You didn't even show up. You have zero credibility.
— Angela McArdle (@angela4LNCChair) May 26, 2024
May 26, 2024
"A lot of people ask why I came to speak at this libertarian convention and you know it's an interesting question."
Watch Trump standing up to boos and pushing back:
Watching Libertarians boo no more endless wars, is like watching Democrats refuse to applaud low black unemployment.
The libertarian party has been hijacked.
It is just like the 2012 Republican Party now.
Libertarians give libertarians a bad name
The point of being a Libertarian today is to place yourself above the fray.
By the time he was finished there were chants of "We want Trump! We want Trump!"
Apparently his decision to speak there was a gamble that paid off.
My friend, a Democrat, started calling himself a Libertarian once he realized how stupid he sounded when he tried to defend Clinton.
Federalism do these people understand it
Joe Biden and his campaign exhibit the burning rage of a man experiencing erectile distinction.
I like how their picture of Trump shows him smiling.
They invite robert kennedy who wants to not only ban fossil fuels but any defense of their use
I was told there would be seething. Is it all gone already?
Once again going into uncharted territory, Trump made a good case for their votes. Hope it sinks in. 3% of the total vote could be critical.
“3% of the total vote could be critical.“
Especially here in Wisconsin.
You can call Trump the Happy Warrior. He needs to do more of this sort of outreach in arenas where he isn't going to be popular, but even one such event would be one more than Joe Shit For His Brains will be doing.
Something I appreciate about Trump is he's always himself in front of every crowd. He doesn't adopt a new accent or Ebonics to pander, and here I heard none of the empty above-it-all accent of the indigenous Libertarian.
The Democrats opt for invisible sign language when they address the Libertarians.
Mindless anti-vax dogma + 20/20 hindsight -> Libertarian Covid smugness.
Bagoh at 8:31 AM,
Bagoh at 8:31 AM
I wonder if the receptiin would have been less hostile had he not tried to pack the room with GOP supporters beforehand.
Democrats show up to their speaker's events ...they dutifully swoon and cheer at all the bullshit they are fed.
What's the big deal here? Trump was a big government spender. True libertarians don't like that.
Trump loves to be loved.. he pushes back. Disagreements.
The left close you down and shut you up if you do not obey their every command.
They call you a "racist" if you dare deviate off the Soviet Left hive.
If you actually listen to Trump, he will win you over. Not sure how you can disagree with his policies?
Rollicking, persuasive speech. Watch the whole thing.
By the way, there was no 'seething'.
I'm a closet libertarian in many ways - but the Libertarian purity will never win an election.
Big spending, insider graft, free stuff and waste are all too big to conquer.
Libertarians are often left out in the cold - looking at the R & D big spenders and shrugging.
Both R & D want the libertarian vote. The R party used to be closer and the obvious choice. Still are by a short mile - because the D's have driven the nation into the woke, DEI, trillions wasted, free stuff for illegals, high tax/ never ending inflation, forced jab - big pharma/big virus - no voter ID, DITCH.
I'm all in. But the I have b for 8years now. I've been libertarian for as long as I can remember but never a fan of the party.
I've always thought they should nominate and support repo and Demmie and independent candidates who support liberal views. It sounds like that is what pedjt is asking them to do.
It would be nifty if they did. Free money as Scott Adams calls it. Nobody else has ever asked for their vote. First rule of selling: ask for the order.
If you don't ask you don't get
Pedjt is not a pure libertarian. But he is closer than anyone else in 100 years.
That's why I support him
John Henry
Agree with Yancey.
Don't let a few boos stop you.
The corrupt left garner (sorry) the cheese-love. The loyalist Rachel Maddow/Joe Behar swoon of bullcrap.
I think that’s the wrong get-together. He was supposed to talk to the librarians. Wait 'till he hears from the jury next week.
>Limited blogger said...
By the way, there was no 'seething'<
Dude, you simply missed it. It was right there with all the "lashing out" and "belittling."
