May 19, 2024

"The Trump campaign believes it can capitalize on — or foment — a backlash to the leftward march of the Twin Cities and still-fresh memories..."

"... of the unrest after the killing of George Floyd. 'Very sad what’s happened to your state,' Mr. Trump told a newscaster on the conservative website Alpha News on Thursday, attacking Minneapolis’s progressive Representative Ilhan Omar as a 'hater,' promising 'mass deportations' and vowing 'to bring back the law enforcement the way it was' before Mr. Floyd’s murder. 'Your state is out of control, and it’s this radical left philosophy that cannot be left to continue.' Recent polling has Mr. Biden clinging to a narrow lead in Minnesota, inside some polls’ margins of error. His tenuous position has been exacerbated by the war in Gaza. A protest campaign for 'uncommitted' in the Democratic presidential primary in March drew 19 percent.... Even Democrats in the state have their worries.... [Representative Dean Phillips, a Democrat who represents the affluent, educated suburbs west of Minneapolis that for years had voted Republican] said, 'I confess to have spoken to more people, and some remarkable people, who say they will vote for Trump. Many will, and many more than will admit it.'"

Hoping to put it in play? Clearly, it is in play, and Trump is forcing Biden to defend. Meanwhile, Biden must win all of the battleground states — Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania — just to edge out Trump in the electoral college. Trump has so many more ways to win.


Original Mike said...

"Trump has so many more ways to win."

Biden has two, but they're powerful ones; election fraud or putting his opponent in jail.

Drago said...

"Foment"! Pounce!

Achilles said...

In any honest election Trump wins 45-50 states. He wont the 2020 election 75 million to 60 million.

Pretending Biden is capable of pulling in more voters than Obama is a joke.

All we are seeing now is that more than half of registered voters actually plan on voting for Trump. Many people who haven't voted for a long time plan to vote this time.

Before the democrats could just get a list of voters that didn't ever vote and mail in a ballot for them.

In Pennsylvania the democrats are going to have to sign and date their mail in ballots this time and provide witness signatures.

In 2020 it took them several days to collect a list of people that hadn't voted and vote for them because there are logistics involved. That is why there were so many "votes" with 1 box filled in and obviously scribbled signatures. Allowing people to inspect the ballots will also make it obvious what was going on.

n.n said...

George "Fentanyl" Floyd syndrome was sourced from China, assembled and redistributed through immigration reform over open borders, kills tens of thousands of Americans annually. Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter was a national insurrection through murder, burning, and looting and a billion dollar civil rights movement cover-up of this progressive condition.

#BabyLivesMatter (BLM)

Breezy said...

I’m glad Trump is in a position to challenge the same old same old voting patterns, state by state. The more he effectively does this, the bigger the wave across all states…. Seems more and more people are turning their attention to the race, and seeing how bad Biden has been relative to Trump. We could use a cleansing landslide.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

shorter leftist spin:

Don't fall for Trump! He will remind you that your city is a lawless sh*t hole - but your eyes are lying to you. Everything is wonderful...and that's all thanks To the Democrat party and their Husk-Puppet... Above the law Crook Joe.
Stay loyal to the Open border left!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ilhan Omar(D) is more than a "hater" - she is an anti-Semitic Islamic supremacist. and a fraud.

gilbar said...

THIS is The Most Important election.. EVER.
The fate of The World depends on it. ALL PEOPLE MUST, under penalty of imprisonment or DEATH,
be FORCED to have their vote counted for BIDEN!!!

Think i'm KIDDING? Global Warming has gotten SO BAD, that it is affecting The SUN!!!
Scientist warns more powerful solar eruptions could hit Earth in 2025 - and cause the worst geomagnetic storm in 165 years
'We could easily get much bigger storms over the next year or two,' Dr. Jonathan McDowell told

The 'extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions' of last weekend's solar storm was produced by a disturbance on the sun's surface, a 'sunspot,' that was larger than the solar disturbance that produced the infamous 1859 Carrington event.

The Carrington solar storm set telegraph wires on fire, cut communications worldwide, and even disrupted ships' compasses — and space weather experts anticipate that a direct hit from the bigger solar storms coming soon could be worse.

Want your "proof" of Man Made Global Warming??? THERE is your "proof" !!!
Within about a hundred years.. EVERY SINGLE person now on the earth will be DEAD!!!!!!

