Writes Eli Stokols, in "Inside the NYT-White House Feud" (Politico).
I read the NYT every day and have closely followed presidential campaign news for the last 20 years. I want the NYT to hold to the highest journalistic standards, and — without question — any deviation from that has been in favor of Biden. It's ridiculous for Biden's people to be whining that they don't get enough respect. There might be something to the class-politics angle they're promoting: The Times is "elite" and Biden is if not working class then a man with "with a working-class sense of himself." But it sounds absurd.
The Biden position seems to be that professional news coverage ought to appear to slant toward Biden because Trump is so awful, and the Times is unprofessionally attempting to create the look of balanced coverage.
Or maybe the position is — as NYT chief White House correspondent Peter Baker puts it — “because of Trump, there’s this new assumption that the New York Times and other media are supposed to put their thumb on the scale and take sides...."
Elisabeth Bumiller, the Times Washington bureau chief, says: “We haven’t been tough enough on Trump? I mean, give me a break. Have they read our coverage?”
Elisabeth Bumiller, the Times Washington bureau chief, says: “We haven’t been tough enough on Trump? I mean, give me a break. Have they read our coverage?”
The NYT has the better side of this argument. I think it shows how badly situated the Biden people are. They know their guy isn't giving the kind of interviews a presidential candidate owes the public and are desperately relying on a claim that the press is supposed to be helping them overcome the scourge of Donald Trump:
No current White House staffers were willing to speak publicly to voice their complaints, but those willing to talk on background without their names being used told me they viewed the matter as bigger than their or even Biden’s self-interest, expressing aggravation over the Times’ determination to maintain its neutral voice of God approach to an election that, in their view, is a matter of democracy’s survival.
Trump is so bad, apparently, that they are willing and eager to dispense with procedure and professionalism in a chaotic effort to stop him. Tragically, they've made themselves worse than Trump. We need the separation of press and government, and I am grateful to the New York Times for whatever it can do to fortify the professional ethics of journalism.
"Biden’s closest aides had come to see the Times as arrogant, intent on setting its own rules and unwilling to give Biden his due."
Time to start locking reporters in the closet.
The people that support the Democrat party are just stupid people.
Our FBI is useless and corrupt.
Biden and his administration are 100% Soviet and 100% corrupt.
Biden himself is above the law.
All right up NBC's corrupt loyalist bong-hole.
Biden's latest lie is that he drove an 18-wheeler as a job.
LOL - that freak is beyond sociopath.
The Times went to hell when the Herald Tribune folded.
NYT posterior covering, first indication of.
Joe Biden: Working class stiff. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the White House has been pressuring the NYT to collaborate and write up an imaginary interview with Biden out of whole cloth, instead of actually conducting one, because they know what will happen if they attempt that. This is the guy that's so far gone, he's reading his parenthetical teleprompter cues as if they're part of the script, which is already over-simplified due to his condition.
There might be something to the class-politics angle they're promoting: The Times is "elite" and Biden is if not working class then a man with "with a working-class sense of himself." But it sounds absurd.
It only sounds absurd if you think about it.
Biden is an fabulist and a sociopathic liar.
Biden Regime supporters are not looking to think. They hate in the most basic tribal fashion.
Power and the social status/wealth that comes with it is the only thing to them. They are following the time tested patterns that every ruling junta has followed for millennia.
Attacking Jews en masse and starting WWIII is entirely predictable.
It has been kristallnacht since the BLM riots. They are going to make the nation burn because they cannot win a legitimate election and everyone knows it.
We need the separation of press and government, and I am grateful to the New York Times for whatever it can do to fortify the professional ethics of journalism.
The only thing NYT could do to help restore the professional ethics of journalism is to set itself on fire in the park and let NY1 do the play by play...
“The applause went on—six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly…Nine minutes! Ten!…Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers.“
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn “The Gulag Archipelago“
Biden White House: "What do you mean the New York Times doesn't work for us?"
Comedy gold. Biden’s “working-class sense of himself”? Please! The man has been a politician suckling at the government teat for five decades. He’s a parasite, not a worker!
Althouse said...
The Times is "elite" and Biden is if not working class then a man with "with a working-class sense of himself." But it sounds absurd.
Over decades, Biden has shown his penchant for attempting to inventing himself in myriad flattering roles that have nothing to do with reality.
