From "Roanoke College Poll: Biden and Trump tied in Virginia."
And, yes, it's a big deal that Trump is now tied with Biden in Virginia. A year ago, in the Roanoke poll, Biden was up by 16 points:

Virginia is a state Biden won by 9.4 points in 2020 (and Hillary won by 5.4 points).
But back to the concern about post-election violent protests. If Trump wins, do you think Democrats will remember all the things they said about accepting the results of the election and upholding democracy, or do you think they're more likely to define "democracy" to exclude calm acceptance of a Trump victory? Me, I'm jaded, because I lived through the Wisconsin protests, which involved occupying the state capitol building for many days and chanting — by those who lost the election — "This is what democracy looks like."
eh - "tied" just means Camp Soviet Husk-Puppet need to up their cheat machine scam.
Stop the yammering.
"There is concern" some say... experts agree... people are talking... Who? How many? What are the names?
Let's gin up fear uncertainty and doubt because the algorithm needs to be fed clicks.
The left's "Resist" army of Antifa thugs are waiting underground to get their marching orders from the pussy cat hat guild.
"If Trump wins, do you think Democrats will remember all the things they said about accepting the results of the election and upholding democracy, or do you think they're more likely to define "democracy" to exclude calm acceptance of a Trump victory? "
I don't think Trump will be "allowed" to win. Because that would be the end of Our Democracy.
It is as if the violence (much worse than J6) tha occurred on Trump’s inauguration has been swept into a memory hole.
I Biden wins it will be via voter fraud. The media is already asking every GOP guest "will you accept the results of the election"?
We all know 2020 was fraudulent and Biden installed via WI, MI, PA, GA, and AZ absentee voter fraud. Bill Barr was a crook and quashed any and all investigations. The Supreme Court failed all Americans when it refused to hear the Texas vs PA case.
If Biden wins we will again be expected to bend over and take the voter fraud it up the ass. For some people that feels really good, for others it us unpleasant, and for a shitload of Americans it going to feel like a personal violation.
To paraphrase the great Mark Steyn (pray for him): "The long knife of fascism is always predicted to be wielded by Republicans yet seems only to be found in the possession of Democrats."
For political violence they'd have to enlist young black males, and they're going Republican this time.
Any violence will be instigated and massaged by the FBI and CIA. We'll get dudes in khaki's and white ski masks, who for some reason the cops don't unmask. There will be gov't agitators like Ray Epps. There will be pallets of bricks conveniently left on street corners. Rented U-Hauls will pull up with riot supplies. Much of the BLM summer 2020 riots were instigated by the gov't. They wanted the chaos.
And Beta Cuck Governors like Wisconsin's Tony Evers will stand down and let cities like Kenosha burn.
Do American's still believe our government gives a shit about us? They don't care about anything except power and personal enrichment.
That's what makes Trump different. It's also why he is a danger to them. Through Trump, the power just might return to the people...and that is unacceptable.
How would you be able to tell the difference, that the violence was caused by "election discontent" and that it isn't just a function of the everyday random street thuggery that prevails in so many places these days?
I guess if they're looting and rioting in places like Darien and Scottsdale and Highland Park right after the election we can assume it's related...but they won't be will they.
I don't think Trump will be "allowed" to win. Because that would be the end of Our Democracy
Yes. Polls are not relevant. The vote will be cooked again but this time ‘bipartisan’ monitors will be allowed to ‘observe’ ‘democracy’….
Any violent "peaceful protest" against the results of the presidential election will be carried out by the Left/Dem lovers of Antifa and St. Geo of Fentanyl if DJT wins (again, for the third time). However, I have little hope for that as the Left/Dems will cheat again. We'll see.
Left wing protests are "mostly peaceful". Right wing protests are "insurrections"....Whatever happens, I will not trust the media to report on it fairly. Narrative uber alles.
You must ALWAYS remember. Democrats from the minute they get elected think, dream, plan for more political power. This is just another offshoot of that.
The left is far, far more violent than the right is. The SUMMER of protests, the punch a nazi (insert whomever you want for a nazi here), the violent biden supporters at trump rallies.
This is their entire political campaign. DeNiro stating
- No more elections!!
- No more democracy!!
- No more country!!
- They will use lawfare to put you in Jail!!
As usual, democrats always accuse others of what they are actually doing.
This is battlefield prep. And when Trump is elected, we will see massive riots, JUST LIKE WE DID during his first inaguration.
