১৭ মে, ২০২৪

"Bimbo feminism is the celebration of woman as a dumb, hot object. Woman as an absolute idiot."

"To hell with girlbosses and equality in the boardroom. New feminism—bimboism—is about celebrating the vacant, sexual woman, the dumb woman, the hole. Being smart is capitalism. 'No more Instagrams about rising and grinding,' an opinion writer at The New York Times told us one day in describing the trend. 'No more The Wing. No more straining to be smarter than the boys. Bimboism offers an opposing and, to some, refreshing premise: Value me, look at me, not because I’m smart and diligent but for the fact that I’m not. It’s anticapitalist, even antiwork.'...The first wave [of feminism] was the suffragettes from the late 1800s who fought for a woman’s right to be seen as an autonomous individual and to vote. By the 1960s and ’70s, the second wave was about equal rights for women at work and the little things, like being able to own credit cards and decide when you have your own children. The 1990s saw a third wave focused on sexual liberation and expanding the conversation beyond wealthy white women.... And now, in the 2020s, there’s the fourth wave. The fourth turning. The trans revolution and the bimbo feminist.""

That opinion writer at The New York Times was Sophie Haigney. Here's her piece "Meet the Self-Described ‘Bimbos’ of TikTok." And here's where I blogged it back in 2022. When I ran across "bimbo feminism" listening to Bowles book this morning, I felt like that's something new, I ought to blog that. But now I see, not only did I blog the article Bowles was talking about, I had the same feeling I was seeing it for the first time:
I don't remember seeing the word "bimboism" before, but, googling, I can see it has currency. Here's [Ariella Richards in] Vice from back in February — "Bimbofication Is Taking Over. What Does That Mean for You?/'Are you a hyperfeminine woman? Are you really hot?'"
The modern-day bimbo is a fresh approach to intersectional feminism. There is, actually, careful thought behind bimbology, and it could be a way to reach true liberation... 
[Chlapecka] answered the question: “Who is the Gen Z bimbo?” “A bimbo isn’t dumb. Well, she kind of is, but she isn’t that dumb! She’s actually a radical leftist, who’s pro sex work, pro Black Lives Matter, pro LGBTQ+, pro choice, and will always be there for her girlies, gays and theys”.... 
The idea of weaponised unintelligence isn’t new – the trope is intertwined with the canon of “old Hollywood” bimbos over the years....

 Weaponized unintelligence.... What could go wrong?

৪৭টি মন্তব্য:

imTay বলেছেন...

Take care of the house, prepare healthy meals for me, and any kids who come along, take care of your body, and I won't care what you earn or don't earn. Or even if you spend a lot of your time talking to your girlfriends or reading Harlequin romances when I am off at work, though I admit I would prefer that you read better novels or watched good movies to have stuff to talk about. They try to tell us that this is misogynist, but it would only be misogynist if it weren't a free choice, and you are free to choose something else and be with some other guy.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Not sure why, but there are a ton of videos showing up in my X feed of really hot women, always in cars, speaking to the camera about whatever.

They are not dumb and usually make good points.

But why hot women in cars?


n.n বলেছেন...

Class-disordered ideologies intersect with the trans- or gender (i.e. sex-correlated attributes) divergent spectrum as a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change. One step forward, two steps backward. Forward!

n.n বলেছেন...

Bimbo feminism? Females or males who identify as the feminine gender? #NoJudgment #NoLabels

Achilles বলেছেন...

“Who is the Gen Z bimbo?” “A bimbo isn’t dumb. Well, she kind of is, but she isn’t that dumb! She’s actually a radical leftist, who’s pro sex work, pro Black Lives Matter, pro LGBTQ+, pro choice, and will always be there for her girlies, gays and theys”....

The idea of weaponised unintelligence isn’t new – the trope is intertwined with the canon of “old Hollywood” bimbos over the years....

This encapsulates feminism quite well actually.

Single women are the only consistent voting block for the Globalist/Socialist movements now.

Stupid little girls who want to abolish any kind of merit based awards, create a permanent underclass, and want to be mediocre harem girls until they are old enough to become cat ladies.

Wince বলেছেন...

"I am not a bimbo."


tim maguire বলেছেন...

From that description, the 1st and 2nd waves were the only real and significant waves. The 3rd is where they started to go off the rails. The 4th is complete nonsense. We would be better off if it never happened.

You should be free to lean into whatever works for you--if that's the boardroom, fine. If it's motherhood, fine. If it's being an egghead or a bimbo, fine. Just accept the limitations and consequences of the path you chose (this is where the 3rd and 4th waves really hurt women--the rejection of acceptance of consequences for choices made).

robother বলেছেন...

"Weaponized unintelligence." Like I was saying, Mean Girls. They've been doing this from the beginning of time. Maureen Dowd and Michele Goldberg are their prophets.

Paul Zrimsek বলেছেন...

We're now in the world of the old Onion headline: "Women Now Empowered By Everything A Woman Does".

