"...that were, inarguably, uncharacteristically un-Kennedyesque, escalating a civil war within America’s most storied political dynasty. In a series of Instagram posts, the grandson, Jack Schlossberg, 31, variously called Mr. Kennedy, 70, a 'prick,' suggested he was using steroids, said he was 'lying to us' and portrayed him as a
Russian stooge and a stalking horse for Donald J. Trump. But what viewers may be more struck by, or even insulted by, are the heavily accented caricatures the young scion used to dramatize his points. He impersonates a Massachusetts fan of the Kennedys named Jimmy.... 'You know, I’m a fan of his father,' Mr. Schlossberg says, as Jimmy. 'And you know his uncle? Rest in peace, I remember where I was the day he was killed, I mean it was a tragic day, the entire country wept. But listen, that guy, he’s a prick. The new guy, the young guy, he’s a friggin prick.' He
channels a southerner named Wade.... And he
conjures an Italian-American Long Islander named Anthony....What may be the edgiest impression, though, is Mr. Schlossberg’s
depiction of Joshua, an older New York Jewish man...."
"Using Cartoonish Accents, J.F.K.’s Grandson Insults and Mocks Robert F. Kennedy Jr./In an escalation of the family feud, the son of Caroline Kennedy portrayed heavily accented characters who suggested that his cousin, the presidential candidate, was on steroids, not too smart and a liar" (NYT).
Wow! Here's this famously handsome, hyper-privileged young man and he imagines it would be a good idea to put these cheap ethnic stereotypes on Instagram! How did this happen? It can't be merely that he's insanely out of touch with present-day standards of diversity and inclusiveness. And leave to one side the delusion that insults like "he’s a friggin prick" count as publicly shareable comedy. It must also be that the family and friends who surround him have been laughing at this stuff and encouraging him to post it, telling him it will be great for his future career in politics. Oh, Jack, you're so funny! And please, help us bring down RFK Jr. You can do it like no one else, because everyone is devastated by your good looks and your genetics.
Here he is, defending himself in the voice of Wade, the southerner. Watch it, watch his long hair flapping in the breeze, and try to imagine the people who pumped up his ridiculous confidence over the years:
ADDED: Over at Daily Beast, you can see the encouragement in the raw:
"Everyone Is Thirsting Over Kennedy Grandson Jack Schlossberg—for Good Reason/The Camelot heir’s goofy shirtless videos and ridiculing of cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign has made Schlossberg the internet’s biggest crush of the moment" ("It’s so charming that I’m ready to vote for whoever Schlossberg tells me to").
It shows how the supposed strongest of bonds is ultimately, at the end of the day, also fragile.
A bad case of good looks, lotsa' money, and a large package of entitlement swathed in a storied American political family name and this is the distillation?
In our current culture, good taste, restraint, civility all don’t matter.
There is only one metric of success: Does it get the clicks.
You are facilitating that value here, both directly for Schlossberg, and, on a meta level, with this post.
It's pretty much how I envision Chuck, Rich, Howard and Inga on this forum.
He's a certainty to take over The Late Show with that sense of humour.
This all sounds perfectly suited for the current political climate and an extended family of inbreds.
The people here, including me, are not his target audience. I watched the videos. He's good looking, fit, and the impersonations, in my opinion, looked pretty good. They weren't subtle but neither were they cartoonish. His uncle wanted to be an actor, but his mother pressured JFK Jr into going into publishing and law--two fields for which he didn't have any particular talent. Maybe Caroline's son is offering these videos as audition tapes. I think he'd make out pretty good as an actor. Nowadays acting is probably a better entry point for politics than law anyway....He doesn't need Hollywood for wealth and fame. He's already got that. But Hollywood does offer some advantages not offered by politics or finance. You get to hang around with fabulous looking people. His grandfather bedded some beautiful actresses, but there were probably an awful lot of normal looking interns and secretaries thrown into the mix. Maybe young Schlossberg wants to be more like Leonard DiCaprio than JFK.
