"... against everyone he perceives to be responsible for the Manhattan district attorney’s prosecution.... Some of Mr. Trump’s former staff members who spent time with him after his previous investigations said that he was in no mood to celebrate after these purported victories but instead sought retribution.... And after surviving his first impeachment, in early 2020, for trying to pressure President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine into investigating Mr. Biden and his son Hunter, Mr. Trump was in a mood so foul that it surprised some of his aides who were relieved the episode was over. He sat in his private dining room adjoining the Oval Office, scowling at the television and spewing expletives, according to a person with direct knowledge of the events.... The verdict of this trial will land in the middle of a presidential campaign, which gives the aftermath a new dynamic,
especially if Mr. Trump is acquitted, said John R. Bolton, Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser.... 'He will display the sense of injury that he had to put up with it at all because if they couldn’t follow through with it then there was nothing there,' Mr. Bolton said...."
Message to jurors: Don't think that by by acquitting Trump you can expunge the depredations of the prosecutor and the judge... (and Biden?)....
Haberman is a fraud.
More trash from the NYT.
Whether they succeed in throwing Trump in jail for doing something completely legal or they fail they still tried to do it.
The fascists that are pulling this stunt are fascists and they will be treated as such.
Maggie Haberman? The same Maggie Haberman who got a Pulitzer for her Russia Collusion reporting?
Which was comprehensively, root to branch, soup to nuts, wrong. And still has the Pulitzer?
That Maggie Haberman?
Consequences for the people who subverted our justice system for crass political purposes?
I can see why the NYT is unhappy.
I read a suggestion that Merchan is planning to give instructions that the Jury doesn’t have to be unanimous is determining the predicate crime. So not only do we not know the crime being tried, but the jury can have reasonable about doubt about what the crime is too and convict. Trump isn’t what people that believe in liberty should care about in this case.
"Don't think that by by acquitting Trump you can expunge the depredations of the prosecutor and the judge"
I think they are thinking: NY and media progs will destroy us if we acquit.
How dare he, (firestarter meme) my nic for greta
That’s a normal reaction from Trump. He never should have been charged.
Maggie Haberman is worse than a fraud. She’s a Dem shill. And also, apparently, a mind reader.
Absolutely correct, Miss Haberman. No one should ever resent persecution.
Gosh. Do you think he'll sink so low that he'll use the DoJ (FBI, CIA, NSA) to listen to his opponents, then arrest them, SWAT-style? Or maybe use the force of the FBI to 'encourage' social media platforms and major news organizations to censor any comments by his opponents, or even better, to completely deplatform them under the guise of managing disinformation?
It would be an awful thing to see from a President of the United States.
When you strike at a king, you must kill him.
'He will display the sense of injury that he had to put up with it at all because if they couldn’t follow through with it then there was nothing there,' Mr. Bolton said...."
These are all simple words. But they seem to be unrelated to a cogent thought.
I read the post, waiting for a named source, then I saw it was Bolton. OOPS. Wrong. The source of all the ranting by President Trump is not Bolton. He merely opines about something, but the quote I pulled says NOTHING.
So the "story" is all about nothing, and a slight of hand, attempting to use Bolton as a source for the writers wish casting.
The leftist media is forced to use wish casting and mind reading to create a caricature of an entire persona, that does not exist.
The sympathetic depredations of a predatory press are a literary ode to political progress.
If the past is any guide, the NYT will continue to pimp and shill for the Dems and refuse to report on the bribes Joe Biden took from foreigners and all the damage the Dems have done in four years. Biden is senile and that’s not news?
John Bolton is a turn coat. Why should anyone believe that Trump, who has all but been gulaged by the left, shouldn't do exactly what they are purporting he will do. In light of what has been done and what the fascist left has tried to do, cleaning house, with prejudice in the extreme is demonstrably warranted. I'm reminded of some adage about the wind and a whirlwind. It's perfectly appropriate. As is a certain amount of " messiness ". There should be some carnage in the "reaping"
In the shortest possible terms, FAFO.
How dare Trump resent this politically motivated persecution?
The Haberman types are terrified that they're going to the camps.
It will be vastly entertaining to see how an unfettered Trump behaves with a much stronger mandate than was available in 1933. Maybe they're right to fear.
How dare Trump be angered by the vile attacks of his opponents!
Trump is a law and order guy, like most of us. It’s normal to be seething about something so wrong. A lot of us are.
The best case scenario is that they find Trump guilty, throw him in prison for 60 days, and he is released just in time for the next election cycle.
He would win in a landslide and he will lose all motivation to make deals with the fascist regime and the toadies that inhabit the country.
It would also break the reticence that we feel towards those shitheads among us that call themselves democrats.
Recall that she was a pretext behind the maralago shoot to kill raid with those flushed notes published in the mail supposedly from her book
Why the HELL shouldn't he, after all the fraudulent hoaxes they (the uniparty with the Intel agencies and the media) put HIM and the American people through.
PAYBACK IS GOING TO BE A BITCH to the whiners after all of this.
Bolton describing himself, Haberman her fears.
Gee. The NYT is afraid that those who abused and perverted the legal system might actually be called to account for their misconduct. What a novel thought.
Achilles said...
It would also break the reticence that we feel towards
5/27/24, 8:26 AM
Do you even know anyone with reticence to these people? Personally, I'm looking forward to Trump replying "lol" when ordered to report to prison. John Roberts hates him, but the Supreme Court really has to step in before all legitimacy of the judiciary collapses.
By the way, when the LLR scumbag brigade talks about judicial corruption, what they really mean is that the Supreme Court isn't corrupt enough. Even with the local advantage in New York, standards have to dip well below the African level to make a conviction even remotely likely.
This seems to be teeing up a switch to "the not guilty verdict/hung jury doesn't mean he's innocent." It could be just covering all the bases but I do wonder if they'd be opening this line if a conviction was as likely as certain people think it is.
How does
'no one is above the law'
square with
'Any other criminal defendant would likely be facing some time behind bars after calling witnesses in the case “sleazebags” and suggesting jurors were corrupt. But Trump is no ordinary defendant.'
All men are created equal but some are more equal than others. America is a monarchy without the hereditary principle, a bit like Imperial Rome.
I realize it might come as a great shock to Maggie and the NYT, but those of us voting for President-in-exile Trump do indeed hope that he will pursue just revenge on his persecutors. But fortunately for them, based on his actual past behavior as President, he won't. He's simply not a fascist like them.
These essays on what Trump will do are increasing in their fever pitch. Is it time to use "literally"? As in "some peoples' heads will literally explode if Trump is reelected."
A flailing Planned Presidenthood comes with day after regrets and fears of retributive change. Perhaps a protest would distract from their atrocious choices to misbehave.
Poor Rich- he was so hoping a guilty verdict in a kangaroo court would be the end of Trump.
