May 21, 2024

"Over a dozen Democratic elected officials criticized a parent group that asked for a review of rules that let students play on sports teams that align with their gender identity."

The NYT reports, in "N.Y.C. Parents Rebuked for Questioning Transgender Student-Athlete Rules."
The parent council — representing the diverse local District 2 that weaves through the West Village, Hell’s Kitchen and the Upper East Side — said that the current policies present “challenges to youth athletes and coaches” and fail to consider the “well-being of girls.”...

In a letter made public on Monday, a coalition of 18 Democratic elected officials from New York called the proposal “hateful, discriminatory and actively harmful” to the city’s children.... The officials argued that while some parents say they were “simply asking for a conversation,” the resolution “was based in anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric”....


Skeptical Voter said...

The parents deserve a "rebuke" for being guilty of wrong think--in the opinion of the New York Times. That's one reason even parakeets reject the Times as a cage liner.

Jersey Fled said...

We are living in the end times

Leland said...

Democracy Democrats don’t like.

Oligonicella said...

Remember, when they're losing an argument, they start attacking you.

The Vault Dweller said...

George Orwell wrote his dystopian novels after experiencing the Spanish Civil war. But it wasn't because he fought against the Francoists it was because he fought alongside the communists.

Tripp Hall said...

Maybe it's just me, but the Times' framing of this story seems a bit pro-parent, which I don't think you would have seen on this issue even a year ago. Who likes to think of elected officials ready to lecture voters?

ga6 said...

Back to your hovels peasants...Next time we bring out the lash..

PM said...

For this article, the NYT does not allow comments.
They're not stupid.

Tommy Duncan said...

Who do these parents think they are?

What right do parents have to get all uppity and question school policies? How can schools properly indoctrinate the children if the parents express opposing ideas? Since when are parents allowed a role in their children's education?

MartyH said...

Many males hold records in female categories; the reverse is not true. How do explain this without saying that males and females are different?

Jupiter said...

"a coalition of 18 Democratic elected officials from New York"

Also known as "a sickening collection of perverts and grifters, with a couple rapists and murderers salted in".

n.n said...

The plausible pussy is a principal interest in Progressive sects. Also, penis envy with literally less consequences.

gilbar said...

WHO knows better?
Stupid Fascist Normie Parents?
Wise All Knowing DEMOCRATS!

Remember! It TAKES A VILLAGE to tell YOU how to raise YOUR children!


n.n said...

"a sickening collection of perverts and grifters, with a couple rapists and murderers salted in".

Diverse pedophiles, rapists and rape-rapists, abortionists, sadomasochists, and Dreamers of Herr Mengele under Democratic consensus, who cannot be discriminated by their sexual orientation.

Quaestor said...

Wave goodbye to feminism, girls. Your choices now are the scalpel or the burka. Isn't it ironic that the last hard-line defenders of women's sports will be the Muslims?

rehajm said...

I've questioned if this type of action will incentivize leftie parents...mothers to question their political decisions. So far it looks like letting these people fuck with their kids is a price they're willing to pay...

gilbar said...

Diversity! All MUST CONFORM to PROPER Thought!
Inclusion! ALL MUST Be Included in Conformity!
Equity! ALL Equity (ownership interest) in america belongs to The Party!
DIE!! DIE!!! DIE!!!

n.n said...

The parents' concern did not include trans/homosexuals, who are of the same sex and thereby physiology, if not sexual orientation ('gender'), as their teammates.

Gusty Winds said...

When it comes to women's sports, I now root for any competitor with a penis. Kick their asses and show them who's boss.

The stupidity behind the reasons liberal women promote and allow this is now to the point of entertainment.

Gusty Winds said...

The parents should be rebuked for raising children in NYC. What do they expect?

Quaestor said...

"Democracy Democrats don’t like."

The next time any Democrat or party spokesman (i.e. anyone working for MSM) uses the phrase our democracy, that person ought to be pummeled with raucous demands for a clear and succinct definition of our. Evidently, it does not include dissenters. What's a democracy without dissent? Dunno. The nature of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ought to give us a clue.

n.n said...

For equitable inclusion, the males who identify as the feminine gender, should have respiratory refits, muscle fiber conversion and redistributive change, DNA therapy and replacement, days of uterus lining sloughing, and perhaps other empathetic adjustments.

Gusty Winds said...

Letting men compete in women's sports simply proves nobody really cares about women's sports.

n.n said...

