In contrast, Mr. Musk had posted more than 20 times on X this year about former President Donald J. Trump.... In those posts, Mr. Musk defended Mr. Trump, arguing that he is a victim of media and prosecutorial bias....
Mr. Musk’s posts about this year’s presidential race stand out because he is signaling a willingness to tip the political scales as the owner of an influential social media platform, something that no other leader of a social media firm has done. And Mr. Musk exerts outsize influence over the political discourse....
We're reading this in the New York Times, which, of course, has long signaled a willingness to tip the political scales as influential mainstream media. But Musk is an individual person, posting his speech as an individual, like other individuals who post on his platform. By contrast, other social media moguls avoid using their individual voice to openly say things about politics:
Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s founder, has shied away from endorsing candidates and rarely posts political content on Facebook or Instagram. Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s chief, and Sundar Pichai, Google’s chief, have also not posted political commentary on their companies’ social media platforms, LinkedIn and YouTube.
The question is whether they do more insidious things that bias the entire platform! I think they do. What makes Musk different here is that he participates in the way that anyone can participate on X and he takes individual responsibility for his personal statements. But maybe he's also involved in the kind of hidden manipulations we've seen on platforms run by leaders who pose as neutral.
Bhaskar Chakravorti, the dean of global business at the Fletcher School at Tufts University, said... “If he was to really come out and support a candidate and put his weight against it, it could have an impact.”...
Presumably, there's terror at the thought of Musk openly supporting Trump, but isn't his current way of supporting him more effective than an endorsement? What he's doing now feels like a rebalancing — undoing the bias of liberal media.
As recently as 2022, [Musk] described himself as a centrist and a reluctant Democrat. He said he voted for Mr. Biden hesitantly in 2020....
Mr. Musk has been sympathetic to Mr. Trump in his posts. “The more unfair the attacks on Trump seem to the public, the higher he will rise in the polls,” Mr. Musk wrote last week....
ZuckBucks were critical for the Dems’ stealing of the 2020 election. And not a single in-depth investigation by the NYT as to how Zuck did it.
I’m crying! I’m crying for Our Democracy!
It takes some gall for any insider in the journalism, academic, or social media establishments to accuse anyone in any field of a "willingness to tip the political scales".
You mean like facebook instagram and google sure ill bite
Facebook most recent banned the shoot to kill order at maralago
The New York Times never disappoints.
"…a willingness to tip the political scales as the owner of an influential social media platform, something that no other leader of a social media firm has done."
[Jaw drops]. Holy Cow! Zuckerbucks alone may have "Elected" Biden, never mind all the thumb-on-the-scale censorship.
"Mr. Musk exerts outsize influence over the political discourse"
It's different when we do it, the article.
Not to worry, though. X is going to go bankrupt ant day now. We have it on good authority …
Our Hostess gave a wonderful writeup. Can't add anything to it. Bravo.
Cheers all!
If all the NYTimes writers died in an accident it would be a glorious day to be alive.
Zuckerberg doesn't endorse candidates.
But in 2020, he spent ~$400m on ballot drop-boxes, locating them in heavily Democrat areas.
Good thing he never crossed that line and endorsed anyone publicly. That might be considered "tipping the scales."
And, of course, this is battle-space prep for trying to charge Musk with a campaign finance violation....for speaking out.
Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s founder, has shied away from endorsing candidates and rarely posts political content on Facebook or Instagram..
BUT! has spent HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in Real Life to influence elections
go figure? EVEN the Owner of Facebook knows it is useless
No other social media leader had done??!
Hello NYT? Anyone home?
Surely the "paper of record" would have a record of them.
Seriously WTF NYT...did incompetent dipshit Byron Calame come back?
A publication largely supported by a mexican oligarch who pushes amnesty 24/7 says what
When Democrats kept trying over the years to have Rush Limbaugh removed from the airwaves stating that he was too biased and that the stations carrying him needed to 'offset' his comments to 'balance' things out, Rush would always reply that he was the balance to the otherwise obvious overwhelming bias in the rest of the media.
What Elon Musk has done is to comment negatively on Biden. That goes against the dogma.
What Elon Musk has not done is pay local election boards to 'monitor' elections, he has not paid for unauthorized ballot boxes to be dropped around key cities, he has not censored Hunter's laptop, he has not censored much of anything. In fact, he's published the Twitter Files, which show just what the other social media companies were doing in cahoots with the US DoJ.