Are you now willing, Rich, to outline for all of us the crime being charged and proven in this trial? No? Then go fuck yourself with a 2x4.
I suspect that there will be a hung jury. However, part of me would like to see Trump convicted on one of the charges so that Trump can appeal and Merchan gets excoriated by the NYS Appellate Division as he so richly deserves.
These kangaroo courts (to coin a phrase) have no repercussions for the prosecutors: what would stop them [the left] from continuing to press any charge on the books and those that are not?
Has anyone
ever seen
Rich and Bozo in the same room
at the same time?
You go, Maggie! The world could burn, but TRUMP! I see non-vindictive, election denier Hillary is claiming that if Trump is elected there will be no more elections. It makes one wonder how many morons are in their audience.
Troubling, isn't it? Rich, Howie, Igna, Chuck, where art thou?
I suspect that there will be a hung jury
since Judge does not require unanimity is it possible to hang jury ?
A hung jury is the best Trump personally can hope for here- there is simply no way the prosecution and the judge allowed a jury of 12 people that can see through this fraud of a prosecution and issue the proper acquittal. And if it is just 1 person, that person will likely fold when his/her name gets released by the media- it will take at least 2 jurors to hang the trial.
However, an acquittal would be a glorious thing to behold- Rich, Chuck, and Gadfly might well have aneurisms.
"If the past is any guide, even with a full acquittal, Mr. Trump will be angry and vengeful."
Let's say the past is a guide, and if acquitted, Trump is going to do the same thing he did after "surviving his first impeachment:"
"[Sit] in his private dining room adjoining the Oval Office, scowling at the television and spewing expletives."
Yes, if Trump survives, he will be back in that dining room adjoining the Oval Office.
And Althouse is correct- this entire article is Haberman etal. putting pressure on the jury. This is certainly why Merchan delayed the deliberations for a week.
I agree with Yancey it will take at least two jurors to hang the jury. I’ve been on two juries, foreman once, and the pressure on a lone holdout is almost beyond human capacity to bear. I witnessed it firsthand and the holdout broke with a vengeance calling me and everyone else a fraud. But she broke.
crossing the streams imam, could open up the hellmouth,
so the owner of privat bank an burisma, who caused the latter to collapse, to the tune of 6 billion dollars US, who is now in prison, because he chose the wrong side, not for his multiple frauds, see the dossier for details, was where the monies to Ukraine were going through, and Trump was impeached for pointing it out,
Narciso is a national treasure… a Gumshoe’s Gumshoe.
Did Rich just try to argue that Trump is actually getting more favorable treatment from the legal system?
Tell us, Rich, how many times has someone campaigned for elected office on the promise of prosecuting you? How many times has a state legislature changed the statute of limitations so that you could be prosecuted? How many times has a special counsel, with a track record of meritless politically motivated prosecutions of members of your party, mishandled the evidence in your case to get a photo opp to inflame public opinion against you? How many times has a prosecutor lavished hundreds of thousands of public dollars on an unqualified lover who she appointed as special prosecutor and with whom she later took vacations with, paid for by said lover/special prosecutor? How many times have you had four obviously politically motivated prosecutions brought against you just in time for campaign season when they could have been brought much earlier?
Good, I hope he wreaks apocalyptic revenge on those responsible for this travesty.
Patentlee: "... Merchan gets excoriated by the NYS Appellate Division as he so richly deserves."
Regardless of what he deserves, there is nothing to suggest that the New York legal system is populated by any ethical practitioners. Trial judges and prosecutors behave like biased assholes with no apparent concern that sanctions will fall from above.
The need for a 'guilty' verdict, any 'guilty' verdict at all, anywhere, seems like a junkie, in dire need, jones-ing. When Democrats talk about this, are they rubbing the inside of their arms?
I guess maybe there's still a desperate hope that a guilty verdict will somehow keep open a Constitutional/legal pathway to excluding Trump as a candidate. Meanwhile, Trump explores the Democrat plantation, the Recon Rallies, glad-handing and drawing crowds. The cheers outnumber the jeers. What happens when the Democrats declare Trump off-limits, but people vote for him anyway?
well we saw what they did in pakistan, they fixed the election so imran's faction couldn't win,
now as to the murdered raped and robbed who cry out for justice, to fat alvin
judge merchant, once charged a wannabe mayflower madam with six months and a 250 K, with four months time served, thats an actual crime in Gotham
Nearly everyone who wins a civil lawsuit they were on the receiving end of, or who is acquitted in a criminal trial, nurtures feelings of resentment that they had to go through it, especially for their legal fees which may have substantially eroded their financial well-being. Trump isn't different in this regard from other people.
Some folks have it coming Maggie. And I hope they get it --good and hard. But in the prog world being a jerk means never having to say you're sorry.
I like the idea of Paxton or, believe it or not, Chris Christie, as Trump's AG. If Christie had been his AG the first time around, Hillary might be a convicted felon and a lot of Democrat shenanigans, including Mueller and the corruption of federal law enforcement, might have been curtailed.
"I suspect that there will be a hung jury. However, part of me would like to see Trump convicted on one of the charges so that Trump can appeal and Merchan gets excoriated by the NYS Appellate Division as he so richly deserves."
Whatever happens, Trump will make the best of it, and conviction is what will give him the best material. The reason I ended my post the way I did is that I think the jury may think acquittal is the way to avoid giving Trump material to exploit. The article is warning them away from this line of thinking (though the jury is not supposed to be reading it): Don't think acquittal will put this controversy to rest and allow us to go on to more relevant and important matters. Trump will use this too.
If them librals in new yahk try to jail Prezident Trump, us patriots will go n jail break him, jus like we did fer my cusin Ennis when dey jailed him fer dealin meth in our trailer park. Make Amurica Grate Agin!
"Did Rich just try to argue that Trump is actually getting more favorable treatment from the legal system?"
Yes, that is exactly what Rich was doing.
Poor, dumb Rich spinning out control at 9:49 AM.
The NY State appeals courts are almost certainly as corrupt as Judge Merchan is, so Trump will have to get this case into federal court to have a prayer of overturning a guilty verdict, and that won't happen for at least a couple of years.
Prediction is hard -- especially about the future.
Reporters and commentators should spend less of their valuable and limited time speculating and more time reporting about news that has actually happened.
so my sources say as well
between Haberman who has a perfect hack record, and Swan, who mercifully has not savaged by dingoes one can't go wrong,
Yancey Ward said...
The NY State appeals courts are almost certainly as corrupt as Judge Merchan is, so Trump will have to get this case into federal court
5/27/24, 9:54 AM
Don't be so sure. The Supreme Court can choose to hear any case it likes, which will be particularly important when a lower court is performing beneath Third World standards.