The only question is whether he believes that "sense of himself" in his own head.
Democrats have gotten themselves into a place where they believe that if they “message” properly then people — voters — will ignore the evidence of their senses. Most obviously the further down the economic ladder one is, the harder Bidenomics has hit them. But Democrats think that the people can be led to believe that food doesn’t cost more than it did under Trump, and that high gas prices are ultimately good for them.
This is an economy run by wealthy elitists strictly for the benefit of wealthy elitists. Retired people watching the value of their fixed pensions dwindle, COLAs that don’t keep up with the true cost of inflation, wages that are shrinking in real dollars. The best the Times — and any other lefty news organization — can do is not write about it. They cannot make it go away.
Tag: Get off my lawn.
Biden confirms once again that he's a grumpy old man in his second childhood. He'll throw a tantrum unless he gets his way, and throw a tantrum even after already getting his way with the post-Bari Weiss far, far, far left and woke NYT.
Left wing movements always die from infighting. Trump united a nest of snakes, hornets, scorpions, tyrants, utopians, sex predators, and mentally ill children for a few years. That era is ending and Biden is now four years older but with the mental agility of a four-year-old child. Where are the results of his annual cognitive evaluation? Mr. Nuclear Football?
Separation of press and government - well done!
"Biden’s closest aides had come to see the Times as arrogant, intent on setting its own rules and unwilling to give Biden his due."
Yeah. It's pretty bad when the worlds biggest lefty mouthpiece isn't slobbering all over the most incompetent administration ever to occupy the White House.
I mean C'mon, man! We're the least organized crime family to ever, you know, that place? Live in. With Jill. There gonna be ice cream?
Unwilling to give Biden his due? Fuck them. Biden isn’t due a damn thing. 50 years in politics and all the grift isn’t enough?
Love to see Biden get the same treatment they gave and still give Trump. He’d fold like a cheap suit. Hell even the usual (pre-Obama) treatment of the press would make him melt into a fatal 404 error.
You can't get blood from a turnip.
And you can't get a birthright, sit-down interview from a turnip either, as it turns out.
I want the NYT to hold to the highest journalistic standards
Pipe dream.
Spoiler alert for Althouse:
The NYT will do nothing to fortify the professional ethics of journalism. That isn’t what their customer base pays them for.
is a matter of democracy’s survival.
You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.
reflecting the resentment of a president with a working-class sense of himself and his team toward a news organization catering to an elite audience — and a deep desire for its affirmation of their work.
Corrupt Joe has nothing to do with the working class. He sold his soul long ago to the godless elite.
Now he wants fake affirmation for the shit job he's done. Call Jack Handy.
"told me they viewed the matter as bigger than their or even Biden’s self-interest, expressing aggravation over the Times’ determination to maintain its neutral voice of God approach to an election that, in their view, is a matter of democracy’s survival"
White House staffers view their need to drive biased press coverage of their presidential competitor to be a matter of democracy's survival. A presidential competitor they are currently pursuing through politically appointed DOJ and FBI. A presidential competitor who was in office for 4 years and then left office as scheduled with, at best, minor riotous behavior....while his political opponents have been caught violating the law numerous times trying to sink his presidential aspirations and put him in jail.
Repeat those sentences in your head a few times and ask yourself who the threat to democracy is....
The Professor said, "I am grateful to the New York Times for whatever it can do to fortify the professional ethics of journalism."
You can close that door over and over and over again, but the horse left the barn years ago.
They know their guy isn't giving the kind of interviews a presidential candidate owes the public and are desperately relying on a claim that the press is supposed to be helping them overcome the scourge of Donald Trump
Biden is returning to the days where it was beneath a candidate to actually campaign for the Presidency. We have a 19th century President. Only difference is men like Lincoln and Grant weren't corrupt and senile.
Biden’s closest aides had come to see the Times as arrogant, intent on setting its own rules and unwilling to give Biden his due.
So the NYT wants to remain an independent newspaper and not take orders from Biden's press office, and Biden's people think they are critical to maintaining democracy in America. Do they ever stop to think?
NYT clearly leans toward the Progressives, but isn't willing to take orders from Biden's people. Good on the NYT for maintaining some integrity, but the article implies this comes from a petty feud about a sit-down interview rather than a deeper principle.
