Said Jennifer Palmieri, "a former communications director for Hillary Clinton," quoted in "At a Moment of National Trauma, Biden Feels Compelled to Stay on the Sidelines/While presidents typically play a pastoral role after court cases that tear at the national fabric, the incumbent was effectively conflicted out" (NYT).
I think if Biden were at all presentable and capable of reassuring and calming the country, appropriate words could be written for him for him to step up and deliver.
Also, who's "ready to take to the street"? We're not seeing that. And if we were, it would be more important for the President of the United States to show some leadership.
"Pastoral role" — implies sheep-herding (or the Christian religion). In the article, the word appears in this sentence:
While many of his predecessors have played a pastoral role at other moments when the justice system was tested during incendiary cases — think Rodney King, Michael Brown or George Floyd — Mr. Biden concluded that speaking out would make things worse, not better.
Another p-word in the article is "paterfamilias":
Not only does he feel uncomfortable playing the paterfamilias role of comforter in chief, but he also considers himself constrained from reminding voters that his challenger is now a criminal. He can be neither president nor candidate, but instead has become a silent witness, trusting that fellow Americans will see it the way he does without telling them exactly how he sees it.
I think if Biden were at all presentable and capable of reassuring and calming the country, appropriate words could be written for him for him to step up and deliver.
Nice sentiment but by the very nature of this event, there are no words that will work. The time for those words were before it got this far and the words needed to be "this travesty will NOT be allowed to continue".
Those words were not possible due to the Biden admin being behind this all and the long history of D/R double standards.
I am sorry to say that we are just about past the point where words will do any good. One side is trying to calm the flames and the other is busy backing up a gas tanker to a house fire they started. How is such a divide bridged?
The polls are bad for Biden.
If Biden spoke the polls would be worse for him.
It’s just politics.
Biden is going to lose big time.
There’s nothing he can do but pop polls and watch.
These Dems - who are the expert practitioners of political violence - constantly speculate that the Right will go into the streets for Trump. The best they have is J6 and that was relatively nothing; especially compared to the St. Floyd riots.
Part of me wants the MAGA crowd to roll through Georgetown, K St, Greenwich (CT), the upper whatever side in NYC, Malibu, Santa Monica and just burn it all down.
The Dems and GOP don't even play the same game. The Dems play for keeps and politics is a blood sport for them. And they NEVER pay a price. The Dems get away with real crimes and then they cooked up a fake crime to pin on Trump.
Last night on MSNBC, the Dems were laughing and gloating. They really have no clue about how the vast majority of Americans hate them and what they have done to America.
If Trump wins, he needs to go after all these Dems and ruin them. No more Mr. Nice Guy!
Oh come on! Are we really pretending Biden didn't order this nonsense? Even if it was done Henry II style, Biden did this. What a bunch of disingenuous horse shit.
Biden is such a pathetic creature that no one wants to see him just now. Of course he is not smart enough to stay out of sight.
"Said Jennifer Palmieri, "a former communications director for Hillary Clinton,"
Uh oh, when you've lost former Hillary communication director Jennifer Palmieri....
Jen P said...
"if you’re so outraged by the verdict that you’re ready to take to the street..."
At least they're letting us know what they are planning to do next. If there is any "Trump" rioting, I'm going to assume it's a Fed op unless 100% proven otherwise. Maybe they can bring Ray Epps out of retirement.
...when the justice system was tested during incendiary cases — think Rodney King, Michael Brown or George Floyd...
Those three examples are not anything at all like the Trump show trial and election interference operation. Not even in the same universe. This is a unique event in American history. Just acknowledge that. Fuck Joe Biden unless he's coming out to be magnanimous and pardon Trump. Who needs to hear from him?
If Palmieri was good at her job perhaps she'd have reached for the Unibomber trial or the McVey trial. Or even Bloganovich. But Rodney King? What the hell.
I think if Biden were at all presentable and capable of reassuring and calming the country, appropriate words could be written for him for him to step up and deliver.
The left does not want to reassure and calm. Every chance they get they stoke. They want people to riot and protest. When their side does it, they call it righteous, when the other side does it they use it as an excuse to punish. I think they are disappointed that there was no riot (thank Goodness Begley is not heeded). Remember, they all but predicted it. When the January 6th march occurred, it was not violent enough, they had to agitate to escalate(and even then it was a total nothing-burger with people walking the within the cordons, taking pictures.)