There will be violence, and anyone who thinks otherwise has been sleeping under a rock. This will be the case from here on out, and it will intensify.
It's comical how Howard jumps in on every controversial topic and stirs the pot, then feigns disinterest in the controversy he helps inflame, only to ultimately exit by poohing-poohing the assumed overreaction he hopes to elicit. But typical for a Mass Hole.
Trump supporters weren't the ones who burned down the cities in 2020. They weren't the ones cities were baracading their storefronts from. They aren't the ones who were attacking and killing police. They aren't the ones who hate America.
I went back to look at the Althouse January 6/7 posts. Nothing much surprised me; nothing back then was inconsistent with her ongoing elaborate tolerance of Trump. But it was interesting. On 1/7/21, Althouse re-broadcast the Tweet from Dan Scavino (since Trump's account had just been suspended) calling it "the end of the greatest first term in American history."
What the polls are telling me is that last August Donald Trump’s support has held steady at 43% +/- 1. (And 1% has to be well within the margin of error.) Meanwhile Joe Biden’s support is dropping sharply, hence the tie.
As a Virginia resident interested in politics my eyes are focused on the areas around Richmond and around Hampton Roads in the southeastern corner of the state. The counties around Washington, DC, are full of government bureaucrats and people who work for federal contractors. They will vote — enthusiastically! — for the preservation (and probable enlargement) of their rice bowls, which means voting for Joe Biden. Most of the rest of the state will eagerly and enthusiastically vote for Donald Trump. In fact, the enthusiasm in the southwestern “tail” of Virginia for sending a message to the Climate Change freaks in the Biden administration is almost off the charts. The areas I’m watching are heavily minority, so if Trump gets anything close to 50% of the Hispanic vote and increases his share of the black vote to 15% (much less the 20% some people claim to be seeing) then it’s game over for the Democrats.
A very real possibility is (1) Trump is convicted, (2) Biden narrowly wins election and then (3) afterwards Trump's conviction is overturned on appeal because of errors by the judge and/or prosecutor. Even those not inclined to conspiracy theories would have a hard time accepting the legitimacy of a second Biden/Harris administration. Just for fun consider if Harris replaces Biden for whatever reason, medical incapacitation or death. Fun times.
Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
“The left's "Resist" army of Antifa thugs are waiting underground to get their marching orders from the pussy cat hat guild.”
Someone needs to take a clip of the Lollipop Guild from the Wizard of Oz, photoshop in the pussy hats and re-record the vocals.
What Gusty said.
that already happened in Denver.
Whole pallets of bricks left for the Antifa Mob's delight and DeNiro rage destruction.
Defund the police! Right, leftists?
Concerned about "Violent Protests" means concerned Trump supporters will get upset at the Democrats stealing another election.
No one in the media was "concerned" about the violent protests in January 2017, or Antifa attacking the white house in the Summer of 2020.
I seem to be the only one in the entire USA who was upset when Biden/Pelosi called up 20000 NG Troops to protect them in Jan 2021, and kept them there for 2 months. Machine gun nests and snipers to protect Joe Biden when he took the oath. Completely insane and a complete waste of money. Especially since these same people had supported BLM/Antifa riots all over the country in 2020 with over 60 people killed and zillions in damage. but 'muricans just take it all in stride.
If, by divine intervention, Trump should win there will be riots like we've never seen before. That's because it would be an excuse for looting and destruction (without consequence) for he Left.
There's a steady drumbeat of bad polls for Biden. Joe's out.
Since I'm a skilled screenwriter, here's the script.
Trump convicted in NYC.
Biden is horrible in the debates. Gaffe on top of gaffe with many senior moments.
Money people force Joe to quit before the Dem convention.
Joe pardons Hunter.
"Fresh face" Gavin is the Dem nominee. Harris knows her place and stays as VP.
Fake News praises Gavin to the stars.
No second debate because Trump is a convicted felon.
Dem vote cheating machine goes into overdrive.
Gavin wins!
Fake News says Trump lost because he is a convicted felon, gave us Dobbs and he's a Bad Man.
President Gavin appoints Bobby DeNiro as Secretary of State.
China invades Tawain.
Oh, come on Dave. That second to the last one will never happen.
The question is poorly asked. if they asked, “do you think the left would protest violently if Trump wins?” then I would answer yes. Asked if I’m concerned about violent protests from the left? The answer is no. The left typically protest in their own enclaves and destroy themselves. When they venture out into conservative enclaves, the locals don’t put up with it for long.