And SCOTUS has major reasons to rule quickly: if President Trump gets back into office without their help, most Americans might just conclude judges are totally worthless, and start a purge of the judiciary without Congressional approval.
This wouldn't stop the Merchans and Berman-Jacksons, but it would result in a lot of otherwise liberal judges in normal states fleeing the torches and AR-15s.
well their criminal negligence in taking up the Texas case, led us here, so will they do the right thing now, are they even capable of knowing what that is,
What would happen if Trump was found guilty, and Biden pardoned him? Would the judgment be un-appealable?
"Yes, that is exactly what Rich was doing."
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - 1984
It's a "How To" book.
see that twilight zone episode with fritz weaver and burgess meredith
Perhaps Biden can’t pardon him due to it not being a federal case….
Breezy said...
What would happen if Trump was found guilty, and Biden pardoned him? Would the judgment be un-appealable?
5/27/24, 10:06 AM
There are no shortage of idiots in the Vichy GOP who would think this solves anything. But no, the actual President is not going to accept guilt for the pretend crimes arrayed against him, which would make it almost impossible for Biden to pardon him.
Outcomes for Trump in order of being ideal situations:
- convicted, SCOTUS immediately grants limited presidential immunity
- convicted, refuses to report to prison
- acquitted with damages
- acquitted
- sent to prison
- dies in prison (?!)
The LLR brigade is hoping for the last, of course, but this makes Trump merely flouting the legal system into the best option. He usually goes to states surrounded by a heavy security detail and mobs of people who would love to fire on an FBI convoy. Trump's not going to prison if he doesn't want to.
NYT - oh do shut the F up.
So freaking tired.
SO NYT says convict Trump to save the DA from retribution for his illegal activities...
The trial was the show, but we already know the ending: Guilty.
Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?
--Maximus Decimus Meridius
well in this singular case, it's Azios, for the people who thought Politico was not hack enough,
I stand corrected they brought the Wallaby over from Axios,
Kate at 809am wins the thread.
After reviewing Merchan's jury instructions it appears one may be imprisoned if convicted of a books/records offense in New York if one also considered that offense might further a federal felony, although which felony and proof of a felony isn't required but merely the concept that some unnamed felony might be furthered; and moreover one's intent need not be directly shown but may be inferred from the testimony of a porn star who testified she knows nothing about the books/records law and a convicted perjurer who lied again in his testimony and admitted he stole from the accused. And one gets to spend millions to defend oneself from this lunacy before a judge who clearly should have recused himself under the Ginsburg standard. And to top it all off you have to read bs from "journalists" (propagandists) who write that one might be just a bit vindictive after this process finally ends. How many legal and moral absurdities must one endure? I'd be royally pissed.
John Bolten is a piece of garbage. Immoral, bloodthirsty, disloyal, and egotistical. Thank God he reveled himself to be a backstabber during the impeachment trial. Otherwise, Trump might give him another shot in 2025.
The Leftwing MSM will give ANY former trump subordinate or friend a public spotlight if they attack Trump. When they're bringing Bolten to the table, they reached the botton of the trash can.
If Trump doesn't go scorched earth then I will be pissed!
We have endured 8 years of unbelievable bullshit 24/7 for 8 years.
Time to start putting people in jail on a mass scale.
Yosemite Sam is dining on Pinchuk's dime, he lost mer after he legitimated the phony Afghan bounties even though he didn't have any evidence, then he was silent after Abbey Gate,
Good. I hope if he wins, Donald Trump doesn't make the initial mistake of his presidency, which was not cleaning house in the Executive Branch.
why do you think they pulled all those games about general flynn, and the comey memo and all that garbage,
Rich said...
If them librals in new yahk try to jail Prezident Trump, us patriots will go n jail break him, jus like we did fer my cusin Ennis when dey jailed him fer dealin meth in our trailer park. Make Amurica Grate Agin!
At bottom, as always, the real sentiment is Not Our Kind, Dear. The peasants are revolting.
LLR-democratical Rich: "If them librals in new yahk try to jail Prezident Trump, us patriots will go n jail break him, jus like we did fer my cusin Ennis when dey jailed him fer dealin meth in our trailer park. Make Amurica Grate Agin!"
Gee, its almost as if LLR-democratical Rich is operating with a bizarre, massively out of touch "understanding" of the overall and subgroup specific political environment!
The insane and corrupt left are filled with delusions of... projection.
the left are fearful of what they do themselves.... happening to them.
The corrupt liar left deserve wrath and comeuppance.
One can hope..
He's already been found guilty in the press, all to make sure a last-gasp doddering career pol and his racially-correct welcome wagon can crawl back into the White House.
First - Trump should be angry.
Second: Fuck the left. They can all go fuck themselves.
If the past is any guide, even with a full acquittal, Mr. Trump will be angry and vengeful, and will direct attacks against everyone he perceives to be responsible for the Manhattan district attorney’s prosecution....
So Trump is not inhuman. Good to know.
The article is not behind a paywall. Do we have you to thank, Professor? Much obliged, if so.
Can the sane among us agree that we need to put an end to lawfare? How do we do that without punishing Jack Smith and Letitia James and Matthew Colangelo and Alvin Bragg and Judges Lewis Kaplan, Arthur Engoron, and Juan Merchan? Any ideas? Althouse, do you have thoughts?
As to Adam Kinzinger, over whom both Swan and Haberman emote so sadly, it should be noted that he lost his seat due to Democrat gerrymandering and not due to anything Trump did to him.
I still have some hope that one of those two lawyers on the jury will have a sense of honor. I know it's a long shot but, if they vote to convict, we will know they have none.
Breezy said...
Perhaps Biden can’t pardon him due to it not being a federal case….
He can't for the cases brought in the New York and Georgia state courts, also in Georgia the Governor is not in charge of pardons (the state parole board is) and (if I recall what I have read correctly) pardons are granted after time served.
Trump reacts badly to being persecuted, this is why we needed to persecute him.
Smart people explaining things...
Big Mike: "As to Adam Kinzinger, over whom both Swan and Haberman emote so sadly, it should be noted that he lost his seat due to Democrat gerrymandering and not due to anything Trump did to him."
That was the sweetest part of Kinzinger's total betrayal. He went Full LLR-democratical in the hope of so ingratiating himself the state dems would put him in a new district where he could be competitive.
But the dems did what they always do to these GOPe turncoats: they laugh at them as they slide the political shiv in...
The most amazing aspect of it all?
How many GOPe-ers will still line up for the same treatment while muttering "thank you sir, may I have another?".
As a reminder, many, if not most voted against Hillary, rather than for Trump.
After years of us being called racist, sexist, misogynist, maggots, haters, Nazis, and more by the Clinton lovers, for voting against her,As well as seeing Trump un-fairly persecuted by procedures which would have imprisoned or bankrupted any of us, we have actually become Trump supporters.