Remember how "fake news" used to be thrown at trump as an epithet?
He grabbed it and jammed it right down their throats. To the point where Bob Woodward had to say in a whiny speech "please. Mr president, we are not fake news"
A favorite epithet is to call him and supporters "fascists"
I think this is the second time I've seen him call opponents out as "left wing fascists"
I'll bet that by the time the repo convention rolls around, Joe Biden himself is denying he is a fascist.
There will also be lots of discussion denying fascism is. Left wing. (it is)
Pass the popcorn
John Henry
Yes, the "left wing fascists" remark packed a punch.
To sort of quote lbj:
We don't have to prove he's a pig fucker, we just have to get him to deny it.
Can pedjt get Biden to deny he is a fascist? My money is on yes.
John Henry
Limited blogger
And probably a bigger punch for just casually slipping it in one time
I think this is the second time I've seen him call opponents out as "left wing fascists"
I'll bet that by the time the repo convention rolls around, Joe Biden himself is denying he is a fascist.
Thank Jonah Goldberg for that magnificent piece of political jiu-jitsu he gave us before he went off the rails. Trump should keep hammering it, and recommend Goldberg's book in his speeches. Hold its cover up for the camera. The fury that book incites in leftists is something to be savored.
Watching libertarians boo Trump stealing family homes to give it to Taiwanese conmen, watching libertarians boo the **Trump's** COVID vaccines and **Trump's** COVID lockdowns, watching libertarians boo Trump's massive COVID checks that our country could not afford for a pandemic that we all was unworthy of the response TRUMP gave to it was...
Motherfucking awesome. 💪
Trump is no fucking libertarian. He does NOT want to shrink the size of government. He wants to use the same hammers of government to pulverize "some other guys.". Libertarians are the only ones who get this.
Biden would have had them eating out of the palm of his hand....
Just imagine the stunned confusion on FJB's face turn to rage as he is led, 30 seconds in, stumbling from the stage.
Where's Joy Reid? My card says she has one, only ONE, question. Joy? Joy?
DOJ to follow the ingrates through the full power of the NSA's technology.
"Not sure how you can disagree with his policies?"
Let me explain it this way. When COVID hit Trump sent everyone free money and told them they could stay home. In fact he got into a pissing match with his own party because he thought Uncle Sam should be even more generous. A libertarian will never ever agree that government playing the role of Santa Claus is "a good policy."
Ya think that had anything at all to do with the inflation that followed? This is a joke because OF COURSE YOU DO NOT because we know if a bad thing happened ot must be a democrat that did it (and not a Republican deploying the same free money "policies").
Libertarians: pot, porn and prostitution for the masses!
And they're winning.
DD (D)river - The left pushed the jabs... more than any other group. The democrat progressive Soviets forced all Social Media Giants to censor free speech over the virus origins and the vaccines. (what were they afraid of?)
"No one is safe!"... In 100% democrat party Media unison.
But it's cool to see your inner Soviet loyalist joy-joy. Also - ntoed you didn't actually watch the speech.
DD Driver - you leave out the left's corruption and lies surrounding Virus origins. You leave out the left's collective censorship.
You leave out the insistence and peer pressure by all leftists (in unison) to get the jab.
Jab and jab after jab.
Trump promises the Libertarian Party to commute the life sentence of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht. Trump had 4 years in office to pardon or commute the sentence of this drug trafficker if he wanted to. But he didn’t. But he wants some libertarian votes and he will promise anyone anything to keep his own backside out of prison.
Readering, without evidence or cite, lies about DJT getting his supporters to infiltrate the crowd so it wasn't 100% boos.
Trump has NEVER had to bus in supporters to change the dynamic of his crowds. Wildwood, NJ. Not only do the Dems do that, they bus in people to the rallies of their opponents, probably paid, to exaggerate a fabricated, different POV. Despite an overwhelming population of Dems, the Left couldn't rally enough fake protesters to DJT's Bronx rally. Their usual contingent were too busy shitting in the street, dressing as women to groom children at public libraries and schools, or calling for the extermination of Jews.