But typical for a Mass Hole
He claims he's not a native Masshole but naturalized. Way worse...
Dave can be kind of a kook...
Anyone who thinks the real danger of violence is from Republicans after the election just hasn't been paying attention for the last 60 years or was born last night. It is almost like no one remembers the Summer of George 2020.
The only violence will be from the left.
If Trump wins, the protests in the big cities, including D.C., will be non-stop from election night until Trump is sworn in and then will go nuclear after that. If Trump wins, the Democrats will do everything that Trump did between November 2020 to January 2021 with the media applauding it as "Democracy in Action" and I guarantee you federal judges all across the land will be issuing injunctions against states certifying their electoral slates prior to January 6th. If the Democrats control the House on January 6th 2025, they will refuse to certify the electoral vote for Trump- the new law will be changed by voice vote that day if necessary.
The Democrats have the will and the power to institute political violence because the mainstream media is 95% Democrats- they set the narrative still and will use it to call the violence justified. It isn't a level playing field and the poor political prisoners from January 6th 2020 didn't understand that.
You don't believe me? What do you think the idiotic attacks on Samuel Alito are all about? The Democrats are thinking several moves ahead- they know they risk losing this election and they need to neutralize the Supreme Court in order for the lower echelon federal judges to be able to support election lawsuits if the Democrats end up needing to file them. Alito and Thomas are battle-space prep for the November election.
Imagine the scrambling amongst the states who signed onto the pact to cast their votes for the popular vote winner if Trump were to be that man.
A man can dream...
The one benefit I see to the Left's violence is they burn down their own homes and businesses for which I have no sympathy any longer- I say let them burn NYC, LA, and DC to the fucking ground.
Honestly, I wish they had more to worry about with regard to Trump supporters. Everyone with a functional brain knows that the violent protest will come from the left.
Yancey at 9:30 has the real script. Sorry, Dave.
“ Blogger Yancey Ward said...
The one benefit I see to the Left's violence is they burn down their own homes and businesses for which I have no sympathy any longer- I say let them burn NYC, LA, and DC to the fucking ground”
Blogger Dave Begley said...
"Fresh face" Gavin is the Dem nominee. Harris knows her place and stays as VP.
C'mon Dave, you know better than that. VP and PRez have to be from different states. Newsome and Harris are both from California.
And how would you convince Harris to go quietly or even know her place and stay VP? Even if she agreed in good faith, there would still be millions of people who would be upset that this
"black" woman got cheated out of her rightful place as presidency.
Do you think she could keep them in check?
Harris is the big reason Brandon can't quit.
John Henry
"I say let them burn NYC, LA, and DC to the fucking ground."
I have to admit- I'm not seeing a downside here.
"C'mon Dave, you know better than that. VP and PRez have to be from different states."
Rules are for Republicans. When Our Democracy™ is at risk, anything goes.
My fear is that both Dave Begley and Yancey Ward are wrong and that the part of the poll Althouse linked to that looks at risks of violence is essentially battlespace prep for Joe Biden ordering lockdowns, declaring martial law, and canceling the election. I hope I’m wrong.
If the polls say Biden and Trump are tied, that means Trump is ahead.
In my 70+ years, I don't recall many Republican protests, nor do I remember Republicans resorting to violence, except for the Capitol protest on January 6. On the other hand, the violent protests in the U.S. that I remember have involved Democrat-affiliated groups breaking into government buildings, blocking traffic, dragging people out of their vehicles, beating people to a pulp, looting, arson, and other forms of property destruction.-
I see absolutely no way that the left will let Trump win. Dave Begley presents a plausible scenario of how they might steal the election. But make no mistake, if they think it's necessary to steal the election to keep Trump out of the White House, they will do so without a moment's twinge of conscience. (Was the 2020 election stolen? I don't know if it was, but what I do know is that the left saw Trump's reelection as roughly equivalent to the appointment of Hitler as Reichkanzler, that they'd do anything necessary to keep that from happening, and that if they didn't steal the election, it was only because they correctly determined that they didn't have to in order to win.)
“The left's "Resist" army of Antifa thugs are waiting underground to get their marching orders from the pussy cat hat guild.”
I don’t think that it works that way. It’s top down, on the Dem side, and bottom up on the Republican side. The core are paid instigators, funded in good part by shadowy billionaires like the Soros family. In 2020, they were the core of Antifa. In early 2021, they instigated the J6 protests and “riot”. This year, they support Hamas. They are armed, trained, and paid to fly around the country, to start riots.