Donald Trump is who he is. I don't find him inspirational but you can only subvert his reputation so much before you start subverting your own reputation as a truth teller. Also, you really have to work on it to overlook the fact that Biden is an addled old man......Biden sympathizes with Hamas sympathizers. Trump doesn't. That should serve to concentrate the mind.
"Biden’s closest aides had come to see the Times as arrogant, intent on setting its own rules and unwilling to give Biden his due."
How dare they!
"reflecting the resentment of a president with a working-class sense of himself"
Ah, yes, good ol' working-class lawyer, senator, VP, and millionnaire Joe from Scranton.
"without question — any deviation from that has been in favor of Biden."
Of course. But never enough.
"It's ridiculous for Biden's people to be whining that they don't get enough respect."
Not at all ridiculous. Ratcheting up the pressure on their prog allies.
"I think it shows how badly situated the Biden people are. They know their guy isn't giving the kind of interviews a presidential candidate owes the public"
Owes the public! Like, how?
"I am grateful to the New York Times for whatever it can do to fortify the professional ethics of journalism."
"Biden’s closest aides had come to see the Times as arrogant, intent on setting its own rules..."
"...the frustration ... with the Times is unique, reflecting the resentment of a president with a working-class sense of himself and his team toward a news organization catering to an elite audience..."
That Marxist class dialectic is so passe. For the next politician in this situation it would be:
"...the frustration ... with the Times is unique, reflecting the resentment of a president with a person of color sense of himself and his team toward a news organization catering to an white audience..."
"and a deep desire for its affirmation of their work."
Stuart Smalley replied...
I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!
"On the other side, the newspaper carries its own singular obsession with the president, aggrieved over his refusal to give the paper a sit-down interview that Publisher AG Sulzberger and other top editors believe to be its birthright."
Esau who traded his birthright for a quick meal. The Times traded its birthright for appeasing the woke vanity of its users.
"I want the NYT to hold to the highest journalistic standards..."
I'm glad someone seems to want to.
"because of Trump, there’s this new assumption that the New York Times and other media are supposed to put their thumb on the scale and take sides...."
Started loooong before Trump. Only now it's hard to miss.
The Professor said, "I am grateful to the New York Times for whatever it can do to fortify the professional ethics of journalism."
So...not grateful at all, then?
“expressing aggravation over the Times’ determination to maintain its neutral voice of God approach to an election that, in their view, is a matter of democracy’s survival.”
We are living in an upside down world. Just as the terms “diversity, equity and inclusion” have come to mean, in practice, “monoculture, mediocrity and discrimination”…so too “democracy,” a term that now warrants scare quotes. This country is run by a class of unelected bureaucrats whose only interest is growing the state and thus their sinecures. Plus its cultural institutions whose mission it has become to serve the interests of The State. The Blob will do anything for power, including launching a black op to foil the 2016 election, including pulling out the stops to jail your political opponents. “Democracy” RIP.
NYT and "highest journalistic standards" are not in the same universe. They haven't been since at least Duranty.
Kudos to the commenters. Best string of insights ever.
Shorter version: Anything less than fellatio constitutes hostile coverage.
"I want the NYT to hold to the highest journalistic standards ...." Strangely enough, this is what we all want. It is wishful thinking. Bari Weiss and numerous others have made that clear. It's also clear from the comments in the Times that its readers expect to be gaslighted against Trump and for leftist dogma.
Althouse said: "We need the separation of press and government, and I am grateful to the New York Times for whatever it can do to fortify the professional ethics of journalism." I guess I do to, but I don't see much evidence of it here. As you said, when they deviate, it's in favor of Biden. But the implication that they don't deviate all the time in all their coverage is, I believe, false. All of their so-called journalism is slanted and little better than regime propaganda. The fact that the regime wants them to go even farther is hardly evidence that they hold to any journalistic ethics.
Biden (or rather his coterie) feels entitled to the same fawning treatment that tinpot dictators get from their servile press throughout the world. Because he is one.
Anything less than his portrait hanging in every office is seen as lèse-majesté.
Eli Stokols erodes his credibility, and that of the piece, by not challenging the story that Biden refuses to sit down with the Times Editors because of some sense of resentment or petulance. He knows, all of his sources know, Bidens handlers and the aware reader knows, that in such a sit-down, Biden’s mental incapacity would be impossible to ignore. And as much as the Times is in the tank for Biden, it would have to come out strongly in their future coverage.
