April 20, 2024

"The presidency is really hard, people age during the presidency. Maybe he’s just what a lot of 80 year olds would be like if you made them work that hard."

Texted my son Chris, in a discussion about some recent Biden videos — the one about cannibalism, the one about little kids in the west giving him the finger, and the one where he has trouble closing a box: Chris had asked, "Do you think he really has dementia? To me he’s always seemed like he had a screw loose. Even in What It Takes" (commission earned link)("What It Takes" is a book about the 1988 presidential campaign, which Chris just read and I am rereading).

I said: "Maybe he’s faking it.... Faking it and having a little dementia mixed in." 

He said: "To me he seems extremely low energy. The presidency is really hard, people age during the presidency. Maybe he’s just what a lot of 80 year olds would be like if you made them work that hard."

The idea of driving 80 year olds to work extremely hard, under 24/7 high stress, is quite disturbing. Who can imagine a torturous work camp like that? Of course, we aren't making Joe do it. He's insisting on it for himself.


The Real Andrew said...

Or maybe he’s addicted to power, like Gollum and his Precious.

I can’t even count the number of times I’ve read online, “Biden reminds me of my ________ when they were dying of dementia.”

rehajm said...

I’m giving him a pass on the box. Some of those boxes in Chicago and other places are tricky with all the tabs and locks. But what is it he’s supposedly working hard at besides staying vertical?

…and yes he’s always had a few screws missing. That’s why he never won. Still hasn’t IMO…

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

It is hard work. But, the adulation for Dr. Jill Dr. First Lady is amazing. Just think, someone with a doctor's degree in education gets to boss her senile husband around, execute ridiculous Christmas decorations and dances, while always demanding everyone use her title, "Dr." So what if her hubby's been on a downhill slide, first slowly and now rapid. She gets the adulation that she just knows she deserves.

Joe Biden in from of the Council of Foreign Relations. Vigorous and coherent.

Joe yesterday, trying to order a milkshake. Pathetic. Incoherent. Weak. This is the man the Democrat/Barbarians want four more years for.

Old and slow said...

Many 80 year olds would struggle in that job. Donald Trump seemed to hold up well. Biden was a moron when he was still at his best, that's bound to make it more difficult for him in his dotage.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden's most difficult work is NOT the day to day bureaucracy - that is done by others.
Decisions - that too is done by others.

His most difficult work are the scheduled appearances and press room briefings.
He cannot do it without cheat-sheets, Q-cards - prompts - and ultimate managed guidance.
He can barely manage a public showing without revealing who he is - an over-manipulated husk.

Everyone should remember he is a bit of a Manchurian candidate - mixed with a man who is willing to be micro-managed for maximum radical left-wing results.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

There are probably very few insiders who understand the mob-like structure of the Radical New Left in America.

Newsome did his best to kiss the ring. Think hard why the left are still using Biden. A younger candidate could emerge as a new hope for the D's. Why not let that happen?

Sebastian said...

"Maybe he’s just what a lot of 80 year olds would be like if you made them work that hard."

Don't forget the stuttering. He had a stutter. Maybe he's just like what a lot of stutterers would be at his age. Have some compassion.

"To me he’s always seemed like he had a screw loose."

Well, yes. Not that any Dem cared. Why should they? Dems can lie, plagiarize, have screws loose, get rich selling influence, and so what?

"Faking it and having a little dementia mixed in."

Ah, yes. Faking the cannibalism.

"To me he seems extremely low energy."

Again, so what? They are rubbing our face in it. See, this is our puppet. He's low energy, he lies with abandon, he can hardly walk straight, he can't string two sentences together, and whatcha gonna do about it, huh? Take that, rubes. This is your ruler. This is your country.

Captain BillieBob said...

Biden is not in charge of anything
All his appearances are staged
All his interviews are scripted
He couldn't carry a coherent conversation if his (or our) lives depended on it
This is not a Biden Presidency it the Obama/Clinton/Sanders/Soros/Progressive Presidency

Rusty said...

81 million votes, huh? The laugh out loud funny thing is they're going to vote for him again! I guess hitting yourself in the head with a hammer feels good.

Steven Wilson said...

His feebleness and mental decline were obvious four years ago during the "campaign." To not see it now is either an indication of how far you are willing to go to vote against Donald Trump or proof that you don't have the judgement God gave a goose.

