May 15, 2024

I love that little smile she gets when she sees the opening and how many openings she sees.


Dave Begley said...

So many women hate Trump so she might be a good choice.

The epic beatdown she'd give the VP would be an added bonus.

Aggie said...

The question to ask yourself now is, 'how can the office of Vice President be best weaponized in a hostile Congress'. She may be more useful in the Senate. A replacement for ol' Turtle. Very

Robert Marshall said...

FBI Director Wray comes across as reptilian, as he slithers and wriggles to avoid answering questions. What a disgusting person!

mindnumbrobot said...

What a weasel.

Saint Croix said...

What a sketchy fucker Wray is.

Why do we need an FBI?

Somebody remind me.

Defund the federal police.

Yancey Ward said...

Of course the FBI is investigating Trump- they have been running an investigation on him continuously since 2016. I guarantee you his communications are under FISA warrants as I write this, and Trump knows it, too. Wray gave it away by his refusal to give a simple "No" to the question- he didn't want to bald-face lie, so he equivocated.

Dave Begley said...

Saint Croix.

Vivek campaigned on getting rid of the FBI.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Stephanik is impressive, smart, correct, and downright awesome.

Why the corrupt Soviet leftwing democratics like to smear and slime her all the time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wray is corrupt lying worm.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She is too good to be VP.

she should be president.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The deep state profits from their corruption.
That is why they are corrupt.

Yancey Ward said...

When the Mueller clown show closed up shop in early 2019, the investigation just moved back into the offices of the FBI and DoJ and out of public view.

PB said...

Wray exhibits lack of candor, which is supposed to result in termination of an FBI employee.

Mason G said...

Either the director of the FBI knows the answer or he doesn't. If he knows, why doesn't he answer the question? If he doesn't know, why does he still have a job?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The FBI faked a kidnapping scheme in Michigan to help the democrat party.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The women who hate Trump will hate any Republican.

These women would hate DeSantis, Romney (Binders full of women/dog on the car) fill-in-the-blank w/any R - because they watch Shows like The View, and Kimmel - and SNL - and they get their opinions from those sources.

Not all women hate Trump - conservative women and men may not like him - but they get fully that he is vastly superior to the corrupt left and their husk-puppet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Wray is shit-canned - the next insider will take his place.

We have a never ending supply of profit-seeking corrupt a-holes.

n.n said...

The knowing smile.

Gusty Winds said...

It was one thing when the automobile allowed depression era bank robbers like Bonnie and Clyde to evade capture by crossing state lines. But even then it was a retired Texas Ranger appointed by the Texas governor that took them down. The FBI (Melvin Purvis) took out Dillinger.

But now it seems that our FBI is focused on setting up and entrapping Americans.

I would imagine the are already preparing for how to tie up a 2nd Trump presidency with a bogus investigations.

Joe Smith said...

He is the biggest fucking weasel in smug.

If I were a judge and he was a witness, I would slap his ass back to last week if he didn't answer questions clearly.

He doesn't work for any of us.

Huge mistake by Trump to hire him on the recommendation of Bill Barr (another cocksucker) I believe.

From what I read he loves using his government jet to fly all over the place, official business or not.

RCOCEAN II said...

Stefafunk is getting good press because she went after everyone on "Antisemitism". Frankly, I don't seen anything impressive about her. In any case, with the Republicans all these hearings are just theater. No action ever comes from it. Wray, the FBI director, doesn't even respond to their letters. Others like Hunter Biden or Blinken, refuse to show up when supenoed and get a slap on the wrist or no negative consequences.

Bottom line: The democrats are serious about governing and using their power to punish their enemies. The R's are not. The R's just want to be the controlled opposition and get money from AIPAC and thier big donors. It wont change until R voters stop voting for clowns.

Deep State Reformer said...

Congressional hearings and other government mandated civic occasions such as the State of the Union Show are nothing more than Show Business productions for propaganda delivery now. Both parties. These events today have all the august demeanor as do the Oscars or the MTV Music Award events do.

Big Mike said...

Is it supposed to be surprising that a woman has a quick and incisive mind? Or is it supposed to be surprising that it’s a Republican woman with a quick and incisive mind?

Leland said...

they have been running an investigation on him continuously since 2016.

You think that late? The escalator event was June 2015.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He's lying. He's not going to comply. And ne does not even "believe" that he's going to comply with the law. Whether or not he's ever charged with it, his "contempt for Congress" is as plain as his hesitation to answer.