Has any prediction about Trump ever borne out?
How many times does a journalist have to be wrong before we can call them a joke?
Big Mike said...
Can the sane among us agree that we need to put an end to lawfare? How do we do that without punishing Jack Smith and Letitia James and Matthew Colangelo and Alvin Bragg and Judges Lewis Kaplan, Arthur Engoron, and Juan Merchan? Any ideas? Althouse, do you have thoughts?
5/27/24, 11:16 AM
We are well past that. The Rats had better hope Trump wastes his time going after such people individually, because the real solution is to execute the Bloombergs, the Soroses, the Weinsteins, and the Epsteins. Alongside their lawyers. Ironically, a relatively small number of deaths will send the rest of the Rats scurrying for whatever nest will shelter them. At which point you can get by with merely offering the drones a fair retirement package.
I don't think this advice will be followed, however, which will mean a much bloodier and more prolonged conflict. Ah well. If the price of peanut butter and gasoline was normal, we wouldn't have these problems. C'est la vie.
So, if he were acquitted and showed joy? "Mr. Trump rejoiced, mocking the New York State legal system by having escaped the hangman's noose once again..."
If he showed relief? "Mr. Trump, slipping through the hands of yet another prosecutor in the long string of prosecutions that has characterized his public life..."
If he showed weariness? "An exhausted Mr. Trump shambled from the courtroom to take up his divisive and racism-fueled campaign again, his stores of energy visibly depleted..."
Blogger cfkane1701 said..."Good. I hope if he wins, Donald Trump doesn't make the initial mistake of his presidency, which was not cleaning house in the Executive Branch."
Yeah. Some say Trump's big mistake was his covid policies, but I tend to give him a pass on that; there was much we didn't know in the beginning (including how feckless the public health establishment is). I think Trump's big mistake was treading lightly on the Deep State. I hope it was due to naivety, and expecting (hoping) that his opponents were decent people who wished for the good of the country. This time, he knows better. Still, I don't hold out much hope. The entrenched bureaucracy is too numerous and too powerful.
Lem the artificially intelligent: "Has any prediction about Trump ever borne out?
How many times does a journalist have to be wrong before we can call them a joke?"
Important to note Haberman is still participating in the Journolist meetings where all the usual suspects get together to coordinate their talking points...just like good little Soviet/NPC foot soldiers are expected to do.
Let's not overlook that an acquittal is not a declaration of innocence. If such a verdict is returned, it will be because - as the Trump defense is argued - the prosecution failed to prove its case, not because Trump is pure and innocent.
The ONE thing we can be sure of is that the mainstream media and the Trump media as well will not provide full and complete reporting of the trial. Why should they? They haven't so far.
So, as we have throughout, people will be arguing and ranting and raving out of total ignorance of the evidence, the facts, the proceedings and the law.
"How many times does a journalist have to be wrong before we can call them a joke?"
They don't view their job as being right.
Shocking that the Orange Man (Who is Very Bad) might have a sense of injury after being persecuted.
Blogger Mark said...
The ONE thing we can be sure of is that the mainstream media and the Trump media as well will not provide full and complete reporting of the trial. Why should they? They haven't so far.
Because Merchan refused cameras. Merchan also kicked out the media whenever he wanted throw a temper tantrum. Merchan is petty.
Shot: Christopher B said...
This seems to be teeing up a switch to "the not guilty verdict/hung jury doesn't mean he's innocent." It could be just covering all the bases but I do wonder if they'd be opening this line if a conviction was as likely as certain people think it is.
5/27/24, 8:51 AM
ChaserMark said...
Let's not overlook that an acquittal is not a declaration of innocence. If such a verdict is returned, it will be because - as the Trump defense is argued - the prosecution failed to prove its case, not because Trump is pure and innocent.
5/27/24, 12:30 PM
"If the past is any guide, even with a full acquittal, Mr. Trump will be angry and vengeful, and will direct attacks..."
Good, he should.
The entire "trial" is a miscarriage of justice, and everyone involved in pushing it, mostcertianly including teh "judge" and his entire family, should have their lives destroyed.
Whether or not they succeed in their corrupt attempt to get a "guilty" verdict is irrelevant. They did the crime, they should be punished
"... against everyone he perceives to be responsible for the Manhattan district attorney’s prosecution.... Some of Mr. Trump’s former staff members who spent time with him after his previous investigations said that he was in no mood to celebrate after these purported victories but instead sought retribution
Which is the correct approach, wither the evil doers are Hamas, or Democrats.
To be clear: anyone who engages in, supports, defends, or excuses Democrat lawfare would have their life destroyed. Starting with, but most certainly not ending with, having the Federal gov't go to war against every single "non-profit" any of them are associated with
Shocking that the Orange Man (Who is Very Bad) might have a sense of injury after being persecuted.
Rich (8:51am) thinks Trump could - maybe should - "be facing some time behind bars" for contempt of court for "calling witnesses in the case 'sleazebags'".
What kind of moron could possibly object to that characterization? Calling Cohen and Stormy 'sleazebags' is (a) absolutely true and relevant, and (b) milder than a lot of other true and relevant epithets Trump might have used.
Ann Althouse said...
"...Whatever happens, Trump will make the best of it, and conviction is what will give him the best material. The reason I ended my post the way I did is that I think the jury may think acquittal is the way to avoid giving Trump material to exploit. The article is warning them away from this line of thinking (though the jury is not supposed to be reading it): Don't think acquittal will put this controversy to rest and allow us to go on to more relevant and important matters. Trump will use this too."
I saw that in your sotto voce in the last paragraph of the post. Whatever Trump does will be about Sleepy Joe Biden.
Mark - So "guilty" no matter what - all while you excuse and ignore Biden's ACTUAL crimes.
Mark - Do nameTrump's crime here. Explain it.
"Rich (8:51am) thinks..."
No, he doesn't.
To be clear: anyone who engages in, supports, defends, or excuses Democrat lawfare would have their life destroyed. Starting with, but most certainly not ending with, having the Federal gov't go to war against every single "non-profit" any of them are associated with
I agree. Not a one of them could withstand the forensic proctoscopy that has been given to everything and everyone associated with Donald Trump by every organ of government and media. I am astonished that these chickenshit, picayune charges are all that they can lay on him after a government-wide conspiracy to violate his civil rights by ransacking every piece of paper the guy has ever seen or touched, by wiretapping him illegally and extorting his employees and associates to testify against him, by unlawfully releasing his tax returns, and every other banana republic outrage they have inflicted on him. He has to be, by a mile, the most honest man in public life.
I favor the kind of vengeful, scorched-earth persecution of the institutional Left that will be mentioned in the history books as a defining feature of Trump's second term. They are to be considered enemy spies and saboteurs, not fellow Americans, and they should suffer much worse than they have inflicted on Trump as an exemplary lesson to everyone who might try the same shenanigans in future.