Gotta admire Trump's willingness to be humiliated. As can be seen in these comments, it's cementing him even stronger and deeper with his fans:
Well, you see, Willard, in this war, things get confused out there. Power, ideals, the old morality, and practical military necessity. But out there with these natives, it must be a temptation to be God. Because there's a conflict in every human heart, between the rational and irrational, between good and evil. And good does not always triumph. Sometimes, the dark side overcomes what Lincoln called the better angels of our nature.
Now he's crossed into Cambodia with this Montagnard army of his that worship the man like a god. And follow every order, however ridiculous.
Libertarians come in three shades:
1) the stupid ones
2) the ones who want legal hookers and cocaine.
3) the Liberal Democrats who like low taxes
They belong in the toy department of poltics. Losers and weirdos and those who secretly want the liberal/left to keep on winning. I wish Trump had used my word for them: Losertarians.
Yes, even you, Howard, with your light, kind and loving heart, must take care not to give in to your other heart… of darkness.
In terms of his personal appeal and ability to campaign Trump is leagues ahead of any other candidate. but a lot of people don't like that. They'd rather have some President who's corrupt, can't talk and touches little girls at inappropriate moments. Or a smooth talking, weak-kneed coward/liar with executive hair.
Trump promised to pardon Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht who ran the largest online illegal drug market ever because libertarians want to legalize all drugs?
Seeing Trump get heckled is amusing but I continue to be astounded by how few people and the media in general are taking note of and grasping the significance of Trump promising to pardon Ross Ulbricht for libertarian votes.
This would be like Joe Biden saying he was going to pardon El Chapo because he thinks it might somehow help him win a few extra votes from Latinos or Cubans in South Dade.
Speak for yourself, Meade. Yin and yang are both necessary. See Jordan Peterson's Harvard lectures on "Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief". His exposition on Taijitu is illuminating.
Here is the real headline -- "Trump takes on a crowd of several thousand people who want to humiliate him and force him off the stage."
Waiting for the local loyalist leftists to explain why their holy precious leaders censored anyone who dared to speak about the true origins of Covid.
"This would be like Joe Biden saying he was going to pardon El Chapo because he thinks it might somehow help him win a few extra votes from Latinos or Cubans in South Dade."
Wow- in what way are El Chapo and Ulbricht exactly the same, Rich? Be specific.
Howard's heart is where his brain should be.
By the way, it looks like Kennedy is going to run under the Libertarian spot on the ballot. If this happens, it is a huge boost to Trump's chances- it means Kennedy will be on the ballot in every state in a prominent position. Trump should now offer to debate Kennedy several times between now and November.
The left-right nexus is leftist. That said, people wonder if, with a less viable Democratic and aligned axis, an exposed press, a revealed Sino-Fauci pandemic, Trump will follow through on all of his political planks.
Now that there’s legal weed I thought libertarians would disappear or be co-opted by the left like the AMA or the California Bar.
The problem with the Libertarian party (and I'm a member) is that most of it's members see no room for negotiation. For them, it's always my way or the highway. That leads to massive infighting in the party and that is why the Libertarians never win elections.
"Now that there’s legal weed I thought libertarians would disappear or be co-opted by the left like the AMA or the California Bar."
Pretty much what happened. If Ron Paul were young enough to run again, the Libertarians would have nothing to do with him- even Gary Johnson would be too far to the right.
JFC, drooling Joe wouldn't last 3 minutes off teleprompter.
Our president is a joke.
Libertarians are a weird bunch. The loudest boos I heard were when he said he was going to get control of the border? How libertarians can actually be open borders just makes me go "are you nuts?".
"Yes, the "left wing fascists" remark packed a punch."
It packs a punch because it is demonstrably true.
Biden-Harris HQ
A seething and unpopular Trump lashes out and belittles the audience as they boo him"
I just watched the entire thing. Trump was pretty sedate and matter of fact, reciting his record and plans. Biden's characterization of Trump's remarks, and the crowd's reaction, is far from accurate. What a surprise! And seriously, Joe, where were you? I can't imagine a single libertarian voting for Joe Biden.
