"... who spoke on the condition of anonymity to disclose a private conversation. The moment [in 2014] was emblematic of a dynamic that is culminating in the bitter debates over Israel now erupting across the American political landscape. Over the past 16 years, Netanyahu has departed sharply from his predecessors’ studious bipartisanship to embrace Republicans and disdain Democrats, an attitude increasingly mirrored in each party’s approach to Israel...."
From "Netanyahu’s split with Biden and the Democrats was years in the making/The Israeli leader’s longtime strategy of aligning with the GOP has helped shatter the American consensus behind Israel" (WaPo).
He aligned with the GOP instead of the president who favored Iran?
I knew Netanyahu was putting Biden in a box and looking forward to having Trump back the day Biden gave Netanyahu the hug.
I also knew Netanyahu was against the US when he snubbed Obama to and gave a speech to Congress that he arranged with the Republicans.
He wants our money and wants to manipulate our politics for his benefit. Netanyahu and Trump are two of a kind. Their only priority is staying in power to stay out of jail.
""Netanyahu 'peed on my leg,' Obama replied"
Bibi judged Barry for what he was--a pro-Iranian hater who would interfere in Israeli politics to defeat Likud.
He probably went too far in his disdain for Dems, but the prog antisemites would have gone after Israel regardless. Netanyahu just gave, and gives, them cover.
Biden and Obama are a-holes who give billions of our tax dollars to Iran.
Americans support Israel. Socialists and Communists oppose Israel. Unfortunately, we have far too many of the latter.
Shorter WAPO: It's Netanyahu's fault we must kill all the Jews.
Hussein has shit on America. He pissed on us afterwards. The Anti American POS was and IS the problem with America today.
Obama peed on ALL our legs. Israel got the longest, strongest stream.
First rule of journalism:
It's always the fault of the Jews.
Second rule of journalism:
It's never the fault of the left.
"Netanyahu 'peed on my leg,' Obama replied"
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Go fuck yourself, you piece of shit.
It’s Netanyahu’s fault that Democrats are cozying up to terrorists? Sure, sure…
BTW, America’s consensus over Israel is just fine. Democrats are simply ignoring it. As they do in every instance where public opinion diverges from Democratic goals. Such is the Democrat’s faith in their ability to manipulate elections that they don’t really care what the public wants.
Democrats support those who want to destroy Israel, Republicans don't. Sometimes it is that easy to answer.
If Netanyahu aligned himself with Republicans, it was because Democrats were sligning themselves with Israel's enemies. Why else would he do it? Because he supports a lower capital gains tax in the U.S.?
Sometimes you're the dog, sometimes you're the hydrant. In a just world Obama would be the hydrant all day long--24/7/365. Netanyahu recognized him for what he is.
Half of Israeli voters feel the same way. I suppose they are antisemitic in the holier than thou eyes of devout Trumpists.
In 2014, Netanyahu was aligning himself with Republicans? Who, exactly?
What's with Democrats believing all their opponents have peed in unsavory manners? First Trump, now Netanyahu. Something Freudian going on there IMHO.
The Obama [ethnic] Spring series.
Netanyahu 'peed on my leg'...
"Obama ate a dog so I absolutely peed on his leg the first chance I got." Netanyahu's reply when asked about this story...according to my sources...who are familiar with things.
OK whatever. I assume the WaPo is running cover for Biden. He's losing votes in Michagan, so they need to push the myth that the Democrats are NOT israel's lapdog.
Genocide Joe has given Netenyahu everything he wants to kill 40,000 Gazans. When Netenyahu comes to DC, (for the speech to Congress) Biden will be there, waving his israeli flag, crying tears at seeing his beloved leader. And bragging about he "stands with Israel" no matter what they do.
2014 was also the year of the birth, if not the conception, of the Slavic Spring with forward-looking collateral damage.
Bibi Netanyahu is a man for whom ends justify the means, especially when the ends are him not in jail and holding power.. everything else is noise for him.
Netanyahu and Trump are two of a kind. Remaining in power, at any cost, seems to be the rage these days and this is what you get- a polarized country. Neither Trump nor Netanyahu is the Savior of anyone or anything but themselves.
It’s Netanyahu’s fault that Democrats are cozying up to terrorists? Sure, sure…
First, Obama's release of billions to Iran and fortuitous withdrawal from Iraq, then Biden's catastrophic departure from Afghanistan and arms transfer...
