May 25, 2024

"Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas has unexpectedly emerged as a top contender to become Donald J. Trump’s running mate..."

"... according to three people with direct knowledge of Mr. Trump’s thinking who insisted on anonymity to discuss private meetings. These people said that Mr. Trump’s other current favorites were Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota and three of Mr. Cotton’s Senate colleagues: Marco Rubio of Florida, Tim Scott of South Carolina and J.D. Vance of Ohio...."

The former president has said privately that he views Mr. Cotton as a reliable and effective communicator in cable news interviews. Mr. Trump has also praised Mr. Cotton’s Army service, which included deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, and the fact that he is a fellow Ivy League graduate. Mr. Trump went to the University of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Cotton attended Harvard, earning undergraduate and law degrees....

Mr. Cotton has long been considered one of the party’s rising stars, ambition that could hurt his chances with Mr. Trump, who has undermined allies in the past when he perceived them to be intruding on his spotlight....

Bender could be wrong about Trump's determination to hog the spotlight. Trump may actually care about the ongoing project of making America great again. To a Trump hater, MAGA is at best an embodiment of Trump's ego, but Trump may want to pick the person who can carry Trumpism into the next administration and beyond. If he is thinking like that, then he'd pick Tom Cotton, don't you think?

I had Tom in mind for this purpose from just after the 2020 election:

And here's this from February 10, 2013: "I had never heard of the guy, but he impressed the hell out of me."

ADDED: Someone in the comments over at the NYT says:

“The reason Tom Cotton will not be the Veep selection is that, at 6' 5", he is two inches taller than Trump.  Tall people are unnerved by someone taller than themselves because they're not used to looking up to see anyone else.  Photos of Trump and Cotton together would clearly show that Cotton is taller, thinner, younger, and in better shape than Trump, inviting unfavorable comparison, even in Trump's mind.  That would be unforgiveable and disqualifying.  Everything else is secondary.”

I think Trump would just make jokes about how TC is short next to Barron. 

AND: From last month: "A conversation about Tom Cotton and Bob Dylan."


Dave Begley said...

Better as AG.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"VP Pageant"?
oh do F off, leftist media hack.

Biden has vapid Kamala as his pageant winner.

Tom Cotton is brilliant. But the VP spot is a wasted spot.
I think Trump should make Nikki Haley his VP. The female vote, folks.
We know many of Trump's male super-hero fans love to tell women to drop dead. Many of Trump's male super hero supporters think Trump can win by telling whole groups to F off.
Not so!

The VP spot is a vanity spot at this point. Yes - next in line and all that... but no one cares anymore.

Super-dumb vapid Kamala proved that point.

America’s Politico said...

Nothing will matter. Biden/Harris cannot be defeated. We have support of the NYT, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, WashPost, CNN, ABC, and CBS. We will win. No one cares about WSJ or Fox.

Trump will be in jail due to our people and our strategy. After Biden, it will be Harris for next years with Pete B as her VP.

GOP is dead. Already. No one save. Our message: Trump, Trump, Trump. Russia, Russia, Russia. Steel Dossier, Steel Dossier, Steel Dossier has now immersed in all brain cells. Our reporters are very good at following orders….

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Vivek would be good.
He needs an articulate media ball-kicker.

narciso said...

Cotton could have objected to this sham and spared us 4 years of misery and chaos so no.

traditionalguy said...

KING COTTON should draw a few southern votes.

Dave Begley said...

Trump needs a campaign song like that Scott Walker anthem.

Will Cate said...

I'm a native Arkie so I'm probably biased, but if it was actually Tom Cotton running for prez, I'd vote for him every day & twice-on-Sunday

mindnumbrobot said...

I like Cotton, but generally speaking I don't think Senators are cut out for executive positions.

gspencer said...

A further advantage for the Cotton choice is that he would only have to give up the Senate seat if Trump won. His current 6-year term ends in 2026. If Trump and he win, Sarah Huckerbee, current Arkansas governor, could nominate his replacement.

narciso said...

The new york times doesnt know about trump thinking he would tell you straight out

rhhardin said...

Stop appointing Republican office holders out of their existing offices. They get replaced by Democrats.

robother said...

