May 14, 2024

Kamala Harris says sometimes "You need to kick that fucking door down."

Here's the whole context, "Vice President Harris Remarks at APAICS Summit Vice President Kamala Harris sat down for a conversation with comedian and actor Jimmy O. Yang during the National Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies leadership summit in Washington, DC. She spoke about breaking down barriers and the importance of democracy. The vice president also spoke on women’s reproductive rights and gun control."

It's a bland occasion and the topics are routine, so the occurrence of "fucking" comes as a surprise. It gets attention. But it made me think of 3 things, in this order:

1. Lately, Trump has been saying "shit" and "bullshit" and getting the whole huge crowd to yell these words at him, and he seems to be doing well. He's the man to beat, so why not compete by acting like him? Of course, Harris is seated before a very friendly audience, and she reacts to herself by giggling, draining the power out of the moment of "transgression." 

2. Her "kick that fucking door down" came out just after the NYT published a poll — we discussed it here — that had 14% of voters agreeing that the "political and economic system needs to be torn down entirely" (and 55% wanted "major changes"). Was Harris trying to appease the tear-it-all-down characters her party so desperately needs to win in this election? 

3. The metaphor of kicking the door down resonates with real world door-kicking, especially the recent kicking down of real doors in the anti-Israel protests. Who decides which doors are the "fucking doors" that deserve to be kicked down? And don't you need us to be horrified about January 6th? Were doors even kicked down that day? Are you saying that when we get angry (the right kind of angry?) at a closed door — or a metaphor of a closed door — we ought to kick it down? And what are we doing when we metaphorically kick down a door? Are you saying you don't believe in working within the legal system — the rule of law? What's so fucking funny about that?

ADDED: Rereading this post, I had one more thought. The dirty word "fuck" has been conspicuous in one particular context in this election cycle, and that is in the chant "Fuck Joe Biden." To draw attention to "fuck" is — for some of us — a reminder of the chant "Fuck Joe Biden." And when the Vice President — the female Vice President — shows us that she is feels free and justified in intensifying her political rhetoric with "fuck," doesn't she kick down the door for the rest of us? I don't think I've ever used the word "fuck" as many times as I've used it in this post. The "fuck" door is open, so — like hundreds of those who walked into the Capitol on January 6th — the kind of people who refrain from breaking things may feel free to go there. Expect louder "Fuck Joe Biden" chants.


Dave Begley said...

Funny coming from the woman who fucked her way to the top.

MacMacConnell said...

She misspoke, she meant suck the door down.

Lawnerd said...

I worked in industries, biotech and law, that had huge populations of asians in all positions including leadership. They were respected, valued, and welcome. But we were constantly bombarded with messages of anti-asian oppression. I found this annoying because the asians I have known have kicked that fucking door off the fucking hinges years ago.

J Severs said...

So can Trump suggest kicking down the door to the Deep State?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It takes a Fed to knock a door down.

Modern fed = Nazi Mobster.

RideSpaceMountain said...

She knows all about fucking.

Dagwood said...

This kind of language on the part of democrats usually spikes as general elections near. They're trying desperately to be kewl so that the "hip" younger voters will be more attracted to them.

When it comes to door metaphors, Bum Phillips has 'em all beat. Especially pathetic little panderers like high-bred low-class Kamala.

Iman said...


wordsmith said...

Sofa king we todd it.

iowan2 said...

I heard lots of people claim they voted for Biden to get the nation back to norms and civility.
More decorum, less mean tweets.

Now Democrats are saying, Fuck the norms and traditions.

OR, Was the real problem, only that Trump did his own wet work? Politics have always been "fuck you"?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So the giggler threw in an f-word for effect, much like her boss did when Obamacare passed. I'm curious if we'll get the same lecture here in the comments about "civility" and "mixed company" that we had just days ago, when it was Trump echoing (and soliciting) the word shit from that yuuuge crowd.

I'm guessing nah!

MadisonMan said...

It's hard to take an entitled faculty brat seriously. When is she going to say "Why aren't we 50 points ahread!?"

Christopher B said...


Mr. Forward said...

Which comes first? Gun control or "kicking the door down"?

henge2243 said...

"Kicking doors down", in my mind has more of a connection to police raids. It's the overwhelming force of the government against a private citizen - prosecutor Harris probably approved a few of those for minor marijuana crimes, (Tupac and Biggie wouldn't have puked on this skank). Back to my point, it is not usually the individual kicking the door down against the many, it is the other way around, Breonna Taylor anyone?

