LAWFARE: AOC admits the Democrat’s Lawfare against Trump is like an electronic ankle monitor limiting his ability to campaign. Shhh AOC you’re not supposed to admit that part.
— @amuse (@amuse) May 22, 2024
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
LAWFARE: AOC admits the Democrat’s Lawfare against Trump is like an electronic ankle monitor limiting his ability to campaign. Shhh AOC you’re not supposed to admit that part.
— @amuse (@amuse) May 22, 2024
Be careful what you want, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, because you might just get it.
The text caption accompanying the video disappeared behind it. I had to grab a screenshot to see the text.
"Glorying in the humiliation of others — it's not an endearing trait."
Not if you want to be nice. Progs don't, so it endears progs to other progs.
I don't know. I saw some street interviews done in the Bronx recently, the people they talked to seemed very receptive to Trump.
She is hoping for violence, not humiliation.
Her statement makes no sense. He campaigns around the country. Plus, what's a legal version of ankle bracelet a legal thing itself?
Carville dragged a fifty dollar bill through the Bronx.
She makes it sound as if it's a political prosecution or something.
She needs an ankle bracelet on her mouth and then she should ankle it out of our country.
Readering said...
Her statement makes no sense. He campaigns around the country. Plus, what's a legal version of ankle bracelet a legal thing itself?
She is a stupid person leading stupid people.
AOC = An Obnoxious C***
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Welcome to government by middle school children.
NYC politicians -- the very best of what the city has to offer.
I watched the clip without sound. Her expression and manner remind me of Kamala Harris. It looks insincere.
Uh, Trump is beyond humiliation. That's his one superpower. AOC is humiliating herself by trying to shame someone who lacks a conscience.
"Latinos are black, so black lives matter is about us." - Alexandria "Sandy" Cortez
"Latinos are white, I think you're forgetting how diverse they are." - Alexandria "Sandy" Cortez
These are actual quotes from 2020, spoken within months of each other.
She's got a great rack. She should lead with that. Her first choice - her mouth - isn't working so well.
There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mostly in underdeveloped countries, where they are used principally as draught or pack animals. While working donkeys are often associated with those living at or below subsistence, small numbers of donkeys or asses are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries.
An adult male donkey is a jack or jackass, an adult female is a jenny or jennet,[4][5][6] and an immature donkey of either sex is a foal.[6] Jacks are often mated with female horses (mares) to produce mules; the less common hybrid of a male horse (stallion) and jenny is a hinny.
- Wikipedia
"Latinos are black, so black lives matter is about us." - Alexandria "Sandy" Cortez
"Latinos are white, I think you're forgetting how diverse they are." - Alexandria "Sandy" Cortez
Color judgment and class bigotry. One step forward, two steps backward.
A third dimension appears on the (now) crazy/hot/stupid graph.
AOC is WAY out there on her own.
Has he been able to find a venue- that still isn't clear to me. The city will definitely try to refuse him a rally should he actually try.
I can tell that the idea frightens people like Occasional Cortex, but I doubt it actually happens.
She's got a great rack. She should lead with that. Her first choice - her mouth - isn't working so well.
I doubt she'd pass the Bob Seger "...way up firm and high" test
AOC is one of those women that seems like a catch - attractive, intelligent, caring - and once you get to know her better you realize she is incredibly dumb and self-centered. Simply not worth it.
Unfortunately, many members of Congress are incredibly dumb and self-centered, though most of them have the decency to not be attractive.
Just minutes ago in the comments for Althouse's blog post on the new Trump biopic, I linked to the Wikipedia page concerning the years-long defamation lawsuit filed by Trump against author Tim O'Brien over O'Brien's book, "TrumpNation." I wanted to mention this quote from that page. It's Trump himself, long after his lawsuit had failed, and all of Trump's costly appeals had been exhausted and Trump was ordered to pay costs in the case.
