May 29, 2024

"’The fact is whether he’s acquitted, whether it’s hung jury, whatever it is, he is guilty, and we all know it,' the actor said..."

"... after the news conference, as a rowdy group of Trump supporters confronted him and yelled insults before he left. 'I’ve never seen a guy get out of so many things, and we all know this. Everybody in the world knows this.' Asked if he thought Mr. Trump should be in jail, Mr. De Niro replied: 'I sure do. Absolutely.' The foray by a Biden surrogate into commentary about Mr. Trump’s guilt... was a stark departure from the president’s directive to avoid discussing his rival’s felony charges. Mr. Biden has said next to nothing on the subject, to avoid feeding the false Trump-inspired narrative that he ordered prosecutors to bring criminal charges against his predecessor. The moment illustrated how difficult it may be for the Biden campaign to navigate its response to a potential verdict, with outside allies far more willing than his disciplined operation in Wilmington, Del., to lob frontal attacks at Mr. Trump over his legal peril...."

From "Robert De Niro, as Biden Surrogate, Says Trump ‘Absolutely’ Should Go to Jail/Seeking to troll Donald Trump outside his Manhattan trial, the Biden campaign held a news conference with the actor and two former Capitol Police officers. Mr. De Niro veered off script" (NYT).


Skeptical Voter said...

DeNiro and Biden--partners in senescence.

AlbertAnonymous said...

“The foray by a Biden surrogate into commentary about Mr. Trump’s guilt... was a stark departure from the president’s directive to avoid discussing his rival’s felony charges.”

I’m calling bullshit. What directive? Show it to me. And if there is one, who wrote it?

mikeski said...

The Downfall parodists are branching out.

Rafe said...

One would do well to substitute “indisputably true” whenever the press uses the word “false” or “baseless” in writing about the last election or the Trump show trials.

- Rafe

Enigma said...

Pre-judge. Prejudice.

The dirty stinky side of emotional Hollywood comes out when actors are threatened or when they lose. Indulge egos and histrionic whims for 50 years and this is what you get.

Al Franken's and Harvey Weinstein's hypocritical political buddy...this is why the left hates Trump. Trump is largely one of their own.

rehajm said...

Everybody in the world knows this

Duping language- ostentatiousness, over the top, extreme...

This was for the jury. You know what you're expected to do. You send Bobby to distance Biden from the fray. You know NYT will write exactly what they wrote...

Oligonicella said...

Listen to his words. Listen to how he says them. Realize he's an actor: ie. used to spouting things he neither believes or understands.

And realize he's got a heavy dose of short man syndrome.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So to prove Trump is unhinged they send a crazy old fool out to argue with Trump voters while getting shouted down to loud calls of "Fuck Joe Biden!"

Yeah that'll dispel any idea Dark Brandon is behind the circus in the courtroom directly behind your washed up actor friend. Oh him and the lying former Capitol Police officer who accompanied him too.

Ann Althouse said...

When was it established that the "Trump-inspired narrative" is false?

Iman said...

The Jeer Hunter… Raging Bullshit…

Lilly, a dog said...

Don't overcook it, Bobby. It's no good if you overcook it.

Raging Bullwinkle

mccullough said...

DeNiro is almost as old as Biden.

Is he playing a character?

Leland said...

It is a shame we can't sue DeNiro for defamation in NY. I mean, you all know Trump's guilty, DeNiro said you do. He said you know it even if you have evidence to the contrary.

Roger Sweeny said...

This morning in my email was a letter from from Robert DeNiro. It looks like it was planned to coincide with him talking outside the courthouse in New York. But then he goes live and sounds crazy.

I remember when the Republicans had the crazies and the Democrats were the thoughtful party.

Patrick said...

Someone should have asked him what specifically Trump should be in jail for to see whether Mr. Deniro has any idea what Trump is currently being prosecuted for.

Leland said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
When was it established that the "Trump-inspired narrative" is false?

Probably around the time they decided Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian Disinformation and Covid started in a market in Wuhan. Honestly, the moment "the science is settled" was tacitly allowed; it has become common in the media to accept any level of consensus as fact. There is no longer opinion, just fact or disinformation. And we know when the government began policing disinformation as public policy.

EAB said...

Is it just me or does everyone find it unwise that they’d trot out some 80 year old to be a Biden spokesperson? If I'm sitting there…a voter in my 20s or 30s…I’d be thinking “who is this geezer?” Sure, they’ve seen him in a movie…maybe. He’s that guy with Leo. For those of us who are more senior, we know how unpleasant and arrogant DeNiro is.

Yukon Cornelius said...

This trial has been the most astonishing, infuriating example of Calvin Ball I've ever encountered.

stlcdr said...

...everyone in the world knows it...

Every time I read something like this I read it in Trumps voice. Makes it so much funnier.

Ralph L said...

to avoid feeding the false Trump-inspired narrative

Assumes facts not in evidence, unless they want to admit Biden was too brain-damaged to be guilty. Reporters used to avoid this crap.