NYT has absolutely no idea that they are the outlier in the US today.
Walter isaacsons 2023 bio of Musk is terrific.
According to quotes from Musk, he makes people like dick, Inga, Howard and other tds'ers here seem sane and rational by comparison
John Henry
The First Rule about Tipping-The-Political-Scales-Club is that you don't talk about the Tipping-The-Political-Scales-Club.
The doj has tried to sue him for hiring citizens? The chancery courts tried to take away his salary mediamatters tried to starve him of revenue
Zuckerberg, Natella and Pichai let the intelligence community do their talking for them....
Each day I grow more amazed at how thoughtlessly the Left swallows it’s own BS.
I’m so glad I discovered my university offers free access the NYT.
I do enjoy the spectatorship of following their blatant partisan choices of what to cover, and when and how.
In terms of this actual story, I’d sum it up this way: Musk does his politics out on the open. He has a political viewpoint and chooses to express it on the exact same platform that he affords to others many whom probably disagree with him.
The other named media giants collude behind closed doors, because secrecy is their friend. They would if given the choice silence opposing viewpoints.
I wonder if it ever occurred to the NYT the fact that it’s an election year could be connected to Elons increased focus on Biden?
"Elon Musk Ramps Up Anti-Biden Posts on X/The billionaire owner of X has increasingly been using his social media platform to criticize President Biden for his health and immigration policies, according to a New York Times analysis"
How often does the NYT publish articles critical of Donald Trump? If Musk's posts bother you, don't read them.
Oh NO!
The Arabella corrupt left must destroy Musk.
It is illegal to criticize crook liar Joe... and his corrupt evil puppet masters
Does the NYT really have so little awareness, or are they that dishonest?
a willingness to tip the political scales as the owner of an influential social media platform, something that no other leader of a social media firm has done
Are you effing kidding me, she says flatly.
Elon is true to his principles and explains them. The NYTimes, WashingtonPost, Zuck and the rest of the democrat agents, do not. They hide it, they manipulate it, they CENSOR it.
Then reading the comments on this article, is another group of people who are absolutely clueless about what they are being told and how untrue it is. It is amazing, they claim the MAGA are a "cult", they really need to look in the mirror.
Like this
"When will Biden and the Democrats finally cut this man off from the geyser of public money they shovel his way? If going to the moon or maintaining the ISS means giving this man one more penny I'd rather shutter NASA and abandon the space station altogether. As long as Democrats prop up his businesses he'll continue to attack them and sow chaos in the US. The Republicans have never cared about EVs or space exploration. He'd be ruined if it weren't for the people he loves to attack. Let's dump him and see how long he survives with his MAGA bros."
So they really are willing to abandon the space station, abandon starlink, abandon the most successful space exploration adventure in the history of mankind.
To get a democrat elected, because that is ALL it is, that is all it ever is for democrats. Gaining more power, 24/7.
If I’m reading this right, the NYT is concerned that Musk has signaled a willingness to signal a willingness whereas other leaders have signaled an unwillingness to signal a willingness to signal.
Musk needs to express himself through proxies, like the mainstream billionaires. Ethics of the handmade tale is to be less deplorable and be more elite.
From where I sit the American left in general and the Biden administration in particular deliberately picked a fight with Elon Musk. I view the whining of the New York Times and the Biden administration about the way I’d feel if I saw a playground bully pick a fight with a new kid, only to discover that the new kid has a 3rd degree black belt in Tang Su Do: you started it, now accept the consequences.
The fun thing about Musk and X is, he will reply to random people.
That he has the sense of humor of a 12-year-old boy is also amusing : )
Imagine being able to interact with one of the smartest and richest men in history with a few clicks on the phone in your pocket.
We should appreciate this more than we do...
I just saw a tweet by a Phizer whistleblower who had a file on Google Drive get censored. A good example of Google tilting the scales and X rebalancing them.
So Musk has posted something negative about Joe Biden 20 times this year? (Or x times or whatever). What an amateur! Anyone of the usual commenters on the Althouse blog could have posted twice that many negative comments about Joe. Heck, I'm going for three times as many myself!
JK Rowling used Twitter to harass and disrupt the Scottish government's ability to implement its new hate crime law. Her use of Twitter was so effective that it very likely forced Humza Yousaf to resign. X allowed Ms. Rowling to say things that Scotland's would-be autocrats' found disagreeable.