Her choice is limited by Democratic consensus. Wonen and girls were used for a progressive agenda, then cast aside like "burdens" in a reproductive rite.

Joe Smith said...

One league. One team.

Banish men's and women's sports.

Then watch the liberals cry.

cassandra lite said...

Those locales suggest the same demographics as the West Side of L.A., where the same virtue signaling is required by moms who have to keep up by refusing vaxxes and, disproportionately often, transing their kids.

(I still laugh at the memory of talking to a West Side lawyer at a party last year where his prefatory clause to a comment having nothing to do with the prefatory clause was, "As I was saying just the other day to my non-binary son...")

Gusty Winds said...

The only women's sporting events men can't dominate are the balance beam and the uneven bars. They are too dangerous for penises.

mezzrow said...

Winning hearts and minds, by any means necessary.

They had to destroy the teams in order to save them. Otherwise, there would have been hate.

n.n said...

Democratic officials brayed the same admonishing rebuke when people of color criticized illegal aliens and immigration reform in their midst. There are diverse precedents.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

A small percentage of kids play for school teams. Take sports out of schools and let the kids play in private male and female leagues with their own rules. Schools can devote the savings from eliminating the venues, equipment, coaches, etc. for sports to improving educational outcomes.

Rocco said...

Jupiter said...
"a coalition of 18 Democratic elected officials from New York"

Also known as "a sickening collection of perverts and grifters, with a couple rapists and murderers salted in".

Hedley Lamarr replied…
“I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.”

RideSpaceMountain said...

Transvestites cannot be challenged or disciplined or disagreed with for any reason. They can only be affirmed and celebrated for their choices at all times by all people.

Oceania has never been at war with Transasia.

Hassayamper said...

This is how Trump wins New York, New Jersey, Minnesota, and the state of Washington. He should hammer the living crap out of this stuff.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Hell yeah it fails "to consider the well-being of girls” because that's the choice leftists have made. Title 9 is dead and girls sports are under the bus. There are no "safe spaces" for women anymore. Dudes pretending to be girls have more rights than actual females.

This is the New World Order.

Robert Marshall said...

Democrats claim there is no innate advantage to biological males, trans-girls, in competing with biological females. So, do away with biological sex as a sports-organizing concept, it's meaningless. But is it?

Either (a) there is no difference between the innate athletic capabilities of boys and girls (defined by biological sex at birth), or (b) there is, and boys are biologically stronger, for most sports. (No one seriously asserts that girls are generally stronger, so I'm not going to discuss that.)

If (a) were true (no innate difference), then you would expect roughly equal numbers of trans-boys and trans-girls participating in sports with the members of the sex opposite that they were born into. So, trans-boys (born as girls) would compete in boys sports, at about the same rate as trans-girls (born as boys) do in girls sports.

We know about trans-girls competing with girls (like Lia Thomas of Penn swimming fame), and many others less famous. What about trans-boys, competing with the boys? I've not heard of any, though there probably have been some; but it is at least far less common. And to the extent they exist, they don't GARNER much attention because they don't win that much.

Why? Because no one wants to compete in a sport when they're bound to get their butts whipped, like trans-boys would on the boys' teams. And equally so, some people (trans-girls) love to get the advantage of their biological sex, to whip the butts of those who have always been girls, because they get to take home the trophies.

[I'm hoping to get extra credit by using the magic word, GARNER.]

Aggie said...

We're living in end times, all right - end times for elected Democrats trying to hold office. Think of the scenario: 20 girls competing in a track meet and getting demolished by one perverted boy. 40 proud parents seeing their girls subjected to patently unfair competition, with 2 parents proud to see their kid cheat - maybe. Now, add a helping of criticism, shaming, and condescension from elected officials directed toward the people that voted for them. Amongst the general public, the polling doesn't look much different although the edges are a little softer.

Out of touch now = out of office later.

gilbar said...

Enlighten-NewJersey said...
A small percentage of kids play for school teams. Take sports out of schools and let the kids play in private

This raises an interesting question.. WHY do we have sports in schools at all?
I understand for schools without ANY academic agenda (for example, The University of Iowa City)

But for high schools.. WHY? anyone?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Just put your kid in a catholic school, and let the trans kids have theirs.

Goldenpause said...

Did these elected officials also report that they were literally shaking?

Mason G said...

with 2 parents proud to see their kid cheat - maybe.

