May 24, 2024

"Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays."

That's the headline at the NY Post for a column by David Harsanyi.
This week, former South Carolina governor and GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley finally endorsed Donald Trump. And, boy, the news was an unpleasant surprise to a political media that’s convinced themselves Trump is the next Hitler. On outlets like CNN and MSNBC, Haley was disparaged as if she were a traitor to the American republic. The American left, it seems, continues to believe a sizable contingent of Never-Trump Republican voters can sink the former president....


Dude1394 said...

The media will not let go of it's fake, untrue characterization of ANYONE that dares to disagree with them. Anyone who is not a democrat is a hitler, racist, sexist, etc. They can all go to hell, I have nothing in common with them and they are some really evil creatures.

Sebastian said...

"a sizable contingent of Never-Trump Republican voters can sink the former president"

Not an irrational thought. Wait for the abortion, abortion commercials.

gspencer said...

The Democrat Party explained mathematically,

Yancey Ward said...

Most true Never-Trump Republicans aren't completely cucked by the Left the way Chuck, Rich, and Lonejustice (or just pretending to be GOP) are. The same obviously applies to Republican politicians like Haley. It is intellectually untenable to claim to be a Republican/Conservative and support the re-election of Joe "Shit For His Brains" Biden. Even if you come down to the idea that you are being asked to choose between two evils as, perhaps, someone like George Will will write, you still have to understand that Biden and his supporters are the greater of the two evils- to do otherwise as a conservative is to betray yourself.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Trump is the next Hitler."

Who isn't Hitler to these people? What number Hitler are we on now? 4? 27? These hysterics jerk their knees so much they don't need to ride a horse to be bow-legged. Someday a legit Hitler V2.0 will manifest and they'll cheer them. Watch.

Heartless Aztec said...

No one in the GOP threw Haley a life preserver when she went overboard during the primaries. Now she's waving for that life line by saying she'll vote for Trump. A little late, but I'm thinking there's a flotation ring heading her way.

doctrev said...

Nikki Haley is a notoriously pathetic feeb, so the fact she's trying to cling to the Trump train like it's over capacity to Bangalore shows exactly what the Uniparty thinks will happen in 2024.

But it still gives her more basic political sense and American patriotism than the LLRs acting as partisans for the stillborn Biden effort.

Charlie said...

Orange Man Bad.

tim maguire said...

The left (including the media) is daily astounded that there are non-stupid, non-evil people in this world who don't hate Trump as much as they do. Recognition of this fact would require them to consider the possibility that they may be wrong abut Trump's evilness. It would require that they become something fundamentally different from what they are.

And that they cannot do.

Meade said...

How many flip flops is this now for Little Nikki? I’ve lost count.

RCOCEAN II said...

THis is just silly MSM analysis. The MSM doesn't really believe Nevertrumpers will sink TRump. They just want to attack him 24/7/365 and using "Life long Republicans" is just one more club in their bag.

If Nikki no longer will attack him, they will just put Chrisite or Mittens or whoever on TV to do the same thing. There's an endless supply of RINO's who will go on TV to help the Democrats. The D's punish their traitors. The R's seem to enjoy being an undiscplined (sic) mob that has fakes and con-men in positions of power.

RCOCEAN II said...

Flip flops = nice word for lies.

Meade said...

Don’t get cucky!

Original Mike said...

"The American left, it seems, continues to believe a sizable contingent of Never-Trump Republican voters can sink the former president...."

Chuck can not vote only so many times.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hack D Soviet corruption-ignoring Biden-butt-sniffing Media are what?

No way!

Eva Marie said...

I’m waiting for Jonah Goldberg. I’ve always admired him. As a young guy, going on the news shows and defending Linda Tripp, then writing Liberal Fascism, and in the end throwing his lot in with the neverTrumpers. Come home Jonah. We need you.

Lyle said...

David Harsanyi blocked me on twitter for pointing out he was lying about comic Dave Smith's views on Israel. Dave Smith had been on Joe Rogan and clearly stated Israel had the right to defend itself and fight Hamas. I wasn't the only one to point this out and Harsanyi deleted his tweet, but then blocked me.

Harsanyi is a swamp creature.

RMc said...

Every election year, the media drags out some old fossil who's voted Republican since Herbert Hoover, but would never vote for the current nominee: "Oh, Lordy, he's just too extreme!" The obvious inference is that if this person, a loyal Repub soldier for a bazillion years, won't vote GOP, then obviously you shouldn't either, you racist you.

