President Biden... asked Black voters at two campaign events in Atlanta to see the election as a choice between protecting democracy and letting it backslide.... Mr. Biden laid out his argument to a powerful slice of the electorate that has been drifting away from him during a campaign reception on Saturday afternoon: “We cannot let this man become president. We have to win this race, not for me but for America.”2. "Live Updates: Biden to Speak at Morehouse Graduation/The visit to the historically Black college in Georgia gives President Biden an opportunity to speak to students in a battleground state as he works to shore up support among young voters." Oh! I took to long getting to this link. It's the speech, playing live, now.
This speech so far has been mostly about Biden’s upbringing — one of a law student, public defender and single father — rather than promoting the economic achievements of the Biden administration. The White House has been focused on promoting such policy achievements to galvanize a crucial constituency of Black voters frustrated with the Biden White House....“Instead of forcing you to prove you’re 10 times better, we’re breaking down doors so you can have 100 times more opportunities,” Biden says.
It's true that Trump is doing a rally in the Bronx. The NYT reported that a couple days ago, here: "Trump Plans a Campaign Event in the Deep Blue Bronx/The former president, who has sought to make some political appearances around New York as he stands criminal trial, is set to speak at an event next Thursday at Crotona Park."In interviews with nearly two dozen voters in predominantly Black neighborhoods in Philadelphia this week, as well as with elected officials and strategists, signs of softness in Mr. Biden’s standing were palpable. Just eight voters said they were committed to voting for Mr. Biden, while many others were debating staying home, or, in a few cases, supporting former President Donald J. Trump. They cited concerns about immigration, the cost of living and their sense that Mr. Biden was more focused on crises abroad than on fixing problems in their neighborhoods....
Clinton Geary III, 41, an entrepreneur and organizer who works to end community violence in Philadelphia, said he would support Mr. Trump in November, his first time casting a ballot. He saw Mr. Biden as more focused on wars abroad than low-income communities domestically. “How are you going to help go to war and you can’t help feed people?” he said. He also said he was worried about the country’s influx of migrants, a theme echoed by several voters, including anti-Trump ones.That reminds me. Over at TikTok, I keep seeing things like this:
@johnou81 ♬ original sound - john
The former president told donors at a Manhattan fund-raiser this week that he was planning something in the South Bronx, making a joke that he might get hurt in the neighborhood.“We’re going to have a tremendous rally. You may never see me again,” he said, prompting laughter, according to an attendee who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the private event. “That could be a tricky one.”
The Washington Post has a front-page article today about how an aging brain is not necessarily a hindrance to the presidency.
You ain't Black if you don't vote for Biden! Yeah Baby, that's the ticket. He spoke at Morehouse. The day before he couldn't remember the name of the college.
Imagine being a black American living in Georgia and voting for the man who attempted to disenfranchise you with a fake electors scheme and who tacitly supports and is endorsed by white supremacists.
I never thought the American electorate was this foolish but here we are… it’s truly breathtaking.
The Regime doesn't mind if people stay home. They will just mail those votes in. The Democrats have to drive participation down for their mail in vote scam to work.
What they are really scared of is that people are actively supporting Trump and planning to vote for him. He is going to get far more than 75 million votes this time. The longer he is in the spotlight the better his years in the presidency look. The comparisons between Trump and Biden are right there and anyone over 90 IQ can make an accurate comparison.
Nobody trusts the media either. You only get to lie so many times. This just goes for Democrats and their Uniparty scum allies in general.
"I was born a poor black child in West Philly....." according to Biden.
The media is going to be spending the entire Summer on their knees sucking Biden off.
Ahem: It’s “MO’House”! Grew up 10 minutes, then 30 minutes away. Worked, played and officiated right next to men steeped in that tradition. I’m surprised he didn’t whip it out in his babbling.
A sane person would never put those two words in the same sentence.
It is a struggle for democracy. Either you for a candidate that prosecutes his political rivals or you for candidates that wants fair elections.