JaimeRoberto said...

How long before Keith Ellison charges him with election interference for this?

Kakistocracy said...

80 minutes of incoherent gibberish — well received by MN Republicans.

More of the same shtick from Trump. Just a long winded, meandering, mostly disconnected from reality, mostly silly, name calling reality TV gibberish.

The crowd erupted into the loudest applause of the night and a standing ovation when Trump said he would cut off funding to any school teaching critical race theory as well as any school with a vaccine mandate.

There isn't a school in MN that does these things and they are cheering cutting lunch money and special education being cut. Nice work MN GOP.

Furthermore; MN Republicans backed Royce White to run against Amy Klobuchar. White was introduced by Steve Bannon. Nothing say ethics and honesty like aligning with Steve Bannon.

Royce was a great basketball player. But seriously, has the Republican Party just given up trying to find competent candidates?

Chuck said...

There's this hilarious video of Trump being asked this week about his having said that if he lost Minnesota in 2020, he'd never come back to the state. The interviewer was perfectly willing to concede that Trump had said it as a joke. (And I'd admit, that in his own weird, performative way, Trump does jokes from the lectern as he does rally speeches. But he doesn't have the humanity to actually do any sort of self-effacing humor. Trump's only laughter mode is saracastic humor, demeaning others for his personal benefit or the entertainment of his TrumpWing audiences.)

Anyway, when the interviewer asked Trump about his statement in 2020 that he'd never come back to Minnesota if he lost the state in that fall's election, Trump did the Trumpy thing. He denied it. And said that he never even thought that. Trump said that, instead of saying some personally insightful thing about what he really was thinking when he did indeed say that.

So the interviewer then dispalyed the 2020 video of Trump saying that he'd never come back to Minnesota if he lost. (I was a bit confused at first; I had hoped that the video would run and be displayed to Trump in real time. I don't think it was. It was the program's editing after the Trump interview was completed in real time. That was frustrating to me; I want more interviews where Trump is copnfronted head-on with his lies on videotape.)

Nota bene: When Trump did go to Minnesota on Friday and gave his state-GOP speech, he of course once again claimed -- completely falsely -- that he actually won the state in 2020.

Althouse I well understand that you are "interested in interestingness." Is this sort of blather from Trump -- sociopathic, blandly lying, avoiding any real human insight -- what you find interesting?

tcrosse said...

Rich might want to take a stroll around the Cedar-Riverside light rail station some night, or 38th and Chicago after dark, to see how Minneapolis is thriving. Of course, if he lives west of Lyndale he doesn't have to worry about being car-jacked.

Mr. D said...

I live in Minnesota. Trump will not win because the metrocrats won't let it happen, but he might be able to get enough votes outstate to give Angie Craig a problem.

Meanwhile, Rich opines:

Royce was a great basketball player. But seriously, has the Republican Party just given up trying to find competent candidates?

It doesn't matter who runs against Klobuchar, Rich. Joe Fraser was and is an impressive guy, but he wouldn't get any votes in Minneapolis or St. Paul. Royce White might pull enough votes to make Senator Hotdish break a little sweat, but she's in that seat as long as she wants to be. White's real goal here is to get enough name recognition to have a go at the much weaker Tina Smith in 2026.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck - wow Big news.

Especially compared to our failing nation and the open border... and our unsustainable debt - and all the wars Biden is presiding over.

Anthony said...

George Floyd wasn't killed, he died.

mindnumbrobot said...

Hoping to put it in play? Clearly, it is in play, and Trump is forcing Biden to defend.

It would be a waste of resources for Trump. Minnesota does indeed have some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, but their politics are just plain nuts. Combined with other nonsense such as same day voter registration, Minnesota is a fool's errand for any republican Presidential candidate.

Yancey Ward said...

"Trump has so many more ways to win."

Because the Democrats have built an electoral majority on which they can normally count. Trump upends that electoral majority and is unique in doing so.

Iman said...

Squareheads are tough nuts to crack. This I can tell you.

Sebastian said...

2020 was the anti-Trump election. 2024 ought to be the anti-Biden election.

RCOCEAN II said...

Those Minnasota dipshits will NEVER stop voting democrat. Its hard to see how Biden with his inflation and "invade the world, invite the world" policies are good for Minnasota, but they're stuck on stupid. What can you say about a bunch of clowns that would elect Al Francken senator? I guess he had "Minnasota Values". LOL.

