May 9, 2024

At the Magnolia Café...


... you can write about anything you want — including how you think this magnolia isn't the right kind of magnolia.


Jay Vogt said...

Um, I would, but my head's all empty and I don't care.

Chuck said...

In a week of unrelentingly shocking and consequential news, this one caught me by total suprise. Such that I still have a hard time believing it will come to pass.

Barron Trump to enter politics as Florida delegate at GOP convention.

Barron turned 18 last month. He's a high school senior. The Trump family has released no information about any college plans for Barron. Even though most high school seniors are now engaged in final acceptances at their chosen schools.

This is all pretty close to the first time that Barron's name has appeared in the media since 2016, almost eight years ago. Back at that time, there were basically two notable incidents.

In one, a virtually unknown YouTube user named James Hunter posted a kind of homemade analysis video using publicly available video footage of Barron Trumpwith his own audio analysis, in which he suggested that Barron was autistic. Notably, James Hunter is himself autistic and he is an Autism Awareness advocate and activist. Melania Trump hired the nationally known media lawyer Charles Harder to threaten Hunter with a lawsuit if he did not remove the YouTube piece. Hunter did, immediately. And Harder communicated with media outlets which covered the story, threatening them as well and stating that Barron Trump is not autistic. Link to US Weekly for all of this.

In the other, Rosie O'Donnell, herself the mother of an adopted high-functioning autistic duaghter, made public statements urging understanding for Barron Trump whom she believed to be on the autism spectrum. "Barron Trump Autistic? If so — what an amazing opportunity to bring attention to the AUTISM epidemic..." Without making clear the nature of what communication she recieved from Harder, Rosie O'Donnell went silent on the matter and issued what appeared to be a negotiated apology.

For the ensuing seven years, the national media seems to have assiduously been silent on Barron Trump. I am not aware of a single time that Barron has been exposed to any kind of televised interview. Until now, when Barron's name appears as an appointed at-large GOP National Convention Delegate from the state of Florida. Barron is now an adult, and is a political figure insofar as he is a convention delegate. If there had been an understanding to give the teenage Barron all the privacy deserved by a teen who is not a public figure in any elective sense, it must now be gone. At least, as of the convention.

wishfulthinking said...

It's actually very pretty.

Gusty Winds said...

Scott Adams says on X, RFK Jr took Biden out of the race today answering "yes" to "even if it's full term." [abortion]

RFK Jr. provided shelter to liberal abortion at all cost voters who know Biden is a disaster. Post Roe state law abortion limits require everyone get their hands dirty. Infanticide voters were protected by Roe. "The Founding Fathers said infanticide is a constitutional right. I don't have to decide. James Madison said it's between a woman and her doctor."

I'd vote for 16 weeks. But not infanticide by choice. RFK Jr lost any MAGA sympathy and support today he held all year. His views on free speech, Ukraine, NATO, and vaccines are moral and ballsy. Capitulating to infanticide by choice was cowardly. Perhaps a Freudian slip.

Liberal RFK Jr voters secretly want Trump. They just can't admit it publically or to themselves.

Quaestor said...

Does it smell like lemonade?

Big Mike said...

Joe Biden claims that the inflation rate when he took office was 9%. Actually, it was below 2%. But what do you expect from a man who lies as his automatic reflex?

TickTock said...

The patterning in the pedals is interesting, but then I haven't spent a whole lot of time looking at magnolias.

TickTock said...

The patterning in the pedals is interesting, but then I haven't spent a whole lot of time looking at magnolias.

Iman said...

I like a sugar magnolia.

Perhaps I’ve missed it, but I can’t recall POTATUSever telling Hamas what they must or must not do. Not once.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I’ve been waiting for over an hour to do an Amazon delivery, but the station is closed. This is highly unusual. Support has everyone on hold. It feels like the Netflix movie Leave The World Behind. There’s a long line of cars and people are out grouping and chatting.

wendybar said...

"What a shitshow of a job you have!!"

Heartless Aztec said...

