May 31, 2024

The Trump press conference.


Chuck said...

"...these ar very sick people..."

Wonder what he meant by that?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Wow $35M in donations last night. Not even a full day of fundraising. No wonder the web site crashed.

Chuck said...

This is completely incoherent. He couldn't even do a prepared/written speech that competent (appellate) lawyers might have prepared for him.

He looks like a mess. Hair now looks like Harpo Marx, and skin looks mottled. Eyes look crazed. Hands working the imaginary accordian more than ever.

Bizarre lies. Hard questions from lawyers could not provoke any more weirdness than we get with Trump just talking on his own.

MadisonMan said...

You know what I'd ask him? "When do you think Joe Biden will hold a Press Conference?"

wendybar said...

Rob Schmitt
34 BS felony counts, $34 million raised

Hassayamper said...

Wow $35M in donations last night. Not even a full day of fundraising. No wonder the web site crashed.

$1000 of it was mine. First time I've donated to a politician since Gary Johnson in 2016.

Kakistocracy said...

So ... the candidate who premised his 2016 campaign explicitly on the political persecution of Hillary ClInton, and who used Bill Barr to weaponize the Justice Department defensively and offensively, now rails without evidence about being the subject of a political persecution.


Criminals tend to view themselves as victims of crime and the venality of other people. They are always innocent.

You're gonna fit right in. Everyone in here is innocent. Heywood, what're you in here for?

Didn't do it. Lawyer f***ed me.
~ Shawshank Redemption

deepelemblues said...

Trump seems quite uncowed by yesterday.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump: This is bigger than me, bigger than my presidency.

Damn straight it is.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Wow $35M in donations last night."

I'd love to find out just how much Judge Merchan's daughter, Natalie Merchan, has pulled in since her daddy delivered her longed-for verdict.

traditionalguy said...

The day they drove old USA down. Trump literally is our last best hope to live as citizens of a prosperous country. He alone will fight the good fight just because he loves us. A very rare man.

wordsmith said...

Wow. What a firehose of bullshit. Indeed he shouldn't have been prosecuted. This gave him 33 free minutes of airtime he didn't deserve.

rhhardin said...

I'm uninterested in what Trump says about it. It's what other people say that matters.

Jamie said...

"Without evidence."

Good heavens, he's serious, isn't he?

RCOCEAN II said...

Great press conference and everything he said is true. Now, lets hear from McConnell, johnson, and all the other powerful R's. Lets hear them attack this corrupt trial. Lets hear them attack Corrupt Biden for supporting this. Lets hear them demand the NY State D Governor pardon Trump - so the american people can have a choice in November.

We need to stop this lawfare nonsense, and letting judges choose who are President will be.

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, Trump made a great point about the Pelosi-cheney J6 committee. They destroyed all the testimony (not doubt a copy is hidden away somewhere) rather than provide it to the R's so they could release it to the public.

Rusty said...

RideSpaceMountain said...
"Wow $35M in donations last night."

"I'd love to find out just how much Judge Merchan's daughter, Natalie Merchan, has pulled in since her daddy delivered her longed-for verdict."

Sperm banks are overwhelmed.

paminwi said...

Yo Rich: your idiocy is on full display here.
Trump railed against Hillary and didn’t do a damn thing to prosecute her.
Trump tried to get Barr to go after people but he had integrity (not that I agreed with him) to not bring charges against anyone Trump was pissed about.
Your side: James, Braggs, Fanny and all the corrupt DOJ from Garland on down don’t have a bit of integrity. It’s about power at all costs hell and be damned if the judicial system is wrecked.
They’re all thinking we have our crazies in law school now to carry on our complete and total destruction of the rule of law.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I forgot which Trump thread I was on.

Ice Nine said...

Glad he's unbowed by this unreal drubbing that would have laid anyone else low.

Fun to see him taking it right to Kangajudge. Probably hoping that the prick throws him in jail - $100M more for the campaign and six more points...