Trump, quoted in the Washington Post: "I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees, and they spent a whole lot more. I did it to make his life miserable, which I'm happy about."
"I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees, and they spent a whole lot more. I did it to make his life miserable, which I'm happy about."
"...Trump was ordered to pay costs in the case."
Guess Trump was misquoted.
She was a bartender and aspiring actress who entered a casting call for the role of:
Pretty Brown Congresswoman
NOT saying she's NOT a talented actress.. Just SAYING that she was PICKED out of a casting call to play the role
If Trump gets thousands of people to attend his rally in the Bronx it will be a yuge upset for the Dems. If they haven't already the Dems need to be organizing 'protestors' so they can have a visual to show of the same event with people who are against Trump. The Trump team needs to have people outside and in surrounding areas recording to see if they can get video of 'organic protestors," coming off buses or public transportation, so they can counter the Dems' counter to his rally.
Artless Aztec: She's got a great rack. She should lead with that.
It's the only way to guarantee we wouldn't hear a word she said.
If the little girl with the big ego hates America this much, maybe little girl with the big mouth should leave and find a better country she is more suited for. No big loss to any of us. She is pathetic, and really shows that we need smaller, more logical people in government...not more leeches.
"Trump, quoted in the Washington Post: "I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees, and they spent a whole lot more. I did it to make his life miserable, which I'm happy about."
Hey, Chuck the Cunt, that is just Trump playing by the rules people like you made. Welcome to the party, Pal!
All the girls from Scarsdale are like that.
But, keep it up, Chuck the Cunt- every post you make causes people like us to support Trump more, not less, you dumb fuck.
Heartless Aztec said...
She's got a great rack. She should lead with that
she DID!
That ad she did for Boston College was pretty perky! it showed she had a Nice Attitude
Prediction 1: Trump will get a YUGE turnout in the Bronx.
Prediction 2: The media will find a few people from Texas and report the crowd size was due to crazy MAGA people from out of state.
I notice her behind more. FWIW.
She always seems to me to look like a confused horse eating an apple.
Also, can you imagine Trump on the campaign trail wearing a leg monitor? Do these people think it will shame him? He'd blazon it like a boxing title belt.
I don't see Trump as being humiliated here. I'd think running political show trials would be embarrassing to anyone regularly harping on the threats to "Our Democracy™", but Democrats aren't self-aware enough to feel embarrassment.
She's popular in her district. And Fani Willis won her primary.
Some voters just don't care about the things sane rational people care about and in some circumstances, those people can become a majority.
The Vault Dweller said...
"...The Trump team needs to have people outside and in surrounding areas recording to see if they can get video of 'organic protestors," coming off buses or public transportation, so they can counter the Dems' counter to his rally."
Probably SEIU buses, as with the Wisconsin Capitol protests some years ago.
"She's popular in her district. And Fani Willis won her primary. Some voters just don't care about the things sane rational people care about and in some circumstances, those people can become a majority."
Most of NYC is like this - filled with foreigners, idiots from far flung states, and residents that have all drunk the marketing Kool-Aid injected into TV shows, movies and social media. The entire city is a pyramid scheme constantly looking for the next sucker who's dumb enough to buy-in the sunk cost so that they can't leave and need to find the next patsy. It appears the phenomenon is spreading beyond the Big Crapple too.
It's a fake town filled with a lot of fake people. You know what they say about New York City...if you can fake it there, you can fake it anywhere!
Also also, what are "Bronxites"? I had family in Da Bronx.
"All the girls from Scarsdale are like that."
Latinx + Bimbo + AOC = Bimbinx
Out of the mouths of babes.
Howard said...
"Uh, Trump is beyond humiliation. That's his one superpower"
Howard, this is actual insight, well beyond 95% of Congress. Idiots trying to make Trump feel bad (or "bankrupt" him) are mostly showing what they actually fear. They are impostors who couldn't lead a parade.