I hope Trump doesn't fall into the trap of identity politics in choosing a Veep. I could support Scott but... I wish Tom Sowell and Clarance Thomas were younger.
What I really hope, though, is that he knows there are a hell of a lot more women voters than black voters.
This post also highlights what the purpose of the Republican party was before Trump.
The purpose of the Republican Party was to make all of those people in the Bronx hate Republicans and choose between Democrats or staying home.
You can see the Desantis/Romney/Bush wing still hurfing and durfing about how Trump talks bad but that openness and honesty is exactly why he got 15 million more votes than any Republican in history and 10 million more than Obama in his historic election win over McCain.
And that TikTok video just caused a bunch of Nevertrumps to grab their sniffing scarfs because they just can't abide the riff raff Trump is attracting to the Republican party.
Rich said...
Imagine being a black American living in Georgia and voting for the man who attempted to disenfranchise you with a fake electors scheme and who tacitly supports and is endorsed by white supremacists.
I never thought the American electorate was this foolish but here we are… it’s truly breathtaking.
Imagine being so stupid and mathematically illiterate that you think 81 million people voted for Biden.
I wonder if Biden will mention who the President was who signed the bill providing a permanent, annual funding to HBCU's. It was not Barack Obama. It was not Joe Biden. It was Donald Trump.
Some people talk, some people do.
CNN did a live feed of the Morehouse speech. Typical Biden pandering (at least what I heard of it); apparently the White House staff is comprised of Morehouse grads. Biden wouldn't have a clue as to what to do with himself if they didn't tell him.
Seems to me the Dems have entered panic mode.
President Biden... asked Black voters at two campaign events in Atlanta to see the election as a choice between protecting democracy and letting it backslide.... “We cannot let this man become president. We have to win this race, not for me but for America.”
If I was a black person who grew up in a culture that taught me that every single thing this country has done to blacks has been oppressive and evil, my response would be "why would I want to protect this American democracy [sic] that has kept me and mine down for so long?"
I know a lot of black men living in Georgia Rich, and they think you and your fellow travelers are gay AF, big pussies AND bigots. They don’t think people like you are racist, because you don’t believe you are mentally and physically superior to anybody other than libertarians and conservatives. I’d be real happy to introduce you to a few and you can tell them how stupid they are. We can do it at Spondivots. It’s on Virginia Avenue right by the airport.
The media is going to be spending the entire Summer on their knees sucking Biden off.
FJB can then avoid doddering around or will media chase him?
Achilles, you can call DeSantis many things, including 'the opponent'. But he governs nothing like the Romney/Bush wing of the GOP.
Rich said...
Imagine being a black American living in Georgia and voting for the man who attempted to disenfranchise you with a fake electors scheme and who tacitly supports and is endorsed by white supremacists.
According to a January NBC News poll, 75% of Black voters said they would vote for Biden in the general election this year. In 2020, 92% of Black voters cast their votes for Biden, a Pew Research Center report shows. This criticism of the economy lines up with surveys about Black voters’ financial experiences.
A May 2023 report from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies found that 30% of Black people said their financial situation had worsened over the past year, compared to 44% who said it had stayed the same. Although key economic indicators that economists look to to understand the state of the economy have shown a stable labor market, slowing inflation, and rising wages, it’s clear that many Black voters are still feeling the financial pressure of high prices at the grocery store, an expensive housing market, and the burden of student debt payments restarting.
"Cultivating the black vote"
Seems an odd way of saying it. Therefore it must be racist.
LLR-democratical Rich: "Imagine being a black American living in Georgia and voting for the man who attempted to disenfranchise you with a fake electors scheme and who tacitly supports and is endorsed by white supremacists."
All your sad and pathetic lefty lies and hoaxes and gaslighting are fooling fewer and fewer people, particularly amongst voter groups you lefties believe you own and keep on your modern day rhetorical plantations.
I can see that is upsetting to you.
Perhaps therapy is available at reasonable group rates.
Blogger Rich said...