Ice Nine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NBC Rich said:

"So ... the candidate who premised his 2016 campaign explicitly on the political persecution of Hillary ClInton,.."

me: [After her private server for Clinton cash - yes- she should have been prosecuted.]
Lucky for you - the GOP are wimps.

NBC Rich goes on to say:
"and who used Bill Barr to weaponize the Justice Department defensively and offensively, now rails without evidence about being the subject of a political persecution."

You are a Liar, NBC Rich. Bill Barr did no such thing. Not even close. You cannot name that "weaponization".
If so - do name what Bill Barr did.

The current DOJ under corrupt Merrick Garland is weaponized.

Why are you a liar?

Original Mike said...

"So ... the candidate who premised his 2016 campaign explicitly on the political persecution of Hillary ClInton…"

He premised his campaign on it? That's ridiculous, even for you. And it was a sad day when the Trump DOJ charged Hillary with the destruction of public records, wasn't it?


Yancey Ward said...

Poor Rich- this is as good as it is ever going to be for him between now and November.

Leland said...

Blogger rhhardin said...
I'm uninterested in what Trump says about it. It's what other people say that matters.

5/31/24, 10:58 AM

That's about my sense of it too, but it's not what others say. It is what others will now do about it. The same with Trump when he is back in office.

Oh Yea said...

The more I hear and see Trump, the more I despise him and see he has no business holding public office, but Biden and the Democrats actions are so abhorrent, they are forcing to vote for him.

Robert Cook said...

"Wow $35M in donations last night. Not even a full day of fundraising. No wonder the web site crashed."

Getting convicted is one of the best things that's happened to Trump in a while! His marks are more eager than ever to give him their money! Trump will go down in history as one of the great ones...up there with the greatest grifters who ever lived, if not the greatest!*

*(Trump, of course, will assert "the greatest," as he will never accept any ranking lower than #1, whatever the category!)

traditionalguy said...

Big day today. It reminds me that the Minutemen standing their ground on Lexington Green on April 19, 1775 . Every man by standing there made himself a felon in the eyes of George III, the tyrant of the worlds biggest Empire. Seven of those courageous Americans died for standing their ground that morning.

But by that afternoon the Redcoat raiding party were desperate and running back from Concord seeking shelter in Boston under a continuous militia gun fire that killed 500 of them. Bad choice to attack those free men. And the memory of that first day’s battles in a 7 year brutal war was why militia veterans demanded adding a Second Amendment before the Constitution could be voted in.

The final words from the Lexington Green militia commander was, “ Hold your fire, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”

Oh Yea said...

I do look forward to updated polling. I suspect the results will cause a meltdown at the Biden campaign.

donald said...

Rich and his fellow Grand Central Station glory hole enthusiasts will hopefully meet their Mr Goodbar’s soon.

The idea that anybody thinks this is good makes one not worthy of living in a civilized world.

tim maguire said...

Robert Cook said... Trump will go down in history as one of the great ones...up there with the greatest grifters who ever lived, if not the greatest!*

And all we’ll have to show for it is a more prosperous country in a more peaceful world. I can understand why the left would hate that.

imTay said...

Remember when he was President and we weren't on the brink of nuclear war with Russia, and working class real wages were rising instead of falling?

Shouting Thomas said...

@Robert Cook

You’re an outright, unabashed Nazi.

Wear it, thug.

Yeah, commie, too, but then the Nazis were socialists.

Pathological liar that you are, you’ll now trot out the most vicious commie lie, that the Nazis weren’t serious when they said they were socialists. You’re that evil a liar.

Go ahead, thug, commence lying.

mindnumbrobot said...

Robert Cook:
Getting convicted is one of the best things that's happened to Trump in a while! His marks are more eager than ever to give him their money!

This ceased being about Trump long ago.

Jamie said...

His marks are more eager than ever to give him their money!

Robert Cook, you're a Green voter, right? So you don't actually have a dog in this fight; there's no way your candidate has a shot. Can you at least bring yourself to admit that the ongoing, unprecedented persecutions - of course I mean prosecutions, don't I? - of Trump, for offenses his Democrat opponents have unequivocally committed, more bigly than he, and have even admitted publicly in some cases, and have not suffered the slightest slap of the wrist for, provide at least the appearance of... let's just say "impropriety"?