We have to hurt individuals, as Alinsky recognized. We can't be satisfied with merely undermining their institutions. I hope there is a good decision coming from the Supreme Court on qualified immunity, so the government scum who did this can be individually sued by name, dismissed from their cushy do-nothing jobs, stripped of their pensions, and sent to prison. I want them to lose their houses. I want their kids to have to drop out of school because their parents' college fund has been emptied to pay damages to those they harmed.
It's time to get as close to civil war as we can go without bloodshed. The Left must be utterly destroyed.
Mark said...
Let's not overlook that an acquittal is not a declaration of innocence. If such a verdict is returned, it will be because - as the Trump defense is argued - the prosecution failed to prove its case, not because Trump is pure and innocent.
Duly noted. Further, fuck that whole innocent until proven guilty claptrap.
If the jury form doesn’t specify what the underlying crime is, then no one will be able to tell if there was unanimity. So, if an appellate court decides that the court should have specified the crime and required unanimity, reversal would seem to be automatic.
Unfortunately for us deplorables and normies, Trump will not be vengeful. It isn't in his nature, and neither is anger, yet leftist liars who are both always angry and viciously vengeful constantly accuse Trump of their own faults and failings. If somehow Trump defies the fraud and ends up in the oval office next January, there will be no gulags for Party members, no punishment for Deep State traitors, no arrests of criminal congress-scat or scumbag senators. Trump is not an Angry God.
Leland said...
I read a suggestion that Merchan is planning to give instructions that the Jury doesn’t have to be unanimous is determining the predicate crime.
For which SCOTUS has long ruled is NOT the case: the jury must agree on the predicate crime to get that kind of conviction. You can not have 3 thinking it's crime 1, 5 thinking it's crime 2, etc.
You must have 12 jurors all agree on crime X, or no deal. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/526/813/
Were I Trump's lawyer, I'd point out to Merchan that his ruling directly contradicts Richardson v. United States, 526 U.S. 813 (1999), and demand that he put the trial on hold for a week while I fired with the SCOTUS "Rocket Docket" to get his clearly erroneous jury instruction overturned.
And have the appeal ready to file immediately, in any event
Here's the beginning of the Syllabus for the SCOTUS option:
At petitioner Richardson's trial for violating 21 U. S. C. § 848-which forbids any "person" from "engag[ing] in a continuing criminal enterprise," § 848(a), and defines "continuing criminal enterprise" (CCE) as involving a violation of the drug statutes where "such violation is part of a continuing series of violations," § 848(c)-the judge rejected Richardson's proposal to instruct the jury that it must unanimously agree on which three acts constituted the series of violations. Instead, the judge instructed the jurors that they must unanimously agree that the defendant committed at least three federal narcotics offenses, but did not have to agree as to the particular offenses. The jury convicted Richardson, and the Seventh Circuit upheld the trial judge's instruction.
Held: A jury in a § 848 case must unanimously agree not only that the defendant committed some "continuing series of violations," but also about which specific "violations" make up that "continuing series." Pp. 817-824.
Interesting lineup:
BREYER, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which REHNQUIST, C. J., and STEVENS, SCALIA, SOUTER, and THOMAS, JJ., joined. KENNEDY, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which O'CONNOR and GINSBURG, JJ., joined, post, p. 825.
"filed a dissenting opinion, in which O'CONNOR and GINSBURG, JJ., joined, post, p. 825."
It boggles my mind that there was dissent.
Mark said..."Let's not overlook that an acquittal is not a declaration of innocence."
And if this were a legitimate prosecution you'd have a point.
Regardless of the verdict, Trump is guilty of being Donald Trump. For this there is no pardon, appeal, or forgiveness. Evidently his enemies can come up with no other real crimes. Nor can they campaign against him on the substance of the issues.
He has to be, by a mile, the most honest man in public life.
Really?! Then why did it take an act of congress to get his tax returns made public (which every president since Nixon, and including Biden, have done)? How about White House visitor logs (which are generally made public).
IIRC, many Republicans were obsessed with Obama not releasing his college transcripts. You all seemed uninterested when it came to Trump.
not because Trump is pure and innocent.
No one has ever claimed Trump is pure, that's just a strawman that leftist scumbags like to use to deflect attention from the BS they're spreading. Kind of like the claim there was no widespread fraud in the 2020 election when basically nobody was claiming that the cheating was widespread, rather that the fraud was focused in specific locations.
But hey, let's go with "pure and innocent" and subject Joe Biden to exactly the same level of scrutiny that has been applied to Donald Trump. How about it?
Nor can they campaign against him on the substance of the issues.
So far Trump has told us very little about what particular policies he is going to pursue, other than he is going to deport 15 million immigrants, maybe raise tariffs across the board. How he plans to do either of these without crashing the economy is beyond me. He has punted on abortion, health care and birth control. Most of his rallies are long on grievances about the deep state and his legal problems and very light on what his policy priorities are.
It was private lawfare that led Julius Caesar to cross the Rubicon and finish off the Republic. Much more dangerous when it's coming from inside the government--that's why bills of attainder were banned by the Constitution. It increases the number of Americans hoping for a stronger man than Trump to clean house, but regardless, the norms Obama, Biden, and their minions broke won't be restored.
Meanwhile, official Washington does nothing as the debt spiral begins. I decided I'd better hold onto my late father's coin collection and guns, though I've only fired a .22 rifle once, as a teenager almost 50 years ago, and pistols give me the creeps.
"(which every president since Nixon, and including Biden, have done)?
If Biden would release the returns of the Biden family shell corporations, which is where all the money is, you might have a point.
If Biden would release the returns of the Biden family shell corporations, which is where all the money is, you might have a point.
Oh, I guess I missed Trump releasing his returns from his 500 or so LLCs.
The hypocrisy is startling.
'So far Trump has told us very little about what particular policies he is going to pursue, other than he is going to deport 15 million immigrants...'
I'd vote for him on that alone.
Cry harder.
There is ZERO CHANCE Trump is acquitted.
Imagine you're on that jury and vote to find him Not Guilty and you're in any way responsible for him walking or for a hung jury.
You know full well that 1) an opposing juror will leak your name or at least very obvious clues to your identity; 2) if not the NYT or WaPo, some other left outlet will dox you as a fascist Nazi and alert your neighbors and employer; and 3) you will have to live the rest of your life wondering if today is the day that you or one of your family members has a blind date with Antifa, who will not hesitate to deliver some personal justice.
And every juror knows this. A vote to acquit is a vote to possibly wreck your own life and send you into some kind of Witness Protection exile.
Trump will be found guilty on at least all the main charges next week.
Trump was, for decades NOT a politician - but in private sector business. (you leftists think that alone is a crime)
Biden has been a tax payer funded politician for ALL OF HIS ADULT LIFE.
