Oh, he's just an old, old man who re-uses his old, old laugh lines. He doesn't even think about whether this is the sort of thing that people still say these days. And I looked it up to see if maybe this is an old clip. No. He said it today. In Nashua, New Hampshire.Joe Biden:
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) May 21, 2024
“I say to every young man thinking of getting married, marry into a family with five or more daughters. I did. My wife is the oldest of five sisters. You know why? One of them will always love you.”
What? pic.twitter.com/wSbyUvPRfX
May 21, 2024
"I say to every young man thinking of getting married, marry into a family with 5 or more daughters."
"I did. My wife is the oldest of 5 sisters. You know why? One of them will always love you. Not the same one. One of them is always going to be on your side. That's the biggest advantage of marrying into 5 daughters."
An old, old man to be sure, but also a friggin' weird one!
And Dementia Joe will shower with all of ‘em… from 12 years of age on up.
Joe specially likes 5 daughters in the shower. He'll settle for 5 SS female agents to watch him naked.
It’s unclear to me, but is he suggesting it’s one of the sisters who will be “on your side,” not the wife, right?
Biden has spent his entire adult life among people who for various reasons refuse to criticize him to his face. He has never had an aide, or relative, or friend, who will say "Joe, don't say that -- it makes you look stupid and is a bad look politically." All he has ever heard is "Good one, Senator," or "You're so smart (brave, insightful) Joe." I think this is what is at the heart of all the cringeworthy stories and exhortations.
What in the actual hell?
My husband married me-- who has four sisters. Years ago he would say it was nice to always have a sister handy to refill his iced tea glass or ask him if he wanted another slice of pie when at family gatherings. He never called it having "a sister to love him", he just wanted his iced tea refill.
Biden and his family relationships have always been weird and a bit scary. Especially the part about him showering with his pre-teen (teen?) daughter. I didn't realize the weirdness extended to his sisters-in-law as well.
No, Joe, they act like they love you because you're the Big Guy at the head of the family business.
Recall that his son, Hunter slept with his dead brother's wife.
Maybe the Biden men are....
Once Joe gets his foot in the door, he must figure he has a decent shot at the sisters. Especially after the wife brags about how hot he is...
“Yeah I would testify, absolutely,I’m testifying. I tell the truth. All I can do is tell the truth.”
Donald Trump
April 2024
There are no sure thing, but knowing Trump would never have the courage to testify was a sure thing.
It's almost like he goes out of his way to be a creepy old man. I guess if that's the only way you can people to pay attention to you......
There are no sure thing, but knowing Trump would never have the courage to testify was a sure thing.
Are you a lawyer? Do you know how unlikely it is that any decent lawyer would advise a defendant in Trump's position to take the stand?
Well, I always tell young women thinking of getting married to steer clear of young men who gaze upon any of your sisters for just a bit too long. Or smell their hair.
It reminds me of The Loving Spoonful's Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind, a hit back when Joe still had some of his marbles.
Harem fetish.
Incest is best for Pedo Pete, isn't it??
It's just a stutter.
"Oh, he's just an old, old man who re-uses his old, old laugh lines."
When was that ever a laugh line? It's almost too lame even for the Democratic Party as a whole over its entire slave-dealing, race-baiting, Jim Crow-lynching history. Like everything else, FJB probably plagiarized that "five daughters" craptastic remark. Probably from this guy, the original Corn Pop thrasher.
The subject of the post isn't Donald Trump, Mutant.
The thing about Biden's speech at Morehouse is that it won't work. Biden is no longer smarter than the blacks and they notice. Same with any Biden anecdote.
In Hell - Yuri Andropov, meet Joe Biden. And that guy behind him? Robert Byrd.
Joe "Bribe me!" Biden is the creep in chief.
How many Democrat families have five or more children?
"I think this is what is at the heart of all the cringeworthy stories and exhortations."