Imagine being a black American living in Georgia and voting for the man who attempted to disenfranchise you with a fake electors scheme and who tacitly supports and is endorsed by white supremacists.
I never thought the American electorate was this foolish but here we are… it’s truly breathtaking.
5/19/24, 10:08 AM"
Imagine being a supposedly sentient creature and believing this.
NBC Rich - You do realize most racism and the history of the KKK = democratic.
The democratic/dictatorial duality is a majority rule system by diversity (i.e. number) or authority.
Diversity (e.g. Equity and Inclusion) is a dogmatic doctrine based on color judgments and class bigotry (e.g. racism, sexism).
One step forward, two steps backward.
Our constitution affirms individual rights, and mitigates democratic/dictatorial progress.
What is Biden's pitch to blacks exactly? Vote for me, and I'll import more illegal aliens to compete with you and consume social services?
NBC Rich - All you hivemind leftists have to work with are fake narratives and bullcrap.
Trump is widening the lead now. He is moving like a tremendous machine.
Biden comes to town to court the black vote in this majority black city and where does he lunch? At Mary Mac’s Tea Room a quintessential white restaurant where the blacks cook and serve. Delicious food. There are fifty plus black owned restaurants in town and with a two minute search he would have discovered Pascals, black owned and a favorite of black pols. Perhaps he will eat there today.
Temujin: "Achilles, you can call DeSantis many things, including 'the opponent'. But he governs nothing like the Romney/Bush wing of the GOP."
While in congress, DeSantis was a total Ryan clone, particularly where the globalists wanted TPP and to gibe obama fast track authority.
As Gov of Florida, an office DeSantis originally won due to Trump's endorsement in the reoublican primary, DeSantis has been dealing with State level issues only and in Florida its not hard to govern as a social/cultural conservative.
However, all the usual globalist suspects showed up in 2021 to convince DeSantis to run for El Presidente on the assumption Trump would be taken out by the combined dem/GOPe lawfare.
Murdoch gave DeSantis a $10M book deal securing his private wealth and Ken Griffin et al (the Sea Island group of globalist billionaire funders) promised $200M+ for the DeSantis primary run. Followed by ultimate DC insider Jeff Roe being put in charge of the campaign which paid lots of "conservative social media influencers" to come aboard to pump DeSantis up. Thats right out of the Karl Rove astroturfing playbook.
But the DeSantis campaign hit quite a few snags along the way: Trump didnt quit under lawfare pressure and DeSantis and his crew had to to take Trump on directly...which was a complete failure and so, presto chango, the heavy globalist money flexed to Nikki Haley in the hope she could drive women and moderates away from Trump.
This too failed.
I'd bet Nikki makes an appearance at the Dem convention, along with Romney.
Anyway, at the federal office level, DeSantis has never shown himself to be America First and his backers and staffers sre positively anti-America First.
Thats enough evidence for me.
“Imagine being a black American living in Georgia and voting for the man who attempted to disenfranchise you with a fake electors scheme and who tacitly supports and is endorsed by white supremacists.”
Talk about disenfranchisement. Guess what? The evidence is pretty convincing now, that your Dems stole those electoral votes in GA with, at a minimum, several hundred thousand fraudulent votes. I had expected that AZ would be the state where the evidence was pretty iron clad, but in the last month or so, things have broken open in GA about the election fraud there 4 years ago. No audit trail for the most populous county, no signature verification, and verification that ballots were counted multiple times. Stuff like that.
Vote for Biden and watch the nation deteriorate - except for the rich white left Arabella types.
Defund the police? Yeah - totally ignored by the history books and the corrupt left lair media.
Black neighborhoods are hurt the most with defund the police. Pompous Racist white left ideas get blacks killed.
NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, WaPoo(Jew-haters) NYT + will all deny it because Trump is a threat to democracy! Prior to Chi Com Covid - our nation was actually thriving with Trump at the helm.
Drago hates DeSantis and prefers Crook Joe.
