১৬ মে, ২০২৪

"We’re not judging you for the soap that you use. But, collectively, that can add up as billions of people wash their hands or bathe..."

"... hundreds or thousands of times a year. If you’re so inclined, it makes sense to switch to a more eco-friendly product. Just understand that there may be a trade-off between sustainability and comfort. 'The consumer has to decide: Are they serious about where their soap comes from, whether it’s synthetic or natural?...'"

From "Bar soap or body wash: Which is best for your skin and the planet? Depending on its ingredients and packaging, your soap could cut as much as a third of the carbon emissions from your next shower" (WaPo).

So: Don't feel judged, but feel judged. "We’re not judging you"... but you — you conscientious people — need to step up and judge yourself.

That reminds me. I'm reading a book — "Morning After the Revolution" by Nellie Bowles (commission earned) — and here's how the chapter "The Most Important White Woman in the World" begins:
What are the characteristics of white people? A middle-aged white woman named Tema Okun with flowing long hair created the definitional list. In that list she put perfectionism, a sense of urgency, worship of the written word, a right to comfort, individualism, one right way, and objectivity. Those were white values, Tema said. These were how white people upheld their supremacy.

I wonder what's the carbon footprint of flowing long hair and whether, if we were serious about the environment, we'd cut it short or at least forgo the substance whose very name tells you it is an indulgence — "shampoo." Bar soap will do for your hands and for the rest of you, including your hair. Yes, it's drying and difficult to use but the question is are you serious?

Sorry, I was distracted by the superfluous detail of flowing long hair. What I wanted to focus on was that attribute of white supremacy called "a right to comfort." This is not just a question of your seriousness about the environment. It's a question of your white supremacist sense that you are entitled to comfort

Your hair-shirt will be bar soap.

১০০টি মন্তব্য:

Amy বলেছেন...

If I'm having surgery, I might want a white surgeon - based on this list. Perfectionism seems desirable in that instance. Or for the pilot on the plane I am flying..... this list could get rather long. Or are we not allowed to say that?

Iman বলেছেন...

The WaPo could contribute in a BIG way, if they would cease operations. This alone would be the equivalent of reducing the global cattle population by approximately 8.73 million.

gilbar বলেছেন...

i read "a right to comfort" as: 'a right to comform' ..
i think that's more better; even though it shows that i CAN'T read

Old and slow বলেছেন...

I don't give my carbon footprint a moment's thought, but people do get a bit precious about their soaps. Plain white bar soap is suitable for all needs.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

These Leftists are Utopians who want to control our lives and reduce us to a State of Nature.

William F. Buckley reportedly said that, "A liberal is someone who wants to reach into your shower and adjust the water temperature for you." Now they want to take away your soap.

These people must be defeated so soundly that they know they are defeated and that they give up.

Three other liberal control things that made life more expensive and less comfortable:

1. Low water toilets.
2. The termination of incandescent light bulbs. All made in China now.
3. Worthless dishwater soap.

And Net Zero will triple our power rates and lead to blackouts in the winter.

Greg Hlatky বলেছেন...

Women's products occupy five and a half aisles at the supermarket. Men may get half an aisle.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Reminds me of an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies when Grannie boiled up some homemade lye soap. Miss Hathaway is taken back and grossed out by the soap, and says it has to be horrible for your skin.

Granny says "feel my skin"

Miss Hathaway says, "Oh my, it feels like leather"

Of Course granny replies something like, "Yup! Ain't no better soap anywhere"

Yinzer বলেছেন...

Can we please stop treating the Wapo as if it is a font of knowledge? To treat this list of positive attributes as things that only White people aspire to, or can achieve, is an insult to all other races. I truly hope that the other races agree, or they are doomed to the lower end of income and society in general.

n.n বলেছেন...

Carbon emissions are good for the environment... ecosystem. Reproduce.

As for the planet, She... Gaia doesn't care one way or another.

Leland বলেছেন...

Remember all the reasonable precautions from Covid like washing your hands and bathing? Yeah? Forget all that. Do it for he environment because the Earth is fragile.

Narr বলেছেন...

No soap for you!

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Bar soap = discomfort? Who knew?

Howard বলেছেন...

Karenism is a natural human state, Dave Begley:

These Rightists are apocalyptics who want to control our lives and reduce us to a State of Rapture.