You're far too generous, H, not to mention the fact that you've shifted the guilt onto more or less innocent parties. If FJB wasn't happy and gratified to be surrounded by sycophants and bootlickers, he wouldn't be. He may be dangerously stupid and delusional now, but he wasn't always. FJB has plagiarized from speeches, essays, and policy positions throughout his entire life, and he hated and sought to destroy anyone who called him out for his purloined pontifications. Despite his practical experience as a serial liar, FJB is far from a skillful mountebank. He lies and thieves when the lie or the theft cannot possibly benefit him.
"Especially the part about him showering with his pre-teen (teen?) daughter."
Seems FJB is also into homosexual bestiality. Why else would a naked old man chase after a male German shepherd?
“He doesn't even think about whether this is the sort of thing that people still say these days.“
How very Catholic of him. Not Butker Catholic, to be sure. Your first instinct was correct, he has told this story before.
I'm into the whole "sisters" thing, but while I'm single. When my high school prom date decided that, a week after prom, that our "relationship" was no longer boyfriend - girlfriend, I was a wee bit offended (as well as disappointed). We remained friends, and about a month later invited me to a party at her parents' house on the ocean. So when her little sister approached me at that party (I had never met her) and did her best to seduce me, well, I didn't have second thoughts -- and we scooted out to the beach, went north a little bit and consummated our budding relationship. And, can you imagine, her sister took offense to that. She didn't want me, but her little sister did. I'm into sisters. And mothers. Maybe it was just a little bit of revenge, but our relationship lasted a while -- and the little sister and I were lovers, on and off, as well as close friends, for forty years until she passed away at a young age.
But I have always drawn the line at cheating in any manner once I was engaged or married.
Hassayamper said...
"Are you a lawyer?"
Big Time.
"Do you know how unlikely it is that any decent lawyer would advise a defendant in Trump's position to take the stand?"
Since when has Trump ever followed his lawyer's advice? I'm sure his lawyers advised him not to have Costello testify.
As usual Trump weaseled out, big time, the gutless bastard. Mr Bone Spurs.
Taking relationship advice from a perv seems like a bad idea.
Mountain Man® unavailable for comment.
Even the libs can't excuse the obvious dementia...
"Squirrel! No, I really mean it! Squirrel!" - Mutaman
Mutaman sez: Pay no attention to that man behind the shower curtain!
I don't get why people are upset about this.
Having an "inside woman" in the event of marital disputes is an excellent idea. This is great advice.
Shit goes South with you and your wife for a bit, one of those sisters is almost always going to say, "Jesus Sally you're going to throw away this amazing guy over THIS? What are you doing?"
That shit is gold.
Look, I'm all team Let's Go Brandon. But it's a PERFECTLY SENSIBLE THING that he just said. And it's making y'all look like hyper-partisan lunatics for suggesting that it's some sort of weird, pre-vert thing.
I've heard through the grapevine that Biden is planning to dress up as a leg hair for Halloween so that families with 5 or more daughter can touch him.
Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks!
But it's a PERFECTLY SENSIBLE THING that he just said.
In isolation, maybe. But his track record suggests otherwise.
"And it's making y'all look like hyper-partisan lunatics for suggesting that it's some sort of weird, pre-vert thing."
The thing is- Biden *is* a perv. There's video evidence on the intertubes. It's not hard to find.
Michael E. Lopez, it's WEIRD fucking advice, and you seem weird for claiming it's somehow GOOD advice.
And the left - what the hell? All this angst about Trump, and you support this weird-ass manic fucking pervert? That's some fucking gall.
Just how many five-daughter families does Joe think America is producing these days?
Apparently Biden's daughter-in-law thought the same thing about marrying into a family with multiple sons. Eww.
Shower with as many daughters are available. Teen dreams rule. God love ya'.
Yes, a harem fetish, or worse. Dancing around the subconscious edges for Progressive Democrats, just away from the flickering firelight, is the realization that Joe might have always been one of those absolute worst kinds of men, that old-fashioned, disgusting, lecherous pig, one that uses sex for dominance and gratification all at once, with no boundaries. But it's only there, at the edge of awareness - and kept there by sure, knowing hands.
