"During his speech at Morehouse, [Biden] mentioned the climate crisis explicitly only in a stray line about 'heeding your generation’s call to a community free of gun violence and a planet free of climate crisis and showing your power to change the world.' There’s a better way to talk about the issue, one that might galvanize Black voters... focus[ing] on how the Biden administration is investing in clean energy hubs, green work force development, tax credits for home improvement measures and community grants. Mr. Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act earmarked roughly $2 billion for community-level climate justice initiatives, such as grants for green technology and reducing the health risks from heat and pollution that have ravaged Black communities, and there’s more money waiting to be doled out...."
So, the "better way to talk about" climate change to black voters — instead of talking about "a planet free of climate crisis" — is to let them know there are billions of dollars "waiting to be doled out" to their specific communities. And that's "how much black Americans care" — they care about the money that might be doled out to them. That's what it says in the article.
Sorry, but the NYT overestimates how much anyone cares about about climate change.
"Democratic strategists seem to see climate change as a key political issue only for white liberal elites and assume that other groups, like Black voters, are either unaware of or apathetic about it...."
That is because climate change is about power for white liberal elites and is just an attack on poor people and their wealth in general.
If you have to hyper-bribe one of your most favorable demographics, you're in trouble.
And it won't work. The real trouble for Bribem isn't just that inflation is absolutely crushing most American blacks (and whites), it's that blacks know most of these bens go to the top of the pyramid. People like Mosby, Sharpton, and Jackson. A lot of blacks who don't already have a high rank in Rainbow-PUSH won't buy this.
It's a 1980's patronage offer, and the fact this is the best the Rats have show exactly how out of touch they are.
What the Left always leaves out about the CAGW scam is that it will triple electric rates. The main beneficiaries of the IRA are those persons and corporations that use the federal tax credits that are what drives solar and wind developments. $11.8 trillion needs to be spent by 2050 to achieve net zero. Add that $11.8 trillion to the US debt and the money supply.
China, of course, owns the solar and wind market. What could go wrong with handing our grid over to the ChiComs?
Our worthless media is all in favor of the CAGW scam.
CAGW is going to ruin this country as we go broke and deindustrialize. Just look what happened in Germany.
Two white male liberals run the Omaha Public Power District Board. True CAGW believers and two of the least impressive and dumbest people I have ever met. Total losers running a $2B budget. We are fucked.
In their zeal to conjure up a climate crisis, they have wrought an energy catastrophe.
And that's "how much black Americans care" — they care about the money that might be doled out to them. That's what it says in the article.
Things are looking up. Althouse is edging towards the appropriate level of cynicism when dealing with Democrats. But she’s still not all the way there yet.
"heeding your generation’s call to a community free of gun violence"
What a ridiculous thing to say to a black audience,
"The charges of systemic racism and White privilege that are tearing the country apart float free of reality. Two known truths, long since documented beyond reasonable doubt, need to be acknowledged and incorporated into the ways we approach public policy: American Whites, Blacks, Latinos, and Asians have different rates of violent crime and different means and distributions of cognitive ability. These two truths drive the problems in policing, education, and the workplace that are now ascribed to systemic racism. Facing Reality [Charles Murray, 2021] lays out the evidence clinically and in detail, without apologies or animus."
Dave Begley said...
"What the Left always leaves out about the CAGW scam is that it will triple electric rates."
That's a feature to them, not a bug. And yet it's profoundly suicidal in an energy market increasingly dominated by Russia and KSA. The higher energy costs go in Europe, the more European nations will think that life under Putin might not be so bad. Oligarchs going out windows? Yeah, don't threaten me with a good time.
Just to salvage the situation they caused, the Rats need to admit that climate change is a scam and always was. But they would rather die.
yeah - blacks are going to be real impressed with a promised government program [insert bullshit green community plan that amounts to jack-squat] that costs billions and ultimately lines the pockets of the elites, and leaves the community even poorer.
The blacks don’t buy to green agenda? Then sell it to the rainbow group.
This is so farcical. Bribery with our own money, and the news media plays it up like we’re idiots for not buying it hook line and sinker.
Actually, the economy is phenomenal. Why don’t you people see that?
Why aren’t I ahead by 50 points? You Deplorables …
Climate change is the biggest that threat to the planet. Democrats have a ready made army of people who had their student loans forgiven to knock doors in black neighborhoods. They can whitesplain why climate change is an existential threat to the children these families are having a hard time feeding. They should also cite Krugman saying that inflation isn’t so bad if you exclude food, shelter, and energy. Also, that blacks should welcome into their homes the newcomers who are going to do the jobs that Americans won’t do.