A Cotton-Harris VP debate would be cancelled after pressure from the ASPCA and the Dumb Friends League.

MadTownGuy said...

The reason Tom Cotton will not be the Veep selection is that, at 6' 5", he is two inches taller than Trump. Tall people are unnerved by someone taller than themselves because they're not used to looking up to see anyone else. Photos of Trump and Cotton together would clearly show that Cotton is taller, thinner, younger, and in better shape than Trump, inviting unfavorable comparison, even in Trump's mind. That would be unforgiveable and disqualifying. Everything else is secondary.

The NYT commenter is projecting Joe Biden's attitude onto Trump, plus he's (she's? they's?) mistaking NYC braggadocio for narcissism, as so many do.

I'll withhold judgment until an announcement comes out, but Cotton as VP nominee wouldn't surprise me.

narciso said...

No haley pointedly cares less about this country than other countries

narciso said...

Stefanik couldnt answer a simple question from shannon bream with clarity how her thinking evolved

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'd rather have Tom Cotton in the top spot.

Sebastian said...

Cotton is the best of the post-Trump GOP cohort. I'd vote for him, of course, and will think better of Trump if he picks him.

Two problems though: 1. He is disciplined and rational, so could he coexist with improviser Trump? 2. Trump needs nice women, and Cotton won't appeal to most.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I'm in.
Cruz for A.G.

doctrev said...

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"I think Trump should make Nikki Haley his VP. The female vote, folks."

Yeesh. Hope springs eternal for the DeSantis/ Haley axis.

Even by the incredibly low standards of a "vagina" qualification, Kari Lake, Elise Stefanik, and even Kristi Noem would be running ahead of Nimrata Haley. Trump hasn't been shot in the head nearly enough times to make her sound plausible.

Then again, this trick did make Romney humiliate himself, so I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump use it again.

Aggie said...

Nope. Cotton is much more valuable in the Senate, and I suspect he would prefer to stay there, too, and develop his own name.

Bob Boyd said...

Haley or Cotton as VP would guarantee Trump’s quick assassination.

Original Mike said...

I like Tom Cotton a lot. The VP needs to be an articulate campaigner and qualified to step in as President. Cotton is both.

Original Mike said...

"I think Trump should make Nikki Haley his VP. The female vote, folks."

The problem with picking Haley is she might become President. She had some terrible policy proposals when running for Pres. She'd get us into wars and require us to obtain IDs to use the internet.

H said...

If not VP, Cotton for AG, or SCOTUS.

Political Junkie said...

Tom Cotton is one of my fave senators.
However, in 2024 America, not certain he is the best VP pick for DJT.

John henry said...

Trump may want to pick the person who can carry Trumpism into the next administration and beyond.

Yeah,because everybody knows that the vice president is going to carry on.

Just ask president gore, or president mondale, or president Humphrey

Or perhaps pdjt dies in office. The new press could seek advice from Ford, lbj, truman.

Perhaps someone here can name a single vp who had any political career after?

Taft became a supreme if that counts.

John Henry

John henry said...

The vp's sole constitutional function (besides backup) is to preside over the senate. Sarah Palin realized that and told us she would be an "activist" president (of the senate)

Lbj, in 61 tried to be but the party said they would not like him anymore. His hunger for the presidency made him fall in line (see Caro)

We need a vp who will realize there is nothing after vp and take control of the senate.

John Henry

Ann Althouse said...

This is a special VP stint: it won't be 8 years. Only 4 years. From the point where it begins, he will be the front-runner for President in the next election.

Yancey Ward said...

I would be fine with Cotton or any number of the possibles being mentioned- even Haley.

As for Cotton as AG, the Republicans will need to win the Senate, and they may need to have at least 52-48 to get any cabinet nominee approved since Murkowski and Collins can't be counted on.

John henry said...

NOT vivek as someone else said he is too valuable to waste as vp.

Or as secty of whatsit.

Give him some sort of position that doesn't require senate confirmation. Then send him to department as needed to kick ass and get rid of people.

If he can't fire civil servants, send them to "rubber rooms" in large numbers.

It's not their salaries that kill us, it is the costs of trying to justify those salaries.

John Henry

Birches said...