Even after almost 4 years, I'm amazed at the very concept of a Joe Biden Presidency, that such a thing could come to pass. With his indelible history and chronicled behaviors.
I never heard that, and ended up marrying (after many years of dating her) a girl with no sisters at all, just brothers. I had only brothers too.
According to some of the psych and relationship books my wife reads, older brothers of brothers match well with younger sisters of brothers. That has worked for us.
Also, FJB.
The only politician saying anything I care about hearing lately is Fetterman, of all people.
I got new for Joe. Dr. Jill is an elder abuser. And if she had four sisters, Joe would hav four sister in law who hate him.
'As usual Trump weaseled out, big time, the gutless bastard. Mr Bone Spurs.'
And yet another reminder for brain-dead liberals that Biden received FIVE deferments.
'But wait,' you say, 'Biden had asthma!'
How does that line up with his career as a lifeguard saving black kids and all-American and almost professional football player?
He also stutters, yet there isn't a single piece of audio or visual evidence to confirm this.
Fuck off.
Excuse me. Excuse me. 1 say to every young Joe tom turkey, marry into a brood with 5 or more hens.
That way one of them will always admire your snood.
Old Joe still hoping for a Menage a Cinq.
Hold on to the dream!
"And the left - what the hell? All this angst about Trump, and you support this weird-ass manic fucking pervert? That's some fucking gall."
Never attribute to gall that which is adequately explained by garden-variety jackass stupidity.
What a fuckin' creep.
he f*cks Every One of them too! Not all at the same time ha ha
just to be clear..
Joe f*cked his babysitter (which caused his wife to commit suicide)
Joe frequently took showers with his adolescent daughter
...[to which gadfly REPEATEDLY tells us; isn't just OKAY, but (to gadfly) really HOT!]
Joe would swim naked, and jack off in front of female secret service agents
Joe REPEATEDLY molests young (REALLY young) children
Joe RAPED at least one of his aides
did Joe join Hunter in f*cking his son's widow?
all I see is fiery
If I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it.
are there More Disgusting people in america than democrat politicians?
i mean, other that the Life Long Liberals that love them
He lies and thieves when the lie or the theft cannot possibly benefit him.
Why do compulsive liars do it? Probably gives them some kind of thrill. Too bad he didn't take up free climbing when he was younger.
The only politician saying anything I care about hearing lately is Fetterman, of all people.
If I ever have a stroke I've asked my wife to track down Fetterman's doctors and get them on my case.
Sounds like Joe sniffed all the sisters.
Biden is wholly unfit to lead our country. The remaining Dem supporters must realize that his candidacy is now a transparent ruse to get the unelectable Harris in place to take over.
Why Harris? Ostensibly, she would be a historic first. But realistically, she would be an even more malleable version of Biden who is controlled by his handlers. Sure she's a terrible speaker as well, but she will only say what she's told and she doesn't seem to have the corruption history that Biden has.
What I get from this story is that Jill Biden is an only child.
Maybe an inspiration for Hunter sleeping with his widowed sister in law, and then with her sister. His ex-wife still part of his life. Thanksgiving: incoming. Other than the coked up hookers, whose names he is unlikely to recall, Hunter may not have much of a little black book.
"Ostensibly, she would be a historic first."
Historic first? What's good for the country is out of the question, then?
“It’s unclear to me, but is he suggesting it’s one of the sisters who will be “on your side,” not the wife, right?“
Yes, Chief Joey in the polycule. He thinks all the sisters “ love” him, plus Tara Reid. Does Jill get to pick the “lucky girl?”
Looks like Joey Bag Of Dementia thinks a polycule could be useful during the next pande-cession.
Has Mutaman ever looked up bone spurs? They're a real thing that shows up on x-rays, and would therefore be totally useless for dodging the draft. Unlike asthma, which is easy to fake (= impossible to disprove) even if you're a high-school athlete like Joe Biden.