Typical Masshole.
It can't be merely that he's insanely out of touch with present-day standards of diversity and inclusiveness.
Woke didn't work by getting agreement on standards. It worked by cancelling you.
However poor the execution, more evidence that RFK Jr is so deluded that the other Kennedys actually noticed.
"It’s so charming that I’m ready to vote for whoever Schlossberg tells me to"
You don’t have to identify the speaker for us to know it’s a woman. Do (most) women cringe when they read things like this? Or do they nod along? I hope it’s the first thing.
These vicious and childish attacks on behalf of the Democratic Party have the opposite effect of what they obviously intended. It’s like they’ve gone from claiming Camelot as the best of their family to emulating the worst most base aspects of Teddy’s tawdry character and sharp (yet untruthful) tongue. High Tech Lynching for all apostates who fall to serve the Party!
Ironically it is RFK Jr. who will benefit the most if the FBICIA succeed in eliminating the current leading candidate for president. He could be both JFK and LBJ come November.
I think it's bro humor, part of bro culture, very frat boy. He mistakes privilege for license to mock and ridicule others. And BTW I think it's already been established that all the various (still living) members of the Kennedy clan are pricks and a-holes so that's not really saying much about RFK Jr.
I can't imagine this one's a threat to ever do anything that matters.
If Biden wins, he can be Secretary of Transportation.
Looks like Unca Bobby has been relegated to the family basket of deplorables. We'll all see how that works out by this time next year.
Maybe Caroline's kid can go to Texas and be the setup guy for Beto, since they seem to me to be aimed at exactly the same demographic. He's so authentic and believable, you know? Plus, the cool kids think he's as dreamy as Justin Trudeau.
Regression to the mean. Old money thinks like old money and cannot learn any other perspective. This is why dynasties rarely last more than a few generations.
Over the decades It is very clear Camelot is nothing but a meticulous created facade. A public facing persona is nothing new, and something ALL of do. The difference, the media threw its massive reach into the game.
JFK may have grown into greatness, but his brief time on the planet, actions, do not support today's current fascination. The story line requires ignoring sordid behavior, by the entirety of the clan. A wielding of power to crush their adversaries. Trump matches up much better if all the dirty laundry is measured against accomplishments.
“Don’t ever takes sides against the family.” Michael Corelone
Tom beat me to it
John Henry
Enjoying the triggered snowflake vapors. Sublimation is more than just physical.
Is he handsome, ladies? He's got a bit of a ferret face, no? Maybe that's what's popular these days.
That said, what a fucking dick. He's a combination of a Yenta and Karen.
Saw this last night. Kinda apropos vis a vis the OP
Colin Quinn nails social media enabled critics and influencers
He’s a lot funnier than Colbert, Kimmel and the rest of that crew.
And, hey, he has a tat on his bicep! I thought tats were a class thing. And aren’t the Kennedys in the very top class?
Little Jack has an MBA and JD from Harvard.
He’s an elite monster.
Reached my lifetime quotient of Kennedy Family tolerance years ago. Won't be watching.
He is as ignorant as the rest of the divisive, hateful left that thinks they are so much smarter and better than the rest of us. Little boy wouldn't know how to survive in the REAL WORLD.
@ William : "His grandfather bedded some beautiful..."
In the recent TV series Shogun, the Japanese were using the term "pillowed" instead of "bedded." Perhaps a more refined term.
Should I care what a rich playboy from NYC, Beantown, or wherever the hell he lives, says? Because I don't.
Why the long face, Jack?
That fawning article at the Daily Beast: The Holy Cow of Cringeworthy.
"Some online fans have cheered the online antics of the young Kennedy heir, who has three Ivy League degrees — and apparently abundant leisure time .."
Count me as shocked. Abundant leisure time? Isn't that a Kennedy trademark? And to think the old money was from the bootlegging business.
Tom Hunter said...
It's pretty much how I envision Chuck, Rich, Howard and Inga on this forum.