Christopher Hitchens said: "Religion is a totalitarian belief. It is the wish to be a slave. It is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thought crime while you are asleep, who can subject you to total surveillance around the clock every waking and sleeping minute of your life, before you're born and, even worse and where the real fun begins, after you're dead. A celestial North Korea. Who wants this to be true? Who but a slave desires such a ghastly fate? I've been to North Korea. It has a dead man as its president, Kim Jong-Il is only head of the party and head of the army. He's not head of the state. That office belongs to his deceased father, Kim Il-Sung. It's a necrocracy, a thanatocracy. It's one short of a trinity I might add. The son is the reincarnation of the father. It is the most revolting and utter and absolute and heartless tyranny the human species has ever evolved. But at least you can f#$%ing die and leave North Korea!"

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'The consumer has to decide...'

Until the consumer is no longer allowed to decide.

Until the government tells the consumer what to buy, as it light bulbs, toilets, automobiles, etc.

And fuck white people. They're all evil and we'd be better off if they never existed.

Except for the internet, electrical grids, cell phones, airplanes, space travel, computers, organ transplants, television, radio...

Fuck white people.

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

I generally try to ignore advice from the Washington Post.

Aggie বলেছেন...

Bar soap tends to "X", while liquid soap tends to "Y". Science ! Plus, bar graphs showing 'tendency' trends, for those wanting the details. Double Data Science !

I'll take my bar soap with liquid soap gravy on it, extra-hot extra-long. Squeaky Clean Luddite-ism.

n.n বলেছেন...

My carbon footprint is masked by a pair of GMO-free socks and organic-fed Skechers.

n.n বলেছেন...

No judgment, No labels, Your Choice... uh, choice of soap. Planned Personhood in the pursuit of rock justice is no ethical vice.

Martin বলেছেন...

I am likely to switch to whatever the WaPo says is the worst choice just to be contrary.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

It floors me that things like perfectionism, a sense of urgency, and objectivity are negatives. I can only conclude that these people are incapable of them or too lazy to strive for them. These people are not my betters.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Fools and knaves push bar soap for all, bar soap for everything.

I love that list of white values: perfectionism, a sense of urgency, worship of the written word, a right to comfort, individualism, one right way, and objectivity. It is aspirational! It is what makes the world improve. If everyone did those things the world would be a better place. If people lived by those values, they would improve their lot in life.

Think about the antithesis of those values--it is a prescription for permanent poverty.

Epater les bien-pensants! A bas les bohemes! Vive les bourgeois!

StoughtonSconnie বলেছেন...

In my experience in dealing with “anti-racism” activists, they are certainly talk about how “one right way” is racist, but in reality they simply want to replace some right ways with different right ways, and the current right way is defined as wrong. Similarly, the Progressives here in Dane County and doubtlessly elsewhere talk about not being opposed to people being individuals, provided you are individual in exactly the same way as them.

n.n বলেছেন...

All made in China now.

Labor and environmental arbitrage, practical and actual slavery - of a Muslim minority, no less, Occupied Tibet, DEI, Planned parenthood... all the conveniences of progressive liberalism.

Lucien বলেছেন...

Trump used to riff on low flow showers and toilets, didn’t he?

Kate বলেছেন...

We drain grey water separately, so I've switched to all kinds of eco-friendly soaps, including bar shampoo made by a wonderful local shop. I thought it would be a difficult adjustment, but the products are better than they used to be. They actually clean things now.

This wasn't a choice based on carbon footprint, though. Our septic tank failed last year, leaking all over the yard. I'll take bar soap over raw sewage.

The New Puritans aren't happy with practicality, though. They need performative penance.

mezzrow বলেছেন...

Get out of my goddamn shower. Now.

The first amendment gives us the right to say this. If the second gives us the right to enforce the first (as well as our request) it becomes more clear why the second is the threat that it is to those who want to adjust our shower temp and the soap we use.

They want, no, they NEED to control that. For Gaia and its future.

See how clever modern people throw off religion? A state with this kind of capacity can make you house people you don't want to house, as well. Don't mind that other amendment. This is how we cure homelessness.

You don't have the right to comfort. Unless you insist on it, that is. We have insistent people in this comment thread. Those who are comfortable with this level of state capacity are very insistent on their position, though it is in the minority in this space.