Murder, rape, rape-rape, and torture in the pursuit of social justice is no ethical vice. The Israelis and people in Gaza are collateral damage in their century-long effort to push Jews into the chambers, into the sea. In Hamas they trust.
Barack Hussein Obama. Really, seriously, SERIOUSLY, you need to know more than his name what his politics are?
Howard - both the left and right in Israel came together after Oct 7th. It's American White leftists who are the real Jew haters. Or are you not paying attention to the campus pro-terror tantrums?
I just love how foreign nations can switch allegiance and influence between our political parties with the same dexterity as flipping a light switch on or off. Perhaps that metaphor isn't representative enough...maybe 'played like fiddle' is more symbolic. Yeah, I'm going with that. They play our internal politics like a fiddle while American voters dance like drunk Irish mercenaries paid to fight someone else's war for them. We even beat each other up with 2x4s in the streets over which group of sand people either side supports.
Unbelievable. Is the empire-that-never-ended using its frontier Foederati for its own advantage or are the Foedeati using it? Which is which? If the goal has been to ensure foreign wars are fought by foreigners to keep it from landing on our shores then it has failed miserably for 40 fucking years. We even import these barbarians to reside among us using our own money which we send more of overseas at the same goddamn time as if doing the same thing decade after decade will yield a different result.
We are all being peed on. Israel pees on us. Iran pees on us. The Saudis pee on us. The EU pees on us. Mexico pees on us. The list goes on. I wonder when Americans are going to wake up and start charging the rest of the world for our fucking dry cleaning. We sure as fucking shit pay for theirs.
"Democrats have departed sharply from the former studious bipartisan support of Israel, an attitude increasingly mirrored in their embrace of anti-semitism and Arab desires to destroy Israel." FIFY.
And exactly what did America get when Barack gave Iran billions? Well, the world got more Iranian-funded terrorism, rape and murder. Val and Barry got millions in a Swiss bank account. Biden knew what Obama did so he created his own grift with China and Ukraine.
The Dems get their campaign money from the Street, Hollywood and Silicon Valley and see how rich their donors are so they want to get rich. They know they will NEVER get caught. It’s the perfect crime to sell out your country at the highest level.
The Clintons paved the way. I’ll always remember the story of Webb Hubbell. He saw all his buddies in Arkansas getting rich off of WalMart stock and a yogurt company. He wasn’t and so he stole from his partners and clients at the Rose law firm.
Old Webb really got fucked over by the Clintons. He was the sperm donor for Chesela and certainly wasn’t well paid. At least he didn’t have to have sexual intercourse with Hillary. That, my friends, was too high a price to pay!
Libs are fascist terrorists, traitors, in word, deed and belief. Treat them accordingly. They are evil.
Obama and Biden have spent their entire times in the White House trying to undermine Netanyahu and supporting his political opponents by any means necessary- pissing on Obama's leg is a modest reply to a knife in the back. Biden and Obama would Gaddafi Netanyahu if they could find a way to do it.
Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" and Hamas aligned Howitzer Howard: "Half of Israeli voters feel the same way. I suppose they are antisemitic in the holier than thou eyes of devout Trumpists."
Your ever more moronic asides could never hide the full blown islamic supremacist democratical/LLR-democratical alliance.
The dems biggest foreign policy goal is elevating the mad mullahs of Tehran to being the highest military and political power in the entire middle east, at the expense of Israel and the other gulf states.
Howard clearly approves of this now 15 year open dem/LLR policy but cannot defend it...as it is indefensible. Hence the child-like responses.
Btw, anybody else notice how careful dhimmi Howard has been in refusing to criticise islam while going off non-stop on Christians and Jews,but mostly Christians?
"Howard - both the left and right in Israel came together after Oct 7th. It's American White leftists who are the real Jew haters. Or are you not paying attention to the campus pro-terror tantrums?"
Don't do that- it will only confuse Howard.
Obama's choice of metaphor is revealing, isn't it? A foreign leader as misbehaving dog. What a POS.
It's because democrats and liberals shit on Israel and side with terrorists every chance they get.
The democrats are shoveling billions of dollars to Iranian mullahs for Allah's sake.
They aren't using that money to feed the poor.
This is not difficult to understand unless you are a lefty.