Why on earth would you conclude that the yuge donation haul has to do with Trump the man?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This outcome has depressed me. This morning I felt like staying in bed. I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt like that.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hatred is the most powerful legal drug.

imTay said...

Robert, you are the "mark" for the war mongers who need Biden in the White House to pursue their agenda of endless war. It's people like you that are so easy to manipulate, and a big part of the recipe is to make you feel superior to others while you lap up their pablum. The first day Joe Biden took office, he increased the troops in Syria. Is that what the "smart people" who voted for Biden voted for? Then he began a two year campaign of provocations of Russia, the final one, two days before the invasion, was to tell Putin that we were going to bring Ukraine into NATO and put nukes five minutes flight time from Moscow. is that what the "smart people" who voted for Biden voted for?

Biden says he is going to raise taxes "on the rich" when he gets re-elected, but the rich are his biggest supporters, almost all of his money comes from wealthy donors who had a cow when Trump took away their tax break for state and local taxes. The people who end up paying taxes are the poor, like always, in the form of inflation, which benefits the rich, who own real-estate, factories, real assets, and it's a tax which the poor can't get out of by working for cash, or whatever.

Who is the "mark"? You can't admit that it's you because that would cost way too much psychically to admit that you are being played.

Leland said...

Blogger Oh Yea said...
The more I hear and see Trump, the more I despise him and see he has no business holding public office

I feel that way about every politician. Technically, I'm one too, and myself think I have no business holding a public office. I would resign tomorrow if someone would take the job and I thought them qualified.

Kakistocracy said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) writes: “Wow $35M in donations last night. Not even a full day of fundraising. “

It is genuinely hilarious how all these people who must view themselves as intellectual martyrs are being rinsed by a billionaire businessman pretending to be a politician for his ego (and to prevent going to prison).

Fascinating and depressing to see how successfully Trump uses his supporters as a cash machine for his personal battles. You'd think all those 'free thinkers' would pick up on this grift immediately.

imTay said...

At least Hillary committed an actual crime, which was attested to by her personal assistant in a sworn deposition. She destroyed Federal records, the accounts of meetings with foreigners who met with her as Secretary of State, and not coincidentally, contributed hundreds of millions, including Putin, who was well into eight figures contributing to her "foundation."

The headline is misleading, if you read the article, she did not just violate "protocol," she violated Federal law, black letter law, not some hair-brained legal theory that Democrats came up with bespoke to get Trump.

The reason Putin gave Hillary so much money by her foundation, is that she needed it to grease the palms of the people who voted to let Putin buy up most of North America's uranium business, BTW. Foundations hand out lots of cushy jobs. Hunter's laptop had a Beau Biden Foundation sticker on it, so the Bidens were using it as a piggy bank to pay for stuff.

imTay said...

Robert says he doesn't vote for Biden, but he is a reliable voice defending the corrupt old pedophile, "Pedo Pete" as Joe's own son calls him, affectionately, I am sure.

Ashley Biden says that her father took inappropriate showers with her, and that she may have been molested, and blames this experience for a lot of her troubles with sex and drugs in her life. Hunter Biden claims that he has "small penis syndrome," well you don't suppose that as a small boy, he had his father's adult size member waved in *his* face in the shower? I know we have seen video of Joe Biden French kissing his grandson. We also have the girl whose nipple Joe Biden pinched right there on TV when she was twelve, say that that's exactly what happened, that it was just what it looked like.

He is unfit. He is corrupt, and he has an obsession with war with a country that has 6,000 nuclear weapons.

Jupiter said...

You know what I'd ask him? "When do you think Joe Biden will hold a Press Conference?"