Now I'm off to read Deroy Murdock's piece.
Blogger Dude1394 said...
Libertarians are a weird bunch. The loudest boos I heard were when he said he was going to get control of the border? How libertarians can actually be open borders just makes me go "are you nuts?".
Big L Libertarians care only about drug legalization. Meanwhile an open border supports their habits.
For someone with allegedly thin skin Trump seems willing to go into the lion's den in search of voters.
Most of those who call themselves libertarian are not libertarian. They are in fact crybaby single-issue college leftists who's only thought is "but muh fwee weed!!"
How can people not like this man?
"Most of those who call themselves libertarian are not libertarian. They are in fact crybaby single-issue college leftists who's only thought is "but muh fwee weed!!""
I came out libertarian/right on this test, though less than I expected (hoped?).
I certainly agree with pretty much everything in Deroy Murdock's article Trump mentioned in his speech:
Eliminating 8 federal regulations for every new one imposed should be enough all on its own to make any libertarian vote for Trump. Most libertarians are just calling themselves that as a fashion statement. That and the drugs, of course.
The copium is flowing on this thread. I can only imagine the level of copium when the boos turn into votes against Trump in November. Oh the humanity!
"The copium is flowing on this thread. I can only imagine the level of copium when the boos turn into votes against Trump in November. Oh the humanity!"
Poor Inga- thinking that Trump getting booed at a Libertarian gathering is meaningful of something. Inga- your comment is the only copium like comment on this thread. If Biden went to address the NRA, I wouldn't say the boos were some sort of indication of anything for November's election- when it rains, I don't find myself surprised to find it is wet outside. What about you?
Original Mike said...
I certainly agree with pretty much everything in Deroy Murdock's article Trump mentioned in his speech:
"But perhaps the best capper for the event was the reaction from [Libertarian Chair] McArdle after the Biden-Harris HQ account — which is the campaign's official rapid response account — tried to mock Trump and the reception he got. McArdle just leveled them.
"You didn't even show up. You have zero credibility," she chastised them.
Exactly. Trump made an effort, and you guys couldn't even be bothered. "
Where was Joe, Inga?
“The point of being a Libertarian today is to place yourself above the fray.”
This, entirely. When that penetrated my thick skull, is when I stopped identifying myself as Libertarian.
Inga is certain that Unified Trump-hate on the left will get everyone to stay in line with Crook Joe.
Stay loyal Inga! Crook Joe to the bitter end. Screw democracy.
Though I think this comment:
"Trump made an effort, and you guys couldn't even be bothered. "
misses the mark. It's not that Biden "couldn't be bothered". There's no way he would be capable of addressing this venue.
How can we have a President who is incapable of talking to people who disagree with him? What a sorry state of affairs.
My optimism for a Nov 5 landslide is dampened only by the grim reality of 5 more months of Biden.
Original Mike: that's the point, Trump's willing to outside the zone of guaranteed support to address people - could Joe do that and make a sales pitch?
Pedjt is going to attend the Nascar Coca-Cola 600
He'll probably hang out with Dale Jr after the race and make a few off the cuff remarks.
Kind of like George Wallace at talladega(?) in 72, completely up staging a speech nixon was giving.
The anecdote is in hunter Thompsons fear and loathing on the campaign trail 72 book. I don't have a copy so going on memory
John Henry
John Henry
Original Mike,
Thanks for the deroy Murdock link. Just read it and it is terrific
John Henry
You betcha.
"My optimism for a Nov 5 landslide is dampened only by the grim reality of 5 more months of Biden."
8 more months, even if Trump wins (sorry to say).
My optimism is drowned by the fact that in so many crucial precincts, they control the vote counting. I really am dreading this.
Yancey Ward wrote: "Wow- in what way are El Chapo and Ulbricht exactly the same, Rich? Be specific."