Look for washington and Colorado to vote for Biden too. Morons. At least the Big city liberals in Northeast get lots of graft.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The state has gone nutty far left trying to out-kook California. That they fanned the flames of the Floyd riots and allow their imported Congresscritters to use and abuse the other Somali immigrants does not bode well for long term stability or political survival. When the pendulum swings that far left the correction can be shocking. The DFL has managed to piss off Farmers and Labor leaving only hardcore Democrats in their former coalition.

JK Brown said...

As Douglas Murray quipped on Bill Maher, Biden and the Democrats have a two-state plan in mind in regards to Israel and Hamas. Michigan and Minnesota

n.n said...

What is their effect on the body? Similar to other opioid analgesics, fentanyl produces effects such as: relaxation, euphoria, pain relief, sedation, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, urinary retention, pupillary constriction, and respiratory depression.

Floyd's symptoms prompted the premature exit from the police vehicle. A progressive condition that forced respiratory failure. A mob assembled that prevented timely treatment by licensed medical professionals. Tens of thousands of Americans are killed by Fentanyl annually. All Lives Matter

Christopher B said...

If Trump is going to swing for the cheap seats anywhere Minnesota makes sense. Given the media markets it's good defense for the Dakotas and Iowa, as well as having impact in western Wisconsin and Michigan's UP which are places Trump can at least eat into Biden's margins and force him to spend resources.

Big Mike said...

If Trump succeeds in putting Minnesota and New Jersey in play he won’t need no stinkin’ Wisconsin, where the self-described “liberals” are so proud of their horrendous black-white educational achievement gap* that they elected the man most responsible for that gap to be governor, then re-elected him.
* Is Wisconsin still worst in the nation? Or did one of those backwards Southern states you Wisconsin liberals love to look down on manage to displace your terrible education system a notch upwards?

Michael K said...

The NY Times is always reliable as a source of DNC propaganda.

Big Mike said...

Biden has two, but they're powerful ones; election fraud or putting his opponent in jail.

And the third is assassination, which after Jeffrey Epstein and James Hodgkinson I absolutely do not put past Democrats.

Big Mike said...

FWIW, if Trump can turn the working families of the Iron Range away from their union bosses and the DFL, he will win Minnesota. But that’s a tall order.

Original Mike said...

"And the third is assassination, which after Jeffrey Epstein and James Hodgkinson I absolutely do not put past Democrats."

Unfortunately, true.

Mikey NTH said...

If Trump is putting Minnesota into pkay, Mondale's one win, then things are in more flux than anyone has let on.

gadfly said...

Donald Trump appeared to freeze for more than 30 seconds during a speech at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Dallas, Texas.

The former president — who kept the crowd waiting for more than two hours from the scheduled time of his speech on Saturday — was praising the state of Texas before he suddenly fell silent at the lectern.

At that moment, Mr Trump suddenly froze as music played. At one point in the lengthy pause, the former president shook his head.

Old geezers never die, their brains just freeze that way.

Narayanan said...

Democrats have a two-state plan in mind in regards to Israel and Hamas. Michigan and Minnesota
how likely is it that Islamists have also calculated w r t USA politics and are 'wagging' the dog!

gadfly said...

Big Mike asked...

* Is Wisconsin still worst in the nation? Or did one of those backwards Southern states you Wisconsin liberals love to look down on manage to displace your terrible education system a notch upwards?

Wisconsin schools are rated 10th best in America.

Drago said...

The Hopeless gadfly: "Donald Trump appeared to freeze for more than 30 seconds during a speech at the National Rifle Association..."


He did no such thing you little soy boy liar.

Humperdink said...

The gad linked: "Wisconsin schools are rated 10th best in America"

So what! Yale, Harvard, and Penn law schools are rated in the top 4. For some reason they made a lot of news lately.

rehajm said...

Nate Silver is trash but I’m reminded of one chart of value- the snake chart. It would say if Minnesota is in play Trump need not worry about voters. He only has to worry about who is counting the votes…

Joe Smith said...

Floyd was a criminal thug who killed himself with an overdose.

A white man is in jail paying the price.

Joe Smith said...