They've been doing this since Reagan, at least. (Funnily enough, you never see any of these stories slamming the Democratic candidate.)

Heartless Aztec said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

The American left, it seems, continues to believe a sizable contingent of Never-Trump Republican voters can sink the former president....

The NeverTrump Republicans are the smallest most pathetic political tribe in the US. Nobody cares about them except democrats who hire them to write articles and be "good republicans" to keep their idiot democrat voters on the plantation.

But they aren't the problem. There aren't that many. Trump got 15 million more votes than any Republican in history before him.

The problem are the obvious traitors that "support" Trump but hate Republican voters and betray the base at every opportunity. Pence, Haley, Bush's, Cheney's, Ryan, McConnell, Kemp, Vos etc and most of those are in elected positions or are "republican consultants."

Heartless Aztec said...

And there's the life line.
Trump: " Haley will absolutely be on the team in some form."

Readering said...

Trump's UN Ambassador as never Trump Republican?

Chuck said...

What a stupid commentary -- predictably so -- by TrumpWinger David Harsanyi.

Nikki Haley isn't being "disparaged as if she were a traitor to the American republic."

She is being ridiculed as a hypocrite.

In one after another after another tv news segment, new organizations are running their old video of Haley in which she was repeatedly declaring that Trump was unifit for office, could not possibly win the fall election, and was divisive nationally (mild terminology on my part; Haley was a whole lot more extensive and graphic). Haley dramatically said that she would never "kiss the ring," like so many other Republicans who actually know better and who know that Trump is a dangerous loser.

Here we go for a second time today; a TrumpWinger claiming that it is somehow some left-wing trickeration, when Republicans' actual videotaped speeches are played back.

Eva Marie said...

Chuck, I loved all the clips. Please post more.

mindnumbrobot said...

Sebastian said...
Wait for the abortion, abortion commercials.

Indeed. Even intelligent, well-informed, women voters such as a gracious hostess will never vote for Trump because of the A-word.

gilbar said...

The NeverTrump Republicans are the smallest most pathetic political tribe in the US. Nobody cares about them except democrats who hire them to write articles

if they can keep Just One republican from voting, one less fraudulent vote need be "counted"
fraudulent vote "counts" are NOT cheap

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I was like, who’s Media?

dbp said...

I think this represents a consensus that Trump will win the next election. If you're a Republican and you have ambitions to hold office in the future, it's a smart move to endorse Trump right now. At this point, never-Trumpers should just get it over with and register as Democrats.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I thought it was that Tyler Perry character.

Yancey Ward said...

It is hilarious that Chuck thinks Haley is some unique figure as a hypocrite. Every single fucking primary season features exactly the same thing- an intra-party battle for the nomination where each candidate tears down the others as unqualified or unfit for the office in question, and then after the primary is over the competitors come together to endorse the nominee.

Chuck, you beclown yourself with every single comment you make.

Yancey Ward said...

Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist in early 2019-2020, and yet she is now his V.P. That is how primaries work, Chuck you dumb fuck, and everyone reading your inane comments knows this.

JAORE said...

And we have a VP who declared Biden a racist.

When asked about it she replied it was during a primary.

And thus it vanished like the fog.

Nicki's comments? Cast in concrete.

C'mon, man!

Dude1394 said...

"Chuck, you beclown yourself with every single comment you make."

Cannot be repeated enough actually.

dbp said...

Eva Marie said...
I’m waiting for Jonah Goldberg. I’ve always admired him. As a young guy, going on the news shows and defending Linda Tripp, then writing Liberal Fascism, and in the end throwing his lot in with the neverTrumpers. Come home Jonah. We need you.

Ditto: It was heartbreaking to see, in real-time, how personal dislike of Trump made Goldberg completely lose his perspective.

Leland said...

I watched a little of the Trump rally on Rumble. It had a counter of the number of unique viewings at that time. It was about 43k when I was in. That's half the biggest demographic audience CNN draws. I'm not sure many people are aware of CNN disparaging anyone. Not too many people watch CNN to get news they source directly such as via Rumble.

Kakistocracy said...

If today you wish to remain a Republican politician, you need to check your character at the door. Haley was right before. Trump is unfit for office. She has not changed that opinion. She has just decided that her personal ambition is more important than her loyalty to what is best for the country.

n.n said...