Open your eyes. This is all part of a plan to drive a wedge and marginalize half the country as an excuse to seize more power.
Reporter: “Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What's your response to that?”
Biden: *smiles and walks away*
How pastoral.
While many of his predecessors have played a pastoral role at other moments when the justice system was tested during incendiary cases — think Rodney King, Michael Brown or George Floyd...
The Brown (Ferguson) incident did not test the justice system, which rightly did not pursue charges, it tested the political system, which failed. Dems and media lied. The reality was 180 degrees from what they claimed.
Obama gave his standard (wink wink) 'Your violent rage is justified. But don't be violent' line.
"The sad reality of being president today" is not that any Democratic president is unable to reach Trump supporters and calm them down, but that the Democrat "president" is a active player in this farcical trial and the destruction of the rule of law.
I reluctantly voted for Larry Hogan in the recent Republican senatorial primary in Maryland, believing it was better to have RINO than a Democrat as a senator, but after Hogan's tweet on X calling for respect for the legal system I responded that I will never vote for him again. The rule of law has already been destroyed and there is nothing left to respect. Any politician who fails to denounce this corrupt trial is part of the corruption and needs to be swept aside. Unfortunately too many RINOs have inhibited a strong response to the years of lawfare against those who oppose the Democrats, and I fear it is now too late to reverse the process. People like Hogan will cheer as the Democrats continue to move against Trump.
Res publica deleta est.
"That’s the sad reality of being president today"
Huh? The sad reality is the Joe and his minions wanted this. They aim to destroy. They aim to rule BAMN. They're not sad, they're happy.
Terrible, as Althouse has noted. But they like the terribleness, and the terror.
Biden making a believable speech about the trial and his own innocence is about as plausible as the Menendez brothers making one about their trial for the shotgun murder of their parents. Actually, the Menendez brothers would be more believable.
But would that not sound disingenuous? He has, previously and publicly, trashed not only Trump, but Trump supporters (the "MAGA Republicans").
They are not speaking because they don't know what to say. All the echo chambers told them this would fix everything and instead Trump blasted past the old record for single-day small-dollar donations by an order of magnitude.
Fear not, Biden will send us Deplorables his surrogate, Padre De Niro to calm the waters. "Bless us Father, for we have sinned..."
I don't know anyone who looks to Joe Biden for comfort. Not even the Democrats I know.
I surely wouldn't want him in his paterfamilias role when you look at the dubious job he did in that role with his actual children.
A Hillary Clinton staffer is just whom I would consult for thoughts on the aftermath of the Trump lynching.
in only Lady Liberty was teenage and naked and in shower : paterfamilias will show up!
Biden and his DOJ are responsible for both of the federal prosecutions against Trump.
He can't say anything because his hands are dirty as shit and he's responsible for what his DOJ does.
Biden is incapable of calming Republicans not because he's senile and incompetent, but because the trial was a direct result of his lawfare strategy. Democrats are going to be prosecuted for the most minor crimes now in retaliation. They will have no peace.
Or maybe he can’t credibly claim to have not wanted this outcome and have a long history of his DoJ pursuing such an outcome.
"And if we were, it would be more important for the President of the United States to show some leadership."
Resident F. Joe Biden, or whoever holds his leash, is leading us straight into World War III. Does anyone actually believe that allowing that little penis-pianist Zelensky to shoot missiles into Russia is going to enable Ukraine to defeat Russia? How exactly? The likely result is attacks on targeting infrastructure in NATO countries. Who thinks that's a good idea?
Here's Joe: "It's reckless, it's dangerous, and it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. Our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years, and it is literally the cornerstone of America. Our justice system should be respected, and we should never allow anyone to tear it down."
IOW, FU, suckers.
Jennifer Palmieri starred in the feature film, "Tales from the Democrat Crypt."
Supporting roles played by Helen Thomas and Barbara Mikulski.
Given Ashley Biden's perspective on her paterfamilias, I will pass on handing the position to Biden.
The NeverTrump lawfare types in the Uniparty's junior branch overwhelmingly condemn the ruling, but that's not even a surprising. Given the anger, only the cuckiest LLRs could back the show trial without permanently disqualifying themselves. Like Larry Hogan.
This has been a bigger Uniparty failure than the DeSantis 2024 campaign, and it was all entirely avoidable.
