Last week, the administration’s line was that it needed to see a plausible evacuation plan from Rafah—a statement indicating that it still supported the overall aim of eliminating Hamas and that the problem going forward was primarily logistical. So that might simply have been a lie....
But if his primary aim is to limit civilian casualties, his methods of doing so are insane. The munitions he is holding back would in part allow Israel to hit sites and areas in Rafah with great precision. That is how you limit casualties. Which leads me to believe that Joe Biden is literally trying to freeze the conflict in place permanently....
And why does Biden want this anyway? To what end? Unless your purpose is to prevent an Israeli victory, it’s nonsensical. And if he doesn’t want an Israeli victory, why did he spend months pushing for aid? Why? Why?...
I hesitate to attempt to answer, but my working theory would be that Joe Biden has prioritized his own reelection. And he's not even performing well at that. Ironically, his reelection theme seems to be that he — and not Trump — is a man of integrity. I would recommend that the old man step back from the tawdry exercise of getting reelected and actually behave with integrity.
But I suspect he's too far gone to give us that. May I recommend:
Beltway PR has turned Palestinians into the hot new dance craze for Democrats, even Jewish ones.
my working theory would be that Joe Biden has prioritized his own reelection
My working theory is that Joe Biden is not in charge.
"Beltway PR has turned Palestinians into the hot new dance craze for Democrats, even Jewish ones."
The last steps are on the end of a rope. Either the voters will hang you now or Hamas will hang you later.
This tired, old man that they installed to carry on Big Zero 0bama’s “Destroy America” agenda. Just go away you grifting prick.
After four disastrous Trump years, America's foreign policy is back, man!
The left care about power. That's it. Power whores. That is what they are.
The munitions he is holding back would in part allow Israel to hit sites and areas in Rafah with great precision. That is how you limit casualties.
I guess they don't call him "Genocide Joe" for nuthin'?
Biden's handlers are the sames types of people who hide behind masks and hand out "river to the sea" propaganda pamphlets to dumb college students.
Integrity and Joe Biden used in the same sentence is beyond ludicrous.
The corrupt left will not pull Biden. Biden makes the perfect husk-puppet for his corrupt power obsessed handlers.
Maybe Israel's Abraham Accord fellows can supply the needed US weapons.
Biden was installed by a group of establishment schemers and blood enemies pretending to be friends. Gaza/Israel merely revealed their inherent internal contradictions. Biden's team thought they'd bought off every internal enemy with gifts, but October 7 in Gaza undid all of that. "Defund the Police" universities are now calling the police on their own students, or on their own paid professional agitators. If the team of enemies decides they truly cannot work together, watch for "shocking" political changes and new alliances in the next few years.
LBJ stepped down in part (I suspect) because Lady Bird supported that decision. I'm not sure Jill Biden wants to step away from DC and power.
This is just a gut feeling.
Hussein Obama is the one running things. Joe is just repeating what he is told to spew....He has no clue what is going on. How's that Fundamental Transformation going for everybody??
What is the moral argument for supplying Ukraine with weapons and denying those weapons to Israel and on the day to commemorate the Holocaust? Biden also denied Afghanis weapons and safe passage for those that risked their lives to aid Americans. There is no moral compass here. It is simply an equations to what can Democrats do and get away with it. Trump was impeached for far less.
While this is going on, Democrats are pushing legislation to usurp Air National Guard units from the states that fund and support them. They want the Secretary of the Space Force to have authority to claim those units without consent from the states. This is not about nationalizing during a state of emergency. This is just stealing these units from the states for their own growth of power.
Has Joe Biden ever done anything that isn't for the pure benefit of Joe Biden?
Power and money. That's it. He is void of any other saving grace.
It's baffling that college educated white women will vote for this guy. Abortion. Abortion. Abortion. The alpha and omega of their politics. It's kind of gross.
If you told someone in 1968, that in 2024 LBJ would be held-up as a paragon, compared to the current Democratic president, you'd have been sent to the loony bin and probably lobotomized, just to be on the safe side.
It is a weak theory but bolstered by the weak people running old joe. It is not like MI will vote for RFKJ if the administration double crosses them. Besides team joe hates the jews anyways…
Bill Barr says he's voting Trump, hardcore DeSantis people have finally come around.Even Jonah Goldberg seems to be renouncing his Never Trump ways. Lol. This is kind of amazing.
