June 28, 2024

At the Prairie Café...


... you can talk all night.




Photos all taken today at the UW Biocore.


Aggie said...

Well now ! In the first and second photo, that looks like Bee Balm that I'm seeing, those little pink ones in the lower RH quadrant. Can't tell until I'm up close though. I had a lot of bee balm this year, and the bees have made good use of its nectar. And Crimson clover, and jaupon and other wild flowers. A modest honey crop though, unfortunately.

rehajm said...

So the office texts today- no fewer than 20 texts from lefties looking for money- Joe, Joe, Joe, Jill (during the debate!), Ken Burns, Jimmy Kimmel (dropping Clooney and Julia Roberts names), Joe…

…holy carp, that sure doesn’t sound like Joe’s ready to pack it in. Of course, you give to any of them and they decide the best place for your money to go. If its for black barbie’s Malibu beach house so be it…

Christopher B said...


If my FB feed and Instapundit are any indication, the word has gone out from the Lightbringer that good old Slo Joe ain't going anywhere.

Rusty said...

It looks like there's a Meade plant in that field. I'd like to grow a flower the same color as his hat. We have yellow orange and purple cone flowers in our garden. We have Bee Balm as well. Is that last one Lavender?

rehajm said...

Meade photobomb in #2

Wa St Blogger said...

I see all over the place accusations that Trump would institute a fascist dictatorship. What evidence is there for that claim?

Let's admit right now that most of us don't vote for a candidate, we vote for a party. That is the only way to explain how Biden, who CANNOT operate as a functioning human being still gets all the support he does. We don't vote for a head of state and don't care how bad that person is in reality, only that they have the right letter after their name. That goes a long way to explaining lawfare, censorship, and ballot stuffing. Fairness has nothing to do with it. Winning is the only valid objective.

rehajm said...

ISYN: Hey folks, it's Joe. Last night, I spent 90 minutes debating on a stage with a guy who has all the morals of an alley cat.
I know l'm not a young man. I don't walk as easily as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as l used to. I don't debate as well as I used to.

That’s the lead…

rehajm said...

And I know -- like millions of Americans know -- when you get knocked down, you get back up.

The Chumbawamba rule of geriatric presidential leadership…

imTay said...

Joe can't go anywhere, too many rice bowls depend on him. His open corruptness is what endears him to the billionaire donor class, after all, what good is a huge pile of money if you don't have a president who can be bought off with it? This is what they hated Sarah Palin way more than they ever did the execrable John McCain, and why they hate Trump. They hate an honest politician the way a mobster hates an honest cop.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Kinky Friedman died yesterday, age 78. Today, Martin Mull passes at age 80.

Man do I feel old.

Kathryn51 said...

And thus, we close out the week of June 24 (Monday) - the halfway point to Christmas Eve. 179 days (according to the web).

It's like Christmas in JUNE (not July as marketed by the Hallmark Channel).

Democrats in disarray as they cot so fast". Popcorn time.

SCOTUS decisions that one way or another (KJB, you gained a couple of points) are righting the ship of Freedom - which won't happen overnight and is still in danger of capsizing.

So, Christmas in June and this weekend I am breaking my low-carb diet. Yes, I'll pay for it when I step on the scales on Monday, but sometimes Celebration is worth it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Shapiro mentioned how disciplined Trump appeared, for once.

Now that he’s not tweeting and doesn’t have to run again… one can dream.

Humperdink said...

Breaking news: It was reported last night at 10:40 PM, members of the democrat party and the major media players discovered that President Biden has cognitive issues. Party insiders and rank and file members were shocked at the news. Even high level members of the administration were stunned. One was quoted as saying: "There was never an indication the President lost it. He was always sharp as a tack. Something must happened in the last week or so."

Quaestor said...

What the fuck is a Biocore? It's a patch of weeds, presumably native herbaceous plants, a semi-meaningful notion since Columbus made landfall. The intercontinental exchange of seeds and spores over the last 500-plus years has made the notion of native plant life in the Northern Hemisphere rather quaint.

Original Mike said...

"Democrats in disarray as they cot so fast". Popcorn time."

Enjoy it while you can. There are some gruesome potential fallout scenarios out there.

Old and slow said...

Looks like Joe Biden is sticking to his guns. The Democrats are out in force on X today defending his debate performance, even as the news faces I see on TV at the gym are still expressing doubts. He can't possibly weather this storm though, can he? His deficiencies are simply too obvious to ignore for most people. As Elon Musk has said before, “The most entertaining outcome is the most likely.”. Good Lord, what are we in for next?