John Borell বলেছেন...

I prefer bar soap for the shower, liquid soap for handwashing. We use Dove unscented bar soap because tend not to like scented soaps. If there is no bar soap, I use whatever soap happens to be in the shower (including shampoo).

I use bar soap because I prefer it. I don't give a shit about how I'm supposed to feel about it.

But then as a person of the right, I'm generally happy about life and don't look for things (like what soap I'm supposed to use) to be miserable about.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

A 'sense of urgency' is bad? I bet there's no one on Earth who can bitch out a slow barista like Tema Okun can.

CJinPA বলেছেন...

What long-haired Tema Okun means:

"In that list she put perfectionism (this targets standards), a sense of urgency (this rejects punctuality), worship of the written word (targets facts over feelings), a right to comfort (not wanting a protester in your face), individualism (not sharing your wealth), one right way (anti-facts), and objectivity (again, this rejects facts over feelings)."

No less than the National African American Museum featured a display listing punctuality and objectivity as features of "white supremacy."

Quayle বলেছেন...

Howard, if Christopher Hitchens said that, his understanding and idea of religion is so shallow and narrow as to warrant the label of silly.

perfectionism ("zero carbon goal")
a sense of urgency ("We only have a few years left until it will be too late")
worship of the written word ("hockey sticks everywhere")
a right to comfort ("My private jet is necessary; your passenger flight isn't.")
individualism ("I'm building a private secure bomb shelter on an island in Hawaii")
one right way ("if you don't believe in climate science, you are a menace to society")
objectivity ("denying global warming is denying science")

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Althouse reads 'woke book' so we don't have to.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'My carbon footprint is masked by a pair of GMO-free socks and organic-fed Skechers.'

My carbon footprint is 'Fuck you.'

I don't have anything against anyone owning a private jet and multiple homes around the world. I know a guy who lives that way and he's a peach.

I just don't need to be lectured by any of them...

Nancy বলেছেন...

Reminds me of the debates over cloth vs disposable diapers. Each new round of analysis changed the answer

Mason G বলেছেন...

To the author: I'm not judging the articles you write but if you're so inclined, you might want to think about minding your own fucking business.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

"Get out of my goddamn shower. Now."

-- Ashley Biden

lonejustice বলেছেন...

I shower with bar soap because it makes me feel squeaky clean. Body wash or shower gel makes me feel slimy, like I still need to take another shower. I have never once in my entire life ever considered or cared whether the soap I use causes carbon emissions.

who-knew বলেছেন...

It strikes me this morning that "a right to comfort" being on the list is curious since the DEI crowd, far leftists, etc, all seem to agitate for "safe spaces" for "POC" and other designated victim groups and claim that these students can't learn anything at a school where they don't feel comfortable. I guess they are just taking Emerson to heart "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Althouse reads 'woke book' so we don't have to."

It's more anti-woke.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

There's this distasteful notion in "green" circles that humans have an obligation to have no impact at all on the planet.

We are not part of nature, we are an invasive species dropped here, presumably by a UFO, 100,000 years ago. And because we're colonizers, not indigenous to earth, we have no right to make any impact whatsoever. We have a moral obligation to make every possible reduction to our carbon footprint, no matter how insignificant.

Until we achieve carbon zero, we have no right to any enjoyment of life.

PM বলেছেন...

I don't care if someone thinks they're on the 'right side of washing'.
Just don't book the middle seat.

mikeski বলেছেন...

And fuck white people. They're all evil and we'd be better off if they never existed.

Except for the internet, electrical grids, cell phones, airplanes, space travel, computers, organ transplants, television, radio...

Fuck white people.


J Severs বলেছেন...

So is 'My Body, My Choice" relevant here, or nah?

Wa St Blogger বলেছেন...

Get out of my goddamn shower. Now.

The government is Joe Biden, and we are his 10 YO daughter. No way they get out of the shower. We will need to plan our showers in secret so the government doesn't know.

n.n বলেছেন...

The Woke exercise liberal license to indulge color judgments, and, generally, class bigotry. #SelectiveJudgment #TooManyLabels

Darkisland বলেছেন...

I think they mean carbon dioxide emissions, not carbon emissions. Unless they really do mean carbon emissions, I label the entire report bullshit and disinformation.

If they won't get that basic fact right, I assume they got no other facts right.