Yup, if you leave out young, wealthy, and good looking, he's a dead ringer for them.
“Enjoying the triggered snowflake vapors.”
That’s just last night’s frijoles and tacos de lengua escaping from your narrow fart locker, Howee.
"you can see the encouragement in the raw"
They like Othering. Sexism, homophobia, anything goes, as long as it's directed at a deplorable Other.
Well, at least he hasn't put on blackface yet.
Is Jack saying Bobby is Fredo?
Regression to the mean. Old money thinks like old money and cannot learn any other perspective. This is why dynasties rarely last more than a few generations.
We see this in rural Iowa. There are few great grandkids running old money farms. All the movers and shakers in the community of my youth are all gone. Big Names with massive reach. All those families are gone. Our family is still there, but running with the same base acres. Rented ground ebbs and flows. We have a unique problem because the Men have all died before they hit 60,(I am the only exception in four generations) so the new generation is missing sage direction from the elders.
He looks as scrawny as a drug addict, which is normal Kennedy behavior. Ozempic face?
I spent a good bit of my formative years growing up outside of Boston. This is what the majority of the Kennedy family is like. Remember the kid that killed the Moxley girl with a golf club? Like that. Self-absorbed, entitled, stupid-rich, socially über-connected, inflated sense of worth, Not terribly bright, not much there - except the family tree. Junior' has credits to his life, things he has accomplished for the benefit of others (Hudson river cleanup, etc). Schlossberg? Hmm. He has an Instagram history of himself.
As a Southerner, I'm not offended by his attempt at our accent, only how horrible he is at it. Just dreadful. If you're gonna be a buffoon in front of the masses, at least be good at it.
On closer inspection, the guy looks a lot like the young man who performed the smog test and certification on my Abarth yesterday morning.
If Bobby is Fredo that means Caroline is Michael and Jack becomes Vincent.
The Kennedy horseshit continues. They can do no wrong. The ether is still strong.
They are all good looking, physically fit, and have enormous resources (money, connections, press coverage- the kind you want). Even RFK Jr had that until the anti-vaccine thing hit. They can be the most egregious womanizers of any given era, complete with payoffs or even murders to keep the women quiet and...they get away with it. The press knows all about it and...they continue to get away with it all. (Compare that with Trump.)
Because they are still the Dreamboats of the Mushy Minded Lefties. There is nothing he cannot do or get away with that will not have a positive effect on his mass perception. There are no doors that will not open for him. No women to say 'no' to him. No banks to say 'no' to him. No offices that he cannot point to and have a staff immediately pop up ready to help him attain.
They are here, these Kennedys. Like cockroaches, they never leave. They just keep producing more and keep coming at us. And soon, from one of them, we'll have another Kennedy line in the White House. And everybody can swoon once again.
What exactly does "un-Kennedyesque" mean?
no rapes? no crimes?
The 2nd worst thing about Lee Harvey Oswald, after the murder, was that he gave us this myth of Camelot. Camelot was a shithole 1000 years ago and a and even bigger shithole 60 years later. Yet we still look through at it, esp the 60s through a lens smeared with vaseline 2" thick.
A few of the things we got in our modern Camelot
The myth of PT-109
Industrial scale adultery in the Oval Office
A president sharing a girlfriend with a mafia boss
Operation Mongoose
CIA takeover of govt
Cuban missile crisis
Teddy Kennedy
And more....
Fuck Camelot and fuck the Kennedys. Can't we ever be rid of these lowlife, trailer trash, bogtrotters?
Yeah, I know they they have one of the world's great fortunes (how do you get a great fortune? Start with an even bigger one) but they are still, at heart, trailer trash.
I do like the idea of Junior running for president just for the existential angst it seems to cause Brandon & Co. And the rest of the Kennedy family. I would NOT like the idea of him or any Kennedy ever getting within 1000 miles of the Oval again.
John Henry
The Kennedys are Hell on women. Any woman should run screaming at the mere mention of any Kennedy.