Ann Althouse, “ I would recommend that the old man step back from the tawdry exercise of getting reelected and actually behave with integrity.”
Ann! Joe Biden has taken millions in bribes. He has no integrity. It’s like asking a leopard to change his spots.
leads me to believe Joe Biden is literally trying to freeze the conflict in place permanently
Now do The Ukraine!
The only way Biden quits is if the money people tell him that they won’t continue to fund his campaign.
Follow the money.
Of course, if the GOP wasn't filled with isolationist America First Trumpists who whined and cried about the Israel funding that just passed Congress, the House could immediately file and pass articles of impeachment for Biden's refusal to spend the funds just appropriated.
That's the problem. Too often these types are no different than the Dems.
Johnson followed his announcement with a bombing halt. Faced similar problem of world and domestic condemnation of civilian casualties from bombing. But there were folks similar to Podhoretz who had an attitude of bomb them into the stone age and thought Johnson undermined goal of just winning the war.
Biden's Problems are that
A) the democrats NEED america jewish votes (and need their money MUCH more)
B) most american jewish voters
...i) don't believe in GOD
..ii) don't believe in Israel
Biden is stuck between the Hammer and the Nail
I would recommend that the old man step back from the tawdry exercise of getting reelected and actually behave with integrity.
He's never done that before. Why start now?
Of course, it is Biden who is doing the interesting, difficult political work in all of this. The pro-Palestinian Left is wedded to their singular cause. The TrumpWingers are wedded to their jingoistic, Netanyahu/Trump fantasy for Israel.
The intelligent, observant, information-absorbing middle is with Biden; struggling through a series of agonizing difficult choices. While the Trump/Netanyahu/Putin axis laughs without accountability.
I am not in favor of abandoning Israel; Biden certainly is not. But even the Knesset War Cabinet disagrees with Netanyahu on his plan to bomb Rafah.
Perhaps Biden is unable to summon up the level of integrity (and grasp of political reality) displayed by LBJ in 1968. Chew on THAT for awhile. Johnson was always attuned like few others to political reality.
I was playing table tennis on the back porch of my friend Joe's house while watching Johnson make that speech on a little portable TV sitting in the corner of the room. It came out of nowhere, as will a similar speech from our current President, if and when that speech is ever made. I think somebody said "what did he just say?" IIRC.
If Biden should stay in and lose, who will tell him? The same person who tells him to make the Johnson speech, should that happen? I think so.
For now, Biden only feels the friendly winds of the mandate of heaven. After all, he's the most powerful man in the world isn't he?
A friend of mine is a local-level politician in Michigan. She is what most people would consider to be a moderate Democrat. She is in a university town, so that makes her one the most conservative politicians in her area.
She tells me that the state and national party is absolutely terrified that Michigan's significant Arab/Islamic population will stay home in November, which many believe would give the state to Trump. As a result, the party's policy through November is to do all it can to placate Arab/Islamic voters without offending Jewish donors. This is true in other swing states with significant Arab/Islamic populations.
In effect, it's a textbook example of how a relatively small demographic group can drive national policy in a closely contested election. The Democrats have concluded that the path to victory in 2024 runs through Dearborn, Michigan.
The word is out. Biden is finished. CNN has turned on Joe. Check out Erin Burnett’s recent interview with him. It reminded me of when The New Yorker turned on Hillary in favor of Barack. Expect to see a ramp up in puff pieces on Gavin and Pete.
I would recommend that the old man step back from the tawdry exercise of getting reelected and actually behave with integrity.
That's asking a lot of any politician, and a futile expectation from one who never had any.
And Kamala stays as VP under Gavin or Pete. She’s experienced!
We need to hear from Veep Giggles on this scandal now. FJB can't continue. Giggles will be the de facto nominee before June. Does she support impeaching Fuck on the same grounds that Trump was impeached?
"I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."
Robert Gates - 2014
Thus statement needs to be revised. It is now five decades.
It strikes me that Biden fought for the aid package to Ukraine and Israel, and now that it passed, he will allow the aid to Ukraine and unilaterally block the aid to Israel.
Quite a betrayal of the republicans (and people) who supported it, but hardly a surprise. He will burn any time-honored consensus to the ground if it helps him politically for one day.
Anyone looking for a moral compass on this guy is on a Snipe hunt.
Just so... A selfless act by President Johnson. Truth be told the Texas Hill Country is beguiling in a way that a city built on a lowland swamp-ish area can never be regardless of it's statues, monuments and grandiose buildings.