She may be the dumbest person to speak on TV since Robert Howell in 1986.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The modern left are corrupt thugs. Corrupt, power-obsessed, life-destroying, greedy, inept, thugs.

AMDG said...

The use of profanity has become all too common. This weather it is Harris or crowds chanting F Joe Biden (“Let’s go Brandon” is clever).

Profanity should be shocking - only to be used when there is a sudden case of distress like when you stub your toe or when you are behind someone going 55 in the outside lane of an interstate.

Bob Boyd said...

Kamala kicked the fucking fuck door down and Althouse rushed through it yelling, "Rhetoric Police! Pause and reflect, motherfuckers!"

Sally327 said...

This probably will seem like a reach but I attribute this salty language as an effort to appear tough and ready to do the difficult things required of a leader, much like Kristi Noem telling us how she shot her puppy Cricket as evidence of those same decisive, strong qualities, attributes most often associated with men.

Women exhibiting more traditional male behavior, swearing and talking about knocking shit down and shooting puppies and goats because they just needed killin', this isn't new exactly, it's seem kind of bizarre in 2024 though. Do women politicians really need to act like some cariacture of a man to get votes? I guess they think they do.

Rocco said...

So “Kick that fucking door down” + “fuck Joe Biden” = “Kick Joe Biden down” as he is the door?

Achilles said...

One thing is to look at the context of the specific words used.

Bullshit is used in situations where the referee fucked up. It is in the complaining category.

Fuck and Fucking is used in situations where you and a group are acting in a hostile way. Directly confrontational.

Howard said...

It's just another attempt to make her appear to be human. That stupid c*** still isn't passing the Turing test, however.

cf said...

Fuck Kamala Harris.

michaele said...

The post "fucking" maniacal laugh (aka belly laugh as described by Kamala) and then a repeat of the manical laugh completely nullified whatever adult significance she wanted her comment to have. Her public persona really is awful.

jaydub said...

How do they get louder than they already are?

wendybar said...

This is a BIG FUCKING DEAL!~!!!- Joe Biden, pedo vice president when passing the obamacare fiasco that forced our health insurance costs to skyrocket and pays for illegal aliens which Obama lied about....

wendybar said...

Dave Begley said...
Funny coming from the woman who fucked her way to the top.

5/14/24, 7:41 AM

1st comment wins the thread!!

Lilly, a dog said...

Willie Brown gave Kamala the best dirty career advice:
"It ain't gonna suck itself."

tim maguire said...

I don't think she's given it much thought beyond, "using profanity makes it seem like I'm really serious about whatever it is I'm talking about. Message: I'm passionate."

What it makes me think of is how petty and undignified our political class has become. In that sense, she normalizes Donald Trump. We're supposed to reject him because he's so far outside the respectable norms, but if she's trying to become more hip and cool by becoming more like Trump, then why should we care how outside the norms Trump is?

rehajm said...

14% of voters agreeing that the "political and economic system needs to be torn down entirely" (and 55% wanted "major changes").

I’m annoyed by these politically manipulative surveys. ‘Torn down’ is intentionally vague and meaningless and provides the opportunity to draw incorrect conclusions about the meaning. NYT preferred narrative is these people are Trump extremists instead of leftie extremists supporting abandonment of rule of law and/or scraping the capitalist system for a communal economic society.

Iman said...

I been knockin’ the bottom out of mine for decades.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Let's go Harriet!

Yancey Ward said...

Has anyone in Harris' staff sat her down and shown her the problem, using visual aids, the problem with her laughter/giggling. Every time I see it, I think to myself that she is a complete lightweight in every single measure of a person. Sure, that is isn't fair most likely, but shocking to see in a retail politician. She can't even handle the basics of political presentation.

And Fuck Joe Biden got replaced with Let's Go Brandon. I prefer the old ways because I would love to see Joe Biden get fucked with a 2x4 in public- I would laugh and laugh and laugh.

Scott Patton said...

"Who decides...?"
That (pause), is the question.

Rusty said...

An unserious woman,

Rory said...

She'll whip his ass.

Iman said...

to the strains of “YOUGOGIRL!!!”…

SweatBee said...

She wants us to kick down the door that has a glory hole in it?

The Vault Dweller said...

She is one of the fakest politicians I have ever seen. The fact she appears on any major ticket is a huge political miscalculation. After 2016, where in both parties all the excitement was behind Trump on one side, and Sanders on the other, largely because both were viewed as genuine and authentic by their respective voting blocs, it is shocking to see her featured.