It's okay to be the modern day equivalent of a "yellow dog democrat" but don't weary us with all the nuances and penumbras that explain how Biden's dementia doesn't really exist. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining by attributing this to "low energy." He never had the character or the intelligence for the office he occupies.

I can't say for sure that if Trump had been re-elected in 2020 that Russia wouldn't have invaded the Ukraine, that the southern border wouldn't be an open wound, that gasoline would be $2.50 instead of $3.50, that October 7th wouldn't have happened, that inflation would have stayed under 3%, but I can damned well say that all of those bad things have happened during this presidency foisted upon us, and the world, by a decrepit, corrupt, and unprincipled man careering into dementia.

I would say his situation is sad except for having known for many years, let's go back to the Clarence Thomas hearings, what a despicable human being he is. And if you have been paying attention to his career, you know that the attack on Thomas, politically motivated, was not the worst thing he has ever done. He hasn't improved with age.

tommyesq said...

I have seen that look and that reaction to being unable to recall someone or something - trust me, it is dementia.

Birches said...

Heh, the leaders in my church are mostly all over 80 and functioning way better than Joe. Our prophet is going to be 100 in August and only within the past 6 months have I noticed a slight slowing down. His mind is probably a little slower than it was two years ago. For instance, This was him two years ago. He has a teleprompter yes, but he definitely knows what he's saying. He also didn't shuffle like Biden.

In our church, once called to the Quorum of the Twelve, you will be doing it for the rest of your life. And none are as bad off as Biden. I'll attribute some of it to God's grace and clean living, but also they never took a break like Biden did for 4 years. I think that really led to a drastic cognitive and physical decline.

I worried that would happen to Trump with his break, but I have to say, he looks reinvigorated. I'd still rather have someone younger like DeSantis for the next 4 years, but I don't think Trump will be like Biden.

wendybar said...

So his lying and padding his life history is just what 80 year olds do?? How many different cultures did he grow up in, in Scranton Pennsylvania in his 11 years living there as a child??
My mother is 87 and she is a lot more with it, then the guy pretending to be President is...

Michael K said...

Biden has always been a liar and a phony. He has also been the dumbest Senator. This decline began at a low level anyway.

exhelodrvr1 said...

When a not especially intelligent, lying asshole gets dementia.

Yancey Ward said...

LOL! It has nothing to do with the Presidency wearing him down- did Chris not watch the Biden campaign in 2020? Biden was already demented and extremely low energy in 2019-2020. I don't think they work him hard at all- he spends more time in Delaware safely hidden away than he does in the White House where he is, again, hidden away 23 hours a day like he was in 2020. Biden is in far worse shape than pretty much all the 70+ year-old men I have known in my life, and none of those men were qualified mentally and physically to be President of the United States. This isn't even a close call.

Trump, by the way, is also too old in my opinion, but he is light years more mentally and physically competent than Joe Shit For His Brains Biden- always has been.

gilbar said...

To me he seems extremely low energy..

and YET!
When he gives a State of The Union speech, he's SUPER ANIMATED! With Jet Black dilated eyes!!
It's ALMOST AS IF.. They pump him full of speed for those?

Milo Minderbinder said...

Joe's an habitual grifter.
Anyone who voted for Biden ought to be thoroughly embarrassed. And anyone who says they'll vote for Biden this year ought to be ashamed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden is a known plagiarist.
Funny how that is erased and discounted by everyone on the left.

Kate said...

The Church insists that bishops submit their resignation at 75. Watching my dad age, 80 years old was a turning point. If Trump wins, we may see him change at 80.

Yes. 80 is too old to be POTUS. If you age past 80 during your term, you shouldn't be allowed to run again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Open Southern Border = Obama.

that is who we are! Rule of law is for suckers.

tcrosse said...

It's amazing what Liberals will put up with from the Democrats because they hate Trump so much.

Mr. O. Possum said...

We are in the Andropov/Chernenko stage of political dementia.

cassandra lite said...

Suggest googling “Mick Jagger rehearses his dance moves.”

Dan from Madison said...

"Do you think he really has dementia?" ayfkm?

Joe Smith said...

Is Chris actually your child?

Does he realize that Biden is kept in bed strapped to a CPAP machine and only carted out and stuffed full of amphetamines when his services are needed?

He's not 'working hard.'

Simple test. Watch videos of Biden when he was VP.

He was as stupid as ever (he was never smart on his best day) but he is alert and speaks in full sentences.

It would be a great Trump campaign ad to just show Joe side-by-side separated by only a few years...