Soros money has more effect on stupid people who think college is a good idea.
Also did you know that more than half the students at Columbia foreign?
As always with leftists the only things that matter are money and power and the moral theater they perform is just a means to the end. Moral justifications in these conflicts are a sign of retarded mental development and ignorance.
They don’t actually care and it is obvious.
Israel's defense industry is highly sophisticated. Elbit and Rafael both have the ability to produce their own high-precision laser and GPS guided munitions. In fact, they do (largely paid for with your tax dollars the same was Iron Dome is paid for with your money).
I see what they're doing as a sneaky way to achieve both aims. Publicly, they say "no more weapons" to appease mohammedan voters in MN and MI, while privately they know that Israel really doesn't need help to produce these high precision weapons...except financially (once again...with your money).
No longer iron-clad.
Integrity and the name of “the big guy” in the same sentence?
If we had an opposition party Biden would be immediately impeached for this because delaying weapons o Ukraine was the pretext they used to impeach Trump.
But there are only 11 republicans in the house that are not democrats.
I would recommend that the old man step back from the tawdry exercise of getting reelected and actually behave with integrity.
I'm afraid the days when an America president, any American president, might resign with honor are long gone.
He waited until after his speech commemorating the Holocaust before he threatened Israel to stop them from trying to prevent another Holocaust. That is some crack campaign staffers making that schedule, huh?
Whoever is running the Biden Administration, whatever group of agency heads and advisors and string pullers and money men, whoever they are, they like being President. They don't want Biden to step down. Of course, they don't want to lose the election either.
Maybe things are so poorly run because they are being run by committee.
"I would recommend that the old man step back from the tawdry exercise of getting reelected and actually behave with integrity."
Anyway, Podhoretz appears to assume that "Biden" wants this or that. Who is this "Biden," and do we know he is all there? Exactly what is it that Dems are trying to reelect?
To paraphrase Thomas More in "A man for all seasons," speaking to a former friend who just committed perjury to get a conviction against More: "Why, Brandon, it gains a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world...But for Deerborn!"
If you're thinking that LBJ stepped back from the Presidency, motivated by feelings of integrity, then maybe you don't know LBJ as well as you might think. If he ever had such an impulse, he wouldn't have known how to interpret it.
Joe Biden has been in the DC swamp as a politician for over half a century… when has he EVER behaved with integrity?
Joe Biden has prioritized his own reelection. And he's not even performing well at that..
that the old man step back from the tawdry exercise of getting reelected and actually behave with integrity.
You'd be asking him to do two things, that he has NEVER done before.
The Only Thing, that MIGHT be More Important to him than reelection would be CASH ON HAND.
Biden will remain in office until the day (PROBABLY the 1st night of the convention) he Tragically Dies.
Once Biden is dead (PROBABLY "from covid"), the grieving nation will rally around Moochelle O'Bama..
Who will win with a "vote count" well over a hundred million
Biden is performing as he always has.
I predicted as far back as last October- I wrote then that the Israelis had, perhaps, 4 months to defeat/destroy Hamas (if that is even possible) before Joe Biden stabbed them in the back and started supporting Hamas directly.
So, I offer my mea culpa- it took 6 months before Joe Biden put the blade in the back.
I hesitate to attempt to answer,
I don’t know why you’d hesitate. I see no signs of hesitation when you examine Donald Trump, yet clearly you have not the slightest understanding of Republicans in general, much less Trump in particular.
but my working theory would be that Joe Biden has prioritized his own reelection.
And he's not even performing well at that.
Ironically, his reelection theme seems to be that he — and not Trump — is a man of integrity. I would recommend that the old man step back from the tawdry exercise of getting reelected and actually behave with integrity.
In my lengthy experience, the notion that anyone left of center has a good grasp even of the meaning of the word, much less how to act with integrity, is simply mistaken. To the extent that any of you liberals grasp the meaning of the word “integrity,” it’s for purposes of acting as though they have it when they don’t.
As for LBJ, I was only two years old when he withdrew from the 1968 primaries, but my impression has always been that he was going to lose in the primaries in a humiliating way, so chose the more dignified exit lane.
As for Israelis, perhaps they should hire Jim Biden and Hunter Biden to represent them in D.C.- it is the proven method to get stuff from Joe Biden.
