May 6, 2024

Sunrise — 5:37, 5:39, 5:42, 5:45.

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Rabel said...

Oh no! Not the Gala!

Joe Smith said...

Another day in corrupt, banana republic America comes to a close.

Joe Smith said...

Don't you just love the shots of the idiot college students bowing down to Mecca.

Did they actually convert?

I hope so, because 'leaving' Islam is punishable by death.

This will be really fun...

The rule of Lemnity said...

The weather girl for WeatherNation has been wearing the same red dress for 3 days in a row.

Maybe it’s something or maybe nothing.

Whiskeybum said...

These photos taken over an eight minute span seem to be taken from the same vantage point with roughly the same field of view, yet one of them includes a strikingly different feature. Are we to assume that a U-boat’s periscope popped up in the 5:39 photo and they disappeared back under the waters of Lake Mendota in the ensuing photos?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

NYPOST: Joe Biden’s biggest problem is that his presidency is an utter failure.

Biden's biggest problem is DEI: Didn't Earn It.

gadfly said...

Up Periscope!

Caroline said...

Your captivating sunrise is always reassuring. God is in charge.

Gospace said...

My married 34 year old nephew has announced that with the support of his loving wife, he's transitioning...

Been the topic of conversation on the family group chats. So much for grandchildren for my brother-in-law...

IMHO- any therapist or shrink who supports this needs to have their licenses to practice revoked. Fact- a man cannot become a woman and a woman cannot become a man. And once one of the therapist's victims allow the butchers to operate- they're realistically no longer either, since they can no longer perform the biological functions of either.

Crossdressers (MTF) while still insane, are less so. They recognize they're creating an illusion. Well, some are. If you're an ugly or obese male, you're going to be an obviously male ugly or obese crossdresser. There are a few who can pull off a fully female look. They're the ones featured in any kind of "they're just like us" editorial. FTM crossdressers are, while not invisible, ignored. Nobody cares about them. If you google crossdressers, all the results are MTF.

Then there's the homosexuals- also mentally ill. Well, they're not anymore. But they were when I was younger. Oh, heck- they're still mentally ill. But one day, the shrink community got together and voted- and the vote declared what was yesterday a mental disorder is today an acceptable lifestyle. Just like that! Boom! Decision made, no turning back! Not what the muslims taking over Britain are saying, but heck, that's still a few years away. Everything is, by the way, connected to everything else. The perverts for Palestine on campuses today have some trouble with the real life course of Reality 101 taught by The School of Hard Knocks.

But there is a direct connect the dot relation between shrinks suddenly deciding homosexuality wasn't a mental disorder and my nephew deciding "Hey! I'm really a woman!"

But why did they decide this? Ah- that's ripe for speculation. But any of you that knew people growing up who by the time they were HS age wanted to be psychologists/psychiatrists or similar knew that they were weird ones to begin with. My kids report the same. In that, nothing has changed. It seems they weren't properly policing those who got into the profession, so the perverts with problems took over. My speculation. You may have other ideas how it happened. Next up- minor attracted people are normal. They won't be sick pedophiles who should be put down like rabid dogs.

Kate said...

I was so taken by the orange that I didn't notice what others have mentioned: what happened at 5:39??

etbass said...

What is the object in the water in 5:39?

n.n said...

My speculation. You may have other ideas how it happened. Next up- minor attracted people are normal. They won't be sick pedophiles who should be put down like rabid dogs.

Once they adopted the Pro-Choice religion, particularly the wicked solution, everything became ethical and politically congruent ("=").

wendybar said...


Another example of the power of the Woke Mind Virus to suppress cognitive dissonance is that when women raised as feminists convert to Islam they are perfectly happy to pray in the back, separately from the men. Allahu Akbar, hear me roar!

Oli London
Hundreds of American students convert to Islam and participate in an Islamic call to prayer at UCLA.

wendybar said...

Sean Davis

Which party’s foot soldiers are currently attacking Jews on college campuses around the country? Which administration is currently running interference for them? Which party’s donor class is funding the Ivy League pogroms?

The Associated Press
Trump says Biden is running a 'Gestapo' administration. It's his latest reference to Nazi Germany

Iman said...

Ode to Hillary

pantsuited pantload
november twenty sixteen
your wet fart ended

BUMBLE BEE said...

Try this one! Mid Air Refueling.

Big Mike said...

@BUMBLE BEE, the USA has some of the best-trained and best-equipped fighting men and women in the world. And based on the way we left Afghanistan in a shameful rout, the most poorly led. The officers may say “Duty, Honor, Country,” it’s just that first comes their career.

wendybar said...

The Republicans should play this video over and over and over again in black communities in a campaign ad, because THIS is what the Progressives REALLY think of you. YOU are ignorant, and need to be taught the word computer.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Blogger BUMBLE BEE said...
Try this one! Mid Air Refueling.

5/7/24, 5:49 AM

Part of my job at Boeing was developing aerial refueling models and flight testing receiver aircraft, P-8A and E-3D (UK variant). The E-3D has a unicorn similar to the boom of that helicopter, located above the cockpit's windows. We had to demonstrate that it could make contact with the refueling hose, fly in formation and disconnect.

For the P-8A, we created a 6 degree of freedom downwash model for the KC-135 tanker, than validated it with flight test data. I was told that the model was very successful in the flight simulator.

I had an opportunity once to fly on a KC-135 tanker. The "boomer", who controls the refueling boom, lies on his stomach to control the boom with a joy stick while looking through a window.

Jim at said...

I had an opportunity once to fly on a KC-135 tanker. The "boomer", who controls the refueling boom, lies on his stomach to control the boom with a joy stick while looking through a window.

I had the opportunity to actually do that on a KC-135. 1987. Refueling a B-52 over the Black Hills of SD.