The lack of self-awareness (and irony)at the NYT is breathtaking. I guess only left wing media are allowed to shill for a candidate.
I think this is more of Musk betting on Trump because he wants to win more Federal contracts.
We're reading this in the New York Times, which, of course, has long s̵i̵g̵n̵a̵l̵e̵d̵ ̵a̵ ̵w̵i̵l̵l̵i̵n̵g̵n̵e̵s̵s̵ ̵t̵o̵ ̵t̵i̵p̵ ̵t̵h̵e̵ ̵p̵o̵l̵i̵t̵i̵c̵a̵l̵ ̵s̵c̵a̵l̵e̵s̵ ̵a̵s̵ ̵i̵n̵f̵l̵u̵e̵n̵t̵i̵a̵l̵ ̵m̵a̵i̵n̵s̵t̵r̵e̵a̵m̵ ̵m̵e̵d̵i̵a̵ been the official house organ of the Democratic Party.
Everybody knows it; just say it.
Musk seems to be a free speech absolutist. And that upsets the left so much they want to destroy him.
Free speech, free association, and freedom in general really upset the left, and the leftist apparatchiks on this blog.
Elon Musk is an African American hero, and that REALLY upsets the beta bois here and on the left.
My brother in SF was a pioneer of the Flush Rush movement. He helped organize the advertisers’ boycott of the SF radio station. He was proud of his part in cancelling Free Speech.
They are mad that Twitter X is not shadow-banning the owner.
'I think this is more of Musk betting on Trump because he wants to win more Federal contracts.'
Why couldn't he win contracts from a Biden administration if he praised Biden?
He clearly sees that Biden is not the man for the job.
Free speech Howard doesn't like.
"Does the NYT really have so little awareness, or are they that dishonest?"
“'I think this is more of Musk betting on Trump because he wants to win more Federal contracts.'”
“Why couldn't he win contracts from a Biden administration if he praised Biden?”
He’s going to win the big ones, regardless. He is expected to launch over half the satellites launched this year in the world, as he essentially did last year. No one in the world can come close to his launch costs and consistency. And it’s only going to get worse with his Heavy rockets. He’s driving the technology when it comes to batteries, and controls most of the fast EV charging in the country. The Dems can’t have both EVs and no Musk, just like they can’t really have a viable space program without him.
"The Dems can’t have both EVs and no Musk, just like they can’t really have a viable space program without him."
This is asking for a beer to be held. They can throw him in prison and expropriate the companies if they feel they need to.
you can't blame them for getting it wrong,
Every time I hear a reference to Musk I think of the Heinlein novella The Man Who Sold the Moon.
YouTube: Trump has some advice for Elon Musk?
Behind the camera: Errol Morris
How often has the NYTimes written about Biden, or about Trump, this year, and how many of those articles were propping up or putting down either man?
Boo Hoo Hoo says the Times. That man over there is doing what we do, and doing it better.
there is also ben bova's dan hamilton randolph of the series that began with privateer
which was unacknowleged then but clearly based on hughes, the musk of his day,
'This is asking for a beer to be held. They can throw him in prison and expropriate the companies if they feel they need to.'
Which is an argument against banning Tik Tok.
If you can ban them or force them to sell, you can ban X.
"...has increasingly been using his social media platform to criticize..."
That's intentionally misleading.
Also, the authors of the article have a book coming out.
and they have proven they don't nnderstand twitter or are so far inside the Cave, no torch can reach them,
Musk also cut Twitter's workforce by 80% and the place runs better than ever. That has got to bother the DEI disciples.
My answer to Howard.
Then why isn't Bezos competing for those contracts? He's a reliable leftist, like you. Instead he's shuttling ancient billionaires into the ozone in a giant dildo.
Blue ORigin pretends to be a launch platform, but it is not truth in labeling, like driving around the block and call it, NASCAR
Bezos cannot manufacture machinery like Elon Musk. The Biden administration seems to be favoring the Bean counters at McDonald Douglas who are operating under the thin veneer of the once great name of Boeing.
Howitzer Howard: "Bezos cannot manufacture machinery like Elon Musk."
He could have.
Back in 2003 at the lunch Bezos and Musk shared to discuss the future of space and the most effective ways to make it happen, Bezos monopolized the conversation with all the "Old Space" thinking (thats who he hired) particularly around engine development.