Diversity is divisive.

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

Most true Never-Trump Republicans aren't completely cucked by the Left the way Chuck, Rich, and Lonejustice (or just pretending to be GOP) are. The same obviously applies to Republican politicians like Haley. It is intellectually untenable to claim to be a Republican/Conservative and support the re-election of Joe "Shit For His Brains" Biden. Even if you come down to the idea that you are being asked to choose between two evils as, perhaps, someone like George Will will write, you still have to understand that Biden and his supporters are the greater of the two evils- to do otherwise as a conservative is to betray yourself.

What this highlights is that this is not about Right or Left.

This is about class.

Historically there is always a technocrat class of pseudo intellectuals that demands to lord over the working classes. These people have been controlling the Republican and Democrat parties for ever.

When Desantis called Trump supporters Listless Vessels he was lashing out against the working class voters that are now mobilized and taking control of the political landscape through the Republican party.

Trump is representing people that haven't been represented before and this is causing problems for the entrenched political class.

Achilles said...

Rich said...

If today you wish to remain a Republican politician, you need to check your character at the door. Haley was right before. Trump is unfit for office. She has not changed that opinion. She has just decided that her personal ambition is more important than her loyalty to what is best for the country.

This is a perfect example of how deranged the political class is.

Biden is a rapist, has taken millions of dollars from foreign countries, is an unrepentant racist, and is betraying the people of the United states for bribes.

But to be a Republican you need to check your character at the door.

This is the level of delusion that tribalism brings. He actually thinks this is an intelligent comment because he is so much better than those working class Trump supporters.

Achilles said...

I will also point out Haley was broke until she got a corporate position this year and magically became both wealthy and the leading challenger to Trump.

Pretending Haley was principled before when she opposed Trump but she isn't now that she is voting for him is classic technocrat stupidity.

Yancey Ward said...

It makes one wonder how much money Chuck and Rich gave to Haley for her primary run only to have her fuck them with a giant strap-on and slap them on the ass on the way out the door.

Deep State Reformer said...

No one in the whole wide world gives a darn about what Nikki Haley says or does except for few state media types. Yet here she is mentioned yet again. It makes me wonder why? Cui bono?

Yancey Ward said...

I hope Haley is enjoying a nice vacation in Europe on Chuck and Rich's money.

tcrosse said...

All the Democrats are offering is hate and name-calling, then they wonder why many people don't find this persuasive.

Original Mike said...

Haley's explanation that Trump isn't perfect on the issues but Biden has been a catastrophe (her word) is clear.

What's so hard to understand? I doubt the sincerity of the news readers' expressed disbelief.

mindnumbrobot said...

dbp said:
At this point, never-Trumpers should just get it over with and register as Democrats.

There's no grift to be had in doing that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NBC Rich - Incorrect.

Joe Biden is a catastrophe. That is the reason.

Kakistocracy said...

Haley did this before. She was always going to do this.

Nimrata: Wherever the wind may blow.

The Republican party could have kicked out Trump for any number of reasons, now he owns them and is going to take everything they have. He may even bankrupt the party.

Achilles said...

Readering said...

Trump's UN Ambassador as never Trump Republican?

There are obviously different political groups inside any political coalition.

Democrats for example have the "reproductive rights" movement, the "anti-war" movement, and the DEI movement inside their coalition among others. The women's rights and the muslim factions are not friends. But they are in a coalition.

Trump changed the Republican party from Neocon led to America First. That is why he received millions more votes in 2020 than any Republican or Democrat in history. Americans want to be represented in our own government shockingly enough.

Nikki Haley has always been a Neocon. She is not America First. The Americans First coalition are now running the Republican Party and just as in any political coalition there is a shakeout going on.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NBC Chuck Loves him some corrupt Biden.

rehajm said...

Republicans always held to account for their flip flops.

Democrats- A Okay!!! The more the merrier!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If someone is willing to vote for Trump - the lame, tired and boring "Never-Trump" label is nonsense. but keep up the boring mantra. zzzzzzzzzz.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kamala slammed Biden for many things.
All is forgotten and forgiven!
... No matter if Biden is a rapist, a plagiarist, weird family shower taker, and an international pay-to-play family profiteering crook. ... with a illegal open border. No biggie!

MadTownGuy said...

"Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays."

The radical leftists who have co-opted the party formerly known as Democratic, have taken things a bridge too far with their intransigence on the trans agenda, and abortion, unrestricted and for any reason. That's the reason for the fray.