Don't know about taking to the street, but last night I reached deep into my wallet for Trump.
To paraphrase Schumer, whirlwind reaping will commence.
Pastoral is where you have convicted felons working tending sheep for five cents an hour.
Oh Jennifer. We aren't the violent, hateful barbarians YOUR side is. I bet the left and their lapdog media are upset there weren't any riots last night. Maybe they can get a clue as to what groups actually cause the most real problems in America?? I doubt it. They are STILL clueless.
What fraction of democrats realize that they've done something wrong? So far, it appears to be zero.
Biden couldn't suppress a smirk when asked about it:
People troubled by the verdict are by and large people who understand that Biden and his team engineered the verdict.
We are not sheep in a flock requiring guidance from the pastoral shepherd. Nor are we children longing for the wisdom of the paterfamilias.
We are grown ass people rightly furious at Biden's destruction of our institutions and norms.
I, for one, am glad Mr. Trump has been convicted. It sends a message to American men and women in public life who, when they successfully run for office as a non-Democrat, they shake the very foundation of our nation and weaken our allies. We're better than that.
Those who predict an avalanche of tit for tat legal proceedings against Dems are badly mistaken. First, the legal profession is dominated by Dems. Second, even in the jurisdictions in which Republicans control, their lawyers tend to be honest.
Also, who's "ready to take to the street"? We're not seeing that. And if we were, it would be more important for the President of the United States to show some leadership.
The regime has gone too far. There are no sidelines now.
Everyone who isn't a diehard Regime toady now knows that the Regime will throw them in jail on any pretext while simultaneously letting known criminals and illegal invaders go free.
Everyone has skin in the game because of what these evil people have done.
Everyone is not just supporting Trump even reluctantly.
They are against the regime and they are against the supporters of the regime. There are no good democrats now. Everyone knows that. The masks are all off now.
This could not be going any better.
Voting for Trump is not enough. This ENDS when the Democrats lose 50 seats in the House and 8 seats in the Senate. ALL Democrats have sat silent through all of this lawfare, they too need to pay a price.
We’ll see about that Wendybar.
I think if Biden were at all presentable and capable of reassuring and calming the country, appropriate words could be written for him for him to step up and deliver.
Biden sent Colangelo to head this case.
All of this has been driven by the White House and the Regime that runs it.
There is no separating Biden or any democrat from any of this.
They are all done. They will never be accepted by any of us as decent people ever again just as we would never accept a NAZI party member ever again.
'I don't know anyone who looks to Joe Biden for comfort. Not even the Democrats I know.'
Just so. And that's the laughable thing about Palmieri's statement. The presumption that anyone looks on Biden as some sort of national paternal figure.
Those crazy MAGA people, those deplorables, they're irredeemable.
More fear and hate and division from the Hillary camp.
Team Biden won't try to calm things. They'll throw gas on the fire. They want an excuse to crack down and further increase surveillance and censorship and police state powers. A violent mob is what they want and a violent mob will appear, even if they have to provide the troops for it.
It will provide an excuse to postpone the election.
'What fraction of democrats realize that they've done something wrong? So far, it appears to be zero.'
Democrats have no morals because they are communists.
The power of the state is their god...
Biden and his ilk have been rabidly partisan right from the get-go spewing venom and disdain for anyone who would question them. That [bipartisan] horse left the barn and died of old age in the woods a long time ago.
Well, we’re laying this unconstitutional, partisan, and political persecution, riddled with reasons for a full and final reversal, at the feet of this Democrat president. Hard for him to comfort when he’s the one who is responsible for it.
Biden Feels Compelled to Stay on the Sidelines
LOL. Since Biden orchestrated these sham prosecutions (see, trips by prosecutors to White House), it's hard to say he's on the sidelines.
'Those who predict an avalanche of tit for tat legal proceedings against Dems are badly mistaken. First, the legal profession is dominated by Dems. Second, even in the jurisdictions in which Republicans control, their lawyers tend to be honest.'
You aren't creative enough.
I'm guessing some of the Biden money funneled through various LLCs and off-shore corporations passed through a server in Idaho or Alabama.
Indict them and try them there.
David said:
If Trump wins, he needs to go after all these Dems and ruin them. No more Mr. Nice Guy!