Atmospheric carbon isn't even alleged to be a problem. As a solid, it settles out of the air within 2 weeks. The level of atmospheric carbon is even closer to zero than the level of atmospheric CO2

John Henry

narciso বলেছেন...

the byline is by the Bezos climate solutions writer, a NorthWestern grad, up from the Herald,

I credit Nellie Bowles with noting the origin of this crazy custom, one of these diversity
consultants, but how did they let this get that far,

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Blogger n.n said...

Carbon emissions are good for the environment... ecosystem. Reproduce.

Don't you mean carbon dioxide?

Why not say so if you do?

John Henry

Howard বলেছেন...

I volunteer at a local farm that grows vegetables for the food insecure in our center Mass community. It's not certified organic but is free of toxic chemical usage.

To keep the deer out, we hang bars of Irish Spring from stakes. Apparently only the original scent works as a deterrent. It's manly, yes, but Gaia likes it too!!

Smilin' Jack বলেছেন...

“The Most Important White Woman in the World"

Is that sort of like “World’s Tallest Midget”?

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Does any group use more hair and nail products per capita than black women? We used to have to construct special tall doors for the booths and stages at the Bronner Brothers show, because the weaves used to run to three or four feet higher than the women displaying them.

It was epic. And loads of fun. Doesn't anyone remember when this stuff was just fun?

We kept the freight doors open all the time for two shows a year: the auto show, and Bronner Brothers. Because the fumes of either would have killed us.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Kate: plants love soapy greywater from sinks and tubs and washing machines. I had elephant ears taller than my last house, and hostas the size of truck tires. Once, good hippies roamed the earth, and they gave us The Whole Earth Catalog, which you can now buy on a zip drive, all the issues, if you're into that sort of thing.

Rusty বলেছেন...

I use the soap that uses the most endangered species in it's manufacture. I think this month it's Puffins.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"A middle-aged white woman named Tema Okun with flowing long hair created the definitional list."

So, at least we are all agreed that this shit was made up from nothing up by some hippy with a grudge.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

Skin head: In.
Hippies: Out.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

"We’re not judging you for the soap that you use. But, collectively, ..."

Some filthy, superannuated hippie chick is going to go all judgmental on me because I like to be clean? Screw her! (But don’t, really, unless you are up for a variety of incurable STDs.)

West TX Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...

Economists aim for a small amount of inflation because deflation is a lot worse.
Having to choose between a planet that is a bit warmer than present or one that is too cold to grow food, I'm choosing to do my part to minimize the threat that we will run out of food.
You're welcome.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

"There's this distasteful notion in "green" circles that humans have an obligation to have no impact at all on the planet."

I love the denial of green folks that we are somehow not of this world or of nature.

Everything we do, from digging coal to building skyscrapers and nuclear reactors is what we do as smart animals.

Beavers build dams, grasshoppers eat crops, we build shit.

It's nature...

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'I volunteer at a local farm that grows vegetables for the food insecure...'

Is it like the 'Food desserts' in the inner cities where the minority citizens are overwhelmingly obese?

Achilles বলেছেন...

Just don’t use soap or shampoo. Your skin and hair will be healthier.

You use soap after cleaning out the parts where feces are. This goes for using soap after using the toilet or in the shower at certain times but other than that soap and shampoo just hurt your skin and hair.

After you wash yourself without soap for a few weeks you will be shocked how good your skin looks and feels.

BG বলেছেন...

I like using a bar of African Black soap in my shower. It’s does well for body and hair. Am I committing cultural appropriation? Am I a a racist? (I’m Caucasian.) Actually, I don’t care. I like it and will continue using it. We switched to using bar soap as opposed to liquid soap for washing hands. It lasts longer. So in this case “It’s the economy, stupid.” I’ve tried the eco friendly sheets you get for the laundry. They arrived on a rainy day and the mail person was not careful to keep the cardboard box dry. The sheets melded together on one end. What a pain in the a&& to tear one off. So far I am not inclined to order again. At least find a way to keep moisture out of the container.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

BTW, the picture accompanying the article shows a really filthy bathtub. I hope that’s just caked on dirt and not mold on the grout. And the faucet appears to be poorly caulked. Ask the author if he’s familiar with the concept of “elbow grease”?

Art in LA বলেছেন...