So it’s Netanyahu’s fault that he was able to foresee the antisemitism evolving within the Democrat Party? Many of us who had no skin in the game could see the same. Back before COVID-19 a good Jewish friend laughed in my face when I pointed it out to him. If he hadn’t died (of cancer) during the pandemic I suspect he’d be apologizing to me.
Obama had the bad habit of telling people what he wanted their position to be instead of listening to them telling him what their position actually was.
And the worse habit of pressuring his allies for concessions more than his opponents.
Listen to him talk about the Iran deal and you'd swear Netanyahu was the hostile power he was trying to contain.
Did Obama get all we-we'd up after Bibi peed on his leg?
Poor poor LLR-democratical Rich.
The corrupt 8 years worth of lawfare against Trump and continuous democratical/LLR color revolutions run by the US against Netanyahu have not yet payed off for our New Soviet Democratical party.
And the suck-uppery by the New Soviet Democraticals to the islamic supremacists can no longer be hidden or denied.
Tsk tsk tsk
When did we start needing a special explanation for Biden pandering to yahoo collegians?
Democrats always want to “have it both ways”. They praise and backstab, often in the same discussion. They can’t be trusted and most of the world recognizes this fact.
Mr. M0mjeans should be happy Netanyahu didn’t piss on his jug-eared head
You shall not blaspheme the prophet remember when they booed God and Israel ar the Convention in 2012
Obama defecated on diverse people and nations, not the least of which was an attempted Jewish Spring, in shit shows.
From "Netanyahu’s split with Biden and the Democrats was years in the making/The Israeli leader’s longtime strategy of aligning with the GOP has helped shatter the American consensus behind Israel" (WaPo).
Oh, bullshit.
It was the Obama Admin that embraced the mad mullahs of Iran, starting in 2009.
The only thing that Netanyahu did was pull his head out of his ass, observe that the Democrat were fundamentally anti-Israel, observe the the GOP is NOT fundamentally anti-Israel, and decide that Israel should try to work with the people who dont' want to see it destroyed.
The BDS attack on Israel is a fundamentally left wing program. Campus anti-semitism and "anti-Zionism" both essentially all come from the Left.
Being pro Israel and pro Democrat makes as much sense as being a chicken voting for Col Sanders. It's not Netanyahu’s fault that he recognized that, and responded rationally to it
Only a "soy-boy" would use the word "peed". As a grizzled old air force veteran I knew used to say, "peace on you"!!
Rich said...
Bibi Netanyahu is a man for whom ends justify the means, especially when the ends are
Keeping the Palestinians from raping, torturing, and murdering all teh Jews in Israel.
everything else is noise for him.
And so long as the Iranian / Palestinian main goal is said genocidal destruction of Israel, it is quite properly so
Zach: "Listen to him talk about the Iran deal and you'd swear Netanyahu was the hostile power he was trying to contain."
That's because Netanyahu/Israel was precisely the "hostile power" the Iran deal was meant to constrain.
Make no mistake, obama's/biden's goal, and the State Dept's et al goal, and the EU's goal, is to turn the Persian Gulf into an Iranian lake....and not under a free or open Iran but under an islamic supremacist Iran!
Which would, by necessity, require Israel being brought to its knees.
In Israel however, Oct 7 and the World's reaction/celebration of it, has rekindled the memories of the Israeli's (Masada, WW2/Holocaust, etc) as well as hardened their resolve in the knowledge that they cannot rely on others. So they are sticking with Bibi for now, along with his complex plans for Hamas/Fatah/Hezbollah and hardnosed pushback on biden regime BS recommendations.
That's why the protests against Bibi in Israel, funded by the US and go-between NGO's (classic color revolution tactics) are falling off and causing panic amongst the globalist one-worlder types who have chosen the islamic supremacists (not Arabs, but islamic supremacists) over the Jews as long term pals and partners.
See LLR-democratical Rich's comment as a clear indicator of that.
Bullshit. Netanyahu doesn't pine after the affections of Republicans; he's like the leader of a pack that HAS to go where the game and water are or else all will perish. Obama dislikes Israel and the US so Net acted accordingly.
And exactly what did America get when Barack gave Iran billions? Well, the world got more Iranian-funded terrorism, rape and murder. Val and Barry got millions in a Swiss bank account. Biden knew what Obama did so he created his own grift with China and Ukraine.