No, the Republicans need to go after Joe Biden and the rest of his corrupt family NOW. They can do this in Florida, Texas, Georgia, Arkansas and probably other Republican dominated states. But they won’t because the Republican Party and the Democrat party are the Uniparty and as such have no interest in helping Trump in any way shape or form.
Why is going after Biden and the corrupt Uniparty the sole providence of DJT?
"That’s the sad reality of being president today."
LOL! (Sorry I have to laugh at the absurdity of it all.)
The sad reality is that a sitting president, who "won" in the most overtly corrupt election in decades, orchestrated and approves of the conviction of his political opponent for the first time in American history.
We're now expected to believe that this man and his party, who we all know approve of this banana republic lawfare, are sad that his lies can't heal our divided nation?
As I asked in an earlier thread, who do these lying fools think they're fooling? It must be themselves because it certainly ain't me!
Curious to see what Fetterman will say about this.
The image of the shepherd is comforting. Tending to the needs and comfort of the sheep. Sometimes healing, or bringing lambs in out of the rain. Why is the shepherd going to all this trouble? He works for someone who wants the wool and lambchops.
Someone in the White House is coordinating many if not all of the attacks. Jean Carroll had all her costs covered, and probably got a book deal. Stormy Daniels got a new start to her career, although she may wish Bragg had found a way to pay her to strip in open court. Fani Willis may wake up to find herself President of Harvard.
Biden is the same guy that recently told a large group of young black people that the system is rigged against them. So he can stfu.
"This is what democracy looks like!"
--Famed baseball player Oral Hershiser
Correction: Orel.
"ready to take to the street"
More fear mongering prep.
We will take to the streets in November, Jen.
In the meantime, Students for Justice in Palestine will "besiege the White House" at the request of Hamas on June 8th. I know Biden feels compelled to stay on the sideline, but I advise he stay in the house on that day. Oh, who am I kidding, Biden should go out and greet them, offer some Pride Month ice cream, and maybe tell them he'll pay off their student loans after he sends more aid to Ukraine. I'm sure that will garner their vote.
Harry Litman reveals the majesty of the verdict. Known for crazy eyes and TDS, but good to see the fiction that the left lives in.
Called cognitive dissonance.
Biden was going to give a speech right after the verdict was announced. His team stopped that idea.
The country is seething. You can feel it. From coast to coast. People are looking around and wondering how things got so bad so quickly. The reality is that it's been happening for decades now, but slowly. Slowly until Joe Biden gained the Presidency and became a puppet for a far left/progressive team behind the scenes. And now, that decline has raced across the front of every living American.
The country is seething and this verdict, these cases, have left all of us wondering what happened to the United States of America?
No. It would not be a time for Joe Biden to get in front of the nation. That would most certainly not help anyone. Best he just stay in Delaware and out of sight for a bit.
As someone else pointed out, the #3 man at the DOJ left his position to join Team Bragg on the Trump 'hush money' case in NYC, but I'm sure that's just a co-inky-dink.
And as someone else has pointed out, there have been several meetings arranged for the Fani Willis team at the White House, which was just another big co-inky-dink, I'm sure. They were just there for a tour.
And finally, the Jack Smith efforts, which unfortunately have met up with a fair judge, all began in the White House, too. And these efforts are driven by Jay Bratt, who did the heavy lifting in DC with the Grand Jury before moving the case to Florida, and who has stepped away from his position as Chief of the Justice Department’s counterintelligence and export-control section.
So: In a couple of cases, a mature executive department leader from within the DOJ, having with full control of their department resources, has stepped into a hired gun role within a smaller satellite team. Gee - I wonder if their prosecutorial methods made use of any Federal resources?
But please: Don't mention Joe Biden. He couldn't be blamed. He had nothing to do with any of this. Why, that would be election interference.
What have been the reactions to this verdict by Republican senators and congressmen? I know McConnell's was tepid a best, at best. When will we see some fight from our representatives? Surely they know by now that they are not exempt from Dempster lawfare.
It would be helpful if every Republican Attorney General and county prosecutor, and candidate, published a list of Democrat politicians, operatives, journalists and donors they plan to prosecute and then get to it. Make them howl. Payback needs to be swift, hard and merciless. World without end. Amen.
"Team Biden won't try to calm things. They'll throw gas on the fire. They want an excuse to crack down and further increase surveillance and censorship and police state powers. A violent mob is what they want and a violent mob will appear, even if they have to provide the troops for it. It will provide an excuse to postpone the election."