HistoryDoc said...

I am enjoying the all hands on deck "lying liar who lies" phase that we seem to be going through.

I don't know. Those Journolist guys graduated from ivy league citadels, and are getting paid big bucks, and that's all they can come up with.

I am impressed how the word goes out, and compliance is 100%.

Big Mike said...

A tweet on X by some guy names Obama:

Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.

For a change I agree with him. But I don’t think he and I agree as to who fights for ordinary people and who “only cares about himself.” I’m sure he and I don’t agree which individual “lies through his teeth” and which one “will give it to the American people straight.”

gspencer said...

To get rid of him Biden has to consent. Ha, ha.

Big Mike said...

That second picture, that’s not a MAGA cap is it? Liberal “tolerance” being what it is, I thought it was downright physically dangerous to wear even a plain red cap in places like Madison.

Original Mike said...

"To get rid of him Biden has to consent. Ha, ha."

If he knows he's going to lose anyways, why wouldn't he step down? Especially after he's offered some incentives.

We're not there now, but it's only been 24 hours.

Quaestor said...

While meandering hither and thither in my way, I encountered a still of an MSNBC confab between Rachael Madcow and Demo-hag Claire Whatshername. Not interesting in the least until I noticed the so-called "Breaking News" crawl beneath their repellant mugs.

Here it is: Harris: Only one candidate has their VP's endorsement

Is Cackles Kamala stupid enough to not realize Trump has not yet named his running mate and that a running mate is not necessarily a sitting vice president? It's not that any marginally engaged observer has noted any manifestation of intellect from her that substantially exceeds what might be expected from a clever chimpanzee, yet that remark is just breathtaking in its depth of puerility.

It's not only insipid, the remark betrays a cravenness that beggars belief. Their?? Does the vice president lack the guts to use the factually and grammatically correct pronoun? Evidently, wokism has rotted her brain, leaving the dregs functioning at a pre-simian level.

So what's "breaking" newsworthy about yet another retch-inducing Veep Harris bon mot? Nothing that I can see. Could Rashida Jones be launching a hit job on Kamala to clear the way for Lord Zero's return via his risible wife-bot?

effinayright said...

My uber-lib lady neighbor has FBed that Trump is still the worse candidate.

Yeah, that the most powerful person on the planet is now a vegetable matters not a whit.

She apparently doesn't give a nanosecond's thought to the prospect of the Chief Rutabaga of the United States mindlessly launching a hot war with Russia, which escalates to nuclear counterattacks vaporizing her and her grandkids.

I bet the poor guy who carries around the "football" with the launch codes needs a squeegee applied to his forehead every ten minutes.

wildswan said...

Remember when Bud Light had that influencer who influenced everyone away from Bud Light? And how the company said the minor kerfuffle would all pass away, and put out a ridiculous ad with a horse and the flag and a sunset and some insincere gush (which the European company obviously did not mean) about American greatness? And how that plus a discount was supposed to restore Bud Light to its former No. 1 spot? And how everybody forgot the whole debacle in a week - not.
Well, this is different because this was Joe Biden advertising Joe Biden, not Dylan Mulvaney advertising Bud Light. But that's the only difference.

Caroline said...

The entire country should demand to know: WHO HAS BEEN RUNNING THE COUNTRY?
Trump called Biden The Manchurian Candidate. In so, so many ways.

Mason G said...

"I see all over the place accusations that Trump would institute a fascist dictatorship. What evidence is there for that claim?"

Instituting a fascist dictatorship is what the left wants to do, so they think everybody else does, too.

Political Junkie said...

If DJT picked Condi to be his VP, what would your reaction be?

HistoryDoc said...

I see the NY Times editorial board just called for Biden to leave the race. I guess the charade is over.

Paddy O said...

She's an amazing brilliant person with huge amounts of international experience in key ways for our era. And she has integrity. But I'd be shocked if she said yes to doing it.

Paddy O said...

Are we at the "convincing elderly dad to give up his car keys" phase. They don't usually say yes right away. I can't imagine Biden would ever agree to stepping out. But would anyone around him dare to force him out?

Quaestor said...

"The entire country should demand to know: WHO HAS BEEN RUNNING THE COUNTRY?"

My first guess is Jill Biden... you know the woman who absurdly insists on being hailed by her amusing academic title granted in a field easily mastered by a bright nine-year-old, a field that has over the last half-century systematically destroyed public education in this country.