Tom T. বলেছেন...

Some women really, really want to be part of a group.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Weaponized unintelligence... Since when has that been exclusively feminist? Weaponized unintelligence has been the first and last resort of the left since Louis Antoine de Saint-Just first ascended the Tribunal. The only real distinction between the bimbo feminists and the non-bimbo feminists who chant "From the River to the Sea!" is intent. The bimbos want sex and have discovered men are disinclined to sleep with scolds and harridans, whereas the non-bimbos know they're doomed to spinsterdom and want revenge. Study the videos. By and large, it isn't the hot girls wearing kaffiyehs.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

It's circling but not finding the fault of feminism, that it's not about exchanging sexual identity cards. They just can't find the alternative and so go for the opposite of feminism.

Women are about balancing all the feelings in a situation - good for running small systems like households and neighborhoods, and men are about guaranteeing structure and stability - good for running large systems.

Different intuitions and different interests.

The overly strict father would be the dysfunctional one in a household; and the feelings woman giving the store away the dysfunctional one in government.

Nobody is noticing that the intuition necessary to run a family is specific. It's not being stupid and it's not lying back and thinking of England.

n.n বলেছেন...

The trans- revolution is a denial of sex, a liberalization of gender, and selective excision of bands in the transgender spectrum as they are deemed politically congruent ("=") and otherwise profitable. Women and girls hurt the most, then men and boys, and babies... fetishes... fetuses come tumbling after.

AlbertAnonymous বলেছেন...

Look at me, look at me, but don’t judge me you Bigot!

These feminists can’t figure out what they want, they just know they DON’T want to be that hurtful caricature that the chiefs kicker described in his grad speech.


Night Owl বলেছেন...

All this talk of waves is making me feel nauseous.

Four of my teenage nieces want to be called "he" or "them", anything other than "she". Two have changed their names to boy names and dress to look like boys. I'd call that a big fail on the part of modern "feminism". Maybe, just maybe , some girls don't want to be identified with "bimboism".

I hate what these malevolent deceivers are doing to the minds of young girls.

Kate বলেছেন...

Women's looks have always been a currency. Always. Demeaning a woman who knows how to market her beauty is also ancient practice.

As I recall, I stopped reading Bowles because her insights never went far enough for me.

Caroline বলেছেন...

The mask is slipping. Feminism is the real misogyny, for it makes women subvert and pervert their true nature and telos.

walter বলেছেন...

"But why hot women in cars?"
Made ya look, click. Subscribe?
Cars are cheap studio space.

Left Bank of the Charles বলেছেন...

I was in rural Iowa for Mother’s Day and happened to see several women out mowing their lawns. Which wave of feminism does that fall into? Men weaponized unintelligence first. The ultimate in patriarchy is the husband who only knows how to operate one appliance in the house, the refrigerator, and perhaps the microwave when the wife is not there to see him do it.

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

"Don't try to understand bimbos Bud. Bimbos understand bimbos, and they hate each other."

- Al Bundy

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

I used to work for several years with a much older woman whose husband had bashed in half her skull with a hammer. Her face and skull were permanently distorted, but miraculously, she was still smart, with some verbal issues, and worked damn hard, so she went from pink collar professional to blue collar work. She was a class act and didn't complain. The trailer girls and the roughest men treated her like the lady she was. Nobody cissed around her. She didn't take welfare. She learned a trade. She raised a beautiful daughter on her own.

The attack happened before married or divorced women could get "little things" like mortgages, credit cards, and many good-paying jobs. So she and her daughter had to leave their home because the bank wouldn't transfer the mortgage to her name, even though she had paid for most of it. She had trouble getting financing to buy a car at first, and she had to pay a lot to divorce the man who tried to murder her.

On behalf of her, I'd like to shove that column down those dozy bint slag commie bimbos' throats.

Rory বলেছেন...

"She’s actually a radical leftist, who’s pro sex work, pro Black Lives Matter, pro LGBTQ+, pro choice"

She has to be these things, because the feminist claims to grievance are weakest of all. If they're not deserving, she's not deserving.

Howard বলেছেন...

In the infotainment age, it's All about hyping the noise to signal ratio into the ionosphere. It's how himbos and bimbos Garner clicks from soap Oprah fans.

Heartless Aztec বলেছেন...

Hot dumb bimbos. What's not to like? But it's like David Addison (Bruce Willis) said on Moonlighting - "Bimbos. Can't live with them, can't leave them on street corner when your through with them."

Lilly, a dog বলেছেন...

"bimboism—is about celebrating the vacant, sexual woman, the dumb woman, the hole."

There are three holes. Don't sell yourselves short, feminists.

PM বলেছেন...

Just more jive-ass nothing to sell a book.
Cool w/me. Make some money.

Smilin' Jack বলেছেন...

“The modern-day bimbo is a fresh approach to intersectional feminism. There is, actually, careful thought behind bimbology, and it could be a way to reach true liberation...”