America is a post-constitutional society. There are no actual boundaries on dems and their federal government allies anymore that cannot be overcome with lawfare and patience. They no longer recognize any limits to their authority and wouldn't obey them anyway, nor do they consider themselves public servants in a way even approaching the definition of that term 20 years ago.
They never came to serve but to be served.
Biden, the pusillanimous putz behind all this would be incapable of playing a pastoral role on his best day. At least he (or his team) was smart enough to start jumping up and down with glee on day one. Ol Joe will save that for the debate, whining that he should not have to be on stage with someone convicted of 34 felonies--even if the felony charges were fallacious at best.
With Biden, it is always a question whether (a) he is allowed to make decisions or (b) if he is making the wrong decision.
It comes with being a senile, corrupt idiot.
Jupiter said...
..leading us straight into World War III. Does anyone actually believe that allowing that little penis-pianist Zelensky to shoot missiles into Russia is going to enable Ukraine to defeat Russia? How exactly? The likely result is attacks on targeting infrastructure in NATO countries.
Who thinks that's a good idea?
Calling Dr We Evil! Dr We Evil, you have a call on line 2.
Seriously Dr We Evil, explain it to us! we WANT to know
And the fallout begins.
Wonder what Sinema and Fetterman will do.
Fucking crooked P0TATUS Biden couldn’t calm a herd of Perry Comos
I remember when Bush reacted with grace when people took to the streets over Iraq. He simply stated they were exercising their rights. He got no credit for that. Why is it if people outraged by this verdict (and the trial itself) take to the streets, there must be something done to get them back indoors. Everytime those more on the left take to the streets, it’s legitimate and celebrated. Criticism, even with destruction and looting, is not allowed. Those on the right exercise those same rights, and they must be steered away from protesting.
ImTay said:
Biden couldn't suppress a smirk when asked about it:
That wasn't a smirk. It was an evil grin.
Had Biden taken Trump's side in this, if he had declared the trial verdict unjust and attacked the use of "lawfare" and said:
"I want to beat Trump fair and square at the ballot box not in the courts. Trying to use the judicial system to destroy a political opponent is not who we are. Thats not the United states of America I grew up in".
And then followed it up with a premptive pardon in the two bogus Federal cases, he would probably gain 4 points in the polls. Fortunately, Biden is corrupt powermad moron who wants to win by any means neccessary.
The gap between left and right (or more accurately, right and wrong) is so vast now, that it is hard to see how it gets resolved. My family members who are firmly in the Never Trump/Biden camp have not even mentioned the verdict to me. I know they are delighted with it, but they are afraid to gloat because they know how I must feel about it. They also know if they have been paying any attention, how wrong this is. Sadly, they get their news from the NYT and the London Times, maybe the WAPO. That tends to narrow a person's understanding of an issue. I also appreciate good quality writing, but not in the service of dishonesty.
Comments humor usually leaves me cold, but that was pretty funny Leland. It must be that soupçon of bitterness you included.
"What have been the reactions to this verdict by Republican senators and congressmen?"
Is there a website anywhere that rates all republican US senators and representatives on a GOPe ----- MAGA scale? It might be helpful.
Looks like they rushed that out to excuse Biden's silence and then he comes out and makes a statement. Life (and Biden) comes at you fast.
Click the link now.
We're being set up as violent maniac militia mob rioters, to allow anything necessary to be done, by anyone in power, in order to continue the dementia meat puppet Biden in office another term. Who are 'we" in this scenario? All of us, supporters of Trump, Independents, and Biden supporters. The last two groups just haven't realized yet that they're going over the same cliff in the same car with the Trump voters. I'd laugh at them, but I'm sorry for them, too.
One thing that stinks like astroturf are the comments you see all over the web today trying to discourage people from contributing to Trump's campaign. It's damage control, and any commenters you see pushing this line are 90% sure simply fifty centers, you know, like the guys the ChiComs pay 50 cents to every time they disrupt a discussion on a blog that the regime doesn't like.
If Biden wanted any chance of winning re-election he would immediately pardon Trump and say, "Let's debate the issues." But that ain't gonna happen.
Grandpa Publius said...