Carlos Slims has made the Times aggressively irrelevant to anything,
of course having Warnock involved gives an extra bit of agita,
FJB is in big trouble with the Black vote this year. I told this story Thursday, but here it goes again. My partner was having out patient surgery in Las Vegas Thursday. I popped out to run to the 7/11 a mile away for pop. Big Black woman behind the counter announced that they only were taking cash (credit card machine was down). Fine. When I got back to the counter, she loudly announced that she loved my Trump hat. She had one at home, as well as other Trump paraphernalia. I told her that she could get more in the gift store. at his hotel, right across the street from the Fashion Show mall. She promised that she would do so. I should note that the majority of the patrons in the store at the time were also Black.
I was surprised only because she was a woman. I have been complimented on my Trump hat before by Black men, but it was a first for a Black woman. And not the Blacks working here in the hotel - they know him and his kids, and like them - except for the 12 hour shifts they have to work when he himself pops in (his boys do it with no fanfare - we’ll see if that changes with.SS details). Turns out that the hotel is a popular place for Blacks in Las Vegas. They seem to love the bling, and his outsized personality. I expect that the Fani Willis fiasco in GA added a percentage point or so to his approval rating there. But overall, all of the prosecutions of Trump just seem to help him with Blacks, maybe more than with any other demographic. They know all about selective prosecution.
Trump can be awkward at times, but "You may never see me again" is frickin hilarious. You probably need the first personality trait in order to get the second.
“Instead of forcing you to prove you’re 10 times better, we’re breaking down doors so you can have 100 times more opportunities,” Biden says.
Shouldn't that be "we're breaking down f***ing doors..."?
Hooboy- Rich is gonna need a five year supply of mouthwash just to make it to November, and kneepads made of kevlar.
I am down with dat!
Regarding the Bronx rally, the congressman who represents the district had this to say:
"The South Bronx has no greater enemy than Donald Trump, who is on a mission to dismantle the social safety net on which Bronx families depend for their survival," Torres said. "Trump is and has always been a fraud. The South Bronx – the most Democratic area in the nation – will not buy the snake oil that he is selling."
Maybe the fact that the people of his district "depend" on government assistance to survive is a problem.
Temujin said...
Achilles, you can call DeSantis many things, including 'the opponent'. But he governs nothing like the Romney/Bush wing of the GOP.
What did Desantis do that was different than Jeb would have done? Jeb would have signed those bills just as well as Ron.
The only difference I see is one went to Harvard, and the other went to Yale.
Desantis was the same low energy candidate as Jeb that had no chance to expand the Republican Party. He would have been a 60 million vote loser just like all the other Republican losers. His ads were sanctimonious packaged bullshit which is why Desanctimonious was such a painful reminder how lame he is and why you people got so mad about it.
The only reason to support Desantis was to make the Republican party a loser party again and alienate all of the new voters that Trump has brought into the party. The people who supported Desantis are just the people who never learned from the previous 3 decades of Republican failure. And at this point it is clear that the Republican party was never serious about anything it said it was.
Desantis sat in congress in 2017-2018 and helped Paul Ryan undermine Trump. Then he hired Jeff Fucking Roe to run his campaign in 2024.
Desantis will never be a leader in the Republican Party. He had his chance and was propped up in every way. But He failed.
Keep sniffing your scarf. The Deplorables are in charge now.
Blogger WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin: "Drago hates DeSantis and prefers Crook Joe."
You know, you are not required to keep posting astonishingly stupid things.
But you do you.
"Hooboy- Rich is gonna need a five year supply of mouthwash just to make it to November, and kneepads made of kevlar."
He just needs to close his eyes and think of Kamala.
Why is Brandon speaking at a segregated College?
John Henry
How easy will it be to get a venue approved by the city for a Bronx rally?
Why not "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black." It worked last time. They respect a man who takes a strong hand. Just ask P. Diddy.
Joe gettin' wiggy:
"When Barack and I..."
"I remember the time Michelle needed..."