That should get blacks to vote straight party ticket.
"We got lots of grift for you black folks as long as you continue to vote for us."
Call me crazy, but I'm thinking Black Americans, like all other Americans, would prefer to keep their jobs at the auto companies who are currently laying off workers, and projecting to lay off more, due to a slowing demand for electric vehicles, and notably, electric trucks.
You can only virtue signal for so long. Eventually reality comes around and hits you hard where it counts, in your ability to house and feed yourself and your family. And while people are told to love government hand-outs, aside from wealthy college grads, I'm not sure that's shown to be true.
“And that's "how much black Americans care" — they care about the money that might be doled out to them. That's what it says in the article.”
Surprising, I know. But sometimes even the NYT actually gets something right.
The "Inflation Reduction Act" tosses TRILLIONS of dollars into an economy already awash in spending. It should have been labeled the Inflation Assurance Act.
That such an Act is applauded as inflation reduction makes me weep.
And, I suspect inner city dwellers are realizing that all that money to be spent "in" their communities will, in fact, be minimal after all the beak wetting between D.C. and their homes.
For example they see the bonus of rapid EV chargers (billions so far to build, what, seven chargers? That will solve a LOT of problems. But not for these people.
"Biden administration is investing in clean energy hubs, green work force development, tax credits for home improvement measures"
And saddling the next generations with trillions of debt. What's not to like?
"they care about the money that might be doled out to them. That's what it says in the article"
Right. Dem politics is bribery. Is that wrong? Is it news? Does anyone care about "climate" except insofar as they can have other people's money "doled out" to them--in EV subsidies, for example?
Changing "global warming" to "climate change" is akin to changing "colored people" to "people of color", though the left has say that "global warming" is just one part of (man-made) "climate change".
When people cannot afford groceries and may never be able to become homeowners, not much concern and attention is shown to the Dem's latest way to tax more, while enacting (or proposing) ineffective programs that are simply graft.
Let me guess, the grants for green technology will be used for EV charging stations. Whatever the money is actually for, I expect it to benefit the sellers of the green technology far more than the people in the communities it is meant for. Will there be money set aside for maintenance of the technologies they are plopping down in the communities?
There’s a better way to talk about the issue, one that might galvanize Black voters... focus[ing] on how the Biden administration is investing in clean energy hubs, green work force development, tax credits for home improvement measures and community grants.
You want to know why you're losing the black vote?
This is why you're losing the black vote.
The Dem strategists seem to have a very low opinion of Black voters. "They'll vote for us on the promise of climate construction jobs way down the line, while their cities are looking worse and worse every year?"
In my neighborhood there are symptoms that Black voters are beginning to be aware of this. Climate change, open immigration and defunded police are not popular, the latter two because of their obvious problems for the community, the former at least for the way it distracts governments from their real jobs. I think after years of misdiagnosis and outright neglect of the real needs of black urban communities, many black voters are moving away from the Democratic Party.
It seems like Biden's campaign strategy is to use a random number generator to select sound bytes out of a 50-year-old playbook.
"the Biden administration is investing in clean energy hubs, green work force development, tax credits for home improvement measures and community grants."
Billions have already been allocated to EV charging stations. How many have been built? Anybody who thinks that what Biden is promising here are "investments" is a moron. Or a Democrat.
Democrat "investments" are interesting. Out in California, San Francisco and Los Angeles are "investing' in homes for the homeless. At a cost of $1 million for a single studio apartment unit, the investments don't go far.
You voted for him, Howard. You deal with it.
Black people vote Democrat 80-90 percent because they believe the D's are "Their party".
Nothing is going to change that. And the R's are never going to be able to outbid the D's for their loyalty.
This has been going on for a long time. In 1960, Nixon was upset that he only got 32 percent after Ike had passed a civil rights bill and sent US Airborne troops to Little Rock. Even worse, LBJ was JFK's VP. He had routinely voted for segregation bills until the mid 50s.
If Blacks don't turn out to vote for Biden in Michagan, Winsconsin, or Pennsylvania, the D's just do what they did in 2020 - they'll cheat.
“Changing "global warming" to "climate change" is akin to changing "colored people" to "people of color", though the left has say that "global warming" is just one part of (man-made) "climate change".”
Global Warming is falsifiable, and was essentially falsified. Climate Change is not really falsifiable. It cannot be proven or disproven. So, it no longer can be considered Science, but rather sciency cargo cult religion. It’s a question of faith, and not logic or science.