And bone spurs are caused by walking too much on hard surfaces in inappropriate shoes. We know that Trump learned his father's landlord trade by following him around New York as he collected rent. I'm pretty sure he had to wear street shoes for that rather than hiking boots or tennis shoes, so bone spurs were a natural, though thoroughly unpleasant, result.
In short, anyone who sneers about Trump's bone spurs and calls him a draft-dodger is a liar or a fool - or a bit of both, of course.
Dr Weevil said...
"We know that Trump learned his father's landlord trade by following him around New York as he collected rent."
Little Donny Bone Spurs trailing after old Fred collecting the rents from their white tenants. You see Fred didn't rent to people of color. For which they later got sued. Mr Grab Em By The P---- didn't have the courage to testify in that case either.
A Democrat husband and wife is more likely to have had 5 abortions than 5 daughters.
Dr Weevil said:
"In short, anyone who sneers about Trump's bone spurs and calls him a draft-dodger is a liar or a fool - or a bit of both, of course."
Let's see. Biden managed to get a lot of deferrals. So he was obviously a draft dodger.
But you know something? That was 50+ years ago. And as a Vietnam Era veteran, I don't give even a semblance of a hint of an inkling of a shit whether someone was a draft dodger or not.
I look at what they've done for the last 50 years. Biden's been an absolute shit, useless as a politician but apparently the best that the Dems have to offer. ('Apparently'. We know that it's not quality, eruditeness, honesty, or integrity that's is a priority, just a willingness to do whatever the handlers want and the ability to be more shameless and grasping for power than your opponents.)
Trump's got a mild case of logorrhea, but he didn't weaken the US, didn't work to stifle our energy sector, bugger the economy while telling us it was the greatest ever, or tacitly encourage conflicts that could possibly blow up into another world war. For damned sure he wouldn't be playing both sides in the Israel/Hamas conflict, and would be unambiguous about supporting the people of Iran over the ruling class.
But hey, I'm supposed to go for Biden, because he's.... what? Incoherent? An incompetent figurehead? Good for the military industrial complex? Inept in domestic and international issues? Supporting the 'proper' DEI ideas? Perving on little girls? Properly 'Green'?
Nah. Hell with that. I'm good with Trump. He might not be perfect, might have serious flaws, but compared to Biden he's a friggin' saint and an Einstein in domestic and international issues.
And the 'Drafter Dodger' crap? Forget it. It may resonate with some politicians of a certain generation, but nobody 65 or younger will care.
Mason G said...
"Ostensibly, she would be a historic first."
Historic first? What's good for the country is out of the question, then?
Oh, yeah. Dems don't care about the country - it's all about the power, and how much they can loot. You don't get rich in DC by being for the country.
Pedo Pete is so Catholic!
America needs to repent of its sins and come to Jesus, lest we be ruled by such an evil and vile man ever again.
Joe Biden is a sociopath. Standard sexual predator profile. Rapist. Molester.
One of the greatest accomplishments in the US is to make pedophilia taboo. It is a big part of the economy in the rest of the world.
Joe Biden is just a gross human being and anyone that supports him needs to be humiliated.
I'm sure odds are there's been at least one pedo president before Joe, but I doubt there was ever one so proud of it.
Old Joe still hoping for a Menage a Cinq.
Apprendre à compter >>>>
Old Joe still hoping for a Menage a Six.
I mean how many families today have 5 kids let alone 5 daughters. Stupid out of touch advice.
An honest man would have looked up bone spurs and admitted that they are a real thing that shows up clearly on x-rays and therefore someone trying to evade the draft would be extremely unlikely to pretend to have them when he didn't.
A coprophagic swine would just repeat the slur and add another, complaining that someone "didn't have the courage" to testify against his own father. Would 'mutaman' testify against his own father? All signs point to yes.
I don't think I've ever known a family that had five daughters...and I'm a Latino Catholic.
Although, there is a very politically incorrect movie musical about seven brides for seven brothers. It has pretty good music and amazing choreography by Michal Kidd. (Check out the barn dance on YouTube.) But the plot is... problematic; since it glorifies the kidnapping of women.
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