and told the cops he didn't regret a thing, had zero remorse, and would do it all over again.

The family had all gotten protection orders out against this guy over the past year. Fat lot of good they did.

Local leftists are blaming the parents for not accepting this trans idiot. And they are whining that the State of Utah is openly defying the new Biden dictate on Title IX to keep boys out of the girls showers and restrooms.

Local leftists are blaming the gun... but my suggestion to implement gun control on trans people was vehemently rejected. Only sane people need to have their guns taken away, apparently.

Josephbleau said...

I wonder how the UAW is going to like it when all their guys who make gas engines get fired and the IUE guys who make electric motors get their jobs due to Beiden's ev standards.

But the UAW bosses don't have to worry about the loss of dues (and golf club memberships), Beiden has told them that he will have more flexibility after his re-election.

Caroline said...

@ Ralph L., my understanding is that notoriety always refers to negative fame. It’s never been a neutral term. Frank Sinatra was not a notorious singer, but a notorious womanizer, perhaps.

WK said...

Saw The Rolling Stones in Cleveland last weekend. Mick Jagger seems pretty mobile compared to Joe Biden. Not that he is eligible to be president.

Josephbleau said...

"@ Ralph L., my understanding is that notoriety always refers to negative fame. It’s never been a neutral term. Frank Sinatra was not a notorious singer, but a notorious womanizer, perhaps. "

Like the Notorious Ruth Bader Ginsberg!"

Mutaman said...

The rule of Lemnity said...

"The suggestions to Judge Aileen Cannon came in two phone calls from her judicial colleagues, including one from Southern District of Florida Chief Judge Cecilia Altonaga, according to the report, which cited two sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


Chief Judge Cecilia Altonaga was appointed by George W Bush.

Jupiter said...

I encountered an idea that I find intriguing. Suppose that black cats are clairvoyant. When they see you going to what they clearly perceive to be your doom, they try to warn you. By crossing in front of you. "Nix. No. Don't go here. Turn back".

Whitish-orange cat: So, you can see what's going to happen to the monkey?
Black cat: Not exactly. I just know that ... the monkey shouldn't go that way.
WOC: And this happens often?
BC: (Licking paw. Shrugs) Yeah. Yeah, actually, a lot. All the time.
WOC: And you try to tell them? But they don't pay any attention?
BC: Oh, pretty much. Sometimes they blame me. They say I'm "bad luck".
WOC: Wow. Weird. Haven't they learned?
BC: (Shrugs again. Licks paw, a bit more carefully) You can tell a monkey no. But you can't stop him. They seem to have, like, an attraction to doom. (Examines paw, extends and retracts a single long, curved claw). Or, who knows. Maybe they're doomed no matter what they do.

Ralph L said...

It’s never been a neutral term

Wiktionary says it began as one in the 1500s. It's one of those words, like "candor," that changed considerably over time.

Wordnik notorious

pacwest said...

That was enjoyable!

Josephbleau said...

“Chief Judge Cecilia Altonaga was appointed by George W Bush.”

Dum de Dum Dum Dum, CLANK!

Sgt Joe Friday observed approvingly as the non democrat judge was sentenced to 30 years for being non partisan democrat.

wendybar said...

Margaret Clark
One of the fine gentlemen in the group of which 31 of 46 rioters were cleared of all charges due to "lack of evidence", by the same man who waited 7 years to bring up bogus felony charges for a former president in an election year. They are using the justice system for their own political whims.

"Is it too much to say that a civil war is already under way? Leftists weaponize illegal immigrants, anti-Semitic rioters and criminals against the rest of us, lowering our standard of living and sometimes killing us. Major elements of the establishment are doing this on purpose: they are in favor of crime, in favor of illegal immigration, in favor of rioting against Jews, law enforcement, oil companies, or whatever. They do not take the actions they do because they think they are making the country better. On the contrary, they know that their actions make life worse for the vast majority of Americans. That is their goal. So far, the majority has not even begun to respond adequately"


Humperdink said...

Meanwhile in Oakland, teens are shooting other teens on Juneteenth. What a way to celebrate!!

planetgeo said...

Great thought, Jupiter. Perhaps Trump is the Black Cat for the Democrat Party, as in "don't go there if you know what's good for you". But they keep going there. Maybe they're just doomed no matter what they do now. But hey, he was their warning. Over and over.

rhhardin said...

Glenn Loury apparently wrote what's called a blackity-black genre book. The black experience isn't interesting but the pandering he gets as a "smart black" makes him believe otherwise.

Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams struck me as the two smart blacks unaffected by pandering, i.e. not overestimating themselves. Don't know about Justice Thomas. The clue is retained interest in their fields and not in attention.

Leland said...

Two illegal aliens raped and murdered a 12-yr old girl in Houston.

wendybar said...

Victor Davis Hanson
Anatomy of a Full Leftwing Meltdown


narciso said...


Iman said...

“meanwhile bragg drops nearly all the protester charges, he should wear isaac hayes costume from escape”

They don’t come in his size, narciso!

MadTownGuy said...

Anybody notice how many FDA food recalls there are lately, and precautionary at that? Here's the latest:

Chocolate Recall as FDA sets risk level (Newsweek)

"A number of chocolate products have been recalled over fears they may be contaminated with salmonella.

Nine products produced by Wisconsin-based Clasen Quality Chocolate Inc. (CQC) have been classified at a Class II risk level by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). According to the FDA website, a Class II is issued when "a situation in which use of, or exposure to, a violative product may cause temporary or medically reversible adverse health consequences or where the probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote."

The items were originally recalled due to the potential presence of salmonella on May 3, but there was an update on June 18. They were distributed in the following nine states: California, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah and Washington.


There are several other products that are currently subject to a recall due to salmonella contamination. More than a million pounds of whey and lactose products were recalled this month by the Grande Cheese Company, with 24 U.S. states affected. Fresh cucumbers were also recalled following a sample test by officials in Pennsylvania that found salmonella in products produced by Fresh Start Produce.

How is this not a driver of inflation?

Iman said...

“Chief Judge Cecilia Altonaga was appointed by George W Bush.”

That explains it.

narciso said...


Rocco said...

Josephbleau said...
"Like the Notorious Ruth Bader Ginsberg!"

Or the original: Notorious B.I.G.

White wimmin gotta steal a black man’s cred, yo.

Political Junkie said...

Peggy Noonan has a nice article today in the WSJ

Jupiter said...

"Two illegal aliens raped and murdered a 12-yr old girl in Houston."

We're the Democrats and we approved this action.

Brylinski said...

Peggy Noonan: “Something happened. The tribe two hills over . . .”