More likely, just one. The cool, liberal mom.

Deep State Reformer said...

Around here we have a six-foot plus trans girl player (iow, an anatomically adult male) who has already injured three female players on two different HS basketball teams this past season. The conference "she" plays in is getting a lot of heat about her from parents and who are recieving the same response as the NYC parents in the news story. Just as with the sex assaulters in Virginia some years recently, this situation is likely going to get brushed aside by the school boards and people (iow, the actual girls) are going to get hurt, but until that happens I doubt they'll be any change. OTOH this new development is in NYC and so the voters there are getting exactly what they voted for, though it's the five-four, 100lb girls that are getting it (hurt) good & hard.

Darkisland said...

anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric”

I call bullshit. How is it anti-LGB&Q? It is, arguably, anti-T but that is all. And it is not even anti-T. It is only anti-T guys playing with girls.

Fuck these people. Not the parents, the pols and the media

John Henry

RideSpaceMountain said...

I have said it before and I'll say it again: lgbtqism is becoming a religion and already practically is one for many.

Really think about it and you can see some very obvious similarities:

- It is backed up by bad science, all of which is taken on faith by the faithful.
- The articles of faith mustn't be questioned by anyone.
- Those within the faith who aren't 100% on board are shunned and denounced as heretics.
- It has a front line of hardened acolytes - the trans - who now act as the spiritual leaders of the faith, much like Jesuits.
- It's sacraments - like gay sex - are intended to be irreversible and bind the adherent permanently to a secret society.
- The hardened cohort of zealots is incredibly small compared to overall population and also to the diocese of supporters who remain uninitiated. It's a priesthood.
- It has an entire library of lgbtq literature (aka holy books), most of it based on the bad science aforementioned, but also on anecdotes and subjective lived personal experience (much like religious testifying) that is taken as holy gospel.
- It has eschatology, i.e. they believe in an end-game/utopia/paradise where the human condition and all human issues can be solved by the whole world becoming gay.

I could go on, but you get the idea. I think it's important to stop treating this as a civil rights movement - the fundamental rights issue having been solved quite some time ago - and more like a religious movement. It makes more sense to do so.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Hedley Lamarr replied…
“I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.”

Sorry, the best we can do is a guy in a dress flitting around like Holly Golightly.

Mason G said...

"but until that happens I doubt they'll be any change."

What girls have to do is to just flat-out refuse to play against trans-girls even if that means forfeiting games or quitting the team.

I know would suck for them. Not much else girls can do other than thanking their feminist sisters for their insistence that "A woman can do anything a man can do", which is a big part of why things are where they are today.

Rabel said...

Here's the resolution.

I'm not seeing the hate.

Mrs. X said...

The pushback against this stupid crap + people in NYC lining the streets to cheer for Trump + the upcoming rally in the Bronx = New York in play? Come on, hometown, do me proud!

mikee said...

the resolution “was based in anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric”....

No, the resolution was based on physics and biology. Rhetoric doesn't break bones like a 150 pound femboy running full tilt into a 110 pound female on the playing field.

mikee said...

Mason G: Not much else girls can do other than thanking their feminist sisters...

Well, suing the school district and the individual administrators who made that decision, both under Title IX and for any damage to females, has a certain appeal.

Tina Trent said...

In Canada, they're de-funding domestic violence shelters and rape crisis centers that will not take pre-op men who claim to be trans, and people who oppose males in girls' sports can be arrested for even raising the subject.

In California, men can get transfers to women's prisons just by saying they are trans. A new law has permitted sex offenders to be included. One in three men requesting transfers are convicted sex offenders. But given the generous plea system in the state, it's likely closer to one in two, since the first thing a defense attorney will do is negotiate out the sex crime component of the crime. One rapist/kidnapper with such a record immediately raped his cellmate. Yes, they put them in cells with women, and the women have to shower with them.

Four women raped by such men in prison are suing to overturn the law; the ACLU is representing their rapists, as they did mine. You can help these women at WoLF and WomanIIWoman, two feminist groups that ARE doing the hard work.

The female prisoners are not allowed to refer to the males among them as males. No other such clear legal restriction on free speech exists anywhere -- this is where speech control precedents will be set in America. This is the front line. We need to defend it.

Iman said...

Elections have consequences, NYC suckers.

Gusty Winds said...

This poor kid got booed by OREGON parents when he won the girls 200 yard dash by a full four seconds.