RCOCEAN II said...

Mr. Biden has said next to nothing on the subject, to avoid feeding the false Trump-inspired narrative that he ordered prosecutors to bring criminal charges against his predecessor

See how the Leftwing NYT's slips in the lies/propaganda? You can say its "unproven" but you can't say its "false". That's just the NYT's editor lying for Biden.

PM said...

Everything's going according to paln.

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW in fall of 2020 the NYT's was constantly labeling any story about Hunter Biden's laptop as "False" or "Untrue". When it was true. And they knew it was true.

They constantly label as "False" anything that hurts Biden or the Democrats until it becomes proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Deep State Reformer said...

Such is politics in a time of anarcho-tyranny. "To my friends," the saying goes, "anything they want; to my enemies, the law!". And to the types who tell us we just need to vote harder to fix all this, and you know who they are, what is your response to bad faith lawfare? It's not dark yet, but it's getting there.

Michael K said...

I always go to the NY Times for anything about Trump. Totally reliable. I just decide to reverse anything they write and I've got the truth.

Gusty Winds said...

Does anyone really care about what Robert De Niro thinks about the Trump persecution?

He showed up wearing a mask, outdoors, and of course removes it for the cameras. Wearing a COVID mask outdoors in 2024 is the #1 tell for mental illness and some type of derangement.

Like all the college kids and faculty in the GAZA protest encampments. Loony-tunes.

You were and idiot if you thought masks worked during COVID. You were a bigger, virtue signaling moron wearing one outdoors. That was 2020, 2021, and 2022. In 2024 might as well wear a sign around your next that reads "I'm a disingenuous dumbass."

Ignorance is Bliss said...

...lob frontal attacks...

It's like one ugly metaphor had hate-sex with another, even uglier, metaphor.

Achilles said...

Deniro is washed-up"

imTay said...

Biden didn’t have to order it, it’s a stochastic prosecution.

Achilles said...

Poor Robert likes trash talking his female employees.

He is followed around and be insulted every time he shows his face in public.

He is just a piece of shit like all the other Biden supporters.

TreeJoe said...

If the Trump Campaign was prosecuting Biden or Hilary Clinton and the Trump campaign showed up outside the courthouse with their chosen speakers yelling "Lock her up", would that not be attacked? A strong basis for showing judicial non-independence?

Where the F is the NYT here?

Joe Smith said...

The man is unhinged.

It happens to liberals and people with weak minds.

But I repeat myself...

Mason G said...

"Wearing a COVID mask outdoors in 2024 is the #1 tell for mental illness and some type of derangement."

It can be used to identify Democrats, too. I understand that a case can be made that the first two groups pretty much already cover the third.

tommyesq said...

Someone should start asking whether dem politicians and actors and the like will accept the outocome of the election - er, trial - if Trump is not found guilty.

Saint Croix said...

Robert De Niro as Frankenstein's monster.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

DeNiro's been in too many Mob movies. He thinks those wiseguy stares he gives people actually work.

RNB said...

We need a serious national conversation about whether or not actors should be allowed to vote.

Jim at said...

Someone should have asked him what specifically Trump should be in jail for to see whether Mr. Deniro has any idea what Trump is currently being prosecuted for.

I've got a better idea. How 'about we simply ignore the jackass?

Jupiter said...

About those two former Capitol Police officers. They are lying dirt-bag scumsuckers. They're absolute reeking filth. I'm surprised they can tolerate daylight. DC isn't sending their best. Or come to think of it, maybe they are.

Amadeus 48 said...

Bobby Deniro is not a mobbed-up numbskull, but he plays one in the movies.

Team Biden--are they sending us their best?

Old and slow said...

It would have been cooler if it was Danny DeVito doing his hard man act while denouncing Trump. I would have enjoyed that.

Aggie said...

Matt Taibbi had quite a bit of fun analyzing De Niro's speech and pointing out all the phrases, vocabulary, and mannerisms that came from his previous movie character roles. Bobby De Niro: Phoney Baloney, with Trump Derangement gravy on top.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Trump has been outside the courtroom almost every day on TV saying whatever he wants to say, along with the Speaker of the House, House GOP representatives, etc., which is certainly "political".

I see no reason why DeNiro can't do the same.

Goose/gander, all that.

Rick67 said...

They see Trump as an interloper and would stop him from getting in the way of their agenda. By almost any means necessary.

"He's guilty and we all know it". That statement says it all.

Narayanan said...

They see Trump as an interloper and would stop him from getting in the way of their agenda.
J6 was definitely interloping and agenda-disrupting - which probably explains the vehemence of retribution

Narayanan said...

They see Trump as an interloper and would stop him from getting in the way of their agenda.
J6 was definitely interloping and agenda-disrupting - which probably explains the vehemence of retribution

Narayanan said...

hey’d trot out some 80 year old to be a Biden spokesperson
de Niro was quite spry for geezer reading from notes so may not be own words