Big Mike said...
My fear is that both Dave Begley and Yancey Ward are wrong and that the part of the poll Althouse linked to that looks at risks of violence is essentially battlespace prep for Joe Biden ordering lockdowns, declaring martial law, and canceling the election. I hope I’m wrong.
"...ordering lockdowns, declaring martial law, and [siezing the 2020 voting machines in key states..." was actually the subject of discussions and later an infamous oval office meeting between Trump, Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, and others.
"Fresh face" Gavin is the Dem nominee. Harris knows her place and stays as VP.
After leaving the destruction of the Bill of Rights in their wake; then sure, I guess the 12th Amendment would be next.
Hate to be a contrarian here. But I think that there is a real chance of Republican violence this time around, if the Dems successfully steal another election. The FJB Administration, installed through fairly blatant election fraud in 2020, has been horrible. It’s destroyed the economy, as well as seriously affected national security. Meanwhile, Trump continues to increase his popularity. If Trump can’t overcome the margin of fraud this year, then when can we expect a return of democracy? When are the Dems going to be willing to give up power that they didn’t legitimately, and democratically, earn?
As many know, we live part time in a Trump property, so I have a lot of Trump hats. The number of compliments I get on them is getting absurd. I can expect a couple of compliments whenever I go into a store anymore. I take the compliments as real time proxies for Trump support. And it’s not just white males, but, frequently now, Black and Hispanics, males esp, but also females. Las Vegas is bad. Phoenix is worse.
One of the things that the J6 protests showed is that if you go to a protest unarmed, the Dems will have their captive LEOs and troops shoot you down, with minimal provocation. They did it on 1/6/2021. They will do it again, if they can’t. Unless met with thousands of peaceful demonstrators with slung “assault weapons” and body armor. And once some panicked young National Gurdsman (Kent State) or Affirmative Action LEO (killer of Ashli Babbitt) pulls the trigger, it will, I think, rapidly escalate.
We shall see.
After 3.5 years of Biden and inflation and COVID nonsense and the failed Ministry of Disinformation (see the Twitter/X files) and Woke nonsense and two new wars and inflation and inflation and inflation, I think the passion and energy has crumbled within the militant left.
ANTIFA and BLM are unloved in blue cities. Blue cities committed economic suicide with COVID lockdowns and "living wage" gifts to their supporters. See Gavin Newsom's instant reversal on the $25 medical minimum wage. See California's struggling fast-food industry. See the voter removals of Soros-funded DAs. See the abandonment of downtown San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, and more under failed Woke leadership.
I'm thinking one scenario is that the left/establishment games shift to the backroom. They played out the public protests from 2017-2021, and then banana republic lawfare from 2021-2024. If Trump's victory cannot be stopped (or is covertly "allowed"), then they still have dozens ways to manipulate the system. See Chuck Schumer's early warning to Trump about Intelligence Community lawlessness circa 2017.
The ghost of J. Edgar Hoover remains in control. The three-letter agencies have dirt on everyone in DC, and James Comey has plenty of backroom friends. "No DA would prosecute Hillary..."
We're not worried about violent protests if the Democrats' vote fraud fails to produce a Biden "victory".
Because we know we can simply go Kyle Rittenhouse on the left.
The Left should fear what will happen if they successfully steal this election. (If ANY Democrat "vote counters" do ANYTHING violating the norms of vote counting, like "finding ballots" or blocking poll watchers, that's an election steal if the State goes for Biden)
Because what the response to Jan 6 proved was that the Dem Feds will treat non-violent protest just like violent protest. So there's no reason not to go violent
Chuck is quoting CNN.
What a dumbass.
Threaten all the violence you want if you don’t get your way, but it won’t be enough to pressure me into voting for either of these jerkoffs.
Trump is but an early, first symptom of the disease that is progressive politics in the US. Wait for his successor, who will likely be more adamant in opposition to collectivist, marxist, anti-US progs, but also politically competent and more ruthless in silencing opposition than Trump. That might really offend the Left.
Kay said...
Threaten all the violence you want if you don’t get your way, but it won’t be enough to pressure me into voting for either of these jerkoffs.
The biggest "jerkoff" is the person who sits on the sidelines, refusing to chose
The biggest "jerkoff" is the person who sits on the sidelines, refusing to chose
"Refusing to choose" is a choice, in this context.