Musk told Bezos his team had already worked thru and gamed out in detail what it would take for design, manufacture and testing to be successful and Bezos' way would never work. Bezos did not like that.
Years later, and years of Blue Origin delivery delays to ULA later, here we are.
I think that's one reason Bezos isn't on his Blue Origin Happy Tour any longer and has basically decided to just enjoy his massive yacht and the company of his lady friend instead, leaving the space spotlight to the only real game in town: SpaceX
Banning TikTok...Banning X
My understanding of the relevant legislation is that it permits Federal compulsion against any media platform that is deemed to have undue influence over elections and government.
So no worries. That authority could never be abused.
One thing that the NYT is failing to take into account is that articles like this are only driving more people to Musk's X feed to see what Musk is talking about.
The NYT's Biden-supporting drones are right now telling their moderate friends, "You should see how Musk is beating up on Biden on his X feed!" So a lot of these moderates are going to check it out for themselves.
Howitzer Howard: "I think this is more of Musk betting on Trump because he wants to win more Federal contracts."
Try and keep up.
This year SpaceX will deliver 88%+ of all mass to orbit, counting all other companies and nations.
And this is before Starship, with its 150 metric ton capacity comes fully online.
And thats just Starship version 1.
Versions 2 and 3 (think...bigger) are already on the board!
Yes, I do believe Howards democraticals are going to expand their current 17 federal lawsuits against Musk companies in order to lay the groundwork to remove Musk from ownership/leadership positions and hand that ownership to dem flunkies and the dems foreign masters.
The TRUTH is the last thing the NYT and other palace guard/Dem operative organs are concerned with. They can stuff their analysis the same place they stuffed their support for Stalin and their aiding and abetting the Holocaust.
The corrupt left think it's entirely reasonable to report this.
LOL - freaks. Authoritarian Soviet freaks.
Musk has once again demonstrated the truth of that axiom, "If the government were in charge of sand, the Sahara Desert would be empty."
Bezos = Government.
Musk = Free Enterprise.
It's because he'd African-American, a person of color (i.e. not albino), and a male who identifies as the masculine gender.
Bezos cannot manufacture machinery like Elon Musk. The Biden administration seems to be favoring the Bean counters at McDonald Douglas who are operating under the thin veneer of the once great name of Boeing.
One of the most inexplicable major manufacturing FUBARs of the last couple generations is that Boeing bought the failing McDonnell-Douglas... and the people who ruined McD-D ended up basically taking over Boeing.
Anything that reflects poorly on precious democrats is.... mis-information!
All Social Media must obey the left's commands... and respect the left's Soviet-style narrative controls.
Gimme a break...the nations most prominent newspaper which is known far and wide to have a blatant foam-at-the-mouth editorial slant is complaining about Musk posting different opinions? OK...
"Besos cannot manufacture machinery like Leon Musk"
Why not?
You got that completely backwards Doc Mike.
Tesla required government subsidies to get going that's why most of you conservative guys 5 to 10 years ago absolutely hated Elon Musk. Also SpaceX relied heavily on government contracts for its survival.
Amazon is a pure free market business that has revolutionized retail.
"When will Biden and the Democrats finally cut this man off from the geyser of public money they shovel his way? If going to the moon or maintaining the ISS means giving this man one more penny I'd rather shutter NASA and abandon the space station altogether. As long as Democrats prop up his businesses he'll continue to attack them and sow chaos in the US. The Republicans have never cared about EVs or space exploration. He'd be ruined if it weren't for the people he loves to attack. Let's dump him and see how long he survives with his MAGA bros."
I'd say it's shocking, but it's really not. It's the modus operandi of Democrats.
It would be a despicable, intolerable injustice for the government to treat a guy who drives an ice-cream truck this way. To do it to a man who employs hundreds of thousands of people at good wages, provides 88% of the world's orbital lift capacity and most of its electric vehicle innovation, and sponsors a public forum used by half the people in the world to express their opinions without censorship, all because you're having a tantrum about abortion on demand, well... Go to hell. You're my enemy, not my countryman.
“well... Go to hell. You're my enemy, not my countryman.”
Well said, and I agree completely.
The corrupt left spy on Musk.
LOL. Such Soviets.
why most of you conservative guys 5 to 10 years ago absolutely hated Elon Musk.
Horseshit. What we hated - and still hate - is the government banning ICEs and forcing us to buy EVs. Has nothing to do with Elon Musk.