Which reminds me. As I recall, Biden was going to make a speech just as soon as we got a verdict. Did that happen? Did that maggot-riddled diaperful drag his useless, lying ass in front of a teleprompter and mumble some incomprehensible drivel? Or did his owners think better of it? I gather someone in the FJB administration did give Zelensky permission to use US missiles to carry out attacks inside Russia. If Putin decides to target the NATO command-and-control infrastructure that's needed to operate those missiles, New York City could be a radioactive ashtray before the end of next week. Trump should get the Hell out of that shithole.

gadfly said...

"We are a nation of laws, not of men." ~John Adams

tcrosse said...

One benefit of the guilty verdict for Trump-haters is that it lets them rationalize their hatred, an otherwise unworthy emotion. Otherwise they'd have to put it down to something nasty deep inside, something moral perfectionists don't like to do.

Nice said...

Peggy Noonan's latest column
(I can't do links, even after all this time)

Anyway, "We can't go on indefinitely like this" and my question, why can't we?

Who's keeping it going, and who's cashing-in off it? Forever wars keep going on indefinitely because war is profit. Homeless/Industrial complex has yielded City of LA a Billion dollars all from keeping that going. Hate sells and a Fascist Banana Republic just might revive News industry, and jolt the lethargic out of their stupor. Or not, but either way, follow the money.

imTay said...

"You'd think all those 'free thinkers' would pick up on this grift immediately."

So Rich, you think that starting World War III over who rules over some Russian speaking people on Russia's border, on the other side of the world from us, is what the American people wanted when they voted for Biden? Do you think they voted to all but outlaw gas engine cars? Or do you think that they were "marks" of the intelligence agencies who wanted Joe Biden in office because of his obsessive hatred for Russia? Or maybe he really doesn't hate Russia, maybe he is just owned by people who do, his son's paymasters in Ukraine. How much kompromat does Ukraine have on Joe?

imTay said...

"If that man gets elected, we'll all hang from nooses." - Hillary Rodham Clinton

Robert Cook said...

"$1000 of it was mine." could have spent that money on something more substantial...lottery tickets, a deposit to have your head (or whole body) frozen, (to be revived in the future (when the tech permits), or real estate on the Palmyra Atoll, or any number of more worthwhile ways to throw away a grand!

Kakistocracy said...

Color me impressed —Trump delivered a very focused, analytical and well-structured rebuttal to his 34 felony convictions. /s

Owen said...

“Rich”: thanks for your comments. They help to lighten the tone of the conversation and provide little pseudo-factual claims that others can then shred. Don’t be discouraged if you are repeatedly shown to be fatuous, you’re actually a kind of contrast agent or maybe even the purveyor of a steel-man argument. Beating the crap out of your propositions keeps others tuned up.

Robert Cook said...

"Big day today. It reminds me that the Minutemen standing their ground on Lexington Green on April 19, 1775."

Or the stalwart "tea-baggers!" Hahahaha!

Robert Cook said...

"Yeah, commie, too, but then the Nazis were socialists."

Hahahahaha! Whatever you want to believe that helps you sleep at night and nurse your resentments and hatreds in the day.

Michael K said...

I'm sad about this sham verdict because the crazies will now have assassination as their only remaining option.

Readering said...

Interesting start. The guy with Scots mom, German grandad and 2 central European wives starts by talking about people coming in from all over the world. Lists continents and areas but omits Europe. RACE anyone?

Owen said...

First time I've listened to a DJT presser. I think he did damned well for a guy who just got railroaded. A very "common touch" approach to the often (deliberately?) arcane arguments about contriving felonies out of stale misdemeanors using "testimony" by the prosecutors in their final pitch to the jury. And a great line about "legal expenses...being booked as legal expenses. Can you believe it?" (I paraphrase).

The real kicker is $39MM in election donations in about 12 hours. That's about $3 MM/hour. Obviously it will tail off but it suggests that this could become a lucrative sideline for presidential candidates who get sued for the right reasons.

What can Bragg, Merchan or Biden say in the way of rebuttal? Trump was denied his chance at that in his case. The prosecution went last, and dropped several surprises (which the defense had no way to correct). But now the defendant speaks, and it might just have an effect.

Pass the popcorn.

Marcus Bressler said...