Junior's wife
Mary Jo Kopechne
JFK's sister
And more...
And don't forget that Christopher Moltesante. Male but basically killed by a Kennedy.
John Henry
Does he do black accents?
Does he do Muslims?
I could not even get through his fake southern accent. Not going looking for more.
John Henry
Dave Begley said...
"Little Jack has an MBA and JD from Harvard."
That would be more impressive if he had actually done the work and graduated from someplace like the University of Iowa.
Are you really going to vote for Fredo? Seriously?
Better to vote for Barzini (Trump).
Biden is the cop that Michael kills. Corrupt.
Howard - Stick with Corrupt Above-the-law Husk-Puppet master of the corrupt left.
And to think the old money was from the bootlegging business.
Actually, no. Urban legend.
The Kennedy's were in the liquor business from 1880 on. JFKs grandfather PJ ran a polpular bar where pols hung out and became something of a political fixer and kingmaker. He founded Somerset Liquors, a distribution which he, then Joe senior ran to 1948 when they sold it as a hindrance to JFKs congressional run.
Somerset continued importing through prohibition but legally via loopholes in the Volstead Act.
PJ Kennedy was pretty wealthy. Enough to send Joe to Boston Latin school and Harvard. Joe made his first million (in 2024 dollars) starting and running a bus company while a student at Harvard. He then went into banking, stock manipulation and movies in the teens and 20s and got really wealthy. He gave the Rockefellers a run for their money.
John Henry
what a fatuous toff, serving this shambling heap, and by extenston the murderous fauci,
yes john kerry was kind a funhouse version of trying to recreate jfk, with more treason,
We all know that ethnic stereotypes are fine and dandy so long as they support the accepted narrative.
“ yes john kerry was kind a funhouse version of trying to recreate jfk, with more treason”
It was the equine and Heinz Beans© in him, narciso!
Women will still throw their panties at him…
The Kennedy mystique is unnerving when seen in action. Women who are seemingly functioning adults lose their minds. Every random public encounter becomes a raged fan scene from Hard Day’s Night, even with the creepy looking red headed one…
"It’s so charming that I’m ready to vote for whoever Schlossberg tells me to"
Imagine going to college for a degree in Journalism/Media Studies probably with some dreams of making it big doing world-changing writing, only to wind up with a mountain of student loans while writing the sentence above.
Will his interns wear blue dresses? How well does he do in the Pool?
Society was better off when queens like the Daily Beast writer were in the closet.
Dave @ 8:13
She takin' a piss, mate.
She want's to see how we react. We're her political petri dish.
She treats us like mold.
No one with a brain is gonna look at Biden and then look at RFK and go, "Yeah. That's what we need. He'll bring the country together."
I thought his videos were amusing. Of course, the actual pro-biden content is just lies and horseshit. No one who loves the USA or democracy could vote for Biden. Just remember the "Kennedy family" loved Ted kennedy. Even when he left a woman to die.
I searched that video in vain for this "handsome" guy referred to in the thread.
Yup, if you leave out young, wealthy, and good looking, he's a dead ringer for them.
Now THAT's funny.
The Bushes clear the Kennedys as The Political Dynasty the past 25 years.
The Kennedys had one president and two presidential candidates/US senators and a couple of US representatives.
Bushes had two presidents and a Florida governor.
The Bushes also managed not to get killed or kill anyone in a drive driving accident.
Half of Boston looks more like JFK than his Millennial Grandson.
Camelot is dead & gone.
I'm confused. I thought one of the reasons people disliked Trump was because of his name-calling. How is this any different?
And to think the old money was from the bootlegging business.
Actually, no. Urban legend.
Yet your timeline for their "distribution business" runs from early 1900s to 1948. Pretty sure something happened between 1920 and 1933 besides old Joe doing the mergers that assembled RKO broadcasting company.
First off, not handsome. He looks like a gay heroin addict with the sunken cheeks.