Ironically, the part about Trump having a conscience is where you're most wrong, and where you could also do some actual damage. He hates seeing people get hurt, especially children- even foreign ones.
Democrats are the neoNazi movement at this point. With a dash of Soviet superiority.
"He hates seeing people get hurt, especially children..."
Who are the people celebrating the idea of children sterilizing themselves, resulting in a lifetime dependency on pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry? That would be Democrats.
But yeah- it's Trump who lacks a conscience. What a maroon.
When was the last time 'Sandy from the block' was in the South Bronx? Was that interview done in DC?
Blogger gilbar said...
She was a bartender and aspiring actress who entered a casting call for the role of:
Pretty Brown Congresswoman
NOT saying she's NOT a talented actress.. Just SAYING that she was PICKED out of a casting call to play the role
This needs to be remembered. The "assistant" with the Chandra Rose tee shirt picked her as the craziest.
Blogger Mason G said...
But yeah- it's Trump who lacks a conscience. What a maroon.
5/22/24, 12:45 PM
It's a broader issue, for instance his aversion to starting foreign wars and bombing neighborhoods. But yes, it's why Trump might do surprisingly well against Geno Joe among all blocks of American society.
Well at least she rode her white horse in to save Rep. Crockett from the likes of MTG. Goodness knows Crockett couldn’t have battled with MTG all on her own... Crockett’s eyelashes required a save, but a ride in to save Trump from bullying political persecution? Not so much.
"It's a broader issue, for instance his aversion to starting foreign wars and bombing neighborhoods."
Democrats do like killing people, don't they? I mean- when they're not busy segregating them into groups and setting those groups against each other.
Keep her away from Puerto Rico!
John Henry
Lleveselo viento de agua
She is quite an embarassment
"I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees, and they spent a whole lot more. I did it to make his life miserable, which I'm happy about." Trump
An Omaha version of Trump is doing that to my client. This clown brought his wife to mediation yesterday. What a loser.
The preamble to the NE Code of Professional Conduct states that the law is not to be used, "to harass or intimidate people."
The plaintiff in the case filed against my client has NO monetary damages. Pure harassment.
Lawyers who use the law to harass and intimidate people are pure scum.
But it can be a lucrative trait.
An Omaha version of Trump is doing that to my client. This clown brought his wife to mediation yesterday. What a loser.
Yet, you are going to vote for Trump, who by your own standards is a "loser".
"Squeak, squeak, squeak" said the annoying little former bartender.
Bartending bimbo from Brooklyn--or is it the Bronx or the Big Apple {I don't care which} gets her high school mean girl shtick on. AOC is a pestilent pimple on Americas political posterior on the Potomac. And that's on her good days--when I'm holding back on saying what I really think of this twerp.
"Glorying in the humiliation of others — it's not an endearing trait."
Aww…lighten up…she’s still a cutie-pie.
AOC is starting to look old.
Freder Frederson said...
An Omaha version of Trump is doing that to my client. This clown brought his wife to mediation yesterday. What a loser.
Yet, you are going to vote for Trump, who by your own standards is a "loser".
You voted for a rapist.
By your standards that means you are a piece of shit.
Where is Taylor Swift?
I am still not sure what I should think! Tell me, tell me, Tay - lor
A few questions, Chuck. Are you for or against the use of the legal system to harass opponents? Does it depend on who is being targeted and who is doing that targeting? Would the inference that you are acknowledging that the prosecutions of Trump are not legally sound be correct? What to make of the views of law professors of no mean note, including Dershowitz, Jonothan Turley, and our gracious host, Professor Althouse, none of whom are Trump supporters but are critical of all or some of the prosecutions of Trump?
Finally, which of our basic legal principles are you willing to sacrifice to get Trump, and which do you think ought to be maintained? It is difficult to tell that you aren't willing to sacrifice all of them.
Oh, BTW, Chuck, most importantly, are you seriously trying to imply that abuse of the civil litigation system by private actors is somehow the equivalent of the government abusing the criminal legal system to attack its citizens?