Perhaps the realization that they may not be up to meeting the scale of the problem is beginning to dawn on the administration. When you think you've "lost" the NYT while having them basically in your hip pocket the whole time it might show the normie world just how small your bubble is and how deeply lost YOU are inside it, dear staffers.
The flop sweat is also because we and they both know that the thing is a dead heat at best for Biden today and the election will be a referendum on how things go between now and then. The trend is not good. Maybe the only way they can win is to get the state of New York to take Trump out of the race.
Yeah, that's the ticket. That's normal. Nothing to see here.
LOL! The NYTimes reporters are spitting instead of swallowing.
Being in the bottom half of your class is not the same as being working class.
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
Biden's latest lie is that he drove an 18-wheeler as a job.
Without, or before CDLs existed
...as NYT chief White House correspondent Peter Baker puts it — “because of Trump, there’s this new assumption that the New York Times and other media are supposed to put their thumb on the scale and take sides...."
This is precisely what the Times argued in a front-page opinion piece Aug. 7, 2016 in the runup to the 2016 election:
"Trump Is Testing the Norms of Objectivity in Journalism"
If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. That’s uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, nonopinion journalist I’ve ever known, and by normal standards, untenable.
But the question that everyone is grappling with is: Do normal standards apply? And if they don’t, what should take their place? https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/08/business/balance-fairness-and-a-proudly-provocative-presidential-candidate.html
Everyone knows how the Times answered that question.
Both sides are doing their jobs. Very triggering
We'll see if the New York Times puts THIS on their front page...
MAGA War Room
Steamfitters Local 638 manager: "It was great to see the president come and engage with the blue collar worker of New York City...I put out a poll in my union, President Trump is leading Joe Biden 3 to 1...we are very tired of...inflation, gas prices, illegal immigration..."https://twitter.com/i/status/1783476405596008765
Or this. Notice the Union members who are cheering for Trump and booed Biden??https://twitter.com/i/status/1783462620382507436
"I want the NYT to hold to the highest journalistic standards ...".
All the lies that fit in print.
Read this post over first cup of coffee at 330 am. Read it twice, because I thought I must be reading a babylon bee post.
Yeah, we all want the news to be objective. NYT and walter Duranty pretty much sums things up.
Always amusing to see how the NYT and its supporters manage to maintain an illusion of 'journalism'. Talk about lacking self awareness. Wow
Biden is the son of a used car salesman if I'm not mistaken and it shows. He knew working class kids growing up and they all made fun of his s-s-s-st-stut-st-stutter. Born a sleazebag with a chip on his shoulder, an easy man to read. It's the cause of his self aggrandizing.
The only question is whether he believes that "sense of himself" in his own head.
is this "self-belief' more or less likely/likeable with dimentia?
"I want the NYT to hold to the highest journalistic standards,"
May as well want a unicorn while you're at it. They abandoned those a LONG time ago in favor of partisan politics. But no matter how far left they've gone, any deviation from the CURRENT desires of the left are simply unacceptable.
Appeasing the demands of the left simply mean there will be more demands.
The NY Times sold its soul a long time ago. That Biden's handlers resent its coverage of their puppet speaks volumes about Obama's arrogance.
To me, the most damning statement is the NYT viewing itself as a news organization catering to an elite audience.
Who the f**k decided that NYT readers are "elites?" What does the NYT do with its coverage the "cater" to these allegedly elite individuals? Isn't this an open acknowledgement that they slant their stories (and editorial decisions) towards the John Kerry set (and therefore hostile to, or at best agnostic towards) the rest of America?
We need the separation of press and government, and I am grateful to the New York Times for whatever it can do to fortify the professional ethics of journalism.
Oh fer fuck’s sake.
The Times’ “Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage” of Trump’s “collusion with Russia” consisted solely of leaks from the Justice Department and Adam Schiff, credulously presented without the slightest separation or pushback. Questions any smart high-school student would ask were left unanswered. It was journalism-by-government-press-release, except the press releases were leaked only to the New York Times. To get an alternative perspective required reading people like Glenn Greenwald and Andy McCarthy, who demonstrated the Mueller investigation was a bust many months before that news came as a bewildering, devastating shock to New York Times readers.