History Doc has the tactical reason right. Biden had to “fight” for Israeli aid in order to get his Ukraine aid. Without aid to Israel, there wasn’t enough GOP support for Ukraine aid alone. Without Ukraine, Israel aid stood no chance of being signed by Biden. Taiwan aid was an afterthought. Now that it’s passed, Biden is imposing a de facto arms embargo against Israel. Right now Taiwan is probably not feeling the best, since Biden couldn’t care less about their fate either.
Knowing my history, I’m reluctantly forced to conclude that an underlying motivation is that at his core, Biden is at least a closet anti-Semite. He’s just horrible at hiding it. Look at his behavior in 1982 when confronting Menachem Begin in the Senate. Biden only cares about Israel for Jewish votes. And there aren’t enough of them for him to care too much.
To believe that the man who utters “pause” and “last name” from the teleprompter is making any of these decisions is an act of creativity.
Similarly, to believe that this isn’t an op to get him replaced at the convention is not a wild conspiracy theory. Right now there are people—Dunning-Kruger sufferers—inside the WH who are gaming out which Dem, besides Michelle (certainly not Kamala) would win against Trump. And if it ends up being only Michelle, say hello to B. Obama’s 4th term and the last coffin nail.
We need to hear from Veep Giggles on this scandal now.
@Quaestor, we did. In a viral video that’s out there online a reporter shouts out a question to her about Hamas, and she replies “shrimp and grits!”
It is truly impressive how much Israel has already adapted its warfighting to the constant yammering from the Biden admin about civilians, even though by all measures applied those same civilians overwhelmingly support Hamas and the "from the river to the sea" genocide plan; and even though that same Biden admin is constantly lying as they did yesterday saying no aid was going in when video clearly showed truck after truck going through the crossing Biden mentioned; and even though Bide never mentioned the loss of four young IDF soldiers at that "humanitarian" aid crossing point because Hamas bombed it while Israel was guiding aid trucks through.
In that context, let's look at what actual warfighting experts say about this war and how Israel has adapted to minimize civilian casualties. John Spencer, chairman of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point, wrote (and might as well have called out Biden by name for how spot-on this is):
In their criticism, Israel’s opponents are erasing a remarkable, historic new standard Israel has set. In my long career studying and advising on urban warfare for the U.S. military, I’ve never known an army to take such measures to attend to the enemy’s civilian population, especially while simultaneously combating the enemy in the very same buildings. In fact, by my analysis, Israel has implemented more precautions to prevent civilian harm than any military in history—above and beyond what international law requires and more than the U.S. did in its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"historic new standard"
"more precautions than any military in history"
"above and beyond international law"
"more than the U.S. did in Iraq and Afghanistan"
But it will never be enough for the lying, ahistorical anti-Semites. Or Joe.
He has no integrity. It’s like asking a leopard to change his spots.
Yer goddamned right there. He's never showed any trace of integrity. That's why he was selected by the cheating cabal in 2020, he's malleable. Look how many sides of every issue he is/has been on.
As for LBJ, I was only two years old when he withdrew from the 1968 primaries …
Well I was watching on TV because I was about to graduate from college and lose my 2-S deferment.
Biden is "Genocide Joe". J-Pod is just using the standard Zionist (also used by Leftists) tactic of screaming traitor and heretic at anyone who deviates one inch from the party line. Its too bad this works on Dumbos and ill-informed.
The Zionists are always demanding 100 Percent alligence to everything Israel does. Deviate one inch and they will call you an antisemite or cry you "hate Israel". Taking this nonsense seriously, derails the conversation from where it should be. Namely, why is Joe biden the most Pro-Jewish, Pro-Israel, and Anti-American President ever.
Why did he supply Israel bombs to kill 33,000 innocent brown people in Gaza. Why isn't he sanctioning Israel for their war crimes? Why is vetoing UN resolutions that demand an end to the Genocide? Simple. He's taken more AIPAC money in total then any US President. He lovess Jews and his Chief of Staff is Jewish. The cabinet heads of Treasury, State, DHS, and Justice are all jews. All his Grandkids are Jewish.
That's why he's Genocide Joe. He only backs off supporting Israel when he thinks it will cost him too many votes.
As seen on X
"President Trump wanted to refill our Strategic Petroleum Reserve when oil was $24/barrel, but Democrats blocked him.