My problem with Cotton is that he loves war a little too much. But at 6'5", wow, he'd make a great president. I like him a lot more than Burgrum, especially Haley.

My heart of hearts wants RDS, but he can't leave Florida for a VP slot. So yeah, Cotton or Vance works for me.

Birches said...

My problem with Cotton is that he loves war a little too much. But at 6'5", wow, he'd make a great president. I like him a lot more than Burgrum, especially Haley.

My heart of hearts wants RDS, but he can't leave Florida for a VP slot. So yeah, Cotton or Vance works for me.

Original Mike said...

"It's not their salaries that kill us, it is the costs of trying to justify those salaries."


Political Junkie said...

She won't be picked, but I still like the "idea" of 2 term IA R Gov Kim Reynolds as VP.
I think it would help Trump with soft R female voters and mod female white independents.
Could be wildly wrong, of course.

robother said...

LBJ and Truman both were elected President after assuming office, as was Teddy Roosevelt. All three had very consequential terms in office. Coolidge also was elected on his own, as was George Bush I. By my count, that's 5 to 2 (Gore and Humphrey) in modern times.

Temujin said...

I've thought Cotton was the best pick from early on. I just never heard him mentioned at all in recent months. He's extremely intelligent, a strong leader, a veteran, he's been a very competent Senator. He gets what's wrong with this country.

And he'd be a helluva candidate for President after his 4 years as Veep. Plus- it'd be fun to see him and Kamala together in the same room.

And he's been in record as being in favor of a ban on abortions at 20 weeks. Easier for some to digest than a 6 week or total ban. Although Planned Parenthood gives him a bottom level score. All that means is that he's expressed her personal views, but is willing to make some compromise. To me that's a plus.

Drago said...

Boulder Idiot: "...Haley his VP. The female vote, folks.
We know many of Trump's male super-hero fans love to tell women to drop dead. Many of Trump's male super hero supporters think Trump can win by telling whole groups to F off."

What a strange set of obvious lies to spit out.

But then again, Boulder Idiot is one of the original haters of the deplorables and populist attraction of Trump by historically democrat and minority voters.

Boulder Idiot doesnt want these people anywhere near her beloved GOPe party.

Big Mike said...

I’ve been asserting that Trump needs a senator as Vice President to function as a liaison to the GOP senators, and to help fill the leadership void left by McConnrll’s retirement (as an aside, IMHO McConnell retired in place at least two years ago). Whoever it is needs to have a safely Republican seat (rules out Vance), and needs to be able to subordinate their own ambitions (for four years, anyway). His (or her) role will include understanding the inside workings of the Senate, and he (or she) must have the confidence of both Trump and the Republican senators to be believable when he conveys information in both directions.

Tom Cotton seems to fit my description, though there are others.

RCOCEAN II said...

Republicans are so stupid. The fact that Cotton is being praised by the NYT's shows he's a bad choice. He's a crazed zionist, globalist and warmonger, Miss Lindsey with an Arkansas accent. His chief of staff is Bill Kristol's son. He's been AWOL on the border and immigration, and is your standard Lover of Big Business.

He's from a socially conservative state, so is he voted conservative because he believes it, or because he's forced to? I dunno.

Trump VP needs to be someone who's hated by GOPe and the Democrats. Then they wont impeach Trump. What would be the point of getting rid of Trump, just to put someone "Worse" in office?

And how loyal is he to Trump? We hear rumors that Pence was feeding inside Info to Mueller during his investigation. Does Trump want anothe backstabber as his 2nd in command?

Marcus Bressler said...

It should be a governor, not a member of Congress. The Republican party cannot afford losing a seat to a traitorous, pedo-supporting Dem.

Daisy said...

@John Henry: Perhaps someone here can name a single vp who had any political career after?

Richard Nixon, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Calvin Coolidge

LBJ and Truman both managed to get re-elected.

AMDG said...

I assume that Cotton’s foreign policy leanings are not aligned with MAGA.

William said...

I don't know all that much about Cotton, but he's got the kind of resume that Presidential candidates used to have. He's poised and well spoken. It would be nice to have a candidate on the ticket-- for either party-- who isn't scandalous, demented, or dumb. I liked Pence. His dullness and morality were reassuring and a welcome contrast to Trump--and to Hillary and whoever was her running mate. Can anyone remember who it was?