Anyone here still singing "Happy Birthday" when they wash their hands?! Remember when that was a thing not too long ago?

rehajm বলেছেন...

the substance whose very name tells you it is an indulgence — "shampoo."

Yes ladies- bathe only with real poo...

wildswan বলেছেন...

"In that list she put perfectionism, a sense of urgency, worship of the written word, a right to comfort, individualism, one right way, and objectivity. Those were white values, Tema said."

Here's a Princeton Hunger Striker wailing that she is unfairly suffering from the hunger strike, [personal comfort]; moaning that she is immuno-compromised [sense of urgency]; announcing that Princeton wants to support unjust murder [one right way]. She is not, however, white. And I think, in general, that the list of "white" attributes applies more readily to today's left than to any group defined by skin color alone..

BTY, the hunger strikers have discontinued their strike because hunger was affecting their health. Other's have taken their place. It is not true that the second group is eating pizzas smuggled in at night. They have vowed to fast until, like the first group, they are hungry and that's what they are doing. So brave.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Had a job for a couple of years that occasionally required Lava and Boraxo in the shower.
Learned a lot, led to better things.

Greg বলেছেন...

Further to what Iman said at the start. Why does WAPO exist? 98% of the media spew the same liberal crap with different bylines. Just have one propaganda outlet using data and the massive energy needed to spread the BS around. They would save the planet, and their circulation (0) wouldn't change

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

One must search out a unique kvetch to punish about, or one's existence is meaningless. Emphasis on the punish.

OhMichael বলেছেন...

If worship of the written word is really such an attribute, I plead guilty.

mikee বলেছেন...

Althouse wonders if shorn hair is more sustainable than long hair. She need not wonder, there is precedent that makes it clear mandatory buzzcuts are the way to go.The Germans cut the hair of their gas chamber victims to use in making fabrics for their war effort in the 1940s. They didn't do it for the fun of it, they found it economically feasible with limitations on their raw materials.

The only question Althouse need consider is if she'll get in the cattle car to the camps without a fight, when it is pointed out by others that the moral and just and environmental thing to do is to climb on aboard, and to do so smiling. That cattle car to the camps is the inevitable outcome of all collectivist endeavors. But hey, free hair cut upon arrival, which is nice!

Big Mike বলেছেন...

In that list she put perfectionism, a sense of urgency, worship of the written word, a right to comfort, individualism, one right way, and objectivity.

All but two of the items on this list are pretty significant indicators of success in building things and making them work. The two that are more iffy are “one right way” and “perfectionism.” As regards the former, the ability to think outside the box be a very valuable, doubly do if they have the experience and foresight to know when following the standard methodology is likely to lead to success and when it seems likely to lead to the same dead ends that destroyed comparable projects.

Perfectionism can be a trap. In the course of a lengthy and successful career developing software systems for real people to use, I discovered that getting to 97% - 98% of perfect usually isn’t very hard and can be achieved relatively rapidly. Getting from that 97% to a point better than 99% can take as much additional time as getting to the 97%. In other words moving the target from 97% to 99% can double the effort. And that last 1%? Don’t ask.

Still, if the software is exercise 10,000 times per minute — and dime of the systems developed under my direction were exercised at a much higher throughput rate than that — a 1% error rate leads to 144,000 trouble tickets a day. Leads to building self-checking and fail-soft systems.

One Fine Day বলেছেন...

"Having to choose between a planet that is a bit warmer than present or one that is too cold to grow food, I'm choosing to do my part to minimize the threat that we will run out of food."

Warmer and wetter is better - both in daily hygiene and in climate.

EAB বলেছেন...

Some people just can’t help but fuss about something and at people. I meant to switch to bar shampoo but stupidly bought some new stuff from my hair salon. Next time. I was planning to do the switch because I got a recommendation and it’s just easier for travel. I use bar soap for hands…pre-Covid I used liquid scented soaps. But, liquid seems to be more drying as I wash my hands more often. So, now it’s soaps from a local lavender place. I have both bar and liquid shower stuff. It’s all about how it smells. I like scented products in the shower.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

The only proper response to any and every article within the "climate/carbon" oeuvre is "Fuck off, carbon NAZIs!" The various means to transmit their incoherent baby-thoughts to us would not exist in their "carbon neutral" or "carbon free" fantasy worlds. If I could be troubled to deliver a follow-up it would be, "You first, assholes."