Chris Way is what happens when Trump trusts Chris Christie, who is a GOPe stooge held in high regard by Bushies and Romneys. This perfectly illustrates the difference between the D party and our traitorous Uniparty Rinos.

Dude1394 said...

Level the fbi to the ground.

Tina Trent said...

North Central New York may as well be as taciturn as North Dakota.

John henry said...

The predecessor to the FBI was created not only with no congressional authorization but over Congress' loud and vocal objection.

There is no legislation authorizing the Fbi either.

It is time to either shut it down or pass legislation authorizing it

John Henry

Ignorance is Bliss said...

If there is such an investigation it would be classified, so legally he could not confirm it in an open hearing. Congress could have been informed in a way that does not give out classifed information. The woman doing the questioning may even know that Congress has been informed, and is just doing this because she knows he cannot legally give a straight answer.

Good politics though.

Lucien said...

If Trump is elected he’d better fire Wray in his inaugural address.

PM said...

She's a pistol. At 14, I'd've handed over my joints.

Howard said...

She didn't shake him. It was a good try to corner the slime bucket, but ultimately it was a failure.

Rafe said...

RCOCEAN, you’re a tiresome homunculus who hates everyone who doesn’t hate Jews. We get it. You can stop being so insistent about continuing to let us know whenever an opening presents itself.

- Rafe

Aaron said...

"Huge mistake by Trump to hire him on the recommendation of Bill Barr"

No, he was recommended by....Chris Christie.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Vivek campaigned on getting rid of the FBI.

And Trump has said that Vivek will play a "big big part" in the upcoming Trump term. I hope it involves a wrecking ball.

Wa St Blogger said...

Is it supposed to be surprising that a woman has a quick and incisive mind? Or is it supposed to be surprising that it’s a Republican woman with a quick and incisive mind?

I think it's more that it is a congress person having a quick and decisive mind. Also, I miss Trey Gowdy, Stefanik is good, but not Gowdy good.

Jake said...

Would that she would have been there to question Hillary about Lybia.

hawkeyedjb said...

It's not exactly news when the director of the FBI lies to congress (or anyone else). What would be news would be if there were ever any consequences for doing so. There are none, there will be none, and half the country cheers when the director of the FBI lies to congress.

phantommut said...

Brutal. I like it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Is it supposed to be surprising that a woman has a quick and incisive mind? Or is it supposed to be surprising that it’s a Republican woman with a quick and incisive mind?

You almost got it. It is quite surprising and somewhat impressive that a Congressmember has a quick and incisive mind.

Static Ping said...

Honestly, this is not so difficult. It just requires preparation, dedication to the task at hand, and above average intelligence. I suppose that is a rare trait amongst all the empty suits.

Joe Smith said...

'If Trump is elected he’d better fire Wray in his inaugural address.'

Sure, but do it the right way.

After Trump is elected, send an envoy to tell Wray that all is well...let bygones be bygones, etc.

Then 5 seconds after Trump takes the oath, send in a team of federal marshalls to lock down the Hoover building and walk everyone out.

Don't give them any time to destroy evidence.

Brian said...

they have been running an investigation on him continuously since 2016.

You think that late? The escalator event was June 2015.

They've been running investigations on all prominent republicans since ~2010. They only needed Crossfire Hurricane because the NSA director shutdown contractor (i.e. without warrants) extractions from the NSA database.

They needed to keep the surveillance going and have a paper trail, hence they launch Crossfire Hurricane as a way to justify the continued spying.

gadfly said...

Stefanik wants to be VP. Note that she didn't ask about the 94 counts involving criminal indictments against the former president. She has never ever asked Donald about a single one of them. Nor has she acknowledged that her State of New York successfully sued Trump for $550 million in illegal business dealings.

Deep State Reformer said...

Big effin deal. All hearings go like this regardless of the congressional majority party or the administration's. Especially so if televised. And when the sparks fly, as here, they go on Rachel Maddow or Tucker and the partisan media shows for a few days and then quietly disappear into YouTube limbo. This is what we have now for governance.

Narayanan said...

She didn't shake him. It was a good try to corner the slime bucket, but ultimately it was a failure.
how come no one has thought to install fire-detection devices at/under the witness tables?

RCOCEAN II said...

THe FBI used to fear Congress. Which is why Hoover kept secret files on members of Congress and did others secret favors. And that continued long after Hoover left. Remember when 500 Secret FBI files on Republican Politicans and others ended up in the Clinton white house? The FBI wanted to get in Clinton's good graces.

Now, the FBI knows they only have to fear the Democrats. They can lie to the R's and piss on the R's, even Mitch the Bitch McConnell, because they will do nothing.