That’s not the flex you’re pretending it is.
Original Mike just threw cold water on my fantasy of only 5 more months of Biden.
Hey Howard, this for you, bru:
Sorry, Meade.
I’ll forgive you, Mike. Somehow. Some way.
bagoh20 said...
I heard none of the empty above-it-all accent of the indigenous Libertarian.
That is internet gold.
What's wrong, Rich, can't you answer the question? Again, I ask- what makes Ulbricht and El Chapo equivalent in any way that commuting the two sentences are alike?
I will answer it for you since you seem too embarrassed to do so- they are nothing alike- El Chapo was literally a mass murderer, Ulbricht ran a website where people could purchase drugs from 3rd parties.
Why don't you go flex with Chuck you dumb fuck.
Those last three months might not be so bad. Executive orders Biden writes can be undone.
Original Mike just threw cold water on my fantasy of only 5 more months of Biden.
If Joe loses, he may step down for health reasons and let Kamala become the first woman President for three months.
I mean, be thrown over the side so as to salvage something from such a defeat.
Howard said...Gotta admire Trump's willingness to be humiliated. As can be seen in these comments, it's cementing him even stronger and deeper with his fans:
Trump said, “support me if you want to win and l will give you a seat at the table. Or you can keep doing what you’ve been doing and get your usual 3%.”
If you can’t see (or worse, can’t admit to) the courage and brilliance in that, then there is no help for you.
"If Joe loses, he may step down for health reasons and let Kamala become the first woman President for three months."
And, she could pardon Joe and Hunter. That's not a bad deal (from Joe's perspective).
Joe will not be running against Trump. He is going to be replaced.
Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "Gotta admire Trump's willingness to be humiliated. As can be seen in these comments, it's cementing him even stronger and deeper with his fans:..."
We'll just add Libertarians to the now endless list of topics Howitzer Howie knows absolutely nothing about but insists on commenting upon...and always leading to humiliation again and again.
Hey Howie, did you really ever graduate from the UC school you attended? Because if you did, that and a lifetime lived have provided you with zero fundamental knowledge!
Truly a dizzying 'achievement"!
Joe will not be running against Trump. He is going to be replaced.
@Old and slow, i certainly do believe that if he doesn’t do an LBJ then he will pass away peacefully in his sleep in mid to late August. Jeffrey Epstein showed that the 21st Century Democrats do not play around.
Strong Hoss.
Andrea McArdle, like Broadway Annie?
I knew Megan once considered herself libertarian (maybe she still does), but the sun coming out tomorrow seems awfully optimistic for a libertarian.
Ok, I was misled by a tweet- Kennedy was only nominated to run for Libertarian ticket but lost in the first round according to reports.
The copium is flowing on this thread. I can only imagine the level of copium when the boos turn into votes against Trump in November. Oh the humanity!
It would be helpful if you could provide us the time and date when your candidate addresses the Libertarian Party convention.
DD Driver - you leave out the left's corruption and lies surrounding Virus origins. You leave out the left's collective censorship.
You leave out the insistence and peer pressure by all leftists (in unison) to get the jab.
Jab and jab after jab.
You leave out the part where Trump was president and was completely, utterly, pant-shittingly ineffective at protecting us from the progressive left. The "left" will still exist. What has he done to show that "next time will be different."
Sounds like what he tells each new wife. "Trust me baby, this time I'll do you right. It won't be like last time." You motherfuckers are the Stepford Wives.
He enacted a national eviction moratorium preventing struggling landlord from evicting deadbeat tenants. He used it under his CDC authority. Interfering in completely local property matters using authority purportedly granted to fight public health emergencies.
And this greasy turd expects libertarians to NOT boo him. Clueless.
Trump's authoritarian COVID policies (and Santa Claus gimme gimmes) are 100% on his permanent record. You know the end Animal Farm? When it comes to COVID, the farmers and the pigs looked identical at the time. Now, the pigs are trying to re-write history.