Four seconds in a 200-yard dash is like Secretariat winning the Belmont by 31 lengths.

“Aayden Gallagher marked a blazing 25.49-second time in the women’s varsity 200 meters at the Sherwood Need For Speed Classic Saturday. The next closest runner in the heat crossed the finish line around the 30-second mark.”

There is one girl in Oregon slightly faster than Aayden Gallagher. Her name is Aster Jones. They are bound to meet in the State track meet. I hope Aayden smokes her ass.

For perspective. The HS boys us record for the 200 is 19.97 seconds. Usain Bolt's world record is 19.19 seconds. That's "blazing". For women's 200, under 25 seconds is blazing.

Point is these libs are humiliating young people like Aayden Gallagher and the girls he completes against. Aayden is an "also" ran in boys competition. Now he is subject to ridicule so libs can prove some asinine point.

Now I'm rooting for him/her...

Mason G said...

"Well, suing the school district and the individual administrators who made that decision, both under Title IX and for any damage to females, has a certain appeal."

Can't argue with that but how often are Democrats held personally responsible for their actions?

Gusty Winds said...

Follow up: Aayden Gallagher beat Aster Jones head to head in the 2024 Oregon State Championship 200-yard-dash.

Go Aayden! My man!!! Show these bitches who the boss is!!!!

ussmidway said...

Aggie said: "with 2 parents proud to see their kid cheat - maybe."

I have yet to see ANY male parents (aka: Dads) express anything about these fake-girls competing with real girls. Where are the fathers of these ersatz women? Are we not seeing them because they left these families long ago and have no role to play in helping their sons define masculinity? Are they in witness protection? Where are they and why is the media avoiding the obvious step of interviewing the parents of these Frankenstein females? What do they have to say about their abject failure in parenting that allowed their sons to grow up believing there was any real glory or even any credible upside in crashing the world of female sports? These absent fathers must be hiding in shame, and the LGBTQers are avoiding any discussion of their ignoble role in this travesty.

RideSpaceMountain said...


You can literally see it in many of their eyes.

Also, just look at Jeff Younger's struggle in Texas to keep his psychotic wife from turning their 7 year old son into a girl. The entire system is pre-programmed to disenfranchise the rights of the father and masculine guidance within the nuclear family structure in the West. America hates dads.

If the system can't have boys that are easy to control it would rather make them girls. Girls are easier to control. Girls are phenomenal rule followers, just ask George Orwell.

Howard said...

It seems like you people identify as hysterical cat ladies. This is a losing issue for the Democrat party for sure. It seems half of you are fighting a losing battle against being titillated by it, the other half is just wallowing in hatred. I don't have a problem with the gender fluid socially, but physically, we have to honor the sex plumbing.

mindnumbrobot said...

Democrats will do whatever the teachers unions say, and far too many teachers are mentally ill individuals who honestly believe they are more important than parents. Parents are an impediment, and teachers despise them for it.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Wave goodbye to feminism, girls. Your choices now are the scalpel or the burka. Isn't it ironic that the last hard-line defenders of women's sports will be the Muslims?”

“A small percentage of kids play for school teams. Take sports out of schools and let the kids play in private male and female leagues with their own rules.”

Very much depends on the school. My daughter went to a private prep school grades 3-12, and in middle and high schools, they had mandatory athletics. At her HS graduation, not a single graduating senior was overweight. All very trim. Went to the graduation of my #2 grandson, from a public HS, and a majority of the girls, and maybe 1/4 of the boys were. That and a lot of AP classes (also disfavored by the left) are good reasons for paying that tuition. My daughter, one of the least coordinated girls in her class, played field hockey and soccer, lettering somehow in the former her senior year. She wanted to play basketball too, but just didn’t run well enough, and kept jamming her fingers. They can get most of the kids playing team sports by just having enough teams. It has been quite beneficial. Most of the girls remain physically active into their thirties (so far). Up until a week or two ago (she is 8 months pregnant), she and her husband did something active every weekend: hike, alpine or X-country ski, bicycle, camp, etc, every weekend (they live near Boulder, CO). Plus softball for her (and hockey for him) during the week. I don’t think that she would have been nearly as physically active without the mandatory athletics in prep school (and, now, a very athletic husband). She, like most of my family, is more an intellectual (STEM PhD, etc) than an athlete.