I haven't seen the whole piece so I don't know for certain if this is the cause, but I think she fell into a trap by being on stage with a comedian. She may have seen the comedian interact with the crowd with crass, impolite language and it come off funny and appropriate. And then she may have decided to act similarly. The problem is that not everyone has the charisma or social skills to be able to pull that off; comedians do, and Trump does, but she doesn't.

Wince said...

Kamala is so fucking relatable.


Big Mike said...

I don't think I've ever used the word "fuck" as many times as I've used it in this post.

No “Hey, Honey, let’s fuck”? Oh, Meade, I’m so sorry to read this!

Amadeus 48 said...

We've come a long way in the wrong direction. My father, a WWII veteran, lived to the age of 95, and I never heard him use that word.

tommyesq said...

This probably will seem like a reach but I attribute this salty language as an effort to appear tough and ready to do the difficult things required of a leader, much like Kristi Noem telling us how she shot her puppy Cricket as evidence of those same decisive, strong qualities, attributes most often associated with men.

Agreed. I am willing to bet that the obscenity was scripted beforehand to try to make Harris look less like the silly, giggling girl she too often portrays. Of course, she fucked it up by immediately turning into a silly, giggling girl.

Big Mike said...

@Lawnerd, they’re all Asians when they need to hand together to get something. Otherwise there’s not much in common between Indians and Japanese, between Chinese and Vietnamese, or between Koreans and someone coming from a place that ends in “-istan.”

Charlie said...

She doesn't giggle......she cackles.

mongo said...

AMDG said, "The use of profanity has become all too common. This weather it is Harris or crowds chanting F Joe Biden (“Let’s go Brandon” is clever).

Profanity should be shocking - only to be used when there is a sudden case of distress like when you stub your toe or when you are behind someone going 55 in the outside lane of an interstate."

Perhaps we could apply the same thinking to comments made on this blog. You know who the bleep you are.

Narayanan said...

but when doors are kicked down on J6 we had insurrection

Kevin said...

She spoke about breaking down barriers and the importance of democracy.

I'm game. Which takes precedence?

Ampersand said...

Our vocabulary of intensification is exhausting itself. Deity based, disability based, and sexuality based forms of deprecation just don't get the blood flowing in the way they once did. We're developing linguistic calluses.

Ann Althouse said...

"This probably will seem like a reach..."

It's an excellent point.

Ann Althouse said...

@Bob Boyd


Read that out loud to Meade

wildswan said...

The door into what? I'm reminded of the door in Stevenson's book, Kidnapped, which opened on to a forty-foot drop to paved yard.
I suppose Kamala (FKH) imagines a room of pasty, overweight males, Jews and Wasps swarming from the Ivy League to some Evil Board Room to read the Protocols of The Elders to each other; and imagines herself as a caped crusader kicking the door open with a bang and letting the sunshine of justice shine in. Don Quixote was similarly unable to interpret what he saw around him. He wanted to be a knight so he saw castles where there were only windmills; Kamala and Co. want to be Revolutionaries and Liberators so they see blood-drinking capitalist misogynists where there are only workers doing a job. And, speaking of kicking open the door to a forty-foot drop, what do workers think when a fellow worker shows up with a chip on her shoulder? "The Vice President sent me to tell you, you're no good; never tell me I'm making a mistake or I'll sue you for racism; don't expect me to do anything tedious or I'll sue you for racism; you're shit and I'm glorious, FU." Silence follows and equals success. Then, the next day, Donna the Quixotic Revolutionary goes in for her second day of work among real workers, and finds the atmosphere cold, and it's like that from then on. Because they're all racist misogynists? Because she's Donna Quixote? Should you "kick the door in" your first day at work if you aren't the mistress of the owner?

traditionalguy said...

Brings to mind King Jesus in Revelations telling the Church at Philadelphia that He is the one who opens doors that no one can shut and closes doors that no one can Open, He must be a Calvinist.

Seems Jesus liked these guys because despite their having little power they kept His word and did not deny His name.

Darkisland said...

You know who else kicks down doors? Black shirted fascist squads. Brown shirted National Socialist squads too.

Like the blackshirts under the BLM banner in 2020.

John Henry

Ann Althouse said...

"And Fuck Joe Biden got replaced with Let's Go Brandon."

In some places, but in that recent both sides chant, it was back to the original.

Kamala's open use of "fucking" encourages those who felt they needed the euphemism to return to the harsher words.

Darkisland said...

You know whose door got kicked down recently?

Senior Airman Roger Fortner.

The cops kicked his door down by mistake, wrong address, and shot him dead.

Unlike the thug Floyd, he was NOT turning his life around. He had been heading in the right direction for all his 25 years.