Antifa rioted in Portland for 3 nights after Trump's 2016 victory. Then there was 120-days of rioting during Summer 2020. They'll be out rioting again this summer and after the November election.
The George Soros D.A., Mike Schmidt-show, lost in the primary, so he'll be leaving next January. There might be criminal prosecutions next year for antifa rioters. Maybe.
@Greg the Class Traitor
Never voting for your favorite jerkoff nor the other jerkoff, go die mad about it.
Seriously, why would i ever vote for someone whose policies i disagree with? You have to be out of your mind!
Well, Trump supporters have a history of one violent protest: January 6th. Democrats have a history of dozens, beginning on Trump's inauguration day. So the concern about Trump supporters is obviously genuine./sarc.
Let's get the civil war over with now.
Kay: "Seriously, why would i ever vote for someone whose policies i disagree with? You have to be out of your mind!"
Just curious. Which Trump policies do you disagree with?
"Let's get the civil war over with now."
I feel differently than last week. We just moved into a "senior living" community that doesn't allow guns. I suppose they think the oldies can just beat off the attackers with their walkers.
Bruce Hayden lays out the nightmare scenario, but there are far more social controls over this behavior on the Right. And it isn't encouraged and funded by the Party itself -- unless you count the numerous ways the Koch Foundations and Steve Bannon have messed with people's heads in order to make a buck -- or keep and grow 100 Billion.
So the Left has snuck over the 38th parallel and taken over the idiot Party, the Libertarians, in order to gain access deeper into the political Right. The incoherence and incontinence of the official Libertarian Party is basically a prop plane mission to create and blame political violence on naive Trump supporters. The FBI on the Left and the Kochs among the penumbras (they officially vote for Democrats now: they said so, but the place they meddle is in conservative organizing) are both prepared to blame all post-election violence on Trump voters and come down like a jackboot on them while allowing a full-frontal violent Maoist Left to run feral in the streets and burn cities.
That isn't new. Everything is going to come down to the difference between organizing styles. The Left is disciplined. It is supported by all of our social, bureaucratic, educational,and media institutions. The Right is naive. It is battered by all sides, including their own political home, the official GOP.
Watch the bonfire of the Conventions very closely.
Yup- gotta be concerned about all those BLM and antifa Republicans running around, burning down cities. Seriously, show me rightwing violence that isn't instigated by FBI informants and other federal plants.
Oh God, paid propagandist and serial liar Chuck is back again?
Kay said...
@Greg the Class Traitor
Never voting for your favorite jerkoff nor the other jerkoff, go die mad about it.
So instead your'e going to jerk off on the sidelines.
Enjoy your masturbation. Do understand that your decision to jerk off on the sidelines means you've forfeited your right to complain about the outcome.
Because you've established that you're just another jerkoff who doesn't matter
Well, Kay, what do you believe in and who would you vote for?
This isn't like watching Survivor on TV. It looks like it, but the consequences of this reality show are real.
Why is Chuck still here?
@Greg the Class Traitor
I know this is going to make you even madder, but i still have the right to complain even if i don’t vote. Of course complaining is more your dept, than mine.
The comment by Greg regarding how the Leftist government (in full view of the RINOs who didn't raise a stink about it) treats non-violent protest as violent protest is 100 percent on the mark.
As to another comment regarding not participating is really choosing sides, I must agree -- though I don't believe Greg meant his original comment to cover that perspective. Choosing not to choose is being a jerk-off, someone else might have said. I know that everything I write here is usually first draft and not my best. I won't speak for Greg, tho.
I have made it clear to my liberal acquaintances who were so vocal in their support for Obama and Hillary and so negative in their personal hatred for Trump that I can no longer suffer their friendship if they do not speak out on the lawfare, the gender mutilations, the ignoring of the Supreme Court to issue college debt relief, Jan 6 trials, and other major items -- including Biden's lies, senility, and hush hush money deals for the Big Guy. I will not go gentle into the good night. THEY are part of the problem. THEY are the people of France who stood by as the Nazi's rounded up the Jewish neighbors, to be put on cattle cars for transport to the camps. I'm Network: I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.
I just posted this on my FB page:
BREAKING: Twelve Jurors, find Trump Guilty, with 81 Million Verdict Forms filled out
I watched a video earlier today of someone at an anti-Trump protest asking people what Trump has done that they disagreed with. A lot of "Uhhhs" and "Errrs", but my favorite response was "The list is endless. I can't name one."