Jamie the troll.
Rich the useful idiot.
Not one of us who donated to the Trump campaign did so because we just support his re-assuming his presidential post. We did it to show idiots such as Rich that we take outrage at the lawfare being waged against the best president of my lifetime (I'm 69), and are willing to put our money where our mouth is. Unlike Dems, who want to seize OUR money to put it where their mouths are -- to profit from the public trough and support their idealistic but failing attempts to "go green" BWAHAHAHA and involve our boys and girls in foreign wars.
I suppose Inga and Chuck the banned commenter are not back from their Marx and Lenin worship services.

Rocco said...

RideSpaceMountain said...
"I'd love to find out just how much Judge Merchan's daughter, Natalie Merchan, has pulled in since her daddy delivered her longed-for verdict."

10,000 Maniacs later, Natalie Merchant is still doing solo tours; next concert is June 1 in LA, according to StubHub.

Regarding the judge's daughter, an AP-sourced news article from April 5 says this about the former Harris campaign and Biden-Harris consultant: "Loren Merchan is president of Authentic Campaigns, which has collected at least $70 million in payments from Democratic candidates and causes since she helped found the company in 2018, records show."

imTay said...

"We are a nation of laws, not of men." ~John Adams

Back then, maybe, but when the laws are applied selectively and only to the enemies of the regime, that old saw doesn't hold anymore. We are a nation ruled by men who bend the law to their will, just like most of history. The American experiment has perished from the earth.

What was it that Iowahawk said? Take a respected institution, skin it and wear its skin as a costume, and demand the respect that the institution you destroyed once commanded? Well, he prolly said it better.

Shahid Q. Public said...

"Whatever you want to believe that helps you sleep at night and nurse your resentments and hatreds in the day.”

Self-awareness is not a strong point of one Robert Cook, but autoritarian types will always accuse others of their own faiures of character.

stlcdr said...

mindnumbrobot said...

Robert Cook:
Getting convicted is one of the best things that's happened to Trump in a while! His marks are more eager than ever to give him their money!

This ceased being about Trump long ago.

5/31/24, 11:50 AM

Exactly. This is the message from government that they will go after you unless you bend to their will. The democrats - both 'd' and 'D' - have shown that the 'rule of law' means nothing but a means to oppress the people.

Michael K said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...

"Big day today. It reminds me that the Minutemen standing their ground on Lexington Green on April 19, 1775."

Or the stalwart "tea-baggers!" Hahahaha!

Speaking of fatuous.

Howard said...

Testing testing one two three testing

Chuck said...

"The Trump Press Conference," as Althouse titled it, turned out to be not a press conference at all. No questions. Not a press-oriented formal statement from Trump, but rather a rambling, stubling, off-the-cuff diatribe.

I don't blame Althouse for the bad headline. She, like much of the media, was misled by the false pronouncement from the Trump Campaign.

Oligonicella said...

(I can't do links, even after all this time)

Template for you:

{a href="url address"}text description{/a}

Replace the curly braces with left/right angles and the rest appropriately.

Rusty said...

gadfly said...
"We are a nation of laws, not of men." ~John Adams" We were. You daffy old sh*t.

Comrade Cook arrives to spew his dead semen on the post.

alanc709 said...

Is Rich trans-Inga? He sounds stupid and deluded enough to be...

alanc709 said...

"Robert Cook said...
"Yeah, commie, too, but then the Nazis were socialists."

Hahahahaha! Whatever you want to believe that helps you sleep at night and nurse your resentments and hatreds in the day."

Learn some history, jackass. Mussolini developed his idea of fascism as a refinement of socialism. The symbol (fasces) he chose shows his belief that a society welded together would be stronger. Stalin mourned losing Mussolini from the communist cause.

MadTownGuy said...

gadfly said...

"We are a nation of laws, not of men." ~John Adams"

Not applicable when men pervert the laws.

Mason G said...

"Learn some history, jackass."

The jackasses are eager to separate themselves from Hitler. Oddly enough, both hate the jews.

Narayanan said...

so when do Professora think Trump Troubles mogrify into Americas Troubles?

John henry said...

