৫ এপ্রিল, ২০২৪

Looming and dooming.

I'm reading "How Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Could Doom Joe Biden/The independent candidate looms as a serious drag on Biden’s Latino support in Arizona and Nevada" by Adrian Carrasquillo in Politico.
Kennedy’s popularity appears to be a function of name recognition and a general lack of enthusiasm for President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, not to mention voters brushing their views onto the somewhat empty canvas of his candidacy.

As if RFK Jr. is mainly an empty space and Biden and Trump are just guys people are blasé about. Sorry. That's just a random/filler sentence. The article is full of specific material Latinos in Arizona and Nevada. Those are important swing states and in both the Latino population is about 30%.

So... another excerpt:

“Where I am with immigration is exactly where Cesar Chavez was,” Kennedy told POLITICO Magazine. “Making sure immigrants who came across were legal — he saw illegal immigration as a big issue in the last decade of his life.”

Andres Chavez, executive director of the National Chavez Center, the arm of the Cesar Chavez Foundation dedicated to preserving and educating people on his grandfather’s legacy, said his family believes Kennedy is just “wrong” when it comes to Chavez.

“He’s wrong on issues of the vaccine and has it wrong on my tata Cesar’s legacy,” Chavez said. “We can say with full confidence that my tata Cesar would not vote for Kennedy Jr. after Latinos and farm workers bore the brunt of Covid.”

৩৫টি মন্তব্য:

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Joe Biden is dooming Joe Biden’s candidacy. You’ve got to stop getting your news from asshole sources, Professor.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"his family believes Kennedy is just “wrong” when it comes to Chavez"

But he couldn't come out and say RFK was wrong on Chavez on immigration, could he. Cuz Chavez disliked illegal wetbacks, as progs used to: the more exploitable proletarians, serving the capitalist masters, at the expense of local legal labor. But Hispanics are finding out that for progs they are tools, too, not just economically but also politically. The Great Replacement also applies to them. Remains to be seen if enough replacees figure it out quickly enough and make Dems pay.

who-knew বলেছেন...

“He’s wrong on issues of the vaccine and has it wrong on my tata Cesar’s legacy,” Chavez said. “We can say with full confidence that my tata Cesar would not vote for Kennedy Jr. after Latinos and farm workers bore the brunt of Covid.” Of course he says that. The liberals and liberal foundations funding his position would throw him into the dustbin of history if he said anything out of line. I've seen the quotes where Chavez opposes illegal immigration, I note that the younger Chavez doesn't refute them with anything.

Tom T. বলেছেন...

RFKJr's views don't map onto American politics consistently enough to draw from one party or the other. Besides, third party candidates always poll higher than they actually perform. People like to register their discontent in polls, but when they get into the booth, most of them pull the lever for their party.

chuck বলেছেন...

About Chavez.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

People are not blasè about Trump.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

“We can say with full confidence that my tata Cesar would not vote for Kennedy Jr. after Latinos and farm workers bore the brunt of Covid.”

Mind reading the dead. 100% dilusional. Even if he is your tata.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Andres Chavez, executive director of the National Chavez Center, the arm of the Cesar Chavez Foundation dedicated to preserving and educating people on his grandfather’s legacy, said his family believes Kennedy is just “wrong” when it comes to Chavez.

Wrong. I've been to that Center in the Tehachapi mountains of SoCal. I'm intimately familiar with Chavez's view on immigration. I remember the original grape boycott to get higher wages for itinerant workers from Mexico. He wanted the bracero program to continue and for illegals to be kept out and deported. One of my former employees, who was himself a legal immigrant from Mexico, worked directly for Cesar Chavez at that very Center.

Not only is this grandchild gaslighting America using their famous namesake, but so is Joe's campaign manager, who is another grandchild of Cesar Chavez. Maybe they should disclose they are throwing Kennedy under the bus because they are riding the Biden gravy train!

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ বলেছেন...

“I can make the argument that President Biden is a much worse threat to democracy,” ~ RFK Jr.

This is your brain on drugs.

Given Kennedy’s novax background, I would have thought that he would take votes from Trump actually.

He's not going to take a meaningful number of votes from anyone. He is a joke. He is Connor Roy from Succession.

hombre বলেছেন...