"On Sasha's last birthday, Malia and I...."
No matter what he says, remember to add "Pause".
Bush/McCain/Romney/Ryan/Desantis... Go fetch!
The only reason to support Desantis was to make the Republican party a loser party again and alienate all of the new voters that Trump has brought into the party. The people who supported Desantis are just the people who never learned from the previous 3 decades of Republican failure. And at this point it is clear that the Republican party was never serious about anything it said it was.
I tend to agree. DeSantis will have time to learn how to expand the new party. I hope he does.
Bob Dole lost the Senate for Reagan in 1982 by opposing his tax cuts in 1981. Same principle.
the Fani Willis fiasco in GA added a percentage point or so to his approval rating there. But overall, all of the prosecutions of Trump just seem to help him with Blacks, maybe more than with any other demographic. They know all about selective prosecution.
I'm so impressed that you are so hep to what is happening with the negro community (of course rural Montana is the center of Hip Hop culture). I can't wait til you tell us:
"I'll tell you what the coloreds want. It's three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit."
". . . tremendous rally. You may never see me again."
It's a joke, but yes, it also shows a realistic awareness of danger.
To me, Trunk's courage is a huge factor in my support. He has shown himself willing to face problems and to deal with them head on.
I can't wait til you tell us:
"I'll tell you what the coloreds want. It's three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit."
Well, he doesn't have to tell us, Freder- you just did.
They know all about selective prosecution.
I'm confused. I thought systemic racism is a myth. I have been told repeatedly on this very site, that the only reason African Americans are incarcerated at a high rate is because they commit more crimes.
Freder playing stupid again, only I don't think it is an act.
Freder Frederson said...
the Fani Willis fiasco in GA added a percentage point or so to his approval rating there. But overall, all of the prosecutions of Trump just seem to help him with Blacks, maybe more than with any other demographic. They know all about selective prosecution.
I'm so impressed that you are so hep to what is happening with the negro community (of course rural Montana is the center of Hip Hop culture). I can't wait til you tell us:
"I'll tell you what the coloreds want. It's three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit."
When Freder isn't being a fascist cheering for censorship of his political opponents and for Trump to be thrown in jail he just goes to the old Democrat fallback: Blatant Racism.
Freder has to pretend we are as racist as he is.
You are just a racist piece of shit Freder.
Well, he doesn't have to tell us, Freder- you just did.
I expect better from you. This is a lame reply I would expect from Drago or Michael K (with a homophobic comment thrown in for good measure).
Or achilles
With Donald Trump the hyperbole is part of the humor. It amazes me how many don't understand that.
Freder Frederson said...
They know all about selective prosecution.
I'm confused. I thought systemic racism is a myth. I have been told repeatedly on this very site, that the only reason African Americans are incarcerated at a high rate is because they commit more crimes.
Black people live in crime ridden neighborhoods.
Democrats run all of these places.
Democrats let black criminals out of jail early and refuse to prosecute black criminals because they know that criminals tend to prey upon their own racial groups.
Democrats want black people to live in crime ridden neighborhoods because they hate black people.
Democrats want black kids to be forced to go to crap public schools because they hate black people.
Democrats never stopped pushing racism and segregation. They just name it different things like DEI.
Democrats used to be able to count on the Black vote because the Republican party purposely shunned black voters and they were working together for Uniparty interests.
Nut now Trump has changed all of that. Freder is just lashing out because the jig is up.
What are you expecting, Freder, when you post a racist comment and try to imply your political enemies are the ones likely to make it? "Fuck you," is the reply you deserved and I refrained for it for one comment.
Field Marshall Freder: "I expect better from you. This is a lame reply I would expect from Drago or Michael K (with a homophobic comment thrown in for good measure)."
Freder up to his old lying tricks again.
I have never written a single homophobic (whatever that means today) comment at Althouse blog.
But that's our Freder. Leaning heavily on fake quotes, hoaxes and outright lies for years and years.
Apparently, its quite habit forming.