Hassayamper said...

The Republican party could have kicked out Trump for any number of reasons, now he owns them and is going to take everything they have. He may even bankrupt the party.

More stupidity from Rich. Trump raised more money than Biden last month. It was a great shock to the political world, which has long been used to the Democrats being the lavishly funded handmaiden of the Wall Street and Silicon Valley moneybags, while the Republicans depend on far more numerous but much smaller donations from individuals.

If Trump ends up convicted in any of these Stalinist show-trials, his fund raising will double or triple. I myself will max out my hard money donations to him the very same day, if it happens.

MadTownGuy said...

Eva Marie said...

"I’m waiting for Jonah Goldberg. I’ve always admired him. As a young guy, going on the news shows and defending Linda Tripp, then writing Liberal Fascism, and in the end throwing his lot in with the neverTrumpers. Come home Jonah. We need you."

Paging David Blaska... David Blaska, please pick up the white courtesy phone...
Race War or Trashing the Constitution?

God of the Sea People said...

I hope he doesn't put her on the ticket. She is as corrupt as the Democrats are. Just pretend he is going to make her a cabinet secretary and then leave her flapping in the wind after he wins. It is what she deserves.

TaeJohnDo said...

Haley endorses President Trump: Women, children, POC, LGBTQEtc and Chuck hardest hit.

Hassayamper said...

Eva Marie said...
I’m waiting for Jonah Goldberg. I’ve always admired him. As a young guy, going on the news shows and defending Linda Tripp, then writing Liberal Fascism, and in the end throwing his lot in with the neverTrumpers. Come home Jonah. We need you.

Ditto: It was heartbreaking to see, in real-time, how personal dislike of Trump made Goldberg completely lose his perspective.

Me, too. "Liberal Fascism" was a masterpiece. The impotent fury it provoked in left-wing fascists was magical to see. I don't understand how he could write that wonderful book, and then end up in the warmongering Bill Kristol wing of the party.

Yancey Ward said...

Now Rich is going with the sour grapes routine.

Robert Cook said...

Well, it is the NY POST, after all.

Ficta said...

Achilles said:

"What this highlights is that this is not about Right or Left.

This is about class."


Look at the loathsome Bulwark crowd. Their smug, "how dare those peasants get above their station", contempt is uniquely repellent. At least the Democrat politicians have self interest as an excuse.

Kathryn51 said...

Original Mike said...
Haley's explanation that Trump isn't perfect on the issues but Biden has been a catastrophe (her word) is clear.

What's so hard to understand?

Exactly. I voted for her in our March primary even though Trump was clearly going to get the nomination. Why? Because I don't like Trump so why would I vote for him in a primary? But just because I can't stand the man doesn't mean I am a "never Trumper".

Haley suspended her campaign, welcomed her husband home after a year overseas serving our country and waited for the last primaries to play out. It was laughable that so many in the media believed that the 15-20% primary votes for Haley were going to somehow switch to Biden in the general. It was laughable that Haley was going to sit in a corner and sulk - or, perhaps even urge her voters to vote for Biden.

Yancey Ward said...

Remember, Chuck and Rich, that Haley Blow-Up Dolls With Attached Strap-On are completely recyclable. So don't send them to the landfill!

Robert Cook said...

"Trump is the next Hitler."

No, he is is not. This is to flatter Trump, who has none of the vision and real ambition of Hitler to reshape the world, (however oppressive and brutal his vision). Trump is self-indulgent and self-seeking. Period. His only vision is the aggrandizement of his ego and wealth.

The danger of Trump is that he shows the way and opens the door for others who are closer to being modern day Hitlers, persons with actual visions of the world as they want to make it, however oppressive. Trump's crude manner and low caliber of public speaking and comportment normalizes and legitimizes childish, sour and self-serving public discourse. It engages only the passions and not the mind, it serves personal ends and not the public good. Complex issues and problems require comparable complexity of discussion in order to understand the real problems, the first step in addressing them. "Communication" in our current degraded mode becomes a means only of fleecing the public, reducing all issues into matters of mere clannish signifying, lacking means or intent to develop any considered consensus toward ameliorating the problems of society at any given time, which requires common cause, trust, compromise, and a real desire to serve the people's needs.

RCOCEAN II said...