OK DD Driver, so what do you intend to do come election day? Vote for Biden? Stay home? Trump has many flaws, and that's putting it mildly. But he did a better job in office than anyone since Reagan.
"OK DD Driver, so what do you intend to do come election day?"
Yes, please tell us who to vote for.
"Original Mike just threw cold water on my fantasy of only 5 more months of Biden."
If he should happen to die, Kamala would take his place. Don't know if that helps or not...
Seriously, I don't understand the critiques of Trump's handling of COVID - surely, in the first half of 2020, the greatest crisis for Americans since the Civil War and the greatest for the world since, what, the Spanish flu? The "world wars" were terrible, far worse per unit of time, at any rate, than any conflict ever envisioned besides Armageddon... but the US was not going to fall in either of those wars, and (with the benefit of hindsight we can see that) Europe, even if the Good Guys had lost, wasn't going to be Nazi forever, any more than the USSR was Communist/Socialist forever. (I'm not running down these wars as huge global crises, just saying that in the early months of 2020 COVID looked terribly deadly and terribly virulent, no matter what anyone tried. And Trump, as any president would have, necessarily relied on his health advisors, who we now know had an agenda of their own - but how was he, or any president who has served so far, to have had the biology expertise to know that?)
But in the latter half of 2020, we knew that COVID was terribly deadly only to the elderly and the infirm - like the ordinary flu but worse; and by the time Biden took office we were dealing primarily with the much less dangerous Omicron variant AND had a "vaccine,"a semi-preventative, against the OG version. And Trump, beginning in the summer of 2020 as the crisis did in fact appear to be tending downward, was urging reopening and taking a federalist approach to the same.
Yes, there was cash paid out. But one (or at least I) can see how that might've been, or at least seemed, justified because the initial response had been so extreme and the consequences to the economy and to millions of ordinary American so dire. An essentially one-time government subsidy didn't seem to awful then.
But how do we explain Biden's continuing payouts, especially his brazen (and probably successful) efforts to buy recent college graduates? He, unlike Trump, was presiding over an opening if not already opened nation. Omicron was an annoying bug but not a deadly one. Jobs were returning; businesses were deciding how much of the remote or delivery-service pivot to retain as things returned to normal.
Why does Trump, who was president when we knew next to nothing about this crisis, take the blame for the blatantly opportunistic actions of Biden, who didn't take office until literally all the hard work and hard decisions had been made?
Marcus Bressler without knowing how to look around online attacks another commenter.
"Marcus Bressler without knowing how to look around online …"
You mean those "reports" from the in-the-tank media?
"Why does Trump, who was president when we knew next to nothing about this crisis, take the blame for the blatantly opportunistic actions of Biden, who didn't take office until literally all the hard work and hard decisions had been made?"
Because Trump is a Republican and Biden is a Democrat and the blame is being assigned by ideological interests?
Just a guess.
Thank you Jamie for your typically intelligent and reasonable comment. I wish I were half as restrained and sensible as you seem to be.
Oh yeah, one of my favorite things that I see in Ireland is this: written in the grime of a very dirty car "I wish my wife was half as dirty as your car" Apropos of nothing...
If Biden were as funny as Trump, despite his politics, I would at least appreciate him.
But he's like a robot with glitchy software.
He isn't capable of speaking contemporaneously...he just mumbles words that others have written.
Do you honestly believe that Joe knows how to post on X or Facebook or whatever?
He is living in a pre-MS-DOS world...
Well, at least only one of their three leading presidential candidates, Dr. Michael Rectenwald, wandered off the stage in a drug-addled haze.
Apparently his signature move at work, too, where he lied and filed failed lawsuits while seeking paid leave of absence, reportedly for drug abuse issues. That's Libertarian, isn't it? Screwing up and wanting to get paid for not working while other people do your work, and lying about it, and suing over it when you get caught, then losing?
Actually that sounds pretty par for the course for current Libertarian Party members.