We didn't "give Iran billions". We let them have some of Iran's money back, which we had impounded - which is nice word for "Stolen". In exchange we got better relations and a promise to not obtain Nukes for a while. The whole idea that this little country with the GNP of NJ, 5000 or more miles away is our great enemy is insane.
Here's an idea, why don't stop policing the world, and creating enemies out of countries that mean us no harm. We should be playing peace broker between iran and israel, instead we're Israel's attack dog. But y'know if any American hates them so much, I suggest they go parachute into Tehran with their M-16.
Bill Clinton sent political aides to Israel to try to defeat Netanyahu. That was well before Obama. The Democrats began to turn on Israel when Israel gave up on Socialism. Then Israel got rich, a real insult to Democrats and their ideology.
“Genocide Joe has given Netenyahu everything he wants to kill 40,000 Gazans”
Jeepers. Inflation really is out of hand.
No we didnt do any such thing they took that money and armed the houthis and hezbollah and hamas
Report from Raylan Givens on X this morning:
"An interesting incident yesterday will give some insight into the demonstrations against Bibi. One of the movement's leaders, Shikma Bressler, posted information to motivate people to attend the demonstrations since the demonstrations are dying. She had a long post, but the astonishing part was when she said: "We are being supported by the President of the US, world leaders, and the ICJ; we should continue even if it hurts the unity and will raise the price for the hostages" She later deleted that post and claimed it was taken out of context. The other leaders also claimed the same."
Times are tough for our anti-west, pro-islamic supremacist color revolutionaries.
Hamas already cut those numbers in half
The protesters dont care about the hostages they want netanyahu gone and they think they can survive as if history since 2006 has not convinced then
Israel was blocked from continuing in 2009 2012 2014 2021 and we find ourselves here
The comments section here is getting more and more rabid with hostility, paranoia, unsupported claims and blames, and lunatic conspiracies.
Is it an influx of newbies or an accelerated unraveling of the agitated kooks who have always been regulars here...or both?
RC Ocean,
I will remind you that the families of the Iranian hostages have large money judgments against Iran and they have not collected a dime thanks to Barack. And the government of Iran destroyed our embassy in Iran. When does the US government get paid?
And we sure do have great relations with Iran now.
The Iran deal was a cash grab by Obama and Val Jarrett engineered the whole thing. They got rich. Follow the money!
Bibi Netanyahu could be overheard telling Barack, “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”
Democrat = Nazi
Why was that ever non-obvious?
who spoke on the condition of anonymity
But they told the truth! I'm certain!
Obamas like a djinn an evil spirit or a ghul tomato tomatoe
Robert malley who is reportedly under investigation is the head of the terrorist spy network
"everything else is noise for him."
And so long as the Iranian / Palestinian main goal is said genocidal destruction of Israel, it is quite properly so
I wonder if part of non-Muslim Western support for, or in milder cases, ambivalence about, "Gaza" (which is of course functionally support for or ambivalence toward Hamas) is just lack of imagination: that no one has actually made our total destruction their life's work (or at least no one who can pull it off), so we imagine that Hamas's and Hezbollah's vows to destroy Israel (and then all Jews and then all who fail to submit to Allah) must just be rhetorical.
Lack of imagination was a neocon sin, one I committed back in the day - if we see the value of a free secular society, surely all that people of radically different cultures need is the chance to see such a society in action up close.
Seems to me the author of that piece is unaware of the bromide that "nations don't have permanent friends, only permanent interests."
But Bibi understands it perfectly. If the Dems were supporting his enemies, and the GOP was not, it's a no-brainer.
Robert Cook: "The comments section here is getting more and more rabid with hostility, paranoia, unsupported claims and blames, and lunatic conspiracies."
Unreconstructed stalinist robert cook publicly laments the lack of Soviet style suppression of "unhelpful facts" at Althouse blog.
Cookie, there are many social media forums where your preferred degree of far left censorship is aggressively pursued.
Perhaps you would be happier at one of those sites?
Howard: "Half of Israeli voters feel the same way. I suppose they are antisemitic in the holier than thou eyes of devout Trumpists."
Not antisemitic, obviously, just stiff-necked and secular. They think without Netanyahu they can negotiate peace with people whose religion demands that Jews be enslaved or exterminated. American Jews demonstrate similar arrogance and lack of insight when they support pro-Palistinian demonstrators and finance and vote as a bloc for Democrats who finance Islamic terrorism.
