Meanwhile, yesterday in Freeland, Michigan:Nothing brings folks together quite like hating Joe Biden.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) May 1, 2024
Both the Palestinian protestors and pro Israel demonstrators at The University of Alabama are chanting “f**k Joe Biden” πππ
— Dan Scavino Jr.πΊπΈπ¦ (@DanScavino) May 1, 2024
I know the "He's a uniter!" joke has been repeatedly made, but that's because it's true. Joe Biden provides an opportunity for solidarity between two otherwise irreconcilable groups.
This time Joe will win with 85 million "votes." That's what will happen.
A good start. And an opportunity to similarly vilify and defeat the fascist left.
What happens when everyone hates Joe Biden?
In normal democracies, he loses.
If not for the recent practice of monkeying around with elections, would Trump win 49 states like Ronald Reagan or all 50?
Given the recent practice of monkeying around with elections, we may have Kamala or Karine Jean-Pierre as our next "president."
Some things are so heartfelt that they can just bring us all together.
Joe only WISHES he was getting crowds like that....
Common ground can be a beautiful thing.
"Les' go Brandon!" is sweeping the nation. In his stumbling, fumbling way, Joe is finally living up to his pledge to unite the country.
The only people who like Joe - are the leftist loyalists who watch PBS news and NBC affiliates.
Dumb females who watch "The View" - and blink and nob. Morons who watch Jimmy Kimmel and blink and nod.
They are hiveminders - who obey the narrative.
They would be the same folks in Nazi Germany who were giddy about you know who.
A consensus is formed.
I'll tell you what happens: He gets pushed out in Chicago. Gavin or Kamala will be the nominee.
Joe will do an LBJ. He'll step aside "for the good of the country."
In the meantime, max collection of crypto from Ukraine, China and Mexican drug lords. We are talking billions here. Billions with a B. B as in Biden.
The fact that these are happening now at University of Alabama and other state schools just shows how pathetic these protestors are. They are desperate to be seen being part of some movement. Doesn’t matter what.
Joe will be the nominee.
They will cheat again.
Changing the way we vote and making sure all the illegal immigrants can get drivers licenses - was the goal. Chi com virus delivered.
Please remember how confident the left are with Joe as husk-puppet.
Polls will show a close race with Joe pulling ahead when he needs to pull ahead.
The BS legal war against Trump sucking up the NBC affiliate oxygen.
If I recall correctly, Biden pledged to Unite us, not Divide us. Say what you want about him, but the man delivered on that promise.
Nobody likes Joe Biden. Except for college education white women.
He is the enabler of the firsr group of protesters he is rightly the bane of the second
"What happens when everyone hates Joe Biden?"
what happens is: Joe will TRAGICALLY Die, the 1st night of the convention (possible ON tv).
The nation will rally behind his successor (whoever that will be, almost certainly Moochelle Obama).
The successor will be elected, with the highest vote count in history (100,000,000 or more)
Joe will do an LBJ. He'll step aside "for the good of the country."
Nope. He’s going to pass away peacefully in his sleep, “exhausted from working so hard on behalf of Hamas, er the People of the United States.” Ignore the empty syringe on the floor and the tiny needle mark on his neck.
“If elections were legitimate, do you think they’d let us vote?”
Did NBC News report they were chanting "Let's go Brandon"?
I agree that the people pulling Joe's strings are plotting a removal in Chicago.
Trump is the guy who promises to pardon the people who broke into a building and trashed it as they disrupted all normal operations. January 6, 2020.
Just imagine if Biden said such a thing about the college protesters in May of 2024.
Dave Begley said...
I'll tell you what happens: He gets pushed out in Chicago. Gavin or Kamala will be the nominee.
Joe will do an LBJ. He'll step aside "for the good of the country."
I well remember, when Althouse commenters were saying shit like this in the summer of 2020.
I've seen this movie before. I didn't like how it ended the first time, and I never did figure out how the author(s) managed to come up with it.
But one thing you've got to acknowledge is how Joe Biden is the one topic on which all Americans can agree.
Joe will be the nominee
Nope. There's more than one Replacement Theory in play this season. Both true.
What happens when everyone hates Joe Biden?
Only good things.
"At the at The" ?
Fuck Joe Biden.
Chuck is not going to like this blog post one little bit!