But now, instead of facing and moving forward, he is facing up and not moving at all.

Where's the rage? Where's the demos?

Say his name, Kamala.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Blogger Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So the giggler threw in an f-word for effect, much like her boss did

Who is boss of the vice president, Mike?

As far as I know the VP has no boss at all. Other than the voters every 4 years and that only if they wants to get re-elected.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Was she speaking as an Asian or a black? Both? Neither?

John Henry

Mason G said...

"She spoke about breaking down barriers and the importance of democracy. The vice president also spoke on women’s reproductive rights and gun control."

I suspect she skipped over the "putting your opponents in prison for things you've been doing" part of democracy. And has anybody else noticed how often "women’s reproductive rights" are mentioned when the subject is "abortion"? It's certainly not easier to say or write, so there must be some other reason for avoiding the word. I wonder what that might be.

Anyway, now that Kamalama Dingdong has shown herself to be just as crude and vulgar as Donald Trump, are Democrats going to distance themselves from her? No fucking way.

mindnumbrobot said...

Personally, I'm a little ashamed when I catch myself blurting out the F-word, even when amongst friends. To do so in a public forum seems crude and vulgar.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Da widdle girl was me…

Cackle cackle

shrimp and grits…

Cackle cackle

Mmmhmgmmmmm your Willy tastes so good Willy ….

Cackle cackle

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

She misspoke, she meant suck the door down.

I remember years ago, I gave some commenter here a conniption, because I typed a Jewish pejorative when I meant to write kick.

The commenter kept saying I was a Jew hater. Thank goodness some of the longtime commenters here came to my defense.

traditionalguy said...

I remember reading Norman Mailers first book at age 12 and learning the new word “Fricken.” It was the 1950s censors attempt to publish a good war book. The times have been a changing fast.

Joe Smith said...

First, she's drunk. Again.

"You tell them how you are..."

I'm a white man and proud of it.

Fuck you, communist bitch.

Mind your own business said...

And here I was told that putting Joe and Kamala in the White House was putting decency back in it. Those mean tweets and all that Trumpian barbarity were going to be history.

Apparently not.

Saint Croix said...

Kamala's open use of "fucking" encourages those who felt they needed the euphemism to return to the harsher words.

"Let's go Brandon" is a way funnier and cooler insult because it was created by a reporter who was trying to hide the crowd's hostility to Joe Biden.

I suppose it's possible the sideline reporter misheard the chant. But I believe she was embarrassed by the NASCAR crowd chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" -- which is a no-no on television -- so she lied about what they were saying.

People joyfully repeated the phrase, not so much because it's a euphemism, but because the insult simultaneously mocks Biden, and our dishonest media.

Charlie said...

Best Kamala imitator:

Saint Croix said...

Fucking is way more fun than fucking metaphors.

Oh, those fucking metaphors!

That's kind of a rape-y metaphor, actually.

What happened to consent, Kamala?

Closed door = no.

She's giving us a metaphor for sexual assault and/or illegal immigration.

No means yes!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh my goodness I remember the context, when I was trying to use the word kick.

As some of you may remember, I used to indulge adult beverages while commenting here. When one night I said something to the effect that my high (I also snorted sometimes) hadn’t kicked in yet. Except I spelled it as the Jewish pejorative.

As some of you know, the VP has been rumored to indulge a bits herself.

Some might even say her, whatever she’s on, has no problem kicking in, whenever she needs it. Bless her heart.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It was Ron that came to my defense. Remember Ron?

Marcus Bressler said...

I curse. I try to use it in situations or places where it is sorta "acceptable". I never heard my father use profanity (though he grew up on the streets of Brooklyn with local "gangs") until I was in my 30s. And then, sparingly. He told me when I was a teen that using profanity was "a sign of ignorance" (because that person did know or choose to use the proper words). He did use the term "bastard" but I consider that a MOR curse word. I am shocked at how casually the f-bomb is used in retail and hospitality establishments right in front of guests/customers. Usually it is two staff members talking between themselves. I DON'T find toddlers on TikTok or any social media using profanity, as amusing or funny. Low class. I remember telling some people that if you didn't use profanity or racial/ethnic remarks in your everyday speech, you wouldn't use it without thinking when you are in a stressful or unanticipated situation (such as picking up a hot pan). I had a cousin who would use the word, "Sugar!", instead of "shit". I knew what he meant but I suppose I appreciated it. When I post on a site where I don't want my comment to be deleted or flagged, I'll use the UK "shite". I make an effort not to curse at work because of HR complaints. You never know. Eff 'em. While I don't like DJT using profanity in his rallies, I am at the point where I DGAF what the Left thinks at this point. We should not be held to any standards they come up with when they don't hold themselves to them. Hold yourself to personal standards.