I have half a dozen magnolia trees around my property. Some absolutely huge ancient trees interspersed among the live oaks stretched along the St John river here in North Florida. Moonlight, moss and magnolia season is here again. A little Benny Goodman and Helen Forrest on the Victrola and murmur of the water along the bulkhead is lovely. A Southern Comfort whiskey sour in hand and all is good with the world.
P.s. two shots of Southern Comfort on the rocks with three or four lemon wedges squeezed and dropped into the glass until the sweet is gone. Garnish with a sprig of mint and then smell the magnolia blossoms.

Will Cate said...

My favorite magnolia

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Biden waived sanctions this week on arms sales to Qatar and Lebanon. Qatar is financing the anti-Israel demonstrations and Hamas. Lebanon is the place from which Hezbollah launches rockets into northern Israel displacing 150,000 Israeli citizens. Then on Holocaust Remembrance Day our president illegally stopped arms shipments to Israel, an act he has no authority to do given Congress appropriated the funds and Joe signed the bill.

So we are not helping our allies, the only democracy in the region. Our Executive branch has taken the side of Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Iman said...

Bad Idea of the Day…

Humperdink said...

A couple of items from the news wires:

> Vaccine tyrant Chris Cuomo is now taking Ivermectin due to Covid issues.

> A video report from the immigrant tent camp in Denver shows Palestinian flags flying over several tents.

Christopher B said...

Agree 100% with Gusty Winds. RJFjr pulling more support from Trump than Biden has always been Democrat and NeverTrump (BIRM) cope. Republicans have held a lot of positions on abortion over the years (a far wider spectrum than Democrats for a decade or more) but never one that is to the moment of crowning and maybe beyond for any reason whatsoever.

gadfly said...

Incitement of protests and riots on college campuses raised its ugly head amid the most important election campaign in American history as Gen Z was misdirected by non-students who normally wear MAGA caps. So Joe Biden walked right into the trap declaring that a ceasefire in Rafah must happen or no guidance-controlled bombs for IDF.

This single statement is exactly opposite of Biden's normal stance to support Israel and to oppose antisemitism in fighting against Trump's supposed nationalist white majority on the right. When a push came to a shove it was Biden who secured the appropriations to help fund the Israeli and Ukranian wars. He also deployed naval vessels and carriers to the Red Sea to protect tankers and Israeli civilians from Iranian-made missiles.

"Bibi" Netanyahu blew up Rafah anyway - essentially telling Biden "Get. out. the. way." Now another 3,000 Iran missiles will fly and Hezbollah forces will invade Golan Heights.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Michael Cohen will soon take the stand at Trump's criminal "Hush Money" trial.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger gadfly said...
Incitement of protests and riots on college campuses raised its ugly head amid the most important election campaign in American history as Gen Z was misdirected by non-students who normally wear MAGA caps.

A willful, delusional gadfly lie. Wishful thinking at best. I do appreciate the post though. It shines light on the mental gymnastics these people put themselves through.

Achilles said...

In a stunning victory for democrats Male runner takes first place in the Girls 400m in Portland.

Democrats might be losing at everything else, but they can sure help boys kick some girl ass.

Iman said...

Second item… probably hoisted by the same leftwing asshole activists that made their demands of the city, Humperdink @6:28am

wendybar said...

Thomas: Nick, what do you do for a living now?

“Nick”: I work for the Biden Administration.

Thomas (flabbergasted): You work for the Biden administration? Is it your job to wake him up? Or what’s your job? (Mimicking man trying to wake up Biden) “Hey, hey, there’s a war! Hey!”

n.n said...

Abortion is a wicked problem because demos-cracy is slaughtered in darkness, the "burden" of evidence sequestered, then celebrated for social, clinical, political, criminal, and climate progress.

Mason G said...

"Democrats might be losing at everything else, but they can sure help boys kick some girl ass."

It's tough for girl athletes these days but they can still take solace in knowing that Democrats will always support them when it comes to killing their unborn children. Or maybe even ones who have been born, if it hasn't been too long.

Narayanan said...

Iman said...
Bad Idea of the Day…
with Hitchcock that would be plot by husband to get wifee off

Saint Croix said...

Google's AI has no idea how many Jews died in the Holocaust.


Ignorance by design.

Tina Trent said...

You can harvest and eat most magnolia flowers, but you have to cook them first. They taste like ginger. They were a desired food staple in the Depression. Check a guide source.