May 19, 2024
The NYT has 3 articles this morning about Biden cultivating the black vote.
FJB can now claim he has field-haand-experience to farmers
I have narrow heels, so I've never been able to wear loose shoes (loafers). But generally, I support Freder's colored agenda myself.
Blogger Mikey NTH said...
With Donald Trump the hyperbole is part of the humor. It amazes me how many don't understand that.
it is like fishy stories about fishing!
I was qouting Earl Butz. For those who don't remember, Google him. He was such a charming man.
is it evidence of circularity of political spectrum that supposedly high IQ vote same as low IQ? [jewws and blaaacks]
"I was qouting Earl Butz. For those who don't remember, Google him. He was such a charming man."
Exactly, you were quoting a dead man, Freder, and slandering someone who isn't Earl Butz with Earl Butz's words. We call such a person like you a scumbag.
"With Donald Trump the hyperbole is part of the humor. It amazes me how many don't understand that."
They could if they tried. But they need to not understand in order to avoid confronting reality.
These are boring dog-bites-man stories meant only for syndication in local media in heavily black locales.
The much more interesting man-bites-dog story is Trump making a play for the black male vote with a visit to the South Bronx, and doubtless many more to come. I wonder if that story made the Times.
I have never written a single homophobic (whatever that means today) comment at Althouse blog.
The lack of Drago's self awareness is staggering.
You published this eight minutes (on another thread) before you claimed you had "never written a single homophobic comment" on this thread:
"He did no such thing you little soy boy liar."
Can you explain how "soy boy" is not a homophobic slur. Isn't it just a woke substitute for "you little faggot liar"?
Democrats have taken blacks for granted for at least 60 years.
And for two hundred years before that they enslaved and murdered them.
Blacks have got to get a clue at this point.
In the words of a candidate, "What have you got to lose?"
If I was a black person who grew up in a culture that taught me that every single thing this country has done to blacks has been oppressive and evil, my response would be "why would I want to protect this American democracy [sic] that has kept me and mine down for so long?"
The South Bronx has no greater enemy than Donald Trump, who is on a mission to dismantle the social safety net on which Bronx families depend for their survival," Torres said.
It took me a while to realize this, but the Democrats' governing philosophy is "the worse, the better".
You think Democrats want to see prosperous, satisfied, home-owning black people, with intact families and good jobs, living in harmony with their white and Hispanic neighbors? HA! Hardly.
They WANT to keep their voters unemployed.
They WANT to keep their voters poor.
They WANT to keep their voters desperate.
They WANT to keep their voters angry.
They WANT to keep their voters ill-educated.
They WANT to keep their voters dependent on government for the necessities of life.
This is how they cling to power. When you look at their actions through this lens, EVERYTHING is made clear.
Can you explain how "soy boy" is not a homophobic slur. Isn't it just a woke substitute for "you little faggot liar"?
Allow me: A "soy boy" is a pasty-white vegan leftist with noodle arms. The kind of guy who can't do ten pushups or two pull-ups and has man-boobs from all the phytoestrogens he consumes in his plant-based diet.
Are some of them gay? Undoubtedly. But many of them are not just straight, but cynically and opportunistically so. Their devotion to leftist politics and veganism is frequently a ploy to get into the pants of attractive leftist girls who would otherwise be out of their league. When liberal women get together and bitch about the evils of men, it's often these guys they are talking about, as few of them have ever been on a date with a manly right-winger.
"Can you explain how "soy boy" is not a homophobic slur. Isn't it just a woke substitute for "you little faggot liar"?"
It is slur against vegans and those that look like them, Freder. Are all homosexuals vegans, Freder? I must admit, I am not up on the dietary habits of homosexuals.
Field Marshall Freder: "Can you explain how "soy boy" is not a homophobic slur."
Because its not.
I hope that helps, though I understand your desperate and psychotic need for "soy boy" to be a homophobic (whatever that means these days) stand in since you cant find any actual homophobic statements by me despite my years of posting.