"Seriously, why would i ever vote for someone whose policies i disagree with? You have to be out of your mind!"
So, which policies of Trump do you disagree? Which policies of Biden do you agree?
I think we're well past the "Democracy is only when my side wins" point for Democrats.
Because what the response to Jan 6 proved was that the Dem Feds will treat non-violent protest just like violent protest. So there's no reason not to go violent.
Yep. That's what I've been saying.
Keep blaming and punishing people for shit they didn't do and pretty soon some of them will figure they've got nothing to lose by doing it.
I guess if they're looting and rioting in places like Darien and Scottsdale and Highland Park right after the election we can assume it's related...but they won't be will they.
In the summer of George Floyd, a flash mob engaged in a half hour of window breaking and trash can kicking at the big mall in Scottsdale, catching people quite by surprise. Cops were out in force thereafter and we didn’t see any more trouble in the town. They didn’t dare set up roadblocks, invade neighborhoods, throw Molotovs, or attack anyone on the street or in their homes. Had they done so, it’s likely they would have been met with a hail of gunfire from cops or private citizens or both.. We don’t expect ANY trouble from the Left in Arizona, no matter what happens in November.
"We don’t expect ANY trouble from the Left in Arizona, no matter what happens in November."
Gov. Hobbs will make sure of it, no doubt.
Kay said...
@Greg the Class Traitor
I know this is going to make you even madder, but i still have the right to complain even if i don’t vote. Of course complaining is more your dept, than mine.
You can do whatever you want. but we will mock you and laugh at you, just like Chuck.
We mock Chuck because he's a liar and an idiot. We'll mock you because you're a pathetic wanker.
And no one will take any of your whining seriously. Because you've announced to the world that you're too f'ing pathetic to do anything. And that means none of your whining is legitimate.
Kay said...
Seriously, why would i ever vote for someone whose policies i disagree with? You have to be out of your mind!
Then why wouldn't you vote for their opponent? YOU must be out of your mind!
You've got two choices who have any chance of winning. Each will have been President for roughly 4 years come November. So you don't have to go by what people say, you can go by what they've actually done.
You can say "they've each equally pissed me off!" In which case, you're a pathetic moron and loser.
Or you can say this one had these policies and results, and I hate them more, so I'm voting for the other a$$hole.
But if you can't actually make that argument, and list the reasons, then you're a pathetically worthless loser, and should never have had the vote in the first place.
@Greg the Class Traitor
Who cares what you think. You’re just mad that i’m not voting for your guy. That’s what it boils down to. Pathetic.
“Then why wouldn't you vote for their opponent?”
You’re so dumb. I don’t agree with opponents policies either, duh.
It sucks for people who see the rancid corruption on both sides. While you guys are "fighting back" because "they started it" and "if they bring a knife we bring a gun" the rest of us catching stray fists from the stupidest elements of America. It makes no difference to me whether you are a blue haired face full of piercings of a bumblefuck MAGA pickup truck inbred. I want to throw all of you over the wall. Get fucked, Assholes. All of you. You have ruined America.
Kay said...
@Greg the Class Traitor
Who cares what you think. You’re just mad that i’m not voting for your guy. That’s what it boils down to. Pathetic.
No Kay, what it boils down to is that you are a pathetic wanker, calling OTHER people "jerkoffs", when you're the one doing teh joking.
You’re so dumb. I don’t agree with opponents policies either, duh.
Hmm, So Trump supports X. Biden supports Not X. You dont' support either?
Because you're too stupid to have any idea what you actually support?
Your position is emotionally and intellectually retarded. I'm not mocking you because you dont' support Trump, I'm mocking you because your postion is pathetic and stupid.
Final thoughts:
“should never have had the vote in the first place.”
You sound as undemocratic as the democraticals you pretend to hate when you make statements like this.
Be honest. Have you ever been successful in changing someone’s mind with this kind of rage posting, or are you just venting other unrelated anger? You’ve voted for the lesser of two evils for so long that it’s made this country evil and made you very grumpy.
Final thoughts:
“should never have had the vote in the first place.”
You sound as undemocratic as the democraticals you pretend to hate when you make statements like this.
Be honest. Have you ever been successful in changing someone’s mind with this kind of rage posting, or are you just venting other unrelated anger? You’ve voted for the lesser of two evils for so long that it’s made this country evil and made you very grumpy.
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