"Voting for Trump is not enough. This ENDS when the Democrats lose 50 seats in the House and 8 seats in the Senate. ALL Democrats have sat silent through all of this lawfare, they too need to pay a price.
100% agree.
Temujin said...
Biden was going to give a speech right after the verdict was announced. His team stopped that idea.
The country is seething. You can feel it. From coast to coast. People are looking around and wondering how things got so bad so quickly. The reality is that it's been happening for decades now, but slowly. Slowly until Joe Biden gained the Presidency and became a puppet for a far left/progressive team behind the scenes. And now, that decline has raced across the front of every living American.
The country is seething and this verdict, these cases, have left all of us wondering what happened to the United States of America?
No. It would not be a time for Joe Biden to get in front of the nation. That would most certainly not help anyone. Best he just stay in Delaware and out of sight for a bit.
These people have no idea what is happening right now. They are idiots and they do not realize how they are being used.
Hillary Clinton is a truly stupid woman.
But George Soros and his ilk does know what is happening.
In the end it doesn't matter. The people who would happily support their tribal fascist regime would support anyone and they just need to be suppressed for us to have a free society. They are even willing to support a piece of shit like Biden.
50/50 this even makes it to sentencing. Pray that they keep pushing it.
They are going to be running from this sooner rather than later. No Trump supporter is backing down now and neither are the millions of new avid strongly supportive Trump supporters.
Blogger Achilles said...
And the fallout begins.
Wonder what Sinema and Fetterman will do.
5/31/24, 3:39 PM
Sinema is already an independent. She's retiring.
"He can be neither president nor candidate, but instead has become a silent witness, trusting that fellow Americans will see it the way he does without telling them exactly how he sees it."
He doesn't have to say anything. The meme factories will do it for him, and the social media outlets (save one) will run interference against uncomfortable facts.
Obama was uniquely well-placed to try to calm the situation during the Michael Brown riots (though I don't recall his having much success), but I don't recall Bush I being particularly effective during the Rodney King riots or Trump having much success in ameliorating the George Floyd riots. For that matter, even LBJ, who could take credit for the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights turned out to have pretty close to zero influence with the rioters of the 1960s. And, of course, there actually have been no riots resulting from the NYC Trump verdict that would necessitate Biden unleashing his verbal magic.
Sydney said...
[ImTay said:
Biden couldn't suppress a smirk when asked about it:]
"That wasn't a smirk. It was an evil grin."
In the thought bubble above his head: "Mission accomplished."
Blogger RCOCEAN II said...
Had Biden taken Trump's side in this, if he had declared the trial verdict unjust and attacked the use of "lawfare"
For once, I agree wholeheartedly with RCOCEAN. Just lay off the Jews man...
"and any commenters you see pushing this line are 90% sure simply fifty centers, you know, like the guys the ChiComs pay 50 cents to every time they disrupt a discussion on a blog that the regime doesn't like."
$0.50!?! The most they got in 2016 and 2020 from ShareBlue was $0.02. Looks like some of these trolls read The Art Of The Deal and cut out the middleman by going straight to Chairman Xi. Trump would approve.
"US President Joe Biden has said it was "reckless" for his predecessor, Donald Trump, to call his trial rigged, a day after the historic conviction.
In his first public remarks about the guilty verdict for Trump on 34 counts of falsifying business records, Mr Biden defended the justice system.
"The American principle that no-one is above the law was reaffirmed," said Mr Biden of Thursday's outcome."
A couple of data points:
1) Every one of the Soros prosecutors involved in this lawfare is mentioned multiple times in White House visitor logs, and there's a guy named Matthew Colangelo who used to be #3 in the Biden Justice Dept. hierarchy, who for some reason took a huge step down to become an assistant DA in New York under Bragg. He is presumably the real honcho of it all.
2) The Daily Mail is reporting that their polling today shows a 6-point jump in Trump's advantage over Biden. If that trend is consistent with other polls, and can be maintained to Election Day, Trump wins with close to 400 electoral votes, including states that haven't gone Republican since the Reagan years.
Guaranteed Team Biden will accuse Trump of inciting a riot and calling for an insurrection again and charge him with the crime because he says the trial was rigged.
Republicans must step up. I will only vote for a Republican if they tell me which democrats they are going to prosecute, and where. I don't care what it's for.
"The country is seething. You can feel it. From coast to coast."