My name goes here. said...

I think Trump wants to get someone that he thinks will be loyal, and will do well fighting in the media trenches. I get that. He is looking for a VP to help once he is elected.

If he really wanted to win, however, his best pick to to find the least objectionable Never Trumper (Nikki Haley, Rob Portman, Lisa Murkowski) or possibly a democrat (Tulsi Gabbard).

And then have that candidate come out and say that they were a Never Trumper and they were wrong. Trump was right on all of the major policy needs for the United States, fighting China, enforcing the border, making appropriate trade deals, putting America's interests first, bringing industry back to the United States, no foreign wars, etc. Yes he is crude and I wish he did more with policies and executive orders than with tweets but looking back at the four years of Trump and the three years o Biden there is no way an objective person an look at . Have them publicly say that certainly there are issues that they as the VP will disagree with President Trump and they will be certain to voice those objections to him but that clearly right now the time is Trump.

John henry said...

he will be the front-runner for President in the next election

Can you explain why?

I agree he'll be front runner for the nomination.

Chances of winning?

This idea of the vp being in line for the presidency is as irrational as Charlie brown thinking this time Lucy will let me kick the football.

John Henry

Kirk Parker said...

John Henry, I'm going to disagree with you about Vivek.

First of all, as Bob Boyd points out, we need assassination insurance, not assassination assurance, and Vivek fills that role admirably.

Secondly, Vivek is young enough that he can come back later and run for president then, as Nixon did.

Hassayamper said...

Works for me. I've long admired the guy and would prefer him to Trump.

Hassayamper said...

As for Cotton as AG, the Republicans will need to win the Senate, and they may need to have at least 52-48 to get any cabinet nominee approved since Murkowski and Collins can't be counted on.

Fuck the Senate. Fuck civility, and collegiality, and a pathetic devotion to archaic norms. Appoint whoever will be most brutal on the insolent, lazy, insubordinate civil service, call them "Acting Secretary", and tell the Senate to go fuck themselves.

hombre said...

Cotton is an admirable politician, but he brings nothing new to the ticket.

Hassayamper said...

Perhaps someone here can name a single vp who had any political career after?

Biden. Bush the elder. Nixon. Several in the 19th century.

Aggie said...

Cotton as the VP co-runner with Trump makes it more difficult to win the election. I hate to say it, but in the age where merit and ability are being eclipsed by D-E-I and the infernal advantage-hustling based on race, sex, gender, and other assorted perversions, two straight white guys is going to be a liability that has to be overcome. The Overton Window has been shifted to a societal junkyard; and the Democrats will never, ever admit that it was a bad idea, putting a decrepit, corrupt, demented pol in office with an untalented, middle-intelligence minority-hire running mate, even when the indisputable outcome 4 years later is smacking everyone in the middle of the forehead, in so many facets of society.

Joe Smith said...

Will blacks pick Cotten?

Rubio and Scott are 'no' for me.

Donald from Florida is the man, but two Floridians can be problematic.

It has to be looked at from an electoral perspective, which is why Vance from OH is interesting and strategic.

Hassayamper said...

If he can't fire civil servants, send them to "rubber rooms" in large numbers.

Yep. No land line or cell phone, no email, no computer, no reading materials, hard chairs, and explicit orders not to speak to any other individual about any government business. Frequent surprise inspections with swift dismissal for cause if they are found in violation of their assignments. Let them count spiderwebs and fly specks on the ceiling of a broom closet for eight hours a day.

Howard said...

I think cotton would be a great pic. But not intended but immediately recognized. I think a white male from the south who is anti-abortion anti contraception pro Jim Crow is the perfect vice presidential candidate to ensure a Biden victory.

Narayanan said...

at 6' 5", he is two inches taller than Trump.
Barron also shows taller in photos than his dad

Narayanan said...

My heart of hearts wants RDS
from what I see he can grow into his stature like Taft level helft

Gunner said...

The few times that it has happened, a President's second VP has gone on to fame more often than the first or only VP (Martin Van Buren, Andrew Johnson, Teddy Roosevelt)

mikee said...