Andres puts party before truth. Not surprising for a minority "leader" consorting with Democrats.

Cesar Chavez opposed the use of illegals to break strikes by legal farm workers and to displace them in the fields.Illegal immigration had a negative impact on his life's work and he wasn't bashful about saying so. That wouldn't comport with Biden policies and must be downplayed to keep Democrat patronage for Andres and the Foundation.

Kennedy's stand on vaccines, closer to correct than Biden's, had nothing to do with the impact of Covid on farm workers.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Of the people *i* Know, that are anti-illegal immigration, the most anti ones are legal Hispanics.

serious question: IS THERE legal immigration allowed anymore?
If you're from Mexico; HOW can you enter the USA? Is there ANY legal WAY?
I'm guessing that you'd have to wait, while gang members from Honduras walk in front of you?

William বলেছেন...

For a seventy year old with a past history of drug addiction and rampant satyriasis, Kennedy looks to be in excellent physical condition. Look on him Hunter and take heart. If Hunter gets his house in order, there's no reason why in thirty or forty years he won't be able to take up his father's unfinished business and continue with that grand legacy.

Hubert the Infant বলেছেন...

I am a single-issue voter: COVID. Trump was terrible on it, as was Biden. RFK Jr. was correct.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Immigration Is Now the No. 1 Issue for Voters
The topic—a weak spot for Biden—ranks as more important than inflation and the economy, polls show

Cousins, an immigrant from Jamaica who voted for Donald Trump in 2020, said his more libertarian views don’t align with Trump’s and he thinks the former president frequently puts his “foot in his mouth.” But he said Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee this year, would do a better job managing the border than Biden.

“We don’t know these people. We don’t know who they are and they disappear in the country,” Cousins said. “If I wanted to do evil, I would think that that was one of the ways I could get into this country to do evil.”

Critter বলেছেন...

The grandson of Chavez illustrates why I have no respect for the people of the new Marxist left. They know they must seize and tell lies about history and they do it strategically and shamelessly. This person is a campaign leader for Biden for this very reason. Of course, it helps that he is bought off, something Biden knows much about. The left has done this with MLK as well, trying to convince us that the avatar of nonviolent protest really wanted violence in the streets.

hstad বলেছেন...

To Chávez any influx of foreign labor represented a threat to the farmworkers' movement. In fact, it's a threat to all organized Labor Unions and U.S. workers. But the 'Left' just lies about everything so why is anyone surprised about Chavez's view on illegal immigration.

Here's a perfect quote from Chavez - "...All of a sudden yesterday morning, they brought in 220 wetbacks – these are the illegals from Mexico,” Chávez said in an interview with KQED in the ‘70s. “There’s no way to defend against that kind of strikebreaking.”

who-knew বলেছেন...

Chavez said "Latinos and farm workers bore the brunt of covid" Really? what are the numbers on that? The stats I saw showed that the old and obese bore the brunt of covid (especially those in NY nursing homes). I'd like to see his evidence that Latinos had it especially bad. Of course, no one will ask them. As an member of a protected class (i.e. democratic party activist) he will never be challenged on this. The mere assertion will be taken as proof.

tommyesq বলেছেন...

By the time you get a few generations downstream of a famous person, the progeny has been leaching off of the fame for so long that they are quite often simply awful people.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Illegal Migration Under Biden Matches All LEGAL MIGRATION from 1892 to 1954.

Illegal immigration under Joe Biden is approaching the volume of all legal immigration processed at Ellis Island. The federal processing facility operated from 1892, when former Civil War colonel Benjamin Harrison was President, to 1954, when General Eisehower’s government closed it down.
Ellis Island accepted more than 12 million immigrants legally seeking American citizenship. Biden has already overseen an influx of at least 9.4 million illegal immigrants, with almost ten months remaining until the next inauguration.

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR-democratical Rich: "He's not going to take a meaningful number of votes from anyone. He is a joke. He is Connor Roy from Succession."


The actions of your beloved New Soviet Democraticals puts an immediate and emphatic lie to your transparent gaslighting.

You are scared to death of RFKjr and the clear indicators he would only pull significantly from the Dementia Boy side of the electoral ledger.

Why dont you mosey on over to The View's comments section where your moronic hot takes will receive a hearty welcome?