They should read Kafka. Better yet, climate/carbon advice should be like investment advice, forbidden by law to dole out masquerading as "journalism" without a clear up-front disclaimer. I'd volunteer to write it for them. Fucking assholes.

Mason G বলেছেন...

"It was epic. And loads of fun. Doesn't anyone remember when this stuff was just fun?"

The left, played by Dean Wormer, played by John Vernon: "No more fun of any kind!"

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Hey, I buzzcut my hair. Had a licensed hair colorist from Paul Mitchell teach me. She was a colorist for very rich people. Crazy, but talented.

My hair becomes a fro. That's the Sicilian. I used to do cornrows, for safety on the docks and around other equipment, but when I went to grad school, I was shamed for cultural appropriation, not rational choice. And that is all you need to know the Democrats.

Short, it looks very nice. I can do several styles on my husband but stick to extra-short for me. Buy a good head razor and a good beard razor from Amazon. Replace the blades every few months: that is the BIG secret. We save at least two thousand a year, and I get a lot of compliments, especially from black women.. One expensive ($7) Garnier hair gel lasts me a year. Make sure your cutter attachments have angle cutters. Buy a decent hair scissors.

If you have kids, watch some videos. They'll be fine. In a family of four, that's a heck of a lot of money. Maybe 4K savins a year. That will send them to trade school.

If you wany to dye hair, take a trade school class.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Isn't this the same paper that said people should take cold showers for the environment? No, thanks. Should rename the Washington Ascetic.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

All these Gaia monks yearn to live in maximum density pods without air conditioning and take cold showers with weird soap.

jpg বলেছেন...

These clowns plan for those of us they allow to live to live like it's the 1870s and while we eat bugs they eat filet mignon.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Baby puffins.

Paul Mac বলেছেন...

Not why I was looking because I hadn't read your post fully much less the article but it appears she doesn't always have flowing hair, I wonder whether the reasons why are guilt or aesthetic?


Here is the flowing hair though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0DsD0xjSPM

Tim বলেছেন...

"perfectionism, a sense of urgency, worship of the written word, a right to comfort, individualism, one right way, and objectivity". That is a pretty racist statement. I can make a strong argument that those are objectively good values to have. Does that make white people, who have those values, inherently more valuable than others? Is the author of that statement a university sophomore majoring in anthropology or philosophy? Sounds like it to me.

Dave64 বলেছেন...

Way back in time, Bernie Sanders had his panties in a twist because of all the deodorant choices available. These people feel a need to control everything you do. I feel a need to tell them to stick it.

Michael বলেছেন...

Ivory soap no longer floats. What the hell.

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Joe Smith said...
Is it like the 'Food desserts' in the inner cities where the minority citizens are overwhelmingly obese?

Let them eat Twinkies

Michael বলেছেন...

Ivory soap no longer floats. What the hell.

Coop বলেছেন...

Blogger Achilles said...
“Just don’t use soap or shampoo. Your skin and hair will be healthier.”

Achilles, you could stop right there. Unless washing your hands for food prep, or trying to get grease or something off from yard work or similar, you really don’t need soap or shampoo. Ever! Or deodorant, shaving cream and the thousands of skin care and beauty products out there. And don’t shower every day, maybe once a week or whenever your skin feels a bit clammy or you’ve been out doing yardwork and gotten grimy and sweaty.

I stopped shaving cream maybe 15 years ago and have saved on razor blades, making one of those 3 or 4 blade cartridges last 2 months shaving every other day. I stopped shampoo maybe 10 years ago, first by just getting a really short hair cut and washing it in the bathroom sink with a wash cloth but as it grew out, I just kept doing it the same way and I actually have hair starting to fill back in a bit from male pattern baldness. I’d say I’m about 7 years with no soap and deodorant, take showers about once a week but scrub down under warm to hot water with a loofa. Skin is much more elastic, my psoriasis has mostly gone away and I no longer get BO. There just ain’t any smell at all and the skin does a great job self cleaning on it’s own.

It takes some guts and patience, so maybe start on one of those roughing it, weeklong camping trips where you kinda expect to get grubby, come home, take a long soapless shower and maybe do a one time pass of scentless deodorant but after 2-3 days, should be good to go. Really thick longer hair may take a bit longer (and for some that just naturally produce oily hair, it may not work as far as cutting out shampoo but try an extra third week if you can), but shaving cream and body soap takes at most a week for the body to produce the natural oils and such that soap, shaving cream and armpit treatments are no longer necessary.