An institution that failed such an important test deserves our contempt, not our gratitude.
Seriously? And here I thought NYT was biggest cheerleader on Biden White House squad.
Biden doesn't get complete "coverage" from the NY Times? And he's outraged because sometimes the NY Times reports on him like a newspaper instead of slobberinghis knob like a fawning sycophantic acolyte should do? OK, then. My disrespect for the NY Times just decreased by 1 part per billion or so. Keep it up, NY Times, and in a few millenia you might be a newspaper again, instead of a party mouthpiece.
I think this is all a ruse to support the argument, without factual basis as NYT says in Trump coverage, that the Times’s pro-Biden reporting is actually objective.
Back in the 70s a lot of CIA infiltration of the media was found. This violated a number of laws as well as basic ethics and morals.
CIA was told to stop and they said they would.
But did they?
How many people working for the NYT today have some relationship with CIA and or other agencies? By relationship I don't mean reporters calling a contact for comment. I mean someone from CIA calling a reporter and asking them to run or slant a story a certain way. Or an editor to kill a story or so forth. "In return, we'll talk to the admissions office and ask them to look on your son's application favorably" or "We won't gin up pedophilia charges against you" Or "here's $100, thanks for your help"
They will say they are independent of the CIA but they would pretty much have to say that even if not.
John Henry
So the NYT wants to be seen as "upholding journalistic integrity" does it? Run a multi-column investigative feature on Tara Reade and I MAY believe it. Until then, they are still the "unbiased news group" who tried to sell Soviet communism to American readers while millions of Ukranians were starving to death...
Mr Forward,
You left out the best part of the Solzhenitsyn quote. Though it may have been from somewhere else.
He did hint at it though.
At Stalin speeches, the first person to stop clapping would often be identified and punished, sometimes shot. That is why they would clap for 20-30 minutes. I seem to remember ot from Solzhenitsyn but I have also seen it in other books.
Stalin also used to offer albums of his speeches. This was when an album had sleeves with 8-10 or more 78RPM disks. Typically, the album would include 1-2 disks, both sides, just of the applause.
When has the NYT, let alone any liberal rag, not kissed every democrat politician's ass?
the Times’ determination to maintain its neutral voice of God approach to an election that, in their view, is a matter of democracy’s survival.
And yet it is the Democrats in power who are trying to throw the Republican candidates in Jail. Were these whiners in the Biden administration alive in the 1970s? The USA sounds very close to Chile under Pinochet or Nicaragua under Somoza and then the Sandinistas.
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself. And Corn Pop. Corn Pop was a bade dude.”
—- P0TATUS Joe Biden
h/t BabylonBee
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself. And Corn Pop. Corn Pop was a bade dude.”
—- P0TATUS Joe Biden
h/t BabylonBee
Hey Joe! How many gears in a Mac?
Joe's eyes glaze over. "Gears? I knew the Gears. We used to have Thanksgiving and Christmas together. Great actor and family but I didn't know his name is Mac."
I want the NYT to hold to the highest journalistic standards,...
As I recall, you've been wanting that for well over a decade now.
Actually, they do hold them. In a tight fist out of sight behind their backs.
Imagine their coverage since 2015 with Trump's and Biden's parties reversed. It's easy if you try.
Brezhnev complains Pravda not giving him enough credit.
We now have a "chomocracy" not a "democracy".
It's ridiculous for Biden's people to be whining that they don't get enough respect.
Why? You know full well that's the currency of the TikTok generation, which is exactly where Biden got his people.
Earnest Prole said...
“Shorter version: Anything less than fellatio constitutes hostile coverage.”
Or at least the opportunity for a little hair-sniffing.
Peter Baker: “because of Trump,
He knows it's a lie. You know it's a lie. All God's chillin' know it's a lie.
"and unwilling to give Biden his due."
I'd be willing to see Biden given "his due". Would he be willing to accept it?
Tragically, they've made themselves worse than Trump.
They always were. Not exactly a new view of things amongst the posters here for quite some time.
Blogger Darkisland said...
Back in the 70s a lot of CIA infiltration of the media was found. This violated a number of laws as well as basic ethics and morals.
JULY 14, 2013, 7:06 PM
NYT: I'll give you a blow job but don't come in my mouth.