One can only wonder how far worldwide antisemitism must go before Jews figure it out. Another Holocaust perhaps? Nothing "holier than thou" or "Trumpist" needed. Just geopolitical and historical awareness.
Is using the metaphor of a dog peeing on his leg a dog whistle?
“The Iranian government estimates that 90–95% of the population is Shia, while 5–10% is Sunni.”
“The majority of both Sunni and Shi'a Muslim jurists consider dogs ritually unclean.”
Is the greater insult meant to be comparing Netanyahu to a dog? Particularly to the leaders of Iran.
As for the "peed on my leg" comment, can you imagine how an effete twat like Obama must have appeared to a man of Netanyahu's stature and experience?
RCOCEAN II said...
And exactly what did America get when Barack gave Iran billions? Well, the world got more Iranian-funded terrorism, rape and murder. Val and Barry got millions in a Swiss bank account. Biden knew what Obama did so he created his own grift with China and Ukraine.
We didn't "give Iran billions". We let them have some of Iran's money back
Do you ever get tired of having to post utter trash in order to defend your positions?
The money was under US Control. Obama transferred it to Iran. That's "giving them the money".
There was no new court order in Iran's favor, it was simply the Obama Admin deciding that it advanced their preferred policies to give the terorists running Iran billions of follows, including pallets of cash they could use too carry out more terrorism around the world.
But thank you for letting us know your'e an Obama Democrat
Althouse's Congressperson has an opinion:
"If Netanyahu comes to address Congress, I would be more than glad to show the ICC the way to the House floor to issue that warrant."
- M. Pocan
The corrupt American left want to arrest or kill everyone not ... in line.
"Cookie, there are many social media forums where your preferred degree of far left censorship is aggressively pursued.
"Perhaps you would be happier at one of those sites?"
Oh, not at all! As appalled as I am at much of the belligerent temperaments and commentary expressed by a significant portion of the commenters here, it also entertains me to add my counter comments...even though I do not expect to spark enlightenment in anyone. I find it more stimulating to offer contrary comments here than to follow comments on sites to which I am "more attuned." I do read other sites that provide content more to my thinking, but some do not have comment sections, (and in cases of those that do, I don't usually feel any reason to comment if it is merely to add my "Ditto! to all the others).
Cookie is a stalinist like syme until he discovers he too is an unperson
I don't think Netanyahu was ever close to Biden. He is not a Biden or US ally. I believe his far-right government coalition sees the US not as a partner but as a shield. Netanyahu was unable to provide security to his people with US support. Ask the Israeli people if they believe they will be safer without as much US support, then ask them why Netanyahu is still in charge.
Robert Cook: "...even though I do not expect to spark enlightenment in anyone."
No stalinist has ever sparked "enlightenment" in any human being.
So keep your expectations right about there.
The only thing stalinists "spark" are bullets to the back of the head.
"Genocide Joe has given Netenyahu everything he wants to kill 40,000 Gazans."
Oh, for F's sake. It's 40,000 now? Even the U.N. has called bullshit.
I'm glad you're here, Robert Cook. I almost never agree with you, but - as you say about other sites - where would be the fun, much less the challenge, in being on a forum where everyone agreed about everything?
Netanyahu peed on my leg.
Obama thinks that allying with Iran will bring peace of the Middle East. There's no middle ground to be had for Israel with that position. It tells you how much control Obama has over the Democratic Party that he is managing to convince Democratic Jews to get on board with his, frankly, insane position.
Another illustrative headline and narrative from WAPO. Blame someone who doesn't agree with your position of being divisive and shattering the consensus. This narrative is getting very stale.
Meanwhile evidence abounds of the Democrat politicians moving away from Israel in search of Islamist votes. Another Islamic terrorist strike? Watch out for the anti-Islamist backlash they all say in unison. Can't censor anti-Semites and anti-Americans like the squad members for fear of offending a key voter group. Biden's campaign speaks openly about this issue. Why isn't this selling out Jews and Americans in a craven attempt for votes? I guess that is what the left means by consensus.
I hope Netanyahu does address the House- it should provide major popcorn eating possibilities.
LLR-democratical Rich: "Ask the Israeli people if they believe they will be safer without as much US support, then ask them why Netanyahu is still in charge."
As if the Israeli's need the likes of you to formulate the relevant questions!
And btw, the Israeli's have already answered your stupid questions a hundred times over by continuing their Gaza ops and prepping to deal with Rich's allies in Hezbollah.