JK Brown said...

Well, except for Trump. He gained energy from being president. Like the portrait of Dorien Gray, those who thought they could portray an image of Trump aged and grew decrepit while he, Trump, showed vim and vigor taken from their slings and arrows.

Roger von Oech said...

AA: "Maybe he’s faking it.... Faking it and having a little dementia mixed in."

Yeah, sorta like George H.W. Bush proclaiming his love for pork rinds to endear himself to the common folk. Sumpthin’ like that.

Jamie said...

The presidency is really hard. And Biden has never been a shining light. His only claim to fame until Obama plucked him from obscurity to provide that useful veneer of... what, constancy? plus the assassination insurance, was being the Senator from MBNA.

I seem to recall that when Obama was president, and some of us - quite aside from our disagreeing with him on matters of policy and strategy and general worldview - expressed doubts as to his ability to do this very hard job given that he had zero experience with anything remotely like an executive position, much less the executive position, his supporters in the press and elsewhere made a big deal of who surrounded him. Look at the talent! Look at the intelligence! This was a good approach. They couldn't claim that he had experience he didn't have. (They did claim that he had a wondrous intellect that was never in evidence, but of course they were going to do that.)

But now here's Biden, who has never been known as smart, as incisive, as diplomatic, even as honest. And his supporters in the press and elsewhere - the same damn people as before, I'm sure - insist on his, personally, being super smart, super incisive, super diplomatic, super honest, and not at all creepy or addled. No emphasis on the strengths of his team. It's all got to be Biden, the Lone Ranger.

Why? Is it that they really think we're all that stupid, or is it because they feel they have to compare him directly to Trump (who really does act for himself and has grown a billion-plus-dollar portfolio doing so), or is it because they are continuing a long campaign to force us all to accede to more and more patent untruths in order to break down our resistance and expand their control of our society?

Two-eyed Jack said...

It is amazing that in the fourth year of his presidency there is still no press conference or interview or speech that one can point to to demonstrate to the fair-minded that the President of the United States has at least most of his marbles.

Jake said...

lol. Hes not pushing himself to extremes and working his ass off. He’s an elderly bully. No more. No less.

Achilles said...

That is a conversation between two democrat voters that just oozes cope.

gspencer said...

I never thought Biden had a screw loose. Rather, from the git-go he was/is a conniving, deceitful SOB who set out to make himself rich by abusing a public office and the public trust that went with it. In this he has been extremely successful.

As an example of the craven nature of this person is the auto-truck accident in which his first wife and a child lost their lives. Rather than accept the facts - that she made a judgement error in driving and was the cause of the accident and the two deaths - Biden has without mercy and without decency accused the truck driver of "drinking his lunch." He's done that for years which had tormented the truck driver and his family. Biden did that for the same reason that he exploits Beau's death (also using false narratives) - to garner sympathy for "poor ole Joe."

JAORE said...

Yeah he's low energy and the office and his age may be prime actors.

But if you don't think he has rapidly advancing dementia you are purposely blind or only seeing carefully selected videos and opinions from die hard lefties.

Achilles said...

Michael K said...

Biden has always been a liar and a phony. He has also been the dumbest Senator. This decline began at a low level anyway.

He is not the dumbest senator.

He has Whitehouse by at least 10 IQ.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Being POTUS will age anyone, provided they actually put effort into it. I do not see that with Biden. He seems to work very few hours a day and is always headed for Rehoboth Beach on Friday afternoons. It's hard to tell what's going on with him since; a) he fancies himself to be something on the lines of Animal House's Eric "Otter" Stratton and b) he seems to think that politics is basically pandering to whoever's in the room at the time and throwing money at things.

Achilles said...

Rusty said...

81 million votes, huh? The laugh out loud funny thing is they're going to vote for him again! I guess hitting yourself in the head with a hammer feels good.

There is no doubt he got 81 million votes.

The problem is there were only 60 million actual voters.

Wince said...

True, Biden was such a piece of work before the dementia, it's hard to disentangle what he is and is not capable of after the onset of his dementia.

Levi Starks said...

I feel like I’m watching “the Truman show” but with an alternate ending where he never discovers the truth,
Becomes president of in imaginary fake reality nation.
Because there’s no actual nation that would intentionally do this to themselves or a senile old man. It’s cruel on multiple levels.
Maybe we’re an entire nation of Trumans, and the jokes on us.

Sally327 said...