My wife, who can detect even the slightest offensive odor, had zero idea until she realized my old soap bar never got any smaller and had dried out and cracked a bit (after about 4 or 5 years sitting in our soap dish unused). She likes my smell, but is petrified to try it herself.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

wanted to focus on was that attribute of white supremacy called "a right to comfort.

. . . that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Yea, I thought that 'comfort' thing sounded familiar. Its a right endowed to me by my creator.

wildswan বলেছেন...

Statistics have shown - or they could if they wanted to - that if we all cut out reading the news-online every day and only read it every other day, we'd save enough carbon to keep the planet from cooling - and us from overheating. Also, we'd have so much carbon virtue or credit or whatever they call it, that we could eat meat from charcoal grills with barbeque sauce and a side of corn on the cob with butter after which we could use fragrant, milled soap to clean our hands. In the late summer nights, we could listen to the crickets without thinking about eating them. And still we'd have enough carbon credits left to have more fun than the government wants us to have by going to the beach or a lake. to I don't know why the NYT never mentions these possibilities. Our bathrooms could feature double-ply toilet paper.

Mikey NTH বলেছেন...

Bar soap gives me atopic dermatitis. So no to bar soap, I don't like having peeling skin and rashes.

iowan2 বলেছেন...


Hitchens worked overtime attempting to validate is position. I have no idea why people invest any energy trying to smear others faith.

Hang out at an AA rally. Talk to anybody thats got 20 years sobriety, and to a person you will find every single one of then will tell you they have never been more free and unshackled. It is 100% predicated on their relationship with their God. That God denies them NOTHING.

Narr বলেছেন...

My wife's skin is so sensitive that we use the most anodyne unscented and unfortified soaps and detergents, and those sparingly.

I'm 71, and have no intention of changing my daily shower and hairwash (with hot water, Dial soap, and H&S).

Aggie বলেছেন...

I guess Brenda Starr, reporter, would be scoring major Woke points here. Isn't she the one in the Sunday comics that used to wash her luxurious red hair with a bar of SOAP?

RigelDog বলেছেন...

Said a glorious Leader: "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times..."

Just get with the program, useless eaters! What's so hard about limiting your wardrobe to five pieces of clothing that you wash by beating them with rocks down by the river? Soap is bad for Gaia and ruins your skin anyway.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

My response for these stupid cries of "climate change horrors to come" is to tell the crier, "You first. Shutdown your [newspaper|network|etc.] before trying to guilt us into your insanity. We're not buying your cry of doom."

Rusty বলেছেন...

Whale soap is especially good for the skin. Made from baby whales.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Dave Begley said...

Three other liberal control things that made life more expensive and less comfortable:

1. Low water toilets.
2. The termination of incandescent light bulbs. All made in China now.
3. Worthless dishwater soap.

And Net Zero will triple our power rates and lead to blackouts in the winter.

I hate low-water toilets; I disliked changing burnt-out bulbs; and happily, Dawn is not just for dishes anymore.

And according to our Climate Masters, we need not worry. Unless we double the global rate of renewable energy generation, we’ll never hit net zero.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Aggie said...
I guess Brenda Starr, reporter, would be scoring major Woke points here. Isn't she the one in the Sunday comics that used to wash her luxurious red hair with a bar of SOAP?

All that I can recall about Brenda Starr is that it was a soap opera cartoon. No funnies herein.

RMc বলেছেন...

We're not judging you, but we're totally judging you.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Spotted owls can be rendered into a fine cleansing solution.

GRW3 বলেছেন...

I did a turn in the emulsifier and surfactant chemical business early in Chemistry career, five years out of fifty. The one big thing I learned in the process was that people use way too much cleaning products. A little mixed into water goes a long, long way. Too much and you lose cleaning capability.

A good example is shampoo. It works best with a double application. First, take a small amount, dime size most men's haircuts and women's bobs, quarter size for long hair, work it in to wet hair thoroughly. It won't foam too much or at all, because the purpose of the first wash is to take away the salt and lingering body oils. Repeat the process with the same amounts and it will foam up and clean nicely.