Now, taxpayers will be forced to refill it at nearly TRIPLE the cost."
yay crook a-hole Joe and his a-hole handlers! Bonus - ILLEGAL entrants get our money and they will soon be able to vote.
To paraphrase St. Thomas More: "Ahh but Joe it profits a man nothing to gain the whole world if he should loose his soul… but for Michigan, Joe?
Biden is in the pay of to many people... and his handlers (Soros/Obama/Hillary) deem he is expendable.
Hence he now sides with HAMAS and is even thinking about getting oil from the STRATEGIC RESERVE again!!! Yes cause inflation is up! So Obama/Soros/Hillary make the decisions and sometimes they argue about it.. and that is why you see the slow responses.
Trump is gonna win.. this show trials don't matter one bit.
"I would recommend that the old man step back from the tawdry exercise of getting reelected and actually behave with integrity."
Maybe past performance doesn't indicate future events, but it's highly suggestive. Biden and integrity parted company long, long ago.
I don't think the message this sends to Hamas and other Jew-hating Palestinian groups is necessarily bad for Israel, though. In combination, the US pausing support and Israel proceeding with the operation signal to Hamas that they can't control Israel by manipulating the Americans. Which probably strengthens Israel's position on net, for future negotiations with whoever is left over after Hamas's leaders are, hopefully, killed.
ILLEGAL entrants get our money and they will soon be able to vote
Per Steven Miller:
"ALERT: House Dems just voted UNANIMOUSLY to give illegals representation in Congress AND the Electoral College. House Seats and Electoral College votes WILL BE added to areas with the most illegals (including all Biden illegals) unless Senate passes the bill. Invasion by design."
Not really understanding the "unless Senate passes the bill" part, and think it might be a typo.
Joe Biden is, and always has been, a scumbag. It's surprising that Hunter turned out as well as he did.
I have tried to type this out several times already, and I get so furious that I have to stop. So, rather than go into detail, I think this summarizes it well enough.
Joe Biden is a failure. Always has been.
When, if ever, did Joseph Robinette Biden perform well and act as a man of integrity?
He's now more than 80 years old, and he hasn't done so yet in his entire life. And I'm holding back on saying what I really think about the grafting, grifting, prevaricating geezer.
When, if ever, did Joseph Robinette Biden perform well and act as a man of integrity?
He's now more than 80 years old, and he hasn't done so yet in his entire life. And I'm holding back on saying what I really think about the grafting, grifting, prevaricating geezer.
I remember hearing about this in the UK - I was 14 at the time. Vietnam was big in the news, even though the Labour Government had refused to send troops (just as well, they'd have been stabbed in the back by the Democrats, including Biden in 1974(?), just as the British were in 2021 in the withdrawal from Afghanistan. I thought the latter was sensible, but carried out catastrophically badly.)
The reporting in the UK was that he'd done terribly in the primaries and he'd rather go with dignity.
And why does Biden want this anyway? To what end? Unless your purpose is to prevent an Israeli victory, it’s nonsensical.
Biden has always been uncomfortable with US support for Israel, even when he's gone along with it in public. There's a widely repeated anecdote about Biden threatening Menachem Begin with cutting off US aid to Israel, back in the 1980s, and Begin replying that Israel won't compromise on its principles in exchange for US money (there's also a much more dramatic version of Begin's rebuke to Biden, but it's probably a later exaggeration).
If anything, trying to split the difference between Israelis and rabid Jew-haters is just Biden being Biden. Biden providing "ironclad" support for an Israeli victory over Hamas was him trying to chase popular opinion which, at the time, was overwhelmingly in favour of Israel.
"Quaestor said...
We need to hear from Veep Giggles on this scandal now. FJB can't continue. "
I believe she was asked and her response was "shrimp and grits".
[Deep thoughts from Kamala Harris]
Joe needs the blessing of the Mullahs in Dearborn, MI...
"And why does Biden want this anyway? To what end? Unless your purpose is to prevent an Israeli victory, it’s nonsensical. And if he doesn’t want an Israeli victory, why did he spend months pushing for aid? Why? Why?..."
Because he's making money off it.
"...actually behave with integrity."
When did Biden ever have integrity?
If Israel’s continuation is dependent on the US then Israel is fucked.
Finish the job.
Obama selected Biden carefully in 2008 and 2020 to continue his anti-Israel, antisemitic policies. Why would anyone expect Obama particularly with his Muslim background to depart from African American victim-oppressor dogma about Israel? Why would anyone expect Biden to depart from Obama?