The Presidency can be mentally hard and that can wear on the physical and psychological part of one's being but there are a whole lot of tools and resources available to the US President to manage all that responsibility and stress that the average 80 year old wouldn't have.

That said, Biden spent 40 years of his life in the Senate and then Vice Presidency so mostly being catered to and coddled and not ever really facing any challenges that someone else wasn't ready to bulldoze away for him. He didn't keep himself sharp, he didn't "rage against the dying of the light". Ann Althouse, on the other hand, is almost 80 years old (I think?) and I doubt she would struggle the way Biden does to speak intelligently or project an acceptable level of vigor and vibrancy.

Ann Althouse for President!

Ice Nine said...

>He said: "...The presidency is really hard, people age during the presidency. Maybe he’s just what a lot of 80 year olds would be like if you made them work that hard."<

Great theory - if we ignore the fact that Biden famously does not work hard at all.

Iman said...

“Of course, we aren't making Joe do it. He's insisting on it for himself.”

Cocaine - or whatever the stimulant(s) involved - are powerful drugs. It’s them that insist, P0TATUS doesn’t know up from down.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump: Ready on day one unless the Presidency requires him to sit upright for more than five hours a day.

Mary Beth said...

When people in my family were in their 80s, the most they did was retell the same story, they didn't make up new ones.

Oligonicella said...

One need only compare videos of Biden(81) and Trump(77) to see that Biden is far older than just the four years, both physically and mentally.

Any conjectures about his faking it are just wishful thinking.

Don Ameche did one of the most convincing representations of an Alzheimer's patient ever in "Folks". Watch his eyes as he 'lapses'. Then watch Biden's as he does.

Michael said...

Except he may not be working that hard. For any age.

Michael said...

Kid killed in Afghanistan, family killed by drunk driver, uncle eaten by cannibals, threatened by corn pop Give him a break.

Iman said...

“Kid killed in Afghanistan, family killed by drunk driver, uncle eaten by cannibals, threatened by corn pop Give him a break.”

Yes, do give him a break before he whups out his vaunted “apology chain”.

Tina Trent said...

Bullshit excuse. Does your apparently(from content here, and no judgment) gay son know that Trump defended gay marriage before he was even born? Does that count for nothing because TDS?

Achilles said...

Rich said...

Trump: Ready on day one unless the Presidency requires him to sit upright for more than five hours a day.

Trump literally stands and talks for hours straight without a teleprompter on a daily basis on TV.

No intelligent person could actually honestly question his energy level. There are vanishingly few people that could deal with the persecution you fascist shitheads are aiming at him.

Democrats are just stupid dishonest and truly terrible people.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Trump, by the way, is also too old in my opinion, but he is light years more mentally and physically competent than Joe Shit For His Brains Biden- always has been.”

As many here know, we live in a Trump property. Started with good prices with large elegant rooms. Comfortable beds. Then we got to know the staff. First time in a long time that my partner has felt secure, and she has turned from an extreme introvert into a social force. In any case, we se him on occasion here. Several months ago, we were caught in our elevator bank by security for awhile, until he left the lobby, where he had been meeting with strangers, and taking pictures with them. Then a couple of people came by at a fast walk, then a couple more, then Trump himself, walking as fast as a 50-60 year might. Maybe faster. He sees us, stops, waves (my partner thinks at her, of course), then resumes his very fast walk, along with the rest of his group. Maybe it’s his long legs, but the guy can move.

Butkus51 said...

oh i dont know, just watch a video from 10 years ago.

then 20 years ago

then 40

and then when you get to 1973 its 50 years.

50 years of the a$$ lying, bullying and bigotry.

But hmm, we just dont see it.


Josephbleau said...

80 year olds are capable of a lot of mental labor, if they are gifted with intelligence. My Grandmother was a stunning and logical conversationalist at 95. If you have never used your mind for anything in your youth, you are not going to have anything to carry you at 80.

A lifetime in the senate is just rotting on the vine.

Temujin said...

Dementia can come at any age. You don't have to be in your eighties. Joe is clearly suffering a slippage- and not just in his ability to walk properly. I've seen 80+ year olds playing tennis. I've seen 55 years olds suffering from dementia.

What none of these have in common with Joe Biden is that none of them are being foisted on the American people and the world as our 'President' when everyone knows he's not doing the leading, not coming up with the ideas, not doing anything more than getting his corruption protected if he just plays along.

Joe Smith said...