Temujin said...

Define 'mealy mouthed'.
Here. Let me illustrate with a video of our FBI Director.

Rep. Stefanik is very sharp and particularly good in questioning people brought in front of Congress. She drills down and nails people to specific word meanings and gets them on the tape (so to speak). She would make a strong VP, but...that would pretty much cut her off from using her talents. She's a strong Representative. Would be a very strong Senator for years. I'd rather see her talent running the GOP in the Senate. She's a doer, an activator.

Joe Smith said...

Gadfly at 2:54 showing his absolute stupidity as always.

But low-IQ morons do what low-IQ morons do.

Did you get a chance to read Ashley's diary?

Would you let Joe shower with your daughter if you have one?

friscoda said...

He doesn't believe that he has to provide prior notice, just notice at some time of his choosing. You can tell by the way he frames his response. We have gone over the edge and there is no going back.

friscoda said...

Stefanik will never be in the Senate unless she moves to Florida or some other State. She is substantially better and smarter than that Gillibrand buffoon but she cannot get elected to the Senate in NY unless there is a sea change in perspective of NY voters.

Maybe NY'ers can start by looking at Biden's special counsel Maher Bitar. Somehow this guy ended up on the NSC. In the old days, his views would have disqualified him. Crazy times.

Iman said...

Every one of these premier law enforcement agency heads is a smarmy, lying weezul.


rehajm said...

Eee- vase- ive….

He should fucking hang…

rehajm said...

Instead he’ll be promoted and rewarded with a dacha…

Chuck said...

What sort of information is Stefanik expecting? That the FBI/CIA/NSA/DoD think that Trump is a valid and concerning target of a counterintellignece investigation?

Oddly enough, I suppose that that is a topic one which we Trump-haters just might agree with Trump's supporters. Trump supporters think that the deep state is still trying to get Trump. Meanwhile we Trump haters think that few things are more important than a high quality, comprehensive, unflinching national security investigation of Trump.

Trump could not possibly pass even a rudimentary security clearance investigation. He's wallowing under massive civil judgments; he's credibly accused of casually sharing top secret nuclear submarine data with a foreign national. Not to mention criminal mishandling of many other classified materials. Trump is facing trial related to the January 6 insurrection.

I honestly don't understand Elise Stefanik's silly play here. If she is playing to the hardcore Trump base that wallows in the details of all of the "Crossfire Hurrican" conspiracy theories, she's playing to something like 20% of the electorate.

I hope that there really IS an ongoing major counterintelligence investigation into Trump. And that Elise Stefanik succeeds in drawing it out into the open sooner, rather than later.

Own goal.

James K said...

“Stefanik is good, but not Gowdy good.”

Meh, Gowdy always seemed to be all bark and no bite. Did he ever actually get a scalp? Stefanik might if Trump is elected.

chuck said...

I was waiting for him to invoke the Fifth.

Rabel said...

Good, but she had him hooked a couple of times and didn't bring him in after he evaded answering the questions with weasel words.


FullMoon said...

On the ticket for vp.

Trump wins, resigns in six months.

As new President, she appoints Tump Atty General.

Trump installs friends and family and gets revenge.

Fairly obvious.

FullMoon said...

"On the spectrum "Commenter would love to give her his special "twist".

donald said...

Trey Gowdy talked and talked and talked and preened on camera and talked and preened…Never accomplished anything significant. Now he’s a talking head on tv talking and preening. Gotta say, I’m a little jealous.

Deep State Reformer said...

I think history will remember today's lawsuits and prosecutions against Trump as being along the same lines as the Moscow show trials of the 1930's and the Scopes Monkey trial in America in 1925. Begining with the Chauvin trial in 2021 a lawfare campaign began leading to today's events where we see the American judicial process being at its nadir. What's going on in these lawfare I cases is only a small bit above the 1692 Salem witch trials only bc nobody has been hanged yet. And no one can deny though that in the U.S. we are past the point where we have rule of law anymore.This stuff isn't merely a one-off anomaly folks. America now is WTROL and that is now the new norm.

Josephbleau said...

“The question to ask yourself now is, 'how can the office of Vice President be best weaponized in a hostile Congress'. She may be more useful in the Senate. A replacement for ol' Turtle. Very“

The GOP looks to do well in the Senate ( turtle must go), so maintenance of a strong house is good tactics. The VP wont be an issue in a 51 senate. But the GOP is like the Army of the Potomac, they may not win even if they have a 2 to 1 advantage.

Saint Croix said...