Y'all be commenting about Trump's VP pick when Biden has yet to lose the election. And he will lose the election if and only if universal mail in ballots cannot be harvested preferentially by political operatives, and counted preferentially without auditable trails to actual voters who used them to vote. Biden will be re-elected. The important discussion is what will happen in December 2024 when China tells Taiwan to heel, or be stomped.

Kate said...

No to Cotton. He's got a foot in the Grahamnesty wing of the party.

SHS can eat the press alive and now has exec experience. If Trump asked me, I'd suggest Sarah. She knows all the players.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The “pageant” is probably mirroring The Apprentice.

Prospects / contestants have to perform and whoever outperforms the rest of the group will get the nomination.

It seems more transparent and interactive with people like me who intends, so far, to vote for the hot guy.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Trump Cotton has the phonetics of Trump Pence.

Trump Cotton is edgy and soft. It sounds like it would appeal to women.

At the end of the day, women are the key swing vote.

tcrosse said...

Is this the Tall Cotton they speak of?

Joe Smith said...

'I think a white male from the south who is anti-abortion anti contraception pro Jim Crow is the perfect vice presidential candidate to ensure a Biden victory.'

A great summation of the democrat KKK party.

I hope the thirty pieces of silver you are being paid to shill is worth whatever soul you have.

Lance said...

he will be the front-runner for President in the next election.

When the economy implodes and the U.S. Government teeters on the brink of insolvency, I wonder how much we'll care about Trump's choice for Vice President.

Hm, maybe a lot.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

“The reason Tom Cotton will not be the Veep selection is that, at 6' 5", he is two inches taller than Trump. Tall people are unnerved by someone taller than themselves because they're not used to looking up to see anyone else. "

I am always amazed at how our moral and intellectual superiors in the NYT subscriber base seem to always default to old wives tales to explain things.

Guimo said...

VP has to be a woman. Nikki Haley is not the right choice. Tulsi Gabbard is.

Joe Smith said...

'VP has to be a woman. Nikki Haley is not the right choice. Tulsi Gabbard is.'

Just pick a dude in a dress.

Best of both worlds...

Tina Trent said...

Cotton is bad on immigration.

Haley is terrible on immigration.

Vivek is not going to help the ticket. And I don't trust him on legal immigration.

Rubio is a lying sos on immigration.

Vance is watching a movie about his life, and the he has to shower the "redneck" off. I don't trust the guy.

"It's the economy, stupid." Well, the economy is immigration and crime, if you hope to keep what's left of the middle class.

If we don't start talking about these things with some more clarity about the ambitions of the GOP versus their base, rcocean II is right: we are stupid.

rehajm said...

This is a special VP stint: it won't be 8 years. Only 4 years. From the point where it begins, he will be the front-runner for President in the next election

I have rejected Ann’s old fashioned idea of Veep as next in line for POTUS but I’m persuaded by her strategy here re: Cotton. It’s easy to go along with the leftie moron narrative that Trump is a petty narcissist but this looks more like the way Trump thinks…

Also good to recall the leftie morons believed the narratives would finish off Trump before the escalator reached the lobby…

Howard said...

If Trump can get Tulsi on the ticket, Ethel Merman is going to start belting out "Everything is Coming up Roses"

Tina Trent said...

Oh, and Tulsi Gabbard does have Farah Faucett hair, but I still think she needs a lot more scrutiny.

Joe Smith said...

Whoever it is, I want them to put a metaphorical torch to DC and everything liberal.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Tina Trent said..."Cotton is bad on immigration."

What's his problem on immigration?

SteveWe said...


Joe Smith said...


He is the deepest of the deep state...

Wilbur said...

As far as winning the election goes, I don't think the VP choice makes a whit of difference.

I've heard and read all this inside baseball talk for 50+ years. I've yet to meet a person who voted for or against a Presidential candidate because of the VP, nor do I recall that any Presidential election was swayed over a VP choice.

People vote for the President, not for a ticket.

Michael K said...

Nobody could be worse than Pence. Trump made the mistake of putting Pence in charge of the Covid response and Pence put Fauci and Birx in charge. Tucker Csrlson's interview of Pence was hilarious. Trump was in the same fix as Reagan in 1976. Of course Reagan's choice in 1980 was no better.