Mason G said...

The jackasses are eager to separate themselves from Hitler.

The Germans never called themselves "Nazis " that was an invented term to avoid calling them "socialists". Ditto calling National Socialists "fascists"

Cookie, and others will say that they were not socialists because the state (a/k/a the people, govt, party, admin etc) did not "own" "the means of production"

Pretty much any elementary book on socialism will explain the ownership is desirable but not necessary. Control of the means, or writ larger, the economy, is the key.

Hitler was pretty explicit about this. He said they permitted private ownership but only while the owner used the asset as the state directed.

Cookie is a jackass who knows nothing about socialism, national, Marxist or otherwise.

John Henry

John henry said...

Cookie probably thinks the Agnellis could run FIAT as they wished under Fascism. After all, they were the owners. Right?

Or the Krupps could run Krupps as they saw fit under national socialism. They owned the company, right?

Mussolini and Hitler could not tell them what to do.


John Henry

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Exactly. I have pleaded time and time again for people to remember what fasces are. I wish people would think of them in connection with, say, HRC's "Stronger Together." Or "public-private partnership." Nowadays people think of "fascism" as militaristic nationalism. That is very far from the whole truth.

wendybar said...

Robert Cook said...
"$1000 of it was mine." could have spent that money on something more substantial...lottery tickets, a deposit to have your head (or whole body) frozen, (to be revived in the future (when the tech permits), or real estate on the Palmyra Atoll, or any number of more worthwhile ways to throw away a grand!

5/31/24, 12:39 PM

$1000 is nothing to keep what's left of our freedom after Hussein started this fundamental transformation into a Banana Republic and Joe is hastening the downfall as fast as he can with help from the war mongering Uniparty. Keep spending your money on war. YOU are the problem.

Freder Frederson said...

Or the Krupps could run Krupps as they saw fit under national socialism.

Are you implying that in this country Ford, Chrysler, Boeing, et al, were able to run their businesses as they saw fit during World War II? If so, you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Robert Cook said...

(Trump was) "...the best president of my lifetime (I'm 69)...."

I'm so sorry you have this indication of early onset of dementia. (Maybe you should keep up with daily crossword puzzles to try to forestall further loss of your marbles.)

(I'm 68, and I have that thing where I must pause sometimes to remember a word or name, but I so far remain keen in the bean...knock on wood!)

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
Or the Krupps could run Krupps as they saw fit under national socialism.

"Are you implying that in this country Ford, Chrysler, Boeing, et al, were able to run their businesses as they saw fit during World War II? If so, you don't know what the hell you are talking about."

Re-read what he wrote.
Krupp was the worlds largest maker and exporter of heavy artillary in the world. After 1938 they worked solely for the Garman government. Who set quotas and assigned production and prices.
Our industry under FDR. there are no 1943-45 Fords or Chryslers available to the civilian market unless you had a serious government job. Boing, by law, only made one product. Our government set quotas and , the only difference' negotiated prices.

History is your friend, Freder.

John henry said...


I was speaking of Germany /Italy so not "implying" anything about us.

But if you want to talk about the US, I'll be happy too.

Fdr's "new deal" was explicitly modeled on mussolini's Fascist ideology. Look for example at the NRA (national recovery administration). Fdr's "brain trusters" were great fans of fascism. It was "government that works!" as they called it.

Perhaps if fdr & Co had been less admiring of fascism as an ideology/political philosophy with its need for militarism we would have stayed out of wwii in 38-41

I don't "imply" the us was fascist in the 30s and 40s. I state it as fact.

John Henry

John henry said...

For those who don't remember, the national recovery administration (NRA) was a federal agency that had absolute and total control over all aspects of the economy.

How absolute?

Read about the Supreme Court case Schecter vs US.

Schecter was a small retail butcher in nyc. He was arrested and faced jail time.

His crime? He allowed customers to choose which chicken they wanted to buy.

Fortunately the Supremes found this federal law and the nra in general unconstitutional and killed both.

Leading to Fdr's war on the supremes which he fortunately lost.

John Henry

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