She saw the opportunity to wield power without accountability and took it when the ChiCom-engineered COVID assault crippled the United States (with the assistance of Frankenstein Fauci and the CDC). All she had to do was keep that eroded husk of a plagiarizing grifter known in public records as her husband ambulatory and muzzled. She's enjoyed 41 months of dictatorial power, and there's no law that can punish her for her ghastly crimes. That's gotta change.

Iman said...

Martin Mull. Now there was a talented, funny man. RIP and thanks for so many laughs and good times!

Quaestor said...

"But I'd be shocked if she said yes to doing it."
According to rumor, McCain asked her and got a sharply negative reply, leading him to tap Sarah Palin.

Dr. Rice is 70, and gerontocracy is upon us. Trump is phenomenal for his age, as noted by at least one polito-pundit he seems 30 years younger than Biden. (I'd say that comparison is invalid. Biden is effectively a non-living thing, more mineral than animal or vegetable. Old rocks are just old rocks. They don't acquire wisdom no matter how much time passes. I know. I used to talk to them. I took their silence for arrogance, but I wised up eventually.) Trump's veep needs to be considerably younger than 70.

wildswan said...

After this debate I felt like someone who watched Daniel walk into the lions' den and ... then watched him walk back out, shouting "You're fired" to the chief lion, and leaving the lions all crying and sobbing out "No mas" behind him. The Dems had every advantage: their citadel, their rules, their moderators, their chosen candidate - and they lost. I suppose Trump just had the cold nerve to count on his knowledge that Biden couldn't do 90 minutes of high pressure debate without a teleprompter or briefing book whereas he himself had been doing rallies for months. That kind of insight and the courage to act on it is a rare quality but, as we see, it can completely change situations. Changing stuck situations, e.g., wars abroad and divisions at home, is something we really need right now.

Jerry said...

Wa St Blogger said...
I see all over the place accusations that Trump would institute a fascist dictatorship. What evidence is there for that claim?

None. As Mason says - this is something THEY would love to do, so they figure that the Rs want to also. And it's so... 'useful' to accuse the Rs of instituting a theocratic dictatorship, keep women barefoot and pregnant, ban abortion and all that. Remember the 'Pussy Hats' in 2016? Expect them to be dug out of the closet if Trump wins.

Reality is that we're a lot further towards fascism now than we ever were under Trump.

The rule of Lemnity said...

You know who did better than expected at the debate? CNN

They did what they are supposed to do. Asked the questions and not insert themselves into the discussions.

Jim at said...

You know who did better than expected at the debate? CNN

Know why? The same reason you don't deliberately step into a pile of dogshit just to confirm it stinks.

Admittedly, I didn't watch it - but, from all accounts - the jig was up inside of the first 15 minutes.

They had no choice.

Jim at said...

I see the NY Times editorial board just called for Biden to leave the race. I guess the charade is over.

Don't be so sure.

Barack The Magnificent tweeted otherwise.

Again - for you leftists reading this - if you hadn't stolen the damn thing in 2020, you wouldn't be in this mess.

You deserve the shit show coming your way.
In spades.

Breezy said...

Such a pickle. The guy who is not cognitive enough to be president is not cognitive enough to see that he shouldn’t be president.

tim maguire said...

The rule of Lemnity said...You know who did better than expected at the debate? CNN

I only watched the first 30 minutes, but I was impressed by how fair the moderators were, asking tough questions of both candidates. Trump and Biden were just bickering old men, with Trump the clear winner merely by not sounding like a resident in my mother-in-law’s rest home.

Christopher B said...

While the Obama and B Clinton tweets may be just biding time for a more orderly Biden withdrawal, I suspect they may be willing to roll the dice with Biden because their minions are well placed in the Deep State and, given what happened during Trump's Presidency, they feel pretty good about their ability to obstruct and defy him again. The big wild card will be the composition of Congress and especially the number of GOPe/RINOs that are elected or re-elected and will work to thwart Trump along with the Democrats.

Leland said...

Caroline said...
The entire country should demand to know: WHO HAS BEEN RUNNING THE COUNTRY?

I agree. I recall that many members of the White House staff stood to benefit from "Biden's" plan to ignore SCOTUS and Congress and push through with paying off student loan debt. Was is Biden or the staff just doing whatever they wanted to do?

Narayanan said...

Such a pickle. The guy who is not cognitive enough to be president is not cognitive enough to see that he shouldn’t be president
fire in his belly cannot be quenched with just icecream!

Breezy said...