Rectenwald also "apprenticed" under self-identified pedophile and NAMBLA member Allen Ginsberg. And no, these revelations did not emerge after the current Libertarian Party candidate sought Ginsberg out -- Rectenwald sought to apprentice with an already-admitted child molester and proud NAMBLA member who said forced sex in general and raping 12-year old boys are good things. Now he criticizes Trump over Stormy Daniels.
As late as 2016, Rectenwald also publicly identified as a communist.
That's the way to become a leading presidential candidate in the dumbest club in the world, the current, commie-infested, deluded, leftitarian Libertarian Party.
And yes, completely open borders is something the l-L Party endorses, so we can all experience the freedom of working our asses off until we die so illegals can suck our welfare and medical and education systems dry.
Hilariously, their flagship magazine is called Reason. They should add a question mark to that.
Great points, Jamie.
By the way, these morons just nominated Chase Oliver as their Presidential candidate.
Oliver is a longtime leftist democrat who supported Obama. His main qualifications seem to be that he is a gay activist who threw a Georgia Senate seat to the radical Rafael Warnock. He and his political dirty tricks operatives snuck over to the Georgia Libertarian Party and took it over while the other members were too stoned to notice. His associates are the nastiest gay leftists I've met in state politics -- and they hate women. He is pretending to be for gun rights, but the cause he has taken up most recently is to testify in the legislature with the ANTIFA terrorists, cop shooters, bombers, and anarchists opposing the new police, fire, and EMT training center in SE Atlanta. Chase's neighborhood is not blighted with crime, of course: he just wants to deprive poor minorities and others living in Atlanta of adequate police and fire and ambulance services.
Oliver recently carried a rainbow flag with the "don't tread on me" slogan and snake at a Pride Parade featuring drag queens twerking in the streets in a financially depressed small Georgia town. The event also featured a drag queen story hour for children.
The l-L Party just nominated a pro-ANTIFA, anti-police, pro-Obama, Drag Queen Story Hour activist as their candidate. Way to go, idiots.
Left-wing Fascists? Left-wingers are socialistic, or in the extreme, communists.
In the 1920s, Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile described their ideology as right-wing in the political essay The Doctrine of Fascism, stating: "We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the 'right,' a fascist century."
Nazism is properly termed as National Socialism - but it is radically antisemitic.
Nazism is properly termed as National Socialism - but it is radically antisemitic.
Ditto today’s Democrat Party.
A giant rally in the Bronx, then the Libertarian Convention. Up next, guest hosting "The View".
Communism is inherently anti-Jew as well. It’s baked into the fascist-commie-socialist ideology. For some reason secular Jews who reject the God of the Torah and Prophets are drawn to the commie religion, which by its collectivist nature is always fascist in practice. But non-Jewish collectivists always end up turning on the secular Jews as well when it comes time to purify their movement or like now, when the collectivist forces of evil are at war with the civilized nation of Israel.
I mentioned the george wallace/Richard petty meet up in 72.
Perhaps pedjt read Thompsons book.
He met up with Richard petty yesterday at the coke 600
John Henry
Given who they nominated for President, Trump's "3%" comment might be rather optimistic.
The l-L Party just nominated a pro-ANTIFA, anti-police, pro-Obama, Drag Queen Story Hour activist as their candidate. Way to go, idiots.
And the Republicans are going to nominate a serial dirtbag with three baby mamas. No wonder he got along so well with P Diddy.
OK DD Driver, so what do you intend to do come election day? Vote for Biden? Stay home? Trump has many flaws, and that's putting it mildly. But he did a better job in office than anyone since Reagan.
Honestly not sure this time around. I might stay home. The only thing I can say with absolute certainty is that I will not be voting for Trump or Biden.
Trump supporters keep repeating the mantra about how great Trump's policies were but I look at the national deficit, run away inflation, and Trump's free money BIG GOVERNMENT Conservatism is not aging well.
Obama Devotees also talk about how he was THE BEST president since FDR (at least! maybe ever!). You guys sound like them now. Just so you know. That's how intelligent you sound when you say things like that.
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