Mark Zuckerberg,
Satya Nadella,
Sundar Pichai,
Bhaskar Chakravorti
One of these things is not like the others
Howard, you've got it backwards again. loses money on retail. They keep afloat via AWS cloud services. About half that revenue is sales to usg.
SpaceX sells services to usg and they do it way cheaper than anyone else.
We should not be subsidizing battery car purchases. But everyone else gets the same subsidy. Tesla is successful. Nobody else is
Or has been in the past 125 years
John Henry
"When will Biden and the Democrats finally cut this man off from the geyser of public money they shovel his way?"
Most of us wonder why a geyser of public money has been shoveled NASA's way, when it's so far behind SpaceX in achieving results. Billions of dollars spent, yet NASA's Starliner project is about 4 years past the original manned launch date.
All you loyal democrats used to love Musk.
Then he proceeded to rain on your Democrat monopoly hivemind narrative parade.
boo hoo.
What he's doing now feels like a rebalancing — undoing the bias of liberal media.
If I'm a leftie in the media, it would give me doom chills up and down my spine that someone like our hostess would write and publish this sentence. When Althouse is on to you, there's nobody left but the stoner hippies and the bug-eyed zealots that will lap up your Marxist drool.
- Krumhorn
"why most of you conservative guys 5 to 10 years ago absolutely hated Elon Musk."
Most of you progressive guys 5 to 10 years ago absolutely loved Elon Musk. So there's that.
What *cough*Twitter*cough* happened there, anyway?
Remember Threads? Good times, good times...
Poor Howard- having a bad day. Show us on the on the doll where bad Elon molested you, Howard.
I missed the part of the article where it says that Musk is wrong in his criticism of Biden. They just seemed mad that he's doing it.
"They just seemed mad that he's doing it."
"Seemed"? They'd have him arrested and imprisoned if they could.
Why won't Musk sneak about, lying and hiding his purposes like a good Dem? He makes the rest of us look bad, as if political purposes were something the people should know about in an election year. So wrong. That's just the time when they should be told nothing except that the Republicans are racists-nationalists-racists-Christians-racists-Zionists-racists-misogynists-racists-antidisestablishmentarianists-racists-anti-identitarianianists-racists.
Turtle Island Supports Joe Biden 2024
Our slogan: The only good white man is senile white man.
Our plan: We plan to replace the Eagle with the Galapagos Turtle as the national symbol. Otherwise, you clowns have no need to know.
I don't think Musk supports Trump at all. It is just the Musk can not in good conscience support the anti-liberal progressive agenda. Musk has seen first hand the DOJ applying undue pressure to social media platforms to quell free speech on things as important as healthy debate on health measures during a pandemic. There is few things as insidious than a government telling people suffering in a pandemic that they cannot talk about the source of the disease or effective over the counter solutions to treating the disease. Musk can't support that, and if Biden, more than Trump does support suppression of free speech; then Musk will point it out.
Howard writes, "I think this is more of Musk betting on Trump because he wants to win more Federal contracts."
Then barely two and half hours later he undermines himself with this observation: "Bezos cannot manufacture machinery like Elon Musk. The Biden administration seems to be favoring the Bean counters at McDonald Douglas who are operating under the thin veneer of the once great name of Boeing."
I would LOL at this point, but that would be cruel.
Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "You got that completely backwards Doc Mike.
Tesla required government subsidies to get going that's why most of you conservative guys 5 to 10 years ago absolutely hated Elon Musk. Also SpaceX relied heavily on government contracts for its survival."
You pathetic utter technology ignoramus.
Tesla received no special considerations or programs not available to any other EV manufacturer.
Tesla did, in fact, win multiple awards (ex: chargers) based on superior cost and performance. I'll bet that chapped Howie's arse!
How did Elon succeed with Tesla? Amongst other things, he completely revolutionized the design and manufacturing processes which moved Tesla well beyond other "Old Car" builders. And I dont even have time to go into FSD and Tesla robotics...which will be the first wave of "colonizers" on Mars.
As for SpaceX, this is where Howitzer Howard really devolves into gadfly II!
Before Elon, the complete failure of Old Space companies forced the US to use expensive ChiCom rocket services for satellite launches and forced the US to send personnel into space by hitching rides with the Russkis!
Both of whom are long time biden family paymasters!
Stay away from tech convos Howard. They aren't for you...and they never will be.