Biden is a known international pay to play crook who used his VP status to enrich himself and his family. He did so illegally - but is above the law. You skip right by that so easily.
Mark said...
"Let's not overlook that an acquittal is not a declaration of innocence. If such a verdict is returned, it will be because - as the Trump defense is argued - the prosecution failed to prove its case, not because Trump is pure and innocent.
5/27/24, 12:30 PM
Blogger Mark said...
The ONE thing we can be sure of is that the mainstream media and the Trump media as well will not provide full and complete reporting of the trial. Why should they? They haven't so far.
So, as we have throughout, people will be arguing and ranting and raving out of total ignorance of the evidence, the facts, the proceedings and the law."
Name the crime.
Freder Frederson said...
"If Biden would release the returns of the Biden family shell corporations, which is where all the money is, you might have a point.
Oh, I guess I missed Trump releasing his returns from his 500 or so LLCs.
The hypocrisy is startling."
Fortunately we don't need to. We have Hunters laptop which turns out not to be a hoax. So much not a hoax that it is entered into evidence in Hunters firearm owned by a felon trial.
In other news. It turns out Pedo Joe did shower with this daughter when she was just a child. She admitted it was true.
"The hypocrisy is startling."
MY only point is that you are wrong about Biden being transparent with his tax returns.
If Trump can overcome the fraud this November, and be inaugurated before they "off" him, I'll be pissed if he is not angry and vengeful! I want payback...doubled-down and in spades! I want every single one of those who have attempted to destroy Trump, his supporters and our nation to pay dearly for what they have done. From HRC, to Biden, to Brennan, to Vindman, to Pelosi and Cheney, to Mary McCord, and Victoria Nuland, to Comey to Garland and Jack Smith, etc....I want them all to fear a jail cell and the Epstein final solution.
From HRC, to Biden, to Brennan, to Vindman, to Pelosi and Cheney, to Mary McCord, and Victoria Nuland, to Comey to Garland and Jack Smith, etc....I want them all to fear a jail cell and the Epstein final solution.
Why bother with a jail cells? Just send out assassination teams to take them out. Obviously, you have little concern about the rule of law.
And it is not a good look to use Nazi terminology (final solution) when you are claiming not to be a fascist.
Biden is a known international pay to play crook who used his VP status to enrich himself and his family. He did so illegally - but is above the law. You skip right by that so easily.
You have absolutely no evidence of any of this.
Rich said...
If them librals in new yahk try to jail Prezident Trump, us patriots will go n jail break him, jus like we did fer my cusin Ennis when dey jailed him fer dealin meth in our trailer park. Make Amurica Grate Agin!
I am going to point out that the only person I have seen who has outlined the actual charges against Trump around here with any specificity is myself.
Rich is too stupid and cowardly to do it himself.
Rich wants to pretend he is smarter than the people who disagree with him. Standard fallback for people who aren't as smart as they think they are.
Mark said...
Let's not overlook that an acquittal is not a declaration of innocence. If such a verdict is returned, it will be because - as the Trump defense is argued - the prosecution failed to prove its case, not because Trump is pure and innocent.
Mark, if the jury returns a not-guilty verdict, it will be because they understand that there's no actual "crime" here for Trump to be legitimately charged with.
But whatever the jury returns, everyone understands that you are a psychotic monster, desperate to invent new ways to illegitimately harm your political opponents, not for anything they've done (since there was nothing illegal about what Trump did here), but just because you hate them.
And then you profess to be shocked when we return the favor
Freder Frederson said...
Why bother with a jail cells? Just send out assassination teams to take them out. Obviously, you have little concern about the rule of law.
WHAT "rule of law"?
NY changing statute of limitations laws just so women can fake up rape accusations against Trump, then immediately residing the change to protect anyone else from it?
NY prosecuting Trump for getting a business loan that he paid back in full?
NY prosecuting Trump because his lawyer paid perfectly legal "hush money", and then was reimbursed for his expenses? In a trial with no actual crime, and a judge who is completely unbound from the law or ethics?
There IS no rule of law here, because your side is aggressively destroying it.
deport 15 million ILLEGAL immigrants.
get it through your thick skull.
Freder Frederson said...
Biden is a known international pay to play crook who used his VP status to enrich himself and his family. He did so illegally - but is above the law. You skip right by that so easily.
You have absolutely no evidence of any of this.
Hunter Biden's laptop, soon to be used in a gun crime prosecution for Hunter, plus Biden's own public statements, in fact prove this is true
"You have absolutely no evidence of any of this.
Freder Frederson said...
Nor can they campaign against him on the substance of the issues.
So far Trump has told us very little about what particular policies he is going to pursue
Trump was President for 4 years. For 3 of them, the US was infinitely superior to what we have now. For the 4th there was Covid.
And for the first 2 years of teh Biden Admin, there was Covid, and they handled it far worse than Trump did.
Trump will do "more of the same". So will the Dems.
Which is why you jackasses can't run on anything other than Trump hatred, because any sort of rational comparison of the last two terms shows that Trump is infinitely superior to any Dem
Lucien said...
If the jury form doesn’t specify what the underlying crime is, then no one will be able to tell if there was unanimity. So, if an appellate court decides that the court should have specified the crime and required unanimity, reversal would seem to be automatic.
Reversal of any "guilty" verdict is guaranteed teh first time this gets to an honest court.
Neither the corrupt "judge" nor the corrupt prosecutor care about that. All they want is a "guilty" verdict for their lawfare", that will last until the Election Day.
Freder Frederson said...
"If Biden would release the returns of the Biden family shell corporations, which is where all the money is, you might have a point.
Oh, I guess I missed Trump releasing his returns from his 500 or so LLCs.
The hypocrisy is startling."
The Trump LLCs pertain to his business empire, and the thousands of people that work for him? Tell us: What do the Biden family shell corporations pertain to? What is their commercial product? From whence did this enormous wealth originate, and how are the income streams channeled? Do Tell us, and explain how all this derives from a simple politician's salary !
The hypocrisy is indeed startling, as is the selective comprehension.
Original Mike said...
"KENNEDY, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which O'CONNOR and GINSBURG, JJ., joined, post, p. 825."
It boggles my mind that there was dissent
It boggles my mind that Kennedy, O'Connor, and Ginsburg were the ones dissenting in a run of the mill criminal case where the majority favored the criminal defendant.
I've taken a brief look at the dissent, and I still have no idea why they picked that hill to die on
deport 15 million ILLEGAL immigrants.
where would budget $$$ come from and how much ?
I am guessing 15,000,000 x 50,000 per at least = 750,000,000,000
Freder Frederson said...
Biden is a known international pay to play crook who used his VP status to enrich himself and his family. He did so illegally - but is above the law. You skip right by that so easily.