I, for one, would have tried very hard to prevent her from playing contact or field sports if genetic males were allowed to play against her.. Just too dangerous. These guys, pretending to be girls, are depriving girls of the benefits of athletics in HS and college, which can be substantial. All so that some guys can satisfy their fantasies.

But, yes, if you aren’t going to have mandatory athletics, like that prep school has, I think that most HS and college athletics are counterproductive. I keep thinking back to the shootings at Columbine HS a couple decades ago. Same school system my brothers and all my cousins attended (JCPS, west of Denver), but a couple decades earlier. Columbine was about twice the size of the high schools we all attended. Apparently because schools needed to be that big to be competitive in sports. Part of why the two shooters felt so alienated was because the football players would routinely, with impunity, bounced them off lockers as they walked between classes. In schools of that size (~3k), an awful lot of the kids disappeared into the crowd. They were just numbers, there for funding, and little else. My understanding is that high schools under, say, 1k students are optimal, being big enough to be able to track the kids by ability, while not being too big.

Lawrence Person said...

If the Party declares that 2+2=5, then the only choice a Party member has is to agree.

If the Party declares that a Man is a Woman, then the only choice a Party member has is to agree.

Every. Knee. Must. Bend.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Title IX was such a "hip" feminist effort. So self righteous - what heroes they were. Now we find - sisterhood is fungible.
A marketing ploy all along.

Yancey Ward said...

Another comment by Howard recognizing how ridiculous his fellow Democrats are but not having the balls to actually take a stand against it while in the same breath criticizing the people who do fight against it. Brave, brave Sir Howard.

Yancey Ward said...

"You can literally see it in many of their eyes."

Was that Colin Mochrie?

AlbertAnonymous said...

Here’s all you need to ask. How many biological girls are demanding to play on the boys’ teams?


Yancey Ward said...

"Where are the fathers of these ersatz women? Are we not seeing them because they left these families long ago and have no role to play in helping their sons define masculinity? Are they in witness protection? Where are they and why is the media avoiding the obvious step of interviewing the parents of these Frankenstein females?

That could be Howard- it would explain a lot.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Those 18 Democrats just prove once again that Democrats are barbarians.

Dude1394 said...

So as soon as they get a chance, your elected Democrat representatives will put you in jail.

Dude1394 said...

“Blogger Deep State Reformer said...
Around here we have a six-foot plus trans girl player (iow, an anatomically adult male) who has already injured three female players on two different HS basketball teams this past season. The conference "she" plays in is getting a lot of heat about her from parents and who are recieving the same response as the NYC parents in the news story. Just as with the sex assaulters in Virginia some years recently, this situation is likely going to get brushed aside by the school boards and people (iow, the actual girls) are going to get hurt, but until that happens I doubt they'll be any change. OTOH this new development is in NYC and so the voters there are getting exactly what they voted for, though it's the five-four, 100lb girls that are getting it (hurt) good & hard”

The girls participating in this farce is CONDONING it. They either refuse to parcipitate ( take a knee at the starting line ) or they should shut up. It’s their choice.

FullMoon said...

High school boys have it good.Can now win championships posing as girls, while (according to frequent internet news) still having a chance at being molested by their female teacher.

n.n said...

Trans/neogenders, trans/socials, and illegal aliens, too. PTSD? Women and girls should be thankful to progressivism... one step forward, two steps backward.

Diversity, Equivocation, and Inclusion (IED) #Meow

Big Mike said...

Time for a rant. Like Jews conditioned to look right for antisemitism, only to find themselves attacked from behind by the extreme left, so too feminists conditioned themselves to look towards the right for attacks from a (conveniently) nebulous Patriarchy, only to find themselves under attack from the extreme left and LGBTQ. It’s been a big test for old-line feminists like Ann Althouse and others, and in my estimation, Professor, the feminists are failing utterly.

Do feminists not come to the support of young female athletes because old line feminists are, well, old? Are they jealous of young, strong, attractive, female athletes as they look in the mirror and see an elderly, not physically fit, no longer pretty, woman staring back? Are feminists okay with men sauntering into female locked rooms where women (including adolescents and teenagers) are showering and changing clothes, and using “by the way, I identify as trans” as a get out of jail card while they wag their genitalia at the women? If so, is that because so many elderly biddy feminists would not want to be caught dead in a gym (lest they wind up looking like Marjorie Taylor Greene)?

Feminists worked so hard to get Title IX, now they do nothing when the Biden administration guts it? Was the point, then, not so much to help women’s sports as to hurt men’s sports?