"...uncharacteristically un-Kennedyesque..."
What is Kennedyesque?
Beating your neighbor to death with a golf club?
Leaving a secretary to die in a sunken, submerged automobile after a drunken party?
Getting pumped full of drugs every day and fucking every Hollywood starlet that crosses your path?
Please. Enlighten us...
As far as I can tell, Robert Kennedy Junior has done nothing at all to his family members to warrant this kind of vitriol except running for President this year- nothing except that. Would any of you publicly attack a close family member this way just for running for an important political office, even if their politics were 100% opposed to your own? (Which isn't even the case for RFK Jr. and his family!) I certainly wouldn't. I think these attacks on Kennedy by his family say far more about the ethics of the family members than they do about RFK Jr., but that is just me.
"Handsome"? He looks vaguely cadaverous to me. Certainly not a prime specimen.
No color judgments. No class bigotry.
Diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion
To tell you the truth, the fact that his family doesn’t like him is a plus for me.
I don't understand the Northeastern obsession with the Kennedy family.
You missed this part of my commy
"Somerset continued importing through prohibition but legally via loopholes in the Volstead Act.
Somerset was the liquor distribution business founded by pj Kennedy in the 1880s and sold in 1948.
Note the key word" legally "
As in not illegal. Right up to the line perhaps but not crossing it.
John Henry
That's a very good imitation of a typical mid-South accent.
Some of my Mississippi relatives sound just like that. And when I'm home I lapse into the same after a little exposure.
Others, up in the Delta, have a much more refined drawl.
Begley said ..."And, hey, he has a tat on his bicep! I thought tats were a class thing. And aren’t the Kennedys in the very top class?...
Otherwise known as a tramp stamp.
He's the internet's biggest crush the same way Bounty is the quicker picker upper.
He’s handsome? Does his visage remind no one else of the main character from the 80’s movie Mask?
Blogger Shahid Q. Public said...
“He’s handsome? Does his visage remind no one else of the main character from the 80’s movie Mask?”
He looks like that lefty David Pakman.
His mom, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, had political ambitions of her own and tried to run for Senate in 2009. She quickly dropped out because she failed to get the appointment by the NY Gov. This was after Hillary had vacated the seat to become Secretary of State. Seems like another lifetime. Right? IMO Caroline Kennedy, despite the Kennedy name lacked the it factor, aka charisma. But clearly she has kept up her political connections in the Democratic Party as evidenced by her appointments to be an ambassador to Japan under Obama and now is ambassador to Australia under Biden.
I see these videos first as a demonstration of her son's commitment to the Party by advocating for Joe's reelection and emphatically distancing his Kennedy name from RFK, Jr. JBKS, Jack Bouvier Kennedy Schlossberg, is also showing off his natural ability to as an actor, his boyish sex appeal and his massive personal confidence, all important characteristics for national office. He is careful however to observe political correctness: as others have pointed out, no mocking transwomen, Blacks or Muslims. IMO foray into social media is sort of an unofficial audition to get his name on the political map and it doesn't cost him anything. BTW in 2028 the NY Senate seat held by Chuck Schumer will probably be up for grabs.
Having lived the last five years in New England, I have never seen any evidence of either an obsession or even a passing interest with the Kennedy family. People here are Lazer focused on work, family, home maintenance, drinking and outdoor recreational activities. It's the media that's gaga over Camelot.
Stupid is as stupid does.
I wonder if he can do Shaggy's voice from Scooby-Doo. Because that's who he looks like.
I haven't watched it in years, but he reminds me of one of the characters on 'Family Guy', what is it, Quagmire? The guy that's sex-crazed and always saying 'Giggity-giggity'.....
Freeman Hunt said...I don't understand the Northeastern obsession with the Kennedy family.
Having lived most of my life in Boston…me either. It has waned a bit now that the JFK generation of blue bloods is gone but the obsession with the younger males like this one is real…and spectacular.
Like Trump, the only thing worse than RFK Jr are his opponents.
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