Biden's handlers are cagey about total capitulation to the Hamas wing of the party and the possible, but not certain, alienation of Jewish donors.
The Democrats are playing a dangerous and desperate game here.
It's true that Muslims and their radical-Left college-campus sympathizers have enough of a presence in a few purple and light blue states to potentially affect the outcome of the election in those localities and hence the overall success or failure of the Biden campaign. Biden has to either pander to them, or suffer the consequences if they all stay home or vote for a third party candidate.
But Jews have comparable if not greater numbers in many locales. These voters are mostly in safe blue states, but are also numerous enough in a few swing states like Arizona to potentially affect the outcome. They cannot be dismissed as irrelevant to Biden's chances.
Where there is an even more asymmetric disparity is in cultural influence and financial resources. Jews vastly outclass Muslims in these regards. Some 40 percent of the Democratic Party's financial support comes from Jews or entities controlled by Jews, and so does much of their organizational prowess. There is also the undeniably strong Jewish influence in the fields of journalism, entertainment, academia, law, and so forth, all of which constantly hold a massively heavy thumb on the scales for the partisan gain of the Democrats. Biden spurns that support at his peril, as without it there is little likelihood of the Democrats ever again holding power at the national level.
I don't know how they thread this needle. The Democrats' nakedly Stalinist lawfare is blowing up in their faces. Trump gains support day by day, and now has taken a lead in polling in Minnesota, where Republicans have not won at the national level since Nixon in 1972. This obviously means that Nevada, Virginia, New Hampshire, Michigan, and Wisconsin are in play too, and Pennsylvania and Arizona are probably in the bag for Trump.
What are the options for the Dems? They can stumble and bumble to a humiliating defeat under Biden, no matter whether he comes down on the side of the Jews or the Muslims, or suffer an even more devastating blowout under Kamala, or risk dumping her and putting Gavin Newsom at the top of the ticket, in which case they pick up a few white voters at the margin but lose at least 30 percent of the black vote.
I'm certain the Democrats have detailed plans to use the Dominion machines to forge ballots for all the blacks who stay home, but it will be much harder to pull off another theft this year, and a lot more black people would vote for Trump in this circumstance, denying the Democrats the opportunity to cast fake ballots in their name.
The Democrats are playing a dangerous and desperate game here.
It's true that Muslims and their radical-Left college-campus sympathizers have enough of a presence in a few purple and light blue states to potentially affect the outcome of the election in those localities and hence the overall success or failure of the Biden campaign. Biden has to either pander to them, or suffer the consequences if they all stay home or vote for a third party candidate.
But Jews have comparable if not greater numbers in many locales. These voters are mostly in safe blue states, but are also numerous enough in a few swing states like Arizona to potentially affect the outcome. They cannot be dismissed as irrelevant to Biden's chances.
Where there is an even more asymmetric disparity is in cultural influence and financial resources. Jews vastly outclass Muslims in these regards. Some 40 percent of the Democratic Party's financial support comes from Jews or entities controlled by Jews, and so does much of their organizational prowess. There is also the undeniably strong Jewish influence in the fields of journalism, entertainment, academia, law, and so forth, all of which constantly hold a massively heavy thumb on the scales for the partisan gain of the Democrats. Biden spurns that support at his peril, as without it there is little likelihood of the Democrats ever again holding power at the national level.
I don't know how they thread this needle. The Democrats' nakedly Stalinist lawfare is blowing up in their faces. Trump gains support day by day, and now has taken a lead in polling in Minnesota, where Republicans have not won at the national level since Nixon in 1972. This obviously means that Nevada, Virginia, New Hampshire, Michigan, and Wisconsin are in play too, and Pennsylvania and Arizona are probably in the bag for Trump.
What are the options for the Dems? They can stumble and bumble to a humiliating defeat under Biden, no matter whether he comes down on the side of the Jews or the Muslims, or suffer an even more devastating blowout under Kamala, or risk dumping her and putting Gavin Newsom at the top of the ticket, in which case they pick up a few white voters at the margin but lose at least 30 percent of the black vote.
I'm certain the Democrats have detailed plans to use the Dominion machines to forge ballots for all the blacks who stay home, but it will be much harder to pull off another theft this year, and a lot more black people would vote for Trump in this circumstance, denying the Democrats the opportunity to cast fake ballots in their name.