Someone up thread is wanting Jonah Goldberg to "come home" because he "threw in his lot with the Nevertrumpers".

I honestly don't understand this. Goldberg was OK with Biden and Hillary being POTUS. He's supporting Biden in 2024. Over the last 24 years he's consistently trashed other conservatives and Rightwingers. And he's stated he's an internationist in foreign policy and a libertarian in domestic policy. He also defended Google and big tech while taking money from them. "The conservative case for Google...."

He dropped the "true Conservative" act when Trump came along. He made it clear he's ok with leftwing Democrat controlling our country as long as they support israel and Globalism. He's to the left of fucking Ben Shapiro! He's not a RINO, he's a CINO. Conservative in name only. And like Bill Kristol, and other nevertrumpers, he's a liar.

RCOCEAN II said...

Almost all of "Conservative Inc" has shown themselves to be on-the-take, grifters, and frauds. They were just taking up space and being the controlled opposition. They were never interested in truly fighting the liberal/left.

It took me a long time to figure that out, and a long time to understand it was the rule, and not the exception with conservative inc. I can remember being truly shocked when Mona Charen turned on Pat Buchanan in the 90s. After all, wasn't Mona a "Reagan conservative"? Hadn't Pat given her a job as speechwriter? wasn't she pals with Novak?

George Will was the same. He was on the David brinkley Sunday show as the "Heir to Buckley" fighting the liberal/left. Then when newt and the 94 contract with America came along he was against most of it! And then continued to drift furhter and further to the Left. He'd just been playing a part. He was really a Mitt Romney conservative.

effinayright said...

Robert Cook said...

"The danger of Trump is that he shows the way and opens the door for others who are closer to being modern day Hitlers, persons with actual visions of the world as they want to make it, however oppressive."

Yeah. Trump flies hundreds of fascistic followers into Davos for the WEF confab every year, to schmooze with Klaus Schwab and the other Masters of the Universe.


Paddy O said...

"then end up in the warmongering Bill Kristol wing of the party."

Because the other sides don't pay him to go on all-inclusive cruises

Christopher B said...

As I posted in the last Hayley comment thread, she made almost the exactly same statement that she would be voting for Trump in 2016.

Aggie said...

"How many flip flops is this now for Little Nikki? I’ve lost count...."

Maybe Trump will grace her with a new nickname, the next time she's annoying. "Flippy Nikki, I like to call her... She's got more flips than the pancakes at iHop"

Kevin said...

She is being ridiculed as a hypocrite.

Please. The penalty for political hypocrisy stopped being ridicule long ago.

It died when people wielding flip-flops created no shame in Candidate John Kerry.

MadTownGuy said...

Meanwhile, at UCLA...
Police try desperately to force back a violent mob that is trying to surge to the new Gaza autonomous zone encampment next to Kerckhoff Hall in the middle of the @UCLA campus. (from Andy Ngo on X.)

Eva Marie said...

Someone up thread wrote:
“[Jonah Goldberg] dropped the ‘true Conservative’ act when Trump came along. He made it clear he's ok with leftwing Democrat controlling our country.”
You may be right. It’s certainly depressing how many “conservatives” dropped the mask of conservatism when Trump came on the scene. I consider Goldberg a special case - maybe because of my affection for his mom and her website

Butkus51 said...

democrats have a big problem

Trump is making this election steal proof.

There will be consequences.

They played the "virus to change election rules card" already.

Maybe theyll activate their imported mercenaries.




Joe Smith said...

The media can cry harder.

I love communist tears almost as much as communist funerals...

Narayanan said...

I thought it was that Tyler Perry character.
she is loaded and racked for action - so obviously republican

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Indeed - Paddy O
The corrupt left dangled money in front of willing sellouts.

Drudge took it the money.
So did Kristol. and others....

Arabella smiles.

JAORE said...

If today you wish to remain a XXXXXXXXXX democrat politician, you need to check your character at the door. XXXXXXXXX Kamala was right before. XXXXXX Biden (the racist) is unfit for office. She has not changed that opinion. She has just decided that her personal ambition is more important than her loyalty to what is best for the country.

Ah, at last can agree with (That's) Rich.

Eva Marie said...

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
“The corrupt left dangled money in front of willing sellouts.”
How much is greed and how much is blackmail? Blackmail can encompass manufactured accusations as well as real accusations.
Accusations against Kavanaugh, Thomas, Trump were . . . trumped up. And yet people believe them.

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