Tesla required government subsidies to get going that's why most of you conservative guys 5 to 10 years ago absolutely hated Elon Musk. Also SpaceX relied heavily on government contracts for its survival."
For (not) the last time, ALL of these subsidies and programs were available to everyone on earth.
Musk just did a better job of exploiting them than others.
It's called capitalism.
If someone makes a rule and you follow it better than everyone else, that's the definition of a winner.
What I think is pretty funny is that Biden pushed through a trillion dollars of spending, money we don't have, for EVs and charging stations, charging stations which only Elon Musk was actually building out, then wrote the regulations to punish Tesla, by giving an 8K break to Tesla's competitors, and now we all are mad at Musk because he stopped building the expensive charging stations after getting kneecapped by Biden.
Don't worry though, Joe Biden only cares about the environment.
Rabel 1:15-
Thread win.
Corrupt left need to trash Musk - for their masters.
imTay 7:48 -
2nd place
Q: 1) Musk betting on Trump 2) Because Biden betting on his main competition.
Thanks for pointing out the consistency of the inference and supporting observation.
I don't understand why you cucks care so much about me and my observations. Like RideSpaceMountain says, it must be penis envy. Whatever the case, you can go back to the basement and continue with your taxidermy. Say hi to Mother for me.
Seven blog posts? As is said at a craps game, "watch the hands, watch the hands". It's what the oligarchs do, that is to say what they fund, that matters, not what they say. Seven blog posts from Musk isn't going change election results as much as $40 mil from Zuckerberg.
Go soak that worn-out melon, Howard. You’re falling well behind.
Over-compensaing Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "I don't understand why you cucks care so much about me and my observations."
When a meth addled lunatic drops his drawers and takes a crap on the street in public, people tend to notice.
I hope that helps.
"The Dems can’t have both EVs and no Musk, just like they can’t really have a viable space program without him."
“This is asking for a beer to be held. They can throw him in prison and expropriate the companies if they feel they need to.”
In any case anyone here had any questions why MUsk probably prefers Trump over FJB. This is something that the Biden Administration would do long before a new Trump Administration.
You are the clown of the commentariat, Howard- that is why we mock you relentlessly, and you make it so damned easy, too, by being stupid.
A better question for you to ask is why you keep returning for the abuse. I find it kind of pathetic.
"In any case anyone here had any questions why MUsk probably prefers Trump over FJB. This is something that the Biden Administration would do long before a new Trump Administration."
Exactly, and I think this explains Musk's sudden interest in politics- it has become interested in him.
Howard writes: "Q: 1) Musk betting on Trump 2) Because Biden betting on his main competition."
Very reptilian of you to invent a new argument to replace your original self-contradictory comment and attribute it to ME. Deliberate misquotation is lying and libelling in one motion. In the future I will thank you to do me the justice I am always careful to afford to everyone. Directly quote me or forever hold your peace.
The fact that you did this confirms that you did not understand the contradiction you inflicted on your own argument, which tempted you to worm out of the conundrum you carelessly crafted by making a new claim and citing me as the source.
A proper journalist might wonder what an overlay of Biden administration inquiries, investigations, and regulatory trial balloons might look like with respect to Musk's tweets.
“This is asking for a beer to be held. They can throw him in prison and expropriate the companies if they feel they need to.”
They could do that - and it'll destroy the companies. Sure, they can say 'It's for the good of the country' - but we're seeing that 'good of the country' doesn't exactly translate to 'good for the people' with the current crop in power. And how long before the folks running the companies go "Ya know, it's been fun - but I don't want to be next on the chopping block."? Techs, engineers, software folks - their skills are eminently portable.
The optics of such an event would be absolutely horrible, rivaling what NYC's doing to Trump. Other businessmen are looking at that and going "If they'll do it to him, they can find something and do it to me if they want to."
But are they stupid enough to consider it? They may be looking at the resources and going "We could so so much more with all that..."
"I don't understand why you cucks care so much about me and my observations"
It only takes one turd in the punch bowl ...
If Biden won't increase the tariff on Chinese electric vehicles to help out my failing car company, I'm going to become an even bigger libertarian.
"By contrast, other social media moguls avoid using their individual voice..."
Musk speaks as one person.
MSM/media moguls speak with one voice.
When a chorus is singing there are NOT multiple songs being heard.
If Biden won't increase the tariff on Chinese electric vehicles to help out my failing car company, I'm going to become an even bigger libertarian.