I agree Bash and Tapper did well, but still curious why two were needed there, moderating, versus just one. I suppose it was an equity thing.

Or maybe asking questions and tracking time is difficult to do. You get worn out and need a partner to share the effort.

wendybar said...

Yesterday, we found a really small baby bunny on our lawn. A little while later, I see the mother bunny come and great the little guy....4 OTHER little baby bunnies came out of the bushes, and all were running around, playing until she gathered them together and nursed them. We got to see it all from the picture window of my library facing the back yard. It was amazing!!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Obama says "Trust Me". Seriously?
CNN being "fair" at the debate was an attempt at regaining credibility.
CNN says "Trust Me".
As Jerome Horwitz used to say "Soitonly".

Ralph L said...

In the South, bee balm (monarda) is invasive, as I discovered in the 80s. At least it wasn't impossible to get rid of, like bermudagrass. Perhaps there are newer varieties that don't spread far and wide, just don't take any from the Sacklers.

Enigma said...

Keep in mind that we've had 8 years of the D.C. and media establishment living off of condescension, denial, and projection about Trump. They have a distorted (inherently defensive and fragile) mindset that has lasted longer than many marriages.

With so so so many left-wing sources suddenly coming out against Joe in shock, mass denial and the shared lefty mindset may finally be cracking. The left's mass hysteria actually combined Trump lawfare, the George Floyd DEI overreaction, and the transgender overreaction with years of COVID autocracy. There are many Official State Lies and Policy Fantasies to rethink and reconsider.

Some possible outcomes include: (1) Democrats break down in metaphorical tears, as they admit that Trump was more right than wrong and convert to being supporters in large numbers, (2) Democrats split between the sincere positive "liberals" and "progressives" versus the crazies, brown shirts, and oligarchs who've been running Joe's agenda --> splitting means both will be ineffective and spend 40 years in the wilderness, or (3) the wannabe dictators bully their supporters into an era of 20th Century soviet-style genocide and self-destruction.

Most Republicans will sit by passively and tsk tsk, letting some left-wing faction choose the future. As they typically do.

Humperdink said...

Remember Ron Klain? Former Chief-of-Staff to President Rutabaga? He is now chief counsel at Airbnb. I am sure they hired him for his short term rental expertise and not his political connections in DC. Important job. So important he took time off to to go Delaware to advise Biden on debate strategery.

Humperdink said...

Stumbled across this on Zero Hedge:

"After she was appointed president of the European Commission, VDL (Ursula von der Leyen) again became embroiled in controversy, this time involving the procurement of the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer. The scandal, which the media dubbed Pfizergate, related to the purchase of 1.8 billion doses of the Pfizer vaccine for use across the EU. It transpired that: a) the number of doses was far greater than was required, resulting in a significant number having to be either destroyed or donated; b) the excess doses cost the EU €4 billion; c) the total value of the contract, which Politico reported as being approximately €20 billion, was inflated; and d) the most damaging charge, the contract for the vaccines was negotiated directly between VDL and Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer. The negotiations were conducted using sms messages, which VDL later claimed to have deleted."


tcrosse said...

Bidenites are saying that Joe just had a bad night, and that he'll be better in future. Well, that's not how cognitive decline works, and none of us are getting any younger. Maybe this is part of the haggling for the price of his stepping down.

planetgeo said...

Speaking of prairie, I decided to meander around Amish country (in and about Arthur, IL) yesterday to get away from all the political craziness for a bit. Even stayed off the freeway to slow the pace and decompress in the soothing sights and sounds of the countryside.

Tidy farms. Multi-greening fields. One-horsepower buggies. Quaint, almost-towns. It was not just refreshing, it was reassuring.

Why? Seeing these other-century people with their other-century clothes, transportation, manners, and values one just knows that when the apocalypse comes, these are the people that will not just survive, but thrive. Yes. This would be a fine place and a fine model to "build back better."

(PS, the fried chicken buffet at Yoder's Amish Restaurant is the best on the planet.)

RCOCEAN II said...

Althouse writes Cafe and Prarie with accents over the "e". Very stylish, but whats the point? the accent over cafe results in "fay". The accent over the e in prarie results in a "ree".

Narr said...

planetgeo, I'd like to agree with your optimistic speculation at 751, but I think the more likely scenario is that desperate city-dwellers will target the Amish (and other rural non-conformists) for looting, pillage, rape, and murder when the cities have been burned and they realize that the system is crashing.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

I was looking at some Calder mobiles the other day and that second pic down reminded me of them.