I call absolute and utter b****** on this propostion. If black americans knew that the inflation we are experiencing started and continues with Biden's attacks on energy, they might leave the plantation. Democrat media outlets will not tell the peons the truth. Black america knows that everything Biden "promises" 20% goes to his cronies, 20% goes to local cronies and they might get 50% of the benefit long after he is out of office, if ever. It has been going on like this for their entire lives.
Maybe one day they will wake up, but I doubt it, the democrats have dumbed down the education system so much that I'm not sure the masses have the capacity.
"Climate Change is not really falsifiable."
The climate has always changed over time. A good portion of the country used to be under a sheet of ice, but it melted. And not because of SUVs and cow farts.
From National Geographic:
"The Laurentide ice sheet was almost three kilometers (two miles) thick and covered North America from the Canadian Arctic all the way to the modern U.S. state of Missouri. Glacial retreat of the Laurentide ice sheet created such features as the Great Lakes."
Global weather, diversity politics, and redistributive change in a climate of catastrophic anthropogenic change.
How many EVs are owned by people in the hood?
Mason G:
"The Laurentide ice sheet was almost three kilometers (two miles) thick and covered North America from the Canadian Arctic all the way to the modern U.S. state of Missouri.
And dumped piles of that friggin' tire-chewing chert all over.
It’s very apparent that the goal of Democrats is to maintain a very rich government funded ruling class while the rest live in third world conditions. The new nobility. Ivy league knighthoods. Everything else is just performance art.
Biggest. Money. Laundering. Scam. In. History.
"How many EVs are owned by people in the hood?"
If we should all be driving EVs (according to democrats) to save the planet, then why is California tacking on an extra registration fee for EVs?
I registered my one-year-old Tesla a month or so ago and it was $800+
I'm doing my part and getting fucked in the process.
Add to this electricity that is the most expensive in the nation and you know you're living in a Democrat paradise...
A perfact illustration of Megan McArdle's observation about the trouble with high-low coalitions: the policies tend to be justified by the proles but written by the elites.
There’s a better way to talk about the issue, one that might galvanize Black voters... focus[ing] on how the Biden administration is investing in clean energy hubs, green work force development, tax credits for home improvement measures
All those are payoffs to white liberals, esp in the gov't & NGO jobs they get pushing that crap
and community grants. Mr. Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act earmarked roughly $2 billion for community-level climate justice initiatives, such as grants for green technology and reducing the health risks from heat and pollution that have ravaged Black communities, and there’s more money waiting to be doled out...."
All that means is some "black leaders" get paid off. it doesn't bring jack shit to actual black voters.
And they've figured that out
“Mr. Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act earmarked roughly $2 billion for community-level climate justice initiatives, such as grants for green technology and reducing the health risks from heat and pollution that have ravaged Black communities, and there’s more money waiting to be doled out...."
Explain to me again how this addresses the key issues of urban Blacks like out of control crime, school systems that fail their kids, and higher and higher food and energy costs.
On the other hand, most of that $2 billion will end up in the pockets of white liberal elites, like investments in Black communities always do.
Black people are not dumb.
So, the "better way to talk about" climate change to black voters — instead of talking about "a planet free of climate crisis" — is to let them know there are billions of dollars "waiting to be doled out" to their specific communities. And that's "how much black Americans care" — they care about the money that might be doled out to them. That's what it says in the article.
The modern Democrat Party in a nutshell (which would be a great place for it).
"China, of course, owns the solar and wind market."
And China powers its own economy with coal, which it buys from Australia.
focus[ing] on how the Biden administration is investing
remember; to the democrats spending money we don't have, is called "investing"
Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that it IS "investing":
what is the return on that investment?
The US government is spending about a TRILLION dollars we don't have.. Every 100 days
what is the return on that investment?
They need about a 100 Million votes. A TRILLION dollars comes to TEN THOUSAND dollars per vote..
EVERY 100 days..
what is the return on that investment?
"If we should all be driving EVs (according to democrats) to save the planet, then why is California tacking on an extra registration fee for EVs?"
In part, because EVs don't pay gas taxes. *Somebody* has to pay into the road maintenance fund so that there's money to divert to other uses, you know.
Joe Smith, didn't you know or anticipate all those downsides BEFORE you plunked down your money for an EV?
After all, you live in bat-shit crazy California!
“Sorry, but the NYT overestimates how much anyone cares about about climate change.”
It grossly overestimates how much black people care.
It’s fascinating to me how even educated Blacks seem to have a Cracker sensibility. Varying in a few details, but with an identical lack of elasticity.
I hear "climate change", and think "nutball". That's on brand for Biden.
Tell me what part of this policy mix should be perceived as a plus for black middle and working class people (who make up most of the black demographic):
1. Tripling electricity rates because Net Zero is hugely wasteful and impractical. Not that hard on the wealthy elites, but regular folk, maybe not so happy.