Time reports real news:
What emerged in two interviews with Trump, and conversations with more than a dozen of his closest advisers and confidants, were the outlines of an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world. To carry out a deportation operation designed to remove more than 11 million people from the country, Trump told me, he would be willing to build migrant detention camps and deploy the U.S. military, both at the border and inland. He would let red states monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans. He would, at his personal discretion, withhold funds appropriated by Congress, according to top advisers. He would be willing to fire a U.S. Attorney who doesn’t carry out his order to prosecute someone, breaking with a tradition of independent law enforcement that dates from America’s founding. He is weighing pardons for every one of his supporters accused of attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, more than 800 of whom have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury. He might not come to the aid of an attacked ally in Europe or Asia if he felt that country wasn’t paying enough for its own defense. He would gut the U.S. civil service, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, close the White House pandemic-preparedness office, and staff his Administration with acolytes who back his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen.
Trump's "White Power" is nothing more than a full-throated threat to impose honest-to-God fascism, ending the great American experiment.
It's rather unfair on poor old Joe Biden. He hasn't got any idea what's going on in his name. The apparat is running the show.
The younger version of Joe Biden was a pretty unpleasant guy, eg blaming his first wife's death on a "drunk driver" with zero evidence, and a serial fabulist (but I repreat myself) and when he was in command of what marbles he had, he might have been worth hating, but not now. It's like hating a corpse.
But overall the younger Joe Biden was just averagely slimy and unpleasant, as Senators go. Maybe worth a few spoonfuls of contempt but not really hate.
It must be deliciously tempting to seek a Target to channel the frustration and guilt over your own inadequacy. This is a wonderfully effective poison that will cause anxiety depression and binge eating.
The libtards have Trump. The Trumptards and the Hamas apologist have Biden.
The great silent majority could not possibly GAF.
St. Peter preached said he was "all things to all people"...
But you see, Biden isn't St. Peter... sitting on the fence just makes everyone angry.
Yes I knows it's Soros/Obama/staff that make the decisions and Biden just tries to read the lines... but... it is Biden that gets the blame cause he IS THE PRESIDENT!!
Reap what you sow.
Joe Biden has finally brought the country together. Well done, Genocide Joe!
Biden really has the best enemies, doesn't he?
MAGA maniacs; professional anarchists; Mideast anti-semites; college radicals; the Israeli Likud extremists.
I like it. Biden stands firmly for peace, for security, for reasonable and meaningful negotiations, and against political and ideological extremists all around. That's the President of the United States of America -- the leader of the free world -- that I want. Not some New York criminal defendant.
They're going to suspend the election.
They're not going to let 8 years of hard work go to waste.
For democracy.
Soon Joe will be telling Netanyahu: “Like I said a month ago, you’ve got to get it over with, and you have to get back to normalcy."
The love for Donnie DumpTrump is ill-placed, not only because he is a loathesome human being, but because he was bad as a jobs President.
For those willing to hold their noses and vote for either of the two primary party stinkers, Biden is the less odious of the two.
Nothing new will happen. Democrats will vote for him and cheat for him because TRUMP.
From Bill Kristol at The Bulwark: "The 'F--- Joe Biden' Horseshoe."
I realize that most of the readers here have a basic understanding of the general "Horseshoe theory." Here's a primer for anyone who hasn't been acquainted with it.
anti-Israel demonstrators chanting "Fuck Joe Biden"?
Losing the pro-genocide/nazi vote isn't the end of the world. Just print more fake ballots.
Brandon is uniter, not a divider.
What I find ironic is that the usual suspects on this very blog have stated that they are going to vote for Biden as many times as possible.
(I may have added that last part) But rest assured they are going to vote for the greatest mediocrity this nation has ever seen. Mediocrities voting for mediocrity.
What is especially funny is that Cook the peacenic is going to vote for the warmonger. No hypocricy there.
More defenses of the indefensible Biden heap of shit coming from the usual shitheads. Pathetic.
Is it my imagination, or are they now sounding even more shrill and desperate and fellatory than usual? They give off the odor of Soviet apparatchiks who are fearful of being outed as the first one who stopped clapping for one of Stalin's speeches.
Chuck said...
Biden really has the best enemies, doesn't he?
MAGA maniacs; professional anarchists; Mideast anti-semites; college radicals; the Israeli Likud extremists.
I like it. Biden stands firmly for peace, for security, for reasonable and meaningful negotiations, and against political and ideological extremists all around. That's the President of the United States of America -- the leader of the free world -- that I want. Not some New York criminal defendant.
5/2/24, 10:25 AM he sends billions to Ukraine for our forever war that Obama started, and Joe decided to go all in on.
No hand rails on that platform. Fucking awesome!
No hand rails on that platform. Fucking awesome!
And Chuck proves me right.