Well, President Shit For His Brains did give Netanyahu his word as a Biden that they would support the defeat and destruction of Hamas, so there's that.
I kind of enjoyed watching Lindsay Graham question the Defense Secretary, Austin on how he feels about US actions in WWII that killed a lot of enemy civilians. Graham could not get a straight answer out of him.
House Dems just voted UNANIMOUSLY to give illegals representation in Congress AND the Electoral College. House Seats and Electoral College votes WILL BE added to areas with the most illegals (including all Biden illegals) unless Senate passes the bill. Invasion by design.
This has to be addressed by the Supreme Court. If this is allowed to stand, what's to stop the Biden administration from airlifting a billion people from Africa to California, where even if they never voted, their presence would form a "rotten borough" controlled by California voters that would be large enough by itself to control Congress and the Electoral College at every election?
Giving illegal invaders representation in our government is outright treason, and reason enough in my mind to justify any action to overthrow that illegitimate occupation government, even a violent armed revolution if that is the only way to throw off the tyranny. If the invasion is planned and facilitated for the partisan gain of one political party, it's reason enough to outlaw the party and summarily execute all of its leaders. Traitors inside the gates are worse than enemies outside.
And why does Biden want this anyway? To what end?
Biden is an idiot savant when it comes to foreign policy. Stress on "idiot." Or maybe a reverse idiot savant, in that he is a genius as long as you do exactly the opposite of what he suggests.
Or maybe he is just an idiot, who is also senile.
I agreed with Yancey Ward's comment about Netanyahu getting the job done within 4 months before Biden could stab him in the back. I've wondered why the Israeli's slowed down the final assault.
But the Israeli's aren't stupid. I'm starting to think that although the reasons are certainly complex for the delay, it may be that Netanyahu's delay, allowing Biden to repeatedly hector him, and then finally come out of the closet in support of Hamas, will drive the remaining jews and other liberals to see what's going on here and vote in a different direction that ultimately benefits Israel more than 4 more years of Biden/Obama.
Biden can do or not do anything about Gaza: the protesters will just move on to the next topic.
It's a revolution. They flip issues all the time. They'll just go back to the purported evils of whiteness, or alleged police brutality, or racissssm, or demands for more illegal immigrants and more debt relief (just for them, not taxpayers).
They want Biden out because they see Trump as the best way to cause more conflict. They don't give a crap about Palestinians.
How is this unprincipled again?
Suppose that the principle is that the US supports Israel in taking actions against Hamas that are proportional under international law and congruent with Israeli interests and with US interests.
And suppose that Biden originally assumed, as many Americans did, that actions against Hamas in Gaza were/or were going to be proportional and congruent with both Israeli and US interests, but after watching thousands of women and children die without producing a result, or even an endgame, now concludes that the Israeli government's expanded Hamas strategy, which involves going into Rafeh, where 1.3 million civilians are tightly packed, is neither proportionate or advancing Israeli or US interests, but rather the interests of Netanyahu in avoiding being ousted from office and convicted. This is a view which many observers, both Israeli and non Israeli, Jewish and non Jewish, now hold.
Suppose further that Biden has taken every non public approach available to him to seek to change Netanyahu's destructive strategy, so he has now decided that the only way to bring about a moderation of position is to make clear the limits of US willingness to be played in supporting a course which serves neither Israeli or US interests.
Why is that not a principled response?
And why would one jump to the conclusion that Biden is acting out of narrow self interest when this pretty obvious explanation is also available? Contrast with Althouse's constant efforts to find a public spirited rationale for Trump's conduct, even when the evidence for one is vanishingly thin. Cruel neutrality has become a fantasy on this blog.
A question: why don’t we ever read or hear of Biden telling Hamas what they should or should not do?
and the possible, but not certain, alienation of Jewish donors
Oddly many of the biggest donors don’t seem to mind…
RCOCEAN points out the following about Biden: "He loves Jews and his Chief of Staff is Jewish. The cabinet heads of Treasury, State, DHS, and Justice are all jews."
Thanks, RCOCEAN, glad you clarified for us how criticism of Israel such as yours is not antisemitic.
Bob Boyd said... "Maybe things are so poorly run because they are being run by committee."
What we are seeing is the result of a "pandemonium" decision-making system: whoever manages to yell the loudest gets their policy preferences implemented until someone else yells even louder.