Netanyahu is "still in charge" because your color revolution (yes, ANOTHER one in Israel) has already failed and the Israeli's see clearly the alliance between the dems and the islamic supremacists.
So, Cookie, as the Rolling Stones once put it:
You "come here to get your fair share of abuse."
I bet you also play "When the Whip comes Down", night and day.
Unreconstructed stalinist robert cook publicly laments the lack of Soviet style suppression of "unhelpful facts" at Althouse blog.
@Drago, we should cut Cookie some slack. He’s been looking and hoping all his life for the Revolution of the Proletariat, and it seems about to finally arrive, and it will usher in … Donald Trump!
On second thought, let’s let Cookie marinate in his own bile some more.
RCOCEAN II is absolutely obsessed over his much-debunked claims about Hamas civilian casualties. NEVER MIND that the WHO itself says they are bogus.
He is truly "stuck on stupid".
Reminds me of an old comedian's quip:
"I was vaccinated with a phonograph needle, but it didn't affect me....affect me....affect me....affect me..."
I will remind you that the families of the Iranian hostages have large money judgments against Iran and they have not collected a dime thanks to Barack. And the government of Iran destroyed our embassy in Iran. When does the US government get paid?I will remind you that the families of the Iranian hostages have large money judgments against Iran and they have not collected a dime thanks to Barack. And the government of Iran destroyed our embassy in Iran. When does the US government get paid?
All this happened in 1980. That was 44 years ago. Have the families of the USS Liberty gotten "large money judgements" against Israel, and have they been paid? How much did the families of Pearl Harbor get from the Japanese Goverment? How much did the WW II Bataan death march survivors get? And when are the families of the 40,000 dead Gazans going to get their "large money judgement"?
I didn't realize the wars, conflicts, and foreign policy all hinged on people from one nation getting "large money payouts" from another.
If the whole thing was scam by Obama/Kerry to line their pockets, I don't doubt it. But stop trying to get me to hate Iran. No Iranian ever called me a white supremist. We have no national interest in the middle east except Oil. And we can get that by being friends with everyone, and not being Israel's attack dog.
The Democrat party has become the home of the anti-Semites. Why would any sane Israeli leader not prefer to work with the Republicans, who at least are on Israel's side?
Netanyahu unchained.
What was Biden's response to excess murder, rape, rape-rape, and torture of Americans through immigration reform? Through George "Fentanyl" Floyd Syndrome imported from China by way of transnational manufacturing and redistribution? Have Americans taken a knee, or are they fed up?
Ahh, so it had nothing to do with Obama pretty much guaranteeing the Iranian mullah they would have everything they needed to build nuclear weapons in a little over 10 years.
And “peed on my leg”? To Obama, who couldn’t conceive that anyone could think differently or consider different facts in a dig light than him, the only possible reason for disagreeing with Lightberership was personal animus? And they complain Trump is crude.
According to the Wash. Post, "Netanyahu has departed sharply from his predecessors’ studious bipartisanship to embrace Republicans and disdain Democrats, an attitude increasingly mirrored in each party’s approach to Israel...." Any sane person (even some readers of the WaPo), sees that this statement reverses the cause and effect.
Israel, surrounded by enemies committed to its destruction, would welcome, not "disdain", Democrat support, but it is the Republicans who are supporting Israel in its time of need. As a life-long Republican and supporter of Israel, I'm proud to find my party on the right side. If the Democrats want to support the anti-semites, I hope they will bear the consequences.
"I oppose everything about him and his ideology, and he dares to disagree with me! That really upsets me!"
Yeah, I had a baby sister who tried that kind of thinking with her older siblings. She'd want something from us that we had, and we wouldn't give it to her, and it was that which made her really, really upset. She grew out of it at about 6, when it never worked for her. Obama somehow never grew out of his self-centeredness.
RCOCEAN II said . . . “ All this happened in 1980. That was 44 years ago. ”
Just a few days ago: “Mourners chanted "Death to America" at the funeral service for Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday in the nation's capital of Tehran.”
BTW since we’ve been sending all that cash to Iran, is that area of the world more or less stable?
Also isn’t one of the purposes of the Abraham Accords to increase defense cooperation among partners to deter Iran?
Maybe the countries there in the Middle East see Iran more of a threat than you do. I wonder who has the greater probability of being correct?