'He has Whitehouse by at least 10 IQ.'

My dog is smarter than both, and infinitely more lovable.

Btw, does 'Whitey' have any persons of color as fellow beach club members yet?

Paddy O said...

Don Ameche did one of the most convincing representations of an Alzheimer's patient ever in "Folks"

A surprisingly good movie that so few seem to know about.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Is Biden really working hard? On the rare occasion he’s not at his beach house he is busy making statements that regularly conflict with those made by his own administration. When these statements are questioned by the media, the response is always to ignore Joe’s remarks. This shows you that whoever is in charge, it isn’t Joe.

The hardest part of this job for Joe is the daily physical therapy he endures to help prevent him from continually falling down.

iowan2 said...

Think hard why the left are still using Biden. A younger candidate could emerge as a new hope for the D's. Why not let that happen?


The fundamental change promised by Obama was not sufficiently insulated from dismantling, by a Republican administration. Trump lacked the DC connections needed to install a dismantling system, in 4 years.

Obama NEEDED dementia Joe, to comlete his ruination of our Constitutional Republic

MadTownGuy said...

Joe Biden's aneurysm surgery in 1988 might explain some of the dodginess, too.

Why Joe Biden’s First Campaign for President Collapsed After Just 3 Months (Time)

Interesting excerpt from the article:

" “The Democrats had taken two shellackings at the hands of Reagan, and there was this thought, not really based on a lot of facts, that the Democrats were too soft, too feminine, too much into interest politics, and Biden was seen by his own people as an antidote to that — good looking and athletic — who would come across as stronger,” Barrett says.

Not that the candidate was without his drawbacks: “Biden’s mouth is both his greatest asset and his greatest liability,” Barrett wrote shortly after Biden announced his candidacy. That analysis would prove enduringly prescient.

The then-44-year-old Senator was great at giving inspiring speeches and people were attracted to his youthful energy, but he could also come off like a “hothead,” as he did in his “angry” questioning of Secretary of State George Shultz when the Senate heard testimony about South Africa in 1986. His position in the Senate offered him a chance to show his skill. In particular, as Biden chaired the Judiciary Committee, he hoped to gained more national attention during the uproar over polarizing conservative Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork. Biden, in charge of the confirmation hearings, oversaw what was seen as potentially “the culminating ideological showdown of the Reagan era,” as TIME put it back then. “For Chairman Biden, the hearings could provide a spark for his presidential campaign by giving him a chance to show his mettle in front of a national television audience.”

But Biden didn’t get a chance to shine during the Bork hearings in the way he had hoped.

A few days before they began, video surfaced that spliced together footage of U.K. Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock giving a speech and Biden clearly quoting Kinnock at the Iowa State Fair without attribution. More examples of misattribution came to light, and the plagiarism scandal became more memorable than his leadership during the Bork confirmation hearing. His mouth — or rather, what he failed to say — got him in trouble again.

Roadkill711 said...

Yes, the Presidency is hard.

And it’s much harder if you’re physically frail, cognitively impaired, fantasy-prone, and have to rely on staff to explain and write down what to do and what to say during official public events.

Static Ping said...

Faking dementia? What is this? The famous Reagan SNL skit?

The only argument in favor of this theory is it would be incredibly stupid to feign dementia as leader of the free world, given it will make our geopolitical rivals think us weak, which is exactly what is happening. Given that Biden is perhaps the most incompetent person in the history of the United States in the field of foreign policy, it is exactly the sort of thing he would declare to be incredibly clever. The problem with this theory is we also know that Biden is quite vain, given he thinks he is very intelligent, so he wouldn't want to be seen as muddled fool. Case and point: When he was excused from a dead to rights classified documents charge because he was an old confused man, he was FURIOUS with the implication. There's no dedication to the bit here.

I suppose we can also argue that Kamala Harris is obfuscating stupidity as well. For reasons.

Night Owl said...

What is the logic behind faking that you have dementia when you're running for reelection?

Is that a selling point to democratic voters?

Night Owl said...

If Democrat voters had any principles they would demand Biden take a mental evaluation from an impartial source. Trump was required to take one. What kind of lies do they tell themselves to justify excusing Biden from being evaluated?

My 86 year-old neighbor, who I have dinner with frequently, always comments on how old and frail Biden looks and sounds.

Mikey NTH said...

My father is 93, still drives (quite well), does crossword puzzles, stands upright, and is in the here and now.