How else do you explain us getting the exact same policy mix as 1973-79? Absolutely no one wanted THAT (although fools and hacks will still post facto defend it because they are fools and hacks).
After Nixon resigned, the permanent bureaucracy ran the country--into the ground. Ford and Carter never had a chance: Ford was a place-holder in a demoralized administration, and Carter was an outsider: the people who knew how to get things done weren't loyal to him, and the people who were loyal to him didn't know how to get things done. Pandemonium system within the permanent government ruled, and we got horrible inflation, idiotic bureaucracy wish-list regulations, military incompetence, and foreign-policy weakness. Sound familiar?
The committee that is ruling us is a clown-car full of screeching morons.
I do not support Biden's policy in handling this war, nor do I plan to vote for him in November, but why do you imply that he lacked integrity in withholding weapons to Israel? Had he not give them warnings over and over again? Do you think Israelis' conducts throughout this war have been full of integrity?
And I am curious what policy choices or conducts by Biden you would view in this context are worthy of "integrity" tag. It is not a trick question. I am genuinely curious.
Trump was actually dragged through an impeached by the Democrats for threatening to pause military aid package to Ukraine while asking for an political investigation into Biden and Barisma. What irony.
I will get all the Americans back (Afghanistan - crickets). I am behind Israel 100%. Trump must be impeached for not sending missiles to Ukraine (although he did and Ukraine was not then at war) but I'm OK with doing it. I'll get the other prisoners of Russia back after the WNBA player, Sanctions against Iranian puppets? Lifted!
Man is the pro-Palestinian movement in Michigan powerful or what?
I find it ironic that precision guided bombs, WHICH MINIMIZE INJURY TO NON-COMBATANTS - are the weapons being denied.
Big surprise /s
“ I would recommend that the old man step back from the tawdry exercise of getting reelected and actually behave with integrity.”
So you think the old dog can learn a new trick?
And the trick should be roll over and play dead?
I'd be more likely to think Joe could train First Dog Commander into a fine baby sitter.
PenguinBelly said...
I do not support Biden's policy in handling this war, nor do I plan to vote for him in November, but why do you imply that he lacked integrity in withholding weapons to Israel? Had he not give them warnings over and over again? Do you think Israelis' conducts throughout this war have been full of integrity?
And I am curious what policy choices or conducts by Biden you would view in this context are worthy of "integrity" tag. It is not a trick question. I am genuinely curious.
The distinction is between leadership which Biden is attempting and War which Israelis are attempting.
Biden is a lying piece of shit. He starts wars and loses them on purpose. His goal is as many people dead as possible, as much money in his pocket as he can skim, and as many allies betrayed as he can manage. Biden is the opposite of integrity. The tag is properly applied.
The Israelis are at the place where leadership and diplomacy fail. They are in the middle of an existential war with an enemy that wants to kill them. Integrity is not involved here. There is a binary choice between future generations of Jews in Israel and future generations of Palestinians in Gaza. Palestinians promise war until one of these options is achieved. You don't worry about integrity in that situation.
JAORE said...
I find it ironic that precision guided bombs, WHICH MINIMIZE INJURY TO NON-COMBATANTS - are the weapons being denied.
Not ironic.
The Biden administration profits off of dead Palestinians just like Hamas does.
Stephen said...
How is this unprincipled again?
Why is that not a principled response?
It is really simple. You abuse the word suppose to hide the truth.
If Biden wanted peace he would have done what Trump did. Biden obviously doesn't want peace.
You don't have to suppose anything or pretend you know what you are talking about.
And why would one jump to the conclusion that Biden is acting out of narrow self interest when this pretty obvious explanation is also available? Contrast with Althouse's constant efforts to find a public spirited rationale for Trump's conduct, even when the evidence for one is vanishingly thin. Cruel neutrality has become a fantasy on this blog.
Biden brings war to the world. Biden is known to be taking bribes from the warring countries. The self interest is obvious.
You and your regime supporting pieces of shit just want death and war. Your actions speak far louder than your words. You have fed the Mullahs in Iran and fed Putin and given them the means to wage war because that is what you want. There are 5 wars in Africa right now killing more people than the number of Palestinians being killed in Gaza.
Your actions and your words do not match. You people don't actually believe a single word you are saying.
You are the opposite of principled.
Trump brought peace to the world. His words and his actions match.
Trump supporters want peace in the world. We support Trump. Our actions and our words match.
That is the difference.
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