A point against Cotton is he is in the Senate and we need a majority.

Mikey NTH said...

What would politics be without random rampant speculation?

Tina Trent said...

Original Mike: Tom Cotton says all the right things about immigration.

But he says them in the newspaper.

In his political life, he has affiliations that strongly suggest that he will not keep his promises, to put it politely. His election was orchestrated to an unusually high degree, even for them, by the open-borders Club for Growth and their network of shady offshoots with different names but often the same mailing addresses.

So when I see him writing absolutely everything I want to hear about immigration -- in an op-ed in the NYT -- I'm more worried, not less, because CfG has pulled this precise stunt many times.

Tom Cotton is Marco Rubio with a brain, and we know how that turned out. We need to stop being fooled. Always follow the money. And Cotton is 100% indebted to Club for Growth. Therefore, he is lying. And he is lying loudly, which is more concerning. At least Cruz was ambivalent about CfG. He was forced by financial circumstances to submit.

Just try getting Cotton to address that. I'd be curious to hear his response. But he will say nothing true. You walk through that door; it shuts behind you, and you are their b***h. There is no alterate outcome. It's a pure litmus test.

Original Mike said...

Thanks for the answer, Tina.

(Marco Rubio with a brain - made me laugh)

RCOCEAN II said...

who should Trump make as his VP? Simple. Find someone GOPe and the NYT's absolutely loathes. Someone that will piss off Mitt Romney and Lindsey graham. That's the first step. The NYT's asked Cotton to write an Op-ed. WHy not Hawley? Find someone who's rock solid on immigration and the border. Someone who's an "election denier". Someone who opposes aid to Ukraine. Find someone reliably MAGA.

We all know what will happen if TRump wins and D's get control the House - they will impeach Trump - no matter what he does. They impeached him over some bullshit telephone to Ukraine. And they'll do it again. If we lose Trump we need someone MAGA to carry on.

Joe Smith said...

'We all know what will happen if TRump wins and D's get control the House - they will impeach Trump - no matter what he does. They impeached him over some bullshit telephone to Ukraine. And they'll do it again. If we lose Trump we need someone MAGA to carry on.'

This will only make him stronger.

He will never get convicted in the senate, even by feckless GOP traitors...

Hassayamper said...

I've yet to meet a person who voted for or against a Presidential candidate because of the VP

I live in Arizona and met McCain a couple of times. I didn't have much use for him, and only voted for him because the Democrat was always so much worse, but he was pretty popular here for many years.

I personally know 4 people who told me they liked McCain but could not vote for him because of Sarah Palin. One was my own country-club Republican, small-business owner aunt. The other 3 were also women, because of course they were.

Women really hate Sarah Palin types for some reason. Lauren Boebert and MTG get some of that spiteful female cattiness too.

Hassayamper said...

If Trump can get Tulsi on the ticket, Ethel Merman is going to start belting out "Everything is Coming up Roses"

I'm not crazy about Tulsi, but we've survived worse. I think she loves this country and wishes to see it survive as an independent nation based on free market economic policy, robust freedom of speech and freedom of the press, secure borders, sound money, low crime, honest elections, and tolerance of political diversity. That is more than I can confidently say about 98% of Democrats. If it's clear she sews up the Presidency for Trump's second term, I say go for it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago TRumpSwab Trump Humper - Noted that you responded to a post where I mention Trump's super hero fans.
Keep the faith! Only Trump will do! *Romney Ryan McConnellTard McCain globalists from Harvard*...
go fetch.

cfs said...

Either Haley (war war and more war) or Vivek (I'd sign an assault weapons desk if it hit my desk) are two VP choices that would make me second-guess my vote for Trump as President. I hope he picks neither of them.

I'd like him to pick the Lt Gov of Virginia, Winsome Earle-Sears. She is a former Marine, and a strong Constitution-supporting America-loving person who could campaign strongly for Trump, be an effective VP, and be elected as President after four years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard said - (& how bad faith can Howie get?)

"I think a white male from the south who is anti-abortion anti contraception pro Jim Crow is the perfect vice presidential candidate to ensure a Biden victory."

Cotton might be anti-abortion - I do not know. Irrelevant.