So it says in "Elon Musk Ramps Up Anti-Biden Posts on X/The billionaire owner of X has increasingly been using his social media platform to criticize President Biden for his health and immigration policies, according to a New York Times analysis" (NYT).
Well, that's because Biden's "immigration policies" are aimed at destroying the US, and his (covid) "health polices" have been evil garbage without the slightest scientific justification.
In contrast, Mr. Musk had posted more than 20 times on X this year about former President Donald J. Trump.... In those posts, Mr. Musk defended Mr. Trump, arguing that he is a victim of media and prosecutorial bias....
And both those claims are 100% obviously true.
Mr. Musk’s posts about this year’s presidential race stand out because he is signaling a willingness to tip the political scales as the owner of an influential social media platform, something that no other leader of a social media firm has done. ...
Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s founder, has shied away from endorsing candidates and rarely posts political content on Facebook or Instagram. Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s chief, and Sundar Pichai, Google’s chief, have also not posted political commentary on their companies’ social media platforms, LinkedIn and YouTube.
Facebook and Google censor opposing points of view, which is far more evil and dishonest than merely stating his own point of view, while allowing everyone else to agree or disagree as they choose.
But of course, the FB / Google style of fraud is the basis of everything the NYT does, so they like it
Howard said...
You got that completely backwards Doc Mike.
No, Howard. As is almost always the case, YOU got it completely backwards
Tesla required government subsidies to get going that's why most of you conservative guys 5 to 10 years ago absolutely hated Elon Musk.
EVs require massive gov't subsidies. Which is why I hate all EVs.
Tesla is the only company that took those subsidies that other people created, and then built a profitable and functional company around them. That was actually worthy of some respect.
Also SpaceX relied heavily on government contracts for its survival.
SpaceX produced a great product at a great price, for a market that included gov't contracts for items that the US Gov't justifiably needed. They didn't make their money by paying off Senators, but by doing a better job than anyone else, in a field that's actually valuable for the rest of us.
And then Musk created Starlink, a company that meets a need while providing funding for SpaceX to massively build its capacity, since no one other than gov't was being a big customer in space.
Amazon is a pure free market business that has revolutionized retail.
Amazon is a monopoly that has used market dominance and gov't contracts (AWS makes buttloads from the Feds) to stomp all over anti-trust law, using there dominance in one industry to fund destroying the competition in other industries.
If you had even a shred of morality or ethics, you would hate Amazon for violating all that you've claimed to hold dear.
But because all you have is a lust for power, and Bezos funds your side, you love him.
"I don't understand why you cucks care so much about me and my observations."
We don't. It's just fun watching stupid people doing stupid shit.
Tell us why Bezos can't make rockets like Musk can.
Howard said...
I think this is more of Musk betting on Trump because he wants to win more Federal contracts.
That's world class stupid, even for you, Howard.
Which "Federal contracts" are those, Howie? Space launches?
Starlink provides more business there than the Feds ever will.
Now, that might change if the Feds decided to go seriously after putting solar power satellites into orbit.
And if they did that, SpaceX would be the only reasonable provider of lift, because no one else can approach them on price, or capacity.
So, Howie, are you saying that Musk supports Trump because he thinks Trump would support SPS, but the Dems won't?
Howard said...
I think this is more of Musk betting on Trump because he wants to win more Federal contracts.
Continuing to take this apart.
Or, Howie, is what your'e saying that the Democrat declared war on Musk when he bought Twitter and ended their censorship, and Musk is supporting Trump because Trump won't fascistically use the power of the Federal gov't to go to war against him, unlike what the Democrats do?
I still get the sense Howard's Iron Man regimen, which he posted just yesterday, happens twice a week, when he ruefully wakes up from a three-day bender and tries to get his mind right.
But after a day of smoothies, vitamins, 300-pound bench presses and a Tri-athelon thrown in to boot, he's back on the Boone's Farm Apple Wine and meth, and it's night-night-night again.
Rinse and repeat---amirite, Howard?
Howard writes in the literary style called stream-of-non compos mentis.
Nah, Howard is a type of annoying old man who thinks he's still virile and interesting, and prides himself on his sagging and increasingly wrinkly physique. I'd bet that he does have a regimen like he describes. Not only that, he imagines that it is starving off the ravages of time, and to some extent it probably is. You know what always makes me a bit sad? Seeing diet and longevity books next to tiny dumbbells at estate sales. It always ends the same way....
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