If Trump is acquitted

and his polls in NY improve

picking Stefanik as veep would be an audacious choice

a double NY whammy

if he picks her, then he thinks NY is in play

that would be awesome

if not the veep, he could give her the attorney general gig

or maybe head up the FBI

chuck said...

Scopes Monkey trial in America in 1925

The Scopes Trial was arranged entertainment and everyone had a good time. The $100 dollar fine was paid by William Jennings Bryan (IIRC).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hivemind left obey orders to respect the FBI.

The FBI is a corrupt organization filled with greed, corruption and grifters.

Here's the truth
An @FBI Special Agent in Charge directed a subordinate to give his wife a cash bonus. When caught, he retired and refused to cooperate with the @JusticeOIG
. Now, @TheJusticeDept declines to prosecute and the SAC can collect his pension for life- no consequences.

Interested Bystander said...

Stefanik is where she needs to be. Wray elongated in a prison cell, the eye rolling POS.

chuck said...

Scopes Monkey trial in America in 1925

The Scopes Trial was arranged entertainment and everyone had a good time. The $100 dollar fine was paid by William Jennings Bryan (IIRC).

SweatBee said...

She'd be better at some kind of DOJ post than at VP.

wildswan said...

Wray seems at first to be saying:: "No, we aren't investigating Trump" but soon Stefanik's questioning makes it plain that Wray is saying: "My lawyers tell me that what we are doing is legal."

"But what are you doing?" "Something legal." "But what is it?" "I never say we are doing or not doing something." "But if your lawyers said that something you are doing about a Presidential candidate is legal, then you are doing something about a Presidential candidate."

"I wonder which Presidential candidate they are doing something about," I thought to myself, staring artlessly into space like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.

Go, Stefanik.

Big Mike said...

@MJB Wolf, @Wa St Blogger, I was taking a swipe at the sort of liberal/progressive who believes women are conservative only if they are stupid. And I don’t think Trey Gowdy in his prime was as good as Stefanik in this clip.

Goldenpause said...

Wray was being very evasive and channeling Bill Clinton. He acts like a witness trying to avoid committing perjury while at the same time not revealing information responsive to the question. He has signaled that the FBI, once again, is up to no good. Congress needs to dig deeper. Chances are it won’t.

Brian said...

Trump could not possibly pass even a rudimentary security clearance investigation.

Hint: Security clearances aren't required to run for and be elected to President of the United States at which point you get one as part of the office.

The country is ruled by its citizens, not by its bureaucrats. If people want to run against Trump by saying he couldn't pass a security check, feel free, but guess what, nobody cares.

wishfulthinking said...

My favorite for Trump's VP. Too bad we can't clone her.

Leland said...

"I'm not in the business of confirming assessments"

Yes, yes you are. The authorization that funds your business says that you are required to do so.

Rocco said...

Narayanan said...
"How come no one has thought to install fire-detection devices at/under the witness tables?"

They would always be going off, and Fire Safety protocols require that the building be evacuated if triggered.

Tina Trent said...

Um, Gadfly, the district Stefanik represents is happy to sell NYC back to the Native American Indians for a few conch shells and bead necklaces any time.

Trust me. I'm from Poughkeepsie. Every tax season, my otherwise quiet and calm father would make his one political phone call a year, asking our representative, Hamilton Fish VIII, where the subways were in Poughkeepsie, the ones we had to pay for to bail out that shithole city. It was funny. Remember funny? We really need funny.

Dave Begley: I like Ramaswamy. I really do. But he is in favor of taking away even more Americans' jobs by increasing legal immigration, sending more jobs overseas, and there are a heck of a lot more non-SE Asian women in this country than SE Asians, though I don't think we're far away from that community electing more people. Whom I will vet on these issues before voing for them. I live in Forsyth County, Ga, and it's about 20% SE Asian now. I really like many personally, but they're rich AND insensituve to the populations they're displacing and pricing out. If Ramaswamy has a solution for that, I'll listen.

If more of them would denounce the caste system of their own country and stop importing untouchables as house slaves to make their lives cushier, I also would be even more enthusiastic. What is Ramaswami's position on the caste system? Honest questions.

Stefanick rocks. One of her aides needs to burn that blouse, though. Only clowns should wear giant circles on their clothes.

Deep State Reformer said...

I know. It was a clown show. A burlesque, a mockery. That was a data point in the argument I was making. Capeesh?

Joe Bar said...

JFC These lying fucks just keep lying, don't they?

Mr. T. said...

"Credibily accused"

You can stop talking now.

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