Whatev. If it comes with bigger boobs and longer legs, I can make allowances.

n.n বলেছেন...

Sarah Palin could have been our first female president, but there were masculinists... men, and feminists... women, who opposed her equitable inclusion. A veritable diversity of blocs, classes, and traveling pants.

n.n বলেছেন...

There are three holes. Don't sell yourselves short, feminists.

A Covid... top hole, and AIDS... back... black hole... whore h/t NAACP, and a bottom... gender affirmation hole h/t Levine, Mengele in progressivism.

n.n বলেছেন...

Bimbo feminism. Take a knee feminism. Slut walk feminism. Abortion feminism. Lawfare feminism. Misogynistic feminism. Misanthropic feminism. Redistributive feminism. Retributive feminism. Venutian feminism. And so on and so forth.

n.n বলেছেন...

Bimbo first appears as the name of an alcoholic punch, mentioned in newspapers from New York state (1837), Boston (1842), and New Orleans (1844, but as having come from Boston). It is usually made with arrack or rum or brandy, sometimes all of them.
- etymonline.com

A toast to... with bimbo.

Yinzer বলেছেন...

Great. Now women want to be proud of being stupid. At this rate, we can take the vote away from women (at least the single ones) for the next election.

Scott M বলেছেন...

So what would they call treating all husbands and fathers as complete idiots? Bimbo misandry?

n.n বলেছেন...

Uranus invades Venus.

mikee বলেছেন...

I had an uncle with the nickname Bimbo. He got it as a high school football player way back before WWII, when the Ringling Brothers Circus came to town with an eponymous elephant in their three ring act. I don't know how that nicknaming happened, just that it did. Uncle Bimbo spent WWII in the Aleutians where, he alleged, he had a pet fox. He ran a wholesale jewelry business after the war. He married the ditziest woman I've ever known. Among his kids was one of the main researchers on the human genome project. He was a happy and loving man to the day he died. His funeral several years back was magnificently entertaining for reasons too long to explain here. I miss him still.

Howard বলেছেন...


Hassayamper বলেছেন...

A very beautiful young woman with flexible standards in men and morals can live in leisurely luxury for two or three decades without owning anything more than a toothbrush and a passport. It gets a little dicier after that, unless she has managed to bear the children of a wealthy man.

Hassayamper বলেছেন...

Some women really, really want to be part of a group.

To a far greater degree than men, nearly all women want to be part of a group, and will comply with bizarre rules and cruel coercion to be considered part of the clique.

Quite a lot of men are content with a sofa and a Playstation, or a box of tools and a workbench, or a fishing rod and an ice chest full of beer, and don't much care if they do not lay eyes on another human being from one day to another. Not many women are wired like that.

Hassayamper বলেছেন...

Some women really, really want to be part of a group.

To a far greater degree than men, nearly all women want to be part of a group, and will comply with bizarre rules and cruel coercion to be considered part of the clique.

Quite a lot of men are content with a sofa and a Playstation, or a box of tools and a workbench, or a fishing rod and an ice chest full of beer, and don't much care if they do not lay eyes on another human being from one day to another. Not many women are wired like that.

n.n বলেছেন...

A separate bimbo seems to have entered American English c. 1900, via immigration, as an Italian word for a little child or a child's doll, evidently a contraction of bambino "baby."

By 1919 it began to be used generally of a stupid or ineffectual man
The male word bimbo continues to appear as a derogatory term for a thug or bully through the 1940s (compare bozo.)

- etymonline.com

Mason G বলেছেন...

"So what would they call treating all husbands and fathers as complete idiots?"

Just about all current TV programming. And new movie releases. And advertising. Aside from that, I'm not sure.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

I am in the midst of the Nellie Bowles (audio)book, and it is striking to me that its theme is the pervasiveness of self-alienation over the past decades of life in the West. Again and again, people find new ways to take ambient dissatisfaction and bottle it into newfangled poisonous ideological cocktails. The ideologies only make the little sense they do as rejections of the predecessor poison.
So many of the people interviewed or quoted by Bowles are people with whom I wouldn't want to share an alevator ride, let alone a country.
I doubt that MTG and the representive from Eyelashville are going to be sharing any elevators soon.

Mikey NTH বলেছেন...

There are YouTube channels that show women - some young and others more than young - espousing their theories of men and the demands to be made on men. They answer the question why some men are avoiding women.

Mason G বলেছেন...

"There are YouTube channels that show women - some young and others more than young - espousing their theories of men and the demands to be made on men. They answer the question why some men are avoiding women."

Just watched a video of a woman claiming that any man should be willing to lay down his life to save any woman. When asked "Even if she was seeing other guys and would be sleeping with one of them later that night?", the reply was "Yes."

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

Bimbo feminism is the celebration of woman as a dumb, hot object. Woman as an absolute idiot

I was today years old when I found out that I'm a feminist.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

‘We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”

Women want to be back on the pedestal.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

Bimbo feminism is like the girl criminal checking into the Bates Hotel.