White House: If you really loved me ....
At least we still have NPR to uphold journalistic ethics
To be fair, Team Joementia likely hoped for the level of fellatio given to Obama.
If Biden was covered by the press neutrally, he would come across as a confused old man who has badly mishandled both domestic and foreign policy, has likely been bribed by multiple foreign countries, and has inappropriate relationships (of different kinds) with his children.
If Biden was covered like Trump, everyone would know him as Hitler Satan.
But, yes, arrogant failures do not like being reminded of that fact. The behavior described here is very reminiscent of various monarchs throughout history that continued to execute people until all the surviving advisors just told the monarch whatever he (or she) wanted to hear, usually to the detriment of everyone involved.
To be fair, Team Joementia likely hoped for the level of fellatio given to Obama.
Maybe the NYTimes can hire Howard to cover the White House.
Biden will do a sit down interview with the NY Times ... as long as they submit the questions in advance, and he can use note cards during the interview.
I REALLY want to see REAL reporting from the NYTimes, like I do from media from Britain like this truth...
"I want the NYT to hold to the highest journalistic standards, and — without question — any deviation from that has been in favor of Biden. "
This, of course, is nonsense. One quick example, off the top of my head, when Robert Hur wrote that Biden was "an elderly man with a poor memory" the Times literally ran five stories about this report on the front page. When the interview transcript was released and painted “a more nuance portrait of the president then was described in her report" (Wiki) the Times presented the transcript report on page 16- a real deviation in favor of Biden.
To me, the most damning statement is the NYT viewing itself as 'a news organization catering to an elite audience.'
Amen to that. You need only look at their weekly "news quiz." (Which I take every week, fwiw.) If you aren't interested in sports, fashion, or pop music, you are SOL. Because we are elite. NPR's "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" has a better one.
Did the Biden people identify an actual example of positive or even not aggressively anti-Trump coverage or opinion (OK same thing) by the Times?
This is sort of like the Iran-Iraq war.
Mutaman: "This, of course, is nonsense. One quick example, off the top of my head, when Robert Hur wrote that Biden was "an elderly man with a poor memory" the Times literally ran five stories about this report on the front page. When the interview transcript was released and painted “a more nuance portrait of the president then was described in her report" (Wiki) the Times presented the transcript report on page 16- a real deviation in favor of Biden."
Team Biden is fighting tooth and nail to keep the actual recording of the interview hidden!
Why, you might ask?
Because just as with all the daily transcripts that are altered to hide dementia boy's dementia, the Hur interview transcript was altered as well.
The audio would expose it all.
"when Robert Hur wrote that Biden was "an elderly man with a poor memory" the Times literally ran five stories about this report on the front page."
Viewership is (perhaps) more forgiving of age relate diminished cognition than showering with his daughter, enabling rape trees, Fentanyl deaths and being compromised via CCP.
"The pro-Biden "media reporters" are still upset this week about the Enquirer and how they played "catch and kill" with Trump accusers, squelching stories that might embarrass Trump. NPR's David Folkenflik complained to MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace that burying salacious stories is "not a journalistic impulse, it's not even a tabloid gossip impulse, this is essentially a partisan or propagandistic arm of the Trump campaign in all but name. This is coming from NPR, which aggressively trashed the Hunter Biden laptop story as a "pure distraction." Folkenflik engaged with the story only to dismiss it as "a story marked more by red flags than investigative rigor." When The New York Times and The Washington Post published stories acknowledging Hunter's laptop was real in March and April 2022, Folkenflik didn't file a story with his regrets. He just kept attacking Fox News, his usual bread and butter." (after lying that it was a Russian plant since 2019) https://townhall.com/columnists/timgraham/2024/04/26/leftist-reporters-pretend-theyre-not-partisan-news-squashers-n2638311
You must have a pretty low bar for gratitude.
My mind has changed. I no longer believe that Joe ever had a stutter. Is there any evidence other than the fabulist’s own account to prove he did? OTOH it does exactly fit the pattern of every myth reinforcing the poor ol’ pitiful Joe story which always molts into the ain’t Joe effing awesome story.
Nope. Not buying into the stutter myth.
I am grateful to the New York Times for whatever it can do to fortify the professional ethics of journalism.
You may as well thank James Earl Ray for his part in improving race relations.
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