Not to worry. Just crank out a hoax dossier with lots of made up homophobic statements and just run with that.
I know how much you lefty buffoons love hoax dossiers!
Black people in the USA have a long, historical connection to cultivators. They called them "Massa" back then.
The relationship mostly served the interests of the ownership class. Still does.
Moderation is off! Quick, somebody call Fen.
The RC to Fen transformation is alarming.
Raise your hand if you are utterly unsurprised Field Marshall Freder axiomatically equates "soy boy" with "little faggot"?
By this time no one should be surprised in the least by the astonishing racism and homophobia exhibited by the lefties/LLR-lefties (mustn't forget Chuck).
They just cant help themselves.
So he's cultivating their vote.
Is that like cultivating cotton?
And now he will have the black folks pick it?
I thought systemic racism is a myth.
If there is systemic racism, you might want to blame the people in charge of the system. And who've been in charge of the system for several generations now.
Hint: It ain't our side of the aisle.
Millions of blacks can relate to seeing the "The Man" going after Trump for utterly bogus reasons to keep him down.
This is where Freder goes dark for awhile.
While I personally cannot wear loafers, I certainly don't hold it against anyone who does. As for the other two items on Freder/Butz's list, they seem unarguably better than their opposite, a mark of a man of savior faire. Or perhaps Freder/Butz is having a little joke at someone's expense?
If you're someone who truly despises racism, why would you repeat and keep alive a horrible sentence?
Well, in Biden's defense he did think the speaker had said "The seas are fiery in the south."
Can’t wait to see President Trump in the Bronx, Biden is a piece of racist shit.
Freder must be a soy boy.
Biden's wasting his time because he's already lost Georgia.
There is a difference between the “talented tenth” hbcu former Jack and Jill club blacks and regular blacks. It’s not the former that oppose Beiden, because wealthy blacks prosper under government. The latter need jobs.
“I'm so impressed that you are so hep to what is happening with the negro community (of course rural Montana is the center of Hip Hop culture). I can't wait til you tell us”
If you paid better attention, you would know that we have been in Las Vegas pretty much the entire time since last July. Hoping in the net couple weeks to have a chance to pop back through PHX, then head north to MT. But, as I said, we are in Las Vegas, and there has long been a robust Black community here. The ones we talk to every day are hard working, working class people. They have long been in the culinary trade here. My partner’s first husband, until she was widowed, was the executive banquet chef at Caesar’s. Maybe 1/3 of his kitchen staff were Black, including his head souse chef. Here at the hotel where we live, security is better than 1/3 Black. But there are a lot of Blacks in the ranks of maids, janitors, even the front desk. Because we see them every day though, it’s security that we talk to the most (with the exception of Willie, who polishes the brass, cleans the windows, and picks up the trash - missed him when he was out for a knee replacement, but we never miss an opportunity to talk with him). I talk more to the men, and she the women. One is off for awhile, recuperating from a car wreck. We saw her every week when she was in rehab, and they talk by phone daily. Met her niece and grandson a couple weeks ago, when I brought a bucket of fried chicken in for her (the food there sucked). Another is a former weight lifter. Partner bribes her with bags of Starbucks chocolate covered coffee beans. Proves helpful when she’s working a 14 hour shift, esp when the Big Guy is in town. My partner bosses them around (for example, telling the one recuperating to put her worthless son, living with her at 40, to work, and when the other’s BF comes into town, to make him pay half etc) and they reciprocate by being fiercely protective of her. And when they say that they are praying for her, and her health, we appreciate it. But what’s weird anymore is that my partner has, in her mid 60s now, finally come out of her shell, routinely striking up conversations with strangers, mostly women, and very often Black. She compliments them on, for example, their hair or nails, and things go from there. And watch out if they have kids. It may be the force of her personality, but none of them resist her.
So, no, neither of us really grew up around a lot of Blacks, but, yes, these days we talk to a lot of them, every day. Most of them are hard working, working class, with the same problems everyone else has, and very religious.
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