If feminists will not come to the aid of young females, whether it’s because they’re young and pretty, or because the old-line feminists are self-satisfied and lazy, or because of “intersectionality,” if feminists will not support young females then, tell me, Professor, who will?

Joe Smith said...

'It seems like you people identify as hysterical cat ladies.'

Just a reminder, Mountain Man®, ALL the anti-women sports advocates are on your side.

Clyde said...

Democratic elected officials are awful people, almost without exception. Sen. Fetterman seems to be one of those exceptions since recovering from his stroke.

D.D. Driver said...

Classes have always and in every situation I can think of have been based on objective criteria. We don't ask competitors how much they "feel like they weigh" or "how old they feel on the inside." We have weight and age brackets. Sex is objective. Gender (as the left has educated us) is subjective.

What cause are we advancing my abandoning these principles of fairness of setting classes of competition based upon objective verifiable criteria? I *think* we no longer care about competition. I think this is just about not hurting anyone's feeling. Or actually, I think its about making sure that when someone gets their feelings hurt, it is a biological woman not a trans person.

Michael said...

A suggestion for track events. Real girls remain at start until the fake girl crosses the finish line and then have someone yell START.
Clear then who wins the girls’ race.

Michael K said...

They were just numbers, there for funding, and little else. My understanding is that high schools under, say, 1k students are optimal, being big enough to be able to track the kids by ability, while not being too big.

The tiny town in Illinois where my great grandfather lived had a small high school with maybe 100 students. It had however produced several National Merit scholars in the previous several years. The state came along and closed it to add to a huge consolidated school several miles away with several thousand students.

My younger son went to a private school with 35 in his graduating class. He played football on the school team. Some of the friendships he made there are still intact 40 years later.

Narr said...

There should be different leagues: Trans/Nontrans (cut/uncut) and Clean/Juiced, and the combinations thereof. A buffet of choices for every taste.

Jupiter said...

"Democrats claim there is no innate advantage to biological males, trans-girls, in competing with biological females ..."

I don't think very many Democrats actually believe any such thing. I would have more respect for them if they did. But this is just another form of "How many fingers, Winston?".

n.n said...

Progressives argue that the differences between the sexes are ambiguous, and for the sake of diversity, equivocation, and inclusion (IED), people... persons should err on the side of inclusion. Not quite another wicked solution, but there will be collateral damage.

Howard said...

Yancy is quite a brave front line culture warrior on the bleeding edge of the Trans World Athletic Team.


Mason G said...

"I think this is just about not hurting anyone's feeling."

It's not about feelings. It's about power. The power to force people you don't like to accept things they disagree with.

Saint Croix said...

the resolution “was based in anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric”

I forgot what "Q" is.

Also not sure about the "+"


and Q

plus the plus

Strange how they lump all those groups together, and assume that any fighting is animosity from straight people.

But lesbians often know what a woman is!

Dave Chappelle's in the car.

PM said...

Seems to me the gay culture's disdain of 'jocks' has led to this debilitating infusion of the wrong gender in the wrong place. It's not about inclusion; it's about dismantling the part of sports that threatens them. Namely, men.

Mason G said...

"Was the point, then, not so much to help women’s sports as to hurt men’s sports?"

More than a few people seemed pleased (many of them women) when men's college sports programs were cut, so I'd say even if it wasn't the defining feature, it was likely intended.

Be careful what you wish for, I guess.

Barry Dauphin said...

The officials argued that while some parents say they were “simply asking for a conversation,” the resolution “was based in anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric

Gee, I wonder what will happen at election time.

Dave64 said...

Two Words: Home School

ccscientist said...

I am a 71 yr old average size guy. I still have to hold back when shaking hands with any woman of any age so I don't hurt them. I can still pick up things too heavy for most younger women. Sure, men and women are identical. Tell me another one.

n.n said...

Male sex "=" female sex. Couple "=" couplet. Masculine gender + surgical, medical, psycho-atric corruption "=" feminine gender. Fetus is a technical term-of-art to socially distance from a baby that is a carbon emission... Net-Zero. Capitol punishment "=" capital punishment. Spring is war. Science is a philosophy of political consensus (PC). Et cetera.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Girls (real girls) should boycott all games involving boys pretending to be girls. That would epic!

Yancey Ward said...