"So the interviewer then dispalyed the 2020 video of Trump saying that he'd never come back to Minnesota..."

And half of Hollywood should have moved to Canada after the '16 election but all of the commie assholes (your side) are still here.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

In 2016, the margin in MN between Hillary and Trump was less than the # of votes going to Egg McCuffin

If Trump takes GA, NV, AZ, and NH, he doesn't need any of MN, MI, PA, or WI to win.

He "lost" NH in 2016 by less than 5k votes. He's leading in the polls in GA, NV, and AZ.

So Trump has a lot more ways to win than does Biden

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Original Mike said...
"Trump has so many more ways to win."

Biden has two, but they're powerful ones; election fraud or putting his opponent in jail.

Putting Trump in jail is pretty much guaranteed to give Trump the election

Rabel said...

Speaking of Trump, if you want a completely different view of the NY trial, see this from the BBC.

It's posted from an alternate reality as near as I can tell. But that's the view that millions get.

Kai Akker said...

--- Althouse I well understand

You don't, but it's funny to see more authorial asides from our dopiest but most ponderous of commenters. We may not appreciate him now, but he writes not for us, but for the ages. Meanwhile, how are you doing on your appeals? 0-for-lifetime, is it?

robother said...

Trump is fomenting a backlash. Is that like Romney putting y'all back in chains? Anyway, it certainly doesn't sound very Minnesota Nice.

Mason G said...

"Trump is fomenting a backlash."

Time for another round of mostly peaceful protests? Including maybe some more five-fingered reparations?

Narayanan said...

Is that like Romney putting y'all back in chains
Suggestion to Trump campaign to market gold bling chain @ The Bronx

Yancey Ward said...

So, question for the commentariat- what would it take for Chuck to vanish and never return to this commentariat? Consider these as potentially cumulative blows- when does Chuck suffer too much embarrassment to show his figurative face here under the moniker "Chuck".

(1) The New York jury of the present case is hung and Bragg decides not to retry;

(2) SCOTUS rules that Trump can't be tried on the January 6th charges;

(3) Judge Cannon tosses the classified documents case due to selective prosecution, citing the Biden case as prime example #1 and Hillary Clinton as example #2;

(4) Biden suffers a catastrophic faux pas during a debate;

(5) Trump wins the election in November and Biden concedes after doing all the same things Trump did in 2020;

(6) Chuck dies of cirrhosis of the liver.

Big Mike said...

@gadfly (2:27), your link takes me to a paywall. Meanwhile there's this article from, apparently the same source, that admits that admits in its headline continues its long-standing problem with a black-white achievement gap in its state educational system. "Widest gap in the nation" is pretty unambiguous, is it not?

gilbar said...

gadfly? i understand, that YOU are illiterate, but the statement was about the:
black-white educational achievement gap

NOT about how well whiteys do there

here is a link:
Despite the fact a state’s racial socioeconomic disparity is a very good predictor of its racial achievement gap (as is clear in the figure above), some states with similar levels of socioeconomic disparities have substantially different achievement gaps. For example, New Jersey and Wisconsin have very similar (and very high) levels of white-black socioeconomic disparities, but the white-black math achievement gap in Wisconsin is considerably larger (roughly 0.25 standard deviations larger) than in New Jersey.

Average white NAEP score in Wisconsin: 250.78
Average black NAEP score in Wisconsin: 217.02
Average total NAEP score in Wisconsin: 244.69

Average white NAEP score in New Jersey: 255.92
Average black NAEP score in New Jersey: 230.88
Average total NAEP score in New Jersey: 248.00

the worst i could find, was
Average black NAEP score in Michigan: 211.20
i "think" that only Ala, Pa, Tenn, Neb, And DC were the others lower than Wisco for black NAEP

Iowa was 224.2 for blacks, 245.54 for whites

chickelit said...

Yancey Ward asked So, question for the commentariat- what would it take for Chuck to vanish and never return to this commentariat?

I think that when Mitt and Mitt's handlers tire of Chuck's gentle Michigan-style fellatio that Chuck will quit.

chickelit said...

Chuck is likely a a two-generation Romney (George and Mitt) stalwart. He may even have done some legal work for either/both.

chickelit said...

How else do you explain the off-the-charts TDS?

Mr. Majestyk said...

Chuck as a one-time Romney lawyer ... now that really sounds like it could be true.

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