No one is anti-contraception. The BS anti-contraception" meme was created in the Hack-Stephanpolis lab, and used on Romney. It was a lie. It remains a lie.
Makes sense that you, Howard - glam on to the left's lies.

Jim Crow? utter nonsense. The democrat party is the party of the KKK and slavery. Learn some history, you dope.

What will ensure a Biden victory? Media lies, illegals voting, cheating and more lying, and white left loyalty.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Curious - Who is the best VP according to Trump's super-fans?

(No one is good enough - or trust-worthy) Too bad Trump cannot clone himself.

Gunner said...

MTG and Boebert already have more relevant experience than Palin did. She had less than half a term as Governor of Alaska. Nobody cared about the mayor or smaller stuff. Not to mention the messed up daughter and baby daddy.

The Godfather said...

I've liked Cotton ever since reading his letters from the battlefield. I think he would do a good job and be comfortable in the second chair for 4 years. He would be a good bet to continue MAGA post-Trump for another 4-8 years. Sure, a woman would be good for VP, but the objective needs to be to win 2024 and show marginal voters that if they vote for Trump they get Trump, but if they vote for Biden they not only get Biden (bad enough), but they are likely to get Kamala as President before long.

I've always liked Gov. Haley, but I don't think she'll get over blowing the "what was the Civil War about" question.

FullMoon said...

"Kate said...

No to Cotton. He's got a foot in the Grahamnesty wing of the party.

SHS can eat the press alive and now has exec experience. If Trump asked me, I'd suggest Sarah. She knows all the players."

Yep,tough, competent, articulate, experienced and not so attractive as to upset women voters..

Krumhorn said...

Oh, and Tulsi Gabbard does have Farah Faucett hair, but I still think she needs a lot more scrutiny.

I dunno, Tina. I think that Tulsi would an excellent VP pick for a number of reasons. I may not always agree with her, but she has brains and a presence rooted in common sense. From a DEI perspective, it would blunt the inevitable assault on Trump/Cotton as white male racist privilege. She would stand up better under the Sarah Palin treatment, and she would fill stadiums like Sarah did.

- Krumhorn

RCOCEAN II said...

I can think of only 4 VP picks that (did) or Could have made a difference:

LBJ helped JFK win Texas in 1960.
Reagan as VP In 1976 might have resulted in a Ford win.
Lodge was a complete zero in 1960. Dirkson probably would've carried Illinois for Nixon
warren was a complete zero in 1948. Halleckprobably would've carried Illinois for Dewey

Pence didn't hurt or help Trump in 2016/2020. Cotton will be the same.

Yancey Ward said...

I am more or less in the camp with RCOCEAN- the VP won't help or hurt almost all the time. You basically don't want to pick someone who is openly corrupt like Joe Biden (Obama would have won in 2008 with a pedophile as a VP....oh....wait....he did). Cotton falls into the category or won't help much, won't hurt much. Gabbard is the only possibility that might give a significant boost to Trump's chances because it would be a major choice from across the political division of the country, but it would also put a huge target on Trump's back since Gabbard is still a Democrat philosophically, so Dems would be very tempted to assassinate Trump just to get Gabbard in the White House, but it would be a bold pick with big upside potential. Additionally, I would sleep better with Gabbard in the White House than I would with any other Democrat in the country.

Hassayamper said...

MTG and Boebert already have more relevant experience than Palin did. She had less than half a term as Governor of Alaska. Nobody cared about the mayor or smaller stuff. Not to mention the messed up daughter and baby daddy.

Relevant experience you say? I'm not altogether persuaded that two or three terms in Congress match up to even half a term as a state governor, especially one who was as successful as she was. At the time McCain picked her, she was the most popular governor in the country, and the most popular governor in Alaska's history.

I do agree it was a grave mistake for her to say yes to McCain, and some more seasoning and a more gradual introduction to national politics would have been good for her. She would have cruised to an easy re-election as governor, and then easily gone on to become a senator after she was termed out. After eight or ten years in Washington she'd have been a powerful candidate in her own right. That would also have allowed enough time for the teen mom/baby daddy stuff to shake out and be old news.

Josephbleau said...