2. Requiring that auto purchasers buy electric-only, at premium pricing up-front, short useful lives of batteries, and a dead market for trade-ins. Not to mention more demand on the lesser supply of electricity, so skyrocketing energy costs.
3. Requiring home-owners to replace functioning nat-gas furnaces and appliances with all-electric (with tripled rates, remember?)
4. Pretending that all this makes any difference to the climate, while China and India and the rest of the world laughs at the US for impoverishing itself while they continue to burn fossil fuels with abandon.
Yeah, I think that's gonna be a tough sell.
If we should all be driving EVs (according to democrats) to save the planet, then why is California tacking on an extra registration fee for EVs?
Because you're not paying enough gas tax.
And you WILL be f***ing taxed.
If we had journalism from the media, we would know that the Democrat/left climate agenda is predicated on raising the cost of living for Americans in search for a very long-term marginal improvement in carbon emissions which has not been proven to cause global warming.
Black people and all people of the middle class and below are starting to notice now that the bill is coming due.
Prediction: Democrats will rotate on their position and moderate the pace of change. The real issue is whether their wacko environmentalist "scientists" will back off their claims that the world is going to end in nine years (once again).
I watched video of some of the black and Hispanic attendees of Trump's Bronx rally and not a one expressed a concern for climate change. Their main concerns were the economy and the open borders. Illegal aliens taking over their streets and housing seemed to be one issue on which they were most vocal and Joe Biden was the person on which they placed most of the blame.
The article is just pointing out the obvious.
'In part, because EVs don't pay gas taxes. *Somebody* has to pay into the road maintenance fund so that there's money to divert to other uses, you know.'
Yes, it was rhetorical. But in normal life, you incentivize what you wish to encourage.
"Joe Smith, didn't you know or anticipate all those downsides BEFORE you plunked down your money for an EV?"
Yes I did. My wife and I agreed to buy it (cash) because we are wealthy enough to take the hit. Doesn't mean I can't bitch about it : )
"But in normal life, you incentivize what you wish to encourage."
There are around 30 million cars in California, I'd guess the overwhelming majority are ICEs, not EVs. California collects over 50 cents in tax for every gallon of gas sold to their drivers. Once ICEs are effectively banned, the state is going to no longer be collecting a ginormous amount of gas tax dollars so one of two things will happen:
1. The state will get by collecting less tax money.
2. The state will raise taxes elsewhere to make up for the gas tax loss.
Are there more than maybe three or four people on the planet who'd say the state will choose Option 1?
About incentives, people do respond to them. California is making it more expensive to own/operate a car, progressives are on record as opposing the idea of people owning cars and very badly want to force people (well, not themselves, but everybody else) to use mass transit. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to figure where this is headed.
This just in: Blacks continue to vote overwhelmingly for a party that hates and belittles them.
Joe Smith said...
"If we should all be driving EVs (according to democrats) to save the planet, then why is California tacking on an extra registration fee for EVs?"
Kevin said...
"Because you're not paying enough gas tax."
Coming attraction for every driver: tax per mile. States are trying to test it, but it's more likely to be administered by the Feds.
I've got an empty wheelbarrow, where do I go to assist in removing these piles of money from the Government?
"And that's "how much black Americans care" — they care about the money that might be doled out to them. That's what it says in the article."
So, an accurate article in the NYT then.
This just in: Blacks continue to vote overwhelmingly for a party that hates and belittles them"
And throws money at them. You forgot that part.
This just in: Blacks continue to vote overwhelmingly for a party that hates and belittles them"
And throws money at them. You forgot that part.
You can only virtue signal for so long.
Eventually you run out of other people's virtue.
Blogger RMc said...
This just in: Blacks continue to vote overwhelmingly for a party that hates and belittles them.
Same as whitey does.
Doug said...
["This just in: Blacks continue to vote overwhelmingly for a party that hates and belittles them"]
"And throws money at them. You forgot that part."
They're starting to catch on that the money thrown at them is pennies, dimes and quarters, while the invited guests get $1500 gift cards, rent, health even insurance, etc...
Mason G: "The Laurentide ice sheet was almost three kilometers (two miles) thick and covered North America from the Canadian Arctic all the way to the modern U.S. state of Missouri. Glacial retreat of the Laurentide ice sheet created such features as the Great Lakes."
That delightful fact was the basis for a long-copy ad for a Midwestern beer.
The tagline: "Made with water from when the earth was pure."
Joe Smith relayed..
"My wife and I agreed to buy it (cash) because we are wealthy enough to take the hit."
So..it's an RV.
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