Then what was your point, Howard? People with daughters forced to compete against males deserve to have some outrage be shown on their behalf, and yet here you are literally admitting that it is wrong, but then criticizing the people want to put a stop to it. In short, you out yourself as a coward- it didn't take me writing it.

jcr said...

Government schools are a total loss. Shut them down, fire all the commies, sell the buildings at auction, return the money to the taxpayers, and let parents seek education for their kids in a free market.

Mason G said...

"return the money to the taxpayers"

Democrats believe that money is theirs to spend. On whatever they want. They'd never give it back.

Mason G said...

"Democrats believe that money is theirs to spend. On whatever they want. They'd never give it back."

Don't believe me? Ask them. Propose a hypothetical...

"Suppose public (government run) schools were all closed and parents were expected to arrange for the education of their children. Would you support cutting the portion of property taxes that are dedicated to funding schools and leaving that money in taxpayers' wallets?"

See if you can find a Democrat that would say "Yes".

Oligonicella said...

Gusty Winds:
The only women's sporting events men can't dominate are the balance beam and the uneven bars. They are too dangerous for penises.

Good punch line but like I debunked last year "No problem. Barely an inconvenience."

Pay particular attention to the commentary of the two Olympic champions. I'll defer to their opinions.

n.n said...

Pro-XX rhetoric.

chickelit said...

Is the outsized LGBTQ influence on D's just about the money they give? It can't be because their positions are popular.

holdfast said...

Very glad that (1) I don't have any daughters and (2) I don't care about women's sports. So this is all an uninteresting spectator sport.

Sad for the young women who spent most of their short lives training, I suppose, but oh well. The feelz of the Alphabet People are far more important than the aspirations of those lame "women" with two X chromosomes. So slow and weak. Need better, stronger women. Women with big, womanly schlongs.

Aggie said...

The truly ironic thing about this problem is that, while the proponents declare stridently that there is no competitive differences between males-pretending-to-be-females, and female athletes, the problem exists precisely because of sexual differences. If the female athletes had the same sensibilities as males, the outrage that would have arisen out of the unfairness of the competition, would have reached a confrontation by now. Let's face it: Western civilization exists largely on the concept of the fair treatment of merit, over the older concept of noblesse oblige.

If the girls had the sensibilities of guys, these male interlopers would have faced a group ass-whoopin' by now - or the girls would have discussed the matter between themselves, and let the interlopers run around the track, or swim the pool, all by themselves, while they stood with folded arms. And if this happened a half-dozen times in official NAACP competitions, on national TV, the promoters would have had no choice but to show due respect to the girls and acquiesce.

The real loser behavior on display here is not from the girl athletes though- these young women have been completed undefended and treated like the victim class - the really disgraceful behavior is coming from the feminists, who have been cravenly AWOL through this whole saga. What a missed opportunity. What a revealing absence.

Laughing Fox said...

Clever ideas about not having sports in school, but most, probably all, states require physical education in elementary and high school, and some even in college.

Why don't all the girls on the team refuse to play when there's a trans on the field? Because they don't want to lose their chance of recognition, possible scholarship, even if they are doomed to come in second and are taking a chance on getting hurt.

effinayright said...

gilbar said...

"This raises an interesting question.. WHY do we have sports in schools at all?
I understand for schools without ANY academic agenda (for example, The University of Iowa City)

But for high schools.. WHY? anyone?"

Gilbar at his most dense: gilbar, why do we have Olympic games? For thousands of years athletics has always been a celebration of youthful competition and silly person.

"Anyone" could have reminded you that.

m said...

One might think this issue could, should, would be a crack in the awfl voting coalition. One would be wrong. Abortion or bust!

D.D. Driver said...

"As I was saying just the other day to my non-binary son..."

Please, please, please tell me you corrected him: "I think you mean your nonbinary *child*...."

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

Then what was your point, Howard? People with daughters forced to compete against males deserve to have some outrage be shown on their behalf, and yet here you are literally admitting that it is wrong, but then criticizing the people want to put a stop to it. In short, you out yourself as a coward- it didn't take me writing it.

You misunderstand Howard.

Howard isn't as smart as he wants to be perceived. He is a bit above average. This makes him insecure.

One of the ways Howard compensates for this is to tell himself over and over again he is better and smarter than those Trump supporters. Even when he agrees with the Trump supporters he is better than them because they are Karens and he is based.

For reasons.

Craig Mc said...

Soon to be a dozen de-elected Democratic officials.

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