In game theory (lite), It might be advantageous to want a certain VP because:

1. Assassination insurance, if the VP is hated more than the President.

2. If you like the VP you may vote for the Presidential candidate, because She may die in office.

3. If you are Statephylic, you may vote for a VP from your own God Forsaken state.

4. If you have rare views, you may like a VP to have them too, so they get brought up every now and then.

5. If you know the VP and think you can get corrupt money or a good Government job from her.

6. If you secretly think a VP candidate will hurt the Presidential Candidate, and you don't want them to win.

God of the Sea People said...

JD Vance would be better.

Danno said...

John Henry said..."If he can't fire civil servants, send them to "rubber rooms" in large numbers. It's not their salaries that kill us, it is the costs of trying to justify those salaries."

No office phone , phone directory, office computer or office email, etc. A stark room with no privacy and only a tv showing reruns and bad coffee. I have personally seen this at one of my employers back in the day. It works wonders to draw retirements out and this was for uneeded employees not recalcitrant ones.

Kakistocracy said...

Nah, it’ll be Don Jr. or Eric Trump. Don’t forget genius is hereditary.

Christopher B said...

It's a bit late but wanted to note to the person who mentioned Winsome Sears .. While an admirable woman, she's a naturalized citizen born in Jamaica, and thus ineligible.

gadfly said...

"I think Trump would just make jokes about how TC is short next to Barron."

Barron is 6'7" tall and using pictures with Barron and Donald together, it has been determined that TFG has shrunk 3 inches in height at 77 - down to 6'0" - not an unexpected result of aging. Eric Trump at 6'5" strands well above his dad as well.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Nah, it’ll be Don Jr. or Eric Trump. Don’t forget genius is hereditary."

Hmmm, Joey Bag 'O Dementia called Hunter "the smartest man I know".

Explains alot.

Lance said...

Tom Cotton in 2013:
He's a generation of new leaders, not just Marco, but Paul Ryan and Scott Walker and so forth, who are emerging and who I think are going to be the leaders of our party going forward.

Wow, he sure missed that one. I wish Ryan and Walker had fought harder, I think they both had a lot more to offer when they bowed out.

Tina Trent said...

Krumhorn: Tulsi Gabbard does seem to bring a lot of interesting positions to the table. But she won't make a commitment to even the softest Republican threshold, so she's not making a commitment to the much-abused Republican base. Politics is often seen as linear, but it is like the face of a clock: Gabbard is "professionally" presenting herself as hovering at the centrist 6:00, but the people most interested in her (and those she endorses) lie between the "Communist MAGA" pro-Putin defeatists and the extreme left -- say, between 11:55 and 1:00.

She endorsed and campaigned for Bernie Sanders and worked with the DSA and socialist Dennis Kucinich, so I have to believe she is a socialist. Someone who flirts with hardcore socialism, Russia Today, and other Soviet demoralization and confusion propaganda, often presented as Peace Activism on its face, is a dupe at best and a honeypot at worst.

Keywiki has all her real affiliations. Admirers include pro-Hitler, pro-Stalin Putin mentor, Aleksandr Dugan. She may talk a good game, but she is very much the heir of Lyndon LaRouche -- a Lyndon LaRouche with Farrah Fawcett hair.

Bunkypotatohead said...

He's my senator and I'd prefer he continue in that role, rather than get mixed up in the Trump pandemonium.
Plus he's liable to get caught in the crossfire when the CIA and FBI decide to assassinate the Donald.

Mr. Forward said...

What you are really trying to do is replace Kamala Harris as Venn Person. Someone who can find the congruites in the incongruous. Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich come to mind. Venn, Vere and How.

JAORE said...

"If he can't fire civil servants, send them to "rubber rooms" in large numbers."

And rotate that rubber room from rural North Dakota in winter to rural Arizona in summer.

Drago said...

The Hopeless gadfly: "Barron is 6'7" tall and using pictures with Barron and Donald together, it has been determined that TFG has shrunk 3 inches in height at 77..."


" has been determined..."

Too funny.

Determined by whom?

Josephbleau said...

“VP has to be a woman. Nikki Haley is not the right choice. Tulsi Gabbard is.”

VP, put a chick in it, and make her gay.

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