I think it's just the opposite. I think there's a malaise and indifference, particularly among those who don't follow politics and don't care. A large swath of voters have become desensitized apathetic. I think we are going to see a low turnout in November, which probably favors Biden.
Republicans know the system is rigged so why bother. Althouse did a post a while back on people who simply abstain from voting because in the end, you just don't care, or simply yield to others to let the chips fall. The media wants to whip up a big frenzy, and Party Honchos want to believe their base is energized, but I don't think it will last. Even Trump in Prison is going to be a big yawn. There's really nothing left to shock people with.
Also, who's "ready to take to the street"? We're not seeing that.
@Althouse, and you won’t. Or to be more precise about it, if you do then you can be guaranteed that it’s due to an FBI operation to con a few Good Ol’ Boys into doing something the way Ray Epps and Capitol Police lured the J6 demonstrators into the Capitol Building. And I don’t think many people will fall for it after what happened to the participants in J6.
People may be seriously angry, but no one wants to give Joe Biden any excuse to declare martial law and cancel the election.
+1 to RCOCEAN's missed opportunity for Biden.
I think they are too stupid to see such an opening and take it, though. However, it could just be impossible because this was surely planned in the White House to begin with, even if Biden was taking a nap while it was being done.
I think conservatives learned the lesson after January 6th- any protest against this will be used to send them to prison for 4-20 years. When conservatives do start protesting again, it will be with a mob armed to the teeth and with nooses.
We aren't at that point yet, and hopefully it won't come to that- maybe the Democrats will smarten up and step away from the police state, but it really is on them to do so right now and I don't see any indication they will do that any time soon.
If Biden were to have been a uniter, this would never have happened.
Which is a factor to a lot of centrist voters.
'Obama was uniquely well-placed to try to calm the situation during the Michael Brown riots (though I don't recall his having much success)...'
He's the reason we're here.
He was the culmination of decades of communist incrementalism.
They go their guy, and he has fundamentally transformed America.
Without reading any comments yet...
While presidents typically play a pastoral role after court cases that tear at the national fabric, the incumbent was effectively conflicted out"
"Was conflicted out." Nice passive voice.
Our president created the conflict. He and his ilk were the ones who tore, and continue to tear, at the national fabric. And neither he not anyone else who participated in this grossness has the capability to be "pastoral" - particularly not after all the "deplorable," all the "ultra MAGA," all the "domestic terrorism" from unarmed, perhaps loud but peaceful conservatives while the "peaceful" black-masked forces who make common cause with the American left burned businesses and cars and beat people in the streets.
Give me a break.
"+1 to RCOCEAN's missed opportunity for Biden.
"I think they are too stupid to see such an opening and take it, though. However, it could just be impossible because this was surely planned in the White House to begin with, even if Biden was taking a nap while it was being done."
It would have been completely out of character for Biden to show grace towards Trump or anyone else. Biden is a low, empty, dishonest, vicious operator with contempt for his opponents and for the public at large.
Nice, try explaining the 6-point rise in Trump's polling, and the 50+ million dollars his campaign raised in the last two days.
Those are signs of malaise and apathy?
Signs of a LOW turnout in November???
That leering grin Biden gave when asked about the Trump verdict today will be replayed from now through Election Day.
It's one he generally reserves for reminiscing about shower time with his young daughter.
Where are Chuck and Cook?
Stupid Rich and the stupid-er Mark?
Inga and Vicki ?
I suspect they are all celebrating by scissoring each other.
I would just say that anybody who, at this point, is banking on Progressive Democrats suddenly realizing the error of their ways, suddenly electing to step back from the brink and de-energize their methodical escalation of extra-legal abuse toward Donald Trump, is placing a lot of faith on their projections of decency regarding those people.
As far as I can tell, the Progressive Democrats been hell-bent on his destruction since 2015, when he made the unforgivable error of running, and then beating their candidate. The unforgivable error wasn't winning, so much as forcing them to realize they had been over-confidently wrong in front of everybody.
I see no signs that the scaly hand that is directing these activities has decided that it's had enough. If you're expecting the foot to be taken off the gas, pay attention. The methodology is to think about it just long enough to come up with a justification the base can accept without quizzing their conscience too hard - then resume. There will be no suspension of The Plan.
That red wave is gonna be here any minute now.
Gotta disagree with you Nice.
