May 19, 2024

May garden.



Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You've been invaded by the beauty. purple alien flower bombs.

Political Junkie said...

Lovely. What flowers do we see in the picture? Thanks.

Ann Althouse said...

The flowers are allium and dame's rocket.

Narr said...

"What flowers do we see in the picture?"

I asked the same question a few days ago and got crickets.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

A Chinese Saying – If you want to be happy for an hour, get drunk – if you want to be happy for a day, get married – if you want to be happy for life, plant a garden. Anticipation is part of the art of gardening.

gilbar said...

in Oakland, they're growing stopsigns instead of flowers..
Oakland is now replacing traffic lights with stop signs due to homeless encampments stealing from Oakland's electrical boxes:
technically, they're growing homeless people.. With MILLIONS MORE coming over the border

NKP said...

What gilbar said!

What are citizenship rules for cabinet members? I'd like to see Geert Wilders at DHS.

Aggie said...

"How does your garden grow?" Congratulations, very nice sanctuary.

Money Manger said...

The early spring hot yellows of daffodils, dandelions, lesser celdine, and forsythia give way to the late spring violets of allium, lilacs, vinca, and wild violets. There must be a scientific reason for this seasonal color concentration. I enjoy it greatly.

Original Mike said...

My Japanese irises are blooming a week early, and the weigala is 2 to 3 weeks early.

Foose said...

It looks a bit like my garden, since I like having purple flowers, and my window frames are also painted purple. I read a book once about an 18th-century lady whose insanity was evident to the people around her from her sudden passionate embrace of the various fads of the moment, in particular her desire for a "purple garden." I have tried to branch out, but invariably return from the nursery with purple flowers -- a "revealed preference," as economists say. An Australian expert I brought in to look at the soil was quite sniffy -- "I see you like purple" -- and suggested replacing all the flowers with drought-tolerant plants. Australian drought-tolerant plants. When I want to look out of my windows at cactus, which will never happen, I'll choose the American varieties, thank you.