PM said...

She is a ninny.

JAORE said...

"Fuck Kamala Harris."

Hard pass.

Although "hard' is wildly improbable in this case.

fleg9bo said...

What doors do Asians need to kick down besides the doors that keep them out of left-wing universities in spite of their qualifications?

John Scott said...

What is she babbling about anyway? The only people putting up doors in front of Asians are lefty college administrators.

Iman said...

mongo mad. MAD MONGO!!

typingtalker said...

Ann wrote, "I don't think I've ever used the word "fuck" as many times as I've used it in this post."

Today's over-users of the word don't understand that every use reduces its power and effect.

Fuck 'em all anyway :)

Achilles said...

1. Lately, Trump has been saying "shit" and "bullshit" and getting the whole huge crowd to yell these words at him, and he seems to be doing well. He's the man to beat, so why not compete by acting like him? Of course, Harris is seated before a very friendly audience, and she reacts to herself by giggling, draining the power out of the moment of "transgression."

2. Her "kick that fucking door down" came out just after the NYT published a poll — we discussed it here — that had 14% of voters agreeing that the "political and economic system needs to be torn down entirely" (and 55% wanted "major changes"). Was Harris trying to appease the tear-it-all-down characters her party so desperately needs to win in this election?

In the past the Republican Party and the Democrat Party teamed up to keep the working class out of politics.

Democrats formed their coalitions around welfare, racial spoils, and single motherhood.

Republicans formed their coalitions around Chamber of Commerce and professionals.

What this results in is open borders, lots of wars, government spending on all sorts of wonderful things like university education and SALT deductions.

The reason both parties hate Trump is because he is bringing the working class back into politics by responding to the Uniparty attempts to destroy them and listening to their concerns.

A lot of what you see on this board is the classist attacks on foul language because deep down a lot of people resent the working class rising up and taking control of the Republican Party. The Nevertrumps are all laptop class Republicans who don't mind importing cheap labor.

Rabel said...

"So, here's the thing about breaking barriers. Breaking barriers does not mean you start on one side of the barrier and you end up on the other side. There's breaking involved. And when you break things, you get cut and you may bleed. And it is worth it every time. Every time."

- K. Harris at APAICS Summit

Ashli Babbitt bled. Was that worth it, you fucking cunt.

Christopher B said...

There is, at least in my opinion, a significant difference between the instances of vulgarity highlighted by our host on the parts of Trump and Harris.

Bluntly, Trump's vulgarity had a point. He made it crudely but with some humor and even a bit of literary allusion to Biden's reverse-Midas touch.

Kamala just said a bad word, purely for shock value, adding nothing to the point she was trying to make.

Kevin said...

Isn’t a black person using the “f-word” cultural appropriation?

JaimeRoberto said...

Knock knock knockin' down the fuckin' door...

MadTownGuy said...

Sarah Hoyt's blog has a guest post that looks to me like it applies to kicking down doors.


It's a long post, but here's the applicable concept:

Communist theory/theology implicitly outlines the magical ideas practiced by repeating it, and by feeling it is important.

The split into victims and oppressors is pretty key. This is the cheating game with ‘children of God’, and with clear cut matters of good acts, and evil acts.

It is also a center of the magical thinking around destruction.

They do not say oppressors, victims, plus some people who are neither, and some people who are both. Oppressors and victims are defined necessarily as sets that are mutually exclusive, and exhaustive.
Lots more at the link.

Mikey NTH said...

She's trying to tell people that she's a no nonsense person not to mess with. People who are actually no nonsense don't mess with people do not have to announce it. They carry themselves such that even dumbest among us know.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Her supporters just love that sassy colored lady shtick. She's helping Joe win back some of the black vote he's been losing lately.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
typingtalker said...

"Vice President Kamala Harris sat down for a conversation with comedian and actor Jimmy O. Yang ... "

An admitted comedian. Not one of those under-cover comedians claiming to be a reporter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kamala has an evil face.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Saint Croix said...

"Let's go Brandon" is a way funnier and cooler insult because it was created by a reporter who was trying to hide the crowd's hostility to Joe Biden.
People joyfully repeated the phrase, not so much because it's a euphemism, but because the insult simultaneously mocks Biden, and our dishonest media."


Unknown said...

While the F-word is the "News", is she inebriated and if she is, why is that not the story?

Unknown said...

While the F-word is the "News", is she inebriated and if she is, why is that not the story?

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