Chuck busy restudying his "Cocksucking For Dummies" textbook in preparation for re-electing Joe "Shit For His Brains Biden". Don't worry so much, Chuck- they will let you spit half the time.
wendybar writes, " he sends billions to Ukraine for our forever war that Obama started, and Joe decided to go all in on."
Now, now, wendybar... Go easy on Chuckie-poo. FJB is just the sort of politician a feeble fibber like the Notorious LLR richly deserves.
Let's be real: Almost no one has LIKED Joe Biden for almost 40 years, since he bowed out of a Presidential election because he was caught lying and plagiarizing.
Since then, he has not become a more honest man. Nor have his policy stances proven to yield good results. He's nobodies first pick for anything. His is a case of failing upwards.
Now there is nowhere to go up and thus he is viewed with accurate disdain.
Gadfly disinformation: Trump's "White Power"
Via NPR:
"Some key demographic groups are shifting, too. Young voters, Latinos and independents in the survey are either sliding away from Biden or aren't sold on voting for him. There's a massive shift among nonwhite voters overall, while older voters and college-educated white voters — men in particular — are moving heavily in Biden's direction."
College-educated white men:
2024: Biden +21; 2020: Trump +3 (net change: Biden +24)
College-educated white voters overall:
2024: Biden +24; 2020: Biden +3 (net change: Biden +21)
College-educated white women:
2024: Biden +28; 2020: Biden +9 (net change: Biden +19)
Under 45:
2024: Trump +1; 2020: Biden +14 (net change: Trump +15)
2024: Trump +7; 2020: Biden +13 (net change: Trump +20)
2024: Biden +11; 2020: Biden +45 (net change: Trump +34)
Looks like Biden is appealing to old White voters.
Not everyone hates Joe Biden ... the vast majority of the Legacy media will gladly fellate him, fighting off disgraced phony Howard Stern for a piece of the cock.
Joe Biden will lose votes no matter what the does. The question is: Which course of action will cost him the least votes?
If he doesn't condemn the violent protests, he will surely lose a lot of voters to Trump or RFK Jr. If he condemns the violent protests, he will anger the far left, but they won't go running to Trump or RFK Jr. (Because they'd be afraid they'd be helping Trump.)
His best bet is to praise peaceful protesting while condemning violent protesting. (Which is the common sense approach.)
"Just imagine if Biden said such a thing about the college protesters in May of 2024."
He's paying off their loans (with our money), I don't see why he'd stop at pardoning them too.
"Biden stands firmly for peace, for security, for reasonable and meaningful negotiations, and against political and ideological extremists all around. That's the President of the United States of America -- the leader of the free world -- that I want."
Hey, LLR! Your mask is slipping.
I especially like the notion of Dementia Joe negotiating anything.
Chuck is almost as demented as FJB!
What emerged in two interviews with Trump, and conversations with more than a dozen of his closest advisers and confidants, were the outlines of an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world.
I'm already voting for the guy; you don't have to keep talking past the sale.
Reality is a bitch.
My granddaughter attends U of Alabama. She and her boyfriend spent the night here Tuesday on their way back to CA for the summer. She told me there was no sympathy for the Hamas idiots. I suspect it was harder to set up that protest than most colleges. Her boyfriend is on the football team but has an academic scholarship. Half of Alabama's students are non-residents. Not many Arabs, though.
Biden stands firmly for peace, for security, for reasonable and meaningful negotiations, and against political and ideological extremists all around. That's the President of the United States of America -- the leader of the free world -- that I want.
FJB wants to move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always, twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.
Trump's "White Power" is nothing more than a full-throated threat to impose honest-to-God fascism, ending the great American experiment.
Gee. If we only had a four-year sample size of what Trump would actually do as President.
Instead, we have to rely upon the fevered dreams of some shithead writer at Time predicting what will happen.
Beiden's Hollywood advisers show him the tapes of mobs shouting FJB and whisper, "There is no such thing as bad publicity!"
Biden doesn’t know up from down, Chuckles. The fucker keeps telling all who will listen the tales of him driving an 18 wheeler… he’s done this at least a half dozen times now. The slurring… the flashes of impotent anger… the moronic insults… he just can’t help himself.
That dog don’t hunt, ya bloody cunt.
“Trump's "White Power" is nothing more than a full-throated threat to impose honest-to-God fascism, ending the great American experiment.”
You are smarter than this, ‘fly. Now go suck a bug.
Chuck and Bill Kristol. Add ‘fly to that combo and you’d have the Three Stooges Redux
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