How beneficial has the Iranian support for Hezbollah been for the people of Lebanon? “Hezbollah's harassment of Christians has [resulted in] the number of Christians in Lebanon [to dwindle] with their proportion in the population declining from half to about a third. BTW the Lebanese, unlike the residents of Gaza, are allowed to emigrate. The largest diaspora by far resides in Brazil, with between 5 and 7 million, followed by Colombia and Argentina, with about 1 to 3 million each.
BTW, how beneficial has the government of Iran been for the Iranian people? The money that was sent to Iran had been held in trust for the benefit of the Iranian people. Instead it was sent to benefit the regime in control of the Iranian people.
the shah was pretty solid, admittedly his cancer diagnosis, did weaken hin, but had he able advisors he could have forestalled the Revolution by the summer of 78, that was the year before Khomeini returned to the country,
""Netanyahu 'peed on my leg,' Obama replied"
marking territory?
“Mourners chanted "Death to America" at the funeral service for Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday in the nation's capital of Tehran.”
Yeah, so what? Are they supposed to "love America" given we allow Israel to attack Iran and assassinate their scientists and leaders? We stand by Israel no matter what they do to Iran. Not to mention the fact that we've been sanctioning Iran for 40 years and stolen billions of their assets and money.
Nor does it increase their "love for the USA" when dumbshits like Senator Graham or Bolten run around constantly talking about how we need to go to war with Iran and bomb them without mercy. Note this isn't beause they threaten the USA - but because they MIGHT threaten Israel.
RC Ocean:
My son just married a young woman from Tehran. Her parents still live there. I helped them get a tourist visa for the wedding.
I have no problem with the Iranian people. It’s the murders and despots who run the country I have a problem with. Too bad no Second Amendment in Iran. If the people had guns, the mullahs would be finished.
"Obama in Urine" is a federally funded woke of art.
"I have no problem with the Iranian people"
Dave, that's great to know. I wouldn't want live under the Mullahs either. But its seems large numbers of Iranians do. And its their country and not mine. I think we should work peacefully for a democratic world. But I'm sick and tired of the way the USA power elite stirs up hatred and war under the guise of "We just want to spread freedom and democracy".
We've seen that con game played out too many times, with a lot of dead American boys and dead foreigners. God didn't make the USA policeman/nanny to the world, and if Iran has a bad Government then Iranians will have to fix that.
The stupid WP article got it backward. The Democrats led by Barrack Obama (it really started earlier, but it came out on the open under BO) turned on Israel. Bibi Netanyahu stopped faking it that there was a bipartisan consensus supporting Israel. There wasn't. There hasn't been for a long time. For some reason, the Democrats support the terror masters in Iran and their followers in Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen et al.
RCOCEAN II wrote: “God didn't make the USA policeman/nanny to the world, and if Iran has a bad Government then Iranians will have to fix that.”
Maybe the same should be said for the Israeli/Gaza conflict. And the difference isn’t that US is financing Israel, because in that conflict we are financing everyone.
RCOCEAN II wrote: “God didn't make the USA policeman/nanny to the world, and if Iran has a bad Government then Iranians will have to fix that.”
Which is a lot easier to do when the US Gov't isn't actively supporting their despotic government
But you're desperately eager to support Democrat Presidents supporting that despotic gov't.
Because you're a garbage person
Bibi and Barack just never got along. Barack surrounded himself with Democratic Jewish advisors who cared deeply about Israel but despised Likud, and Bibi relied deeply on Jewish Republicans and their money, especially the Adelsons.
Readering: "Bibi and Barack just never got along. Barack surrounded himself with Democratic Jewish advisors who cared deeply about Israel but despised Likud, and Bibi relied deeply on Jewish Republicans and their money, especially the Adelsons."
What a moronic assessment.
Obambi wants Israel's power and ability to defend itself utterly reduced and, potentially strategically squeezed into a toothless ministate, while simultaneously Iran under the mad mullahs elevated to THE unchallengeable Middle East power.
Readerings pathetic and soft "asessment" making it all about personalities is hilariously simple minded...but par for his course, no?
Lets go bullet points:
Obambi hates Israel and the Jews.
Obambi wants Israel reduced in power and likely absorbed into an Arab controlled state.
Obambi wants Iran in the drivers seat politically in the Middle East.
Obambi would be happy if the Gulf sheikdoms were overthrown by Iran's terrorist henchmen.
And on and on.