You have absolutely no evidence of any of this.
You mean other than the bank records, the phone calls, the laptop, the emails, and video of Biden himself bragging about it.
His family has made billions over the last decades and this is all public record.
And they have done so while producing absolutely nothing of value for anyone.
Joe Biden's corruption is so evident only a piece of shit would defend him at this point.
"His family has made billions over the last decades and this is all public record."
North of 20 million.
"Joe Biden's corruption is so evident only a piece of shit would defend him at this point."
So- Democrats, then?
So, people should be happy just to have survived these witch hunts?
Yeah, I’m not betting that any if the people making these arguments would have the same expectations of themselves if there were put through these political show trials like this.
Freder Frederson said...
Nor can they campaign against him on the substance of the issues.
So far Trump has told us very little about what particular policies he is going to pursue, other than he is going to deport 15 million immigrants, maybe raise tariffs across the board. How he plans to do either of these without crashing the economy is beyond me. He has punted on abortion, health care and birth control. Most of his rallies are long on grievances about the deep state and his legal problems and very light on what his policy priorities are.
Trump has told us all of these plans.
Trump also had 4 years of working class wage growth that was only ended by democrat governors locking their states down during COVID.
The first thing that will happen is the price of gas and oil drops almost immediately. Trump will open up exploration and take the wind out of the terrorist state sails. He will take the price of oil from 90$ a barrel to 50$ a barrel like he did the first time. The follow on effects from this one change make life better for everyone in the world.
The war in Ukraine probably ends the day Trump is inaugurated. A month at most to finish the details.
Hamas will cease to exist within a month of his inauguration. The war in Gaza will close within the first year. The middle east will go back to peace we had thanks to the Abraham accords. That means suppressing Iran and the Palestinian malcontents. This will also end wars in Yemen and several places in Africa that are killing far more people that Gaza.
Illegals will get deported. Probably not all but a good start. Working class wages will start to catch up to inflation again.
I would also plan on having someone like Tom Cotton or Vivek Ramaswamy put in charge of ending agencies like the FBI and ATF. The DOJ will be brought to heel and there will be a delousing of this agency. The DC bureaucracy will be forcibly shrunk.
I would also look forward to regulations on federal elections whether they are Constitutional or not. Mail in Voting has to end. It is just too ridiculous to allow corrupt states to keep their hold on power with this fraudulent bullshit. "Ballot" Drop Boxes are just completely ridiculous.
Really?! Then why did it take an act of congress to get his tax returns made public (which every president since Nixon, and including Biden, have done)? How about White House visitor logs (which are generally made public).
Neither of those are crimes, you piece of shit.
It was private lawfare that led Julius Caesar to cross the Rubicon and finish off the Republic.
I disagree that Caesar wanted or intended to finish off the Republic. If he had lived, I suspect the Republic would have survived and he would be considered its savior.
There's a lot of parallels with Roman history these days. We are living in times that will be scrutinized and commented upon for tens of thousands of years, assuming humanity survives that long.
Original Mike said...
"His family has made billions over the last decades and this is all public record."
North of 20 million.
What is the total net worth of the Biden family? It is not 20 million and they have produced absolutely nothing of value.
The total net worth of the Biden family is the result of corruption. If it isn't a billion then I apologize. But they seem to have mansions all over the place and Hunter in particular is spending 5 digits in rent every month. You don't pay 5 digits in rent on 20 million dollars.
This goes for every congressperson in both parties. There are so many obviously corrupt Republicans and Democrats that got rich after getting elected. Nikki Haley for example saw her net worth go from negative to millions the last few years. How the fuck does that happen? Oh that's right she was attacking Trump.
DC is just a giant money laundering operation.
"There's a lot of parallels with Roman history these days."
Achilles, i like your idea about federal regulations outlawing drop boxes.
All the federal agents in a city could be given orders to drive around and confiscate the boxes.
If the city goes to court for an injunction, go to discovery and show all the envelopes. Read off the names in open court: Dick Hertz, Mike Hunt, 120-year-old ladies, etc.
To get more boxes, federalize the Guard to pick them up.
To get even more, offer a $1000 bounty per box brought to the FBI field office, All the white-van guys who go around charging scooters will snap them up in minutes.
Hassayamper, could the Republic and the Empire both have survived?
In other words, could the squabbling elites of the seven hills really have held onto and administered a territory reaching from Hadrian’s Wall to the Persian border? Or even just the Italian peninsula?
Maybe a Caesar who survived could have been a George Washington 1700 years early, establishing the proper tension between the executive and the Senate, to create efficiency while still letting the people set the general direction?
I dunno - seriously asking….
Narayanan: we probably spend $50K per invader per year right now. Emergency room costs, all the free stuff given to them when they arrive, TESL costs in schools, forced infrastircture improvements when they pack 10 grown men into a single-family house, traffic fatalities, etc.
Plus, businesses probably save $50K per invader hired in lieu of a citizen. They can pay.
Someone upthread accused Trump of "trying to pressure President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine into investigating Mr. Biden and his son Hunter". No, it was then-VP Biden who pressured the Ukraine government NOT to investigate Hunter's connections with a corrupt Ukrainian company. VP Biden said he would cause the US to withhold mucho bucks of aid if Ukraine didn't kill that investigation, which the Ukrainians DID. BIDEN proudly made the tape of that threat public.
Trump, after becoming President, ASKED the Ukrainian President to investigate Biden family involvement in Ukrainian corruption (the tape of that conversation was leaked by an anti-Trump bureaucrat), but Trump made no threats, and Ukraine didn't (so far as I know) comply with his request. It's on tape.
"It's on tape."
Too late. The lie is already out there and the left will never admit otherwise.
It won't happen, but an aggressive Attorney General and an aggressive, motivated Special Prosecutor could make a solid federal case for conspiracy to deny the civil rights of Donald Trump by Letitia James, Alvin Bragg and their collaborators.
Subpoena their communications. Put the evidence in front of a federal Grand Jury. There's a smoking gun revealing the plot in there somewhere, because that's what they did.
Freder Frederson said...
"If Biden would release the returns of the Biden family shell corporations, which is where all the money is, you might have a point.
Oh, I guess I missed Trump releasing his returns from his 500 or so LLCs.
Freder, you are full of more shit than a hundred-year-old shithouse.
apparently "complying with the law" isn't good enough for you when it comes to Trump, but not declaring millions in income or its sources on Joe Biden's and Hunter's tax returns is No Biggie.
I restate my claim: You are a veritable stalagmite of shit.
"If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same..."
Hassayamper, could the Republic and the Empire both have survived?
In other words, could the squabbling elites of the seven hills really have held onto and administered a territory reaching from Hadrian’s Wall to the Persian border? Or even just the Italian peninsula?