AOC just gave Trump a great idea for a comercial.
AOC: "I'm looking forward to the response of everyday Bronxites talking about how they feel about him coming to their backyard."
"Finally, which of our basic legal principles are you willing to sacrifice to get Trump..."
He won't want to sacrifice any principles that he might find useful in the future, just that they should be ignored in this case. Because, as every good leftist believes, Trump is literally Hitler and nothing is too extreme in the effort to destroy him.
Ahem. Didn't she have her own campaign finance issues?
Prediction 2: The media will find a few people from Texas and report the crowd size was due to crazy MAGA people from out of state.
Which will fool the people who watch the news. Everyone else will see Twitch live streams, video tweets, FB reels, and TikToks of very NYC sounding people at the rally.
I can’t imagine two Texans willing to travel to NY.
"I can’t imagine two Texans willing to travel to NY."
They don't need Texans. They'll have no problem finding NYC progs willing to lie for them. "Literally Hitler", after all.
For james and others who may be wondering.
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
Chuck: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
Biden and Trump are both rapists. How did we end up with these two guys as our only alternatives for President?
"lonejustice said...Biden and Trump are both rapists. How did we end up with these two guys as our only alternatives for President?"
To be fair, both are alleged sexual assaulters. Also, you can vote for the third guy, the one who had a worm eat his brain.
She’s definitely a candidate for the Hot, Crazy matrix test. She’s batshit crazy but kinda hot.
Glorying in the humiliation of others -- it's not an endearing trait
She is a stupid person leading stupid people.
I'll admit she could lead me for a block or two. At least from a distance, the view is good and I can't hear her talk.
LLR-democratical lonejustice: "Biden and Trump are both rapists."
Your lies re:Trump are becoming more and more pathetic as time goes on.
At this point it appears hopeless that you'll ever pull out of last place on the list of Althouse blog LLR-democratical Brigade members.
@Walter: Chuck is a Michigan Romney stalwart. He makes total sense if you acceptor that premise.
Chuck even reflects and amplifies Mitt's TDS.
Glorying in the humiliation of others — it's not an endearing trait.
is this different from schadenfreude?
I usually cut Althouse some slack, but this is not a good look for her.
How is she not trying to point out what she thinks is AOC's humiliation?
If Trump is humiliated, it is self-imposed beginning with his super narcissism that erupts every time he makes a public appearance. In court four days a week he desperately tries to hide from the fact that he is not in control. So he stares, displays anger, sleeps, and even shits in his pants.
With all the attacks that Trump has made on others throughout his adult life, none of his victims are sorry to see him grovel. But Never Trumpers following the trial are silently pleased to observe that he continuously violates Healey's First Law of Holes - he digs ever deeper.
Speaking of humiliation, the blue-suit, red-tie crowd of sycophants who sit in the first rows of the court only to march out to parrot Trump's words that he is not permitted to say is a perfect example of The Former Guy belittling his supporters. Somebody has to pay, I suppose.
And when the rubber meets the road, the dirty little coward would not testify on his own behalf after he stated that he undoubtedly would do so.
QOTD, Glenn Reynolds:
“Spoiled, privileged, entitled children on a rampage is a good metaphor for leftist politics in general, and don’t think people aren’t noticing.”
She must have big feet, both shot from close range!
Here's another Graduate Study on self immolation.
The corrupt soviet left are going after lawyers who represent Republicans.
The Hopeless soy boy gadfly: "In court four days a week he desperately tries to hide from the fact that he is not in control. So he stares, displays anger, sleeps, and even shits in his pants."
There is so much to unpack in this psychotic and projection filled moronic rant one hardly knows where to start.
PedoFly is especially animated since being outted.
"it's not an endearing trait."
To be fair she's only what you'd get if you stuck Chuck, Freder, Rich, Readering and Gadlfy into a large pot and rendered them down.
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