Biden is light years worse than dad. At least dad only tells the same stories, not making new ones up.

Dave Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

"Maybe he’s faking it"
The ole 6D chess.
Remember Biden ha had the top popped a couple times too.

Dems pushed for mental competency tests in Trump's term. They are a lot less interested in that for Joementia/Pedo Pete's reign.

Jim at said...

The suggestion Biden is 'working hard' is ludicrous.

Check his schedule. Dude doesn't 'work' at all.

Kevin said...

Joe lacks the skills to work in an Amazon warehouse.

Jim at said...

He has also been the dumbest Senator.

/Patty Murray waves her hand from the back of the room.

hombre said...

Dave Begley: "We won't have a country if he gets another 4 years."

Kamala will take over midterm. There is Some sort of poetic justice that Kamala, who seems to epitomize the diminished intellectual capacity of Democrat women, will be our first female President.

Of course the country will still be screwed.

Dave Begley said...

Don’t make excuses for Joe Biden or rationalize any of his actions.

He has to be voted out.

The fact that he wants another 4 years is just very disturbing. We won't have a country if he gets another 4 years.

Yancey Ward said...

Best comment in this thread from Night Owl:

"What is the logic behind faking that you have dementia when you're running for reelection?

Is that a selling point to democratic voters?"

Megaera3 said...

Biden is and always has been politics' version of the hagfish, but for someone to question his present status as Alzheimers-definite is simply to give him what the left always has -- an unlimited free pass to munch on the dead as he oozes slime everywhere all over everything and everyone else. Tell me, What non-demented father manages to forget that his son had quit the military and scooted back into the family business (politics) six years before he lost out to a glioblastoma, and tries for political points by announcing that he died in Iraq? Mind you, after his wife loaded up all three of her kids in the car and pulled out right in front of a truck, killing herself and her daughter and leaving the others with disastrous injuries, Joe took that as a free lifetime pass to insist, despite every investigation finding to the contrary, that the trucker was drunk -- (slime everywhere, all over everything and everybody, yeah?)and I can't write that off as dementia, just vicious solipsism, endorsed and nurtured by the political establishment that spawned him. Given the increasing frequency of his lies and their increasingly bizarre content, would you rather believe that he is demented and has no control over his verbal diarrhea, or is the argument that "hey, he's our hagfish and we love that he spews that slime, let's have more of the same?" Seems to me there isn't a whole lot of room between the two choices.

Smilin' Jack said...

“Of course, we aren't making Joe do it. He's insisting on it for himself.”

Fate has placed him in a position where he’s the only one who can save us from the Trumpocalypse. He’s like Atlas holding up the sky.

Christopher B said...

from Night Owl:

"What is the logic behind faking that you have dementia when you're running for reelection?

Is that a selling point to democratic voters?"

The choice facing Biden supporters isn't whether Biden is or isn't faking dementia. It's between *believing* Biden is faking dementia and *accepting* that he wasn't any different in 2020 than he was in any of his previous failed Presidential campaigns, or for his 50 years in the House, Senate, and as VP.

Rusty said...

Milo Minderbinder said...
"Joe's an habitual grifter.
Anyone who voted for Biden ought to be thoroughly embarrassed. And anyone who says they'll vote for Biden this year ought to be ashamed."
I'm afraid you're referring to a group of people who can experience neither. Since,at least judging from our usual suspects, they have no moral center. No sense of honor. To them having good intentions is as moral as they get.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Night Owl for the win.

Democrat voters will take any thread - even a corrupt fakery fraud thread - as an excuse to stay loyal.

Edmund_Askew said...

It's astonishing how so many people I respect can't see the obvious when it comes to Biden. You will come up with endless excuses for him, countless justifications for why he is acting the way he does. This isn't hard. Why do you insist on complicating something so simple and clear? They guy has dementia. Obviously!

MikeD said...

"What is the logic behind faking that you have dementia when you're running for reelection?" to keep Hur from indicting/trying/convicting and imprisoning you for decades of classified document stealing/hiding?

Josephbleau said...

It’s so sad that we make Joie work so hard, let’s have a president that can sit on the beach all day, and never work at all.

RMc said...

My wife asked, "How the hell can it be Trump and Biden again?" And I replied, "The Dems want Trump because he's the only guy they think Biden can beat, and the GOP wants Biden because he's the only guy they think Trump can beat. And there are no serious third-party candidates because they'll afraid that they will just re-elect Trump, and half the country will hate them forever."

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