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Wait until they find out his real middle name is Fitzcarraldo.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ বলেছেন...

MAGA thought Kennedy’s name alone would taken Biden votes, but the more people see of him, the more it’s clear that if he takes anyone’s votes, it’ll be from Trump since they’re so aligned in so many ways. He will cut into the anti-vax/pro-racism faction of Trump’s base. Which is why Trump’s campaign isn’t talking about him.

loudogblog বলেছেন...

It's pretty common knowledge, among older people who were actually there, that Cesar Chavez did not like illegal immigration. He felt that they undercut the better working conditions that he was fighting for and the farmers actually brought illegals in as strikebreakers. But the propagandists have rewritten that part of history.

The National review has the following quote from an audio tape of Chavez: Pawel relates Chavez’s response, from a tape recording of the meeting: “Chavez turned on Huerta angrily. ‘No, a spade’s a spade,’ he said. ‘You guys get these hang-ups. Goddamn it, how do we build a union? They’re wets, you know. They’re wets, and let’s go after them.’”


gilbar বলেছেন...

Rich makes a Good Point.. ALL (i mean ALL) of Biden's votes are machine votes..
RFK won't put a dent in those (machines vote the way they're programmed)..
it IS a little interesting that Rich Admits, that humans aren't voting for Biden; at Best they're voting Dem

Hassayamper বলেছেন...

He's not going to take a meaningful number of votes from anyone. He is a joke.

What's a "meaningful" number of votes anyway? Trump would be President now if he had picked up fewer than 100,000 additional votes among three or four of the swing states.

Even a 3% showing would give Kennedy over 5 million votes, and I don't think that figure is at all out of the realm of possibility this year. I reckon 70% of Kennedy voters will be Democrats or Democrat-leaning, versus 30% disaffected never-Trump Republicans, so that implies a net subtraction of some two million votes from Biden's previous victory margin, ceteris paribus.

Combined with Trump's substantially improved showing in the polls this year, a vigorous Kennedy candidacy could easily put Trump back in the White House. I think Rich and the other naysayers know this quite well, and are white with fear at the prospect, to my sublime satisfaction.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Rich said...

MAGA thought Kennedy’s name alone would taken Biden votes, but the more people see of him, the more it’s clear that if he takes anyone’s votes, it’ll be from Trump since they’re so aligned in so many ways. He will cut into the anti-vax/pro-racism faction of Trump’s base. Which is why Trump’s campaign isn’t talking about him.

Ok. I thought before you were maybe slightly below average but at least able to use words.

But this post is legit stupid.

Trump isn't talking about him because he doesn't have to. RFK is obviously not hurting Trump and Trump, being about 50 IQ above you minimum, knows exactly what to do in that situation.

Your Regime media idiots and shits-his-pats-in-public president are even bright enough to see who RFK is going to hurt.

You are just a really dumb person.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ বলেছেন...

The more people see of Kennedy, the less I am worried about him. Without that last name he would be at 1 or 2 percent.

Former Illinois resident বলেছেন...

Both Biden and Trump are fair game. RFK Jr can/should run, as should whatever candidate gets sufficient registered-voter signatures to gain place on a state election ballot.

donald বলেছেন...

But he has the name you fucking imbecile so now what?

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'Without that last name he would be at 1 or 2 percent.'

And if I were 6'10" and black I'd be in the NBA.

What's your point?

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ বলেছেন...

We’re a long way from Camelot Don…

It would be most useful to highlight the major political supporters and financial backers of the Kennedy campaign.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ বলেছেন...

We’re a long way from Camelot Don…

It would be most useful to highlight the major political supporters and financial backers of the Kennedy campaign.

rehajm বলেছেন...

People like to register their discontent in polls, but when they get into the booth, most of them pull the lever for their party.

Last time they were ready to cook the books for a few thousands. They are clearly signaling its tougher this time. Usually a candidate has to choose which state to campaign from late, now they have to worry about where to spread the illegals.

Good luck chartering a bus first week on November…

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

We can say with full confidence that my tata Cesar would not vote for Kennedy Jr.

No kidding, everyone knows the dead only vote Democrat.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'It would be most useful to highlight the major political supporters and financial backers of the Kennedy campaign.'

So you and your fascist buddies can lawfare hime to death?

What are you afraid of?