As I relieved the day shift today he mentioned he wasn't registered to vote. He didn't vote in 2020, his wife did. But he's going to fix that. Because, and I quote: "I can't not vote for Trump this year!"
The decision has fired up the normally apathetic. And, I didn't ask him about it. But he does see my Facebook posts.
That's only one. And an anecdote, not data. BUT, we have millionaires openly donating lots of money, and posting about it- and saying they donated to Biden in 2020, but can no longer support Democrats. Not just Biden- Democrats. That's something that cannot be ignored.
There are those that don't follow politics and don't care. And it's among this group that kangaroo court is making a big difference. Politics has been shoved in their face and in front of their eyes- and they don't like what they are seeing.
Yancey Ward said...
I think conservatives learned the lesson after January 6th- any protest against this will be used to send them to prison for 4-20 years. When conservatives do start protesting again, it will be with a mob armed to the teeth and with nooses.
We aren't at that point yet, and hopefully it won't come to that- maybe the Democrats will smarten up and step away from the police state, but it really is on them to do so right now and I don't see any indication they will do that any time soon.
5/31/24, 7:31 PM
But they are too stupid to figure it out, aren't they???. They have been poking the angry bear for far too long.
Jamie said...
Without reading any comments yet...
While presidents typically play a pastoral role after court cases that tear at the national fabric, the incumbent was effectively conflicted out"
"Was conflicted out." Nice passive voice.
Our president created the conflict. He and his ilk were the ones who tore, and continue to tear, at the national fabric. And neither he not anyone else who participated in this grossness has the capability to be "pastoral" - particularly not after all the "deplorable," all the "ultra MAGA," all the "domestic terrorism" from unarmed, perhaps loud but peaceful conservatives while the "peaceful" black-masked forces who make common cause with the American left burned businesses and cars and beat people in the streets.
Give me a break.
5/31/24, 9:26 PM
Even my like long Democrat mother is changing her mind about her party. She can't believe this is happening in America today, and says the witch hunt to get Trump is crazy, and can't believe it is her "Democrat" party that has turned so illiberal that she is voting for Trump because the left is out of control.
life long...not live long.
As WSJ opined, convicted by a jury not his "political enemies".
Trump’s service to democracy pursuant to his historic conviction in a New York court is mostly about validating popular sovereignty, accountability of all to the people, especially political leaders, which the good doctor opined in his mid 14th C CE Defensor pacis, calling on Aristotle’s naturalistic view of the state necessarily serving the people.
Trump is a liar. He lies every day, he has always lied, he lied in his post trial press conference, but when he was in court he wouldn't take the stand and lie. The facts were presented and he couldn't lie his way out.
Facts matter in court, and now he has been found guilty, he knows he's guilty and he's afraid.
"Trump is a liar. He lies every day, he has always lied,"
Trump is lied about constantly. I don't know of an example of an actual Trump "lie" of any consequence. He may have had opinions with which you don't agree, but he is not a liar. This is just more projection from the people who want to keep Trump out of the White House at all costs because he can't be trusted to carry on the endless wars.
Also, it's an old truth that you can't let an honest man into a position of power, because he is too hard to control, therefore Trump can't be allowed anywhere near power. It's the same with pedophiles, the fact that Biden is a pedophile makes him acceptable as a POTUS to these people because it's a pressure point that can be used by the people making the actual decisions.
"Facts matter in court, and now he has been found guilty, he knows he's guilty and he's afraid."
You were going to explain the verdict to us, Rich, but you only got halfway through it. Why can't you explain the "crime" that these misdemeanor bookkeeping violations were in "furtherance of" for us ignoramuses? It must be written down in a statute book somewhere in the State of New York's compendium of laws. Because surely New York State didn't convict him of a Federal crime, where the Federal government chose not to bring any kind of case, even as the facts were known to them. And surely they didn't convict him of the same crime twice, the second conviction magically transfiguring a misdemeanor into a "felony".
So many questions to be sorted out.
You notice that we didn't break and loot stuff and burn down shit? No. That's not how we roll.
RideSpaceMountain @3:23 on 5/31. What he said.
And the quicker the center and center left come to the same conclusion, the more likely the system may be able to self-correct.
But I fear respect for their own beliefs in institutions and the 'rule of law' will prevent that, until it's too open and notorious to be denied for even those who have been rejecting what their eyes are seeing.
It may already be too late, though.
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