Once this is understood, every action taken by obambi/biden and now biden/obambi in terms of the Middle East makes perfect sense.
Utter bullshit from Drago per usual.
Readering: "Utter bullshit from Drago per usual."
readering, out of his depth as usual, on just about every topic that arises, lashes out like the backward moron that he is.
Obambis efforts along the lines I provided are well documented and the Israeli's in particular know it well.
Which is why Bibi is still in place and likely will be for some time.
Thanks for playing readering. Its always amusing.
“Because you're a garbage person”
Whoa, that’s not a thing to say. I disagree with RCOCEAN II, but I think I understand where the anger is coming from.
(This is mind reading so a bit presumptive.) The US has been spending money like crazy lately. And for some people financing Israel’s war on Hamas (although righteous - in my opinion) is the last straw. According to Scott Adams, Israel can borrow money at a lower rate than we are currently borrowing money - to send to Israel. On the other hand, Adams also points out, Israel then is obligated to spend that money on US supplied arms. But the problem is we’re genuinely financing all sides in this war.
And (I think) what makes RCOCEAN II angry, is that he sees the right (supporting Israel) joining the left (supporting Ukraine) in spending money like drunks while our national debt grows by one trillion dollars every 100 days.
The US has had conspicuous success leading the advanced democracies since the Second World War because it is a cooperation-based model featuring intensive two-way diplomatic communication. There is an effective feedback loop. The rules-based international order is a euphemism that doesn't quite fit this reality, which is what gives the phrase its current feel of irrelevance if not unreality.
Of the 38 advanced democracies, all but Israel are self-defined secular, pluralistic states. Israel is first and foremost a religious state. It has been dedicated for at least half a century to annexation of land acquired through military conquest and occupation. Washington has implicitly bought into what is often termed the Greater Israel project. Israel and occupied Palestine are relatively small areas with a small population (9.5 million Israelis plus 5-7 million Palestinians). The difficulty is that Washington has tethered its entire Middle East policy and most of its perspective to the 2 trillion person Muslim world through the lens of Israeli interests as defined by the Israelis and its powerful US domestic political support base. Few consider Israel's stewardship of the Occupied Territories as being rules based or consonant with democratic underlying values.
The first sentence of the First Amendment of the US Constitution says that the government is not supposed to make any law establishing a religion. But the US has been busily trying to establish a religious state in the Middle East for decades, all with foreseeable difficulties. There are reasons why the Founders wrote the Fist Amendment.
The US now has much more than a hypocrisy problem. Its global leadership based on its role as the leading democracy is fracturing in plain sight in a manner not seen before. Biden undergoes tremendous and unseemly contortions to try to keep from being overturned by this hypocrisy. The Americans are somewhere where they shouldn't be — by their own hand.
More utter bs from perhaps the most malignant commenter in this site.
"So, Cookie, as the Rolling Stones once put it:
"You 'come here to get your fair share of abuse.'"
Ab--what? Hahahaha! Spittle-flecked nonsense from kooks is not abuse...it's like looking in astonishment at a geek in a carnival biting the heads off of chickens and feeling both skived out and sad when one has that "Oh...the humanity!" feeling.
(I see the geeks have been actively at their chicken heads with gusto since I last looked into things here.)
RC Ocean II has the amazing ability to support in full, without equivocation, the genocidal actions of the mullahs, while claiming to denounce their totalitarian despotism over the people of Iran. It is thinking like that, that made Joe Biden the least accurate foreign policy wonk of the last fifty years. So he's in good company, at least. May they both live well and long, and far, far away from anyone else.
Eva Marie said...
“Because you're a garbage person”
Whoa, that’s not a thing to say. I disagree with RCOCEAN II, but I think I understand where the anger is coming from.
RC repeatedly quotes Hamas on lies even they have admitted were lies, but RC keeps quoting them.
RC is so upset at "the US spending money" that he fought to defend Obama sending billions of dollars to Iran.
Sorry, but no. RC is a Jew hating, genocide of Jew loving garbage human being and total piece of shit.
Here's a quick, never failing, metric: When you're supporting Obama and Biden for supporting a terrorist country that hates America, you're no longer a "conservative".
And that's where RC is
Readering: "More utter bs from perhaps the most malignant commenter in this site."
Just keep muttering the same line over and over again..perhaps click your heels while you do it as well! Maybe that will make your comment come true!
Good luck!
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