Maybe a Caesar who survived could have been a George Washington 1700 years early, establishing the proper tension between the executive and the Senate, to create efficiency while still letting the people set the general direction?
I don't see him as a Washington type as much as a Franco or Pinochet. Caesar was still dealing with the aftermath of the wars of Sulla and Marius. Every family had been on one side or the other and there were still hard feelings thirty or forty years later.
As the nephew of Marius and the husband of Sulla's granddaughter, I think he was well placed to bring healing, and meant to use the imperium to stifle the most intractable opponents of peace, induce comity among the rest of the elites, and hand the intact polity back over to the Senate and other organs of the Republic. He underestimated the backstabbing ambition of the snakes in the Senate. The same, in a sense, as Trump did in his first term.
Narayanan said...
deport 15 million ILLEGAL immigrants.
where would budget $$$ come from and how much ?
I am guessing 15,000,000 x 50,000 per at least = 750,000,000,000
Some cheaper ways:
Make and ENFORCE stiff federal laws imposing RUINOUS fines on companies hiring illegals.
Make and ENFORCE federal laws DENYING "sanctuary" states and cities federal funding for welfare to illegals.
Make and ENFORCE federal statutes giving tax-paying citizens the legal "standing" to sue companies and states violating these laws, expressly broadening jurisdiction of federal courts to hear and decide those cases.
The process is the punishment.
Blogger The Godfather said...
Someone upthread accused Trump of "trying to pressure President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine into investigating Mr. Biden and his son Hunter". No, it was then-VP Biden who pressured the Ukraine government NOT to investigate Hunter's connections with a corrupt Ukrainian company.
That someone was the NYT's Swan and Haberman. The same people claiming if Trump were to be fully exonerated by a NY jury, then he would be wrong to seek retribution on those that brought this nonsense case. And that Trump's retribution attacks on investigators is unprecedented, except for as previously mentioned Biden did that to foreign investigators in Ukraine.
"That someone was the NYT's Swan and Haberman. The same people claiming if Trump were to be fully exonerated by a NY jury, then he would be wrong to seek retribution on those that brought this nonsense case."
"Rules for thee, but not for me" is one of the defining features of the Progressive Nazi Left.
When "interference" is only a One-Way Street.
Ok. Trump was a private citizen until 2017 when he took office. During all that time prior to 2017, he made a lot of money - lost a lot too, but made more - in his private ventures.
The custom of American politicians of releasing their tax records is meaningless - every intelligent person, politician or not, practices "tax avoidance," the "failure" to pay taxes which you can legally not pay if you can figure out how to with the tax code to your advantage, and Trump is no exception.
But Biden has had only public-sector jobs since the 1970s - jobs which paid only a salary, and that salary paid by the taxpayers. His wife, throughout most of that time, was at best a "doctor" of education - not by any stretch a lucrative field. So whence his wealth? Don't the taxpayers who - according to his public record - are its sole source have the right to know?
And what are Trump's policy prescriptions? A controlled border. Reduced federal regulations. States' rights returned to proper prominent place (including with regard to abortion, and what the hell should the federal government have to say about birth control, Rich or Mark or whoever you were?). Careful consideration of how we involve ourselves in overseas conflicts - is this conflict in our direct interest, or only in our interest through some Byzantine maze? Energy independence and rational pushback against the forces of greenery. Support for people in the trades, not just effetes who like to stick their arm into fluffy white boxes to feel up "models." America the Idea as an ideal, not as a dystopia.
Just because one doesn't care about these policies doesn't mean they have been stated.
"But Biden has had only public-sector jobs since the 1970s … So whence his wealth?"
He can't explain it. There was a time everybody understood that the inability to explain where your wealth came from was evidence in and of itself.
It all goes away at the first non-corrupt appellate court it sees.
But, in the meantime . . .
My guess is, he gets a guilty verdict, and the judge ("spit") remands him into custody immediately, with no bail-out pending appeal.
And then every deer rifle in America spends a week flinging bullets into fed courthouse windows . . .
There is plenty of proof Joe Biden and his brother and son are crooks.
I'm encouraged at the thought of retribution against the actors in theses pernicious prosecutions so long as it does not cross over into illegality. Lawsuits, support for the campaigns of challengers, defunding of their offices should all be on the table.
Dave Begley said...
"and refuse to report on the bribes Joe Biden took from foreigners"
Hey begley, if you have any evidence that Joe Biden took bribes from foreigners, why don't you act like an attorney and report this to the proper authorities instead of whining about it on social media?
Blogger Greg the Class Traitor said...
"For the 4th there was Covid."
And Trump was a regular Winston Churchill handling that crisis wasn't he?
“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”
“We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”
“Looks like by April, you know in theory when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”
“The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”
“Well, we're testing everybody that we need to test. And we're finding very little problem. Very little problem.”
Etc Etc
He has to be, by a mile, the most honest man in public life.
“Really?! Then why did it take an act of congress to get his tax returns made public (which every president since Nixon, and including Biden, have done)? How about White House visitor logs (which are generally made public).
IIRC, many Republicans were obsessed with Obama not releasing his college transcripts. You all seemed uninterested when it came to Trump”.
Mouth breather says what? Thanks for proving the point dipshit.
“His family has made billions over the last decades and this is all public record."
North of 20 million.
5/27/24, 3:51 PM
Which is even worse. The level of betrayal by the Biden, Obama, Clinton and Bush crime families is epic and tragic. And they did it for relative chump change. Especially that dumb grifter Biden.
Blogger Greg the Class Traitor said...
You must have 12 jurors all agree on crime X, or no deal. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/526/813/
I’ve been wondering how Merchan plans to control the jury to prevent the obstinate ones from causing a mistrial. I think now we know. A he isn’t requiring unanimity, and if you demanded it against his instructions, then he’ll dispatch you from the jury under contempt. That should assure he gets the conviction in his court room.
Uh. Mutaman. That laptop you were convinced was a hoax? Turns out it's not. Some of the content of said laptop are being used in Hunter Bidens trial. There is more than enough evidence on that laptop to convict the Biden family of influence pedaling. Also. Some of Hunters business friends have testified before congress that Pedo Joe was present when business was being discussed. Good thing the guy that found the laptop made copies of the contents.
Let's discuss the Biden Family corruption.
Mutaman said...
Greg the Class Traitor said...
"For the 4th there was Covid."
And Trump was a regular Winston Churchill handling that crisis wasn't he?
Trump sucked on Covid. He should have fired Brit and Fauci, and put Atlas in charge.
But Trump never abused his powers as President during Covid. Which makes him pretty much unique post Calvin Coolidge.
And Biden was significantly worse. both in empowering Brix and Fauci, and in abuse of power, like the "Covid vaccine mandate" he ordered AFTER it was scientifically proved that the Covid shot didn't decrease transmission of Covid.
So keep f'ing that chicken, Mut
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